Ce projet est cofinancé par l’Union européenne avec le Fonds européen de développement régional (FEDER) |
Tout d’abord, meilleurs vœux (tardifs) à toutes et tous à l’occasion de cette 22éme lettre de veille EXTRACTS. Afin de rendre cette sélection plus performante encore, et d’élargir la gamme de technologies d’extraction dans les rubriques 2 et 3, nous avons introduit une douzaine de nouveaux mots-clés dans nos requêtes. Et, comme vous le verrez, afin de continuer à pouvoir apporter à ses partenaires industriels une palette élargie de procédés, EXTRACTIS, lauréat du Plan de Relance, va poursuivre ses investissements dans un contexte où, plus que jamais, il importe d’innover! Bonne lecture,
Philippe De Braeckelaer, Directeur Général d’EXTRACTIS
First of all, best (late) wishes to all of you on the occasion of this 22nd EXTRACTS newsletter. In order to make this selection even more efficient, and to widen the range of extraction technologies in sections 2 and 3, we have introduced a dozen new keywords in our queries. And, as you will see, in order to continue to be able to provide its industrial partners with a wider range of processes, EXTRACTIS, recipient of the French Plan de Relance, will continue its investments in a context where, more than ever, it is important to innovate!
Good reading,
Philippe De Braeckelaer, Managing Director of EXTRACTIS |
InVivo prépare l’acquisition de Soufflet
InVivo est entré en négociations exclusives en vue d’acquérir 100% du groupe Soufflet. Le groupe coopératif met en avant ses complémentarités avec le groupe familial. La fusion donnerait naissance à une entité de dix milliards d’euros de chiffre d’affaires, pour moitié réalisé à l’international, avec plus de 90 usines et 12 500…
Gold Coast debuts certified organic flavors for EU market ahead of new regulations

US-based flavor and color manufacturer Gold Coast Ingredients has unveiled its latest certified organic flavors as organic requirements evolve in the EU.
The new EU-Regulation (EU) 848/2018, applying to organic-certified products from January 1, 2022, will change the raw materials and flavorings allowed in organic-labeled products.
Gold Coast’s certified organic flavors for the EU market are available in powder and…
300 000 € pour booster l’innovation d’Extractis

Extractis, le centre technique agro-industriel de Dury, a reçu 300 000 € d’aides dans le cadre de France relance. Un coup de pouce pour poursuivre ses travaux sur la biomasse végétale au services des entreprises en quête d’innovation.
Et si les algues qui polluent les plages bretonnes servaient à produire des thermoplastiques, et devenaient alors une ressource verte ? Ce procédé fait partie de ceux que peut…
Weishardt cède ses mixes ingrédients à France Culinaire Développement
France Culinaire Développement, filiale du groupe Ydeo basée à Saint-Gilles (Ille-et-Vilaine), acquiert le fonds de commerce Mix Ingrédients – gammes Gelarôme, Acimix, Stabi – du groupe Weishardt, établi à Graulhet (Tarn). Ce dernier a décidé de concentrer sa stratégie de développement sur son cœur de métier…
Future Food-Tech links up Kellogg Company and Unilever to accelerate health ingredient start-ups

Future Food-Tech is spearheading an Innovation Challenge in partnership with Kellogg Company and Unilever to scale up global start-ups. The F&B heavyweights are targeting emergent solutions that include new plant fibers, valorized waste streams and non-spore food stable probiotics.
“Staying healthy is a priority for many of us now like it’s never been before. And we know…
Exsymol vous propose une solution globale pour vieillir… jeune !

La société Monégasque, experte dans la technologie des silanols, a lancé cette année sa gamme bien-vieillir, basée sur trois actifs ciblant la peau à tout âge : Scutaline, Epidermosil et Sirhamnose.
La nouveauté 2020, Scutaline, est un actif issu d’une plante adaptogène utilisée dans la médecine traditionnelle chinoise : la scutellaire. Cet actif permet de préparer…
Tate & Lyle se renforce dans la stévia
Tate & Lyle annonce le rachat de Sweet Green Fields (SGF). Cette acquisition apporte au groupe un large portefeuille de solutions à base de stévia et une chaîne de production entièrement intégrée, y compris l’approvisionnement en feuilles, le développement de variétés de feuilles, des programmes agricoles …
Tereos change de dirigeants après trois ans de crise interne
Gérard Clay a été élu à la présidence du conseil de surveillance du groupe coopératif, quand Alexis Duval, président du directoire, était écarté…(article complet réservé aux abonnés à RIA).
EverGrain Introduces Sustainable Barley Ingredients
Backed by Anheuser-Busch InBev, the company specializes in fiber and protein ingredients sourced from upcycled barley. A new company specializing in sustainable barley ingredients called EverGrain announced its launch today…
INEVO & AFYREN : 4 ans de partenariat stratégique pour nos deux adhérents
Depuis 2016, INEVO bureau d’ingénieurs spécialisé en génie des procédés, et AFYREN, start-up du FT 120, société de biotechnologie, combinent leurs expertises notamment dans l’élaboration de procédés industriels de la première usine de bioraffinerie, « AFYREN NEOXY ». Un site industriel 4.0, zéro déchet et bas…
Les institutions membres d’Agreenium

Les membres d’Agreenium Les 12 membres de l’alliance Agreenium s’engagent à accroître la lisibilité, la visibilité, l’efficacité et le rayonnement international du système français de recherche, de formation et d’innovation agronomique, vétérinaire et forestier. 10 établissements d’enseignement supérieur sont membres d’Agreenium: 8 membres sous tutelle du ministère chargé de l’agriculture et 2 membres qui ont rejoint l’Institut par délibération, l’Université…
Conagen Begins Scale Up of Natural Sustainable Fragrance Materials

Conagen has successfully bridged its gamma-lactone production technology with its lipid platform to expand its lactone portfolio to natural musk scent macrocyclic lactones…
Vers une fermeture du site Saipol de Montoir-de-Bretagne

Le groupe Avril a annoncé le 14 janvier lors d’un comité social et économique que sa filiale Saipol allait cesser sa production à Montoir-de-Bretagne (44) et supprimer 33 postes en raison de « l’évolution du marché du biodiesel », rapporte Ouest-France dans son édition de ce…
#Startup ACTIV INSIDE Développement d’ingrédients actifs végétaux naturels et innovants @activinside

« Créateur de différence sur le marché de la nutraceutique« Nous utilisons la science, les méthodes analytiques, la réglementation, la propriété intellectuelle et le marketing pour vous proposer des PRODUITS UNIQUES, adaptés aux besoins clients pour un accès rapide et sécurisé au marché »…
Protéines : l’aide aux investissements en matériel consommée en deux jours

Une enveloppe dédiée aux investissements pour les équipements (culture, récolte et séchage d’espèces riches en protéines végétales) et le développement de sursemis de légumineuses fourragères, a été mise en place dans le cadre du plan de relance. Ouverte le 11 janvier, elle…
La production de spiruline « paysanne » en France : caractérisation des procédés, qualité des produits, reconnaissance et formation
La spiruline est une cyanobactérie consommée traditionnellement dans différents pays depuis plusieurs centaines d’années. Sa culture est possible si l’on reproduit les conditions physico chimiques propices à son développement. Dans un contexte concurrentiel fort, la filière française de production de spiruline…
Extraction végétale : Mérieux entre au capital de Plantex

La société de gestion dédiée aux investissements en capital dans le domaine de la santé et de la nutrition Mérieux Equity Partners (MxEP) a annoncé une prise de participation majoritaire au capital de la société Plantex. Cette société est spécialisée dans l’extraction végétale pour l’industrie nutraceutique, agroalimentaire, pharmaceutique, cosmétique ou encore la nutrition animale. « Le rapprochement avec Mérieux Equity Partners donne…
Nadia Le Den prend la direction de l’Adria
Jean-Robert Geoffroy, directeur de l’Adria ces quinze dernières années – après en avoir assuré la direction du pôle formation pendant douze ans –, passe la main à Nadia Le Den, qui a dirigé pendant huit ans Labexia, du groupe Carso, laboratoire d’analyses agroalimentaires situé à Quimper. Auparavant, Nadia Le Den avait…
Vincent Thibault devient le nouveau Directeur Général du CTCPA
Le CTCPA, Centre Technique de la Conservation des Produits Agricoles, a le plaisir d’annoncer la nomination de Vincent Thibault en tant que nouveau Directeur Général, à compter du 4 janvier 2021. Il succède à Christian Divin qui dirigeait le CTCPA depuis 1990.
P. Moreau (Incuballiance) : « Paris-Saclay est devenu incontournable pour les entrepreneurs de la tech »

Créé en 2005, l’incubateur technologique du consortium Paris-Saclay, Incuballiance, accompagne des projets issus de l’essaimage des laboratoires, mais également portés par des entrepreneurs désireux de se rapprocher de l’écosystème réputé de ce plateau technologique qui gagne en maturité. Entretien avec Philippe Moreao, son directeur général…
Global Bioenergies étend sa ligne de financements avec Kepler Cheuvreux

Le groupe de biotechnologies industrielles Global Bioenergies a annoncé la levée de plus de 6,5 millions d’euros… (article complet réservé aux abonnés à Info-Chimie).
GREENTECH : la technologie au service de la beauté et de la naturalité

GREENTECH est un pionnier de la biotechnologie végétale. A l’heure où les consommatrices de cosmétique ne jurent que par les ingrédients d’origine naturelle, la transparence sur la composition et l’écoresponsabilité des produits, c’est un nouveau paradigme qui réconcilie science et naturalité…
Seppic – Cosmetics Business
Seppic, an Air Liquide Healthcare company, has been a subsidiary of the Air Liquide Group since 1986. For over 75 years, Seppic has developed, manufactured, and marketed unique ingredients for cosmetic, nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, veterinary, and industrial…
Alter Nutrition : protéines et clean label
On assiste actuellement à une pleine croissance du marché de la nutrition sportive. Celui-ci n’est désormais plus réservée qu’aux bodybuilders et athlètes ! En effet, la nutrition sportive élargit ses horizons et se démocratise jusqu’à atteindre les sportifs occasionnels. Ces derniers deviennent une cible à part entière…
Tensioactifs : Solvay vend son activité en Amérique du Nord et en Europe

Le chimiste belge Solvay a annoncé, le 5 janvier 2021, son intention de vendre ses activités nord-américaines et européennes de surfactants amphotères. Celles-ci devraient être rachetées par OpenGate Capital, société de capital-investissement basée à Los Angeles (Californie, États-Unis). « Cet accord représente une autre étape critique dans l’exécution… (article complet réservé aux abonnés à Info-Chimie)
Brenntag s’empare d’Alpha Chemical

Le distributeur allemand de produits chimiques Brenntag a acquis son homologue canadien Alpha Chemical. La transaction, qui devrait être finalisée début janvier, renforce les actifs du leader du commerce chimique dans le cadre de son projet de transformation annoncé en septembre 2020 et déployé depuis le 1er janvier 2021. « Alpha Chemical a connu une croissance … (article complet réservé aux abonnés d’Info-Chimie)
Fermentalg et Suez créent une coentreprise pour la valorisation du CO2

Le Libournais Fermentalg, spécialisé dans les microalgues, a annoncé le 5 janvier la signature d’un protocole d’accord avec Suez pour la création d’une coentreprise dès le premier semestre 2021. Cette future société, détenue à parts égales entre les deux entreprises, développera des photobioréacteurs algaux qui, par la voie du biomimétisme, capteront le CO2. Depuis 2015, Fermentalg et Suez ont…
DIVA#2 – les 25 projets français récompensés
Développée dans le cadre du programme Horizon 2020 de l’Union européenne, l’initiative DIVA (Boosting innovative DIgitech Value chains for Agrofood, forestry and environment) accompagne et finance le déploiement d’innovations numériques dans les secteurs agricoles, agroalimentaires, de l’environnement et…
Berkem élargit sa gamme d’eaux florales

Le spécialiste français de l’extraction végétale, présente quatre nouveautés : eaux de bambou, menthe poivrée, tilleul et immortelle. La filiale extraction végétale du Groupe Berkem entend ainsi répondre à la demande croissante des marques de produits cosmétiques en matière d’ingrédients naturels et d’extraits botaniques. Un marché porteur « Les professionnels de l’industrie cosmétique sont de plus en plus nombreux à intégrer…
Artemis International launches immune blend ingredient

Artemis International Inc., a supplier of dark berry extracts for functional foods and supplements and owner of the Berryceuticals brand, is bolstering its immune support offerings with the launch of BerryDefense Immune Blend. The ingredient combines the company’s European black elderberry with extracts of Aronia and black currant to support the immune system along with cardiovascular and eye health.
Annuaire 2020 des acteurs de la chimie renouvelable

La rédaction des magazines Formule Verte et InfoChimie magazine vous propose en exclusivité une sélection d’une cinquantaine de sociétés françaises innovantes représentatives du secteur de la chimie renouvelable. Vous retrouverez les principales informations les concernant, telles que leurs fiches d’identité…
BCF Life Sciences bénéficie de l’aide de l’Etat pour augmenter sa capacité de production

L’entreprise morbihannaise spécialisée dans la production d’acides aminés fait partie des dix projets lauréats bretons épaulés par l’Etat au titre des Territoires d’industrie. Plus de trois mois après avoir été lancé, l’appel à projets Soutien à l’investissement industriel dans les territoires lancé par Territoires d’industrie et Bpifrance a déjà soutenu 253 projets. Ce dispositif s’inscrit dans le cadre du Plan de relance pour l’industrie…
BASF vend un ex-site Cognis basé dans l’Illinois

BASF vend son site de production de Kankakee dans l’Illinois (États-Unis), héritage de la société Cognis rachetée en 2010, et les activités associées de stérols et de vitamine E issus d’huile végétale, de tensioactifs anioniques et d’esters à une filiale de One Rock Capital Partners, un société de capital-investissement basée aux États-Unis. Environ 160 personnes sont concernées à travers tous les…
Seppic Finds Sepibliss Nutricosmetic Benefits Sensitive Skin

Seppic has released updated clinical study results for Sepibliss, a natural plant-based solution to address sensitive skin conditions orally. Sepibliss is derived from 100% virgin coriander seed oil obtained by eco-extraction. Free from additives and preservatives, the oral ingredient was developed to offer an efficient soothing solution for every skin type…
Nutraceutique : Activ’Inside lève 4 M€

La PME spécialisée dans le développement et la production d’actifs végétaux Activ’Inside a réalisé une levée de fonds de quatre millions d’euros auprès d’Aquiti Gestion et Bpifrance. Ce financement devrait permettre à la société de finaliser le développement de sa nouvelle technologie d’extraction sans solvant, d’intensifier son programme d’étude…
Énergie renouvelable : Borealis alimenté par la valorisation de déchets

Le chimiste spécialisé dans les polyoléfines Borealis a fait part de la mise en service de Biostoom, une unité de valorisation énergétique des déchets construite et exploitée par Bionerga à Beringen, en Belgique. Bionerga, spécialiste belge de la valorisation énergétique des déchets, avait signé un accord à long terme avec Borealis afin de l’aider à atteindre son objectif : que 50 % de sa…
Bio-aromatiques : Borregaard reçoit le soutien de l’État norvégien

Le spécialiste norvégien des produits chimiques issus du bois Borregaard a reçu un engagement de financement de 15,7 millions de couronnes norvégiennes (NOK, environ 1,5 M€) de la part du Conseil norvégien de la recherche. Cette subvention est destinée à un projet baptisé Lignin to BioAromatics. Il vise à mettre au point des procédés de production de bio-aromatiques à base de lignine issue du…
L’Adepale veut faire entendre la voix des PME
Syndicat professionnel. Après avoir quitté l’Ania, l’Adepale participe à la création de la CPME agroalimentaire (article complet réservé aux abonnés à RIA).
IASO biotech SAS, spécialisée dans la production de biomédicaments à partir de microalgues

Tout juste implantée à Nantes, cette jeune entreprise créée en octobre 2020 développe une plate-forme pour la bioproduction de protéines recombinantes à partir de microalgues pour la bioproduction de protéines recombinantes à partir de microalgues. Elle inclut un ensemble technologique composé de ses propres lignées cellulaires, de procédés ‘upstream’ et ‘downstream’ spécifiques et optimisés, le tout respectant les…
Flavorchem aims to foster the ‘ultimate’ creative experience with new Innovation centre

Organic certified flavour and colour specialist Flavorchem has inaugurated its SRS Center for Taste Innovation in Illinois, designed to create a boutique customer experience to encourage innovation, collaboration and experimentation…
Moselle Est : Afyren Neoxy dévoile son projet fou à 80 millions

La société de biotechnologie Afyren a choisi la plateforme de Carling – Saint-Avold pour implanter sa première usine de production. Un projet à 80 millions d’euros qui doit adresser les marchés de l’alimentation…(article complet réservé aux abonnés de L@Semaine).
BASF’s Moisturizing Argan Oil Receives Fair Trade Label by ECOCERT
TAGS: Natural/ Organic Skin Care BASF Beauty Care Solutions receives the “Fair For Life” (FFL) label by ECOCERT for its active ingredient, Lipofructyl™ Argan for the fourth time in a row. Derived from the hand-picked fruit of the argan tree, the moisturizing…
BIOVAL OCEAN INDIEN brevète un éco-procédé de purification de la phycocyanine et s’agrandit !

La Réunion accueille une production de spiruline sous la forme d’une dizaine de fermes. Depuis quelques années, Bioval Océan Indien s’intéresse à la spiruline produite sur l’île. Parmi les protéines présentes dans cette microalgue, la phycocyanine (ou CPC) possède des activités biologiques intéressantes et notamment une activité …
Iterg étend ses laboratoires d’analyse

Le centre technique spécialisé dans les corps gras Iterg a annoncé l’ajout de 195 m² de laboratoires opérationnels depuis novembre 2020. D’un coût total d’environ un million d’euros, l’investissement se divise en un montant de 700 000 € pour le foncier (1 180 m² de locaux) et 300 000 € d’équipements, en partie soutenus par la Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Cette extension va permettre de soutenir…
Biospringer Introduces New Source of Vegan Protein From Yeast Fermentation

In view of the increasing number of vegan, vegetarian and flexitarian consumers worldwide, Biospringer, a division of Lesaffre, is introducing its innovative new yeast protein. The new and revolutionary Springer Proteissimo™ 101 is a complete yeast fermentation protein for meat and milk alternatives that does not produce any unwanted taste. Springer Proteissimo™ 101 is a nutrient-rich, neutral-tasting ingredient and…
Communiqué de presse – AlgoSource célèbre 25 ans de spiruline

Depuis 1995, AlgoSource cultive la SPIRULINE au sein de la toute première algoferme de France. En 1997, la société s’installe à Assérac, en Loire-Atlantique, au coeur des Marais Salants de la Presqu’île de Guérande. Depuis 1998, AlgoSource extrait de sa spiruline, la PHYCOCYANINE, pour en faire un complément alimentaire unique et cliniquement objectivé, pour la santé humaine et animale : SPIRULYSAT®…
Industrialisation : Solvay et Axel’One lancent le projet AdChem4

Le 26 novembre, le chimiste belge Solvay et la plateforme d’innovation Axel’One ont officialisé le début du programme AdChem4. Visant à favoriser l’industrialisation de start-up et de la filière chimie-matériaux, ce projet souhaite mettre à disposition des outils et pilotes mutualisés pour faciliter la transition entre la synthèse d’un produit en laboratoire et sa production industrielle. Article complet réservé aux abonnés.
Beneo launches the first instant functional native rice starch for clean label applications

Beneo (Parsippany, NJ) launched a precooked, clean-label functional native rice starch, Remypure S52 P. It offers food manufacturers soft, creamy textures and excellent product stability, including harsh processing conditions such as shear and acid, as with dressings, sauces and dips, bakery fillings, and dairy desserts.
Boréaline Aurora de Lucas Meyer Cosmetics : que la lumière soit ! – L’actualité des ingrédients

Boréaline Aurora est le dernier actif de Lucas Meyer Cosmetics, inspiré de l’Aurora Borealis, qui illumine le ciel boréal. À base de pin blanc, obtenu par l’upcycling des écorces inutilisées par l’industrie du bois canadienne, il agit sur trois paramètres du teint de la peau, pour améliorer son uniformité, sa luminosité et son éclat (une partie de l’article est en accès libre mais l’article complet est réservé aux abonnés à Cosmeticobs.com).
Symrise will buy Sensient’s fragrance unit
Germany’s Symrise has agreed to buy the fragrance business of Milwaukee-based Sensient Technologies for an undisclosed sum. Symrise says the purchase will strengthen its market leadership in ingredients used in personal and home care products, expand its customer base, and grow its international presence…
Les Pays de la Loire misent sur les micro-algues
Le 16 octobre 2020, la Région Pays de la Loire a adopté une feuille de route complète concernant les micro-algues. Elle vise un investissement total compris entre 20 et 40 millions d’euros dans cette filière d’ici à 2027. L’utilisation des micro-algues s’est développée grâce à la spiruline qui possède une forte concentration…
Unilever met le cap sur le végétal
Objectif d’un milliard d’euros de chiffre d’affaires dans les produits d’origine végétale pour Unilever dans les cinq à sept prochaines années. « Ce n’est pas à nous de décider pour les gens ce qu’ils veulent manger mais c’est à nous de rendre accessibles à tous des options saines et d’origine végétale »…
Biolie lance HydroBlue, un extrait aqueux de spiruline qui apporte une couleur bleue

La startup biotech Biolie lance HydroBlue, un extrait aqueux de spiruline pour le marché cosmétique. Micro-algue cultivée en France en bassin ouvert, la spiruline est très connue du marché des compléments alimentaires pour ses bienfaits sur la santé…
Additifs alimentaires : Deinove signe un accord de licence avec DSM

La société de biotechnologie Deinove a signé une licence d’évaluation et de développement technologique avec le chimiste néerlandais Royal DSM. Très actif dans les domaines de la nutrition et de la santé, le Néerlandais évaluera le potentiel d’une souche microbienne …
Synthesis and characteristic of 1-amino-2-propanol-based ionic liquids and effective extraction of antioxidants from Mugwort
Green extraction of natural products from plants is of high importance to the pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals industry. Novel bio-renewable ionic liquids, a class of safe and powerful medium, has aroused broad attention from the field of extraction and separation. In the present study, the 1-amino-2-propanol…
Selective separation of hibiscus acid from Roselle extracts by an amino-functionalized Metal Organic Framework
The separation and purification of biologically-active compounds from natural sources is of interest because such molecules find wide application in the pharmaceutical sector and in other industrial areas. Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) plants are a good source of anthocyanins, flavonoids, hydroxycitric acid, tartaric acid…
Designing novel biocompatible oligopeptide-based ionic liquids for greener downstream processes
In this work, a new family of ILs is here firstly presented, built with the biocompatible and biodegradable choline cation and oligopeptide-based anion. The simplest tripeptide triglycine (Gly-Gly-Gly) was employed for conforming a new choline tripeptide (Ch3Pe) IL, which sets the foundations for novel families of ILs based…
Recovery of bioactive ingredients from biowaste of olive tree (Olea europaea) using microwave-assisted extraction: a comparative study
Valorization of biomass based on feedstock has become an urgent necessity in terms of sustainability. Materials produced from fossil fuels will eventually run out. Therefore, it is inevitable to evaluate particularly food and agricultural wastes that have no economic value or even threaten the environment. In this study…
Response surface methodology (RSM) to evaluate both the extraction of triterpenes and sterols from jackfruit seed with supercritical CO2 and the biological activity of the extracts
Jackfruit seeds are an underestimate residue having important biological activity such as anti-inflammatory, cytotoxicity and antimicrobial effects. However few researches have been done for this material using alternative extraction technologies, so this study aimed to evaluate the extraction of triterpenes and sterols…
Cationic starch: an effective flocculant for separating algal biomass from wastewater RO concentrate treated by microalgae
Microalgae can remove nutrients and organic contaminants from municipal wastewater reverse osmosis concentrate (ROC) and enable resource recovery via biomass production. Two cationic starch flocculants (starch-graft-poly cationic moiety 2-methacryloyloxyethyl trimethyl ammonium chloride (St-g-PDMC) and…
Valorization of unsalable Amaranthus tricolour leaves by microwave-assisted extraction of betacyanin and betaxanthin
Betacyanin and betaxanthin are natural colouring compounds found in Amaranthus tricolour leaves. Microwave-assisted extraction was performed to extract betacyanin and betaxanthin from the unsalable leaves. A set of different process parameters like microwave power, temperature and time was applied…
Advanced Application and Fouling Control in Hollow Fibre Direct Contact Membrane Distillation (HF-DCMD)
In this article, the most advanced applications and the major operating problems of hollow fibre direct contact membrane distillation (HF-DCMD) are discussed. Over the past few years, direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD) became one of the most preferred technology not only for high-saline desalination…
Flavedo and albedo of five citrus fruits from Southern Italy: physicochemical characteristics and enzyme-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds
Peels are major byproducts of the juice processing industry. Citrus peels are composed of two tissues, namely the flavedo (outer layer) and the albedo (inner layer). Here, flavedo and albedo were obtained from the peel of grapefruit cv. ‘Star ruby’, lemon cv. ‘Akragas’, and sweet orange cvs. ‘Tarocco’, ‘Sanguinello’ and ‘Moro’…
Comprehensive Study of Hydrothermal Extraction of Pectin From Sugar Beet Pulp
Purpose In this work one-stage, no presence of acidic catalyst hydrothermal extraction of pectin from sugar beet pulp (SBP) as a batch process was investigated, leading to increasing the value of this by-product of sugar beet industry. Methods The comprehensive study of the effect of the extraction temperature and…
Cellulase-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from rice bran (Oryza sativa L.): process optimization and characterization
This study investigated the improvement in the extraction of antioxidant phenolic compounds from a by-product of the food industry, rice bran, using hydrolytic enzymes. To this purpose, the optimization process of obtaining these compounds was carried out, as well as chemical characterization of the rice bran extracts…
Optimization of extraction conditions for ultrasound-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from tamarillo fruit (Solanum betaceum) using response surface methodology
The study intended to optimize the ultrasound-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds using response surface methodology as optimization tool. Initially, four solvents, namely, distilled water, ethanol, acetone and methanol at 100% concentration level were tested for extraction of total phenolics and acetone was…
A rotating disk sorptive extraction based on hydrophilic deep eutectic solvent formation
An elegant preconcentration method assumed sorption of polar analytes from complex non-polar matrices on a rotating disk based on hydrophilic deep eutectic solvent formation is presented for the first time. The surface of poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-tetrafluoroethylene) rotating disk was coated with choline chloride acted as…
Simultaneous separation and preliminary purification of anthocyanins from Rosa pimpinellifolia L. fruits by microwave assisted aqueous two-phase extraction
Rosa pimpinellifolia L. fruits (RPF) have great industrial potential due to the high presence of anthocyanins. In this work, microwave-assisted aqueous two-phase extraction (MA-ATPE) was applied to simultaneous extraction and purification of anthocyanins from RPF with ethanol/ammonium sulfate aqueous two-phase…
Effect of moisture content on the extraction rate of coffee oil from spent coffee grounds using Norflurane as solvent
Recently, vegetable oils have been widely used in several industrial fields as food additives, biofuels, cosmetic ingredients, packaging materials, or pharmaceutical compounds. In this study, we investigated the extraction of lipids from spent coffee grounds using an innovative system and the hydrofluorocarbon Norflurane…
From by- to bioproducts: selection of a nanofiltration membrane for biotechnological xylitol purification and process optimization
Xylitol, an alcohol sugar with diverse applications, is commonly synthesized by chemical routes on an industrial scale. This polyalcohol can also be obtained by fermentation of lignocellulosic biomass. However, downstream purification is still a bottleneck that increases the costs and limits the yield of bioxylitol…
Valorization of sunflower by-product using microwave-assisted extraction to obtain a rich protein flour: Recovery of chlorogenic acid, phenolic content and antioxidant capacity
The sunflower cake, which is a by-product from sunflower oil refining, is a rich source of chlorogenic acid (CGA), a phenolic compound that must be removed from this by-product before its use for human consumption. This work studied the extraction of CGA from sunflower by-product using microwave-assisted…
Optimizing the extraction of phenolic antioxidants from chestnut shells by subcritical water extraction using response surface methodology
The objective of this study was to evaluate the optimal Subcritical Water Extraction (SWE) conditions of antioxidants and polyphenols from chestnut shells using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). A central composite design (CCD) was conducted to analyse the time (6–30 min) and temperature (51–249 °C)…
Pilot scale supercritical CO2 extraction of carotenoids from sweet paprika (Capsicum annuum L.): Influence of particle size and moisture content of plant material
The extraction of important phytochemicals such as carotenoids from sweet paprika using supercritical carbon dioxide (SC–CO2) was discussed in this paper. The effect of particle size, moisture content, and composition of raw material on extraction efficiency, the content of carotenoid in the paprika extract and recovery of…
Recovery and reuse of ionic liquid cholinium glycinate in the treatment of brewery spent grain
Recently, the ability of the biocompatible ionic liquid cholinium glycinate (N1112OHGly) for waste vegetable delignification like brewery spent grain (BSG) has been proved. However, the technical viability should march hand in hand with economic competitiveness. Therefore, the first step must address the reuse of the ionic…
Continuous adsorption in food industry: The recovery of sinapic acid from rapeseed meal extract
Efficient recovery and utilization of valuable components from industrial food side streams is a main driver towards a circular economy. Among different available purification techniques, adsorption can effectively recover these components. However, the conventional batch mode of operation can limit its applicability in…
Ultrasound-assisted development of stable grapefruit peel polyphenolic nano-emulsion: Optimization and application in improving oxidative stability of mustard oil
Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) peel (GP) is rich in flavonoids and phenolics which have several proven pharmacological effects. However, their chemical instability towards oxygen, light and heat limits its applications in food industries. In the present study, we evaluated the feasibility of fabricating grapefruit-peel…
Multi-Interactions in Ionic Liquids for Natural Product Extraction.
Natural products with a variety of pharmacological effects are important sources for commercial drugs, and it is very crucial to develop effective techniques to selectively extract and isolate bioactive natural components from the plants against the background of sustainable development. Ionic liquids (ILs) are a kind of…
Intensification of bio-actives extraction from pomegranate peel using pulsed ultrasound: Effect of factors, correlation, optimization and antioxidant bioactivities.
Pomegranate peel (PP) is one of the interesting agri-food by-products because of its abundant bioactive phytochemicals. However, the bioactivity of valuable compounds is affected due to the extraction method used. A pulsed ultrasound-assisted extraction (PUAE) was carried out to intensify the extraction efficacy…
Food Bioactive Compounds and Emerging Techniques for Their Extraction: Polyphenols as a Case Study.
Experimental studies have provided convincing evidence that food bioactive compounds (FBCs) have a positive biological impact on human health, exerting protective effects against non-communicable diseases (NCD) including cancer and cardiovascular (CVDs), metabolic, and neurodegenerative disorders (NDDs)…
Solvent selection for biphasic extraction of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural: Via multiscale modeling and experiments
We introduce a comprehensive conceptual framework for selecting solvents for reactive extraction in biphasic organic-water systems and demonstrate it for the separation of HMF (5-hydroxylmethylfurfural), a platform chemical produced in the acid-catalyzed dehydration of hexoses. We first perform in silico screening of…
New ternary deep eutectic solvents for effective wheat straw deconstruction into its high-value utilization under near-neutral conditions
In order to extract lignin, a novel near-neutral deep eutectic solvent (DES) was developed to treat wheat straw which facilitated its subsequent enzymatic glycation. The DES, whose in situ complexation promotes lignin depolymerization, was composed of choline chloride (ChCl), boric acid (BA), and polyethylene glycol-200…
Direct Medium-Chain Carboxylic Acid Oil Separation from a Bioreactor by an Electrodialysis/Phase Separation Cell.
Medium-chain carboxylic acids (MCCAs) are valuable platform chemicals and can be produced from waste biomass sources or syngas fermentation effluent through microbial chain elongation. We have previously demonstrated successful approaches to separate >90% purity oil with different MCCAs (MCCA oil) by…
Three way ANOVA for emulsion of carotenoids extracted in flaxseed oil from carrot bio-waste.
The juice expelled from carrot, a globally produced root vegetable, leavesbehind carrot pomace (a bio- and horticultural waste) which is potentially rich source of micro-nutrients and carotenoids.However, it is discarded as waste or used as animal feed. It holds potential to be channelized to food chain by a couple of…
Optimization of Ultrasonic Extraction to Obtain Erinacine A and Polyphenols with Antioxidant Activity from the Fungal Biomass of Hericium erinaceus.
Hericium erinaceus is a medicinal fungal species that produces the active biological metabolite erinacine A with strong antioxidant activity. The classical extraction techniques used to date to obtain metabolites from this fungal species require high consumption of resources and energy and, in the end, prove to be expensive…
High yield extraction method for and products of kanna plants
A method of extracting a Kanna plant comprising the steps of harvesting and drying the plant; extracting the alkaloids from the plant in a solvent; filtering the solvent-Kanna plant mixture to remove the solvent and extracted alkaloids from a spent plant matter; drying the spent plant matter; purifying and separating the…
Insights on the use of alternative solvents and technologies to recover bio-based food pigments.
This review will discuss, under the Circular Economy and Biorefinery concepts, the performance of the alternative solvents in the downstream process to recover natural pigments in a more sustainable way. Conventionally, pigments marketed on an industrial scale are produced through chemical synthesis by using…
Aqueous enzyme-ultrasonic pretreatment for efficient isolation of essential oil from Artemisia argyi and investigation on its chemical composition and biological activity
The in-depth study of plant essential oil (EO) to provide valuable resources for the development of natural medicinal products is one of the current research hotspots. The present work realized the efficient isolation of EO from Artemisia argyi leaves using aqueous enzyme-ultrasonic pretreatment followed by microwave…
Powerful Plant Antioxidants: A New Biosustainable Approach to the Production of Rosmarinic Acid.
Modern lifestyle factors, such as physical inactivity, obesity, smoking, and exposure to environmental pollution, induce excessive generation of free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the body. These by-products of oxygen metabolism play a key role in the development of various human diseases such…
Extracts of medicinal plants with natural deep eutectic solvents: enhanced antimicrobial activity and low genotoxicity.
Natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) are a new alternative to toxic organic solvents. Their constituents are primary metabolites, non-toxic, biocompatible and sustainable. In this study four selected NADES were applied for the extraction of two medicinal plants: Sideritis scardica, and Plantago major as an alternative to…
Disclosed is an organic extract of a thistle plant, which is obtained by extraction using one or more of ethanol, acetone, ethyl acetate, dichloromethane, trichloromethane, petroleum ether, n-hexane and cyclohexane, and which is an extract of the root of the thistle plant. The extract has a characteristic ultraviolet absorption peak…
A method for preparing a plant derived product or a process intermediate or a process input, the method comprising the steps of providing a plant derived starting material, subjecting the starting material to a forward osmosis step against a draw solution so as to produce a plant material concentrate, and subjecting the draw…
Glycerol and Glycerol-Based Deep Eutectic Mixtures as Emerging Green Solvents for Polyphenol Extraction: The Evidence So Far.
The acknowledgement that uncontrolled and excessive use of fossil resources has become a prime concern with regard to environmental deterioration, has shifted the orientation of economies towards the implementation of sustainable routes of production, through the valorization of biomass. Green chemistry…
Efficient Purification of R-phycoerythrin from Marine Algae (Porphyra yezoensis) Based on a Deep Eutectic Solvents Aqueous Two-Phase System
R-phycoerythrin (R-PE), a marine bioactive protein, is abundant in Porphyra yezoensis with high protein content. In this study, R-PE was purified using a deep eutectic solvents aqueous two-phase system (DES-ATPS), combined with ammonium sulphate precipitation, and characterized by certain techniques. Firstly…
A method for extracting herbal medicine includes: step one, spray extraction; step two, pressure filtration and concentration; step three, spray and countercurrent precipitation; and step four, concentrating reduced pressure and drying…
An extract of plants from the Tagetes genus enriched with leontopodic acid B, a method for preparing the extract, a cosmetic composition, a nutraceutical composition, and a pharmaceutical composition, where the compositions includes, as the active agent, at least one extract of plants from the Tagetes genus. A method…
A process for the preparation of a plant extract enriched in polyphenols and/or substantially free of simple sugars, as well as the plant extract thus obtained, which may be added to a cosmetic composition. Also, the use of a yeast of the variety Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. bayanus for the removal of simple sugars in…
Preparative separation of high-purity trans- and cis-ferulic acid from wheat bran by pH-zone-refining counter-current chromatography.
Ferulic acid stereoisomers are the most abundant phenolic acids in cereal bran. However, it is challenging to separate them because of the similar structures and properties. In this study, a preparative separation method of ferulic acid stereoisomers from the crude extract of wheat bran was successfully developed. The method…
Selective extraction of bioactive compounds from plants using recent extraction techniques: A review.
Plant extraction has existed for a long time and is still of interest. Due to technological improvements, it is now possible to obtain extracts with higher yields. While global yield is a major parameter because it assesses the extraction performance, it can be of interest to focus on the extraction of particular compounds (specific…
Enhancing extraction and purification of phycocyanin from Arthrospira sp. with lower energy consumption
Phycocyanin is a light-blue water-soluble natural pigment with wide application in fields including pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industry. Arthrospira platensis is considered a natural bio-factory for obtaining phycocyanin, and although suitable cultivation conditions can enhance the pigment content, the…
Lipid yield from the diatom Porosira glacialis is determined by solvent choice and number of extractions, independent of cell disruption
Cell wall disruption is necessary to maximize lipid extraction yields in conventional species of mass-cultivated microalgae. This study investigated the effect of sonication, solvent choice and number of extractions on the lipid yield, lipid class composition and fatty acid composition of the diatom Porosira glacialis…
Green ultra-high pressure extraction of bioactive compounds from Haematococcus pluvialis and Porphyridium cruentum microalgae
Microalgae are considered prolific sources of bioactive compounds that can be useful for nutraceuticals. In this study, the potential of ultra-high pressure extraction (UHPE) for the simultaneous cell disruption and extraction of bioactives from two microalgae species, Haematococcus pluvialis and Porphyridium cruentum…
Extraction of microalgal oil from Nannochloropsis oceanica by potassium hydroxide-assisted solvent extraction for heterogeneous transesterification
The feasibility of potassium hydroxide for simultaneous removal of chlorophyll during solvent extraction from wet microalgae (200 g/L) was evaluated. Extracted oil was converted to biodiesel by ZSM-5-based heterogeneous catalysts. The total oil (fatty acid-based) content of Nannochlorposis oceanica cultivated in…
Step by step extraction of bio-actives from the brown seaweeds, Carpophyllum flexuosum, Carpophyllum plumosum, Ecklonia radiata and Undaria pinnatifida
The biorefinery concept is a framework to address the concerns raised by single product extraction from renewable resources. Whereas single product extraction can involve high costs and generate large amounts of waste, the biorefinery process aims to fully utilise the biomass to produce multiple products and energy…
Process development for biomass delignification using deep eutectic solvents. Conceptual design supported by experiments
Deep eutectic solvents (DES) have been proposed as solvents for biomass delignification. This paper describes a conceptual process design for the delignification of Eucalyptus globulus using a DES comprised of 30 wt % choline chloride and 70 wt% lactic acid. In this design, the lignin and hemicellulose by-products…
Effective extraction and recovery of linarin from Chrysanthemum indicum L. flower using deep eutectic solvents
Conventional approaches for extraction and enrichment of phytochemicals from plant matrix have many drawbacks such as high organic solvent consumption, low extraction yields, time-consuming and large labor for the enrichment process. In the present study, ultrasound-assisted deep eutectic solvents extraction…
Sequential green-based extraction processes applied to recover antioxidant extracts from pink pepper fruits
Integrated high-pressure processes, combining Supercritical CO2 extraction (SFE-CO2), Pressurized Liquid Extraction (PLE), and Subcritical Water Extraction (SWE), were used to obtain antioxidant compounds from pink pepper fruits. The recovered extracts were characterized in terms of total phenolic content (TPC) and…
Novel approach for lutein extraction: Food grade microemulsion containing soy lecithin & sunflower oil
The present study conducted to develop a natural microemulsion (ME) system for lutein extraction from marigold petals powder (MPP). Using pseudo-ternary phase diagram, a monophasic ME (lecithin:1-propanol: water: sunflower oil, 50:25:5:20 w/w%) was identified. It formed nano-droplets (89 nm), reduced surf…
Membrane processing for purification of R-Phycoerythrin from marine macro-alga, Gelidium pusillum and process integration
Ultrafiltration is widely used for separation and purification of several biomolecules from various sources. However, the performance of ultrafiltration in terms of transmembrane flux, yield and purity vary with biomolecule and process parameters. In the present study, ultrafiltration was employed for the…
Design strategies for C-phycocyanin purification: Process influence on purity grade
The performance of four purification designs combining fractional precipitation, ultrafiltration, and ion exchange chromatography (IEC) was compared in the purification of C-phycocyanin (C-PC) from the wet biomass of Spirulina platensis LEB-52. The purification strategies were evaluated in terms of purity…
Selective extraction of polar lipids of mango kernel using Supercritical Carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) extraction: Process optimization of extract yield/phosphorous content and economic evaluation
Lipids are biomolecules extracted from plant sources and plant residues and have a beneficial role in various food, nutrition and medical applications. Supercritical carbon-dioxide as an advanced high-pressure technology which increases the productivity and has negligible environmental impact is employed for the…
A review on microalgae cultivation and harvesting, and their biomass extraction processing using ionic liquids
The richness of high-value bio-compounds derived from microalgae has made microalgae a promising and sustainable source of useful product. The present work starts with a review on the usage of open pond and photobioreactor in culturing various microalgae strains, followed by an in-depth evaluation on the common…
Application of green-extraction technique to evaluate of antioxidative capacity of wild population of fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium)
Introduction: Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium (L.) Holub) is a common weed growing on meadows, roadside and agricultural wasteland, creating vast, rapidly spreading fields. Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the antioxidant activity of extracts from fresh fireweed, harvested at three ripening…
Revalorization of Broccoli By-Products for Cosmetic Uses Using Supercritical Fluid Extraction.
The agri-food industry is currently one of the main engines of economic development worldwide. The region of Murcia is a reference area in Europe for the cultivation of fruits and vegetables and produces the bulk of Spanish exports of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica). The processing of fresh produce generates…
Exergy analysis of a whole-crop safflower biorefinery: A step towards reducing agricultural wastes in a sustainable manner
The huge amount of agro-wastes generated due to expanding agricultural activities can potentially cause serious environmental and human health problems. Using the biorefinery concept, all parts of agricultural plants can be converted into multiple value-added bioproducts while reducing waste generation…
Vanillin: a review on the therapeutic prospects of a popular flavouring molecule
Abstract: Vanilla is the world’s most popular flavour extracted from the pods of Vanilla planifolia orchid. It is a mixture of ~ 200 compounds but its characteristic flavour and fragrance primarily come from vanillin. While the importance of its wide usage in flavour and fragrance is well established, there have been limited…
Seaweed extracts as prospective plant growth bio-stimulant and salinity stress alleviator for Vigna sinensis and Zea mays
The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the impact of seed priming with seaweed liquid extracts (SLEs) prepared from three Egyptian seaweeds ( Ulva fasciata , Cystoseira compressa , and Laurencia obtusa ) in a concentration of 20 g L -1 on seed germination and seedling growth of Vigna sinensis and Zea…
Optimization of extraction process and antioxidant activities of saponins from Camellia fascicularis leaves
Saponins from Camellia fascicularis leaves, which ultrasonic-assisted extraction process parameters were optimized with Box–Behnken design and antioxidant activities were assessed, were reported in this study. The highest yield of crude saponins was up to 3.68% when the optimal extraction conditions were ratio of…
Antibacterial activity of methanol extracts of the leaves of three medicinal plants against selected bacteria isolated from wounds of lymphoedema patients
Background Patients with lymphoedema are at high risk of getting bacterial and fungal wound infections leading to acute inflammatory episodes associated with cellulitis and erysipelas. In Ethiopia, wound infections are traditionally treated with medicinal plants. Methods Agar well diffusion and colorimetric microdilution…
Pressurized liquid extraction of a phycocyanobilin chromophore and its reconstitution with a cyanobacteriochrome photosensor for efficient isotopic labeling.
Linear tetrapyrrole compounds (bilins) are chromophores of the phytochrome and cyanobacteriochrome classes of photosensors and light-harvesting phycobiliproteins. Various spectroscopic techniques such as resonance Raman, Fourier transform-infrared, and nuclear magnetic resonance have been used to…
Bioactivity and Applications of Polysaccharides from Marine Microalgae
Abstract: Marine microorganisms have been under research for the last decades, as sources of different biocompounds, each with various applications. Polysaccharides (PSs) are among these chemicals being produced and released by marine microalgae. These are very heterogeneous, including cyanobacteria and…
The Importance of Natural Products in Cosmetics
People from worldwide have been using plant-based substances (Natural Products) to enhance the appearance since the existence of mankind. In the ancient Egypt, around 3000 BC, there is evidence of using cosmetics, and their usages have been a necessary part in our everyday life in all cultures. Initially, natural…
Plant Polysaccharides in Pharmaceutical Applications
Plant polysaccharides are the by-products of photosynthesis within the plants and are being extracted from different parts of the plants, such as leaves, pods, fruits, seeds, cereals, stems, roots, rhizomes, corms, exudates, etc. The important advantages for the uses of plant polysaccharides include easy availability from…
Xylooligosaccharides production by acid hydrolysis of an alkaline extraction filtrate from Eucalyptus globulus bleached kraft pulp
Xylooligosaccharides (XOS) are emerging prebiotics with several benefits for both physical and mental health. Their production from lignocellulosic materials is a challenging process, as lignin hinders xylan availability for XOS formation. In this study, bleached kraft pulp from Eucalyptus globulus, a lignin-free material…
Lectin from red algae Amansia multifida Lamouroux: Extraction, characterization and anti-inflammatory activity.
Seaweed lectins are very promising biotechnological tools that also gain prominence when applied to the pharmacology field. The purpose of the present work was to isolate and characterize lectin from the red algae Amansia multifida and subsequently test it in general inflammation models. The lectin was purified by ion…
Optimization of ultrasonic-assisted extraction of polysaccharides and triterpenoids from the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum and evaluation of their in vitro antioxidant capacities.
Ganoderma lucidum (Fr.) Krast, commonly known as \ »Lingzhi\ » in Chinese, is a medicinal mushroom that is rich in biologically active substances. Polysaccharides and triterpenoids are the two major components responsible for the bioactivity of this fungus. In the present study, the ultrasonic-assisted co-extraction…
Tannins and Polyphenols Extracted from Natural Plants and Their Versatile Application
From the beginning of lives on earth, nature is contributing different products to the system constantly and endlessly. Plants synthesize a large number of organic compounds, which are commonly known as primary and secondary metabolites with various applications. Tannins are one of the secondary metabolites solely…
Secondary Metabolites from Plant Sources
A Plant can be considered as a storehouse of a huge number of chemicals biosynthesized by many metabolic pathways like photosynthesis, glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle, shikimic acid pathway, mevalonic acid pathway, etc. Primary metabolites include sugars, citric acid, Kreb’s cycle intermediates, amino acids, protein, nucleic acid…
Curcuma longa L. Rhizome Essential Oil from Extraction to Its Agri-Food Applications. A Review.
Curcuma longa L. rhizome essential oil is a valuable product in pharmaceutical industry due to its wide beneficial health effects. Novel applications in the agri-food industry where more sustainable extraction processes are required currently and safer substances are claimed for the consumer are being investigated…
Hairy root culture an alternative for bioactive compound production from medicinal plants.
Medicinal plants produce a diverse group of phytocompounds like anthraquinones, alkaloids, anthocyanins, flavonoids, saponins, and terpenes which are used in pharmaceutical, perfume, cosmetics, dye and flavor industries. Commercial source of these metabolites is field-grown plants, which are generally influenced by…
Characterization of polyphenol oxidase from fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) seeds as a promising source.
Fennel seeds were recognized as a promising polyphenol oxidase (PPO) source upon investigating some edible green plants (carob, jujube, coriander, fennel, and licorice). The fennel PPO enzyme was purified by three-phase partitioning and biochemically characterized in detail for the first time. The purification fold and…
Bioactive Metabolites from Marine Algae as Potent Pharmacophores against Oxidative Stress-Associated Human Diseases: A Comprehensive Review.
In addition to cancer and diabetes, inflammatory and ROS-related diseases represent one of the major health problems worldwide. Currently, several synthetic drugs are used to reduce oxidative stress; nevertheless, these approaches often have side effects. Therefore, to overcome these issues, the search for alternative…
Developing an Olive Biorefinery in Slovenia: Analysis of Phenolic Compounds Found in Olive Mill Pomace and Wastewater.
The valorization of olive pomace through the extraction of phenolic compounds at an industrial scale is influenced by several factors that can have a significant impact on the feasibility of this approach. These include the types and levels of phenolic compounds that are present, the impact that seasonal variation and…
Plant proteins at low concentrations as natural emulsifiers for an effective orange essential oil microencapsulation by spray drying
In this work, pea and soy proteins were used as emulsifiers on the encapsulation of orange essential oil (OEO, rich in d-limonene) by emulsification followed by spray drying. A commercial pea protein concentrate (PPC) was studied regarding its ability to act as an emulsifier, stabilize oil-in-water emulsions containing…
Improvement of Naturally Derived Food Colorant Performance with Efficient Pyranoanthocyanin Formation from Sambucus nigra Anthocyanins Using Caffeic Acid and Heat.
Consumers and regulations encourage the use of naturally derived food colorants. Anthocyanins (ACN), plant pigments, are unstable in foods. In aged red wines, ACN with a free hydroxyl group at C-5 condenses to form pyranoanthocyanins (PACN), which are more stable but form inefficiently. This study attempted to produce…
The Effect of Different Extraction Protocols on Brassica oleracea var. acephala Antioxidant Activity, Bioactive Compounds, and Sugar Profile.
The extraction of glucosinolates in boiling aqueous methanol from freeze dried leaf tissues is the most common method for myrosinase inactivation but can be hazardous because of methanol toxicity. Although freeze drying is the best dehydration method in terms of nutritional quality preservation, the main drawbacks…
Antioxidant, hepatoprotective and antifungal activities of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) essential oil.
The essential oil extracted from the black Piper nigrum L. (BPEO) was analyzed for antioxidant, hepatoprotective and antifungal activities. BPEO is rich in total phenolics, total flavonoids and proanthocyanidins, and showed good free radicals and lipid peroxidation scavenging capacities. In a CCl4…
Promising alternative gum: Extraction, characterization, and oxidation of the galactomannan of Cassia fistula
Galactomannan extracted from Cassia fistula seed endosperm present little data related to the its structural characterization. This study reports the chemical characterization of the galactomannan from Cassia fistula (CF) and their oxidized derivatives. The extracted CF presented a yield of 26.5% (w/w) and the intrinsic…
Characterization and likelihood application of extracted mucilage from Hollyhocks plant as a natural polymer in enhanced oil recovery process by alkali-surfactant-polymer (ASP) slug injection into sandstone oil reservoirs
Injection of water-based polymeric solutions into oil reservoirs is a common way to enhance oil recovery in the tertiary oil production stage. Polymers are normally injected under different scenarios individually, or with surfactants and alkalis, or both as a slug. Adjusting the ratio of water and oil mobility, preventing…
Brewer’s Spent Grains-Valuable Beer Industry By-Product.
The brewing sector is a significant part of the global food industry. Breweries produce large quantities of wastes, including wastewater and brewer’s spent grains. Currently, upcycling of food industry by-…
Side-stream products of malting: a neglected source of phytochemicals.
Whole grain consumption reduces the risk of several chronic diseases. A major contributor to the effect is the synergistic and additive effect of phytochemicals. Malting is an important technological method to process whole grains; the main product, malted grain, is used mainly for brewing, but the process also yields high…
Evaluation of Anthocyanin Content, Antioxidant Potential and Antimicrobial Activity of Black, Purple and Blue Colored Wheat Flour and Wheat-Grass Juice against Common Human Pathogens.
The present study aimed to analyze the antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of anthocyanins extracted from colored wheat flour and wheat-grass juice against human pathogens. The total anthocyanin content and antioxidant potential in colored wheat flour and wheat-grass juice extracts were significantly higher than…
Synergistic effects of curcumin and its analogs with other bioactive compounds: A comprehensive review.
Curcumin, as a natural compound, extracted from plant Curcuma longa, is abundant in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, and have been used in a diverse array of pharmacological activities. Although curcumin has some limitations like low stability and low bioavailability, it has been proved that this…
Sustainable extraction and use of natural bioactive compounds from the waste management process of castanea spp. Bud-derivatives: The finnover project
The FINNOVER project provides a technical and economic path for the creation of new supply chains, or their development, for the sustainable extraction and utilization of natural biologically active molecules. In this research, a green extraction method and re-use strategy of botanical by-products are developed and used…
Acerola by-product as a renewable source of bioactive compounds: Arabic gum and maltodextrin nanocapsules
Acerola industrial by-products present high levels of antioxidant compounds. Encapsulation technology has shown to be of great importance in the food industry. In this context, better nanoparticles are indicated in aiming to enrich food products with bioactive compounds. Five formulations were analyzed for yield, size…
Modeling, simulation, and optimization of the centrifugal separation of a microalgae-culture medium mixture
The present paper aimed to develop a simple transient mathematical model to analyze the centrifugal separation of microalgae particles dispersed in a culture medium, considering a two-phase mixture: a dispersed (microalgae) and a continuous (culture medium) phase. Mass balances were written for the…
Recovery and Purification of Antioxidant Compounds from Plant Origin Agro-Industrial By-products
The plant origin materials have long been an important source of antioxidant compounds having both health and technological benefits. The increasing production brings about an immense disposal rates of the agro-food by-products including husk, bran, seed, stem, leaf, and peel residues that should be recovered…
Determination of sun protection factor of vegetable and fruit extracts using UV-Visible spectroscopy: A green approach
Acute and chronic exposure to ultraviolet radiation leads to variety of changes in skin. For skin protection from deleterious effects of sunlight, sunscreen products are used in various forms having chemical and physical filters. These chemical formulations have adverse effects in chronic condition. Thus, involvement of herbal…
Harvesting Microalgae Biomass Using Sulfonated Polyethersulfone (SPES)/PES Porous Membranes in Forward Osmosis Processes
This study was performed to investigate the availability of forward osmosis (FO) for microalgae harvesting using sulfonated polyethersulfone (SPES)/PES porous membranes. In FO process, porous membranes (< 25.0 Lm−2 h−1) exhibited more superior water flux than TFC FO membranes (<2.6 L m−2 h−1)…
Identification of environmental aspects of citrus waste valorization into D-limonene from a biorefinery approach
Citrus waste (CW) consists mainly of peels and pressed pulp (seeds and segment membranes), which represent approximately 50% of the fruit weight. In the framework of bioeconomy, this type of waste could serve as a valuable raw material for the manufacture of biofuels and other commodities. Specifically, CW…
Endophytic fungus, Chaetomium globosum, associated with marine green alga, a new source of Chrysin
The marine ecosystem is an extraordinary reserve of pharmaceutically important, bioactive compounds even in this “synthetic age”. Marine algae-associated endophytic fungi have gained prominence as an important source of bioactive compounds. This study was conducted on secondary metabolites of Chaetomium…
The effects of bioactive compounds from blueberry and blackcurrant powders on the inhibitory activities of oat bran pastes against α-amylase and α-glucosidase linked to type 2 diabetes
The α-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibitory activities by extracts of oat bran, blueberry and blackcurrant powders, as well as oat bran pastes supplemented 25% of blueberry and blackcurrant powder, were studied by measuring their half inhibitory (IC50) concentrations. Addition of blueberry or blackcurrant powder into…
Phytochemical and antioxidant evaluation of the flavonoids and tannins from Synadenium grantii Hook f, (Ephorbiaceae)
Background: The methanol extract (MeE) of the aerial parts from Synadenium grantii Hook f, (Ephorbiaceae) has more Polyphenols and used to treat several diseases. Objective: The aim of this study is isolation, purification and identification of Polyphenols that showed good antioxidant activity. Materials and Methods…
Effect of solvents on phytochemical composition and antioxidant activity of cardiospermum halicacabum (L.) extracts
Background: Cardiospermum halicacabum (C. halicacabum) is a common medicinal herb found in India and other Asian countries. It has various medicinal properties such as antimicrobial, pain relief, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, anticancer etc. It is commonly used for treating diabetes, arthritis, limbs stiffness…
Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of different extracts of Cordia sebestena L. leaves
Background: Cordia sebestena L. (Boraginaceae) wildly planted in Jakarta, Indonesia. The secondary metabolites of plants have biological and pharmacological activities, such as antioxidant. The antioxidant activity of plants might be due to their phenolic compounds. Objective: To determine the total phenolic…
Evaluation of physicochemical properties of anthocyanin extracts and powders from purple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.)
Purple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is one of the food commodities that contain anthocyanin. This research aimed to evaluate the physicochemical properties of anthocyanin extracts and powders from purple sweet potato. Purple sweet potato anthocyanin was extracted using a water solvent with the addition of citric…
Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Sulfated Polysaccharide from Sargassum Swartzii in Macrophages via Blocking TLR/NF-Κb Signal Transduction.
This study involves enzymatic extraction of fucoidan from Sargassum swartzii and further purification via ion-exchange chromatography. The chemical and molecular characteristics of isolated fucoidan is evaluated concerning its anti-inflammatory potential in RAW 264.7 macrophages under LPS induced conditions…
Preliminary Study on the Activity of Phycobiliproteins against Botrytis cinerea.
Phycobiliproteins (PBPs) are proteins of cyanobacteria and some algae such as rhodophytes. They have antimicrobial, antiviral, antitumor, antioxidative, and anti-inflammatory activity at the human level, but there is a lack of knowledge…
Flavonoids and caffeoylquinic acids in Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat flowers: A potentially rich source of bioactive compounds.
Varieties of chrysanthemums are among the world’s most valuable edible ornamental crops. However, the availability and relationship between the bio-chemicals of chrysanthemums and their morphological variations remain unclear. We developed liquid chromatography mass spectrometry to construct a spectral tag library…
The role of microalgae in the bioeconomy.
The bioeconomy is a new and essential paradigm for reducing our dependence on natural resources and responding to the environmental threats that the Earth is currently facing. In this regard, microalgae offer almost unlimited possibilities for developing a modern bioeconomy given their metabolic flexibility and high…
Phenolic compounds: current industrial applications, limitations and future challenges.
Phenolic compounds are natural bioactive molecules found mainly in plant tissues that have shown interesting bioactivities, such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antiproliferative activities, among others, which has led to great interest in their use by several industries. However, despite the large number…
Red alert: GNT predicts 2021’s top food color trend

The color red is set to shake up the food and beverage industry in 2021 thanks to its ability to spark powerful emotions, according to GNT Group. The COVID-19 pandemic has taken consumers outside their comfort zones, leading them to break free from old habits, patterns of behavior and search for something new…
Dernière Mise à jour COVID-19 sur l’Etude de Marché Séparateur triphasé 2020 par les acteurs clefs FMC Technologies, Flottweg, ANDRITZ Group, GEA, Sep Pro Systems, ACS Manufacturing, QB Johnson Manufacturing

L’épidémie mondiale du Coronavirus a affecté tous les secteurs dans le monde entier, le marché Séparateur triphasé ne faisant pas exception. Alors que l’économie mondiale se dirige vers une récession majeure suite à la crise 2009, Cognitive Market Research a publié une étude récente qui étudie minutieusement les impacts…
Taille du marché fructo Oligosaccharide 2021 par offre-demande, applications, analyse de croissance et prévisions jusqu’en 2026
Le rapport sur les prévisions du marché mondial fructo Oligosaccharide 2021-2026 élabore un aperçu de l’industrie avec de nombreuses définitions et classifications, types et ses propres applications et disposition des chaînes. Taille du marché fructo Oligosaccharide…
Quillaia Extract Market Size, Share, Key Players & Global Forecast to 2027
Latest Quillaia Extract Market Report published by Value Market Research, it provides a comprehensive market analysis which includes market size, share, value, growth, trends during forecast period 2020-2027 along with strategic development of the key player…
Taille du marché mondial Vitis vinifera (raisin) Extrait de pépins par fabricants, régions, type et application et prévisions jusqu’en 2026
Le rapport sur les prévisions du marché mondial Vitis vinifera (raisin) Extrait de pépins 2021-2026 élabore un aperçu de l’industrie avec de nombreuses définitions et classifications, types et ses propres applications et disposition des chaînes. Taille du marché…
Global Microalgae Industry Market 2021 In-depth Industry Analysis, Growth By 2027:Alltech,ENNESYS,Cyanotech Corporation,DIC Corporation,Duplaco
A newly added research report by Orbis Pharma Reports evaluating various developments and eventful milestones in global Microalgae market suggests that the aforementioned market is an emerging one with ample scope for refurbishments and developments…
Renewable Solvents Market – Global Trends, Statistics, Size, Share, Regional Analysis by Key Players | Industry Forecast by Categories, Platform, End – User

DBMR published a new research publication on “Global Renewable Solvents Market Insights, to 2028″ with 350+pages and enriched with self-explained Tables and charts in presentable format. This report provides key analysis on the market status of the Renewable Solvents companies with market size, growth, share, trends as…
Thaumatin (Talin) Market To Set Phenomenal Growth By 2027 | Naturex, Beneo Palatinit GmbH, Natex, KF Specialty Ingredients
IndustryGrowthInsights, one of the world’s prominent market research firms has released a new report on Thaumatin (Talin) market. The report is full of crucial insights on the market which will help the clients in making correct business decisions. This research…
Plant Sterol Esters Market Booming Demand Leading To Exponential Growth By 2027 | Key Players: Raisio Plc, ADM, Cargill Inc, BASF SE, Nutrartis, Lamberts Healthcare

Growing demand for the plant sterol in dietary supplements, beverages, food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals will drive the growth of the market. Great product demand from consumers and product food manufactures owing to benefits to the ability of plant sterol esters in reduction of blood cholesterol and gives various health…
Global Natural Antioxidants Market Analysis and in-Depth Research on Dynamics, Trends, Emerging Growth Factors and Forecasts to 2026
The latest survey on Global Natural Antioxidants Market is conducted covering various organizations of the industry from different geographies to come up with a 100+ page report. The study is a perfect mix of qualitative and quantitative information highlighting…
Seaweed Hydrocolloids Market Study Report (2020-2027), Competitive Analysis, Proposal Strategy, Potential Targets, Assessment And Recommendations
IndustryGrowthInsights has published a market research report on the Seaweed Hydrocolloids market considering the changes in the market dynamics owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. The report covers a detailed overview of the historic events and the latest development…
The Bio-Based Economy: What’s Holding It Back?

As pollution and climate change become growing problems, breaking society’s addiction to fossil fuels is a daunting task. What are the main obstacles holding European biotechs back from building a more sustainable economy and how can we resolve them?…
Sales Scenario of Global Pectin to Remain Positive Through BY 2030
Global Pectin Market: Market Outlook Pectin which is a carbohydrate in the cell wall of plants is mainly derived from citrus fruits like berries, oranges, apples, and lemons. It is at first insoluble and can be changed over to solvent by warming in acidic media…
Global Botanical Flavors Market 2020 Ecosystem Player Profiles, Value Chain and Industry Strategies to 2025
Global Botanical Flavors Market 2020 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2025 offers point by point investigation of verifiable data with future conjecture over the figure time frame. The report comprises a valuable bunch of information…
Europe Plant Based Ingredients Market | Global Statistics, Opportunities, Demand
Plant Based Ingredients Market has significant scope for growth and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.4%, to reach a value of USD 13 trillion in 2025…
Garlicin Oil Market Status and Trend Analysis 2017-2026 (COVID-19 Version)
Garlicin Oil Market Status and Trend Analysis 2017-2026 (COVID-19 Version)/caption] Due to the pandemic, we have included a special section on the Impact of COVID 19 on the Garlicin Oil Market Status and Trend Analysis 2017-2026 (COVID-19 Version) 2020-2026 which…
Scénario commercial 2020 du Marché Produits cosméceutiques – P&G, Shiseido, Unilever, Beiersdorf, L’Oreal, Johnson & Johnson, etc.

Produits cosméceutiques marché 2020 La pandémie de COVID-19 a bouleversé des vies et remet en question le paysage des affaires à l’échelle mondiale. Les perspectives du marché avant et après COVID-19 sont traitées dans ce rapport. Il s’agit du rapport le plus récent, couvrant la situation économique actuelle après l’épidémie…
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