Arômes et parfums : Ennolys by Lesaffre va distribuer les acides naturels d’Afyren Neoxy

Afyren, société de greentech qui offre aux industriels des produits naturels et bas-carbone grâce à sa technologie basée sur des micro-organismes naturels, et Ennolys, filiale Lesaffre spécialisée dans la fermentation et qui développe une large gamme de molécules aromatiques naturelles dont la vanilline, annoncent avoir signé un accord portant sur la distribution exclusive en Europe de la gamme Afyren… Afyren, société…
L’Oréal s’empare de la marque de soin californienne Youth to the People

Le groupe L’Oréal a annoncé avoir signé un accord pour acquérir Youth to the People, une marque américaine de soin de la peau basée en Californie. Soins végans à base de super-aliments : Youth to the People développe et commercialise des produits de soins de la peau, connus pour leurs formules à base d’extraits de superfood premiums et végans. La marque a été fondée à Los Angeles en 2015 par deux cousins, Greg…
Seqens tourne la page de la chimie minérale à l’occasion de son changement d’actionnariat

Laneuveville-devant-Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle), Nogent-l’Artaud (Aisne) et Jurong Island (Singapour), ces trois usines de production héritées de Novacarb (lui-même issu de Rhodia) sortent du portefeuille de Seqens. La nouvelle est tombée à l’occasion d’un changement d’actionnariat majeur pour le groupe de chimie fine et de spécialités. Détenu à majorité par le fonds Eurazeo, Seqens est passé officiellement sous le…
Abolis obtient 900k€ du plan France Relance

Abolis Biotechnologies, lauréat de l’appel à projets national « Relocalisation dans les secteurs critiques » du plan France Relance du ministère de l’Economie, obtient 900 k€ pour augmenter le nombre de ses développements au profit de l’industrie française. La société de biotechnologie Abolis, installée à Genopole, est spécialisée dans la conception et le développement de micro-organismes capables de produire par fermentation des…
Berkem augmente son capital de 43,9 millions après une entrée en bourse réussie

Le Groupe Berkem a annoncé le succès de son introduction en bourse sur le marché Euronext Growth à Paris. Le prix de l’introduction en bourse est fixé à 9,30 euros par action au milieu de la fourchette indicative de prix, de quoi faire ressortir une capitalisation boursière d’environ 165 million d’euros. L’introduction en bourse permet au spécialiste français de la chimie végétale de réaliser une augmentation de capital…
Microbiote : cet additif alimentaire serait lié à des maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l’intestin

Les facteurs génétiques ne peuvent expliquer à eux seuls la survenue des maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l’intestin qui touchent près de 20 millions de personnes dans le monde. Le carboxyméthylcellulose, un additif alimentaire, aussi désigné par E466 est fortement soupçonné d’être à l’origine l’inflammation de l’intestin et d’en modifier le microbiote intestinal. Cette gomme de cellulose est utilisée dans l’industrie…
Chine : mise en œuvre opérationnelle du CSAR pour les produits cosmétiques
Depuis le 1er janvier 2021, la Chine applique sa nouvelle réglementation, le Cosmetic Supervision and Administration Regulation (Règlement sur la Supervision et l’Administration des produits Cosmétiques – CSAR). Composée de plus de 20 textes, elle concerne tous les aspects de la fabrication et…
Biotalys and Biobest enter into strategic partnership to expand reach of novel biocontrol solutions
Biotalys’ unique protein-based biocontrol solutions to expand the offer of market leader Biobest in covered crops and berries. Biobest appointed exclusive U.S. distributor of Biotalys’ first biofungicide Evoca™* for all crops and applications. Biotalys (Euronext – BTLS), an Agricultural Technology (AgTech) company…
Biotechnologies industrielles : Global Bioenergies augmente son capital pour accélérer sur l’isododécane
La société Global Bioenergies a officialisé une levée de fonds de 14,5 millions d’euros. Une somme qui va lui permettre d’accélérer la production industrielle d’isododécane et financer ses travaux de R&D pour optimiser son procédé en vue d’attaquer de nouveaux marchés. a biotech industrielle Global Bioenergies a levé 14,5 millions d’euros. Ce tour de table a été réalisé grâce à l’émission de 3 510 000 actions nouvelles ordinaires à…
Stratégie d’accélération sur les produits biosourcés : le debrief de François Monnet
(contenu complet réservé aux abonnés à la revue Info-Chimie) Sur les 420 M€ de soutiens annoncés, 200 M€ sont consacrés aux carburants durables pour l’aéronautique. Ceci réduit copieusement l’enveloppe allouée aux produits biosourcés et aux biotechnologies industrielles. Mais c’est un début de reconnaissance pour…
Thelloise : ABCD Nutrition, une entreprise inventive et expérimentée
Parmi les 21 zones communautaires de la Thelloise, celle de Sainte-Geneviève Novillers est l’une des plus importantes et compte l’une des entreprises les plus novatrices, les Établissements Moulin, faisant partie du groupe ABCD Nutrition, qui produit essentiellement des pains bio destinés aux commerces spécialisés…
Provectus Algae Scoops $11.4 Million In Pre-Series A Funding To Scale Biomanufacturing Platform

3 Mins Read Australian startup Provectus Algae has secured funding to commercialise its high-value marine ingredients. The pre-Series A round was led by Hitachi Ventures and Vectr Ventures. Supplementary support came from Possible Ventures, Acequia Capital, amongst others. Previous seed funding totalled $3.25 million, also led by …
Saint-Beauzire (63360) Greentech. GT5, la nouvelle extension du laboratoire de biotechnologie [Industrie]

Dirigée par Jean-Yves Berthon, Greentech est une société de biotechnologie spécialisée dans le développement d’ingrédients à partir de végétaux, algues et micro-organismes pour divers marchés comme l’agro-écologie, la cosmétique, l’environnement, la nutrition humaine ou animale et la santé. Présente sur le biopôle Clermont-Limagne depuis 1995, l’entreprise y dispose déjà…
Grandes cultures : InVivo veut vendre Soufflet Alimentaire à Avril

Le groupe coopératif InVivo a annoncé le 9 décembre être entré en négociation exclusive avec le groupe Avril pour la cession de Soufflet Alimentaire (marque Vivien Paille). Le processus pourrait aboutir d’ici quatre à six mois sous réserve d’obtenir le feu vert des autorités françaises et européennes de la concurrence. Par ailleurs, lors d’une conférence de presse, son directeur général Thierry Blandinières a annoncé la finalisation du rachat…
Solvay investi dans DMC

Le chimiste belge Solvay a investi, via son fonds de capital-risque Solvay Ventures, dans la société de biotechnologie américaine DMC. Si le montant engagé par Solvay n’a pas été révélé, le tour de table réalisé par la biotech s’élève à 34 millions de dollars (30,1 M€), et implique également Cibus Enterprise, Capricorn Partners, Sofinnova Partners, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, SCG, Boulder Ventures et Michelin. DMC représente…
Concours VEGEPOLYS VALLEY / les lauréats sont…

Vendredi 3 décembre, 3 jeunes entreprises ont été mises à l’honneur dans le cadre de la 6ème édition du concours VEGEPOLYS VALLEY. Depuis 2016, le Pôle de compétitivité récompense les meilleures initiatives de startups (moins de 18 mois ou en cours de création) sur le thème de la production et des usages du végétal de demain. Myceliance (Les Ponts-de-Cé), Blue & Pastel (Villers-sur-Mer) et Romanesco (Saint-Malo) ont…
The color purple: Pantone crowns « Very Peri » as Color of the Year for 2022

Pantone has unveiled a new blue shade, Pantone 17-3938 Very Peri, a vibrant periwinkle blue hue with a violet-red undertone as its Color of the Year selection for 2022. For F&B applications, industry players believe this could boost social media activity, while eliciting themes of empowerment and immunity. Blending the faithfulness and constancy of blue with the energy and excitement of red, this happiest and warmest of all the blue hues introduces an…
NumAlim lance sa base UniversAlim – RIA – L’actualité de l’industrie agroalimentaire

Les industriels de l’agroalimentaire sont vivement invités à apporter leurs données produit à ce référentiel, qui se veut fiable et exhaustif. La plateforme NumAlim vient d’inaugurer officiellement son référentiel UniversAlim, avec le soutien de deux ministres, Julien Denormandie (agriculture et alimentation) et Agnès Pannier-Runacher (déléguée chargée…
SUN Eco – Aymeric Loloum, Algosource

(Vidéo) Microalgues, récompense et santé : nous recevions Aymeric Loloum, Directeur général d’Algosource, une société spécialisée dans les compléments alimentaires à base de microalgues. Son entreprise a été récompensée d’un Audacity award pour le travail qu’elle fait en collaboration avec le CHU de Nantes afin de soulager les patients des effets secondaires de la chimiothérapie.
Nouvel étiquetage des allergènes : aspects réglementaires et pratiques
Depuis 2012 et une certaine Opinion du CSSC, la question de l’étiquetage d’un nombre considérablement accru d’allergènes inquiète l’industrie cosmétique. D’études d’impacts de la Commission européenne en propositions de réglementations et en consultations des parties prenantes, les choses finissent par se…
Next plant-based phase to see « completely new foods » beyond meat mimics, flags Griffith Foods
Future plant-based foods will go beyond mimicking animal products, according to Griffith Foods, a specialist in texture, sauces and coating systems. The company flags that as more consumers grow up without meat as a reference, industry will proliferate with creative and cleaner label protein innovations. « Ford’s first Model…
Yemoja’s red microalgae simulate « bleeding » in plant-based meats

Israeli marine ingredient start-up Yemoja unveils its new red microalgae « Ounje » to infuse bloody juiciness to plant-based burgers and steaks for an authentic medium-rare experience. The formulation, which contains no artificial color additives, mimics the red juices of meat while boasting the claim that no animals were harmed in its making. Most products in this space are currently using beetroot juice and color additives. « We believe our algae can imbue…
Royal Avebe substantially increases its Solanic potato-protein production

Royal Avebe is substantially increasing its Solanic potato protein production to keep up with market demand for plant-based foods. Royal Avebe, a Dutch cooperative of starch potato growers whose potatoes are processed into high-quality food ingredients, invests this year € 66 million in its innovation and sustainability program. Most of these investments are linked to the Solanic potato protein capacity. The expansion will result…
Beneo Plans $34M Project to Boost Prebiotic Fibers Capacity

The company will increase production by 40% at its chicory root fiber plants in Chile and Belgium. Functional and specialty ingredients manufacturer Beneo revealed plans Tuesday to invest more than €30 million (about $34 million) to increase production capacity for prebiotic chicory root fiber by over 40% at its manufacturing facilities in…
DSM on track to acquire Vestkorn Milling, producer of pea and bean-derived ingredients

In yet another move to bolster their plant-based portfolio, DSM has signed an agreement to acquire Norwegian company Vestkorn Milling for €65 million (US$73 million). Vestkorn, based in Tau, producers of pea and bean-derived protein, starches and dietary fibers for plant-based products. “Increasingly, food and beverage producers around the world are looking to partners who can offer an integrated portfolio of ingredients, expertise and solutions to help…
Solabia-Algatech Nutrition launches astaxanthin blend for post-exercise muscle discomfort

Solabia-Algatech Nutrition introduced a multi-blend AstaPure Max, which is centered around its Astapure Arava whole-algae astaxanthin complex, designed to reduce post-exercise muscle pain and fatigue. Solabia-Algatech Nutrition (Kibbutz Ketura, Israel) introduced a multi-blend AstaPure Max, which is centered around its Astapure Arava whole-algae astaxanthin complex, designed to reduce post-exercise muscle pain…

Fondée en 2016, l’entreprise Algaia, spécialisée dans la transformation industrielle d’algues, connaît une croissance rapide. Elle poursuit sur cette lancée en innovant et en étoffant en permanence sa gamme de produits grâce à de nouveaux process développés en interne. « Notre entreprise a connu une croissance et une évolution rapides. Dès 2017, nous avons acquis un site industriel dans le Finistère, dans lequel nous transformons…
Les six demandes de la filière oléoprotéagineuse

Dans l’optique de la présidence française de l’Union Européenne, les représentants du secteur oléoprotéagineux ont dévoilé « six propositions pour une filière forte ». Cela passe notamment par la mise en place de clauses miroir aux frontières européennes et l’accès aux technologies les plus avancées de sélection variétale. Plus que quelques semaines avant que la France ne se retrouve au cœur de deux évènements politiques majeurs en 2022..
L’ANSM autorise un essai clinique pour un produit d’AlgoSource

La société au service de la santé par les microalgues AlgoSource a reçu l’autorisation de l’Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé (ANSM) pour réaliser l’étude clinique Property. Ce programme, initié en partenariat avec le CHU de Nantes (Loire-Atlantique), est destiné à évaluer la neurotoxicité chez des patients atteints de cancer gastro-intestinal métastasique prenant Phycocare ou un…
Seppic : Un ingrédient actif nutricosmétique pour un effet bonne mine naturel

Avec le lancement de Sepitone, le fournisseur français d’ingrédients de spécialité pour la santé et la beauté confirme son expertise nutricosmétique et propose une nouvelle solution naturelle pour obtenir un effet bonne mine naturel. Extrait de myrtilles sauvages : Sepitone a été conçu pour apporter les antioxydants permettant d’améliorer les trois paramètres définissant une peau belle et saine : l’uniformité et la couleur du teint…
Natural hydrocolloids: Nexira enters alt-dairy space with Unipektin acquisition
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Nexira, a global player in acacia fiber and natural plant-based ingredients for the food, nutrition and health industries, has acquired Switzerland-based Unipektin Ingredients, a company specializing in natural hydrocolloids, such as locust bean gum (LBG). The move propels Nexira into the dairy and plant-based alternatives scene as part of its diversification strategy. The terms of the transaction have not been disclosed. Speaking exclusively to FoodIngredientsFi…
Tarn. Les labos Pierre Fabre s’emparent du spécialiste de l’aromathérapie bio Ladrôme

Les labos Pierre Fabre de Castres (Tarn) achètent Ladrôme, une entreprise spécialisée dans les produits d’aromathérapie et de phytothérapie à base de plantes bio. Pierre Fabre Invest, filiale d’investissement dédiée du groupe Pierre Fabre, annonce une prise de participation majoritaire dans le capital du spécialiste de l’aromathérapie bio Ladrôme. Une étape supplémentaire du groupe pharmaceutique de Castres (Tarn) dans le marché de…
A comparative study of greener alternatives for nanocellulose production from sugarcane bagasse
Use of enzyme for extraction of nanocellulose from sugarcane bagasse is greener alternative. Literature indicates that effectiveness of these enzymes can be improved by auxiliary enzymes or mediators. In the current study, extraction of nanocellulose using laccase with these moderators, auxiliary enzyme…
Effectiveness of various solvents in the microwave-assisted extraction of cellulose from oil palm mesocarp fiber
Abstract Cellulose is a valuable resource for organic synthesis owing to its low cost, abundance, and sustainability. However, crystalline cellulose in lignocellulosic biomass is frequently smothered by the recalcitrant amorphous layers of lignin and hemicellulose that limit its extractability. Therefore, this…
Method for separating biomass from a solution comprising biomass and at least one aroma compound
The present invention relates to a method for separating biomass from a solution comprising biomass and at least one aroma compound comprising providing the solution comprising biomass and aroma compounds, lowering the pH value of the solution below 7 by adding at least one acid to the solution comprising…
Method for obtaining a botanical extract
The present invention discloses a method for preparing a botanical extract characterised in that it comprises the steps of: (a) extracting plant matter with ultrapure water, and separating the solid plant matter from the liquid fraction; (b) concentrating the liquid fraction; (c) purifying the liquid fraction obtained in step b)…
Pulsed electric field treatment enhances lipid bioaccessibility while preserving oxidative stability in Chlorella vulgaris
Highlights • PEF increased (~ 3-fold) the lipid bioaccessibility (BA) of Chlorella vulgaris. • Incubation after PEF is necessary to improve lipid BA. • The same lipid BA was reached with incubation at 25/37 °C for 12 h or 4 °C for 48 h. • Putative endogenous cell wall-degrading enzymes were identified with proteomics. • PEF…
Impact of deep eutectic solvents and their constituents on the aqueous solubility of phloroglucinol dihydrate
Phlorotannins are highly bioactive phenolic compounds mainly found in brown algae. Phloroglucinol is the basic unit from which phlorotannins polymerize. Deep eutectic solvents (DES) are potentially beneficial for increasing phenolics solubility, therefore good solvent candidates for phlorotannins extraction processes…
Green extraction and characterization of leaves phenolic compounds: a comprehensive review.
Although containing significant levels of phenolic compounds (PCs), leaves biomass coming from either forest, agriculture, or the processing industry are considered as waste, which upon disposal, brings in environmental issues. As the demand for PCs in functional food, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and cosmetic…
Ionic Liquids: Design and Applications
In this chapter, which is divided in two parts, several aspects concerning ionic liquids are discussed. Part one contains a brief history of the development of ionic liquids, their main physical properties, the most convenient ways to manipulate them, the most salient synthetic strategies for the preparation of ionic liquids, and…
Ionic liquid-based multi-stage sugaring-out extraction of lactic acid from simulated broth and actual lignocellulosic fermentation broth
In this study, ionic liquid-based sugaring-out extraction was developed to separate lactic acid from the synthetic solution and actual lignocellulosic fermentation broth. Except for [E OH mim]BF 4 , the ILs with BF 4 − and OTF − anion can form aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) with the aid of saccharides. With the..
Introduction to Membrane Distillation and Its Application in Emerging Contaminants Removal
Emerging contaminants (ECs) have huge impacts on all living beings, and conventional treatment processes like coagulation, precipitation, and chlorination have limited capability for removal. So, a tertiary and combined treatment process is required. Alternative treatment technologies include adsorption, chemical treatment…
Extract of plant powder, and water purifier
Provided are an extract, which is a fractionated component 1 of a water extract of a plant powder, wherein the fractionated component 1 is a fractionated component having a fractionation molecular weight of 12,000 or greater, wherein an ethanol-undissolved component of the fractionated component 1 exhibits a peak…
Citrus fruit coloring retardant and preparation method and use method thereof
The present disclosure discloses a citrus fruit coloring retardant, and the citrus fruit coloring retardant is a prepared indole-3-acetic acid solution with a concentration of 1,000 μM. The citrus fruit coloring retardant is prepared by weighing 3.504 g of indole-3-acetic acid powder, dissolving the powder in 10-15 mL of…
Deep Eutectic Solvents: The New Generation Sustainable and Safe Extraction Systems for Bioactive Compounds in Agri food sector: An Update
Extraction of functional and bioactive compounds with high volumes, quality and bioactivity to improve their delivery particularly in food applications has always been a priority in food chemistry. The continuous search for newer, more sophisticated extraction mediums with improved sustainability, extractability, stability…
Method for producing a protein sunflower concentrate
The invention relates to a method for producing a nutritive protein sunflower concentrate wherein sunflower seeds are dried at a temperature of 40-60°C followed by performing a wet-heat treatment at a temperature of 70-85°C, oil is extracted from a cake shell by organic solvent at a temperature of 55-60°C, then the solvent…
Optimization of ultrasonic-assisted enzymatic extraction of kiwi starch and evaluation of its structural, physicochemical, and functional characteristics.
A new ultrasound-assisted enzymatic extraction (UAEE) method of starch from kiwifruit was established and optimized using response surface methodology (RSM). Under optimal conditions (the pectinase-to-cellulase-to-papain ratio = 1:2:1 g/kg, solid/liquid ratio = 1:6.68, extraction pH = 5.23, ultrasound power = 300 W…
A Review on Recent Progress in Membrane Distillation Crystallization
Membrane distillation crystallization (MDC) is a promising hybrid separation technology that can play an important role in desalination, mineral recovery from liquid solution as well as in carbon dioxide fixation. MDC combines membrane distillation and crystallizer into one integrated unit that allows excellent recovery of…
A review on pectin extraction methods using lignocellulosic wastes
Agricultural lignocellulose wastes are highly applicable as a substrate for the production of value-added products (e.g., pectin). Pectin is widely used in the food industry, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic products. So, pectin extraction is of importance. The common method for pectin extraction is based on the acid hydrolysis…
Optimization of ultrasound-assisted enzymatic pretreatment for enhanced extraction of baicalein and wogonin from Scutellaria baicalensis roots.
It is of great theoretical interest and industrial significance to improve the extraction efficiency of baicalein and wogonin from Scutellaria baicalensis roots because of their high pharmacological activities. The present study was aimed to establish the optimized ultrasound-assisted enzymatic pretreatment (UAEP) process by…
Purification and extraction of cannabinoids
A method for purification and extraction of cannabinoids includes: providing a cannabis oil including phospholipids and cannabinoid acids; contacting the cannabis oil with a degumming solvent, wherein the degumming solvent and cannabis oil are substantially immiscible; and separating an aqueous phase…
Protein-rich product from brewer’s spent grain and method for producing same
The present technology generally relates to food-processing industry, namely to a method of processing brewer’s grains. The invention enables to increase the level of extracted food fractions of brewer’s grains up to 90-95% and to increase protein content in barley protein concentrate up to 50-65% wt (dry solid). The…
Forward osmosis (FO)-reverse osmosis (RO) hybrid process incorporated with hollow fiber FO
Currently, desalination is limited by high energy consumption and high operational and maintenance costs. In this study, a new concept of a hollow fiber forward osmosis (HFFO)-based infinity desalination process with minor environmental impacts (free-energy intake and no pretreatment or brine discharge) is suggested. To…
Effects of different extraction methods on the extraction yield, degradation of bixin and formation of harmful volatile compounds in the extracts from annatto seeds
Annatto is one of the most common natural colorants used in the food industry. However, the degradation of bixin (principle colour component) during the manufacturing and storage of annatto leads to the formation of undesirable volatile compounds which are harmful to human health. The aim of this study was to reduce…
Pilot scale production, extraction and purification of a thermostable phycocyanin from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803.
Phycocyanin (PC) is a soluble blue pigment-protein primarily harvested from the cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis. PC is in high demand from several industries, but its narrow stability range limits potential applications. Here, a pilot scale (120 L total) batch production, extraction and purification process for…
Recent advances of loose nanofiltration membranes for dye/salt separation
Highlights • The unique characteristic of loose NF is the functionality of selective separation for inorganic salts/organics. • The separation mechanisms of loose NF are mainly attributed to steric exclusion and electrostatic effect. • The precise separation of loose NF is a pressing issue for resource recovery…
Optimization of the multienzyme-assisted extraction procedure of bioactive compounds extracts from common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum M.) and evaluation of obtained extracts
Optimization of the extraction procedure using a multienzymes cocktail for common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum M.) is important due to the yield, fermentable sugars, oligosaccharides and bioactive compounds for creating higher added value products. This study was undertaken to find out the optimum multienzymes…
Simultaneous process optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction of polyphenols and ellagic acid from pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) flowers and its biological activities
This study was designed to optimize the extraction rate of total polyphenols and ellagic acid from pomegranate flowers. Single factors were investigated for liquid-to-material ratio (5–25), ethanol concentration (20%–60%), sonication time (5–60 min), and sonication power (150–500 W). The level range of the Box…
Towards greener approaches in the extraction of bioactives from lichens
Lichens are widely distributed symbiotic organisms producing unique chemical compounds with interesting biological properties. The secondary metabolites of lichens, which are tailored to live in the most extreme conditions, are highly attractive for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. The need for continuing…
Lutein extraction by imidazolium-based ionic liquid-water mixture from dried and fresh Chlorella sp.
Lutein is one of high-value added pigments from microalgae. Several energy-consuming methods for cell wall disruption have been developed due to the rigid cell wall of green algae. Ionic liquid – based approaches are considered as green technology for lutein extraction from microalgae. The structure and components of…
Ulva fenestrata protein – Comparison of three extraction methods with respect to protein yield and protein quality
Seaweed is gaining attention as a possible alternative and sustainable source of proteins. This study investigates three protein extraction methods and their effect on protein yield and quality when applied to Ulva fenestrata. Two of the methods included alkaline extractions (pH-shifts); one version solubilizing the…
Enhancing recovery of bioactive compounds from Cosmos caudatus leaves via ultrasonic extraction
Cosmos caudatus (C. caudatus) is a medicinal plant that is high in bioactive compounds such as phenolics. In this study, an ultrasound extraction method was used to optimise the extraction of bioactive compounds from C. caudatus leaves. Response surface methodology (RSM) based on a Box-Behnken design (BBD) was…
Three-liquid-phase extraction and re-partition as an integrated process for simultaneous extraction and separation of lithospermic acid B and tanshinone IIA
Lithospermic acid B (LAB) and tanshinone IIA (Tan IIA) are main bioactive components in Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge which is a traditional Chinese herb. Three-liquid-phase extraction and re-partition as an integrated process was designed for simultaneous extraction and fractionation of LAB and Tan IIA from Salvia…
Cytinus hypocistis (L.) L.: Optimised heat/ultrasound-assisted extraction of tannins by response surface methodology
Tannins are a class of phenolic compounds commonly found in plants and studied for their bioactive and inhibitory enzyme properties. Cytinus hypocistis (L.) L. is a wild edible parasitic plant whose biological properties have been correlated with its high tannin content. Thus, studying the extraction of tannins from…
The optimization of ultrasonic-assisted extraction of Centaurea sp. antioxidative phenolic compounds using response surface methodology
The current investigation aims to optimize the extraction of leaf phenolics of Centaurea sp. and to propose a scientific basis for an optimal collection of this plant. Centaurea sp. samples were collected regularly over seven months from January to July 2017 (the non-estivation period). They were then subjected to…
Robust and recyclable magnetic nanobiocatalysts for extraction of anthocyanin from black rice
Anthocyanins, which are natural pigments and nutraceuticals, can be extracted from plant materials using enzyme-assisted methods. However, the enzymes used are often expensive, fragile, and hard to recover/reuse. In this study, cellulase and α-amylase were immobilized on amino-functionalized magnetic…
Optimization of the extraction process of flavonoids from Trollius ledebouri with natural deep eutectic solvents
In recent years, natural deep eutectic solvents have been favored greatly due to their environment friendly, mild biological toxicity and simple biodegradability. NADESs gradually applied for the extracting bioactive compounds from natural products efficiently. In this study, 20 natural deep eutectic solvents were…
Extraction of phenolic compounds from oregano using high voltage electrical discharges – sustainable perspective
The aim of the study was to observe the sustainability parameters of high voltage electrical discharge (HVED) as a novel technology for extraction of phenolic compounds from oregano. The life cycle assessment (LCA) of HVED was evaluated and compared with conventional extraction methods – infusion and maceration. The…
Enzyme-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds and proteins from sugarcane bagasse using a low-cost cocktail from Auricularia fuscosuccinea
Sugarcane bagasse is the major by-product of the sugarcane industry and it can serve as a substrate for biotechnological processes for obtaining value-added products. This study gave multiple adding values to sugarcane bagasse using it in two separate bioprocesses. Sugarcane bagasse was used as a substrate for…
Plant-derived rubisco protein purification
The disclosure describes methods for the purification of protein-enriched extracts to provide concentrates and isolates and methods for incorporation of such materials into products. The purification methods are adapted for removal of, e.g., chlorophyll and may thus provide lightening the color of the protein-enriched extracts…
Current Status and Future Trend of Dominant Commercial Reverse Osmosis Membranes.
Since 2000, seawater reverse osmosis method has been a dominant desalination technology against the distillation method in the global market. The large project called \ »Mega-SWRO\ » (half mega-ton per day and larger) plant in the Middle East is quite popular making full use of the combination with solar energy. Today…
Sustainable Technological Methods for the Extraction of Phytochemicals from Citrus Byproducts
Citrus fruits are products of great market values, as used by the juice industry in huge quantities. The juice industry processes millions of tons of citrus fruits per year, but only the pulp is utilized, whereas peels, seeds, and membrane residues are mostly discarded. This generates vast amounts of byproducts (>100 million…
Antioxidant neoagarooligosaccharides (NAOs) and dietary fiber production from red algae Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis using enzyme assisted one-step process
Highlights • Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis is firstly used to produce neoagarooligosaccharides (NAOs) and dietary fibre simultaneously. • NAOs have antioxidant activities in DPPH, ABTS and free radical scavenging experiments. • Dietary fibre from G. lemaneiformis has water holding capacity and oil holding capacity at the…
Extraction of bioactive compounds from plant materials using combination of various novel methods: A review
Highlights • The various conventional techniques for extraction of bioactive compounds are reviewed. • The paper also reviewed the various novel technologies for extraction of bioactive compounds. • The focus of the paper is combined novel technologies for extraction of bioactive compounds. • Efficiency of the extraction…
Survey on different polyphenol extraction methods from avocado seed (Persea americana Mill) and assay on their antioxidant and acute toxicity activities
A comprehensive investigation of extraction methods on the efficiency of the total polyphenol contents (TPC) and antioxidant activities for both avocado seed groups with and without removing antinutrients (signed as groups A and B) and assessing acute toxicity on the extraction products. The Soxhlet extraction showed the…
Chemistry, Biological Activities, and Uses of Ficus carica Latex
Ficus carica L. (Moraceae), also known as the common fig, is the most relevant fig species. It is valued both as food and as medicine. Fig contains milky latex in all parenchymatous tissues, which consists of the cytoplasmic content of laticifers and is leaked in response to physical damage. In this book chapter, aspects…
Determination of Some Physicochemical Properties and Anthocyanin Extraction Conditions of Rosa damascena Mill.
In this study, some physicochemical and bioactive properties of Rosa damascena Mill. and the effect of different extraction methods and conditions on total monomeric anthocyanin extraction were investigated. The average petal weights, petal areas, L *, a *, and b * values, dry matter, pH, titration acidity, L-ascorbic acid…
Chickpea protein ingredients: A review of composition, functionality, and applications
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is a pulse consumed all over the world, representing a good source of protein, as well as fat, fiber, and other carbohydrates. As a result of the growing global population the demand for the protein component of this pulse is increasing and various approaches have been proposed and developed…
Corn protein isolate: characteristic analysis, functional properties and utilization in beverage formulation
The study demonstrates the analysis of novel protein isolated from corn oil cake. The protein has been extracted from the industrial by-product and was formulated to make out a supplement that could potentially solve the malnourished cases. The protein was extracted using isoelectric precipitation method. The…
Ultrasonic-treated fucoidan as a promising therapeutic agent.
Fucoidans represent the sulfated heteropolysaccharides that possess a wide range of important pharmacological properties. The properties of a fucoidan depend on several factors, including the molecular weight and the way of extraction. However, the selection of an optimal depolymerization method is…
Insecticidal effect of ethnobotanical plant extracts against Anopheles arabiensis under laboratory conditions.
The emergence and spread of resistant strains of malaria vectors to chemical insecticides are becoming major problems for malaria vector management. Natural plant products have a vital role to play in the current challenge of malaria control. The current study was conducted to evaluate insecticidal effect of…
Annual protein yield and extractable protein potentials in three legumes and two grasses.
New protein sources with low environmental and climatic impact are needed. Perennial crops show advantages as compared to annual crops and the upcoming biorefinery technology can extract proteins from the perennial biomass for protein concentrate production. The search for best-suited biomass crops needs…
Encapsulation of mangosteen pericarp anthocyanin-rich extract by spray drying
Mangosteen pericarp anthocyanin-rich extract (MPA) was encapsulated by maltodextrin dextrose equivalent 20 (MD20) combined with gum arabic (GA), inulin (IN) or pectin (PEC) using spray drying. The highest encapsulation efficiency and anthocyanin content exhibited MD20:PEC and MD20:IN combinations. The…
Improving oxidative stability of foods with apple-derived polyphenols.
Consumers demand healthy and natural food products. Thus, naturally derived antioxidants are emerging as a promising alternative to the use of present ingredients. Apples and apple derivative products (e.g., apple juice, apple cider, apple sauce, and others) are widely consumed throughout the world for a variety of…
Recent advances in polysaccharides from edible and medicinal Polygonati rhizoma: From bench to market.
Although the increasing studies have corroborated the biological activities and great market utilization value of polysaccharide fractions derived from Polygonati rhizome, a well-known edible and medicinal plant, Polygonati rhizome polysaccharides (PRPs) still lack sufficient attention. Herein, we make attempt to…
Evaluation of Geum urbanum L. extracts with respect to their antimicrobial potential
Preparations derived from roots and rhizomes of Geum urbanum L. are traditionally used for the treatment of ulcers and irritations of mucous membranes of the mouth, stomach, and intestinal tract. In complementary medicine, fermentation is one of the methods applied to recover plant extracts used for the production of…
Safety and efficacy of a feed additive consisting of a tincture from the bark of Cinnamomum verum J. Presl (cinnamon tincture) for use in all animal species (FEFANA asbl)
Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the safety and efficacy of a tincture from the bark of Cinnamomum verum J. Presl (cinnamon tincture) when used as a…
Recent advances in industrial applications of seaweeds.
Seaweeds have been generally utilized as food and alternative medicine in different countries. They are specifically used as a raw material for wine, cheese, soup, tea, noodles, etc. In addition, seaweeds are potentially good resources of protein, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids and dietary…
Peanut protein: an underutilized byproduct with great potential- a review
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is the fourth important oilseed in the world. After oil extraction, defatted peanut is a protein-rich byproduct containing around 50% of protein that can enable the production of protein isolates (90% protein) and concentrates (70% protein). Peanut protein has an excellent amino acids profile, a…
From green to blue economy: Marine biorefineries for a sustainable ocean-based economy
Despite being a vital asset for global sustenance and economy, ocean aquatic ecosystems are in danger due to the effects of incorrect management of their resources, pollution, and climate change. Considering the seafood industry discards half of its fish-product mass in the ocean, a proper valorization of its residues…
Extraction, isolation and identification of four phenolic compounds from Pleioblastus amarus shoots and their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in vitro.
Pleioblastus amarus (P. amarus) shoots, belong to the grass family Gramineae, a traditional green vegetable in China, are rich in nutritional properties, and can provide various health benefits. This study isolated four compounds, namely (1-4), 3-O-coumaroylquinic acid (1), 3-O-feruloylquinic acid (2), 4-O-feruloylquinic acid…
Dry bean proteins: extraction methods, functionality, and application in products for human consumption
Background and Objectives Legume proteins, such as those from dried beans, are extracted by methods that can be divided into aqueous or dry fractionation processes. Several techniques have been studied to improve protein extraction in legumes and their functional properties. This article provides relevant information on…
A natural source of saponin: Comprehensive study on interfacial properties of Chubak (Acanthophyllum Glandulosum) root extract and related saponins
Chubak (Acanthophyllum Caryophyllaceae) is a shrubby plant with saponin-rich roots. This feature makes this plant to a new source of natural surfactant. This article presents some basic information about the surface activity of Chubak root extract (CRE) and the corresponding purified saponin. The Calendasaponin B and…
Berberine as a Potential Anticancer Agent: A Comprehensive Review.
Berberine (BBR), a potential bioactive agent, has remarkable health benefits. A substantial amount of research has been conducted to date to establish the anticancer potential of BBR. The present review consolidates salient information concerning the promising anticancer activity of this compound. The…
Pharmacological Activities and Characterization of Phenolic and Flavonoid Compounds in Methanolic Extract of Euphorbia cuneata Vahl Aerial Parts.
Euphorbia cuneata Vahl. (Euphorbiaceae) is a plant used in folk medicine for the treatment of pain and inflammation, although the biological basis for these effects has not been thoroughly investigated. The goal of this study was to investigate the pharmacological properties and characterization of phenolic and flavonoid…
Inhibition of corrosion of API K55 steel by tannin from Acacia mearnsii bark in highly acidic medium
The corrosion inhibiting effect of the tannin from Acacia mearnsii bark on API 5CT K55 steel, used for casing in the oil and gas industry, was investigated in 1 M HCl medium with different tannin concentrations. Corrosion was monitored by electrochemical tests using potentiodynamic polarization (PP) and electrochemical…
From seaweeds to cosmeceutics: A multidisciplinar approach
Macroalgae are widespread on the coasts of all the globe and lead to a negative ecological impact, requiring expensive remediations. Therefore, the valorization of invasive seaweed as a renewable source of bioactive products could represent a valid solution. In this context, three algal biomasses, belonging to brown, green…
Azelaic acid: A bio-based building block for biodegradable polymers
Azelaic acid is a dicarboxylic acid containing nine C atoms, industrially obtained from oleic acid. Besides its important properties and pharmacological applications, as an individual compound, azelaic acid has proved to be a valuable bio-based monomer for the synthesis of biodegradable and sustainable polymers, plasticizers…
Gracilaria gracilis (Gracilariales, rhodophyta) from dakhla (southern moroccan atlantic coast) as source of agar: Content, chemical characteristics, and gelling properties
Agar is a sulfated polysaccharide extracted from certain marine red algae, and its gel properties depend on the seaweed source and extraction conditions. In the present study, the seaweed Gracilaria gracilis (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) from Dakhla (Moroccan Atlantic Coast) was investigated for its agar content…
Malva parviflora leaves mucilage: An eco-friendly and sustainable biopolymer with antioxidant properties
Malva parviflora L. is an edible and medicinal herb containing mucilaginous cells in its leaves. Mucilage obtained from M. parviflora leaves (MLM) was extracted in distilled water (1:10 w/v) at 70 °C followed by precipitation with alcohol. Preliminary phytochemical tests were performed to assess the purity of the…
Exploring the potential of icelandic seaweeds extracts produced by aqueous pulsed electric fields-assisted extraction for cosmetic applications
A growing concern for overall health is driving a global market of natural ingredients not only in the food industry but also in the cosmetic field. In this study, a screening on potential cosmetic applications of aqueous extracts from three Icelandic seaweeds produced by pulsed electric fields (PEF) was performed. Produced…
Preparation of euyrycoma longifolia Jack (E.L) Tongkat Ali (Ta) root extract hydrogel for wound application
Background: It is undeniable that a lot of patients worldwide suffer from different types of wounds. The complex process of wound healing has a severe effect on the life quality of patients as well as causing an economic load on healthcare institutions. Although the availability of various therapies for managing patients…
Potential of ethanolic extract from ripe Musa balbisiana colla fruit using ultrasound-assisted extraction as an antioxidant and anti-gout
Plant extracts or their secondary metabolites have functioned as antioxidants in phytotherapy drugs which function as protection against various diseases related to oxidative stress and free radicals. Free radicals play an important role in the initiation and development of various diseases, one of which is uric acid. His study…
Purification, structural characterization, and anti-inflammatory effects of a novel polysaccharide isolated from orostachys fimbriata
The present study elucidated the structural characteristics and anti-inflammatory activity of a novel polysaccharide isolated from Orostachys fimbriata, which is a traditional Chinese medicinal plant. O. fimbriata polysaccharide (OFP) was extracted and subsequently purified by chromatog-raphy using a DEAE cellulose…
Screening of bioactivity-oriented extraction approach and quality control standards of lotus leaf extracts with dual functions
In the present study, various lotus leaf extracts were prepared by multiple methods, characterized by 12 alkaloids, 14 flavonoids, and superoxide anion radical scavenging (OS) and xanthine oxidase inhibitory (XOI) activities, and divided into 3/4 groups with different characteristics. Both alkaloids and flavonoids contributed…
Gallotannin-enriched fraction from quercus infectoria galls as an antioxidant and inhibitory agent against human glioblastoma multiforme
In recent years, herbal medicine has experienced rapid development in the search for alternative anticancer compounds. Various phytochemicals present in Quercus infectoria (QI) galls have been reported to trigger cytotoxic effects on many types of cancer cells. However, a specific active constituent of QI galls with the…
In vitro bioactive properties of the tamarind (Tamarindus indica) leaf extracts and its application for preservation at room temperature of an indigenous roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa)-based drink
“Foléré” is an indigenous roselle-based drink produced in the Northern part of Cameroon for commercial purposes; however, its poor hygienic quality and short shelf-life are over time harmful for consumers’ health and producers’ incomes. In the context of increasing concern on the safety of chemical additives and at the…
Structural properties and antioxidant activity of polysaccharides extracted from Laminaria japonica using various methods
Polysaccharides in brown algae, including the kelp Laminaria japonica, are economically important to both food and pharmaceutical industries. The method used to extract polysaccharides significantly influences their characteristics and functions. In this study, L. japonica polysaccharides (LJP) were extracted using four…
Techno-economic analysis of a new downstream process for the production of astaxanthin from the microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis
The biotechnological production of the carotenoid astaxanthin is done with the microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis (H. pluvialis). Under nutrient deficiency and light stress, H. pluvialis accumulates astaxanthin intracellularly and forms a resistant cyst cell wall that impedes direct astaxanthin extraction. Therefore, a…
Valorization of products from grounded-coffee beans
The valorisation of ground coffee beans is discussed in two parts; the first research question relates to the extraction of cold brew from ground coffee beans to provide a healthy cold beverage. Two parameters were investigated: temperature, and the ratio of ground coffee beans to water. This work suggests that cold brew…
Phenolic profile, antioxidant and enzyme inhibition properties of seed methanolic extract of seven new Sunflower lines: From fields to industrial applications
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L) is ranked among the leading high-quality edible oil plant and known to possess notable nutritional, culinary and medicinal benefits. This study was aimed to evaluate the phenolic content and profile of methanolic extract from seeds of new seven Sunflower lines as well as their antioxidant…
Techno-economic and environmental assessment of novel biorefinery designs for sequential extraction of high-value biomolecules from brown macroalgae Laminaria digitata, Fucus vesiculosus, and Saccharina latissima
This study aims to contribute to the sustainable development of blue growth in Europe via cascade biorefineries of native seaweed bioresources by investigating the economic viability and environmental sustainability of three conceptual macroalgal biorefinery systems that utilize endemic brown macroalgae…
Phlorotannins: A review of extraction methods, structural characteristics, bioactivities, bioavailability, and future trends
Background: In recent years, phlorotannins, a class of polyphenols with strong biological properties derived from brown algae and not present in terrestrial organisms, have attracted widespread attention due to their broad application prospects. Scope and approach: This review focuses on the extraction methods of…
Extraction, isolation and structural characterization of two triterpenoid glycosides from the fruits of Ficus bengalensis
Ficus bengalensis (F. bengalensis) is a popular medicinal plant species used extensively in the Ayurveda treatment as hypoglycemic, diuretic, tonic, rheumatism, astringent, and inflammation. The goal of this study is to separate and characterize – compounds from fruits of the selected F. bengalensis. The dried fruits coarse…
Oat protein as plant-derived gelling agent: Properties and potential of modification
The need for finding sustainable alternatives to animal originated proteins accelerates the development of plant-based innovations. Oat proteins are potential candidates as performance ingredient for tailoring taste and texture. Therefore, the ability of an oat protein isolate (OPI) and two oat protein hydrolysates to form…
Structural properties and antioxidant activities of polysaccharides isolated from sunflower meal after oil extraction
Making full use of sunflower seeds, including oil and the polysaccharides extracted from the meals which oil has been extracted, is one way to enhance their industrial value. Such meals contain abundant polysaccharides; however, the application of polysaccharides isolated from sunflower remaining meals after…
Intensification of imperatorin extraction from Aegle marmelos by ultrasound assisted three phase partitioning: Comparative studies and exploring its ethnomedicinal uses
The current work demonstrates the use of a hybrid technique where ultrasound was coupled with three phase partitioning (UA-TPP) to intensify the extraction of imperatorin from fruits of A. marmelos. The optimized parameters obtained were ultrasound time 30 min, ammonium sulphate mass fraction 30 % (w/v), biomass…
The determination of antioxidant activity of ethanol extracts of gynostemma pentaphyllum
Inflammatory reactions of active radicals play a primary role in many vital circumstances, and if they are not neutralized and persist in the body, many diseases will occur. Antioxidants are the very critical resources available in the body to eliminate these free radicals. Medicinal herbs have been used extensively in the…
Red and white wine lees as a novel source of emulsifiers and foaming agents
Wine lees are an under-exploited sludge-like material mainly consisting of yeast cells that, upon fermentation, settle at the bottom of wine tanks. Lees from commercial red and white winemaking were processed to yield mannoprotein-rich extracts. An established autoclave-based extraction protocol, as well as a simplified…
Alkaline-extracted thinned young apple polyphenols as an effective scavenger against nitrite in pickles: A comparative study with ethanol-extracted polyphenols
Pickles are popular fermented vegetable products worldwide. However, nitrite residue in pickles has caused a major safety concern. In this study, we adopted 80% ethanol solution (v/v) and 4N NaOH solution as solvents to extract polyphenols from thinned young apples, and the resulting polyphenols were designated EEP…
Isolation, purification and identification of biological compounds from Beauveria sp. and their evaluation as insecticidal effectiveness against Bemisia tabaci
Bemisia tabaci is one of the most notorious agricultural pests in the world. A vicious circle among insect resistance, dose increased, environment and human body impaired as the overuse of synthetic pesticides are becoming increasingly evident. Entomopathogenic Beauveria sp. is known as an effective natural enemy to…
A review of anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory effects of Allium cepa and its main constituents.
Allium cepa L. (Liliaceae), known as onion, is consumed throughout the world. Onion and its derivatives including saponins, aglycones, quercetin, cepaenes, flavonoids, organosulfurs, and phenolic compounds, showed various pharmacological properties and therapeutic effects.
Phytochemical constituents and biological activities of Salvia macrosiphon Boiss.
Salvia macrosiphon Boiss. is an aromatic perennial herb belonging to the family Lamiaceae. Phytochemical studies and biological activities of this plant have been rarely documented in the literature. The current study aimed to investigate antibacterial and cytotoxic activity of different fractions of aerial parts of S. macrosiphon…
Optimization of subcritical water extraction of phenolic compounds from Ziziphus jujuba using response surface methodology: evaluation of thermal stability and antioxidant activity
Background: The jujube is mainly grown in the subtropical and tropical regions of Asia. Due to owning bioactive compounds such as polyphenols, it was considered as medicinal and nutritional plant in traditional medicine. This study aimed to extract phenolic compounds from Ziziphus jujuba using subcritical water (SCW)…
The impact of the extraction methods on the antioxidant potential of extracts from selected plants
The paper evaluates the effect of the extraction method on the antioxidant potential of extracts from 8 plants. The extracts were extracted cold and hot. The antioxidant properties were determined based on the content of polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins and the value of the reduction power. It was shown that the highest…
Analysis of the lipid extraction performance in a cascade process for Scenedesmus almeriensis biorefinery
Background: Microalgae have attracted considerable interest due to their ability to produce a wide range of valuable compounds. Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF) has been demonstrated to effectively disrupt the microalgae cells and facilitate intracellular extraction. To increase the commercial viability of microalgae, the…
Isolation, characterization and prediction of biologically active glycoside compounds quercetin-3-rutinoside from the fruits of Ficus sycomorus.
Ficus sycomorus (F. sycomorus) is a medicinal plant which has been used traditionally for its medicinal benefits as metabolic, cardiovascular, respiratory, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory remedy. Therefore the present work was designed to isolate and characterize antibacterial compounds from the fruits of F. …
Optimization the extraction of anthocyanins from blueberry residue by dual-aqueous phase method and cell damage protection study
Blueberry residue is usually discarded as waste, but has a high anthocyanins content. The extraction method of anthocyanins from blueberry residue with ultrasonic assisted dual-aqueous phase system was optimized. In terms of the principle of central group and design (CCD) experimental design, three-factor and five-level…
Purification, structural characterization and antioxidant activity of a new arabinogalactan from Dorema ammoniacum gum.
Gum ammoniacum is a polymer obtained from Dorema ammoniacum and its medicinal use was already known to the ancient times. In this study, a new D. ammoniacum carbohydrate (DAC-1) with a molecular weight of 27.1 kDa was extracted by hot water and then purified on DEAE-52-cellulose and Sephadex G…
Old wine in new bottles: kaempferol is a promising agent for treating the trilogy of liver diseases.
As a source of various compounds, natural products have long been important and valuable for drug development. Kaempferol (KP) is the most common flavonol with bioactive activity and has been extracted from many edible plants and traditional Chinese medicines. It has a wide range of pharmacological effects…
Antibacterial activity of curcumin and its essential nanoformulations against some clinically important bacterial pathogens: A comprehensive review
Multidrug resistant bacterial infections can kill 700,000 individuals globally each year and is considered among the top ten global health threats faced by humanity as the arsenal of antibiotics is becoming dry and alternate antibacterial molecule is in demand. Nanoparticles of curcumin exhibit appreciable broad spectrum…
Algal biomass valorisation to high-value chemicals and bioproducts: recent advances, opportunities and challenges
Highlights • Applications of algae as valuable products instead of biofuel are more profitable. • Algal lipids can be applied for the production of PUFAs and oleochemicals. • Algal sugars can be utilized for the synthesis of value-added platform chemicals. • Algal proteins have the potential to be converted to N-containing…
Extraction and characterization of arabinoxylans obtained from nixtamalized brewers’ spent grains.
The processes to obtain value-added products from brewers’ spent grain, a contaminant industrial waste, require alkaline non-ecofriendly pre-treatments. The arabinoxylans from brewers’ spent grain were extracted by nixtamalization evaluating the extraction procedure, antioxidant capacity and molecular characteristics…
Astaxanthin: A super antioxidant from microalgae and its therapeutic potential
Astaxanthin is a ketocarotenoid, super antioxidant molecule. It has higher antioxidant activity than a range of carotenoids, thus has applications in cosmetics, aquaculture, nutraceuticals, therapeutics, and pharmaceuticals. Naturally, it is derived from Haematococcus pluvialis via a one-stage process or two-stage…
Exhausteur de goût Analyse PESTEL du marché, analyse SWOT, TCAC et étude de la chaîne de valeur jusqu’en 2028 | Fufeng, Meihua, Ajinomoto Group
Un nouveau rapport de recherche intitulé Global Exhausteur de goût Market 2021 propose une analyse complète et détaillée qui prend en compte un large éventail de facteurs affectant l’industrie pour fournir une prévision toujours pour l’année 2028. Le rapport se concentre sur les activités actuelles et les progrès…
Global Black Currant Seed Oil Market: Driving Factors, Market Analysis, Investment Feasibility & Trends 2026
The report published by In4Research on Black Currant Seed Oil Market is the most reliable information source as the study relies on a specific research methodology that focuses on both primary and secondary sources. The primary source, including interviews with company executives and representatives, and…
Market Prospects of Membrane Contactors
This chapter is a comprehensive overview from market shares and growth opportunities of membrane contactor markets related to water and wastewater treatment and food and beverage processing industries by product type, application, key manufacturers, and key regions and countries. This chapter especially…
Seaweed Protein Market Trend, COVID-19 Impact, Current Industry Figures With Demand By Countries And Future Growth 2026 – Northwest Diamond Notes

The Seaweed Protein market 2021 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, forecast to 2026 report sheds light on factors that are positively and negatively impacting the industry growth trajectory. Moreover, the study also offers a detailed assessment of various market segments to ascertain the profitable prospects available in this domain. According to experts, Seaweed Protein market size is estimated to amass…
Le marché des filtres à bande horizontaux enregistrera une croissance inébranlable au cours de la période 2021-2028

Un Nouveau rapport de veille sur le mondial Filtres à bande horizontaux Marché a récemment été ajouté à la Dynamique Référentiel de Rapports et a été publié afin de donner une exclusivité sur les mains de référence pour les différentes dynamiques du marché qui permettra à fort potentiel de croissance dans le global Filtres à bande horizontaux…
Paysage régional du marché de la zéaxanthine, méthodologie de recherche, opportunités commerciales, statistiques et analyse d’ici 2028

Un rapport d’étude de marché mondial sur la zéaxanthine offre aux responsables marketing et commerciaux une plate-forme pour obtenir des informations critiques sur leurs consommateurs afin que les clients existants puissent être conservés et que de nouveaux puissent embarquer. Qu’il s’agisse de rechercher de nouvelles tendances de produits ou d’analyser la concurrence d’un marché existant ou émergent, un excellent document de marché contient…
Marché de l’oryzénine Dernières innovations et tendances 2021-2028 | Ribus, Inc., Bioway (Xi’An) Organic Ingredients Co., Ltd, Axiom Foods

Pour connaître le marché en profondeur, le rapport d’étude de marché est la solution parfaite. Un rapport tel que Oryzenin Market aide à savoir comment le marché va se comporter au cours des années de prévision en donnant des informations sur la définition du marché, les classifications, les applications et les engagements. La segmentation du marché est également couverte en détail en tenant compte de plusieurs aspects qui ne manqueront pas d’aider…
Aperçu du marché Protéines Fonctionnelles, analyse des prévisions de tendances par les principaux fabricants

Le dernier rapport sur le marché Protéines Fonctionnelles évalue la taille actuelle du marché et décrit les facteurs nécessaires tels que les principaux fabricants, la valeur de la production, la part de marché, les régions clés et le taux de croissance. Il se concentre également davantage sur les statistiques actuelles de l’industrie mondiale Protéines Fonctionnelles. Le rapport fournit une évaluation détaillée de la dynamique clé du marché et une analyse qualitative…
Extrait d’arvense équésetum. Le marché devrait observer une croissance spectaculaire de 2021 à 2027
Globale Extrait d’arvense équésetum. Le rapport sur le marché est une étude approfondie de l’état actuel visant les principaux moteurs, stratégies de marché et la croissance des principaux acteurs. L’étude porte également sur les réalisations importantes du marché, la recherche et l’amp; Développement, lancement…
Bioactive Ingredients Market : Industry Analysis & Opportunities-DataM Intelligence
The Global Bioactive Ingredients Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.8% during the forecasting period (2021-2028). Bioactive substances are any substances that are delivered to food and feed merchandise with a focal point on enhancing the bodily and physiologic health of the clients. These are derived from plant…
Re-evaluation of thaumatin (E 957) as food additive.
The present opinion deals with the re-evaluation of thaumatin (E 957) when used as a food additive. Thaumatin is a natural plant protein, consisting of thaumatin I and thaumatin II proteins together with minor amounts of plant constituents, obtained by acidic aqueous extraction of the arils of the fruit of…
BENEO survey shows positive ageing driving demand for healthier nutrition

Bioactive substances are any substances that are delivered to food and feed merchandise with a focal point on enhancing the bodily and physiologic health of the clients. These are derived from plant, animal, marine, or microbial assets and are used in a huge spectrum of meals categories consisting of useful ingredients and liquids, nutritional supplements, and infant nutrients…
Croissance potentielle du marché de l’aromathérapie, part, demande et analyse des principaux acteurs – Prévisions d’analyse jusqu’en 2028

Le rapport marketing gagnant sur l’aromathérapie prend en compte plusieurs facteurs de base, à savoir le type de marché, la taille de l’organisation, la disponibilité sur site, le type d’organisation des utilisateurs finaux et la disponibilité dans des régions telles que l’Amérique du Nord, l’Amérique du Sud, l’Europe, l’Asie-Pacifique et Moyen-Orient et Afrique. Ce rapport sur le marché fonctionne comme une ressource exceptionnelle qui fournit des détails techniques…
Biotech industrielle : » Nous entrevoyons notre futur en regardant du côté de la pharma «

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à Info-Chimie) Avec une vingtaine d’années de décalage, les acteurs du financement des biotechs industrielles s’inspirent des pratiques de leurs confrères de la pharma. C’est ainsi que Sofinnova Partners continue de se spécialiser et annonce la création d’un troisième fonds d’amorçage dédié à la biotech industrielle, en attendant, peut-être, de financer des étapes de développement…
Glycérine végétale de qualité alimentaire Aperçu du marché et analyse commerciale détaillée jusqu’en 2027
Le rapport sur le marché mondial de Glycérine végétale de qualité alimentaire fournit une étude de recherche complète, y compris des estimations précises du taux de croissance du marché pour la période 2021-2026. Le rapport couvre des données complètes sur les tendances émergentes, les moteurs du marché, les…