Bonjour à tous,
N’hésitez pas à venir nous rencontrer au Salon Agro Hauts-de-France le 23 mai prochain à Saint-Laurent-Blangy (près d’Arras). Il a pour ambition de mettre en relation les industriels de la filière agro-alimentaire avec leurs fournisseurs, toutes thématiques confondues (équipements, maintenance, ingénierie, RH, QHSE, logistique, emballages, énergie, etc.): https://salonagro-hdf.fr/ . Sur place vous pourrez également profiter du Rendez-Vous Formulation organisé par l’Adrianor, dédié quant à lui aux ingrédients : information et inscription en suivant ce lien vers l’Adrianor.
Bonne lecture
Dr Hélène DUCATEL, Directrice innovation d’Extractis
Hello everyone,
Please do not hesitate to come and meet us at the Salon Agro Hauts-de-France on May 23 in Saint-Laurent-Blangy (near Arras). Its ambition is to connect manufacturers in the agri-food sector with their suppliers, all themes combined (equipment, maintenance, engineering, HR, QHSE, logistics, packaging, energy, etc.): https://salonagro-hdf.fr/. On site, you can also take advantage of the Formulation Meeting organized by Adrianor, dedicated to ingredients: information and registration by following this link to Adrianor.
Good reading
Dr Hélène DUCATEL, Extractis innovation Director |
La marque de soins premium Graine de Pastel veut gagner en visibilité

Créée sur les vertus nutritives de l’huile vierge de pastel, la marque occitane Graine de Pastel délivre depuis 2003 une large gamme de soins experts pour la peau du visage et du corps. Engagée et militante pour une cosmétique naturelle issue de l’agriculture locale, elle déploie aujourd’hui une plus grande visibilité pour promouvoir ses valeurs…
2 millions d’euros mobilisés pour le pôle alimentaire

En ce jeudi 5 avril, a eu lieu une visite des locaux avec les élus et dirigeants de la communauté des communes, Frédéric Ré, président, Robert Maisonneuve, vice président, Jérome Ganiot, directeur, Florent Lassalle, responsable des travaux. Jérôme Ganiot, directeur de la communauté de communes, fait d’abord l’historique, depuis…
Groupe Berkem étend son réseau de distribution dédié à ses ingrédients cosmétiques en signant un partenariat avec Kreglinger pour le Royaume-Uni

Groupe Berkem, acteur de référence de la chimie du végétal (FR00140069V2 – ALKEM), annonce aujourd’hui avoir signé un accord de distribution avec Kreglinger, acteur majeur de la distribution d’ingrédients de spécialités, pour l’ensemble de ses ingrédients cosmétiques à destination du marché britannique. Éric MOUSSU, Directeur Commercial…
Alban Muller’s natural & multifunctional formulation ingredients

Natural solutions to substitute synthetic formulation ingredients to bring naturality and transparency to your cosmetics.To answer the naturality expectations of customers, Alban Muller developed a range of natural solutions to substitute synthetic formulation ingredients in cosmetic formulas. Alongside Amigum™, our well-known gelling active, Alban Muller’s range of…
Alternative Proteins Association urges UK gov to back plant-based meat amid new research

The British Alternative Proteins Association (APA) is calling on the UK government to proactively support the alternative protein industry after new research found a strong appetite among English consumers for plant-based meat alternatives. According to the research, the vast majority (96%) of consumers are familiar with plant-based meat alternatives and over 70%…
Azelis deepens roots in Latin America with the acquisition of Vogler in Brazil

BRAZIL- Azelis, a global multi-industry ingredients company headquartered in Belgium, recently signed an agreement to acquire the majority shares of Vogler Ingredients Ltda, a legendary specialty distributor of food ingredients in Brazil. The two companies expect the transaction to close in the second quarter of 2023 after fulfilling customary…
Sweegen launches sweet protein brazzein tech set to « push the boundaries » in sugar reduction

Sweegen has unveiled its latest flavor tool for F&B producers to create better-for-you products that are low in sugar. Its new protein technology includes brazzein, thaumatin II and other proteins to improve and modulate sweet flavor. The product, Sweetensify Flavors, can be used in soft drinks, energy drinks, ready-to-drink cocktails, hard seltzers, chocolate, granola/…
Robertet crée un accélérateur de startups du naturel et de la greentech

Leader mondial des ingrédients naturels pour la parfumerie et les arômes, le groupe grassois met son expertise à disposition d’une sélection internationale de jeunes sociétés innovantes et dédiées à la naturalité et à la durabilité. Tous les six mois à compter d’avril, cinq startups rejoindront le projet Villa Blu pour bénéficier…
FNSEA : Arnaud Rousseau, céréalier et patron des huiles Avril, est élu à la tête du syndicat agricole
Le président du conseil d’administration du groupe Avril, Arnaud Rousseau, vient d’être élu à la tête de la FNSEA. Lui-même producteur de grandes cultures, il s’inscrit dans la lignée de Xavier Beulin et tranche avec sa prédécesseuse Christiane Lambert, éleveuse de porcs à la gouaille renommée. Vent de renouveau…
Axelera et Bioeconomy For Change s’allient pour une chimie plus responsable

Le pôle de compétitivité français de la chimie Axelera, et Bioeconomy For Change (B4C), le réseau de référence de la bioéconomie en France et en Europe, ont annoncé un partenariat stratégique pour accélérer l’industrialisation des solutions de chimie verte en France. Une alliance pour un avenir plus durable dans l’industrie chimique…
Partnership set to demonstrate « disruptive innovation » in plant-based cheese space

Artificial intelligence (AI) and data science are being leveraged to create plant-based cheeses that are nutritious, affordable and indistinguishable from their dairy counterparts, with a low carbon footprint. The Bel Group acquired an equity stake in biotech start-up Climax Foods Inc. and aims to use the AI platform to develop plant-based alternatives to Bel’s brands. « By…
Fish 2.0? EU funds wave of algae-based fish substitutes

Smoked salmon, canned tuna, tarama spread and roes…made from algae? The ‘Seafood Alg-ternative’ project, with support from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, is working to transform algae into plant-based seafood substitutes. Plastic pollution, heavy metal contamination, and overfishing are amongst the drivers behind a project working…
Pierre Fabre acquiert la marque de dermo-cosmétique Même

Le Groupe Pierre Fabre a pris le contrôle de Même, la première marque française de soins de la peau destinée aux personnes confrontées aux effets indésirables des traitements contre le cancer. Actionnaire minoritaire depuis 5 ans, Pierre Fabre a acquis le capital restant auprès des co-fondatrices et du fonds d’investissement…
Strategic acquisition by Groupe Berkem of Biopress, a French producer of 100% vegetable oils and proteins
With the acquisition of Biopress, Groupe Berkem secures its supply of vegetable oils while increasing its storage capacity. Based in Tonneins (Lot-et-Garonne), Biopress is one of the first French agri-food companies to specialise in the production of vegetable oils obtained from organic oilseeds grown locally…
Symrise va créer un absolu de mimosa du domaine de la Croix-Des-Gardes à Cannes

Après l’acquisition de SFA Romani et Neroli l’année dernière, Symrise poursuit son implantation sur le territoire du pays grassois. La maison de composition et fournisseur d’ingrédients de parfumerie et cosmétique confie à sa marque de naturels, Maison Lautier 1795, l’exploitation du mimosa de La Croix-des-Gardes. Cet ingrédient…
Sophim présente PhytOlive®Fine, une poudre exfoliante upcyclée

Cet exfoliant issu de l’olive offre une alternative biosourcée aux gommages pétrosourcés, et une alternative upcyclée aux gommages au sucre et au sel. PhytOlive®Fine (Olea Europaea Seed) est un exfoliant qui possède de nombreux avantages pour la peau : il nettoie, purifie, apaise, éclaircit et adoucit. Il stimule également le renouvellement…
BASF lance Kerasylium, une alternative végétale à la kératine animale

À l’occasion du salon in-cosmetics Global à Barcelone, BASF Personal Care a lancé un extrait de plante upcyclé présentant une composition en acides aminés similaire à celle de la kératine pour réparer les cheveux abîmés et les protéger des agressions quotidiennes. Le nouvel ingrédient de soins capillaires de BASF est un micro…
DSM clears all competition clearance hurdles in move to merge with Firmenich

Netherlands-based health and nutrition player DSM reveals it has only one final bridge to cross in its merger with Firmenich, the largest privately-owned flavor and fragrance company in the world. The new company, DSM-Firmenich, could start trading on the stock exchange as early as April 18 of this year now that it has received the final clearance from the…
Natura &Co vend Aesop à L’Oréal pour 2,525 milliards de dollars

Le brésilien Natura &Co a accepté de céder Aesop au groupe français L’Oréal dans le cadre d’un accord valorisant la marque australienne de cosmétiques de luxe à 2,525 milliards de dollars. Acquise par Natura & Co en 2012, Aesop a connu une croissance importante au cours de ses dix années au sein du groupe brésilien. Entre 2012 et…
JRS Group strengthens its seaweed ingredient business by the acquisition of Algaia SA

JRS Group, a leading manufacturer of functional ingredients from plant-based raw materials, announces the acquisition of Algaia SA. JRS Group, a leading manufacturer of functional ingredients from plant-based raw matenals, announces today the acquisition of Algaia SA, a producer and specialist of sustainably-produced seaweed extracts…
Pulpe de Vie lève 1,7 millions d’euros pour accélérer sa croissance

La marque française de cosmétiques et produits d’hygiène certifiés BIO vient de finaliser sa 3e levée de fonds à hauteur de 1,1 million d’euros auprès de ses partenaires historiques (Le Crédit Agricole Alpes Provence avec sa filiale CAAP Création et la Région Sud avec Région Sud Investissement), d’A Plus Finance avec le fonds…
InVivo prêt à devenir le leader mondial du malt

(Lecture du texte intégral réservé aux abonnés à RIA) Malteries Soufflet, détenues majoritairement par l’union coopérative InVivo, veut reprendre le malteur australien United Malt Group Limited. Malteries Soufflet a annoncé le 28 mars avoir fait une offre « non engageante, indicative et conditionnelle » pour reprendre le malteur australien United…
Phase V des pôles de compétitivité : la « saison de vérité »

55 pôles de compétitivité sont labellisés pour la cinquième phase du dispositif qui démarre en 2023. C’est ce qu’a annoncé le 27 mars 2023 Roland Lescure, ministre délégué chargé de l’Industrie, lors de l’assemblée générale de l’Association française des pôles de compétitivité (AFCE). Pour Régions de France, c’est ‘la saison de vérité’, les pôles…
Upcycling : Quand la cosmétique offre une seconde vie aux » déchets «

Les déchets n’en sont plus et ils s’intègrent désormais dans les formules concoctées par l’industrie de la beauté. L’objectif ? Ne pas recourir à de nouvelles matières premières tout en luttant contre le gaspillage. Et les marques intégrant des ingrédients surcyclés (ou upcyclés) se multiplient. Des épluchures de tomates, des grignons d’olive…
L’Oréal rejoint Unilever et Kao dans un projet de tensioactifs biosourcés

Le groupe L’Oréal investit dans un consortium piloté par la société de biotechnologie Genomatica, avec pour objectif de créer des tensioactifs durables. L’Oréal rejoint le consortium en tant que membre fondateur aux côtés de Unilever et Kao. L’investissement est réalisé par BOLD, le fonds de capital-risque de L’Oréal…
Examining eco-labels: Certification bodies debate the proliferation of green credentials at IFE Manufacturing 2023

With greenwashing claims and official certification in the spotlight, industry is examining the worrying trends of unsubstantiated sustainability claims and the official certification bodies combating the issue. FoodIngredientsFirst attended the International Food and Drink Event (IFE) Manufacturing show in London to talk to key players across various verification labels…
Le Groupe Robertet acquiert Aroma Esencial, spécialiste espagnol des naturels

Le Groupe Robertet a annoncé l’acquisition d’Aroma Esencial, une société basée à Gérone en Espagne et spécialisée dans la transformation de produits naturels comme le vétiver, le patchouli, le cèdre, l’ylang-ylang et d’autres produits stratégiques de l’industrie aromatique. Selon Robertet, Aroma Esencial dispose d’un grand savoir-faire, d’un…
ARBIOM passe à l’étape industrielle en lançant la construction de sa première usine !

Arbiom conçoit la nouvelle génération d’ingrédients protéinés pour répondre aux enjeux de l’alimentation de demain. Naturels et riches en protéines, nos produits sont à destination de l’alimentation humaine ou animale. Nos matières premières ne contenant pas de protéines, nous créons des protéines au lieu de les redistribuer, en…
Pranarôm: Expert des huiles essentielles depuis 30 ans

Alors que le secteur de la santé naturelle connaît une croissance solide, Pranarôm, marque du groupe Inula, enregistre une progression au-delà du marché (+14% en 2022). Le résultat de recherches et développements continus depuis la création de l’entreprise il y a 30 ans. Résolument ancrée dans le quotidien, la marque Pranarôm…
Financement de 6,2 millions d’euros attribué par l’ADEME au projet Prénidem mené par Global Bioenergies

4,4 m€ attribués à Global Bioenergies, 1 m€ attribué à Ajinomoto Foods Europe et 0,7 m€ attribué à ARD, les deux autres membres du consortium. Financement sous la forme de 60% de subvention (non remboursable) et de 40% d’avances remboursables sous réserve de l’atteinte de jalons techniques et commerciaux, versement en plusieurs tranches sur…
Extraction apparatus and method thereof
An apparatus for extracting essential oils and oleoresins from a plant material is disclosed. The apparatus comprises a circulation pump, a discharging pump, an extraction module, a reservoir, a first evaporator, and a first condenser. The discharge pump is fluidly connected to the circulation pump. The extraction…
Method for obtaining a botanical extract
A method for preparing a botanical extract includes extracting plant matter with ultrapure water, and separating the solid plant matter from the liquid fraction, concentrating the liquid fraction, and purifying the concentrated liquid fraction by tangential flow filtration. Claim 1. A method for preparing a botanical…
Method for liberating intracellular material from plant cells
This disclosure relates to an enzymatic method including the steps of adding water to a reactor vessel with gentle mixing and minimal heating, adding osmotic protectant solution, adding plant material to the reactor, adding cell wall degrading enzymes at 0.1% wt/wt based on plant weight, heating the reactor now filled…
Harvest of nisin from fermentation broth using foam separation with the assistance of ultrasonic treatment: Foam property evaluation and antimicrobial activity retention
Nisin is a gene-encoded short peptide secreted by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis and it has wide applications in diverse fields. Foam separation was used for harvesting nisin from fermentation broth in the current work. First, the effects of pH, nisin concentration and gas type on foam property, surface tension…
Extraction of coffee oil from coffee-based feedstocks by using a green and scalable new process
A process of extracting coffee oil from a coffee-based feedstock using an ester extraction solvent, wherein a mixture of the coffee-based feedstock and the extraction solvent is kept under mechanical or magnetic agitation for at least 30 minutes and subsequently a liquid phase comprising the extraction solvent and…
Extraction and purification of natural ferulic acid from biomass and conversion to vanillin
A process for a reactive extraction and subsequent purification of organic molecules from biomass includes extracting one or more products from the biomass using an extraction solvent to solvate the products, contacting the biomass with a reactant during the extracting and separating the liquid products from…
An improved process for purification of protein
The present invention relates to purification process of pharmacologically active IgG1 containing protein comprising at least affinity chromatography followed by mixed-mode chromatography. The present invention providescytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated 4-immunoglobulin (CTLA4-Ig) fusion protein by using at…
Method of extraction of carotenoids from Dunaliella, compositions and use for treating carotenoid and pro-vitamin a deficiencies
The present invention relates to a method for enrichment and extraction of carotenoids from a Dunaliella biomass comprising contacting the cells with 2-methyl oxolane (Me- THF) or a mixture of Me-THF with a second solvent, thereby obtaining a carotenoid extract. The invention also relates to a carotenoid…
Optimization of supercritical fluid extraction of polar flavonoids from Robinia pseudoacacia L. heartwood
The black locust, known as an invasive species, represent many advantages, mainly due to its rapid growth rate and its richness with interesting flavonoids. In this study, supercritical fluid extraction of the two main flavonoids dihydrorobinetin and robinetin, was optimized using a three level Box-Behnken response…
Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from chestnut processing waste using response surface methodology
Portugal is one of the world’s top ten chestnut producers. The nut shells generated in the industrial processing have been discarded for use as soil conditioner or energy production. This waste material is rich in polyphenols, which can be used for various purposes, including well-established applications and…
Insights into the polyphenols extraction from Actinidia arguta fruit (kiwiberry): A source of pro-healthy compounds
Actinidia arguta fruit (also known as kiwiberry) has a remarkable phytochemical profile, being reported as a promising preventive agent/treatment for chronic diseases and a desirable source of bioactive molecules for pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Despite these promising indications, investigating the full potential…
Optimization of the green extraction of polyphenols from the edible flower Clitoria ternatea by high-power ultrasound: A comparative study with conventional extraction techniques
Optimizing the extraction of phytochemicals from medicinal plants is of great importance for several bio-sectors (i.e., food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries). The aim of this study was to optimize the time (10–50 min), temperature (25–65 ºC) and power (250–650 W) of ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE)…
Sustainable recovery and recycling of natural deep eutectic solvent for biomass fractionation via industrial membrane-based technique
Natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) have been proven efficient and biocompatible as solvents and conversion medium in many fields. Multicomponent composition makes it hard to direct recovery NADES after utilization process. Industrial application of NADES requires sustainable and economic recovery technology…
Green approach to extract bioactive compounds from orange peel employing hydrophilic and hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents
Consumer interest in natural products with advantageous biological impacts on their health has increased in recent years. Therefore, academic and industrial communities have concentrated their research on developing sustainable techniques for extracting bioactive compounds from natural resources. In the present…
Ultrasound- and heat-assisted extraction of glycyrrhizin from licorice by two glycerol-based DESs – Modeling and optimization as per response surface methodology
Glycyrrhizin is an important bioactive compound of licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) having many pharmaceutical properties. The present study explored the extraction of glycyrrhizin from licorice in two glycerol-based deep eutectic solvents glycerol-ammonium acetate (GAA) and glycerol-choline chloride (GCC) and by two…
Method for obtaining protein preparations from sunflower and/or canola oil seeds, and protein preparation | Fraunhofer GES Forschung
The invention relates to a method for obtaining protein preparations from sunflower and/or canola seeds. At least the following steps are carried out:dehulling sunflower or canola seeds up to a shell content of 7 and >35 mass.%; andcarrying out one or more extraction steps using at least one organic solvent or…
Effects of pressurized liquid extraction with dimethyl sulfoxide on the recovery of carotenoids and other dietary valuable compounds from the microalgae Spirulina, Chlorella and Phaeodactylum tricornutum
The impact of pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) and DMSO concentration (0, 30, 50, 100 %) on the yield of antioxidants and minerals from Chlorella were investigated. The results showed that PLE increased the antioxidant yield. Water extracted more proteins, while with 100 % DMSO more polyphenols, chlorophylls…
Method of extraction from plant and algal material, and extracts therefrom
The present invention relates to methods for extracting a lipidic component and/or oil soluble component from plant or algal material. The present invention also relates to such a lipidic component and/or oil soluble component extracted from plant or algal material. Claim 1. A method for extraction of a lipidic…
Xylanases for solubilising arabinoxylan-containing material
The present invention relates to a method for solubilising arabinoxylan-containing material (particularly insoluble arabinoxylan-containing material), comprising admixing a xylan-containing material with a xylanase comprising a polypeptide sequence shown herein as SEQ ID No. 3, SEQ ID No. 2, SEQ ID No. 1, SEQ ID…
Post extraction purification of terpenes
A method of purifying cannabis derived terpenes includes first providing cannabis material having a detectable amount of tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA), adding a solvent to the cannabis material, spinning the cannabis material in a centrifuge to separate crystallized THCA from a high terpene extract…
Device and method for extraction of pure compounds
Described is an extraction device for extracting compounds from plant material and a method for using such an extraction device. The extraction device comprises an extraction tank receiving plant material and dissolving soluble compounds inside the plant material into a solvent to form a micelle. A series of…
Plant sterol precipitation in system composed by fatty acids using in-situ synthesized ionic liquids
Plant sterols and stanols are bio-derived compounds used in functional foods because of their hypocholesterolemic effect. Currently, plant sterols and stanols are recovered from tall oil and vegetable oil waste streams by using high vacuum distillation and crystallization. The aim of this work was to explore…
Pineapple peel waste valorization for extraction of bio-active compounds and protein: Microwave assisted method and Box Behnken design optimization
Pineapple peel waste (PPW) is obtained in huge quantities out of pineapple canning industries and it is found to be rich in bioactive compounds with antioxidant activity and an opulent source of bromelain protein having commercial importance. To fulfil the purpose, microwave assisted extraction was considered…
Pulsed electric field (PEF) recovery of biomolecules from Chlorella: Extract efficiency, nutrient relative value, and algae morphology analysis
This study investigated the effects of pulsed electric field (PEF) (3 kV/cm, 44 pulses, 99 kJ/kg), solvent (H2O or 50 % DMSO) and time (0, 10, 20, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 180 min) on the extraction of Chlorella antioxidant biomolecules and minerals. The results showed that PEF treatment increased the biomolecules recovery…
Starflower Oil Market Research Report 2023-2031 Market- increasing demand with Industry Professionals
According to the latest report, titled Starflower Oil Market Research Report 2023-2031 market: global industry trends, share, size, growth, opportunity and forecast 2022-2031, the global Starflower Oil Market Research Report 2023-2031 market is expected to exhibit a cagr of xx% during 2022-2031. Starflower Oil…
Matières premières : » Temps orageux sur les oléagineux «

Après une année 2022 record, le vent a tourné sur les marchés. Les agriculteurs européens comme australiens ont semé du colza à tout-va, observe, dans sa chronique, Laurence Girard, journaliste économique au « Monde ». En avril, fleur de colza se découvre d’un fil et dévoile son pistil. Preuve en est donnée dans les champs…
Le marché des excipients nutraceutiques est évalué à 3685,86 millions USD au cours de la période de prévision 2030
Le marché européen des nutraceutiques est segmenté par type de produit (aliments fonctionnels, boissons fonctionnelles et compléments alimentaires), canal de distribution (supermarchés / hypermarchés, dépanneurs, magasins spécialisés, magasins de détail en ligne et autres canaux de distribution)…
Spirulina Competitive Analysis Is Booming Worldwide 2023-2030
Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that is widely consumed as a dietary supplement due to its high nutritional content. It is a rich source of protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and is often used as a natural food coloring. Spirulina is also used in various industries, including food and beverages…
Paprika Color Market Top Key Players, Latest Trends, Regional Insights and Global Industry Dynamics by 2031
According to Future Market Insights (FMI) sales ofpaprika colorwill increase consistently to surpassUS$76.92 Mnin 2021. Demand forpaprika coloris expected to grow at a7.0% CAGRover the assessment period, from 2021 to 2031. Paprika color application is poised to surge in the food industry, especially in meat…
Pea Protein Ingredients Market is predicted to grow at 7.9% CAGR through 2033
The market forpea protein ingredientsis anticipated to be worth US$ 1.6 billion in 2023 and US$ 3.4 billion by 2033. During the predicted period, pea protein ingredient sales expand at a CAGR of 7.9%. Increasing demand for pea protein ingredients for bakery & snacks, beverages, and other food products will increase…
Organic Stevia Extract Market Market Overview by Region, Growth Opportunities, Dynamics, Research Factors | Report with Prominent Players by 2030

The key objective of the report is to offer a complete assessment of the Organic Stevia Extract Market Market including major leading stakeholders of the Organic Stevia Extract Market industry. The current and historical status of the market together with forecasted market size and trends are demonstrated in the assessment in a simple manner…
Fats And Oils Global Market Report 2023

Fats And Oils Global Market Report 2023 from The Business Research Company provides strategists, marketers and senior management with the critical information they need to assess the market. This report focuses on fats and oils market which is experiencing strong growth. The report gives a guide to the trends which will be shaping the market over the next ten years…
Food Flavors Market, Applications and Market

Data Bridge Market Research analyzes that the Global Food Flavors Market is expected to reach the value of USD 29,484.11 million by 2030, at a CAGR of 6.1% during the forecast period. Industry Analysis : Food flavors are routinely applied to food items to enhance their flavor. The primary taste additives are synthetic and natural flavors…
Ingrédients dérivés du chanvre : ce qu’il faut savoir avant de les utiliser

(article complet réservé aux abonnés à CostmeticObs) Ils sont de plus en plus « tendance » mais font encore l’objet de perceptions controversées. Les ingrédients dérivés du chanvre, Cannabidiol (ou CDB) en tête, ont pourtant bien des intérêts cosmétiques, et le cadre réglementaire qui les concerne tend à se clarifier. C’est ce qu’a expliqué, lors…
Phycocyanin Market to Reach $279.6 Million by 2030 – Exclusive Report by Meticulous Research

According to a new market research report titled, ‘Phycocyanin Market by Form (Powder, Liquid), Grade (Food Grade Phycocyanin, Cosmetic Grade Phycocyanin, Reagent and Analytical Grade Phycocyanin), Application (Food and Beverages, Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals), Geography – Global Forecast…
Rise in demand for clean-label & allergen-free plant-based

The global potato protein market size was valued at $388.3 million in 2019, and is expected to reach $683.0 million by 2027 at a CAGR of 6.5% from 2021 to 2027. Potato protein is obtained during the process of extracting starch from potatoes. When starch is extracted, protein-rich juice is produced, which is further precipitated to extract…
Flaxseed Oil Market is expected to expand at a high-value CAGR

Flaxseed oil is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, lignans, and other nutrients that help in maintaining heart health, reducing inflammation, and improving digestive health. The increasing prevalence of lifestyle diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases is driving the demand for flaxseed oil as a natural and healthy alternative to conventional oils. The…
Le rapport sur le marché de la thaumatine (Talin) 2021-2026
Le rapport de recherche indique la taille du marché mondial pour l’année de base 2020 et les prévisions entre 2021 et 2026. La valeur du marché a été estimée en fonction du segment d’application et du segment régional, de la part de marché et de la taille, tandis que les prévisions pour chaque type de produit et…
Isoflavones Market Growth 2021 to 2031, Global Industry Size

Global Isoflavones Market from Global Insight Services is the single authoritative source of intelligence on Isoflavones Market. The report will provide you with analysis of impact of latest market disruptions such as Russia-Ukraine war and Covid-19 on the market. Report provides qualitative analysis of the market using various frameworks such as Porters’…
Phospholipids & Lecithin Market 2023 Size to Reach CAGR 6.9%

Phospholipids & Lecithin Market size was valued at USD 9.66 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach USD 9.66 billion by 2030, and grow at a CAGR of 6.9% over the forecast period 2023-2030. The Phospholipids & Lecithin Market 2023 Report…
Curcumin Food Color Market Insights By Type, Industry, Application & End-User by 2022 to 2032
Curcumin pigments find their application in food as well as personal care industrial products. The curcumin food color market is expected to reach a valuation of nearly USD 323 mn by the year 2032, pacing with a CAGR of 10.3% between 2022-2032. Sales of curcumin food color are accounted for ~5.9% of the sales in…
Natural colors are not created equal

The US Food and Drug Administration regulates edible colorants and classifies them as either “certified colors,” also known as artificial colors, or “colors exempt from certification,” which by default has come to mean natural colors. But not all natural colors are created equal, and US food and beverage marketers are taking it upon themselves…
Flax-based Protein Market Outlook, Geographical Segmentation, Industry Size and Share, Analysis to 2033
The flax-based protein market is expected to increase from US$ 45 billion in 2023 to US$ 83.6 billion by 2033 and is likely to record a CAGR of 6.4% during the forecast period. Flax seeds also known as linseed is rich in omega-3 fats, fiber, and protein improves digestion, regulates blood sugar level, and work as…
Understanding the future of alternative protein

With the global demand for protein growing and expected to double by 2050, so is the level of greenhouse gas emissions associated with its production, now estimated at 14.5% of all man-made emissions. The light is now pointed towards alternative protein production methods. In fact, by removing animal farming from the equation, companies are…
Marché des ingrédients prébiotiques – Croissance, tendances, impact du Covid-19 et prévisions (2023-2028)
Le marché des ingrédients prébiotiques est segmenté par type (inuline, fructo-oligosaccharide, galacto-oligosaccharide et autres types), application (aliments et boissons fonctionnels, préparations pour nourrissons et aliments pour bébés, compléments alimentaires, aliments pour animaux et aliments pour animaux…
La Lettre « EXTRACTS – la lettre de veille sur l’extraction du végétal » est une production d’’Extractis diffusée par courriel à nos adhérents et à certains de nos contacts intéressés par ce secteur de la bioéconomie. Vous pouvez vous inscrire, vous désinscrire ou faire part de commentaires en envoyant un mail à l’adresse suivante : extracts@extractis.com. Par ailleurs les dispositions légales, concernant la publication de cette lettre et l’utilisation de vos données personnelles sont disponibles sur la page suivante : cliquez ici (page hébergée sur notre site . https://extractis.com).
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Cette lettre est cofinancée par la Région Hauts-de-France (convention N° 21001983) et a été cofinancée par l’Union européenne avec le Fonds européen de développement régional (FEDER) |