Activ’Inside se lance dans le façonnage de compléments alimentaires

Cette année, Activ’Inside se lance dans le façonnage en nutraceutique avec un focus spécifique sur les gummies. L’entreprise bordelaise continue d’étendre son offre et montre ainsi tout son potentiel de développement. Activ’Inside se lance dans le façonnage pour compléter son expertise. Créée en 2009 par David Gaudout, Benoit Lemaire et…
AFYREN Chooses Thailand for Its Second Biobased Organic Acids Plant, Entering a Partnership Project With Mitr Phol, a Global Leader in the Sugar Industry

First international project for AFYREN, as announced at the time of its IPO; This comes as its first plant starts up in France. With this project in Thailand, AFYREN is targeting the Asian market, which represents 25% of the world market for carboxylic acids. A Letter Agreement has been signed between AFYREN and Mitr…
Dermapharm Holding SE intensifies its internationalisation efforts by acquiring Arkopharma

Dermapharm Holding SE intensifies its internationalisation efforts by acquiring Arkopharma. Internationalisation expanded in Western and Southern Europe; strengthening expertise in the development of innovative food supplements; Synergies…
Roquette investit dans Daiz Inc., un spécialiste des analogues de viande

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à Réusir). L’entreprise japonaise travaille la germination et l’extrusion de graines de soja, applicables au pois. …
Nactis Flavours acquiert Trabilt

(Brève) Cette opération permettra aux deux sociétés de conquérir de nouveaux marchés et d’accroître l’offre proposée à leurs clients dans les extraits naturels de café. Nactis Flavours (groupe Nactarome) rachète Trabilt, spécialisée dans les extraits naturels de café depuis 1845. « Cette transaction représente une étape majeure pour Nactis et ouvre…
Pierre Fabre veut faire du Brésil son cinquième marché mondial

La branche brésilienne du groupe français, qui vient de s’installer dans de nouveaux locaux à Rio de Janeiro, prévoit de doubler la taille de son activité d’ici à 2026, en se concentrant sur les produits dédiés aux consommateurs locaux. Pierre Fabre Brasil est installée dans de nouveaux meubles. La filiale du groupe, propriétaire des…
Dry4Good, la FoodTech qui veut bousculer le marché des additifs alimentaires

C’est le grand jour pour Dry4Good. La start-up cofondée en 2019 par Jean-Gabriel Dijoud et Romaric Janssen inaugurait ce jeudi 1er décembre 2022, son site de production pilote à Cergy dans le Val d’Oise. L’équipement préindustriel intègre trois lignes de production avec une capacité de traitement de deux tonnes de matières fraîches par jour…
Activ’Inside invests €12 million in food supplement factory

A new building is currently under construction and will be completed during the first half of 2023. French ingredient specialist Activ’Inside is set to invest €12 million in a contract manufacturing factory in Beychac and Caillau (Gironde), France. Building on its success and the expertise it has acquired in the scientific, analytical, regulatory and marketing…
Afyren consolide ses équipes pour soutenir son développement industriel

La greentech Afyren, spécialiste des produits biosourcés et bas carbone, a annoncé la nomination de trois nouveaux membres au sein de son équipe de direction ainsi que des recrutements pour intensifier ses activités de R&D. Afyren démarre l’année 2023 avec trois nouvelles nominations : Ursula Feulner en tant que Directrice de la gestion…
InVivo veut doubler son activité métiers du blé d’ici cinq ans

(article complet réservé aux abonnés à RIA) Un an après l’acquisition du groupe Soufflet, l’union coopérative InVivo réunit ses nouvelles activités meunerie, ingrédients et BVP dans une entité unique, baptisée Episens. Avec la reprise du négociant agricole Soufflet, le groupe InVivo a mis la main sur de nouvelles activités qui sont venues renforcer…
Brenntag reveals buyout talks breakdown as Univar Solutions hints at other « indications of interest »

German chemicals distributor Brenntag has pulled out of discussions to potentially acquire US rival Univar Solutions. This most recent development sees the company terminate the preliminary buyout talks just a few weeks after declaring an interest and making waves about a possible mega-merger. In late November 2022, Brenntag confirmed the possibilities of a deal…
Les Eaux Primordiales veulent accélérer leur développement international

Après une » année record » et une seconde levée de fonds de 5 millions d’euros, la marque française de haute parfumerie veut accélérer son développement. Après avoir installé sa manufacture de parfums dans un domaine de 14 hectares rebaptisé le Domaine Primordial, la marque créée par Arnaud Poulain en 2015 dispose…
Greentech, pionnière de la biotechnologie végétale
L’entreprise auvergnate est trentenaire, elle fait figure de pionnière de la biotechnologie végétale. Son job : développer et produire des ingrédients actifs à partir de ressources naturelles issues des mondes végétaux, marins et microbiens. Portée par une politique de R&D intensive, elle ambitionne de doubler son…
Sanders renforce sa présence en Alsace
Sanders, filiale d’Avril, et le Groupement des Producteurs de Blé (GPB DIEUZE-MORHANGE) acquièrent l’activité Nutrition animale de Moulin de Sarralbe, le 1er février 2023. Par cette acquisition, Sanders consolide ses relations historiques avec Moulin de Sarralbe, concessionnaire Sanders depuis 1957 pour la…
Algafiller : Le combleur de rides d’origine marine d’Agrimer

Extrait d’une algue auto-régénérante, sourcée en Bretagne, le nouvel actif d’Agrimer promet un effet anti-âge surge-like grâce à sa capacité à favoriser la régénération tissulaire, à améliorer la densité du derme et renforcer la fermeté cutanée. Algafiller est extrait de Codium tomentosum, une macro-algue chlorophycée à structure…
Le plan bio 2023-2027 : une ambition renouvelée en Hauts-de-France
Le plan bio 2017-2021 a porté ses fruits : les Hauts-de-France ont réussi une conversion à deux chiffres des surfaces cultivées en agriculture biologique, un chiffre supérieur à la moyenne nationale. Forte de ses acquis, la Région relance un plan ambitieux pour la période 2023-2027, qui marquera de nouvelles avancées en…
Lumière pulsée : le CTCPA et Claranor s’associent pour innover

Entre études, essais et analyses microbiologiques, le CTCPA et Claranor accompagnent les acteurs de l’agroalimentaire dans leur stratégie d’innovation responsable avec la technologie de lumière pulsée. Aider les entreprises du secteur agroalimentaire à identifier et développer de nouvelles applications de traitement par lumière pulsée. Tel est l’objectif commun…
Solabia announces acquisition of polyphenols expert BioActor

Solabia has acquired a majority stake in BioActor, a specialist in the development and commercialisation of clinically evaluated polyphenols extracted from edible plants and fruits and used by leading food supplement brands worldwide. Solabia has announced that it has acquired a majority stake in polyphenols expert BioActor B.V.. Founded…
Mytilimer (35) investit 20 M€ dans #Kerbone, son futur site de production situé à Cancale

Mytilimer (35), leader européen en volume de la conchyliculture, entre dans une nouvelle phase de son développement. En 2023, son nouveau site de production #Kerbone verra le jour à Cancale près de Saint Malo. Un projet à 20 millions d’euros qui rassemblera les différentes activités du groupe ainsi que la future unité de valorisation des moules…
Midi Libre – Saipol s’associe à la filière de biocarburant pour avion

La société Saipol, leader européen de la transformation des oléagineux (colza et tournesol principalement) et numéro un en France de la « trituration » des graines pour l’alimentation du bétail et les biocarburants (OleoZE, OleoVE, Diester, Oleo 100), revient de loin. Après une période de grande incertitude sur la pérennité de son site sétois et des emplois…
Changer d’air – Après l’interdiction des néonicotinoïdes, quelles alternatives?

Cette semaine, la Cour de justice européenne a tranché. Aucune dérogation à l’usage des néonicotinoïdes n’est légale, alors que ce pesticide est encore utilisé dans une dizaine de pays de l’Union européenne malgré son interdiction depuis 2018. C’est une victoire pour les écologistes, qui les surnommaient « les tueurs d’abeilles », mais…
Entretien avec Boris Dumange, directeur général de Bioeconomy For Change

» Soutenir l’esprit d’entreprendre dans la bioéconomie » Après une nouvelle identité, place à une nouvelle offre de services, qui vise à accompagner toujours plus efficacement les adhérents de B4C et leurs et leurs projets de…
Biodiesel: les producteurs soutiennent que le carburant demeure éligible à la vignette Crit’Air 1

Dégainant un nouvel arrêté pris en octobre, la filière qui produit le biodiesel à base de colza (B100) soutient que ce carburant demeure classé comme non polluant. Le ministère reste muet. Les producteurs de B100, au premier rang desquels le groupe Saipol, ne lâchent pas l’affaire pour autant. Dans un communiqué de presse dégainé ce jeudi matin, ils…
Precision fermentation poised to unlock potential of microorganisms for food

Food biomanufacturing is emerging as a promising proposal for companies looking to create a sustainable and resilient food system. However, challenges remain in the precision fermentation industry hindering companies from scaling breakthrough technologies. Venture capital firm Blue Horizon and Olon Biotech have joined forces to call for a « bioeconomy » designed to reshape…
FOODTECH : la périlleuse industrialisation des start-up

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés aux Echos) Algama et Umiami, deux spécialistes des protéines alternatives, ont récemment fait le choix d’acheter une usine pour monter en puissance. Des foodtechs comme La Vie ou Nudj privilégient des partenariats avec des industriels. Les recherches ont été longues et éprouvantes. Mais Algama a…
Cannabis : » De la graine au produit « , cette entreprise de Nouvelle-Aquitaine fabrique elle-même ses huiles au CBD

La Ferme médicale est une jeune entreprise de Gironde spécialisée dans la fabrication et la commercialisation d’huiles au CBD, la molécule non psychotrope du cannabis. Après s’être lancée dans l’exploitation de huit hectares de cannabis dans le sud-Gironde, elle inaugure ce lundi son laboratoire de transformation dans les Landes, qui va lui…
Alinova lève 1,4 million d’euros pour se structurer et accélérer encore

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés du JDE) Alinova, qui conçoit, fabrique et commercialise des solutions pour l’alimentation animale, a levé 1,4 million d’euros auprès de Go Capital. La jeune entreprise bretonne compte sur ce tour de table pour accroître son chiffre d’affaires de plus de 40 % dès cette année. Alinova (12 salariés)…
La Coopération agricole adhère à la CPME

(Brève) La Coopération agricole (2 100 coopératives agricoles et agroalimentaires employant 190 000 salariés filiales incluses) rejoint la CPME, la Confédération des petites et moyennes entreprises (243 000 entreprises employant quatre millions de salariés). Le syndicat agricole entend ainsi consolider le pôle alimentaire de la CPME « à l’heure où…
Groupe Berkem : chimie du végétal

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés aux Echos) Technologie: Depuis un an en Bourse, cette PME girondine, créée en 1993, est la seule du secteur à être rentable. Elle a généré un chiffre d’affaires de 46 millions d’euros en 2021 (en hausse de 13 %) et une marge d’Ebitda élevée de 21 %. Fort de trois sites industriels en France, cet acteur…
CITRI-FI® 400, nouvelle fibre d’agrumes bio distribuée par AMI Ingrédients

Fiberstar, Inc. partenaire d’AMI INGREDIENTS propose désormais la seule fibre d’agrumes bio sur le marché appelée CITRI-FI® 400. Cette nouvelle gamme est produite de manière durable et transparente, à partir du co-produit de l’industrie du jus de fruits, sans utiliser de procédés chimiques ni de solvants. La composition de la fibre…
New proteins: The start-up Yeasty, winner of the European Protein Connect Challenge
Launched in 2020 by Protéines France, the European Protein Connect Challenge is the first program dedicated to start-ups in the field of vegetable proteins and new resources. This ambitious European program aims to promote the most innovative and promising start-ups and to facilitate partnerships with…
Royal DSM présente la protéine végétale Vertis CanolaPRO

Royal DSM présente la protéine végétale Vertis CanolaPRO k.floquet@reussir.fr mar 17/01/2023 – 16:14 Colza Acides aminés Protéines Protéines végétales Ce nouvel ingrédient pour l’industrie agroalimentaire est exempt des allergènes majeurs. Collecte/Transformation Royal DSM, spécialisé dans la santé, la nutrition et…
Alland & Robert’s new acacia gum-based vegan texturing agent substitutes gelatin and pectins

French ingredients player Alland & Robert has launched a timely ingredient using acacia gum. Syndeo Gelling provides an innovative and multifunctional solution that brings stabilizing, gelling, thickening, binding and texturing properties and mouthfeel improvement to plant-based formulations. One of the key challenges faced by food manufacturers, and in…
Ingrédients : Algama ouvre une usine à Liège pour sa transition vers l’utilisation de nouvelles protéines

La société française Algama, créatrice d’ingrédients alimentaires à base de microalgues, vient de clôturer un tour de table de 13 M€. Ce dernier est marqué par l’entrée au capital d’investisseurs d’impact – Noshaq, Newtree Impact, et Beyond Impact – et de groupes internationaux significatifs de l’industrie alimentaire : Grupo Bimbo, Thai Union Group…
Oleon (Groupe Avril) doublera les capacités de production de son site en Belgique en 2024

(Texte intégral réservé aux abonnés à Réussir) Oleon (Groupe Avril) doublera les capacités de production de son site en Belgique en 2024. L’usine d’Ertvelde se donne pour objectif de produire 14 125 t d’acides isostéraiques et de dimères en 2024. La société Oleon , spécialisée dans l’oléochimie et filiale du groupe Avril , a annoncé le…
DSM files patent infringement lawsuit for algal lipids, partners with Floré for precision prebiotics

Royal DSM has filed a lawsuit against the Mara Renewables Corporation and Algal Omega-3 LTD, alleging unlawful use of the company’s algae-based docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) innovations in the UK. At the same time, DSM has teamed up with Floré by Sun Genomics and invested in the company’s customizable probiotics via DSM Venturing. Concerning the…
L’Institut de l’abeille reconnu comme institut technique agricole

Les instituts techniques agricoles français comptent un nouveau membre avec la reconnaissance officielle parmi eux de l’Institut technique et scientifique de l’apiculture et de la pollinisation. Grâce à un arrêté paru au Bulletin officiel du ministère de l’Agriculture fin décembre, l’Institut technique et scientifique de l’apiculture et de la pollinisation…
[Communiqué] Vaucluse : l’entreprise Green Spot Technologies s’installe à Carpentras

(Brève) La jeune entreprise néo-zélandaise Green Spot Technologies, établie à Toulouse, transforme des déchets de fruits et de légumes, et de marc de de jus en une farine nutritive. Elle a décidé de développer son volet industriel à Carpentras (Vaucluse) dans un bâtiment d’environ 1 600 m². La production est programmée au début de l’année 2023. Ce site vauclusien aura…
Le GIE d’Agrolandes, pour mutualiser les compétences et innover …

Ce groupement d’entreprises fondé en 2019 rassemble 35 structures qui font aujourd’hui vivre 44 projets collectifs. Parmi elles, de grosses entreprises, mais aussi des startups prometteuses… Une démarche unique en son genre qui aura vu la naissance de solutions innovantes, comme avec le projet de « traitement de l’image », initié par…
Selective recovery of rare earth elements and value-added chemicals from the Dicranopteris linearis bio-ore produced by agromining using green fractionation
The increasing demand for Rare Earth Elements (REEs) and the depletion of mineral resources motivate sustainable strategies for REE recovery from alternative unconventional sources, such as REE hyperaccumulator. The greatest impediment to REE agromining is the difficulty in the separation of REEs…
Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction using response surface methodology for total anthocyanin content, total phenolic content, and antioxidant activities of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) calyces and comparison with conventional Soxhlet extraction
Response surface methodology (RSM) and a Box-Behnken design (BBD) were used to determine optimum conditions for ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. calyces. The current study applied BBD to explore the effects of X 1 : ultrasonic temperature (30–80 °C), X 2 : ultrasonic time (20…
In-Line Winterization Process for Plant Extracts
A process for extracting a target compound from a biomass includes: extracting a compound from a biomass charge using supercritical or subcritical CO2 as a solvent, at a first pressure and a first temperature, to yield a compound-laden solvent stream, the compound-laden solvent stream including the solvent, a…
This chapter is dedicated to the natural antioxidants having 2-phenyl-4 H -1-benzopyran-4-one skeleton and hydroxyl groups on the aromatic rings only. The main physical-chemical and biological properties, as well as the natural occurrence and food applications of the main flavones, are discussed. The chemistry…
Integrated biorefinery approach to valorise Saccharina latissima biomass: Combined sustainable processing to produce biologically active fucoxanthin, mannitol, fucoidans and alginates
The feasibility of European seaweed farming depends on the valorisation of algal biomass harvested. In the present work we have combined sequential extraction processes from Saccharina latissima to produce a range of products, focusing on the extraction of fucoxanthin using supercritical CO2 followed by…
Bioprospecting for fungal enzymes for applications in microalgal biomass biorefineries
Microalgal biomass is a promising feedstock for biofuels, feed/food, and biomaterials. However, while production and commercialization of single-product commodities are still not economically viable, obtaining multiple products in a biomass biorefinery faces several techno-economic challenges. The aim of this…
A green and designable natural deep eutectic solvent-based supramolecular solvents system: Efficient extraction and enrichment for phytochemicals
A green, novel and designable natural deep eutectic solvent-based supramolecular solvents/equilibrium solution (NADES-SUPRAS/EqS) was developed, which possesses better stability and free designability with a wider range of synthesis while compared to the typical alkyl carboxylic acid-based SUPRAS…
Extraction and trapping of truffle flavoring compounds into food matrices using supercritical CO2
A supercritical fluid extraction methodology was used to extract flavoring and bioactive compounds from truffles. Some parameters such as CO2 flow rate (1–3 mg/mL), extraction time (15–90 min) and different trapping food matrices (grape seed oil, gelatin, agar agar and water) were optimized using response…
Deep eutectic solvent-based ultrasound-assisted extraction of polyphenols from Cosmos sulphureus
In this study, deep eutectic solvents-based ultrasound-assisted extraction (DES-UAE) was done for extraction of polyphenols from Cosmos sulphureus. Among seven kinds of DESs prepared, choline chloride-lactic acid (1:2) was considered as a good candidate for polyphenols extraction due to superior extraction performance…
Multifarious extraction methodologies for ameliorating lipid recovery from algae
Amongst the current alternatives, algae were proven to be a promising source of biofuel, which is renewable and capable of meeting world demand for transportation fuels. However, a suitable lipid extraction method that efficiently releases the lipids from different algal strains remains a bottleneck. The multifarious…
Simple and effective method for the extraction of silymarin from Silybum marianum (L.) gaertner seeds
Introduction: One of the top 10 herbal remedies used in both developing and developed countries is milk thistle. The authors previous work showed that most milk thistle tinctures commercially available to herbal practitioners did not contain the required amount of its active ingredient silymarin. The aim of this project is…
Optimising and scaling up hot water extraction of tannins from Norway spruce and Scots pine bark
Tannins from Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) bark were extracted with water at different temperatures (60–140 °C) in an ASE-350 system in order to optimize yield. In addition, the effect of chemicals such as urea, sodium bisulfite (NaHSO3), sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), and…
Valorization of micro-algae biomass for the development of green biorefinery: Perspectives on techno-economic analysis and the way towards sustainability
The consumption of fossil fuel sources and in particular, the emerging lethal issues connected with global warming triggered by consumption of petroleum products have set off dynamic research in finding alternate and eco-friendly energy sources. In this regard, algae are viewed as the most versatile feedstock materials…
Modelling extraction kinetics of betalains from freeze dried beetroot powder into aqueous ethanol solutions
The extraction kinetics of betalains (betacyanin and betaxanthin) from freeze dried beetroot powder into aqueous ethanol solutions is modelled by considering the concentration of a given betalain at any given time to result from a balance between the rate of its release from the solid phase and the rate of its…
Ultrasound-assisted extraction of alginic acid from Sargassum angustifolium harvested from Persian Gulf shores using response surface methodology
In this study, the extraction and characterization of alginic acid, the most abundant compound among brown algae were investigated. The used algae were Sargassum angustifolium from the family of brown algae native to the coasts of the Persian Gulf. The effect of temperature, time, algae mass to solvent volume ratio…
Extraction of flavonoids from agrowaste
Abstract The extraction of flavonoids, which constitute one part of natural polyphenols, present in a very large variety of plants, to provide to them nutrients and colors, is considered with the most sustainable approach, therefore obtaining them from agrowaste of sectors, centered but not exclusively on the production…
Extraction, Purification and Electrical Characterization of Gross Galactomannan and Purified Galactomannan Obtained from Adenanthera pavonina L. Seeds
Abstract Aiming of self‐sustainable production, the search for biodegradable and biocompatible materials has brought with it the need to know the physicochemical and dielectric characteristics of polysaccharide‐based composite structures, which can be used as important and promising raw materials for biotechnology…
Methods for the production of ferulic acid
Provided are methods or processes for producing ferulic acid from a plant material, for example, a rice bran or its derivatives. Provided are methods comprising an ion swapping and solvent extraction process followed by a chromatographic separation operations that are coupled into a process which functions to recover a…
Extraction and purification of grape seed polysaccharides using pH-switchable deep eutectic solvents-based three-phase partitioning.
T-butanol is widely used in three-phase partitioning (TPP), which is harmful to the environment. pH-switchable deep eutectic solvents (DESs) can be used as recyclable alternatives to t-butanol. This study aimed to construct DES-based TPP for extracting and purifying grape seed polysaccharides (GSP). The main…
Optimization of laccase enzyme extraction from spent mushroom waste of Pleurotus florida through ANN-PSO modeling: An ecofriendly and economical approach.
The cardinal focus of this study is to optimize the best reaction conditions for maximizing laccase activity from spent mushroom waste (SMW) of Pleurotus florida. Optimization process parameters were studied by the modeling techniques, artificial neural networking (ANN) embedded in particle swarm optimization (PSO)…
Design of encapsulation method for chlorogenic acid and caffeine in coffee waste by-product.
Coffee silver skin (CSS) is a thin covering over green coffee seeds inside coffee cherry. It is a good source of bioactive compounds like chlorogenic acid and caffeine. It is produced as a by-product of the roasting process. Objective: The goal of this study is to apply spray drying method to encapsulate 5-O-…
Molecular membrane separation: plants inspire new technologies.
Plants draw up their surrounding soil solution to gain water and nutrients required for growth, development and reproduction. Obtaining adequate water and nutrients involves taking up both desired and undesired elements from the soil solution and separating resources from waste. Desirable and undesirable elements…
High-efficiency novel extraction process of target polyphenols using enzymes in hydroalcoholic media.
Agro-industrial by-products are a sustainable source of natural additives that can replace the synthetic ones in the food industry. Grape pomace is an abundant by-product that contains about 70% of the grape’s polyphenols. Polyphenols are natural antioxidants with multiple health-promoting properties. They…
Colored cereals: Extraction and purification of bioactive compounds (pigments)
Abstract Cereals are essential element of our diet, and research groups across the globe are extremely interested in colored grains because of their improved nutritional, antioxidant, and health-promoting benefits. Due to their appealing nutritional characteristics, colored cereal grains (brown, purple, black, blue, red…
Multicomponent natural deep eutectic solvents: Super solvents for the efficient extraction of steviol glycosides (rebaudioside A) from Stevia rebaudiana
Using biomass to produce valuable chemicals has tremendous economic significance; however, in some cases, it poses environmental challenges due to the use of organic solvents. NAtural Deep Eutectic Solvents (NADESs), a sustainable and bio-based functional liquid medium, can be a greener substitute for…
Powdered ᴅ-limonene microcapsules obtained by spray drying using native and thermal-treated Brea gum as wall materials
Abstract Brea gum (BG) and thermal-treated BG (BGTT) were studied as wall materials in the encapsulation of ᴅ-limonene and compared to gum Arabic (GA). Infeed emulsions were prepared with 10\% w/w of ᴅ-limonene and 90\% w/w of gum solutions: solutions of BG at different concentrations and solutions of…
Sustainable management of tea wastes: resource recovery and conversion techniques.
As the demand for tea (Camellia sinensis) has grown across the world, the amount of biomass waste that has been produced during the harvesting process has also increased. Tea consumption was estimated at about 6.3 million tonnes in 2020 and is anticipated to reach 7.4 million tonnes by 2025. The generation of tea…
Large-scale isolation of scopoletin from Nicotiana tabacum
Nicotiana tabacum leaves are mainly used in the production of cigarettes and cigars all over the world, and a large amount of waste materials will be produced in the process. High-value scopoletin can be extracted and separated from waste materials, but there are some problems, such as low purity of products and inability…
Beyond cellulose extraction: Recovery of phytochemicals and contaminants to revalorize agricultural waste
Highlights • Seeds, peels, bagasse, and leaves are sources of phenolic compounds and cellulose. • Cereal residues require hydrolysis for phenolic compounds and cellulose extraction. • Phthalates in soil and vegetables must be separated to reduce their accumulation. • Dibutyl, bis(2-ethylhexyl) and…
Valorization of by-products Derived from Onions and Potato: Extraction Optimization, Metabolic Profile, Outstanding Bioactivities, and Industrial Applications
Huge quantities of vegetables and fruits by-products are discarded annually worldwide following the industrial food processing techniques. These biowastes were found to cause further environmental hazards. However, they could represent rich sources of numerous bioactive metabolites and substrates for high valued…
Optimization of extraction process of total flavonoids from Cortex Lycii and its biological activities
To research the optimization of ultrasonic-assisted extraction of total flavonoids from Cortex Lycii and its biological activities. Box-Behnken design experiment was used to optimize the extraction process, and AB-8 macroporous resin was used for purification. Its biological activities were studied by the inhibition rate of α…
Anthocyanins in Plant Food: Current Status, Genetic Modification, and Future Perspectives.
Anthocyanins are naturally occurring polyphenolic pigments that give food varied colors. Because of their high antioxidant activities, the consumption of anthocyanins has been associated with the benefit of preventing various chronic diseases. However, due to natural evolution or human selection, anthocyanins are found…
Recovery of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) polymers from a mixed microbial culture through combined ultrasonic disruption and alkaline digestion
PHAs are a form of cellular storage polymers with diverse structural and material properties, and their biodegradable and renewable nature makes them a potential green alternative to fossil fuel-based plastics. PHAs are obtained through extraction via various mechanical, physical and chemical processes after…
Plant polysaccharide itself as hydrogen bond donor in a deep eutectic system-based mechanochemical extraction method
A deep eutectic system (DESys) is formed when a hydrogen bond acceptor (HBA) is processed with polysaccharide (hydrogen bond donor, HBD) containing plant substance in water to dissolve, extract, and recover the polysaccharide directly, instead of using a traditional deep eutectic solvent (DES). The…
Antioxidant Phenolics from Vegetable By-Products
The increasing demand for healthy products has also increased the demand and consumption of fruits and vegetables whose supply chain generates by-products. For instance, 15–30% of fruits and vegetables processing is discarded as waste, such as: seeds, stalks, outer layers, stems, and pomace, obtained…
Process for high yield, high purity extraction of rubber from non-hevea sources
The present disclosure provides for a method of purifying rubber from a plant that naturally produces rubber, the method including: a) contacting plant material with hot water or a dilute basic aqueous solution, thereby forming a plant material composition with a concentration of 3% or less of water extractable materials…
Hop essential compounds extraction and separation unit
A method of preparing extracts from plants and/or plant material, comprising combining whole hops, plant or plant material with water and ethanol under an inert atmosphere and heating the mixture to up to 70°C at a pH of 7.5-8.5; milling the mixture under an inert atmosphere to comminute the hops; maintaining or increasing…
Process for the extraction of cutin from tomato processing waste
Process for the extraction of cutin from tomato waste comprising the steps of: A. Preparing waste or by-products obtained from tomato processing; B. Soaking the tomato waste in an alkaline solution to obtain an alkaline mixture having a pH > 10, the alkaline mixture comprising a liquid phase and a dispersed…
Extrait de plante très concentré en safranal, procédé d’obtention et utilisations
L’objet de l’invention est un extrait végétal comprenant une concentration mesurée par méthode HPLC d’au moins 0,2% de safranal en poids par rapport au poids total de la matière sèche. L’invention a également pour objet un procédé d’obtention d’un tel extrait, les compositions l’incluant et son utilisation.
Application of biosolvents for the extraction of anthocyanins from gülfatma flowers (Alcea apterocarpa (Fenzl) Boiss): optimization and stability approaches
The gülfatma flower ( Alcea apterocarpa Fenzl Boiss) is used as remedy to treat many diseases since centuries. In this study, biosolvents such as glycerol, 1,3-butanediol, and ethyl alcohol were used extract and optimize anthocyanin s from gülfatma flower by applying the central composite of response surface…
Algal Proteins
Abstract Algae biomass either from micro and macroalgae encompass an interesting potential to be used as an alternative protein source, given their biochemical composition, and claimed functional, technological, and associated health benefits. During last decade a growing body of knowledge has been established…
Valorization of discarded red beetroot through the recovery of bioactive compounds and the production of pectin by surfactant-assisted microwave extraction
Highlights • Valorization of discarded red beetroot by the recovery of bioactive compounds. • DRB juice is rich betalains (1426 mg/L), pigments with antioxidant properties. • Recovery of pectin in DRB pomace by microwave extraction aided by polyethylene glycol. • Optimal GalA extraction (120 g/kg pomace) at 137…
Extracting extracellular polymeric substances from fungi in contrasts: from quantity to quality
Abstract Many fungi are able to produce extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) for environmental, food, and industrial applications. This study evaluated the extraction (in vivo) of EPS from Rhodotorula mucilaginosa , a typical yeast with abundant EPS. Three extracting methods were set, i.e., heating, addition…
Extraction of Ursolic Acid from Apple Peel with Hydrophobic Deep Eutectic Solvents: Comparison between Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Networks.
Extracting ursolic acid (UA) from plant resources using organic solvents is incompatible with food applications. To address this, in this study, 15 edible hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents (HDESs) were prepared to extract UA from apple peel, the extraction conditions were optimized, and the optimization strategies were…
Novel Organic Solvent Nanofiltration Approaches for Microbial Biosurfactants Downstream Processing.
Glycolipid biosurfactants are the most prominent group of microbial biosurfactants, comprising rhamnolipids, sophorolipids and mannosylerythritol lipids (MELs). Usually, large amounts of hydrophobic substrates (e.g., vegetable oils) are used to achieve high titers (~200 g/L) of a crude product of low purity at values limited…
Polysaccharides from Spirulina platensis: Extraction methods, structural features and bioactivities diversity.
Spirulina platensis, a well-known blue-green microalga cultivated and consumed in China and United States, is traditionally used as a food supplement and medical ingredient. Increasing evidence has confirmed that the Spirulina platensis polysaccharides (SPPs) are vital and representative pharmacologically…
Valorization of food processing wastes using PEF and its economic advances – Recent Update
Summary Food processing is an emerging industrial sector that applies new technologies to process foods efficiently. During processing, food industries produce a substantial amount of by‐products as waste. Disposal of these wastes remains a problem and causes environmental pollution and greenhouse gas…
Ultrasonic-assisted extraction and enrichment of the flavonoids from Salicornia Europaea leaves using macroporous resins and response surface methodology
This study investigated an efficient method to extract flavonoids from Salicornia Europaea leaves with an ultrasonic-assisted extraction method in [C 4 mim]Cl) aqueous solution and enrich flavonoids using macroporous adsorption resins. The parameters of ultrasonic performance were optimized by RSM…
Recent advance in biomass membranes: Fabrication, functional regulation, and antimicrobial applications.
Both inorganic and polymeric membranes have been widely applied for antimicrobial applications. However, these membranes exhibit low biocompatibility, weak biodegradability, and potential toxicity to human being and environment. Biomass materials serve as excellent candidates for fabricating functional membranes…
Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Antioxidants from Melastoma malabathricum Linn.: Modeling and Optimization Using Box-Behnken Design.
This study presents modeling and optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) of Melastoma malabathricum with the objective of evaluating its phytochemical properties. This one-factor-at-a-time (OFAT) procedure was conducted to screen for optimization variables whose domains included extraction…
A review on optimistic biorefinery products: Biofuel and bioproducts from algae biomass
Highlights • Recent biorefinery products from microalgae are discussed in this review. • Global demand of bioenergy & microalgae based products are considered in this review. • Optimistic methods reported for algae biomass based biofuel discussed. • List of bioenergy and bioproducts producing microalgae has…
Bioactive Compounds in Extracts from the Agro-Industrial Waste of Mango.
Mango by-products are important sources of bioactive compounds generated by agro-industrial process. During mango processing, 35-60% of the fruit is discarded, in many cases without treatment, generating environmental problems and economic losses. These wastes are constituted by peels and seeds (tegument…
Enzymatic approach for the extraction of bioactive fractions from red, green and brown seaweeds
Highlights • Synergetic effect of carbohydrases and proteases on four seaweeds was observed. • Combination of Viscozyme and Flavourzyme proved to be optimal for red seaweeds. • The selected extracts presented significant antioxidant and prebiotic potential. Abstract Although several enzymatic approaches have…
Isolation of Garlic Bioactives by Pressurized Liquid and Subcritical Water Extraction.
Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is widely used in various food products and traditional medicine. Besides unique taste and flavour, it is well known for its chemical profile and bioactive potential. The aim of this study was to apply subcritical water extraction (SWE) and pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) for the extraction of…
Sustainable recovery of phenolic antioxidants from real olive vegetation water with natural hydrophobic eutectic solvents and terpenoids
Highlights • Novel valorization of olive vegetation water through the extraction of antioxidants. • COSMO-RS allows the screening of terpenoids and eutectic solvents. • High extraction yields of natural solvents compared to conventional solvents. • Phenolics could be concentrated in the alkaline phase to factors up to 49.3. • A…
Research Progress on Extraction and Modification of Polysaccharide by Subcritical Water
Polysaccharides are important natural products exhibiting many biological functions, such as antioxidant, antiinflammatory and anti-tumor activities. They are widely used in food and pharmaceutical industries. The extraction method affects the yield, structure and activity of polysaccharides, influencing their…
Ultrasonic-Assisted Extraction and Antioxidant Potential of Valuable Protein from Ulva rigida Macroalgae
Ulva green macroalgae or sea lettuce are rich sources of protein with nutritional benefits that promote health as a future plant-based functional ingredient in the food industry. Alkaline pretreatment improved ultrasonic-assisted protein extraction from Ulva rigida biomass. Parameters affecting ultrasonic-assisted extraction…
Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Polyphenols from Eucalyptus Bark—A First Step for a Green Production of Tannin-Based Coagulants
Tannins are natural polyphenolic compounds widely found in plants. The production of natural coagulants for water treatment is one of their new applications. Polyphenols extraction is the first step for synthesizing tannin-based coagulants. Eucalyptus globulus bark (EGB), an abundant by-product of the pulp and…
Subcritical Water Extraction as an Effective Technique for the Isolation of Phenolic Compounds of Achillea Species
The genus Achillea has significant medical potential due to the presence of highly bioactive compounds in its chemical composition. To take advantage of plants’ biomedical potential, it is of great importance to use a proper extraction process. This study aimed to determine and compare the preliminary chemical…
Optimizing Conditions for Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of the Betulinic Acid, Oleanolic Acid, and Ursolic Acid from the Jujube using Response Surface Methodology (RSM)
Pentacyclic triterpenic acids have potential effects in treating human diseases. Thus, it seems necessary to have an effective method to extract and separate triterpenic acids from plants and fruits such as jujube. To this end, this study optimized ultrasound-assisted extraction of Betulinic acid (BA), Oleanolic acid (OA)…
Extraction and Quantitation of Phytosterols from Edible Brown Seaweeds: Optimization, Validation, and Application
Brown seaweeds are known as important marine food sources, from which phytosterols have been recognized as functional food components with multiple health-beneficial effects. However, studies on phytosterol extraction and quantitation from edible brown seaweeds are limited. In the present…
Environmental life cycle assessment of production of the high intensity sweetener steviol glycosides from Stevia rebaudiana leaf grown in Europe: The SWEET project
Purpose: There is an increasing interest in the use of non-nutritive sweeteners to replace added sugar in food and beverage products for reasons of improving consumer health. Much work has been done to understand safety of sweeteners, but very little on sustainability. To address that gap, this study presents the results…
Comparative Study of the Efficiency of Additives in the Extraction of Phycocyanin-C from Arthrospira maxima Using Ultrasonication
Several phycocyanin extraction methods have been proposed, however, most of them present economical or productive barriers. One of the most promising methods that has been suggested is ultrasonication. We have analyzed here the effect of operational conditions and additives on the extraction and purity of…
Comparative Study of Novel Methods for Olive Leaf Phenolic Compound Extraction Using NADES as Solvents
Natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) composed of choline chloride with maltose (CMA), glycerol (CGL), citric (CCA) and lactic acid (CLA) combined with microwave (MAE), ultrasound (UAE), homogenate (HAE) and high hydrostatic pressure (HHPAE)-assisted extraction methods were applied to recover and…
Commercial Astaxanthin Production from Green Alga Haematococcus pluvialis
Astaxanthin is a secondary carotenoid that is widely used as a dietary supplement and feed in aquaculture industries. Among other commercially significant microalgae, Haematococcus pluvialis is considered as the best non-genetically modified microalgae for accumulation of natural astaxanthin. Natural astaxanthin…
Emerging Solvent Extraction Technologies for Plant Protein Extraction: Aqueous Two-Phase Extraction; Deep Eutectic Solvent; Subcritical Water Extraction
The plant protein market has been booming for several years now; consumers are increasingly looking for alternative sources to animal protein. Nowadays, plant protein concentrates/isolates are mainly produced by the alkaline extraction-isoelectric precipitation process. This process has a high productivity but is not…
Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Plant Proteins
Due to the increase of world population, the demand for protein of animal origin is expected to double by 2050. However, the production of animal (meat, fish, and dairy) products has been associated to negative environmental impacts. This issue joined to new consumer trends towards healthy diets, has increased…
Enzyme-Assisted Extraction of Plant Proteins
Enzyme-assisted extraction (EAE) is an environmentally friendly green processing technique used to aid protein extraction from different plant sources. This is due to its mild operating conditions, reduced waste generation and low energy consumption compared to chemical and physical extraction approaches. A…
Enrichment of rosmarinic acid from Salvia przewalskii Maxim. leaves using macroporous resin: Adsorption/desorption behavior, process optimization followed by scale-up
To valorize Salvia przewalskii Maxim. leaves as a renewable source of rosmarinic acid, an efficient macroporous resin enrichment technology was established in this work. X-5 resin was considered as the most appropriate adsorbent in view of its highest adsorption/desorption capacity for rosmarinic acid, and…
Efficient ultrasound-assisted extraction of platycodin D and lobetyolin from Platycodon grandiflorus with polyethylene glycol (PEG) solution
This study describes an enhanced technique for extracting platycodin D and lobetyolin from the roots of Platycodon grandiflorus using an ultrasound-assisted approach with polyethylene glycol (PEG) as an additive. The optimization conditions were obtained by combining single-factor and Box–Behnken design…
A research of marigold flavonoids from marigold residues
In this paper, marigold flavonoids (MF) extracted from defatted marigold has been deeply investigated about the production technology, composition and content, antioxidant activity in vitro or in vivo, and acute oral toxicity for evaluating the comprehensive utilization possibilities. As result, the content of MF can reach 90…
Technoeconomic and life cycle analysis of soluble dietary fiber concentrate production from waste orange peels
This research aims to optimize the environmentally sustainable and economically feasible process for soluble dietary fiber concentrate (SDFC) production from waste citrus peel by different physical methods, including micronization, autoclave, autoclave followed by micronization, extrusion, and ultrasonication. The study…
Optimization Of Phenolic Compounds And Antioxidant Extraction From Piper Betle Linn. Leaves Using Pressurized Hot Water
Piper betle Linn. (PBL) leaves is a medical plant commonly available in Malaysia, Indonesia, and other South and Southeast Asia countries. It contains high phenolic compounds, which allows it to be used as remedies that can treat many infectious diseases and is considered safe and cost-effective as a medicine…
Standardization of proanthocyanidin extract’s mean degree of polymerization using eutectic solvents
Proanthocyanidin’s molecular characteristics, especially mean degree of polymerization (mDP), have a high impact on their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities. Nevertheless, the mDP of proanthocyanidin’s extracts obtained from the same plant species can change due to the use of different plant varieties or…
A rapid, efficient and eco-friendly approach for simultaneous biomass harvesting and bioproducts extraction from microalgae: Dual flocculation between cationic surfactants and bio-polymer
Microalgal biomass harvesting and cell disruption are the main bottlenecks for downstream processing of microalgae such as high-value bioproducts extraction and biofuels production. In this study, we evaluated the performance of dual flocculation between cationic surfactants and bio-polymer of chitosan for…
Direct lipid and carotenoid extraction from Rhodosporidium toruloides broth culture after high pressure homogenization cell disruption: Strategies, methodologies, and yields
Biodiesel produced from oleaginous microorganisms is considered an appealing option since oleaginous yeasts and microalgae can accumulate between 20 % and 80 % lipids of their dry cell weight. However, it is still not economically sustainable since production costs are still high. This work developed a new…
Le marché des protéines végétales devrait enregistrer le TCAC le plus élevé d’ici 2030 | DuPont (US), Kerry Group (Ireland), Cargill (US)
Le rapport d’étude de marché Protéine végétale fournit une observation détaillée de plusieurs aspects, notamment le taux de croissance, la portée régionale et les développements récents des principaux acteurs du marché. Le rapport propose les cinq forces de Porter, PESTEL et une analyse de marché pour fournir…
Le sucre Made in France, important pour plus de 8 Français sur 10
Alors que l’abandon des néonicotinoïdes par la France suscite le désarroi des producteurs de betterave, Cultures Sucre, association regroupant les planteurs de betterave sucrière et les fabricants de sucre français, dévoile les résultats d’une enquête réalisée avec l’Institut CSA. Si acheter du sucre Made in France …
Baromètre consommateurs 2022 – Les Français et les protéines végétales
Présentation Protéines France a publié le 14 décembre 2022 la 6e édition de son baromètre sur les Français et les protéines végétales. Issu d’une enquête réalisée auprès de 1000 consommateurs, ce baromètre dresse un état des lieux des connaissances, des pratiques et de la perception des consommateurs Français vis-à-vis des protéines végétales…
Seaweed Extract Market is expected to surpass US$ 2.7 Bn by the end of 2032

The global Seaweed Extracts market is estimated to attain a valuation of US$ 2.7 Bn by the end of 2032, states a study by Transparency Market Research (TMR). Besides, the report notes that the market is prognosticated to expand at a CAGR of 5% during the forecast period, 2022-2032. The key objective of the TMR report is to offer a complete assessment of the global…
Microalgae Market: Meticulous Research® Reveals Why This Market Is Projected to Reach $3.08 Billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 9.4% from 2023 to 2030

The microalgae industry has attracted considerable interest worldwide due to the extensive application of microalgae and its potential in the renewable energy, biopharmaceutical, and nutraceutical industries. Growth in the microalgae industry has opened new avenues for food…
Nutraceutical Excipients Market to Observe Highest Growth of USD 3,685.86 Million with Excellent an Excellent CAGR of 7.4% by The End of 2030

Data Bridge Market Research has recently published a Report, titled, « Nutraceutical Excipients Market » The report offers an extensive analysis of key growth strategies, drivers, opportunities, key segment, Porter’s Five Forces analysis, and competitive landscape. The superior Nutraceutical Excipients market report includes historic…
Le marché des protéines de levure connaît une croissance énorme pour la nouvelle norme |Angel Yeast, Van Wankum Ingredients, Biospringer
Research Cognizance propose le dernier rapport publié sur Protéine de levure Analyse et prévisions du marché 2022-2029, fournissant des informations clés et offrant un avantage concurrentiel aux clients grâce à un rapport détaillé. Ce rapport se concentre sur les principaux Protéine de levure acteurs mondiaux…
Personal Care Ingredients Market Size is projected to reach USD 21,828,314.39 thousand by 2030

The Global Personal Care Ingredients Market is expected to grow significantly in the forecast period of 2023 to 2030. Data Bridge Market Research analyzes that the market is growing with a CAGR of 6.4% in the forecast period of 2023 to 2030 and is expected to reach USD 21,828,314.39 thousand by 2030. The…
Nutricosmetics Market is Projected to Exhibit Growth at 7.7% CAGR by 2031- TMR Study

The global Nutricosmetics market is estimated to attain a valuation of US$ 9.81 Bn Bn by the end of 2031, states a study by Transparency Market Research (TMR). Besides, the report notes that the market is prognosticated to expand at a CAGR of 7.7% during the forecast period, 2022-2031. The key objective of the TMR report is to offer a complete assessment…
Fructo-Oligosaccharides À Chaîne Courte Croissance Du Marché, Innovations À Venir Et Défis- Meiji, QHT, Beneo-Orafti
Voulez-Vous Savoir Quels Concurrents Révolutionnent Avec Enthousiasme Le Marché Fructo-oligosaccharides à chaîne courte? Le rapport sur le marché mondial de Fructo-oligosaccharides à chaîne courte peut vous dire comment l’analyse concurrentielle peut vous aider à comprendre la concurrence…
Huile D’oenothera Biennis (EPO) Croissance Du Marché, Innovations À Venir Et Défis- OQEMA, R.I.T.A, Shenyang Phytocare Ingredients
Voulez-Vous Savoir Quels Concurrents Révolutionnent Avec Enthousiasme Le Marché Huile d’Oenothera Biennis (EPO)? Le rapport sur le marché mondial de Huile d’Oenothera Biennis (EPO) peut vous dire comment l’analyse concurrentielle peut vous aider à comprendre la concurrence pour vos clients…
The Worldwide Biotech Flavor Industry is Expected to Reach $3.3 Billion by 2027

The ‘Biotech Flavor Market – Forecasts from 2022 to 2027’ report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com’s offering. The global biotech flavor…
Alimentation : pourquoi la fermentation revient au goût du jour

Sans risque, bonne pour la santé, pleine de saveurs, écologique… La fermentation, technique bien connue de nos ancêtres puis reléguée à certaines cultures avant de revenir en force depuis une vingtaine d’années, ne cesse de révéler ses bienfaits. Retour sur un engouement bien dans l’air du temps.
REPORTAGE. Le Togo, roi du soja biologique vers l’Europe
En moins de dix ans, le Togo est devenu le plus gros exportateur de soja biologique vers l’Union européenne devant l’Ukraine et l’Inde. Au point de détrôner parfois la culture du coton. « Tenez, regardez, tout ça c’est du soja ! » Le bras à la fenêtre du 4×4, Gédéon, notre guide, montre des champs de légumineuses…
Arômes et parfums Aperçus commerciaux du marché, taille, tendances, évaluation future, progrès technologiques et prévisions
Le rapport d’analyse du marché des arômes et parfums donne une évaluation des différents segments sur lesquels on s’appuie pour assister au développement le plus rapide dans le cadre de prévision approximatif. L’étude de marché comprend une analyse de l’attractivité du marché, dans laquelle chaque segment est comparé en fonction de la taille de son marché, de son…
Hydrocolloïdes De Source Végétale Perspectives Concurrentielles Du Marché- DowDupont, Cargill, Darling Ingredients

Voulez-Vous Savoir Quels Concurrents Révolutionnent Avec Enthousiasme Le Marché Hydrocolloïdes de source végétale? Le rapport sur le marché mondial de Hydrocolloïdes de source végétale peut vous dire comment l’analyse concurrentielle peut vous aider à comprendre la concurrence pour vos clients potentiels. Ceci est essentiel pour identifier un…
Médical Microalgues Le Marché Est En Plein Essor Dans Le Monde 2022 |DIC Corporation, Cyanotech Corporation, Koninkliijke DSM NV, Roquette Frères
Alors que l’économie mondiale se redresse en 2021 et que l’offre de la chaîne industrielle s’améliore, Marché Médical Microalgues mondial 2022 subit des changements majeurs décrit des éléments tels que les entreprises dominantes, les types, les applications, la classification, l’atmosphère commerciale et…
Les Micro-Algues Alimentaires Le Marché Est En Plein Essor Dans Le Monde 2022 |Cargill, DIC Corporation, Cyanotech Corporation, Koninkliijke DSM
Alors que l’économie mondiale se redresse en 2021 et que l’offre de la chaîne industrielle s’améliore, le Marché Les Micro-Algues Alimentaires mondial 2022 subit des changements majeurs décrit des éléments tels que les entreprises dominantes, les types, les applications, la classification, l’atmosphère commerciale et…
Seaweeds: An Ocean of Opportunity
(Poster) Introduction: Seaweeds belongs to Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta which are marine macroalgae growing in shallow sea. The work deals with figuring out scope, cultivation, industry, marketing schemes by various organization. During our survey it was revealed that the awareness is required…