Chr. Hansen and Novozymes merge in largest Danish deal on record

Bioscience players Novozymes and Chr. Hansen are merging in a deal that will result in the dissolution of the latter by the fourth quarter of 2023. The new company is expected to post annual revenues upwards of €3.5 billion (US$3.7 billion). The deal represents the largest merger ever between two Danish companies. Chr. Hansen is a developer of agricultural…
Takeover on the horizon? Brenntag makes preliminary indication of interest for Univar Solutions

German chemicals distributor Brenntag has confirmed potential takeover talks with US rival Univar Solutions and is understood to be debating the feasibility of a potential acquisition in the coming months. Although the two giants remain guarded about the details of exploring this possible takeover deal, Univar Solutions confirms that it has received a preliminary indication…
Microalgues : L’Oréal entre au capital de Microphyt qui lève 15 millions d’euros

La biotech française Microphyt, pionnier des solutions naturelles issues de microalgues pour les domaines de la nutrition et du bien-être, vient de lever 15 millions d’euros pour développer de nouveaux ingrédients, accélérer la commercialisation de ses gammes existantes et accroître sa capacité de production. Le tour de table a été mené…
Tereos étend l’usage des fructo-oligosaccharides à chaînes courtes à la beauté

Le groupe coopératif, leader du sucre de betteraves en France, se lance sur le marché des cosmétiques avec FOS Beauty, une marque dédiée à l’usage des fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) à chaînes courtes dans les produits cosmétiques. Présentes naturellement dans certains fruits et légumes, ces fibres alimentaires aux propriétés…
Une startup suédoise lève 21 millions d’euros pour accélérer la commercialisation de sa technologie de bioproduction sans cellules

« EnginZyme fournit une solution unique et verte qui a le potentiel de conduire le secteur chimique dans une direction durable ». EnginZyme, une entreprise de technologie verte qui développe des processus de biofabrication pour la fabrication durable de produits d’usage courant, a annoncé qu’elle avait levé 21 millions d’euros lors d’un tour de financement de…
La stratégie RSE d’Alpol récompensée par une médaille d’argent EcoVadis

Fabricant français spécialiste des formules de soins de la peau, Alpol Cosmétique a débuté en 2019 la formalisation de sa politique de développement durable et son intégration dans sa stratégie d’entreprise ainsi que dans sa culture interne. Baptisée ID Beauty, la démarche a été structurée autour de six axes clefs : Prendre en compte les…
Azelis acquires Chemiplas Agencies

(Brève) Azelis has signed an agreement to acquire Chemiplas Agencies, one of the leading distributors of specialty chemicals, plastic raw materials and ingredients in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. The acquisition is intended to significantly expand Azelis’ footprint and to accelerate the company’s growth in Asia Pacific…
La Calira rêve d’un beau lin bien fourni pour assainir les relations avec les clients

La Calira rêve d’un beau lin bien fourni pour assainir les relations avec les clients maryline.depui… lun 26/12/2022 – 06:00 filière lin Calira Avec une très forte demande et des prix attractifs, les feux sont au vert pour le lin. Mais après deux campagnes médiocres en termes de qualité et de quantité, la Calira (Coopérative linière de la région d’Abbeville…
» La fermentation est une grande technologie verte aux pouvoirs infinis « , selon Christine M’Rini Puel, directrice R&D de Lesaffre

Arrivée début 2022 chez Lesaffre pour diriger la R&D, Christine M’Rini Puel partage avec le géant de la de la levure l’idée que la fermentation est une des réponses au défi de l’alimentation saine au niveau mondial. À l’origine médecin-chercheur, Christine M’Rini Puel était depuis 2019 vice-présidente en recherche et innovation à Danone, pour tous les sujets santé et science de…
Le secteur des insectes prend son envol

Agronutris et Ÿnsect mettent en service leur usine de production d’ingrédients à base d’insectes. Agronutris, spécialisée dans l’élevage et la transformation d’insectes pour l’alimentation, accueille ses premiers insectes sur son premier site industriel de Rethel (Ardennes). Arrivés au stade de larves sur site ces dernières semaines, ces insectes…
Le chebula est-il le nouvel ingrédient anti-âge tendance ?

Encore relativement peu connu, cet ingrédient ancestral de la médecine ayurvédique a-t-il le potentiel de s’imposer dans les salles de bains ? Ses puissants pouvoirs anti-âge pourraient en faire une des stars des produits de beauté de demain. C’est sous l’appellation myrobolan chébule, ou myrobolan indien, fruit du Terminalia chebula…
Eurofragance acquiert son partenaire en Indonésie et se retire des États-Unis

Le fabricant de parfums basé à Barcelone a réévalué sa présence opérationnelle sur plusieurs marchés stratégiques et a décidé de renforcer sa présence dans la région APAC avec l’acquisition de PT Euronindo Fragrance en Indonésie. En parallèle, la société s’est désengagée du marché américain en vendu ses activités à OnScent…
Antofénol, le biocontrôle comme alternative aux phytosanitaires conventionnels

À l’aide d’une technologie d’éco-extraction inouïe, basée sur les hyperfréquences, Antofénol offre une solution de remplacement aussi innovante qu’écoresponsable. Fondée en 2014, Antofénol se spécialise dans l’extraction végétale assistée par micro-ondes afin de valoriser la biomasse végétale. Son objectif consiste à développer…
Elicir, un extrait végétal biostimulant

Elicir est une start-up montpelliéraine de la La communauté Deeptech de Bpifrance lancée en mars 2021 dont l’objectif est d’apporter à l’agriculture un produit biologique de contrôle des pathogènes et d’optimisation de la croissance, naturel, 100 % extrait d’une plante. Ses marchés seront aussi en sylviculture et en horticulture. « Notre…
Pour une bioéconomie circulaire durable, régénératrice, inclusive et juste

Valorial, Vegepolys Valley et l’AC3A coordonnent leurs actions dans le Grand Ouest Lauréats du même appel à projet sur le Cluster 6 « Bioéconomie » du programme Horizon Europe, les projets BIORURAL, RURALBIOUP et SCALE-UP visent à favoriser le développement…
Constellium, Norske Skog, Merck : les investissements qui marqueront 2023 dans le Grand Est

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés au Journal des Entreprises) Augmentation de capacité, innovation dans les procédés ou encore diminution de l’empreinte carbone, l’année 2023 va être marquée par des chantiers importants dans le Grand Est. Malgré un contexte incertain, les industriels maintiennent le cap et lancent les investissements…
Industry collaboration poised to unlock plant-based sensory potential and boost taste and texture

Symrise is working with Wageningen University & Research (WUR) and other key industry players in a four-year research project to examine the factors that influence flavor release and sensory qualities of meat analogs. The partnership aims to develop alternative meat products with superior and consumer-attractive taste. The research consortium also includes Nissin…
Biotech. Pour poursuivre son développement, TWB veut doubler ses efforts

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à Touléco) Le démonstrateur pré-industriel Toulouse White Biotechnology (TWB), spécialisé dans la recherche en biotechnologies, fait le bilan de dix ans d’activités. Il voudrait augmenter encore ses investissements dans les cinq prochaines années. Toulouse White Biotechnology(TWB) passe le cap des…
Umiami va produire en Alsace

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à RIA) Le fabricant d’alternatives végétales reprend un ancien site d’Unilever en Alsace pour démarrer sa production. Après avoir réalisé en avril dernier une levée de 26,5 millions d’euros et ouvert en juin son centre de R&D et pilote industriel en Île-de-France, Umiami rachète une usine Unilever à Duppigheim…
Plant-forward: DSM launches texturized vegetable protein that replicates meat texture

DSM has unveiled Vertis Textured Pea Canola Protein, which the company believes can overcome a significant gap in plant-based nutrition. The ingredient is touted as the only soy-free textured vegetable protein with the necessary levels of all nine essential amino acids, which classifies it as a complete protein. It also boasts unique textural benefits and is gluten-free…
Activ’Inside reveals latest findings from Silver Brain Food research

The project takes a holistic approach to cognitive research to create personalised active ageing solutions. French biotech company Activ’Inside has revealed the latest developments from its Silver Brain Food research project. In collaboration with the NutriNeuro and Bordeaux Population Health university laboratories, the project aims to develop…
Première efficacité clinique de la prévention du syndrome NASH chez l’homme grâce à l’extrait de Spiruline d’Algosource
Des résultats chez l’homme issus de l’étude SPIROX confirment les études précliniques et les propriétés fonctionnelles et thérapeutiques issues de la microalgue Des résultats publiés dans la revue scientifique Marine Drugs Saint-Nazaire, 1er décembre 2022 ALGOSOURCE, spécialiste de la recherche et de la…
La saga de Berkem, le spécialiste français des antioxydants extraits des végétaux et fruits depuis 1993
(enregistrement d’une émission d’Europe 1 diffusée le 01/12/2022) La saga de Berkem, le spécialiste français des antioxydants extraits de végétaux et de fruits depuis 1993.
Algues bretonnes : Recherches, développements et espoirs d’une nouvelle industrie

La Station biologique de Roscoff, ce centre emblématique de la recherche bretonne, accueillait mardi 29 novembre un colloque sur les algues, , une ressource naturelle sur laquelle l’industrie agro-alimentaire bretonne est en train de construire un futur durable et oui, radieux. Intitulé La valorisation des macro et micro algues « Les biotechnologies…
Givaudan Active Beauty : Une alternative haute-tolérance au rétinol

Givaudan Active Beauty renforce son portefeuille well-ageing avec le lancement de Siliphos, une alternative naturelle aux rétinoïdes. Ce nouvel ingrédient actif est extrait par fractionnement vert des fruits du chardon-Marie à l’aide de la technologie Phytosome. Selon Givaudan Active Beauty, Siliphos surpasse le bakuchiol, la…
Paris-based Yeasty brews up €1.4 million for its alt-protein source

Foodtech startup Yeasty has just raised €1.4 million for its circular approach to alt-protein which uses leftover brewer’s yeast. The Paris-based team will now industrialize the production of its protein product, enabling a new generation of meat alternatives and high-protein substitutions. In the food space, there are two influential trends – the…
Compléments beauté : Des consommateurs de plus en plus exigeants

Avec le succès grandissant des produits de beauté à ingérer, les consommateurs deviennent de plus en plus informés et exigeants sur la qualité de ces compléments alimentaires dont ils attendent beaucoup. Pour Tosla Nutricosmetics, les soins de la peau sous forme de produits à ingérer se doivent d’être irréprochables ! En tant…
Mibelle recycle les peaux de mandarine pour lutter contre l’inflammaging
(Brève) Le dernier ajout de Mibelle Biochemistry à sa gamme d’ingrédients actifs est obtenu en recyclant la pâte d’écorce de mandarines biologiques résultant du processus de distillation de la production de parfums biologiques sur l’île de Chios, en Grèce. Baptisé CALMandrin, le nouvel ingrédient durable a été conçu…
BASF Achieves ‘Lower Carbon Footprint’ Certification for Its Aroma Ingredient

BASF offers Geraniol Extra BMBcert(TM) with a third-party certified carbon footprint demonstrably lower than the market standard. The rose scent is used in various day-to-day Home and Personal Care products. Replaces Fossil Feedstock with 100% Certified Renewable Materials. Besides the reduction of CO2 emissions, Geraniol Extra…
A Noyant, la future unité industrielle de Bioprox retenue dans le cadre de l’appel à projet national » Première usine «
(Brève) Basée à Noyant (Maine-et-Loire), la société Bioprox (7,9 M€ de CA 2019), pôle industrie alimentaire et solutions biotechnologiques du groupe français Proxis Développement, fait partie des 18 projets retenus par l’État dans le cadre de l’appel à projets » Première usine » de France 2030 lancé en janvier 2022. Ces…
DSM launches canola protein ingredient for plant-based innovation after ten years of R&D

DSM has unveiled Vertis CanolaPRO, a high-quality canola protein isolate. The move marks over a decade of R&D at the company, which has « unlocked protein from canola seeds and producing it at scale for the food industry. » Canola seeds, also known as rapeseeds, are one of the world’s few available plant sources of complete protein, meaning they contain all…
GreenSea va bâtir une bioraffinerie de microalgues

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés au Journal des entreprises) Le spécialiste des biotechnologies marines GreenSea investit dans un pilote industriel de bioraffinerie pour microalgues, à Mèze (Hérault). L’opération permettra de réorganiser la production de l’entreprise, qui va doubler de surface. Installée à Mèze (Hérault) sur les rives du…
Projet PROFIL en Hauts-de-France

(Brève avec lien hypertexte vers plus d’information) IMPROVE est fier de participer au projet PROFIL. Le but du sujet PROFIL en quelques mots : * Développer la culture des légumineuses en Hauts-de-France *Mettre en avant les procédés à bas coût pour la transformation des légumineuses (Farine complète, blanche et/ou riche en protéines) *Valoriser ces farines…
Bel et Standing Ovation s’allient dans les caséines

(Article complet résevé aux abonnés à RIA) Le groupe fromager Bel et Standing Ovation vont collaborer pour intégrer les caséines produites par la start-up dans des alternatives aux fromages du groupe fromager. Standing Ovation a mis au point un procédé de fermentation qui permet de produire des caséines d’origine non animale. « Elles sont…
Mustela accélère au Brésil avec de nouveaux produits et une fabrication locale

Présente au Brésil depuis presque une décennie, la marque française, pécialisée dans les produits dermo-cosmétiques pour enfants, s’organise pour lancer en 2023 la production locale de certaines de ses références. Mustela prévoit aussi, dès 2024 des développements spécifiques pour mieux répondre aux besoins du marché brésilien…
Estée Lauder s’offre la marque Tom Ford pour 2,8 milliards de dollars

Le groupe Estée Lauder a annoncé avoir signé un accord pour acquérir la marque de luxe Tom Ford dans le cadre d’un accord qui valorise l’ensemble de l’entreprise à 2,8 milliards de dollars. Estée Lauder était déjà le partenaire de longue date de la marque dans le domaine de la beauté dans le cadre d’un accord de licence signé en 2005…
Ki’Leaft®, le nouvel actif de Berkem extrait de la feuille de kiwi

Ki’Leaft®, est un extrait de feuilles de kiwi, 100 % d’origine naturelle, upcyclé, dont la culture est maitrisée et certifiée biologique. Riche en sucres et contenant des polyphénols, Ki’Leaft® offre un effet tenseur immédiat, il participe à la régénération de la peau, renforce sa fonction barrière ainsi que sa structure et présente une forte…
Givaudan fait un pas de plus vers une parfumerie holistique avec MoodScentz+
Givaudan lance une version améliorée de son programme de conception de parfums et d’arômes de soins bucco-dentaires MoodScentz. Le nouveau MoodScentz+ introduit de nouveaux outils de mesure neurobiologiques basés sur une exploration approfondie de données permettant mieux comprendre…
Activ’Inside targets hyperpigmentation with Champagne grape nutricosmetic

French food-tech company Activ’lnside has introduced Belight3, its latest Champagne-grape-derived nutricosmetic, inspired in Asia and formulated to reduce melanin skin spots. Based near Bordeaux in southwestern France, the company upcycles the by-products of grapes from the northeastern Champagne region, which it says are up to five times…
Merck : Un trio d’actifs marins pour booster le renouvellement cutané

Spécifiquement développés pour le renouvellement naturel de la peau, RonaCare JouvaMer et RonaCare ReviMer de Merck forment avec RonaCare RenouMer, lancé précédemment, un trio marin agissant en faveur du renouvellement cutané. Ces trois ingrédients cosmétiques sont approuvés par COSMOS, certifiés Halal et vegans…
Excellentia to Distribute AFYREN’s Natural Acids Range in North America

AFYREN has signed a North American distribution agreement with Excellentia, a supplier of natural ingredients to the flavors and fragrances market. Excellentia will distribute the full range of FLAVYREN™ natural acids produced by AFYREN NEOXY, AFYREN’s first factory. AFYREN is a greentech company that offers manufacturers…
Valbiotis boucle une levée de fonds de 9,7 millions d’euros pour ses compléments alimentaires

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à La Tribune) Engagé dans la mise au point de compléments alimentaires à base de végétaux permettant de lutter contre les excès de glycémie, de cholestérol LDL, de graisse dans le foie ou encore de trop forte pression artérielle, Valbiotis vient de lever 9,7 millions d’euros et annonce un nouveau plan…
Beneo expands production capacity in Chile while reducing energy needs

Functional ingredients manufacturer Beneo has spent â90 million to expand its Pemuco, Chile production plant, increasing its prebiotic chicory root fibers capacity by 30%. The investment also reducing specific energy consumption by 35%. The positive effects of chicory root fibers (inulin and oligofructose) on bifidobacteria abundance in gut…
Avec un financement de 70 millions d’euros, Groupe Berkem va encore racheter des entreprises

(article et enregistrement vocal) Groupe Berkem, l’un des principaux leaders de la chimie verte en Nouvelle-Aquitaine, se prépare à réaliser une nouvelle série d’opérations de croissance externe après sa dernière levée de fonds. Le groupe, qui a enregistré une croissance confortable sur les neuf derniers mois, annonce par ailleurs la conclusion…
Symrise repousse les limites de la naturalité en parfumerie

Dans la lignée de sa collection Garden Lab, une gamme d’alcoolats de légumes obtenus grâce à sa technologie d’extraction à faible empreinte carbone SymTrap, la maison de composition a présenté à l’occasion du salon Beautyworld Middle East à Dubaï, des extraits de fruits 100% naturels. Obtenir des extraits de fruits 100% naturels et extraire…
Le konjac, plante aux mille vertus, s’installe en France

Docteur en biologie végétale, Nhung Nguyen-Deroche entend créer la 1ère filière de konjac en France. Aussi polyvalent qu’un couteau suisse, ce tubercule cultivé en Asie est loué dans le secteur alimentaire et diététique ainsi que dans le milieu médical et cosmétique. Elle a reçu le prix des Trophées de l’Excellence Bio 2022 dans la catégorie « producteurs »…
Strategy and Approaches of Extraction of Natural Bioactive Compounds and Secondary Metabolites from Plant Sources
This chapter covers primary and secondary information on bioactive compounds with their extraction techniques. This covers all classical and advanced extraction techniques of bioactive compounds from natural sources like herbs, shrubs, fruits, vegetables, biological sources, and secondary metabolites as it is a…
Recent advances in soy protein extraction technology
Abstract Protein extraction from soybeans is a vital part of the soy industry. Traditionally, the extraction of soy protein has been done by alkaline extraction and isoelectric precipitation. With the advancement of technology, more extraction techniques have been developed, and are superior to this traditional method…
Application of ultrasound technology for extraction of color pigments from plant sources and their potential bio‐functional properties: A review
Use of novel ultrasonication technique in the extraction of natural plant‐based color pigments namely; anthocyanins, betalains, carotenoids, and chlorophyll was discussed. Ultrasound extraction mechanisms, process energetics, advantages, and the effect of various parameters on yield and bioactive quality were…
Green Extraction of Polyphenols from Waste Bentonite to Produce Functional Antioxidant Excipients for Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Purposes: A Waste-to-Market Approach
In an ever-growing perspective of circular economy, the development of conscious, sustainable and environmental-friendly strategies to recycle the waste products is the key point. The scope of this work was to validate the waste bentonite from the grape processing industries as a precious matrix to extract…
Adsorptive bubble separation method in the recovery of a biomolecule
Abstract The present work aims to separate amino acid (l‐phenylalanine) from a highly dilute aqueous solution by the \’Adsorptive Bubble Separation Method\’. Separation is based on the principle of adsorption at the interphase of the gas bubble and aqueous phase and subsequent amino acid extraction in the top layered…
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Nicotiana tabacum Leaves: Optimization of Extraction Yield and Nicotine Content
The employment of supercritical carbon dioxide extraction for obtaining the chemical compounds from N. tabacum leaves, especially nicotine, is advancing. The supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of dried N. tabacum cv. Samsun and N. tabacum cv. Virginia at different process parameters was performed to obtain…
Feasibility study of chitosan extraction from waste leaves of Luffa cylindrica for bioresource recycling
Chitosan as natural, biocompatible and biodegradable biopolymer has been widely considered to own the characteristics of moisturizing, antibacterial and several biological activities for clinical purposes. Chitosan could be obtained from chitins via deacetylation. As known, chitin is typically derived from the exoskeletons…
Microalgae as a Source of Valuable Phenolic Compounds and Carotenoids
Microalgae are photosynthetic, eukaryotic organisms that are widely used in the industry as cell factories to produce valuable substances, such as fatty acids (polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)), sterols (sitosterol), recombinant therapeutic proteins…
Preparation method for plant biomass-based active tanning agent
Disclosed is a preparation method for a plant biomass-based active tanning agent, which uses cyanuric chloride and plant biomass to synthesize an environment-friendly plant biomass-based active tanning agent by means of a nucleophilic substitution reaction under low temperature reaction conditions. The appearance…
Towards New Sustainable Squalene Resources: Extraction from Apulian “Aged Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Sludge” (AEVOO-S). A Comparison Between Organic Solvent and Supercritical Fluid Techniques
Valorisation of agro-industry organic wastes has gained importance in the last decades since it pursues two major goals: environment protection and economic profit. Squalene that represents one the most important natural antioxidant for pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical industry, can be recovered from olive oil…
Phenolic Compounds Recovery from Blood Orange Peels Using a Novel Green Infrared Technology Ired-Irrad®, and Their Effect on the Inhibition of Aspergillus flavus Proliferation and Aflatoxin B1 Production
The intensification of total phenolic compound (TPC) extraction from blood orange peels was optimized using a novel green infrared-assisted extraction technique (IRAE, Ired-Irrad®) and compared to the conventional extraction using a water bath (WB). Response surface methodology (RSM) allowed for the optimization of…
Simultaneous extraction and preliminary purification of polyphenols from grape pomace using an aqueous two-phase system exposed to ultrasound irradiation: Process characterization and simulation
In this study, an ultrasound-assisted aqueous two-phase (ATP) extraction method was used for the extraction and purification of phenolic compounds from grape pomace. The effect of acoustic energy densities (AED, 41.1, 63.5, 96.1, 111.2 W/L) and temperatures (20, 30, 40°C) on the yield of phenolics was investigated. An…
Emerging trends in the pretreatment of microalgal biomass and recovery of value-added products: A review
Abstract Microalgae are a promising source of raw material (i.e., proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, pigments, and micronutrients) for various value-added products and act as a carbon sink for atmospheric CO2. The rigidity of the microalgal cell wall makes it difficult to extract different cellular components for its applications…
Enhancing Antioxidants Extraction from Agro-Industrial By-Products by Enzymatic Treatment
Nowadays, agro-industrial by-products are of increasing interest as a source of antioxidant compounds. Thus, alternative green techniques to extract antioxidant compounds have been pursued. The use of enzymes to release bioactive compounds through antioxidant activity reduces the environmental impact caused by…
Biocolorants in food: Sources, extraction, applications and future prospects
Color of a food is one of the major factors influencing its acceptance by consumers. At presently synthetic dyes are the most commonly used food colorant in food industry by providing more esthetically appearance and as a means to quality control. However, the growing concern about health and environmental due to…
Protein recovery from brewery solid wastes
Brewing produces significant amounts of solid waste during the process: spent cereals (BSG), hops and spent yeast (BSY). These residues are sustainable sources of valuable nutrients and functional compounds like proteins, polyphenols, and polysaccharides. This review describes the three solid wastes and the different…
An assessment of physical and chemical conditions in alginate extraction from two cultivated brown algal species in Norway: Alaria esculenta and Saccharina latissima
Abstract Alginates are linear anionic polysaccharides originating from brown algae. Their properties target several application areas in in food-, technical- and pharmaceutical industries, and thus they are highly valued. Norway is currently the largest producer of cultivated seaweed in Europe, where the predominant…
Extraction of methylxanthines by pressurized hot water extraction from cocoa shell by-product as natural source of functional ingredient
Cocoa beans are one of the largest cultivated crops all over the world, producing large amount of by-products. For this reason, it is necessary to valorise cocoa by-products to obtain valuable source of bioactive compounds. In this paper, a pressurized hot water extraction process for recovery of theobromine and…
Green extraction of phenolic compounds from grape pomace by deep eutectic solvent extraction: physicochemical properties, antioxidant capacity
Herein, new function-oriented deep eutectic solvents (DESs) with on l-proline or betaine and DL-lactic acid were designed extraction of polyphenol compounds from grape pomace. The formations of new hydrogen between the two components of DESs were evidenced by FTIR and 1 H NMR spectra. Physicochemical…
Simultaneous Extraction of Flavonoid Glycosides and Flavonoid Aglycones from Discarded Apple Branches by Enzyme-assisted Micelle-mediated Extraction with Cloud Point Enrichment Method
Extraction of flavonoid glycosides and flavonoid aglycones simultaneously by enzyme-assisted micelle-mediated extraction has been proposed in this study. The discarded apple tree branches pruned during winter dormancy were selected as model materials. Extraction of phloretin (flavonoid aglycone) and phlorizin…
Maximization of red pigment production from Streptomyces sp. LS1 structure elucidation and application as antimicrobial/antifouling against human pathogens and marine microbes
Background Natural dyes are present in living organisms such as animals and plants and microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, algae, and yeast. Pigments are fast and easy growth by using cheap components and do not effect by environmental conditions because they required some physical factors like heat, light, and…
Optimization of ethanol-modified subcritical water extraction of curcuminoids from turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) rhizomes: Comparison with conventional techniques
Highlights • SSE in dynamic mode was optimized by RSM to extract curcuminoids from Curcuma longa L. • The feasibility of using co-solvent in SWE as a polarity-tuning parameter was proved. • Applying ethanol led to perform SWE at lower temperature preventing thermal degradation. • SSE at optimum condition had…
Extraction of high purity fucoidans from brown seaweeds using cellulases and alginate lyases
Fucoidans are fucose rich sulfated polysaccharides that are found in the cell wall of brown seaweeds and have been shown to have several beneficial bioactivities. In the present study, we report a new enzymatic extraction technique for the production of pure and intact fucoidans from the two brown seaweeds…
Valorization of brewer’s spent grain by furfural recovery/removal from subcritical water hydrolysates by pervaporation
Highlights • Valorization of BSG was achieved by pervaporation coupled to subcritical water. • Organophilic membranes allowed selective recovery of furfural. • Removal/recovery of furfural from subW hydrolysates was as high as 94.1 \% • Detoxification by furfural removal allowed cell growth through sugar consumption…
Forward osmosis, reverse osmosis, and distillation membranes evaluation for ethanol extraction in osmotic and thermic equilibrium
Highlights • Forward Osmosis, Reverse Osmosis, and Membrane Distillation membranes have the potential to dealcoholize a 12\% v.v. Synthetic ethanol solution. • Membrane Distillation is a viable strategy for use as a complement in a hybrid FO-MD approach for Ethanol extraction. • Forward osmosis shows a higher ethanol…
Extraction of Naringin from Pomelo and Its Therapeutic Potentials against Hyperlipidemia
Pomelo peel is a natural plant product with numerous pharmacological effects and is used in traditional Chinese medicine. In the present study, we extracted naringin from pomelo peel and aimed to decipher its therapeutic potential against hyperlipidemia. We used ultrasonic-assisted extraction to obtain naringin prior…
Purification methods for modified rosin compositions
Presently described are purification methods for modified rosin compositions, purified compositions, and articles thereof. The methods described herein use a solvent. The solvent can include at least one of a hydrocarbon solvent, a bio-based solvent, or a combination thereof. The purified modified rosin…
Production of leaf protein concentrates from cassava: Protein distribution and anti-nutritional factors in biorefining fractions
Nowadays, cassava leaves are mostly treated as a byproduct of cassava root production, yet this readily available biomass is rich in protein with a balanced content of amino acids. Cassava leaves therefore represent a promising, underutilized biomass for extraction of proteins. The purpose of this study was to…
Procyanidins from Cranberry Press Residues-Extraction Optimization, Purification and Characterization
Procyanidins are a polyphenolic group that can be found in a variety of foods such as chocolate, tea, cranberries and others. Type A procyanidins can be found in a handful of sources and one of the richest sources are American cranberries. These compounds possess antioxidative, anticancer and anti-…
Isolation of papain from ripe papaya peel using aqueous two-phase extraction
Papaya peel is a good source of papain enzyme (cysteine protease) but currently unutilized for any commercial purpose and disposed of as waste, thereby becoming a source of pollution. Therefore, this study investigates the behavior of papain enzyme (cysteine protease) in an aqueous two-phase system (ATPS)…
Production of hemp protein isolate-polyphenol conjugates through ultrasound and alkali treatment methods and their characterization
Highlights • HPI-polyphenol conjugates were produced using ultrasound and alkali treatment • Alkali treatment induced higher level of conjugation between HPI and polyphenol • Conjugation with polyphenol significantly improved solubility and emulsifying properties • HPI-gallic acid conjugates produced through ultrasound…
Integration of enzymatic modification and ultrafiltration for the production of pectin fractions with highly potent antioxidant capacity as green valorization of sugar beet pulp
Enzymatic hydrolysis of pectin followed by ultrafiltration of hydrolysate was applied with the aim to produce fractions with potent antioxidant capacity. Pectin was isolated from waste sugar beet pulp by acidic extraction, washed by diafiltration and concentrated by ultrafiltration. Enzymatic hydrolysis was performed with…
Extraction, Isolation of Bioactive Compounds and Therapeutic Potential of Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.)
Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is a herbaceous annual plant of the Cruciferous family, the Cabbage genus. This oilseed crop is widely used in many areas of industry and agriculture. High-quality oil obtained from rapeseed can be found in many industrial food products. To date, extracts with a high content of biologically…
Recovery of lipids and carotenoids from Dunaliella salina microalgae using deep eutectic solvents
Abstract Microalgae are natural sources of bioactive compounds used for numerous applications such as pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, cosmetic, and recently in the production of biofuels. Achieving sustainability in some biotechnological processes still requires overcoming important challenges including the fatty acid…
Hollow fiber nanofiltration: From lab-scale research to full-scale applications
Highlights • Hollow fiber nanofiltration (HF NF) has become a mature technology. • HF NF is especially competitive for feed streams with high fouling loads. • Chemical and mechanical stability of HF NF membranes paramount for commercial success. • HF NF is applied on full-scale worldwide. Abstract: this…
Exploring Nordic microalgae as a potential novel source of antioxidant and bioactive compounds
Nordic microalgae are a group of photosynthetic organisms acclimated to growth at low temperature and in varying light conditions; the subarctic climate offers bright days with moderate temperatures during summer and cold and dark winter months. The robustness to these natural stress conditions makes the species…
Alpha-amylase-assisted extraction of protein concentrates from Raphanus sativus L. leaves
This research focused on the preparation of radish leaf protein concentrates (RLPC) by applying enzyme-assisted extraction, where α-amylase, protease, and xylanase were employed for the same. The α-amylase-assisted extraction showed maximum extraction yield (10.22%) and protein content (66.93%). Therefore…
Sequential extraction and fractionation of four polysaccharides from cultivated brown algae Saccharina latissima and Alaria esculenta
Abstract Norway has a well-established seaweed industry based on extraction of alginates from wild harvested brown algae, Laminaria hyperborea (LH). However, further expansion of wild harvest is limited, and cultivated seaweed can contribute to meeting increasing demands for high value compounds in an…
Environmentally benign alginate extraction and fibres spinning from different European Brown algae species
Highlights • Alginates from four species were extracted using a citric acid protocol. • The biochemical characteristics of the four alginates were determined. • Molecular size, m/g ratio and structure correlated with fibre formation. • Saccharina and Laminaria alginates formed consistent fibres. • The fibres produced…
Role and importance of solvents for the fractionation of lignocellulosic biomass
Highlights • Dissolution requires solute conformational flexibility. • Polysaccharide dissolution are restricted because of inflexible sugar ring. • Lignin dissolution is less hampered due to its dynamic aromatic nature. • Solute dissolution can be modified similarly through temperature or solvent. • Saturation is largely dictated…
Improved Extraction Efficiency and Antioxidant Activity of Defatted Canola Meal Extract Phenolic Compounds Obtained from Air-Fried Seeds
This study investigated the efficacy of roasting pre-treatment by air frying to enhance the extraction and recovery of the predominant sinapic acid derivatives (SADs) from roasted canola meal and the antioxidant potential of the methanolic extracts. Canola meal was obtained by air frying canola seed at 160, 170, 180…
Optimization of Mulberry Extract Foam-Mat Drying Process Parameters
Mulberry powder was created from the extract using a foam-mat drying process. The studies aimed to evaluate the effects of egg albumin, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), digestion-resistant maltodextrin (DRM) contents, and whipping time (5 to 15 min) on the foam properties. The impact of different drying…
Enzymatic cell wall degradation combined with pulsed electric fields increases yields of water-soluble-protein extraction from the green marine macroalga Ulva sp.
Abstract Marine macroalgae are an attractive source of alternative protein. However, protein extraction from macroalgae is challenging. In this work, we investigated a combination of enzymatic cell wall degradation and high voltage Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF), to enhance yields of water-soluble-protein extraction from the…
Microalgae biomass deconstruction using green solvents: Challenges and Future Opportunities
Microalgae enablefixation of CO2into carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins through inter and intracellularly biochemical pathways. These cellular components can be extracted and transformed into renewable energy, chemicals, and materials through biochemical and thermochemical transformation processes. However…
Extraction and purification of phycobiliproteins from algae and their applications
Microalgae, macroalgae and cyanobacteria are photosynthetic microorganisms, prokaryotic or eukaryotic, living in saline or freshwater environments. These have been recognized as valuable carbon sources, able to be used for food, feed, chemicals, and biopharmaceuticals. From the range of valuable compounds…
Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Polyphenols from Maritime Pine Residues with Deep Eutectic Solvents
Deep eutectic solvents represent an important alternative in the field of green solvents due to their low volatility, non-toxicity, and low synthesis cost. In the present investigation, we propose the production of enriched polyphenolic extracts from maritime pine forest residues via an ultrasound-assisted approach. A…
Unconventional Extraction of Total Non-Polar Carotenoids from Pumpkin Pulp and Their Nanoencapsulation
Pumpkin is considered a functional food with beneficial effects on human health due to the presence of interesting bioactives. In this research, the impact of unconventional ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) and microwave-assisted extraction techniques on the recovery of total non-polar carotenoids from Cucurbita…
Microwave-assisted extraction-A promising method for extracting colchicine from flowers of Gloriosa superba L.
Colchicine is the chief bioactive phytochemical from Gloriosa superba, which has a medicinal value of historical importance, curing more than 200 human diseases. Due to the over-exploitation owning to various medicinal values, G. superba has become an endangered species. Towards the extraction of bioactive…
A switchable temperature-responsive ionic liquid-based surfactant-free microemulsion for extraction and separation of hydrophilic and lipophilic compounds from Camptotheca acuminata and extraction mechanism
In this study, a switchable temperature-responsive ionic liquid-based surfactant-free microemulsion (TRIL-SFME) for extraction and in-situ separation of hydrophilic and lipophilic compounds from Camptotheca acuminata was firstly developed and systematically characterized. This TRIL-SFME was obtained using…
Green extraction of Buchanania siamensis and water-based formulations
Buchanania siamensis is a local plant in eastern and north-eastern Thailand belonging to the Anacardiaceae family. The plant provides shading and is a good source of food and medicine since its fruits possess antioxidant and anti-cancer effects. The green, environmental-friendly, extraction of B. siamensis, under…
Polyethylene glycol assisted mechanical amorphous dispersion using water for the extraction of hydrophobic anthraquinones from aloe
In this study, a rapid, environmental, economical, and practical method, polyethylene glycol (PEG) assisted mechanical amorphous dispersion using water for the extraction of hydrophobic anthraquinones in crops was first proposed. In order to fully understand the factors affecting the extraction yield, a systematic study was…
A green extraction approach using natural deep eutectic solvents enhances the in-vivo bioavailability of curcuminoids from turmeric extracts
Regardless of turmeric curcuminoids’ effectiveness and safety, their medicinal potential is constrained in humans because of their diminished oral absorption. Natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) have been shown to possess a high level of efficiency and environmental sustainability as bioavailability promoters….
Kinetic study in the extraction of xanthones from Securidaca longepedunculata roots by microwave-assisted-extraction
Background: Extraction of active compounds from plants using microwave can be utilized as an alternative solution for conventional extraction. To well understand this technology, the study of the modelization and kinetics mechanism of the extraction method is necessary. This study aimed to evaluate the suitable kinetics…
Polyphenol extraction in microwave reactor using by-product of Thymus serpyllum L. and biological potential of the extract
In the present study, polyphenol extraction from Thymus serpyllum by-product (herbal dust) in microwave reactor was optimized through varying extraction time, ethanol concentration and solid-to-solvent ratiovia determination of total polyphenol and flavonoid contents, and antioxidant activity, using response surface…
Extraction of a novel tanning agent from indigenous plant bark and its application in leather processing
The use of vegetable tanning materials in leather processing has drawn attention as an alternative to basic chromium sulphate for its natural abundance and environmental aspects. In this work, an attempt has been made to extract vegetable tannins from Xylocarpus granatum bark using different solvents (e.g water…
Optimization of the pulse electric field assisted extraction of black rice grain for antioxidant and sirtuin1 enzyme stimulation activities
Cyanidin-3-glucoside (C3G) and peonidin-3-glucoside (P3G) in black rice grain (BRG) demonstrate many beneficial health effects, including antioxidant and anti-aging properties. This research aimed to study on pulsed electric field assisted water extraction (PEF-AWE) on BRG using pre-treatment technique, which…
Comparison of Supercritical Fluid Extraction and Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Corchorus Olitorius L. and Evaluation of Their Antioxidant Properties and Identification of Compounds Using LC-ESI-MS
Corchorus olitorius L. is a medicinal herb with anti-inflammatory, laxative, and tonic properties, which is effective on the treatment of cancer and tumors. In this study, the extraction efficiency of supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) and ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) of C. olitorius as well as their antioxidant…
Ultrafast cold-brewing of coffee by picosecond-pulsed laser extraction
Coffee is typically brewed by extracting roasted and milled beans with hot water, but alternative methods such as cold brewing became increasingly popular over the past years. Cold-brewed coffee is attributed to health benefits, fewer acids, and bitter substances. But the preparation of cold brew typically needs several hours…
Optimization for ultrasonic-microwave synergetic extraction of total iridoid glycosides and screening of analgesic and anti-inflammatory active fractions from patrinia scabra Bunge (Valerianaceae)
Background: Patrinia scabra Bunge is a well-known herbal medicine for its favorable treatment on inflammatory diseases owing to its effective ingredients, in which iridoid glycoside plays an extremely significant role. This article aimed to improve the content of total iridoid glycosides in crude extract through a…
Combining eutectic solvents and food-grade silica to recover and stabilize anthocyanins from grape pomace
Concentrated in the skins of red grapes are the anthocyanins, the primary colorants responsible for the fruits’ reddish-purple color. These colorants are recognized for their significant antioxidant properties and potent nutraceutical and pharmaceutical ingredients. Nevertheless, their widespread use is compromised by the…
Deep eutectic solvents for improved biomass pretreatment: Current status and future prospective towards sustainable processes
Highlights • Pretreatment is a key step for biomass conversion. • Deep Eutectic Solvents have shown compare favorably with other pretreatment methods. • Biorefinery approach based on DES pretreated materials is reviewed. • Tecno-economic and environmental issues dealing with DES application are…
A review of recent strategies to improve the physical stability of phycocyanin
There is an increasing demand for more healthy and sustainable diets, which led to an interest in replacing synthetic colors with natural plant-based ones. Phycocyanin, which is commonly extracted from Spirulina platensis, has been explored as a natural blue pigment for application in the food industry. It is also used as…
Carrageenan extraction from red seaweed (Kappaphycopsis cottonii) using the bead mill method
Abstract Carrageenan extraction can be carried out using a novel method, the bead mill, to produce a high yield and good characteristics of carrageenan. This study aimed to evaluate the environmentally friendly carrageenan extraction method using a bead mill and the physicochemical properties of the extract. Factors…
Selective separation of dyes by green composite membrane based on polylactide with carboxylated cellulose microfiber from empty fruit bunch
A bio-based membrane was prepared by a non-solvent induced phase separation process. A polylactide (PLA)/poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) polymer blend was mixed with functionalized cellulose microfiber from empty fruit bunch (EFB) modified with maleic anhydride (MEFB). MEFB reduced the water…
Fractionation and Extraction Optimization of Potentially Valuable Compounds and Their Profiling in Six Varieties of Two Nicotiana Species
There is an increasingly urgent call to shift industrial processes from fossil fuel feedstock to sustainable bio-based resources. This change becomes of high importance considering new budget requirements for a carbon-neutral economy. Such a transformation can be driven by traditionally used plants that are able to…
Co-encapsulation of paprika and cinnamon oleoresin by spray drying using whey protein isolate and maltodextrin as wall material: Development, characterization and storage stability
Highlights • Paprika and cinnamon oleoresins were co-encapsulated by spray drying. • Whey protein isolate and maltodextrin in combinations were an excellent as encapsulating agent. • The powders had satisfactory physicochemical and morphological properties. • The powders had effective protection of the active…
Co-extraction of hydrophilic and hydrophobic active compounds from microalgae and macroalgae
The present patent application relates to a method for obtaining an aqueous extract from at least two algae (microalgae and/or macroalgae), allowing a better yield in the extraction of hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds from said algae. Additionally, the invention relates to said aqueous extracts, as well as to the…
Process for extraction of nutraceutical compounds from microalgae by using co2 in supercritical conditions
A process that allows the extraction of compounds of nutraceutical interest (specifically omega-3 and carotenoids) from microalgae and their separation through the use of CO2 in supercritical conditions (and when necessary a co-solvent), at the same time, wherein the removal of an unwanted component…
Natural Polyphenol Recovery from Apple-, Cereal-, and Tomato-Processing By-Products and Related Health-Promoting Properties
Polyphenols of plant origin are a broad family of secondary metabolites that range from basic phenolic acids to more complex compounds such as stilbenes, flavonoids, and tannins, all of which have several phenol units in their structure. Considerable health benefits, such as having prebiotic potential and cardio-protective and…
Production of astaxanthin, ethanol and methane from Chromochloris zofingiensis microalga in an integrated biorefinery
Abstract Astaxanthin-rich carotenoids were produced from Chromochloris zofingiensis green alga through an integrated biorefinery. Simultaneous effects of high light intensity and nitrogen starvation resulted in the production of 10.2 mg total carotenoids per g biomass, including 80 \% astaxanthin. A novel extraction…
Improvement in the Sequential Extraction of Phycobiliproteins from Arthrospira platensis Using Green Technologies
Arthrospira platensis (commercially known as Spirulina) is an excellent source of phycobiliproteins, especially C-phycocyanin. Phycobiliproteins are significant bioactive compounds with useful biological applications. The extraction process plays a significant role in downstream microalga production and utilisation. The….
Combined use of pulse ultrasound-assisted extraction with atmospheric cold plasma: extraction and characterization of bioactive compounds from wood apple shell (Limonia acidissima)
The wood apple shell s ( Limonia acidissima ) are often discarded as waste creating environmental hazards due to the limited knowledge of the beneficiaries of functional compounds. The current research aims to develop a process methodology to enhance the extraction efficacy of the bioactive compounds from wood…
Lycopersene: A review on extraction, identification and purification and applications
Abstract Lycopersene is a stable and safe triterpenoid. Lycopersen had utilized as an antioxidant, antimutagenic, antiproliferative, cytotoxicity, antibacterial and pesticide. Obtaining pure Lycopersene from natural sources is very important for fundamental research and the above applications. The present…
Gamma Radiation as a Pretreatment for Co-extraction of Lipids and Astaxanthin in Haematococcus pluvialis
The study aimed to apply gamma radiation as a cell pretreatment method for lipid extraction and for obtaining astaxanthin from residual biomass of Haematococcus pluvialis . Factor 1 of the two-factor experimental design was represented by cell pretreatment methods: biomass with chloroform:methanol under ultrasound…
Extraction, characterization, and biological activities of exopolysaccharides from plant root soil fungus Fusarium merismoides A6
The exploration of polysaccharides from microorganisms is of great importance. In this study, a new type of exopolysaccharide excreted by Fusarium merismoides A6 (FM-EPS) was isolated, and the extraction conditions were optimized using a response surface methodology (RSM). The extraction temperature at 0°C…
Continuous fast microwave-assisted extraction of radish leaves polysaccharides: optimization, preliminary characterization, biological, and techno-functional properties
In recent years, microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) has attracted considerable interest to extract valuable compounds from unutilized or underutilized sources such as radish leaves with great extraction efficiency. Herein, the continuous fast MAE of radish leaves polysaccharides (RLP s ) was investigated and optimized…
Polyol based deep eutectic solvent-assisted pretreatment for enhanced lutein extraction from Chlorella pyrenoidosa
Highlights • Polyol based DES pretreatment is optimized via RSM approach. • Lutein extraction is optimized by one-factor-at-a-time approach. • Obtained 1.35 mg/g of lutein is 42\% higher than conventional approach. • Efficiency of ChCl:Gly (1:2) DES pretreatment is sustained up to 3 repeated cycles. Abstract: The intention…
A method for refining macroalgae
The present disclosure relates to the method for refining macroalgae, which method is used for obtaining animal feed derived from macroalgae. The method of the present disclosure enables producing low cost animal feed due to the upgrading methodology of valuable side stream products. Valuable components are…
Valorizing the usage of olive leaves, bioactive compounds, biological activities, and food applications: A comprehensive review
Olive oil production is a significant source of economic profit for Mediterranean nations, accounting for around 98 percent of global output. Olive oil usage has increased dramatically in recent years, owing to its organoleptic characteristics and rising knowledge of its health advantages. The culture of olive trees and the…
Large‐scale preparation of five polar polyphenols including three isomers from Phyllanthus emblica Linn by preparative high‐speed counter‐current chromatography
Separation of polar compounds is challenging work due to poor retention and insufficient selectivity. In the present study, an efficient strategy for large‐scale preparation of five polar polyphenols including three isomers from Phyllanthus emblica Linn has been established by preparative high‐speed counter-current…
Price volatility and climate change continue to impact vanilla agriculture, suppliers warn

Environmental variables play a crucial role in the production of vanilla, its farmers and the overall agriculture sector. According to suppliers, sustainable vanilla options will increase in the coming years, but the fluctuating market of the beans remains a challenge for food developers. FoodIngredientsFirst delves into the sector, spotlighting the ongoing issues around climate…
Consumer Attitudes Toward Natural Food Additives
Consumers demand a nutritious, delicious, safe, convenient, colorful, and affordable food supply. Food additives (FAs) and advances in technology help make that possible. However, since consumers are not aware of their advantages, they are anxious about the FAs. The current trend toward FAs is driving…
Chronique des matières premières – L’avenir du cacao sera asiatique

Le cacao produit en Asie se réduit comme peau de chagrin. Mais en revanche, la demande est en pleine croissance. Une bonne nouvelle pour les pays producteurs, qui espèrent que cela finira par faire remonter des prix toujours trop bas. Les nouveaux marchés de demain, ce n’est pas au Cameroun ni au Ghana qu’il faut les chercher…
A review of lithium extraction from natural resources
Lithium is considered to be the most important energy metal of the 21st century. Because of the development trend of global electrification, the consumption of lithium has increased significantly over the last decade, and it is foreseeable that its demand will continue to increase for a long time. Limited by the total amount of…
Nutraceuticals Market Is Likely To Grow At A CAGR Value Of Around 8.8% By 2028

The Nutraceuticals Market was worth around USD 449.5 billion in 2021 and is estimated to grow to about USD 745.5 billion by 2028, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of approximately 8.8 percent over the forecast period. The report analyzes the digital remittance market’s drivers, restraints/challenges, and the effect they have on…
La gomme d’acacia de plus en plus prisée

Depuis le début de l’année, les États-Unis et l’Europe ont fortement augmenté leurs importations de gomme d’acacia, en particulier du Soudan. Utilisée comme fibre soluble prébiotique et additif naturel, la gomme intéresse de plus en plus l’industrie. Sur les neuf premiers mois de l’année, les États-Unis et la France – plus gros transformateurs…
Retour sur les marchés du colza lors des Rencontres Oléopro – Arnaud Rousseau : « la culture du colza reste rentable »

Moment de rencontres entre les acteurs du secteur et d’échanges entre la profession et le ministre de l’agriculture, les Rencontres Oléopro se sont tenues à Paris le 30 novembre. Si l’année écoulée a été plus que morose pour les protéagineux, elle a été bonne pour les oléagineux et plus particulièrement pour le colza, qui « reste…
Les Fibres Alimentaires Ingrédients Aperçu Du Marché, Analyse Des Prévisions 2023-2030|Beneo, Tate & Lyle, FrieslandCampina
Les Fibres Alimentaires Ingrédients Risque de marché et défis pendant la période de prévision. Le rapport présente un aperçu global du Marché Les Fibres Alimentaires Ingrédients et analyse les tendances du marché. Il utilise 2023 comme année de référence et estime le marché de 2023 à 2030. Avec l’aide des…
Plant Extracts Global Market Report 2022: Rapid Growth In Veganism Worldwide Fuels 8.5% Annual Growth’

The global plant extracts market is expected to grow from $22.67 billion in 2021 to $25.35 billion in 2022 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.8%. The plant extract market is expected to grow to $35.18 billion in 2026 at a CAGR of 8.5%…
Algal nutraceuticals: a perspective on metabolic diversity, current food applications, and prospects in the field of metabolomics
Highlights • Algae are sustainable and underexplored biological sources of nutraceuticals. • Primary and secondary algae metabolites are associated to important bioactivities. • Algae metabolites present a wide range of applications within the food industry. • Novel strategies are required to add value and discover new…
Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) Concurrences du marché par acteurs, tendances futures, part, taille, ventes, moteurs de croissance, défis de l’industrie et prévisions jusqu’en 2031

Le rapport Marché Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) mondial 2022 implique des données de bout en bout sur les perspectives de développement de pointe à partir d’une pente à 360 degrés en couvrant tous les blocs fondamentaux formant le marché de Fructooligosaccharides (FOS). Le rapport est un large arrangement de quelques informations et connaissances relatives à chaque portion de marché de Fructooligosaccharides (FOS). Il fournit des détails sur…
Regulation of Natural Food Additives
The use of natural ingredients in food formulation has been facing an increasing demand worldwide. Aiming to preserve the consumer’s health and provide better guidance to the food industry, regulatory agencies must propose precise definitions and establish safe limits of use for additives of natural origin. In this book chapter…
Tendances du marché des ingrédients de fermentation, opportunités, paysage concurrentiel et prévisions 2028
Le marché des ingrédients de fermentation devrait croître à un taux de croissance de 9,08 % au cours de la période de prévision de 2021 à 2028. La popularité croissante des produits alimentaires et des boissons agira comme un facteur moteur de la croissance des ingrédients de fermentation. marché. Une procédure de…
Les Prébiotiques Extraits De Plantes Et Des Additifs Alimentaires Taille Du Marché, Part, Tendances À La Hausse, Nouvelles Technologies Et Opportunités De Croissance D’ici 2031
Market.biz offre une vue à 360 degrés du marché mondial Les Prébiotiques Extraits De Plantes Et Des Additifs Alimentaires. Le rapport fournit une évaluation complète des facteurs clés, y compris les moteurs de croissance, les défis et les opportunités d’expansion commerciale sur le marché au cours de la période de…
Food Hydrocolloids Market: Future Innovation Ways, Growth & Profit Analysis, Forecast by 2032
The global food hydrocolloids market is predicted to generate robust growth opportunities by generating a CAGR of 5.2% throughout the forecast period from 2022 to 2032. The global market is expected to reach a valuation of US$ 8.7 Bn by 2022. According to the FMI analysis, the food hydrocolloids market accounted…
Seaweed Protein Market : Key Factors behind Market’s Rapid Growth

Seaweed protein market was valued at $585 million in 2022, and is projected to reach $1131 million by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 14.1% from 2022 to 2027. The growth of this market is estimated to be driven by the increasing health awareness among consumers. Seaweed protein has observed massive growth due to the…
Cocoa Bean Extract Market is Poised to Register a CAGR of 3.4% During 2022-2032
Sales of cocoa bean extracts reached US$ 7.6 Billion in FY 2021, and is poised to register a 3.9% Y-o-Y expansion rate, reaching US$ 7.9 Billion in 2022. During the 2022-2032 forecast period, a CAGR of 3.4% is projected for the cocoa bean extract market. By 2032, it is slated to be valued at US$ 11 Billion. Cocoa bean…
Les gisements de coproduits et leurs usages en région Grand Est
Introduction: Les coproduits sont générés par les industries agroalimentaires au cours des processus de transformation et/ou production de denrées alimentaires destinées à l’Homme. Ils sont valorisés dans différentes voies, l’alimentation animale étant la principale (Réséda, 2017). Ainsi, l’élevage participe…
Flavor Enhancers Market to Show Incredible Growth and Forecast by 2032 | Cargill, Tate & Lyle PLC, Associated British Foods plc, Corbion N.V., Sensient Technologies
The research report on the Flavor Enhancers industry offers a comprehensive analysis of existing companies that can affect the market outlook throughout the forthcoming years. In addition to that, it provides an accurate assessment by highlighting data on multiple aspects that may contain growth drivers, opportunities…
Phycoerythrin as a potential natural colourant: a mini review
Summary Food colours from natural resources have rapidly increased in popularity in recent years, with increased demand from the industry and health conscious consumers. Natural pigments may be of plant, animal or microbial origin. The pigments derived from microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi…
Algae-based Ingredients Market to reach over USD 6.34 billion by the year 2030-InsightAce Analytic

Insight Analytics Pvt. Ltd. announces the release of a market assessment report on the « Global Algae-Based Ingredients Market (Ingredient (Carrageenan, Alginates, Algae Protein, Beta Carotene, Algae Oil, Agar, Others), By Source (Red Algae, Green Algae, Brown Algae), By Application (Food And Beverages, Personal Care…
Global Carmine Market Witnessed To Hold Value Of UЅD 43.9 million in 2022

Carmine, also known as cochineal or bright red pigment, is made from the aluminum salts in carminic acids. It is made of cochineal, an insect scaled from South America’s tropical and semitropical regions. Carmine is a popular dye that can be found in many foods and beverages…
Essential Oils & Plant Extract For Livestock Global Market to Reach $3.89 Billion by 2026 at a CAGR of 6.3%

The global essential oils & plant extract for livestock market is expected to grow from $2.78 billion in 2021 to $3.04 billion in 2022 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.2%. The essential oils & plant extract from livestock market is expected to reach $3.89 billion in 2026 at a CAGR OF 6.3%. The main types of essential oils & plant extracts for livestock are essential…
Calcium Alginate Prices, Trend & Forecasts | Provided by Procurement Resource

Product Name – Calcium Alginate . HS Code – 39131000. Chemical Formula – C18H24CaO19. Molecular Weight – 584.4 g/mol. Synonyms – Alginic Acid Calcium Salt Currency – US$ (Data can also be provided in local currency). Supplier Database Availability – Yes. Customization Scope – Our services can be customized as per…
Green & Bio-Based Solvents Market Global Analysis 2022 to 2029 | Cargill, Vertec Biosolvents, Corbion, Galactic, Archer Daniels Midland, Florida Chemical, Elevance Renewable Sciences, Cobalt Technologies

The growing demand for environment-friendly solvents across industries is one of the key factors making a positive outlook for the market. inexperienced solvents are factory-made victimization organic compound solvents, that are non-carcinogenic, noncorrosive, and nonozone-depleting, and are chop-chop exchange artificial solvents, like a…
Vegetable Oils Market Is Expected To Accelerate At A CAGR of 4.6% To Top US$ 336 Bn by 2032 | Report by Fact.MR

According to this newly published research report by Fact.MR, a provider of market research and competitive intelligence, the global vegetable oils market is estimated to reach a valuation of 336 billion by 2032-end, expanding at a CAGR of 4.6% from 2022 to 2032. Vegetable oils are generally extracted from the fruits, nuts, and seeds of…
Omega-3 Market Analysis, Market Size & Forecast to 2032

« The Omega-3 Market research analyses every profile of the number of major suppliers briefly. It also provides an in-depth analysis of supply-demand data in the end-use industry. It also analyses positive and negative impacts related to the target customer demand. Detailed analyses of total market dynamics have been tackled in order to give you an overall…