Sarbec Cosmetics double les capacités de production de son site nordiste

Grâce à un investissement et après deux ans de travaux, ce sont désormais 50.000 m2 qui sont alloués à la conception et à la fabrication de produits cosmétiques, de parfums et de produits de désinfection. Ce projet d’envergure a ainsi permis de doubler les capacités de production de l’entreprise (qui passeront de 80 à 160 millions d’unités…
Avec Pili, Jérémie Blache met la chimie verte au service de la couleur

A la tête de la société Pili, ce jeune entrepreneur s’appuie sur des bactéries et la chimie verte afin de fabriquer, pour le textile, les peintures et les plastiques, des colorants plus respectueux de l’environnement. Une rencontre improbable : Pili est né du succès d’un atelier pédagogique créé par… (article complet réservé aux abonnés aux Echos)
La philosophie de l’upcycling des Laboratoires Expanscience

L’activité des actifs cosmétiques d’Expanscience est née en 1977 avec l’upcycling de l’huile d’avocat, un co-produit de leur activité pharmaceutique. Aujourd’hui, elle est toujours au cœur de leurs axes de développement, en adéquation avec leur philosophie « Science & Conscience, Naturellement » ! À partir d’une seule plante, nous…
Aurelia London lance deux soins visage aux cristaux de CBD et aux probiotiques

Aurelia London complète sa gamme de soins best-seller au CBD avec deux nouvelles références pour visage : Le Gel-Crème visage Hydratant & Apaisant au CBD (60 ml, 79 €) et Nettoyant biphasé Aqua-Oil au CBD (150 ml, 33 €). Comme les autres soins de cette gamme, ces nouveautés contiennent des cristaux isolés de CBD (ou Cannabidiol…
Huile de tournesol : des dérogations pour les cosmétiques

Comme pour les produits alimentaires, la DGCCRF encadre les modifications temporaires dans la composition des recettes. » La guerre en Ukraine affecte l’approvisionnement des industries alimentaire et cosmétique pour la production de certains produits, en particulier de certaines huiles végétales. » En matière de…
Amazonia to open R&D hub, grow exports

Plant-based protein, supplements and health food company Amazonia says a new innovation hub and international HQ will support global expansion plans. Amazonia, known mainly for its frozen Acai Energy Superfood brand, is set for rapid growth as…
Kemin uses clean label solutions to improve yields while maintaining long shelf lives

At the IFT First Annual Event and Expo, natural preservation specialist Kemin is showcasing Proteus, a patented line of functional proteins marketed as a clean label alternative to traditional phosphates. FoodIngredientsFirst is reporting live from the show floor of the event, hosted in Chicago, US (July 11 to 13), where we could talk to Courtney Schwartz, marketing director…
Voici les 22 start-up lauréates du French Tech Agri20

Les start-up qui intègrent le French Tech Agri20 sont dévoilées ce mercredi 13 juillet 2022. Ce label, qui reprend les codes du Green20, vise à mettre en lumière des start-up de l’Agri Tech. Les jeunes pousses sont sélectionnées chaque année par la Mission French Tech avec les experts de la direction générale des entreprises et en partenariat avec…
Silab investit en biotechnologies avec un laboratoire agrandi et modernisé

L’entreprise française spécialisée dans l’ingénierie d’actifs naturels pour les marques de cosmétiques et de dermo-cosmétique du monde entier, ouvre un nouveau laboratoire de biotechnologies, plus ergonomique et mieux dimensionné pour répondre à la croissance de la demande mondiale. Un an après avoir mis en service une seconde…
EffiNov Nutrition passe dans le giron du groupe Dewavrin Cosmetics

Dewarin Cosmetics, groupe industriel familial français issu du monde du textile mais aujourd’hui spécialisé dans les secteurs de la santé et du bien-être, vient d’annoncer l’acquisition du Laboratoire EffiNov Nutrition, qui propose des compléments alimentaires dans une approche personnalisée. Grâce à un outil d’analyse nutritionnel inédit…
Biothérapies : un nouvel investisseur d’envergure dans le grand Ouest

La Roche sur Yon Biothérapies un nouvel investisseur denvergure dans le grand Ouest. Atlanpole Biothérapies, qui porte la filière du bio-médicament dans le Grand Ouest, voit arriver un nouveau fonds de placement aux fortes capacités. Une bonne nouvelle pour ce pôle de compétitivité fédérant 235 membres, dont 189 entreprises…
La société lorraine Biolie va intégrer « l’Accélérateur Agroécologie »
Bpifrance s’est associé au ministère de l’Agriculture et de la Souveraineté alimentaire pour proposer un nouveau programme d’accompagnement sur-mesure, appelé « l’Accélérateur Agroécologie » et soutenu par Axema, IBMA et Protéines France. Sur les 19 sociétés retenues, trois sont basées dans le Grand Est…
À Thouars, Oléosyn Bio triture 40 000 tonnes de graines par an

L’usine Oléosyn Bio, à Thouars, détenue par Terrena et Avril, a déjà valorisé 60000 t de graines depuis 2020. L’arrivée de la coopérative vendéenne Cavac parmi les financeurs et apporteurs dès 2023 donne un nouveau cap. Objectif : doubler la production. Malgré un contexte compliqué pour la bio, les partenaires se voulaient confiants et rassurants…
Protéines France et le GEPV fusionnent pour répondre aux enjeux toujours plus importants de la filière

L’association Protéines France annonce avoir fusionné avec le GEPV (Groupe d’Etudes et de Promotion des Protéines Végétales). Un rapprochement qui vise à unir les forces et les actions des deux structures pour poursuivre une ambition : accélérer le développement du secteur des protéines et faire de la France un leader mondial du secteur des protéines végétales…
Ingredion brings clean label dietary fibers from upcycled citrus peel to EMEA

Ingredient supplier Ingredion has expanded its offerings with new dietary fruit fibers – branded Fibertex CF 502 and Fibertex CF 102 in the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region, with availability in other regions expected later this year. The clean label texturizing ingredients are made from unutilised citrus processing side-streams and can improve nutritional profiles…
La chimie verte française a encore beaucoup à prouver

Le récent plongeon boursier de Metabolic Explorer met en lumière les difficultés de tout un secteur, qui n’a pas su tenir les promesses faites il y a une dizaine d’années. Tout un symbole. Le pionnier français de la chimie verte, coté à la Bourse de Paris depuis 2007 et premier acteur à véritablement industrialiser sa technologie, vient de doucher les …
Cosmetics Europe veut un Règlement cosmétique basé sur la science

Cosmetics Europe a dévoilé la semaine dernière ses recommandations à la Commission européenne dans le cadre de la consultation publique sur la révision ciblée du Règlement sur les Produits Cosmétiques (RPC) . L’organisation qui représente l’industrie des cosmétiques au niveau européen appelle à l’adoption d’une…
La PME Eurolyo (groupe Berkem) veut accélérer sur le marchés des produits déshydratés

Protéines France et le GEPV fusionnent pour répondre aux enjeux toujours plus importants de la filière. Derrière chaque produits déshydratés, alimentaires, pharmaceutiques, cosmétiques… se trouve le processus la lyophilisation. Eurolyo, le spécialiste de ce procédé sur… (article complet réservé aux abonnés à La Tribune)
Roquette adds rice protein to plant-based protein ingredient toolbox

Plant-based ingredient supplier Roquette is launching two new gluten-free rice proteins to tap into new market opportunities in the areas of special diet foods, sports nutrition, and snacks. The new rice protein line featuring a rice protein isolate and rice protein concentrate that will debut at IFT FIRST in July 2022 in Chicago alongside the rest of…
Givaudan and Manus Bio launch clean label citrus ingredient BioNootkatone
Givaudan and Manus Bio, a bio manufacturer of natural products, have unveiled BioNootkatone, an ingredient pegged to make waves in the citrus flavors space. According to the companies, BioNootkatone answers the market demand for environmentally sustainable, natural, clean label citrus flavor. The launch comes at a time when industry is seeing cost and supply volatility…
Feu vert à la reprise de Soufflet Alimentaire
L’Autorité de la Concurrence a autorisé sans condition le rachat de Soufflet Alimentaire (178 millions d’euros de chiffre d’affaires dans le riz ou les légumineuses) par le groupe Avril, estimant que l’opération ne portera pas atteinte à la concurrence. Elle suit le rapprochement conclu entre InVivo et le groupe Soufflet (brève – texte intégral).
Beneo unveils vegan chocolate with tempered snap made from rice ingredients

Tracking the upward trajectory of the demand for vegan and plant-based chocolate, Beneo touts rice as the ideal ingredient to deliver on taste, texture and the quintessential tempered snap that consumers love. Several recipes containing specialty rice ingredients such as Nutriz MP, are being developed at The Beneo-Technology Center. FoodIngredientsFirst attended a virtual…
WAAM Cosmetics lève 5 million d’euros et lance une gamme de produits en poudre

La marque française créée en 2016 par Dieynaba Ndoye vient de réaliser une levée de fonds de 5 millions d’euros auprès de We Positive Invest 2, le nouveau fonds à impact lancé par Arkéa Capital il y a quelques semaines, et de Pierre Cazaux, fondateur de l’agence de design et de branding Dragon Rouge, aux côtés de Karot Capital…
Leroux change de main

Implantée depuis 1858 à Orchies, dans le Nord, le spécialiste mondial de la chicorée pure vient d’être repris par Ghislain Lesaffre. Cet investisseur, membre de la famille d’industriels qui détient le groupe du même nom, envisage d’investir plus de…(brève)
Gaillac, ce site du groupe Pierre Fabre plus que jamais stratégique

Second groupe dermo-cosmétique mondial avec 2,5 milliards d’euros de chiffre d’affaires en 2021, le groupe Pierre Fabre a la particularité d’avoir la quasi-totalité de ses sites de production en France. Parmi eux, le site de Gaillac concentre toutes les attentions…
Neste to expand Rotterdam renewable products capacity

Finnish refiner Neste has made a final investment decision to expand its Rotterdam refinery in the Netherlands, which will increase its global renewable products production capacity to 6.8mn t/yr by the end of 2026.The firm aims to start operations of the…
ASTREDHOR nommé à Innovert pour son offre de services de réduction de l’empreinte carbone HORTIGESTE
ASTREDHOR a été nommé au concours Innovert du Salon du Végétal pour son service HORTIGESTE qui permet aux entreprises horticoles de réduire leurs émissions de gaz à effet de serre en réalisant un diagnostic de leur entreprise et en concevant des produits éco-conçus. Cette offre de services repose sur…
Tereos lance Ensemble

Tereos lance la marque Ensemble pour signer une gamme de produits exclusivement à base de protéines végétales destinée à la fois aux entreprises agroalimentaires, à la distribution et à la restauration. Ils seront composés de cinq ingrédients principaux : blé, pois chiches, huile de tournesol, fibres et bouillon végétal (brève – texte intégral).
Terres Inovia rejoint Protéines France

Début juin, Terres Inovia, l’institut technique de la filière des huiles et protéines végétales et de la filière chanvre est devenu adhérent à Protéines France, sur les recommandations du conseil scientifique de Cap Protéines. Depuis début 2021…
Pea protein pushes forward with tech developments in protein enhancement and emulsifying abilities

Food-tech advancements this year are advancing pea protein’s performance, with seed breeding specialist Equinom announcing its AI-solution to boost the crop’s ability to deliver desirable traits optimized for food applications including high protein content. In other moves, Pressure BioSciences reveals a new shear technology to blend pea with dairy proteins in a fully…
IES Ingredients : Un nouveau site éco-conçu et trois laboratoires d’application

Distributeur de matières premières pour les industries du parfum, de la cosmétique et des arômes alimentaires, IES Ingredients a inauguré le 10 juin dernier un tout nouveau site éco-conçu de 3000 mètres carrés, à Allauch, près de Marseille, avec un espace de stockage quintuplé et trois laboratoires d’application. Objectifs : répondre à…
ABC Texture appuie son développement sur l’innovation et une usine HQE

Engagé dans une démarche durable depuis 2008, le laboratoire de cosmétiques ABC Texture, installé à Dinard en Bretagne, est à l’origine de la première usine certifiée Haute Qualité Environnementale (HQE) du secteur en France. Un outil pivot de sa stratégie RSE appliquée à une activité guidée par le respect…
Nouveaux arômes, recherche de naturalité : le partenariat bénéfique entre entreprises et recherche publique

agroalimentaire recherche entreprise innovation Xavier Remongin / agriculture.gouv.fr Les entreprises peuvent s’appuyer sur les laboratoires de la recherche publique pour développer leurs innovations et mettre au point de nouveaux procédés pour l’industrie alimentaire. Voici l’exemple d’ Atelier du Fruit , une start-up fondée en 2012 dont…
Solvay lance une gamme de tensioactifs biosourcés à faible empreinte carbone

La multinationale belge de la chimie et des matériaux, lance deux nouveaux agents tensioactifs 100% biosourcés et biodégradables issus d’un processus de fermentation d’huile de colza et de sucre des produits de soins, de beauté et d’hygiène à empreinte carbone réduite. Solvay lance Mirasoft SL L60 et Mirasoft SL A60, deux…
Umiami lance sa R&D industrielle

Après avoir levé 26,5 millions d’euros, Umiami vient d’ouvrir son centre de R&D industriel de 1 000 mètres carrés à Villebon-sur-Yvette, dans l’Essonne. 75 % de sa trentaine de salariés y travaillent. Il permettra à la start-up de lancer son premier filet…
Gravelines : Barry Callebaut Nord cacao va investir 1,2 million d’euros

Implantée depuis 1993 à Gravelines, Nord cacao a été rachetée par le groupe suisse, leader mondial du chocolat, Barry Callebaut en 2013. Le site, spécialisé dans la désodorisation des beurres de cacao, travaille actuellement à la modernisation de son outil de production. Sur nos deux lignes de production, nous désodorisons et purifions les beurres de cacao que nous…
Groupe Berkem : Pour le secteur des ingrédients naturels, des perspectives naturellement porteuses

Plus de naturel, moins de chimie de synthèse dans ce qu’on mange ou ce qu’on se met sur la peau… Les consommateurs sont de plus en plus attentifs à la qualité des aliments ou des produits cosmétiques . Des acteurs de taille modeste comme Groupe Berkem ou Vinpai veulent s’imposer dans ce segment porteur des ingrédients naturels, créneau…
Spécialiste des produits végétaux en poudre pour le secteur alimentaire, Vinpai vise la Bourse

La société basée à Saint-Dolay dans le Morbihan conçoit des préparations alimentaires en poudre à base de produits naturels et bio pour les industriels de l’agroalimentaire. Vinpai compte sur une prochaine entrée en Bourse pour multiplier par plus de trois son chiffre d’affaires à près de 16 millions d’euros à horizon 2025. Pâtisseries, biscuits, imitation de fromages, et…
Lesaffre annonce la construction d’une nouvelle usine de levure au Brésil
Poursuivant sa stratégie de développement à l’étranger, Lesaffre renforce sa présence au Brésil avec la construction d’une nouvelle usine de levure. Basée dans la région de São Paulo, cette installation ouvrira ses portes en 2024. Parmi les innovations mises en place sur ce nouveau site, il y a un partenariat… (brève).
Algal Biorefining: Resource Expenditure and Exergo-Environmental Sustainability
This book details the attractive features of algae as a sustainable third-generation feedstock for biorefineries. The commonly explored algal biofuels technologies such as pyrolysis, fermentation, transesterification, gasification, and briquetting/pelleting are assessed in a biorefinery concept and discussed based on…
Extraction of flavonoids from Glycyrrhiza residues using deep eutectic solvents and its molecular mechanism
Highlights • Fourteen deep eutectic solvents (DESs) were used to extract flavonoids from Glycyrrhiza residues. • ChCl-glycolic acid had the greatest capacity for extracting four flavonoids. • Optimal extraction rate was 83.03\% higher than that using 60\% ethanol. • Molecular mechanism associated with DES…
Deep eutectic solvents as promising pretreatment agents for sustainable lignocellulosic biorefineries: A review
Highlights • Deep eutectic solvents possess excellent potential for fractionation of biomass. • DESs effectively accelerate lignin removal and cellulose valorisation from LCB. • Process efficacy is enhanced by combinatorial DES based assistive pretreatment. • Different biofuels and value-added products can be derived from…
Recovery of Valeric Acid using Green Solvents
In this work, extraction of valeric acid (VA) using tri-butyl phosphate (TBP) as reactive extractant was carried out. To reduce the toxic effect of the conventional diluents on microorganisms, non-toxic and green edible sunflower and soybean oils were tried as the diluents. The high values of the distribution coefficient…
Methods of extraction of medicinal plants
Abstract The extraction of raw plant material is an initial stage in the preparation of herbal medicinal products (HMP). In this chapter, specific factors playing a crucial role in the efficacy of the recovery of active metabolites from medicinal plants are discussed. Based on the definition of HMP in regulatory documents…
Optimization of ultrasound assisted aqueous enzymatic extraction of oil from Cinnamomum camphora seeds
Cinnamomum camphora seed oil was extracted via ultrasound assisted aqueous enzymatic extraction (UAAEE). Neutral protease was selected for the enzymolysis pretreatment. A Plackett–Burman design and Box–Behnken design were employed to obtain the optimal UAAEE conditions and predict maximum oil…
Development of an innovative macroalgae biorefinery: Oligosaccharides as pivotal compounds
Macroalgae have significant advantages over land-living biomass resources and are promising pivotal feedstocks for the onset of the blue bioeconomy. Among these, Ulva lactuca has demonstrated a high potential due to its wide distribution and high productivity. In this work, a detailed chemical characterization…
Efficient and green strategy based on pulsed electric field coupled with deep eutectic solvents for recovering flavonoids and preparing flavonoid aglycones from noni-processing wastes
Abstract The recovery of flavonoids and preparation of flavone aglycones from pomace waste are accompanied by the use of acidic organic solvents and high energy consumption, which lead to environmental pollution. This study aimed to develop an efficient and eco-friendly method based on pulsed electric…
Extraction methods, physiological activities and high value applications of tea residue and its active components: a review
Tea is a traditional plant beverage originating from China as one of the most popular beverages worldwide, which has been an important companion in modern society. Nevertheless, as the waste after tea processing, tea residues from agriculture, industry and kitchen waste are discarded in large quantities, resulting in…
Impact of Cell Disintegration Techniques on Curcumin Recovery
In recent years, the improvement of curcumin recovery from turmeric by cell and tissue disintegration techniques has been gaining more attention; these emerging techniques were used for a reproducible and robust curcumin extraction process. Additionally, understanding the material characteristics is also needed…
Ultrasound-assisted alkaline extraction of proteins in several algae and their nutritional characteristics
Ultrasound-assisted alkaline extraction (UAAE) and the nutritional quality of proteins from five algae (Arthrospira platensis, Cladophora glomerata, Porphyra tenera, Laminaria japonica, and Undaria pinnatifida) were investigated. The UAAE of the A. platensis protein using a 60% amplitude level and 30 min…
Effects of extraction methods for a new source of biostimulant from Sargassum horneri on the growth of economically important red algae, Neopyropia yezoensis
Sargassum horneri is a major bloom forming species in Korea and China. It is important to find a way to utilize the huge biomass of Sargassum horneri in the region. Seaweed-derived biostimulants are primarily derived from brown algae and are known to improve terrestrial crop growth and tolerance to abiotic…
Microwave-assisted deep eutectic solvent extraction of phenolics from defatted date seeds and its effect on solubilization of carbohydrates
In this study, for the first time, polyphenols are extracted using microwave-assisted deep eutectic solvents (MW-DES) from supercritical CO 2 defatted date seeds under variable operating conditions. The best conditions consisted of choline chloride: formic acid (1:2 molar ratio), a solid to solvent ratio of 1/20…
Continuous microwave-assisted step-by-step extraction of bioactive water-soluble materials and fucoidan from brown seaweed Undaria pinnatifida waste
Continuous extraction production process by microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) using brown macroalgae Undaria pinnatifida waste was investigated to obtain proteins and a sulfated polysaccharide, fucoidan, at low (55–160 °C) and high (150–170 °C) temperatures. At the lower temperatures, protein extraction…
Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of β-Glucans From Lentinula edodes Using Natural Deep eutectic Solvent and Water
BACKGROUND Shiitake is a mushroom rich in β-glucan type polysaccharides, long-chain molecules with antioxidant properties and beneficial to human health, in addition to having isolated physical properties of interest to the food industry. In this way, the aim of this study was to obtain shiitake β-glucans…
An efficient process for the extraction of lutein and chemical characterization of other organic volatiles from marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) flower
Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) petals are the primary industrial source of lutein, which is used as a colouring agent and nutrient supplement to foods. This research extracted marigold petals using different solvents, covering conventional and non-toxic green solvents. The oleoresin, free lutein, and recrystallized lutein…
Protein concentrate and method of preparation
Embodiments include a method of producing a protein concentrate from seaweed for use as a meat substitute. The method can include steps of (a) particle size reduction of dry or fresh seaweed, (b) extraction of a protein component from the starting material by solubilization in an aqueous solution, (c) a first…
Method for the extraction of phycobiliproteins at high purity degree from cyanobacterial and/or algal biomasses
The object of the invention is a method for extracting, with high yield, phycobiliproteins from cyanobacterial and/or algal biomass, obtaining extracts in water or aqueous solutions characterised by high pigment concentration and a purity degree equal to or greater than the food/cosmetic grade (P ≤ 2). The method…
Extraction of cannabinoids from biomass
A method of extracting at least one cannabinoid from a biomass consisting of industrial hemp comprises: (i) contacting the biomass with a solvent formulation which comprises a C1-4 fluorinated hydrocarbon or a C1-4 hydrofluorocarbon ether, thereby to charge the solvent formulation with an extract from the biomass; and…
Method of producing red seaweed sourced food ingredient and product obtained by the method
The present invention relates to seaweed sourced food ingredient with improved functionality and improved sensory profile. The method of the invention contains a rehydrating step of pre-dried seaweed under combined control of temperature and pH, in the presence of a salt solution, in a way that said method…
New findings on acid-extractable pectins from soy hull
Abstract Soy hull has been considered a potential source of commercial pectin. The aim of the present study was to investigate its real potential as a source of pectin. Soy hull (sample 1) was extracted with 0.1 M HCl, for 45 min, at 90 °C (fraction A), conditions previously reported to result in yields and GalA in the…
A review on the valorization of coconut shell waste
Green coconuts ( Cocos nucifera L. ) are commonly consumed for coconut water and their shells are discarded as household waste. These shells are the potential constituents for valorization. The husk of the green coconut contains fiber and pith material which are rich in phenols and other functional…
Microalgal fractionation for lipids, pigments and protein recovery
Highlights • he presence of neutral lipids favors the extraction of pigments by supercritical CO2 • The addition of ethanol allows the extraction of all lipids and pigments • The extraction of proteins is improved by delipidation • Lipid extraction allows extraction of unextracted proteins without delipidation Abstract…
Microalgae cell disruption and lipid composition and recovery improvements induced by algicidal effects of bacteria
Converting microalgal lipids into biodiesel is considered a promising route in the field of biofuel production. However, the cost of microalgae-based biodiesel is still too high to be economically feasible, especially economical and effective methods for microalgae cell wall breaking are still lacking. In this study, five…
A Review on Recent Advances on Natural Plant Pigments in Foods: Functions, Extraction, Importance and Challenges
Natural plant pigments have attracted researchers to investigate the application of these dyes in food products. Besides, public awareness of the adverse effects of synthetic dye also increased the demand for natural pigments. Various colours can be obtained from different plants. Interestingly, these pigments are…
Extraction of Fucoxanthin Isomers from the Edible Brown Seaweed Undaria pinnatifida Using Supercritical CO2: Effects of Extraction Conditions on Isomerization and Recovery of Fucoxanthin
Fucoxanthin, a characteristic carotenoid found in brown seaweeds, has been reported to exert beneficial biological activities, including antiobesity and anticancer activities Moreover, the Z-isomers of this compound potentially have greater bioavailability and biological activities than the naturally predominant…
The advent of thermoplasmonic membrane distillation
Freshwater scarcity is a vital societal challenge related to climate change, population pressure, and agricultural and industrial demands. Therefore, sustainable desalination/purification of salty/contaminated water for human uses is particularly relevant. Membrane distillation is an emerging hybrid thermal…
Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Anthocyanins from Malus ‘Royalty’ Fruits: Optimization, Separation, and Antitumor Activity
Red Malus ‘Royalty’ fruits are rich in anthocyanins. This study aimed to obtain the optimal parameters for the extraction and separation of anthocyanins from Malus ‘Royalty’ fruits and to evaluate the inhibitory effect of the enriched anthocyanin fraction on gastric cancer cells. Ultrasonic-assisted extraction was used for…
Emerging green cell disruption techniques to obtain valuable compounds from macro and microalgae: a review
In the modern era, macro-microalgae attract a strong interest across scientific disciplines, owing to the wide application of these cost-effective valuable bioresources in food, fuel, nutraceuticals, and pharmaceuticals etc. The practice of eco-friendly extraction techniques has led scientists to create alternative processes to…
Preparation and characterization of microcapsules loaded with polyphenols-enriched Uncaria tomentosa extract using spray-dryer technique
This work prepared and characterized microcapsule of Uncaria tomentosa (UT) in order to standardize a spray-dryer Uncaria tomentosa extract. The UT bark powder was subjected to extraction by maceration using hydro-ethanol solution. The Uncaria tomentosa extract was used to prepare the spray-dryer…
Recovery of Natural Polyphenols from Spinach and Orange by-Products by Pressure-Driven Membrane Processes
Spinach and orange by-products are well recognized for their health benefits due to the presence of natural polyphenols with antioxidant activity. Therefore, the demand to produce functional products containing polyphenols recovered from vegetables and fruits has increased in the last decade. This work aims to use…
High voltage electrical discharges followed by deep eutectic solvents extraction for the valorization of pomegranate seeds (Punica granatum L.)
This work proposes a sustainable methodology based on the use of high voltage electrical discharges (HVED) and deep eutectic solvents (DES) for the simultaneous extraction of proteins and polyphenols from pomegranate seeds. Pomegranate seeds were firstly pretreated with HVED and, next, submitted to a…
Extraction of High-Purity Native State Gutta-Percha from Enzymatic Hydrolyzed Eucommia ulmoides Pericarps by Ultrasound Treatment and Surfactant Aqueous Phase Dispersion
Herein, a method of ultrasound treatment combined with surfactant aqueous phase dispersion was proposed for the extraction of high-purity gutta-percha in its native state from enzymatic hydrolyzed Eucommia ulmoides pericarps. Firstly, the plant tissues wrapped around gutta-percha were destructed through…
Optimisation of the Green Process of Industrial Hemp— Preparation and Its Extract Characterisation
Natural medicines and products are becoming increasingly important in the pharmaceu-tical and food industries. The most important step in obtaining a natural remedy is the processing of the natural material. This study offers the separation of the industrial hemp plant into fractions by mechanical treatment, which…
Extraction of phenolic compounds from cranberrybush (Viburnum opulus L.) fruit using ultrasound, microwave, and ultrasound-microwave combination methods
In this study, the effects of microwave, ultrasound and the combination of ultrasound-microwave on the extraction of phenolic compounds from cranberrybush ( Viburnum opulus L.) fruit were investigated. The effects of ultrasound treatment time, ultrasound power, microwave power (MP) and microwave treatment…
Power ultrasound for valorization of Citrus limon (cv. Eureka) waste: Effects of maturity stage and drying method on bioactive compounds, antioxidant, and anti-diabetic activity
This study aims to use power ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) and maceration (ME) to valorize lemon juice processing residues (flavedo+albedo). Also, the effects of maturity stage (mature vs. immature) and drying method (freeze-drying-FD vs. oven drying-OD) on antioxidant activity, digestive enzymes inhibition…
Co-extraction of lycopene and pectin from pink guava decanter by water-induced colloidal complexation: Optimization and techno-economic assessment
Fruit processing wastes are often discarded without being exploited as a sustainable source of phytochemicals. Red-fleshed pulp of pink guava is rich in phytochemicals, including lycopene and pectin. Conventionally, their extraction from the biomass involves high consumption of organic solvent…
NADES for food industry innovation: novel bioadditives based on olive oil byproducts
There is an urgent need for the replacement of synthetic food additives by natural-based ones. In this scenario the recovery of biocompounds from byproducts represents a huge opportunity for their application as bioadditives in food industry. Among bioactive compounds, phenolics are recognized for their…
pH-controlled reversible deep-eutectic solvent based enzyme system for simultaneous extraction and in-situ separation of isoflavones from Pueraria lobata
In this study, we developed an efficient and green pH-controlled reversible deep-eutectic solvents (DESs) based enzyme system for efficient extraction, transformation and in-situ separation of natural products from herbs. As a case study, seven isoflavones in the root of Pueraria lobata were selected as target compounds…
Selective extraction of oxygenated terpene in caraway (Carum carvi L.) using subcritical water extraction (SWE) technique
Caraway contains terpenes such as carvone, limonene and carveol, that have antibacterial and antifungal properties. Subcritical-water extraction (SWE) can be used to extract terpenes by changing temperature under high pressure. This study evaluated the SWE of terpenes from caraway when varying the…
Method for preparation of alginic acid and fucoidan
The present invention is to increase production efficiency and decrease production cost. A method for preparation of alginic acid and fucoidan according to the present invention comprises the steps of: separating a mixture including ground sea algae, water, and an organic acid into a primary solid and liquid…
Refined rosmarinic acid-containing composition production method
Provided is a refined rosmarinic acid-containing composition production method that enables obtaining of a highly transparent aqueous solution by reducing the amount of luteolin while causing rosmarinic acid to remain. This refined rosmarinic acid-containing composition production method comprises a contact step…
Isolating components from plants
The invention relates to methods of separating or isolating a component from a plant using freeze separation. The invention includes products produced by said methods. 1. What is claimed is: 1. A method for separating a first component of interest from a second component of interest in a plant or plant part, comprising…
Separation Methods
Solid phase extraction is a chromatographic technique which is widely used. Liquid chromatography columns have been extensively developed and are used routinely in both analytical and preparative chromatography. The first stationary phases for gas chromatography were a varied collection of hydrocarbon and silicone…
Cellulose acetate membranes were first developed in the 1960s to become the first high-flux asymmetric membranes used in a large number of applications, including reverse osmosis, micro, ultra and nanofiltration, gases separation, water desalination, and wastewater treatment. Poly vinylidene fluoride membranes…
Current challenges of biomass refinery and prospects of emerging technologies for sustainable bioproducts and bioeconomy
The depletion of fossil resources and the resulting global warming are the primary motivators for moving from a fossil-based to a biobased economy. Biorefineries, like petro-based refineries, offer a green and sustainable option for producing marketable biobased goods through decarbonization pathways, hence upgrading…
Recent trends in extraction, purification, and antioxidant activity evaluation of plant leave-extracted polysaccharides
The review elaborates on the current advancements in the extraction, purification, and antioxidant activity evaluation of plant leave-extracted polysaccharides. Polysaccharides are widely used as important ingredients in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Researchers have been excavating the worthful…
Valuable Natural Antioxidant Products Recovered from Tomatoes by Green Extraction
Lycopene, β-carotene and ω-fatty acids are major compounds in tomatoes with known antioxidant activity, capable of preventing health disorders. The identification of potential natural sources of antioxidants, extraction efficiencies and antioxidant activity assessments are essential to promote such products to be…
Exploration of effective biorefinery approach to obtain the commercial value-added products from algae
Highlights • Microalgae have been used to examine a wide spectrum of dietary bioactive substances. • Commercial applicability increased the demand of finding novel bioactive compounds. • Bioactive compounds obtained from microalgae have been used widely in food and pharma and healthcare industries. • Value…
Insights into using green and unconventional technologies to recover natural astaxanthin from microbial biomass
Microorganisms such as bacteria, microalgae and fungi, are natural and rich sources of several valuable bioactive antioxidant’s compounds, including carotenoids. Among the carotenoids with antioxidant properties, astaxanthin can be highlighted due to its pharmaceutical, feed, food, cosmetic and…
Extraction procedure of betalains pigments from hardy beetroot matrix and its stabilization
Beetroot betalains (E162) as natural colorants, extracted by physical means, are permitted by the European Union for use as a natural colorant in foods. Like other natural colorants, betalains have limitations due to the lack of standardized extraction protocols and reduced stability. An experiment was conducted for the…
Extraction and recovery of chlorogenic acid from sunflower disks using a high-efficiency system composed of deep eutectic solvents and macroporous resins
Conventional methods to extract and recover chlorogenic acid (CGA) from plants exhibit plenty of flaws, like over-consumption of organic solvents, low extracting rate, and low enrichment efficiency. Herein, an ultrasound-assisted deep eutectic solvent extraction (UAE-DESs) was introduced to extract CGA…
Ultrasonic Cell Grinder Extraction of Cyperenoic Acid from Crotonis Crassifolii Radix and the Activity Assay of the Extract
It is of great significance to achieve a high-value usage of Chinese medicine residues. This study developed a green ultrasonic cell grinder extraction (UCGE) method has been developed for cyperenoic acid extraction from water decocted Crotonis Crassifolii Radix. The response surface methodology was introduced for…
Biobased biorefineries: Sustainable bioprocesses and bioproducts from biomass/bioresources special issue
Highlights • VSI is focused on the recent development of biobased biorefineries. • Greener technologies offering biobased products. • Sustainable bioprocesses and bioproducts development from bioresources. Abstract Biobased products are complete or partial derivatives from naturally occurring/growing…
Subcritical water extraction of bioactive phenolic compounds from distillery stillage
Distilleries generate huge amounts of by-products that have a negative impact on the environment, so the management of wastes generated by this sector should be improved. Because distillery by-products are a source of bioactive compounds, the recovery of these compounds not only reduces issues with…
Purification of creosol applying green heterogeneous extraction technology
BACKGROUND Cresol is the important industrial raw material, which is mainly derived from lignocellulosic biomass. High purity creosol can significantly improve the quality of its downstream product. The extraction of creosol with ultra-high purity (>99.5%) and low cost has attracted extensive attentions in recent years. A…
Bioactive potential of Beetroot (Beta vulgaris)
Highlights • Beetroot bioactive profile along with biological activities, reviewed comprehensively. • A study on beetroot bioactive functionalities aided the development of functional foods. • Bioactivities of the fruit, peel, leaves, and stem extracts have been delineated. • The potential therapeutic properties of Beetroot…
Optimization of Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Polyphenols from Ilex latifolia Using Response Surface Methodology and Evaluation of Their Antioxidant Activity
The polyphenolic extract of Ilex latifolia (PEIL) exhibits a variety of biological activities. An evaluation of the parameters influencing the ultrasonic extraction process and the assessment of PEIL antioxidant activity are presented herein. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to optimize the experimental…
Valorization of pineapple waste as novel source of nutraceuticals and biofunctional compounds
Pineapple processing industry generates large amounts of by-products (peel, core and crown) with a negative environmental impact. The elimination of these implies high costs for food industries, being their main destination animal feed or composting, thus wasting their great potential value attributed to the rich content…
Pulsed electric field-ultrasonic assisted extraction combined with macroporous resin for the preparation of flavonoids from Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae
Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae (PCR) has long been perceived as a condiment and medicine in East Asian countries especially China. To establish a cost-effective method with the potential for industrial implementation to enhance extraction and purification of PCR flavonoids, four extraction methods (hot water…
Valorization of sugar beet molasses powder by microwave and ultrasound-assisted extractions of bioactive compounds: An optimization study
Sugar beet molasses is one of the most important by-products of the sugar industry. The present study investigates the optimization of microwave-assisted (MAE) and ultrasound-assisted (UAE) extraction conditions of sugar beet molasses powder in terms of total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid…
A circular approach for the efficient recovery of astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis biomass harvested by flocculation and water reusability
Flocculation has been proved an efficient method for microalgal biomass harvesting, but some coagulant agents may have adverse effects on microalgae growth, making the reuse of the medium unfeasible. In this study, Haematococcus pluvialis was harvested by different flocculants, and the feasibility of the reuse of…
Revisiting lycopene extraction: Caprylic acid-based emulsion for the highest recovery
In this study, we evaluated the caprylic acid-based oil-in-water (O/W) emulsion-assisted extraction of lycopene from tomatoes. Emulsion-assisted extraction was performed using two types of micron-sized O/W emulsions: (a) O/W emulsion with absence or (b) presence of 0.1% (w/w) of Tween 20 emulsifier. This green…
Extraction and characterization of polyphenols from fruits and vegetable waste through green extraction technologies with special reference to antioxidant profile
Food insecurity is deemed as one of the biggest challenges faced by the developing economies and Pakistan is no more exception. Moreover, the food waste further amplified the scarcity. The utilization of food waste is considered as one of the prime strategies to support the circular economy and food security. The mandate…
Supercritical CO2 Extract from Microalga Tetradesmus obliquus: The Effect of High-Pressure Pre-Treatment
High-pressure pre-treatment followed by supercritical carbon dioxide (ScCO2) extraction (300 bar, 40 °C) was applied for the attainment of the lipophilic fraction of microalga Tetradesmus obliquus. The chemical profile of supercritical extracts of T. obliquus was analyzed by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography…
Method for fractionating plant-derived natural wax
The present specification discloses a method for fractionating a plant-derived natural wax and, particularly, a method for fractionating a plant-derived natural wax into a very long-chain fatty acid having a carbon number of C24 or more, a very long-chain fatty alcohol having a carbon number of C24 or more, and a very long…
Method for extracting total flavonoids from lycium chinese leaves
The present invention discloses a method for extracting total flavonoids from Lycium Chinese 5 leaves and belongs to the field of extraction of active ingredients of natural herbs. A product obtained through extraction, concentration, separation, purification and drying with Lycium Chinese leaves as raw material contains…
Pressurised hot water extraction of phenolic compounds with a focus on eriocitrin and hesperidin from lemon peel
In this study, the extraction of bioactive compounds from lemon peel, a by-product of the food industry, was investigated using pressurised hot water extraction (PHWE) at different extraction temperatures (40–200 °C) and times (5–30 min) under 10.34 MPa pressure. The selectivity of the PHWE process on eriocitrin…
Extraction of monoterpenes from coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) seeds using subcritical water extraction (SWE) technique
Highlights • Monoterpenes were efficiently selectively extracted using subcritical water extraction. • Major compounds extracted were oxygenated monoterpenes in subcritical water. • Linalool converted to linalool oxide under subcritical-water condition above 170 °C. • Monoterpene contents by SWE were higher…
Simultaneous extraction of natural organic acid and flavonoid antioxidants from Hibiscus manihot L. flower by tailor-made deep eutectic solvent
Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) have been regarded as a substitute extraction solvent for conventional organic reagents due to their low toxicity and unique solubility. In this study, fifteen choline chloride-based DESs were prepared and successfully integrated with microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) technique for…
Extraction of astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis with hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents based on oleic acid
Three novel hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents (DESs) based on oleic acid and terpenes (thymol, DL-menthol, and geraniol) were prepared, characterized, and used to extract astaxanthin from the microalga Haematococcus pluvialis without any pre-treatment of the cells. The three DES were composed of…
Micro filtration of Moringa Oleifera juice using hallow fibre membrane technology for clarification
Moringa Oleifera plant is growing many countries including tropical and sub tropical region. It contain numerous nutrition due to vitamins and proteins. The plant leaf extract having phenolics and flavanoids such as gallic acids, chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid, kaempferol, ellagic acid, vanillin and quercetin. The juice…
Advanced extraction and separation approaches for the recovery of dietary flavonoids from plant biomass: A review
At present, huge attention is implanted on the exploration and distribution of endemic plant biomass, which has dietary flavonoids in different food and livestock supplements manufacturing industries. Dietary flavonoids present in the plant biomass have wide phytotherapeutic properties such as antioxidant, anti-bacterial…
Dry fractionation to produce functional fractions from mung bean, yellow pea and cowpea flour
Dry fractionation of mung bean, yellow pea, and cowpea was performed to investigate the compositions and functional properties of the obtained fractions. Dry fractionation consisted of milling and subsequent air classification using three air classifier wheel speeds. Water holding capacity, gelation, and…
Aluminum-free Natural Food Color Market Is Developing Rapidly With 6.88% CAGR By 2032

Aluminum-free Natural Food Color Market Potential Growth, Share, Demand and Analysis of Key Players- Analysis Forecasts to 2032. The global aluminum-free natural food color market is forecasted to be appraised at US$ 4.08 billion by 2032, up from US$ 2.17 billion in 2022, advancing at a CAGR of 6.88% during the forecast period. Dyes, pigments, and…
Irish Moss Extract Market Trends 2022, Key Manufactures, Market Demands, Industry Growth and Forecast to 2028
QY Research has recently published a research report titled, « Global Irish Moss Extract Market Report, History and Forecast 2017-2028, Breakdown Data by Companies, Key Regions, Types and Application » assessing various factors impacting its trajectory. The global Irish Moss Extract market report offers a…
Pea Protein Ingredients Market Established key Players Will Try to generate New Growth Opportunities, Forecast 2027| Cargill Incorporated, Agridient, Axiom Foods

The global Pea Protein Ingredients market was valued at 872.1 Million USD in 2020 and will grow with a CAGR of 3.02% from 2020 to 2027, based on a newly published report. The Pea Protein Ingredients Market research is a fantastic resource for Competitive Analysis and Market Growth Factors for the industry’s projected period of 2022-2029. Using SWOT analysis…
Locust Bean Extract Market to Witness Robust Expansion by 2029 | DuPont, LBG Sicilia Ingredients, Carob

The Locust Bean Extract Market research report provides all the information related to the industry. It gives the outlook of the market by giving authentic data to its client which helps to make essential decisions. It gives an overview of the market which includes its definition, applications and developments and manufacturing technology. This Locust Bean Extract…
Dietary Supplements Market 2022 Overview By Share, Size, Industry Players, Revenue and Product Demand 2030

Global Dietary Supplements Market is valued at approximately USD 151.92 billion in 2021 and is anticipated to grow with a healthy growth rate of more than 8.9 % over the forecast period 2022-2028. Quadintel published a new report on the Dietary Supplements Market. The research report consists of thorough information about demand, growth, opportunities, challenges…
Liquid Macrofiltration Market Size, Scope and Forecast | Amiad Water Systems, Andritz, Eaton, Parker Hannifin, Filtration Group, GE Water & Process Technologies, Lenntech, Lydall, Mann+Hummel, Nexom

The Liquid Macrofiltration Market research report aims at providing a quick overview of the overall performance of the industry and significant novel trends. Important insights, as well as findings, latest key drivers, and constraints, are also depicted here. A huge array of quantitative and qualitative techniques is used by market analysts including in-depth…
Chlorophyll Extract Market Outlook 2022 And Forecast to 2029 | Key Players – Global Essence, Merck Group, British Chlorophyll, Kancor Ingredients
According to the report of the verified market report, the global Chlorophyll Extract market is expected to grow at a tremendous pace in the next few years. Titled « Global Chlorophyll Extract Market Size and Forecast 2022-2029 », this report provides deep insight into the future of the Global Chlorophyll Extract…
Stevia Rebaudiana Extract Market Outlook 2022 And Forecast to 2029 | Key Players – Hughes Brothers (Inc.), Schoeck International, Dextra Group (Thailand), Pultron Composites (New Zealand)
According to the report of the verified market report, the global Stevia Rebaudiana Extract market is expected to grow at a tremendous pace in the next few years. Titled « Global Stevia Rebaudiana Extract Market Size and Forecast 2022-2029 », this report provides deep insight into the future of the Global Stevia…
Marché des suppléments d’oméga 3 à base de plantes avec analyse descriptive Tendances de l’industrie et prévisions jusqu’en 2028

Le «marché des suppléments d’oméga 3 à base de plantes»Le rapport de recherche ajouté par DBMR, est une analyse approfondie des derniers développements, de la taille du marché, du statut, des technologies à venir, des moteurs de l’industrie, des défis, des politiques réglementaires, avec des profils d’entreprise clés et des stratégies des acteurs. Le rapport…