Mars 2021
Ce projet est cofinancé par l’Union européenne avec le Fonds européen de développement régional (FEDER)
Bonjour à toutes et tous,

Vous voudrez bien trouver le numéro de mars de notre lettre de veille EXTRACTS, avec pour cette édition, de nouveaux sujets issus d’une sélection de mots-clés que nous espérons toujours plus pertinente. Sachez qu’en ce moment, et comme depuis le début de la pandémie, toutes les équipes d’EXTRACTIS restent mobilisées et à votre service… N’hésitez pas à nous contacter !

Bonne lecture, Bien cordialement

Philippe DE BRAECKELAER, Directeur général d’EXTRACTIS


Good day to you all,

Please find below the March issue of our newsletter EXTRACTS, with for this edition, new topics from a selection of keywords that we hope are always more relevant. Please note that at this time, and as from the very beginning of the pandemic, all the EXTRACTIS teams remain mobilized and at your service… Do not hesitate to contact us!

Good reading and Best regards,

Philippe DE BRAECKELAER, Managing Director of EXTRACTIS

Protéi-NA, le plan protéines végétales en Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Membre du comité de pilotage, rassemblé le 9 mars dernier, Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation vous propose un bilan intermédiaire du programme Protéi-NA. Comme FILEG en Occitanie, LEGGO en Bretagne ou Arpeege en Région Grand-Est, la Nouvelle-Aquitaine a son propre plan protéine végétale : Protéi-NA…
France Relance : Douze chimistes portés par la 3e vague

Ils étaient nombreux à attendre l’arrivée de la 3e vague le 4 mars 2021. Ce sont les lauréats de l’appel à projets destiné à soutenir les investissements et la relocalisation dans les secteurs critiques, dans le cadre de France Relance. Un AAP doté d’une enveloppe de 600 millions d’euros. Près de 1000 candidatures ont été déposées à ce jour dans la santé, l’agroalimentaire ou l’électronique, mais aussi dans les intrants de l’industrie qui…
Gattefossé works in partnership with BioMeca
As part of the development of EleVastin ™, new cosmetic active ingredient which will be launched on April 1st, 2021, Gattefossé has partnered with BioMeca to functionally analyze its 3D dermal microtissue model…
Microbiome : Novozymes acquiert une plateforme de Biota – Info Chimie

La société danoise de biotechnologies spécialisée dans les enzymes Novozymes a annoncé, le 11 mars 2021, l’acquisition de la plateforme data sciences de Biota. Biota est une société basée à San Diego (États-Unis), pionnière dans la génomique industrielle…
Armeflhor – Institut Technique Agricole de l’Océan Indien
L’Armeflhor, Association Réunionnaise pour la Modernisation de l’Economie Fruitière, Légumière et HORticole, a été créée en 1992 par les professionnels de La Réunion. Membre du réseau national ACTA des Instituts Techniques Agricoles depuis 2012, la qualification d’institut technique agricole a été accordée au…
Arbiom announces success of several continuous one-week fermentation operations at 15m3 scale

Arbiom announced today that it has achieved another critical step in its Demonstration Program to scale up its technology to produce an alternative protein ingredient, SylPro®. The company successfully completed continuous, stable operation of its fermentation technology at a 15m3 scale several times over a seven-day period without contamination or product quality…
Silab quadruple sa capacité annuelle de production par biotechnologies
Le fabricant français d’actifs naturels a mis en service une seconde ligne de production d’organismes unicellulaires au sein de son Unité de Production par Biotechnologies (UPB), inaugurée en 2015. Levures, microalgues et bactéries: Compte tenu du succès de ses actifs naturels issus de micro-organismes, Silab a fait le choix de construire une seconde ligne de production pour la culture à grande échelle de levures…
Croda buys into natural beauty with Alban Muller acquisition

This month, the international specialty chemicals company announced a deal to buy Alban Mullerâa longstanding natural ingredients and product manufacturer…
Eure. Alland et Robert va ouvrir une nouvelle ligne de production à Saint-Aubin-sur-Gaillon en 2022

Alland et Robert, fabricant de gomme arabique, continue d’investir. Une nouvelle ligne de production verra le jour à Saint-Aubin-sur-Gaillon (Eure) fin 2022. Des emplois à la clé. L’entreprise Alland et Robert compte dans le paysage économique du canton de Gaillon. Implanté entre Port-Mort et Saint-Aubin-sur-Gaillon (Eure), le fabricant de gomme arabique emploie 78 personnes réparties entre les deux sites et…
Lannion. Cosmétique : Odycea rayonne à l’échelle mondiale

Reconnue internationalement, la société Odycea à Lannion est l’un des nouveaux fleurons de la filière cosmétique du Trégor-Goëlo… L’un de ses ingrédients (le bambou de la mer) figure dans un des produits de la marque de Jennifer Lopez, JLO Beauty, lancée en décembre…
Cécile Lochard, Guerlain : Une transition  » sans compromis  » vers le naturel
Déjà remarquée pour ses efforts en matière d’éco-packaging, la Maison Guerlain affirme une fois de plus son engagement durable et instaure une part systématique d’éco-formulation dans ces innovations. Un parti-pris qui, après le soin, touche aujourd’hui le maquillage avec le défi exprimé d’obtenir un minimum de 90%…
Coty s’associe à LanzaTech pour une production durable de parfums

L’entreprise américaine Coty, leader sur le marché des cosmétiques, a annoncé un partenariat avec son compatriote LanzaTech pour introduire dans ses parfums de l’éthanol durable. Ce dernier est produit par LanzaTech qui capture des émissions de gaz industriels, comme le monoxyde et le dioxyde…  (article complet réservé aux abonnés d’Info-Chimie)
Actismart SW extracts
A selection of unique botanicals – obtained through Phenobio™ subcritical water technology – prized for their natural beauty-enhancing values. Green technology behind eco-friendly extraction : Low water and energy consumption, short process using natural solvents and pollution prevention…
Givaudan Active Beauty surcycle des myrtilles sauvages pour réparer la peau

Le fournisseur d’actifs cosmétiques lance Omegablue, un ingrédient de soin créé à partir de myrtilles sauvages surcyclées. La société a réutilisé des coproduits de l’industrie alimentaire et récupéré les graines de Vaccinium myrtillus, pour créer un ingrédient naturel capable réparer les problèmes de sécheresse cutanée, d’irritation et de desquamation liés à une barrière lipidique insuffisante. Traditionnellement utilisées…
Protéine végétale : première visite sur le site de la future usine Olatein/Prolein à Dieppe

Innovation. À la place de l’ancienne huilerie Saipol au Pollet, un nouveau site industriel de pointe est en train d’émerger qui met Dieppe en situation de leader mondial pour la production de protéine végétale…
Vilmorin & Cie et Sofiprotéol consolident leur partenariat stratégique dédié aux Semences de Grandes

Vilmorin & Cie et Sofiprotéol consolident leur partenariat stratégique, avec l’objectif commun d’accélérer le développement de Limagrain Europe…
Biomasse: Barry Callebaut et Bloom veulent transformer les coques de noisettes en vanilline

Barry Callebaut s’est associé à Bloom Biorenewables, afin d’étudier comment les flux secondaires des processus de fabrication du chocolat pourraient soutenir la lutte contre le changement climatique et aider à devenir positifs en carbone d’ici 2025…
Denis Chereau, nouveau CEO de Pivert

Denis Chereau a été nommé CEO de la SAS Pivert le 1er février 2021, en remplacement de Matthieu Chatillon promu directeur de l’innovation d’Avril Spécialités Animales. Denis Chereau occupait précédemment la fonction de CEO d’Improve, plateforme technologique récemment absorbée par  l’Iterg…
Metabolic Explorer entre en négociations pour reprendre le site d’Amiens d’Ajinomoto

La biotech française Metabolic Explorer (Metex) a annoncé le 26 février 2021 avoir conclu, dans le cadre d’une promesse d’achat, un accord de négociations exclusives avec Ajinomoto. Cet accord concerne l’acquisition de la filiale européenne du groupe japonais, Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition Europe (AANE), avec la reprise du site de production d’Amiens, connu dans le passé sous le nom d’Eurolysine…
Rapprochement entre Vegepolys Valley et Polymeris

A travers un programme d’actions concrètes, les deux pôles de compétitivité Vegepolys Valley et Polymeris souhaitent favoriser des synergies entre les filières végétale et polymères…
Tensioactifs biosourcés : Stepan se dote d’une usine de fermentation en Louisiane

Le groupe américain Stepan vient de faire l’acquisition d’une usine de fermentation située à Lake Providence, en Louisiane, sans préciser le montant de l’opération.  « La fermentation est une nouvelle technologie plateforme pour Stepan, alors que nous cherchons à commercialiser des surfactants de nouvelle génération. Les tensioactifs biosourcés, produits par… (article complet réservé aux abonnés d’Info-Chimie)
Clariant accélère sa transformation durable

La chimiste de spécialités Clariant a annoncé, le 18 février 2021, la revalorisation de ses ambitions pour un avenir durable. L’objectif principal du Suisse est la réduction de ses émissions de CO2. D’ici à 2030, l’entreprise…  (article complet réservé aux abonnés d’Info-Chimie)
Global Bioenergies va lancer sa propre marque de maquillage

Pour donner crédit à un nouveau produit, l’isododécane biosourcé dérivé de sa molécule plateforme, l’isobutène, Global Bioenergies lance le pari de créer une marque de produits de maquillage longue tenue qui utilisaient jusqu’ici cette molécule en version fossile. Inspirée par la stratégie de la société américaine Amyris qui a lancé, en 2016, la marque Biossance pour promouvoir les dérivés de son…
La Banque Européenne d’Investissement et Avril finalisent un prêt de 50 millions d’euros pour financer la recherche dans la protéine végétale et les matériaux biosources

La Banque Européenne d’Investissement et Avril finalisent un prêt de 50 millions d’euros pour financer la recherche dans la protéine végétale et les matériaux biosources Communiqué de presse Un apport de la BEI de 50 millions d’euros pour accélérer des projets…
Microalgues : Microphyt accélère son développement

Le spécialiste des ingrédients actifs à partir de microalgues Microphyt a annoncé sa stratégie de développement. Suite à ses avancées encourageantes malgré la crise, la société envisage notamment un développement à l’international. Pour ce faire, elle travaille actuellement à la …
Le Groupe Greentech basé dans le Puy-de-Dôme s’associe à Phytograde pour révéler le potentiel du Cannabidiol

Situé sur Biopôle Clermont Limagne à Saint-Beauzire, le Groupe Greentech, pionnier des biotechnologies, et Phytograde ont initié un partenariat…
Microalgues : Culture à grande échelle en Guyane

La présidence de l’université de Nantes a annoncé que son projet PIAN, lauréat d’un appel à projets du programme d’investissement d’avenir (PIA3), démarrera en février 2021. À l’image de la ferme d’inalve inaugurée en janvier 2021, l’objectif est de produire…
ITERG acquires IMPROVE strengthening of research into oils and proteins
ITERG has just acquired 92.2% of the shares of SAS IMPROVE, a R&D platform dedicated to the valorisation of vegetable proteins. ITERG thus forms a group comprising the Industrial Technical Centre and SAS IMPROVE and becomes a key player in applied research in the vegetable oil and protein sectors…
Algama, la start-up d’un entrepreneur guadeloupéen qui valorise les microalgues dans vos assiettes

Remplacer les oeufs et le lait par des microalgues ? C’est le pari de la start-up Algama, installée à Malakoff. Co-fondée par l’entrepreneur guadeloupéen Alvyn Sévérien, l’entreprise vient de recevoir 600.000 euros de la part de la Région Ile-de-France dans le cadre du Plan de Relance Industrie…
Accelerating transformation: IFF completes DuPont mega-merger and unveils new strategic brand identity

IFF has completed its mega-merger with DuPont’s Nutrition & Biosciences (N&B) business. The combined company will continue to operate under the IFF name. Shares of the combined company’s common stock will trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol « IFF. » At the time of the announcement, the deal was positioned as a « pivotal moment » for IFF’s ambitions to expand beyond flavors. As part of its new brand identity, IFF has also launched a new…
Résultats : Fermentalg se consolide en 2020

Le spécialiste français des microalgues Fermentalg a publié, le 28 janvier 2021, son bilan pour l’année 2020. Pour Philippe Lavielle, p-dg de la société, le bilan est plutôt positif. « Nous avons réussi, malgré les retards liés à la crise sanitaire, à consolider nos avancées sur les trois piliers de croissance de l’entreprise. » Sur le plan commercial…
Cosmétique : Caregen fournit quatre peptides à BASF

Le géant allemand de la chimie BASF a annoncé la signature d’un accord d’approvisionnement mondial et exclusif avec Caregen, société de biotechnologies spécialisée dans les peptides. Ce contrat concerne quatre peptides cosmétiques… (article complet réservé aux abonnés d’Info-Chimie)
Mérieux Equity Partners prend une participation majoritaire dans Plantex
Par l’intermédiaire de Mérieux Participations 3, Mérieux a pris une participation majoritaire dans Plantex, entreprise spécialisée dans les extraits végétaux. La dirigeante, Aïcha…
Protéines végétales : Iterg rachète la SAS Improve

L’Iterg, centre technique industriel spécialisé dans le domaine des corps gras et produits apparentés (graisses, huiles végétales, co-produits des huiles et composés mineurs), vient d’acquérir 92,2 % des parts de la SAS Improve. Deux actionnaires minoritaires (3,9% des parts chacun) restent associés au capital : Picardie Energie et Développement durable et Brie Picardie Expansion.
Dury: Extractis a vite dégainé pour le plan de relance

Extractis, le centre technique agro-industriel implanté à Dury, expert dans le développement de la biomasse végétale, a bénéficié de 300 000 euros du plan de relance en vue d’investir…
The present invention relates to integrated precipitation and membrane filtration methods for separation of one or more potato proteins from a group of impurities…
Menthol based hydrophobic deep eutectic solvent for extraction and purification of ergosterol using response surface methodology
Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to various diseases, but could be rectified via fortified food stuffs or supplementation. In this study 39 different hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents were evaluated for green extraction of ergosterol from mushroom. Extraction parameters (e.g. time, solvent volume) were optimized…
Optimisation of Extraction Technology, Structure and Antioxidant Activity of Polysaccharide from Grifola Frondosa
Using DMSO as solvent, ultrasonic‐assisted extraction of polysaccharides from Grifola frondosa was studied. The effects of different extraction conditions on the yield of polysaccharides were investigated. The optimal extraction conditions were found by Box‐Behnken design. The results showed that the yield of Grifola…
Exploring dry grain fractionation as a means to valorize high protein malting barley
Background and objectives Malting barley cultivars are potentially the most profitable commodities for producers; however, barley selected for malting purposes has to meet many stringent quality requirements. Barley with excessive grain protein concentration (>13%) is often the reason why it is rejected for malting…
Protein powder
A process for producing a protein powder from brewer’s spent grain, barley or barley malt, comprising: a) enzymatic protein hydrolysis of an aqueous grain slurry; b) removing solids from the resulting liquid protein stream; c) microfiltration of the liquid protein stream; d) nanofiltration of the microfiltration permeate at…
Producing natural vanilla extract from green vanilla beans using a β-glucosidase from Alicyclobacillus acidiphilus
Current methods for the production of natural vanilla extract are long and tedious, and the efficiency of the vanillin extraction is usually conditioned by different factors during the traditional curing process (temperatures and weather conditions). As an important fraction of vanillin is present in the form of glucovanillin in green…
The purposes of the present invention are to provide a method for fractionating soybean proteins, to provide a method for analyzing protein composition in soybeans, and to provide a method for evaluating a soybean species, etc. by determining the protein composition ratio in soybean seeds…
A decolourization and deproteinization method of brown algae polysaccharide, relating to the field of deep processing of brown algae. The method is a method of UV in combination with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The method specifically comprises: obtaining brown algae polysaccharide by extracting, by means…
SpiralG Project: The first demonstrator of spirulina biorefinery

Here, we learn about the many uses of spirulina algae, and how BBI JU funded project SpiralG is assessing the sustainability and profitability of each spirulina component. SpiralG is the very first European demonstrator level project funded by BBI-JU (H2020) with the aim to exploit each component of the spirulina algae biomass starting off with the extraction of a blue pigment: phycocyanin. After three years…
The present invention relates to a system for extracting/isolating a caffeine-rich powder from the silverskin which surrounds the coffee seed/bean using an apparatus comprising at least one chamber for premixing distilled water and silverskin (1), one ultrasonic extraction cell (2) comprising at least one module…
Anti‐hyperglycemic effects of Burdock (Arctium lappa L.) leaf flavonoids through inhibiting α‐amylase and α‐glucosidase
Burdock (Arctium lappa L.) leaves are a polyphenol‐rich and underutilized by‐product of burdock. To exploit the use of burdock leaves, inhibitory effects of burdock leaf flavonoids (BLF) on α‐amylase (α‐A) and α‐glucosidase (α‐G) activities and starch digestion were investigated. The findings revealed that BLF…
Process Design of a Multistage Drying Process via Flowsheet Simulation
Multistage drying processes including spray drying and fluidized bed unit operations are challenging to design due to the dependencies of the preceding process steps. Flowsheet simulation offers the possibility to simulate a complete process by the application of suitable short‐cut models. In this contribution a novel…
Recovery of saccharides from lignocellulosic hydrolysates using nanofiltration membranes: A review
The use of lignocellulosic biomass as feedstock in the production of second generation of bioethanol has gained significant attention due to environmental sustainability concern and the rising issue of global waste. The biomass is typically hydrolysed to release the fermentable sugars that will further utilized in ethanol…
Protein production from brewer’s spent grain via wet fractionation: process optimization and techno-economic analysis
Brewer’s spent grain (BSG) is the major byproduct generated by the brewing industry. It has 50–70% fiber and 14–30% protein contents. This study investigates the technical and economic performances for producing protein-rich product (PP) from BSG using enzyme-assisted fractionation process…
Improvement in enzymolysis efficiency and bioavailability of rapeseed meal protein concentrate by sequential dual frequency ultrasound pretreatment
In order to improve the bioavailability of rapeseed meal protein concentrate (RPC), sequential dual frequency (50/28 kHz) ultrasound was applied to pretreat RPC and its protein bioavailability was investigated by in-vivo nitrogen-balance trials. Based on Box-Behnken experimental design, a set of preferred ultrasound…
In situ microwave assisted extraction of clove buds to isolate essential oil, polyphenols, and lignocellulosic compounds
Clove buds is a spice of relevance in food, traditional medicine, pharmaceutics and cosmetics and, among the spices, they have the highest content of total polyphenols with exceptional antiviral and antimicrobial properties. Various approaches have been reported for the isolation of essential oil from clove buds…
Dynamic streamlined extraction of iridoids, anthocyanins and lipids from haskap berries
The European Commission recently authorized the placing of haskap (Lonicera caerulea L.) berries as a novel food on the EU market. It has been suggested that these berries have several health beneficial properties, due to their considerable content of highly valuable secondary metabolites, such as…
Ultrasound: a suitable technology to improve the extraction and techno-functional properties of vegetable food proteins.
Vegetable-based proteins may be extracted from different sources using different extraction methods, among them, ultrasound-assisted extraction stands out. This review presents the current knowledge on ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) and the functional properties of extracted vegetable proteins. Ultrasound…
Enhanced Separation of Chlorogenic and Gallic Acids Extracted from Spent Coffee Ground using a Three‐Zone Simulated Moving Bed Process with Partial‐Feed and Partial‐Collection Strategies
BACKGROUND Spent coffee grounds, a valuable source of phenolic compounds, are considered beneficial for human health because of their antioxidative properties. The liquid extract containing phenolic compounds (such as chlorogenic and gallic acid, etc.) can be obtained via extraction using environmental‐friendly…
Extraction and concentration of glutathione from yeast by membranes
This study dealt with extraction of glutathione from yeast using hot water, followed by membrane separations. The supernatant of the yeast extract was subjected to ultrafiltration (UF) to remove macromolecules, and the glutathione in the resulting ultrafiltrate was concentrated using a nanofiltration (NF) membrane…
Novel Post‐Harvest Processing Strategies for Value‐Added Applications of Marine Algae
Marine algae are regarded as a promising nutrients resource in future as they can be sustainably cultured without land and high investment. These macroalgae are now widely processed into food and beverages, fertilizers and animal feed. Furthermore, bioactive compounds such as polysaccharides and polyphenols…
New deep eutectic solvent assisted extraction of highly pure lignin from maritime pine sawdust (Pinus pinaster).
Lignocellulosic biomass is a renewable and sustainable feedstock, mainly composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. Lignin, as the most abundant natural aromatic polymer occurring on Earth, has great potential to produce value-added products. However, the isolation of highly pure lignin from biomass…
Avebe wins Water Innovation Award for its project ‘Sustainable Concentration of Potato Juice with Membranes’ – PotatoPro

The winner of the ‘Water Innovator of the Year’ award was announced during the online conference Water Vision 2021. The three ideas selected were Mid Mix, Mezt and the DUCAM project (Avebe and Wafilin: Sustainable Concentration of Potato Juice with Membranes). The winning finalist: Avebe and Wafilin’s DUCAM project…
Talaromyces amestolkiae cell disruption and colorant extraction using imidazolium-based ionic liquids
Recent environmental and health concerns have been pushing the society for the consumption of natural and sustainable products, as for example, the use of natural colorants as additives to impart color. Talaromyces amestolkiae are natural producers of red colorants at both extracellular and cell-bond state, so are very…
Soybean (Glycine max) hull valorization through the extraction of polyphenols by green alternative methods
Soybean is one of the greatest crops in the world, with about 348.7 million tons being produced in 2018. Soybean hull is a by-product produced during the processing of soybean to obtain flour and oil. Though not being actually exploited, it is a source of polyphenols with antioxidant activity. Here, the extraction of…
Biobased Solvents for Pressurized Liquid Extraction of Nannochloropsis gaditana Omega-3 Lipids.
To develop greener extraction alternatives for microalgae biomass, ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE) and pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) with different biobased solvents were investigated, demonstrating that both techniques are useful alternatives for algal lipid extraction. Specifically, Nannochloropsis gaditana lipids…
Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Anthocyanins Using Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents and Their Incorporation in Edible Films.
Extracts rich in bioactive compounds added to edible films have allowed the development of active packaging that increases the shelf life of food. However, it is necessary to search for solvents that are nontoxic and not harmful to the environment, with natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) being an attractive and easily…
Recovery of hesperidin and narirutin from waste Citrus unshiu peel using subcritical water extraction aided by pulsed electric field treatment
The objective of this study was to identify whether the efficacy of extracting hesperidin and narirutin from Citrus unshiu peel by-products can be increased by combining pulsed electric field (PEF) and subcritical water extraction (SWE). The samples were treated with a PEF at a strength of 3 kV/cm for 60 and 120 s. …
Astaxanthin ready-to-mix powder concepts for supplements and beverages | FNB News –
As consumer behavior and lifestyle have dramatically changed in the past 12 months, Solabia-Algatech Nutrition offers new astaxanthin solutions for today’s dietary supplements and beverage concepts. The company is launching a microencapsulated, cold water-dispersible…
Ultrasound-Assisted Enzymatic Extraction of Anthocyanins from Raspberry Wine Residues: Process Optimization, Isolation, Purification, and Bioactivity Determination
Raspberry wine residues (RWR) contain abundant anthocyanins. The extraction conditions for the ultrasound-assisted enzymatic extraction (UAEE) of anthocyanins from RWR were optimized using response surface methodology coupled with genetic algorithm. The optimum extraction parameters were… temperature…
Electromembrane extraction of peptides and amino acids – status and perspectives.
This article reviews the scientific literature on electromembrane extraction (EME) of peptides and amino acids. In EME, target analytes are extracted from aqueous sample, through a supported liquid membrane (organic) and into a microliter volume of aqueous buffer (acceptor). Experimental conditions and performance…
Production of Extracts Composed of Pectic Oligo/Polysaccharides and Polyphenolic Compounds from Cranberry Pomace by Microwave-Assisted Extraction Process
Using cranberry ( Vaccinium macrocarpon L.) pomace as a starting material, the microwave-assisted production of extracts and their structural characterization were investigated. Three methods (acidic, alkaline, and sequential acid/alkaline) and two microwave power settings (36 and 72 W/g) were compared in terms…
The invention relates to a process for preparing a composition, low in alcohol or alcohol-free, of at least one alcohol-containing plant extract by means of membrane filtration using cyclodextrin…
Why the flavor and fragrance industry is embracing biotechnology – Chemical & Engineering News
Winter is grapefruit-harvesting time in Florida. Juice from the fragrant yellow globes is a welcome bit of sunshine for shoppers in chillier latitudes. And unbeknownst to most consumers, oils and extracts from grapefruit peels supply the food and beverage industry with popular aroma chemicals such as nootkatone…
Recent advances in the integrated biorefinery concept for the valorization of algal biomass through sustainable routes
Microalgae have garnered significant interest among researchers and industries as a potential source of valuable products that can find applications in the food, feed, biofuels, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and nutraceuticals industries. Microalgae can remediate various waste streams. This review discusses…
Preparation and characterization of antioxidant flavonoid-enriched extract from saffron by-product: a combination of ultrasound-assisted extraction and macroporous resin purification
The stigma of saffron, a precious spice widely used in the world, takes only 7.4% (w/w) of the total weight of the flower, resulting in wasting the rest 92.6% of the flower. The utilization of the waste saffron floral bio-residues (SFB) has hence attracted people’s attention. In this paper, ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE)…
Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction of phloretin and other phenolic compounds from apple tree leaves (Malus domestica borkh.) and comparison of different cultivars from estonia
Polyphenolic compounds, plant secondary metabolites essential for plant survival, are known for their high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. In addition, several polyphenols, such as phloretin, also have potential antiviral effects, making these compounds potential ingredients of biofunctional foods…
Ultrasonic-assisted extraction for flavonoid compounds content and antioxidant activities of India Moringa oleifera L. leaves: Simultaneous optimization, HPLC characterization and comparison with other methods
In this work, the performance of ultrasonic-assisted extraction (UAE) in simultaneously enhancing the total flavonoid content (TFC) and antioxidant activities of India Moringa oleifera L. leaves (MOLs) was analyzed by using response surface methodology (RSM). Based on the results of the single-factor experiment, a three…
Microwave-assisted green extraction of antioxidant components from Osmanthus fragrans (Lour) flower using natural deep eutectic solvents
Osmanthus fragrans (Lour) flower is a typical fragrant herb in eastern countries containing multiple bioactive compounds, the extract of which has been widely used as a natural antioxidant additive in food and cosmetics. However, the existing extraction methods use organic solvents during the extraction process…
Application of pulsed electric fields for the biocompatible extraction of proteins from the microalga Haematococcus pluvialis
This study aims to employ a pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment for the biocompatible (non-destructive) extraction of proteins from living cells of the green microalga Haematococcus pluvialis. Using a field strength of 1 kV cm−1, we achieved the extraction of 10.2 µg protein per mL of culture, which corresponded to 46%…
Optimization of Lutein Recovery from Tetraselmis suecica by Response Surface Methodology.
Microalgae have been attracting attention as feedstock for biorefinery because they have various advantages, such as carbon fixation, high growth rate and high energy yield. The bioactive compounds and lutein contained in microalgae are known to be beneficial for human health, especially eye and brain health…
Membrane distillation for zero liquid discharge during treatment of wastewater from the industry of traditional Chinese medicine: a review
Zero liquid discharge after treatment of industrial wastewater is a major goal to avoid environmental pollution. For that, membrane distillation appears as an advanced technique to generate pure water and to concentrate recyclable matter. Here, we review membrane distillation with focus on the industry of the traditional…
Processing Methodologies of Wet Microalga Biomass Toward Oil Separation: An Overview.
One of the main goals of Mankind is to ensure food system sustainability-including management of land, soil, water, and biodiversity. Microalgae accordingly appear as an innovative and scalable alternative source in view of the richness of their chemical profiles. In what concerns lipids in particular, microalgae can…
A review on Extraction Techniques and its Future Applications in Industry
Extraction is a mandatory process for most of the industries, especially in the food processing industry to obtain the targeted compounds from various sources such as plant or seed samples. This review paper provided information about various extraction techniques that are normally used in the edible oil extraction…
A Novel Process for the Recovery of Betalains from Unsold Red Beets by Low-Temperature Enzyme-Assisted Extraction.
Food waste management plays a central role in the circular economy. To our knowledge, only a few studies have investigated the use of unsold fruit and vegetables from supermarkets as a substitute source for the extraction of natural colorants. Thus, the aim of this paper was to suggest a green, tailored protocol that…
Green technologies for production of oils rich in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids from aquatic sources.
Fish and algae are the major sources of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs). Globally, there is a rapid increase in demand for n-3 PUFA-rich oils. Conventional oil production processes use high temperature and chemicals, compromising the oil quality and the environment. Hence, alternative green technologies have…
A short time bioactive compounds extraction from Cucurbita pepo seed using continuous ultrasound‐assisted extraction
This study aimed to investigate the effect of acoustic cavitation on phenolic compounds recovery from Cucurbita pepo seed using continuous ultrasound-assisted extraction (CUAE) as a green extraction process. A Box–Behnken response surface design was carried out to investigate and optimize the CUAE…
Synthesis and characteristic of 1-amino-2-propanol-based ionic liquids and effective extraction of antioxidants from Mugwort
Green extraction of natural products from plants is of high importance to the pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals industry. Novel bio-renewable ionic liquids, a class of safe and powerful medium, has aroused broad attention from the field of extraction and separation. In the present study, the 1-amino-2-propanol…
Investigation of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in red and yellow onions and a synergistic utilization of skin extract in modified atmosphere packaging of salmon (Salmo salar)
This study investigated potentially synergetic effects of red onion skin extract and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on lipid oxidation of salmon. The skin and flesh of red and yellow onions were extracted with water at 25°C, 45°C, 65°C and 90°C, ethanol and acetone in water solutions. Total anthocyanin…
Bioactive phenolic components and potential health effects of chestnut shell: A review
Chestnut kernels are often used for direct consumption; or processed to produce marron glacé, chestnut purée, and gluten‐free products, while chestnut by‐products (inner shell and outer shell) are treated as waste residues. Many in vivo and in vitro studies have proved how chestnut shell extract functions as an…
Vanillin: Biosynthesis, Biotechnology, and Bioproduction
Further understanding of Vanilla flavor compounds synthesis, in Vanilla plants, is lacking in literature. This can aid in better production of flavor compounds. Additionally, commercial importance of Vanilla pods can then be improved. Although vanillin amounts in pod, predominates among flavor compounds, the natural flavor is…
The wastes of coffee bean processing for utilization in food: a review
A few million cubic tons of waste are generated annually as a result of coffee processing. As a beverage, coffee in itself is a rich source of melanoidins, phenolic compounds, and other phytonutrients which confer a wide range of health benefits. These wastes generated every year are usually discarded as landfill mass…
Phytotherapy and food applications from Brassica genus
Plants of the genus Brassica occupy the top place among vegetables in the world. This genus, which contains a group of six related species of a global economic significance, three of which are diploid: Brassica nigra (L.) K. Koch, Brassica oleracea L., and Brassica rapa L. and three are amphidiploid species: Brassica carinata….
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Allium ursinum L.: Impact of Temperature and Pressure on the Extracts Chemical Profile
The aim of this study was to extract Allium ursinum L. for the first time by supercritical carbon dioxide (SC‐CO 2 ) as green sustainable method. The impact of temperature in the range from 40 to 60 °C and pressure between 150 and 400 bar on the quality of the obtained extracts and efficiency of the extraction…
L‐Carnitine‐Based Bio‐Ionic Liquids as Antioxidants
The purpose of this research was to determine the antioxidant properties of ionic liquids containing an anion showing antioxidant activity and a cation of natural origin derived from L‐carnitine. Formation methods of ionic liquids based on direct protonation of an L‐carnitine zwitterion form were evaluated with the selected…
A comparative study on biological properties and chemical profiles of different solvent extracts from Centaurea bingoelensis, an endemic plant of Turkey
This study focused on the biological evaluation and chemical characterization of Centaurea bingoelensis, an endemic plant to Turkey. Different solvent extracts (hexane, dichloromethane (DCM), ethyl acetate (EA), methanol, hydro-methanol, and water extracts) were prepared. The antioxidant, enzyme inhibitory…
Antimicrobial potentials of essential oils extracted from West African aromatic plants on common skin infections
During the last decade, the advent of multi-drug resistant pathogens responsible for skin infections tends to make conventional treatments obsolete. Even though many studies have reported the antimicrobial properties of essential oils (EOs), the inconsistent use of various susceptibility testing methods has made information…
Anti-Proliferative Properties, Biocompatibility, and Chemical Composition of Different Extracts of Plantago major Medicinal Plant.
To study the anticancer activity of Plantago major, we assessed the effect of ethanolic, methanolic and acetonic extracts of this plant on HCT-116, SW-480, and HEK-293 cell lines as control…
Techno-economic assessment of a biorefinery plant for extracted olive pomace valorization
This study reports on a new integrated valorization alternative for extracted olive pomace (EOP) by recovering polyphenols as high-value compounds and the subsequent anaerobic digestion of the remaining dephenolized fraction for energy production. The average polyphenol extraction rate was 22.10 kg GAE t−1 EOP and the…
Comparative study of the impact of conventional and unconventional drying processes on phycobiliproteins from Arthrospira platensis
The drying process significantly affects the maintaining components offering the high added value of the dried biomass, mainly for the algae industry where the wet biomass is highly perishable. The main objective of this study is to compare the impact of drying processes that are often used in the food industry on…
Umami Ingredient, a newly developed flavor enhancer from shiitake byproducts, in low-sodium products: A study case of application in corn extruded snacks
Although it is not an easy task, sodium reduction in food is necessary, and in this scenario, the research for tasty food with reduced sodium content has an extremely relevant role. In this study, sodium reduction in corn extruded snacks was evaluated. Four snack samples were evaluated: one control sample (with salt and…
Effects of dietary use of two lipid extracts from the microalga Nannochloropsis gaditana (Lubián, 1982) alone and in combination on growth and muscle composition in juvenile gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata
Microalgae are a source of diverse high-value compounds, such as carotenoids and fatty acids, which have a potential application in aquafeeds. Some microalgae species present complex cell wall structures, which make them poorly digestible, thus limiting their use as a feed ingredient. Consequently, applying extracted…
Characterization of selected microalgae and cyanobacteria as sources of compounds with antioxidant capacity
Due to the adaption to environmental stress, biomasses of microalgae and cyanobacteria contain high-value pigments and phenolic compounds with antioxidant capacity to be used as ingredients for food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. To expand the current state of knowledge about microalgae and cyanobacteria as…
Lupin protein: Isolation and techno-functional properties, a review
Plant proteins are rapidly becoming more of a prime interest to food manufactures as consumers are shifting away from meat-based diets. Therefore, food manufactures need to incorporate functional plant proteins as ingredients into their products. Lupin has a high protein (~40%) and fibre (~40%) content, is low in starch…
Curcumin extracts from Curcuma Longa – Improvement of concentration, purity, and stability in food-approved and water-soluble surfactant-free microemulsions
Curcumin was extracted from Curcuma Longa employing a green, bio-based, and food-agreed surfactant-free microemulsion (SFME) consisting of water, ethanol, and triacetin. Concerning the high solubility of curcumin in the examined ternary mixtures, it was attempted to produce highly concentrated tinctures of up to a total of…
Comparative Study Regarding the Chemical Composition and Biological Activity of Pine (Pinus nigra and P. sylvestris) Bark Extracts.
The bark resulted after the industrial processing of wood represents a byproduct of the forestry industry, used in many suboptimal ways, being considered a natural waste. Currently, it has been highlighted that the bark of different woody plants may be an important source of several bioactive compounds, with various beneficial…
Optimised statistical extraction of anthocyanins from Arbutus unedo L. fruits and preliminary supplementation assays in yoghurt
This study aimed to optimise the extraction parameters of anthocyanins from Arbutus unedo L. fruits and then perform a new formulation of yoghurt using the extracts as a supplement. Thus, the Box–Behnken model was applied to investigate the effects of agitation speed (600–1000 rotations per minute (rpm)), sample/solvent…
Grapefruit Seed Extract as a Natural Food Antimicrobial: a Review
In agreement with the recent trend of consumers’ demand for natural antimicrobial products, the importance of using natural compounds in food is increasing. Among numerous natural compounds, grapefruit seed extract (GSE) is widely known for its extremely effective antimicrobial activity. The direct use of GSE in food is…
Phenolic content and anti‐oxidative attributes of various parts of wild banana (Ensete superbum Roxb. Cheesman) plant
Ensete superbum Roxb. Cheesman (wild banana) is used as therapeutic edible by various ethnic groups around the world. The antioxidant potential of ethanolic, methanolic, and aqueous extracts of E. superbum ripe peel, seed, flower, and bract was tested using in vitro and ex vivo models, and their polyphenolic…
Different preparation methods affect the phenolic profiles and antioxidant properties of Qingke barley foods
Background and objectives Barley is rich in bioactive compounds and can prevent some chronic diseases. With the increasing health awareness of the consumers, Qingke barley has been widely consumed in China in the Qingke barley fresh noodles (QBFN), Qingke barley dried noodles (QBDN), Qingke barley bread (QBB)…
A critical review on production of biopolymers from algae biomass and their applications.
Algae is abundantly present in our ecosystems and can be easily extracted and used for production of biopolymers. Algae does not produce any anthropogenic, harmful effects, has a good growth rate, and cultivable in wastewater. This literature elucidates the potential of algae biomass by comparing various…
Optimisation of ultrasound‐assisted extraction conditions for phenolics, antioxidant and tyrosinase inhibitory activities of Vietnamese brown seaweed (Padina australis)
This study aimed to determine the optimum ultrasound‐assisted extraction (UAE) conditions for obtaining the highest yields of phenolics and antioxidants from Padina australis. The effects of extraction variables including temperature (40 – 60°C), extraction time (50 – 80 min), ethanol concentration (0 – 60%) and sample‐to…
A comprehensive review on the health benefits and nutritional significance of fucoidan polysaccharide derived from brown seaweeds in human, animals and aquatic organisms
Fucoidan is a sulphated polysaccharide isolated from brown seaweeds. It has attracted a lot of attention due to its multiple physiological and biological properties. The most dominant polysaccharides in brown seaweeds are laminarin and alginic acid. Fucoidan extracted from brown seaweed possess various biological functions…
Three way ANOVA for emulsion of carotenoids extracted in flaxseed oil from carrot bio-waste
The juice expelled from carrot, a globally produced root vegetable, leaves behind carrot pomace (a bio- and horticultural waste) which is potentially rich source of micro-nutrients and carotenoids. However, it is discarded as waste or used as animal feed. It holds potential to be channelized to food chain by a couple of…
Antioxidant evaluation of Fumaria parviflora L. extract loaded nanocapsules obtained by green extraction methods in oxidative stability of sunflower oil
In the present study, the antioxidant activity of the extracts of Fumaria parviflora L. root and leaves obtained by ultrasound-assisted, microwave-assisted, supercritical fluid, and subcritical water extraction was assayed through DPPH radical scavenging method, ferric reduction assay, β-carotene: linoleic acid bleaching assay…
Biocompounds recovery from olive mill wastewater by liquid-liquid extraction and integration with Fenton’s process for water reuse
The olive mill wastewaters obtained from two different processes, press extraction olive mill wastewater (POMW) from Portugal and two-phase system olive mill wastewater (2POMW) from Spain, were treated to recover phenolic compounds and water sequentially, by the integration of liquid-liquid extraction with…
Application of natural antioxidants in oxidative stabilisation of fish oils: a mini‐review
Fish oils are a source of omega‐3 unsaturated fatty acids which are known for their beneficial effects in human health. These acids are highly unstable and are easily oxidised on storage, whereby their nutrition value deteriorate, undesirable flavour develops, and toxic compounds generated. Antioxidants extend the fish oil…
A multidisciplinary review of Tetradesmus obliquus: a microalga suitable for large‐scale biomass production and emerging environmental applications
Microalgae biomass is among one of the most promising sustainable raw materials for many industrial sectors especially biodiesel production. Although a great diversity of microalgae species has been described and isolated, few have been used for large‐scale cultivation. This review presents a multidisciplinary overview of…
Screening the elite chemotypes of Gloriosa superba L. in India for the production of anticancer colchicine: simultaneous microwave-assisted extraction and HPTLC studies.
Gloriosa superba L. (Colchicaceae) is a high-value medicinal plant indigenous to Africa and Southeast Asia. Its therapeutic benefits are well-established in traditional medicines including Ayurveda. It is well known for its natural bioactive compound colchicine which exhibits a wide range of pharmacological activities i.e. …
Natural dye from Caesalpinia sappan L. heartwood for eco-friendly coloring of recycled paper based packing material and its in silico toxicity analysis.
The uses of natural dyes are getting popularized due to the increased awareness regarding the toxicity of many chemical colorants. The chemical colorants are being replaced by the natural colorants for the various industrial applications. The plant-based natural colorants are considered eco-friendly and toxic free…
Types of garlic and their anticancer and antioxidant activity: a review of the epidemiologic and experimental evidence
Garlic, an Allium vegetable, contains rich flavonoids organosulfur compounds (OSCs) that have potent anticancer properties. The aim of the review is to provide an overview of the different types of garlic, their active compounds, and the potential anticancer benefits with a focus on antioxidant activity. Animal and cell…
Optimization of extraction and purification of polysaccharides from Veronicastrum axillare, and evaluation of their biological activities
Veronicastrum axillare polysaccharides (VAP) were isolated by cellulase‐assisted digestion. The optimum conditions (2% cellulase, 47 ˚C for 2.5 h then 95 ˚C for 2.5 h, pH 4.1, solid/liquid ratio 1:7.6) were identified by a combination of single factor optimization and response surface DOE (design of experiment) methods…
Anti-cholesterol and Antioxidant Activities of Independent and Combined Microalgae Aqueous Extracts In Vitro
Algae are used as one of important medical sources for its therapeutic properties; and edible algae are acknowledged as complete foods which provide right balance of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts, carotenoids, and antioxidants. The aim of the current study was to evaluate hot-water extracts of…
Extraction development for antimicrobial and phytotoxic essential oils from asteraceae species: Achillea fragrantissima, Artemisia judaica and Tanacetum sinaicum
The Egyptian Sinai is a rich source of plant‐derived medicines from the highly represented Asteraceae family; however, the protocol for effective chemical extraction has not been standardized. To identify an effective extraction method for essential oils for highly represented species, Achillea fragrantissima, Artemisia judaica…
Production of Vitex (Vitex agnus castus l.) extract in powder form using spray drying: potential for the production of functional foods
Vitex (Vitex agnus castus L.) have bioactive compounds with potential to reduce the symptoms of menopause and premenstrual syndrome, as proved by several studies. However, such compounds may have low stability, and the spicy sensation caused by vitex fruits is a challenge for application in foods. Thus, the aim…
Insights into phenolic compounds from microalgae: structural variety and complex beneficial activities from health to nutraceutics.
Phenolic compounds (PCs) are a family of secondary metabolites with recognized biological activities making them attractive for the biomedical \ »red\ » biotechnology. The development of the eco-sustainable production of natural bioactive metabolites requires using easy cultivable organisms, such as microalgae, which…
Flavonol composition and antioxidant activity of onions (Allium cepa l.) based on the development of new analytical ultrasound‐assisted extraction methods
The onion is one of the most cultivated and consumed vegetables, and is a very valuable source of antioxidant substances. Every onion variety is rich in flavonols—mainly quercetin derivatives which makes onions the main dietary source of these compounds. This study intends to develop an ultrasound‐assisted…
Oregano (Origanum Vulgare) extract enhances zebrafish (Danio Rerio) growth performance, serum and mucus innate immune responses and resistance against Aeromonas Hydrophila challenge
There has been extensive research addressing the positive effects of medicinal plant extracts using food fish as animal models. The present research was an attempt to assess zebrafish viability, considering the 3Rs approach, as an animal model for dietary experiments for fish nutrition studies, particularly evaluating novel…
Polyphenolic profile and biological properties of Arbutus unedo root extracts
Introduction: Arbutus unedo (Ericaceae) is a medicinal plant used traditionally to treat several diseases including oxidative stress related diseases and infectious diseases. However, the antimicrobial and antioxidant actions of A. unedo and its bioactive compounds have not been well studied. Therefore, the aim of this study…
Subcritical water hydrolysis of Phragmites for sugar extraction and catalytic conversion to platform chemicals
Phragmites karka, also known as common reed, is a perennial grass and a highly invasive crop species, which creates ecological problems by competing with native biodiversity and vegetation. This study involves subcritical water hydrolysis of Phragmites to produce monomeric sugars followed by the catalytic conversion…
Effect of extraction procedures on the chemical structure, antitumor and anticoagulant properties of ulvan from Ulva lactuca of Tunisia coast
The effect of extraction procedures on chemical composition, structural, antitumor and anticoagulant properties of the sulphated polysaccharide ‘ulvan’ from the green seaweed Ulva lactuca were investigated. The structural features of ulvans were carried out by FTIR and by one- and two- dimensional 1H and 13C…
Exploitation of Vitis vinifera, Foeniculum vulgare, Cannabis sativa and Punica granatum By-Product Seeds as Dermo-Cosmetic Agents.
In the current study, by-product seed pastes (VSPs) from Vitis vinifera, Foeniculum vulgare, Cannabis sativa and Punica granatum, generated during the oil production process, were investigated for their potential exploitation as dermo-cosmetic agent. The extraction pipeline of all the raw materials was developed with…
Extraction of protein from banana by-product and its characterization
In the present study, the major objective was to isolate protein from banana peel biomass and study its properties. As such no specific protein was targeted for purification. The extracted protein was further subjected to evaluate their potential amino acid content, antifungal and antioxidant activity. Secondary…
Chemometrics-based LC-UV-ESIMS analyses of 50 Salvia species for detecting their antioxidant constituents
Iran is one of the main hubs for sage’s diversity in Asia. Generally, prediction and characterization of the chemical structures of the specialized metabolites that have significant role in the bioactivity of a plant remains a significant challenge. In this study, 50 different accessions of 32 Salvia species in 2015 and 2017 were…
Fucoxanthin extracted from Laminaria Japonica inhibits metastasis and enhances the sensitivity of lung cancer to Gefitinib
Ethnopharmacological relevance: Laminaria japonica, a brown seaweed, has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to treat a variety of diseases including lung cancer. Aim of the study: To demonstrate the effects of Fucoxanthin (FX), a major active component extracted from Laminaria japonica on metastasis…
Essential oil from bark of Aniba parviflora (Meisn.) Mez (Lauraceae) reduces HepG2 cell proliferation and inhibits tumor development in a xenograft model.
Aniba parviflora (Meisn.) Mez (Lauraceae) is an aromatic plant of the Amazon rainforest, which has a tremendous commercial value in the perfumery industry; it is popularly used as flavoring sachets and aromatic baths. In Brazilian folk medicine, A. parviflora is used to treat victims of snakebites. Herein, we analyzed…
Evaluation of the extraction process of Arenaria hispanica L. using response surface methodology on amounts of total phenolic content, total flavonoid content and the antioxidant activity
The selection of appropriate conditions for increasing the extraction efficiency is important. The response surface method (RSM) is a statistical and mathematical technique which it can be used to examine the dependence between the responses with variables in a process and also determine the optimal conditions…
The therapeutic potential and the health benefits of Morus indica Linn.: a mini review
Morus indica (L.) commonly known as Indian mulberry belonging to the family Moraceae is a fast growing perennial plant and is the primary food plant for the monophagous insect Bombyx mori has a special significance in the sericulture industry. Medicinal properties of this plant have been depicted in the ancient…
Potential of Exopolysaccharide from Porphyridium marinum to Contend with Bacterial Proliferation, Biofilm Formation, and Breast Cancer.
Exopolysaccharide (EPS) from marine microalgae are promising sources of a new generation of drugs. However, lot of them remain to be discovered and tested. In this study, EPS produced by Porphyridium marinum and its oligomers prepared by High Pressure Homogenizer have been tested for different biological…
Plant Extracts Obtained with Green Solvents as Natural Antioxidants in Fresh Meat Products.
Plants are rich in bioactive compounds (BACs), mainly polyphenols, which are valuable choices to replace synthetic antioxidants in meat products. These natural antioxidants from plants, in the form of extracts and essential oils (EOs), have been obtained from different sources such as fruits (dragon fruit, guarana…
Catechin as the Most Efficient Bioactive Compound from Azadirachta indica with Antibiofilm and Anti-quorum Sensing Activities Against Dental Biofilm: an In Vitro and In Silico Study
Neem ( Azadirachta indica [AI] ) is a unique and traditional source of antioxidant and antibacterial compounds. The GC-MS studies revealed that phytoextract of Azadirachta indica comprises a large number of phytocompounds that possess the efficacy of inhibiting the biofilm. It was observed that phytocompounds…
Purified anthocyanins from Zea mays L. cob ameliorates chronic liver injury in mice via modulating of oxidative stress and apoptosis
Background Purple corn (Zea mays L.) is one of the main economic crops in China and has been used in treatment of cystitis, urinary infections and obesity. However, purple corncob, the by‐products after its processing, appears intense purple black color and is normally disposed as waste or used as animal feed…
Phytochemical screening, phenolic and flavonoid contents, antioxidant and cytogenotoxicity activities of Combretum leprosum Mart. (Combretaceae).
Combretum leprosum Mart. (Combretaceae), a shrub popularly known as mofumbo, is used in folk medicine for treatment of uterine bleeding, pertussis, gastric pain, and as a sedative. The aim of this study was to (1) determine the phytochemical profile,(2) identify chemical constituents and (3) examine antioxidant and…
Improved Antioxidant Capacity of Black Tea Waste Utilizing PlantCrystals.
Antioxidants are recommended to prevent and treat oxidative stress diseases. Plants are a balanced source of natural antioxidants, but the poor solubility of plant active molecules in aqueous media can be a problem for the formulation of pharmaceutical products. The potential of PlantCrystal technology is known to improve…
Pharmaceutical importance of some promising plant species with special reference to the isolation and extraction of bioactive compounds: A review.
Active principles from natural sources, in the form of extracts and natural compounds, provide an infinite number of bioactive compounds with consummate disposal of chemical diversity. These compounds and active principles are of utmost importance in the discovery of drugs of biological origin particularly, from…
Resveratrol supplementation and acute pancreatitis: A comprehensive review.
Resveratrol, a natural polyphenolic ingredient extracted from herbs, suppresses oxidative stress and inflammation. We performed a comprehensive review to find any evidence about the effects of Resveratrol on acute pancreatitis (AP). Resveratrol has been found to directly impact cytokine generation. As these factors…
Cissampelos pareira L.: A review of its traditional uses, phytochemistry, and pharmacology.
Cissampelos pareira, a well-known medicinal climber-plant of the Menispermaceae family, has been extensively used in the traditional medicinal system since the ancient time for the treatment of numerous diseases such as ulcer, wound, rheumatism, fever, asthma, cholera, diarrhea, inflammation, snakebite…
Chondroprotective effects of purple corn anthocyanins on advanced glycation end products induction through suppression of NF-κB and MAPK signaling
Formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which are associated with diabetes mellitus, contributes to prominent features of osteoarthritis, i.e., inflammation-mediated destruction of articular cartilage. Among the phytochemicals which play a role in anti-inflammatory effects, anthocyanins have…
From Tea Leaves to Factories: A Review of Research Progress in l-Theanine Biosynthesis and Production.
l-Theanine is the most popular nonprotein amino acid contained in tea leaves. It is one of the umami components of green tea, contributing to the unique flavor of tea. Because of its various health functions, l-theanine has been commercially developed as a valuable ingredient easily used for various applications in…
Plant Secondary Metabolites: An Opportunity for Circular Economy.
Moving toward a more sustainable development, a pivotal role is played by circular economy and a smarter waste management. Industrial wastes from plants offer a wide spectrum of possibilities for their valorization, still being enriched in high added-value molecules, such as secondary metabolites (SMs). The current…
Supercritical fluid extraction of four aromatic herbs and assessment of the volatile compositions, bioactive compounds, antibacterial, and anti-biofilm activity.
Artemisia arborescens, Artemisia abyssinica, Pulicaria jaubertii, and Pulicaria petiolaris are fragrant herbs traditionally used in medication and as a food seasoning. To date, there are no studies on the use of supercritical fluids extraction with carbon dioxide (SFE-CO2) on these plants. This study evaluates…
Hibiscus sabdariffa L.: phytoconstituents, nutritive, and pharmacological applications
Abstract Hibiscus sabdariffa L. (HS) calyx extracts have been well-documented for the treatment of hypertension, liver dysfunctions, and diabetes among others. An updated concise review of HS regarding phytoconstituents, and involved putative mechanisms of potential biological activities is presented. HS…
Brown seaweed Cystoseiraschiffneri as a promising source of sulfated fucans: Seasonal variability of structural, chemical, and antioxidant properties
A fucoidan, sulfated polysaccharide, was extracted from the brown seaweed Cystoseira schiffneri during 4 harvest periods (December, April, July, and September) and studied for its structural and chemical properties. The Cystoseira schiffneri fucoidan (CSF) showed important variation in sulfate content ranging from 7.8% in…
In Vitro Evaluation of Antioxidant Potential of the Invasive Seagrass Halophila stipulacea.
Marine organisms with fast growth rates and great biological adaptive capacity might have biotechnological interests, since ecological competitiveness might rely on enhanced physiological or biochemical processes’ capability promoting protection, defense, or repair intracellular damages. The invasive seagrass Halophila…
Integrated valorization of Sargassum muticum in biorefineries
Marine macroalgae represent an excellent raw material for the production of bioactives, adsorbents, plant biostimulants, soil fertilizers and biogas. The success in the exploitation of seaweeds depends on their characteristics, and the approach used to separate their specific active components. In the context of…
Extraction, Radical Scavenging Activities, and Chemical Composition Identification of Flavonoids from Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Receptacles
This study was focused on extraction, radical scavenging activities, and chemical composition identification of total flavonoids in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) receptacles (TFSR). We investigated the optimal extract parameters of TFSR using response surface methodology. The highest yield of TFSR was 1.04% with…
Food Texture Market Growth and Industry Perspective, Comprehensive Analysis Forecast To 2027 | Emerging Trends | Industry Review | Global Forecast
Food Texture Market is expected to grow at a rate of 5.9% for the forecast period of 2020 to 2027. Food texture agents are the products which provide…
Renewable Solvent Market CAGR Growth Expected to Be Linear Says Neste, AstroBio Solvents, InKemia Green Chemicals, etc. Predicted by 2026

COVID-19 has influenced each part of life comprehensively, this has brought along some changes in economic situations. Reports Monitor has recently has recently added a new report to its vast depository titled Global Renewable Solvent Market. The report studies vital factors about the Global Renewable Solvent Market that are essential to be understood by existing as well as new market players. The report highlights the essential elements such as market share…
Sunflower Seed Meal Market to Witness Strong Growth Over 2021-2027 | Key Manufacturers Overview- Archer Daniel Midland, Cargill, Wilmar International, Optimus Agro Holding, Melitopol Oil Extraction Plant, etc.

Industry Growth Insights (IGI) published a detailed report on Global Sunflower Seed Meal Market for the clients that wants to explore new market avenues, get in-depth insights on the market products, maximize their revenue, and review the strategies implemented by prominent players in the market…
Marché mondial Fibres de pommes de terre (2021-2026) avec les entreprises à forte croissance: Avebe, JRS, Brueckner Werke KG, KMC, Colin Ingredients

Apex Market Research a publie un Rapport de recherche sur le marche Fibres de pommes de terre. Le Rapport couvre des donnees completes sur les tendances emergentes, les moteurs du marche, les opportunites de croissance et les contraintes, qui peuvent changer la dynamique de marche du Rapport. Il fournit une analyse…
Caramel Ingredient Market Size, Share & Covid 19 Impact Analysis
Overview Of Caramel Ingredient Industry 2021-2028: This has brought along several changes. This report also covers the impact of COVID-19 on the global market. The Caramel Ingredient Market analysis summary by Reports Insights is a thorough study of he current trends leading to this vertical trend in various regions…
What’s Pushing Global Acacia (Gum Arabic) Sector So Far Ahead? AEP Colloids Inc., POLYGAL AG, Mountain Rose Herbs, Inc., CE Roeper GmbH, IMPORTERS SERVICE CORP., Tic Gums Inc., Nexira International, KERRY GROUP PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY, CARAGUM International, SA, and ALLAND ET ROBERT SA
Global Acacia (Gum Arabic) Market Research Report offers complete knowledge, forecast and statistical analysis on past, present and forecast industry situations. The risks and growth opportunities associated with Acacia (Gum Arabic) market are highlighted in this study. The research report covers the trends that are…
Food Thickeners Market to 2027 – Cargill Inc., Archer Daniels Midland Company, DuPont and Others
The information and data cited in this Global Food Thickeners Market report is collected from the trustworthy sources such as websites, journals, mergers, and annual reports of the companies. This collected information is checked and verified by market experts before presenting it to the end user. The competitive analysis is…
World Seaweed Protein Industry by Source, Extraction Process, Application and Region – Forecast to 2026

The « Seaweed Protein Market by Source (Red, Brown, Green), Extraction Process (Conventional Method, Current Method), Application (Food, Animal Feed & Additives, Personal Care & Cosmetics), and Region – Global Forecast to 2026 » report has been added to’s offering…
Growth Opportunities In Seaweed in Dietary Supplement Market Future Scenario During Forecast Period 2020-2028|Cargill, Incorporated, DuPont, Groupe Roullier, CP Kelco US, ASL, Qingdao Seawin Biotech Group

The New Report « Seaweed in Dietary Supplement Market » published by Premium Market Insights, covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market…
Yellow Pea Protein Market to Witness Huge Growth by 2026 | Cargill, Axiom Foods, DuPont
Yellow pea protein is made by extracting protein from yellow split peas. It is also known as Pea Protein isolate. It is a high-quality protein and a good source of iron and other nutrients. It is great for muscle growth, weight loss, and heart health. It is one of the most Non-allergenic and has a high level of functionality…
Plant Extracts Market Analysis, Comperhensive Research: Sales, Consumption, Demand and Forecast 2021-2029
Plant Extracts Market Global Plant Extracts Market Insights, Forecast To 2029 provides a specific tool for evaluating the global market, specifying the growth potentials, and supporting tactical and strategic decision-making. This report identifies that in this quickly developing and competitive world, the latest marketing…
The food color market size was valued at $2.1 billion in 2019, and is estimated to reach $3.5 billion by 2027, registering a CAGR of 12.4% from 2020 to 2027. A food color is a pigment or a dye, which adds color to food items or drinks. Food colors are are available in liquid, liquid gel, gel paste, and powdered forms. They find…
Protocatechuic Acid (CAS 99-50-3) Consumption Market Size and Forecast (2021-2027) | By Top Key Players – Taizhou Zhongda Chemical, Henan Lyle Wormwood, Aktin Chemical, Xi’an Season
Request Download SampleCompany Profile New Jersey, United States,- This detailed market research captures the growth potential of Protocatechuic Acid (CAS 99-50-3) Consumption Market and can help stakeholders to understand the most important trends and perspectives for the Protocatechuic Acid…
Trending now: Glucosamine Market Size, Share, Industry Trends, Growth Insight, Share, Competitive Analysis, Statistics, Regional, And Industry Forecast | CELLMARK, Cargill, AMPIL, etc.
The Global Glucosamine Market will be analyzed on the basis of key market vendors, their product benchmarking, SWOT analysis, and company’s financial data such as annual revenue, research and development expenses, and net income, and their geographical presence. The key vendors in the Global…
Produit extrait d’Aesculus Hippocastanum Portée du marché 2021-2026| Alban Muller International, Gattefossé, Carrubba, AQIA, Croda

Le rapport d’étude de marché mondial Produit extrait d’Aesculus Hippocastanum propose une analyse approfondie des derniers développements, de la taille du marché, du statut, des technologies à venir, des moteurs du marché, des contraintes, des défis, des opportunités, des politiques réglementaires, avec les…
Herb and Spice Extracts Market Report 2021 : Analyzed By Growth, Scope, Applications, And Future Prospects to 2025
Global Herb and Spice Extract Market: Snapshot Herb and spice extract tend to impart more desirable flavor components of spices and herbs in packaged foods. Not only this, herb and spice extract offer a more consistent flavor than that offered by fresh or dried herbs for these foods…
Citrus Pectin Market Report The demand for the Market will drastically increase in the Future Forecast 2025

The Global Citrus Pectin Market report offers industry overview including definitions, applications, classifications, and chain structure. The report provides a comprehensive assessment of the studied market, including key trends, historic data, current market scenario, opportunities, growth drivers, potential roadmap, and…
Algae Oil Omega-3 Market Competitive Landscape, Future Trends, Size, Share and Forecast | Top Players – Hubei Fuxing Biotechnology, Runke Biological Engineering Company, Cargill Alking Bioengineering (Wuhan)

Global Algae Oil Omega-3 Market Industry Estimates and Insights, 2020 – 2027 A robust database of potential market estimations based on  historical data analysis is included in the global market report. It helps consumers to provide quantified details for current market perusal. It is a comprehensive and technical…
Marché des produits dermatologiques
Le rapport sur le marché des produits dermatologiques fournit des informations et une analyse clés du marché. Le dernier rapport publié par Fact.MR sur le marché des produits dermatologiques comprend des données qualitatives et quantitatives. Le rapport fournit des informations sur le marché des produits…
Huile de rose mondiale Rapport d’tude de march 2021 – Croissance, perspectives du secteur professionnel et technique 2021-2030

Un récent rapport d’étude de marché ajouté au référentiel de est une analyse approfondie du marché Huile de rose mondiale. En outre, le rapport met également en évidence les défis qui entravent le développement du marché et les plans d’expansion utilisés par les principales entreprises…

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