ADM ouvre une usine de production ultramoderne de plus de 30 millions de dollars en Espagne pour répondre à la demande croissante de probiotiques

ADM, l’un des leaders mondiaux des solutions nutritionnelles fondées sur la science, a annoncé l’ouverture d’un nouveau site de production à Valence, en Espagne, afin de répondre à la demande croissante de probiotiques, de postbiotiques et d’autres produits favorisant la santé et le bien-être. L’installation de production représente un…
Seppic and Botalys sign development and distribution partnership for new botanical cosmetic ingredients

Seppic, a subsidiary of Air Liquide Healthcare, and Botalys, a Belgian start-up specializing in the cultivation of rare and medicinal plants, have signed a research partnership for the co-development of new ingredients for the cosmetics and health markets. The partnership also involves distribution contracts in various markets and geographies for Botalys’…
Clarins va investir 135 millions d’euros dans une seconde usine en France

Le groupe Clarins a annoncé la construction d’un second site de production de produits cosmétiques en France, sur un terrain de 13,5 hectares à Sainte-Savine au sein du Parc du Grand Troyes, en complément de son usine historique de Pontoise, en région parisienne. Clarins prévoit un démarrage des travaux d’ici la fin du mois de février…
UpCircle Beauty : Le succès d’une marque vitrine de la cosmétique upcyclée

Valoriser les déchets en créant une cosmétique performante à partir d’ingrédients issus de matières naturelles inutilisées, ça marche ! La marque britannique UpCircle Beauty en témoigne par son succès outre-manche et à l’international. Coup d’œil avec sa co-fondatrice Anna Brightman. Du marc de café avec lequel le concept s’est lancé…
Solabia-Algatech set showcase innovative astaxanthin delivery systems at Vitafoods

The AstaPure Arava astaxanthin whole-algae complex in a new gummy format will be on display. Solabia-Algatech Nutrition, Ltd. will present two innovative astaxanthin delivery systems. The pair includes a vegan gummy and a flavoured cold water-dispersible sachet. Algatech will introduce its AstaPure Arava astaxanthin whole-algae complex in a new…
Givaudan se renforce en bio-fermentation avec les ingrédients d’Amyris

Le géant mondial des parfums et ingrédients cosmétiques a conclu un accord avec la société de biotechnologie américaine Amyris en vue d’acquérir ses ingrédients cosmétiques, notamment Neossance Squalane, un émollient haute performance, Neossance Hemisqualane, une alternative végétale aux silicones, et CleanScreen…
Un fonds de 500 millions d’euros pour soutenir les IAA

Attendu depuis plusieurs mois, le plan de soutien du gouvernement à l’industrie agroalimentaire a été dévoilé lors du Salon de de l’agriculture. Il vise notamment à aider les entreprises à se robotiser, gagner en compétitivité et se développer à l’export. Trop petites, pas assez compétitives, pas assez exportatrices… Les entreprises de la transformation…
Le CTVB acquiert la technologie française Biolie

Un nouveau champ d’expertise est maintenant accessible aux entreprises de la région et de toute l’Amérique du Nord grâce à l’acquisition par le Centre de transformation et de valorisation de bioproduits (CTVB) de l’UQAC de la technologie de la société française Biolie. Vendredi, les entrepreneurs de la région et le milieu universitaire ont été…
Le rouge français, ajoute de la couleur dans la vie des femmes !

Le rouge Français est une société de biotechnologie qui s’est donné pour mission de sublimer les femmes par la couleur végétale. L’entreprise co-fondée par Élodie Carpentier et son mari utilise des plantes qui ont des propriétés colorielles. Le rouge français c’est aujourd’hui une Greentech qui a développé des méthodes d’extraction…
FDA approves Barry Callebaut’s claim of health benefits in high-flavanol cocoa powder

Barry Callebaut Group has announced a major breakthrough in America after it has established a qualified health claim with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), stating that high-flavanol cocoa powder may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease…
Gotha Cosmetics acquiert Beauty Rain pour renforcer ses capacités industrielles

Le fabricant italien de produits de maquillage poursuit sa série d’acquisitions avec le rachat de Beauty Rain Srl, une société spécialisée dans l’assemblage et le remplissage. Basée à Chieve, près de Crémone, au cœur du principal cluster industriel italien dédié à la cosmétique, Beauty Rain a été fondée il y a près de 20 ans par la famille…
AlinOVeg, » Innover en alimentation d’origine végétale » : lancement d’un projet collaboratif ambitieux soutenu par l’État dans le cadre de France 2030 et opéré par Bpifrance

Roquette, Agri Obtentions, Eurial, Greencell, INRAE et l’université Lumière Lyon 2 annoncent le lancement d’un projet collaboratif : AlinOVeg » Innover en alimentation d’origine végétale « . Pendant 5 ans, des acteurs publics et privés travailleront ensemble autour des enjeux d’innovation en matière d’alimentation d’origine végétale afin…
APIOSKIN®, l’innovation SILAB récompensée en Chine
APIOSKIN®, le nouvel actif naturel repulpant de SILAB, s’est vu attribuer le prix de l’innovation lors de la soirée des PCHi Fountain Awards du 15 février, en marge du salon chinois PCHi. Pour le développement de cet actif, SILAB s’est intéressée aux Apiogalacturonanes (APGs) issus de la lentille d’eau…
Usine de levain français : EUROGERM devient producteur d’ingrédients !
Début des travaux pour notre usine de levain 100% français, un tournant stratégique pour le groupe et un nouvel atout pour ses clients. Ce mois de janvier marquait la concrétisation du projet d’usine de bio-fermentation de levain 100% français, entrepris par EUROGERM. Le bâtiment d’une superficie de…
Afyren et Cearitis proposent une solution alternative de protection pour les arboriculteurs

Afyren, société de greentech qui offre aux industriels des produits biosourcés et bas-carbone et Cearitis , start-up innovante dans le domaine de l’agriculture, signent un partenariat innovant pour accompagner le développement d’un dispositif de biocontrôle pour l’arboriculture. Les deux entreprises, qui partagent les mêmes valeurs et le…
Le morbihannais Olmix reprend Bois Valor

Olmix Group crée des solutions naturelles pour l’agriculture. La société basée à Bréhan étoffe ses activités avec le rachat de la société Bois Valor située dans le Tarn. Olmix Group étoffe son catalogue de solutions naturelles pour l’agriculture. A ses différentes gammes issues notamment d’extraits d’algues et d’argile destinées à améliorer la…
Biolie ouvre un bureau au Texas
(Brève) La startup industrielle spécialiste de la chimie verte, BIOLIE (siège à Nancy/54), spécialisée dans le développement d’ingrédients naturels cosmétiques et alimentaire et qui a mis au point une technologie » propre » d’extraction d’huiles et d’actifs végétaux à l’eau excluant les solvants, annonce l’ouverture…
La technologie WPE met le parfum en eau

Sans alcool, sans solvant, le brevet WPE permet la composition de formules parfumées et hydratantes sur base d’eau. Une technologie compatible avec les certifications Cosmos et Ecocert qui investit les catégories de la parfumerie et du soin. La tendance du parfum sans alcool couve depuis quelques années. Elle s’affirme aujourd’hui de…
Freedge Beauty devient Les Cosmétiques Frais et séduit les investisseurs

Après avoir doublé son chiffre d’affaires en 2022, la marque de cosmétiques ultra-frais, naturels et de saison, fabriqués à partir de jus de fruits et de légumes fraîchement pressés, vient de lever 1,5 millions d’euros pour accélérer son développement. Les choses s’accélèrent chez le spécialiste français des soins ultra-frais ! Fini…
INRAE et VEGEPOLYS VALLEY renforcent leurs collaborations à l’échelle régionale, nationale et européenne

INRAE et l’Université Paris-Saclay ont signé ce jeudi 9 mars 2023 une convention cadre de partenariat stratégique visant à renforcer leur collaboration dans une dynamique scientifique partagée autour de trois grands domaines. Le vendredi 3 mars 2023 sur le stand d’INRAE au Salon International de l’agriculture, Philippe Mauguin…
Activ’Inside obtains US patent for saffron approval

The extract is made using a unique encapsulation technology called Techcare that protects saffron from alterations. French ingredient specialist Activ’Inside has revealed its saffron stigma extract has obtained a new patent in the US. Issued on 28 February 2023 by the US patent office, the patent protects the composition and dosage of safranal in the…
INRAE et l’Université Paris-Saclay renforcent leur partenariat

Communiqué de presse – INRAE et l’Université Paris-Saclay ont signé ce jeudi 9 mars 2023 une convention cadre de partenariat stratégique visant à renforcer leur collaboration dans une dynamique scientifique partagée autour de trois grands domaines : les sciences du vivant, de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation ; les mathématiques, l’ingénierie et…
Groupe Berkem Launches H2OLIXIR, its New Range of 100% Natural Floral Waters
Integration of an innovative 97.5% organic range of floral waters designed for the cosmetics industry in the Health & Beauty markets. Products based on French organic agriculture, upcycled1, COSMOS certified and respectful of seasonal cycles. Presentation from March 28 to 30 at In-Cosmetics in Barcelona, stand D80…
Corbion and Azelis expand partnership onto new horizons

Corbion, a Dutch food and biochemical company, announced the expansion of its partnership with Azelis, a food ingredient solution supplier, to include the distribution of its products in Malaysia and Singapore through Azelis. The distribution will be done through Azelis’ Food and Nutrition division and is purposed to take effect on April…
French Tech : Innovafeed et Algama

(Interview filmé) Ce mardi 7 mars, Alvyn Severien, CEO et co-fondateur d’Algama, et Clément Ray, CEO et co-fondateur d’Innovafeed se sont penchés sur chacun sur la présentation de son entreprise et leurs activités dans l’émission Tech & Co présentée par François Sorel. Tech & Co est à voir ou écouter du lundi au…
Groupe Berkem Announces a New Collaboration With Unipex for the Distribution of Its Cosmetic Ingredients in the Benelux and French-speaking Switzerland

Groupe Berkem, a leading player in bio-based chemistry (ISIN code: FR00140069V2 – Ticker: ALKEM) (Paris:ALKEM), today announced the extension of its distribution agreement with Unipex, one of the market leaders in the distribution of specialty products, to the Benelux region and French-speaking Switzerland for all of its…
IL Cosmetics Group met le cap sur l’Amérique du Nord

Fort d’une diversification réussie, qui a permis à l’entreprise passer du statut d’expert du vernis à ongles à celui d’acteur de référence dans la catégorie maquillage en Europe, IL Cosmetics Group affiche aujourd’hui l’ambition d’une implantation mondiale. Première étape : l’Amérique du Nord. » Nous faisons désormais partie du top 3 européen…
Chromologics raises €7.1M in series seed to commercialize natural red food color Natu.Red

Chromologics, a Danish biotech company specializing in natural food colors, has closed an extended seed round. The company raised an additional €7.1 million (US$7.5 million), accelerating the commercialization of the first product, the natural red food color Natu.Red that provides advantages for both consumers and food manufacturers. The company raised…
Azelis : partners with Alvinesa Natural Ingredients to strengthen Asia Pacific food & nutrition portfolio with natural ingredients

Azelis, a leading innovation service provider in the specialty chemicals and food ingredients industry, is pleased to announce a new partnership with Alvinesa Natural Ingredients , a leading European-based provider of sustainable plant-based ingredients that promote healthy living. Partnering with Azelis allows Alvinesa to expand their…
Adopt Parfums investit 15 millions d’euros dans une nouvelle usine en France

Le fabricant et distributeur Adopt Parfums va investir 15 millions d’euros sur cinq ans dans un deuxième site de production à Château-Renard, près de Montargis, dans le Loiret. L’entreprise française va implanter sa nouvelle usine sur un terrain de 35.000 m2 auparavant occupé par un ancien site du groupe pharmaceutique Pierre Fabre…
Caldic merges with Connell expanding into specialty chemicals and Asia-Pacific market

Caldic has closed the transaction and will merge with Asia-Pacific-based Connell forming an alliance poised to strengthen the company’s regional presence, which will operate under the Connel Caldic brand. Caldic has a presence in Europe, North America and Latin America. With the merger, Caldic flags that its turnover will be approximately €3 billion (US$3.19 billion)…
Bientôt un sucre bio et équitable fabriqué dans les Hauts-de-France

Un collectif de producteurs de betteraves sucrières bio accompagnés par le groupement Bio en Hauts-de-France et soutenus par plusieurs opérateurs de l’aval tels que France Cake Tradition ou Biocoop, annoncent la création d’une micro-sucrerie à l’automne 2024 au sud de Lille (59). A l’heure où les questions de relocalisation et de souveraineté alimentaire sont sur toutes les…
Bluestar Adisseo : Adisseo announces the completion of the acquisition of Nor-Feed

The Adisseo Group announces that it has completed the acquisition of Nor-Feed, a French group that designs, produces and markets plant-based specialty ingredients and plant extracts for animal nutrition. This purchase is part of the Adisseo Group’s strategy to become one of the world leaders in specialty ingredients for animal nutrition. Jean…
Evonik to make spider silk for AMSilk

(News in brief) Evonik Industries has signed a manufacturing contract to supply AMSilk, a German developer of synthetic spider silk proteins, with product made from the fermentation of renewable raw materials. The agreement is for industrial quantities of…
Givaudan dévoile Gravityl, un ingrédient marin liftant du contour du visage

Ingrédient 100 % naturel, Gravityl a été conçu par Givaudan Active Beauty pour lutter contre les effets de la gravité sur la peau âgée avec un effet liftant qui améliore la ligne de la mâchoire et réduit le double menton. Avec le lancement de Gravityl, Givaudan Active Beauty cible les effets de la gravité sur le vieillissement cutané. Ingrédient…
Leg’Alim : la filière légumineuses s’organise dans l’Ouest !
Dans la lignée du plan protéines végétales, différents acteurs ont décidé de s’associer pour structurer une filière légumineuses dans l’Ouest de la France ! Parlons ensemble du projet ambitieux Leg’Alim qui met les légumineuses sur le devant de la scène. Quelques éléments de contexte: * Le plan protéines…
Beneo adds faba bean derived protein and starch ingredients to animal nutrition range

Beneo has expanded its product portfolio for aqua and livestock feed with the addition of new faba bean derived ingredients. Its animal nutrition product range now includes faba bean protein concentrate, starch-rich flour and hulls, which are non-GMO and represent sustainable sources of protein, starch, and fibre, enabling feed manufacturers to…
Silab lance Senevisium, un actif anti sénescence issu du Ginkgo Biloba

Pour combattre les effets de la sénescence, un facteur central du vieillissement, Silab a mis au point et breveté un nouvel actif naturel anti-âge issu du Ginkgo Biloba. Baptisé Senevisium, il agit de façon transversale sur le derme et l’épiderme pour une action anti-rides et un effet booster d’éclat rapide. La sénescence est habituellement contrôlée…
Groupe Berkem Announces the Strategic Acquisition of i.Bioceuticals, the Exclusive North American Distributor of Nutritional Supplements From the Dutch Company INC (International Nutrition Company)

Groupe Berkem (the « Group »), a leading player in bio-based chemicals (ISIN code: FR00140069V2 – Ticker: ALKEM), announced today the closing of the acquisition of i.Bioceuticals, Inc., the leading and exclusive North American distributor of…
Cosmetics Europe – The Personal Care Association : Cosmetics Europe launches database of cosmetic ingredients for European citizens

Today, Cosmetics Europe launches COSMILE Europe, a European ingredient database which helps European citizens easily find information on cosmetic ingredients. Currently available in 14 languages, it provides information on almost 30,000 ingredients used in cosmetics. It includes information on ingredient properties, their function, whether…
Croda Brings Insights, Ingredients, and Formulations to Make Up in LA

As a Global business facilitator, MakeUp in LosAngeles orchestrates a friendly and intimate BtoB event gathering the most dynamic and creative suppliers with the most successful skincare and make-up brands, in THE city embodying beauty: Los Angeles! You can find Croda at Make Up In LA at the LA Convention Center from February…
Seafood heavyweight Thai Union announces deal with algae-based omega-3 ingredient producer

The deal follows Thai Union’s $7.4 million (€6.8 million) investment in Algarithm parent company, Mara Renewables, last year. Seafood giant Thai Union’s ingredients division has signed a multi-year manufacturing deal with Canadian algae-based…
Inauguration du nouveau Pôle R&D Agronomique et Agroalimentaire du Grand Arras

Jeudi 9 février 2023, le nouveau bâtiment du Pôle R&D Agronomique et Agroalimentaire du Grand Arras a été inauguré par Pasquale Mammone, président de l’Université d’Artois, et Philippe Mauguin, président-directeur général d’INRAE, en présence des représentants de l’Union européenne, de l’État, de la région Hauts-de-France…
Meala FoodTech scores US$1.9M in pre-seed round to propel alternative proteins

Israel-based Meala FoodTech has closed a US$1.9 million pre-seed investment, partially backed by DSM Venturing. The new funding will go toward continuing the development of the company’s platform technology and accelerate from lab to pilot scale. The start-up’s core technology enables the development of functional proteins for multiple meat replacements…
Le maquillage vert pousse à Pomacle
La start-up Global Bioenergies vient d’investir 3,5 millions d’euros dans une première unité de production commerciale d’une molécule biosourcée qui sert aujourd’hui à faire du maquillage longue tenue, pour sa propre marque (Last) et pour L’Oréal, son premier actionnaire. L’unité est installée à Pomacle, près de…
Biobest raises capital for further growth
Biobest and Floridienne have reached an agreement with Sofina, and several private investors, to increase the capital of Biobest by a minimum of €98.5 million. Biobest and Floridienne have reached an agreement with Sofina, and several private investors, to increase the capital of Biobest by a minimum of €98.5 million…
Solabia rachète BioActor
(Brève) Le groupe français Solabia, spécialisé dans les ingrédients pour la nutrition, la pharmacie et la cosmétique, a annoncé avoir pris une participation majoritaire dans BioActor. Cette société néerlandaise créée en 2011 sur le campus santé de Maastricht développe et commercialise des polyphénols extraits…
Filière brassicole – Le spécialiste des drêches Maltivor poursuit sa stratégie de développement et lève 800 000 euros

Le spécialiste des drêches Maltivor poursuit sa stratégie de développement et lève 800 000 euros t.michel@reussir.fr lun 06/02/2023 – 14:07 Malterie Brasserie Orge de brasserie Bière Farine Blé Avoine Céréales Tournesol Betterave à sucre Pois Légumineuses Protéines végétales Économie Circuit court Agroécologie Nutrition Présent au Sirha Lyon…
Study on extraction and characterization of new antibiotics violacein from engineered E.coli VioABCDE‐SD
Abstract To better understand the characteristic properties of violacein biosynthesized by engineered E.coli VioABCDE‐SD, a convenient and simplified method was designed to extract violacein and its stability, antimicrobial activity, and antioxidant capacity were analyzed. Different from the traditional…
Naturally Occurring Phenolic Sources for Industrial Applications
Industrial Arene Chemistry. Explore the wide array of uses for aromatic hydrocarbons in this comprehensive reference. Aromatics are a class of compounds—normally but not exclusively organic—which tend to be produced as by-products of various industrial processes. Their importance as petrochemical materials…
Extraction and Quantification of Moringa oleifera Leaf Powder Extracts by HPLC and FTIR
Lack of physical exercise; unhealthy eating habits; exposure to environmental pollutants, heavy metals, and food additives; and modern life style lead to oxidative stress. Increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) damage body cells and tissues and contribute to more risk of chronic diseases like cancer…
Optimization, Kinetic and Phenomenological Modeling of Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction Process of Bioactive Compounds from Raspberries (Rubus idaeus L.)
Bioactive compounds are of considerable interest due to their antioxidant properties and potential beneficial health effects. Thus, this study aimed to optimize and model the ultrasound-assisted extraction process (UAE) of response variables total anthocyanins (TA) and total phenolic content (TPC) from raspberries, and…
Combination of ultrasound, microwave and conventional extraction techniques for roselle (Hibiscus Sabdariffa. L.) total anthocyanins and phenolics recovery: effect on antioxidant and structural properties
Roselle ( Hibiscus Sabdariffa L.) has long been recognized as a source of natural food color additive. Microwave- and ultrasonic-assisted extraction are green and innovative processes widely used for natural dyes extraction. For this purpose, these two techniques as well as conventional extraction and…
Extraction and clarification of orange wax obtained from waste of the citrus industry
Abstract The processing of the orange leads to a large generation of waste, which is underutilized or discarded. Thus, this study proposes a route to treat oily waste from the orange juice industry, transforming it into a by‐product of higher added value to the chemical industry: clarified orange wax. In this sense…
Application of Green Technology to Extract Clean and Safe Bioactive Compounds from Tetradesmus obliquus Biomass Grown in Poultry Wastewater
Microalgae are capable of assimilating nutrients from wastewater (WW), producing clean water and biomass rich in bioactive compounds that need to be recovered from inside the microalgal cell. This work investigated subcritical water (SW) extraction to collect high-value compounds from the microalga Tetradesmus…
Chestnut shell represents a rich source of polyphenols: preparation methods, antioxidant activity and composition analysis of extractable and non-extractable polyphenols
Chestnut shell, a by-product of chestnut processing, is rich in bioactive polyphenols, which can be divided into extractable polyphenols (EPs) and non-extractable phenols (NEPs). The EPs have arisen a lot of interests, while NEPs combined with cellulose in the residue are ignored. This work describes the development…
Food and fruit waste valorisation for pectin recovery: Recent process technologies and future prospects.
Pectin possesses a dual property of resistance and flexibility and thus has diverse commercial value which has generated research interest on this versatile biopolymer. Formulated products using pectin could be useful in food, pharma, foam, plasticiser and paper substitute industries. Pectin is structurally tailor-made…
Pigment composition
The present invention is a pigment composition used for forming a coating film that can separated from a base material by a treatment in an alkaline solution. The pigment composition contains: a pigment; nitrocellulose; and at least one type of coloration suppressant selected from the group consisting of a vinyl chloride…
Extraction of bioactive polysaccharide from Ulva prolifera biomass waste toward potential biomedical application
Ulva prolifera macroalgae blooming caused by water eutrophication seriously affects the marine ecological environment. Exploring an efficient approach to turning algae biomass waste into high-value-added products is significant. The present work aimed to demonstrate the feasibility of the bioactive polysaccharide…
Extraction of lipids from microalgal slurries with liquid CO2
Traditional methods for lipid extraction from microalgae achieve high yields, but at the cost of energy-intensive drying of the microalgae before extraction and the toxicity and price of the extraction solvents. Liquid carbon dioxide (lCO2) is shown to successfully extract lipids from aqueous microalgal slurries. The rate and…
Valorization of rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) peel: Chemical composition, biological activity, and optimized recovery of anthocyanins
Chemical constituents and bioactive properties of rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) peel were characterized and heat-/ultrasound-assisted extractions (HAE/UAE) of anthocyanins were optimized by response surface methodology. Five organic acids, the α-, γ-, and δ-tocopherol isoforms, and twenty-five…
Garden cress oil as a vegan source of PUFA: Achieving through optimized supercritical carbon dioxide extraction
With more people shifting to healthier and environment-friendly lifestyles, the vegan diet has recently gained popularity. Nevertheless, this kind of diet comes with its own limitations in terms of adequate availability of nutrients, for example, essential fatty acids. The primary source for these includes fish and other…
Food-grade deep eutectic solvent extraction of antioxidant polyphenols from peppermint (Mentha × piperita L.): Screening, optimization and metabolite profile
Peppermint (Mentha × piperita L.) is a popular medicinal and aromatic plant, cultivated in several areas around the globe. Its functional and therapeutic potential has been largely attributed to its polyphenolic composition, yet rather a few investigations have delt with the preparation of polyphenol-enriched…
Processing Technologies for the Extraction of Value-Added Bioactive Compounds from Tea
Tea ( Camellia sinensis) is the most widely consumed beverage in the world, with an excellent source of bioactive compounds such as catechins, caffeine, and epigallocatechin. There is an increasing trend to extract these bioactive compounds to deliver them as value-added products. Generally, the extraction of…
Sustainable extraction of ligustilide and ferulic acid from Angelicae Sinensis Radix, for antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development envisions a rational use of energy and resources in all technological processes. However, in the extraction methods of compounds from medicinal plants and herbs, there is an urgent to reduce the use of organic solvents and increase the energy efficiency of these…
De-flavored fava protein concentrates and methods of manufacture
This specification discloses methods for removing unwanted flavors from legume protein concentrates, which are powdered legume compositions that have been classified to increase the protein compared to the protein content of the base legume. In at least some embodiments the methods are used to make de-flavored…
De-flavored legume flours and methods of manufacture
This specification discloses de-flavored legume flour have less intense flavor profiles compared to untreated legume flour. The disclosed de-flavored legume flours have been processed to reduce flavor while minimizing damage to the components to the de-flavored legume flour (compared to an untreated legume flour)…
Method of producing protein isolate from sunflower meal
A method of producing a protein isolate from sunflower meal is disclosed, including: milling the meal, washing out the milled meal with an acid followed by separating a solvent, extracting a produced product with an alkali followed by separating a protein solution, isoelectrically depositing the protein with the acid, washing…
Plant-derived protein purification
The disclosure describes methods for the purification of protein-enriched extracts to provide concentrates and isolates and methods for incorporation of such materials into products. The purification methods are adapted for removal of, e.g., chlorophyll and may thus provide lightening the color of the protein-enriched extracts…
Extraction of Valuable Biomolecules from the Microalga Haematococcus pluvialis Assisted by Electrotechnologies
The freshwater microalga Haematococcus pluvialis is well known as the cell factory for natural astaxanthin, which composes up to 4-7% of its total dry weight. The bioaccumulation of astaxanthin in H. pluvialis cysts seems to be a very complex process that depends on different stress conditions during its cultivation. The…
Influence of High-Pressure Homogenization on the Physicochemical Properties and Betalain Pigments of Red Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) Juice
High-pressure homogenization (HPH) is considered an innovative and modern method of processing and preserving liquid and semi-liquid foods. The aim of this research was to examine the impact of HPH processing on the content of betalain pigments and physicochemical properties of beetroot…
Green Solvents: Emerging Alternatives for Carotenoid Extraction from Fruit and Vegetable By-Products
Carotenoids have important implications for human health and the food industry due to their antioxidant and functional properties. Their extraction is a crucial step for being able to concentrate them and potentially include them in food products. Traditionally, the extraction of carotenoids is performed using organic…
Method for obtaining one or more protein preparations and oil fractions from sunflower seeds or rape seeds
In a method for obtaining one or more protein preparations and oil fractions from sunflower seeds or rape seeds, at least three fractions are provided or formed from the seeds, of which a first fraction has a shell content of 60 mass percent or >30 mass percent. Oil is separated from the first fraction by means of one…
Method for Isolation of Cytisine
A method for isolating cytisine from plant material includes dissolving the plant material in an alcohol to form a liquid mixture and acidifying the liquid mixture by addition of an acid. The method also includes concentrating the liquid mixture to form a concentrated aqueous…
Subcritical Water Treatment for Valorization of the Red Algae Residue after Agar Extraction: Scale-Up from Laboratory to Pilot Plant.
The feasibility of industrial subcritical water treatment on Gelidium sesquipedale residue through scaling up from the lab to pilot system in discontinuous mode (geometric scale-up factor = 50), at 130 and 175 °C (5% biomass), was investigated. The maximum volumes of the reactors were 500 mL at the lab-scale and 5…
Intensifying Effect of Instant Controlled Pressure Drop (DIC) Pre-Treatment on Hesperidin Recovery from Orange Byproducts: In Vitro Antioxidant and Antidiabetic Activities of the Extracts
The orange byproduct is a widely accessible and valuable source of functional phenolic compounds, particularly hesperidin. Hesperidin extraction remains a challenging phase in its valorization chain due to its low solubility and limited extractability in solvents. This work aims to examine the effect of…
Conventional and innovative extraction technologies to produce food-grade hop extracts: Influence on bitter acids content and volatile organic compounds profile
Hop extracts represent a natural alternative to synthetic food additives because of their high content of bitter acids and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with bittering, flavoring, and antimicrobial properties. However, broader uses of hop extracts as natural techno-functional ingredients rely on the identification of…
A macroporous resin purification process to obtain food-grade phlorotannin-rich extracts with α-glucosidase inhibitory activity from Chilean brown seaweeds: An UHPLC-MSn profiling
An efficient macroporous resin purification process was designed to obtain food-grade phlorotannin-rich extracts from the seaweeds Durvillaea incurvata and Lessonia spicata. Phlorotannins were profiled to relate structures with the α-glucosidase inhibitory activity of the extracts. Liquid chromatography-mass…
Optimisation of the Extraction Process of Naringin and Its Effect on Reducing Blood Lipid Levels In Vitro
The naringin extraction process was optimised using response surface methodology (RSM). A central component design was adopted, which included four parameters: extraction temperature (X1), material-liquid ratio (X2), extraction time (X3), and ultrasonic frequency (X4) of 74.79 °C, 1.58 h, 1:56.51 g/mL, and…
Extraction of flavonoids and phenolics from Berberis kongboensis fruit
Response surface methodology was used to optimize the ultrasonic-assisted extraction (UAE) of total flavonoids (TF) and total phenols (TP) from Berberis kongboensis fruit. Single-factor experiments were conducted with the ultrasonication power, liquid–solid ratio, ethanol concentration, extraction temperature…
Simultaneous extraction of chlorophylls, proteins and carbohydrates from isolated Chlorella thermophila using a triphasic separation technique: A biorefinery approach
Abstract The separation of multiple products from microalgae using a biorefinery approach is essential for the economic sustainability of microalgae‐based products. In the current study, a simultaneous extraction technique was investigated for the complete valorisation of the microalgae biomass. Three…
Process for treating of brewing industry by-products
A process for treating wet brewer’s spent grains for the extraction and integral recovery of their main homogeneous components, specifically protein, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The present invention belongs to the technical field of food industry by-product treatment and recovery, more specifically it…
Saponin containing extracts prepared from hesperaloe useful in the treatment of non-human animals
Disclosed are novel pharmaceutical, animal feed compositions and methods of treating non-human animals comprising at least one component selected from the extract(s), fraction(s), active compound(s) and phytochemical(s), or mixtures thereof, derived from non-woody plants of the genus Hesperaloe. Animal…
Optimization of Cyclodextrin-Assisted Extraction of Phenolics from Helichrysum italicum for Preparation of Extracts with Anti-Elastase and Anti-Collagenase Properties
Helichrysum italicum is a plant traditionally used for skin-related disorders that is becoming an increasingly popular ingredient in cosmetic products. In this work, a \ »green\ » ultrasound-assisted extraction method for H. italicum phenolics was developed using skin-friendly cyclodextrins (CDs). Extraction conditions needed for…
Thermal and nonthermal sonication: Extraction of bioactive compounds from beet leaves and microbiological quality of extracts
Abstract This work aimed to optimize a nonthermal (NT) ultrasound‐assisted aqueous extraction (aq‐UAE) to maximize the recovery of polyphenols, betaxanthins, and betacyanins. Extraction yields, thermal profiles and microbiological quality of the extract were compared with a previoulsy optimized thermal aq‐UAE…
Citrus Waste as Source of Bioactive Compounds: Extraction and Utilization in Health and Food Industry
The current research was conducted to extract the bioactive compounds from citrus waste and assess their role in the development of functional foods to treat different disorders. The scientific name of citrus is Citrus L. and it belongs to the Rutaceae family. It is one of the most important fruit crops that is grown throughout…
Dragon’s Blood: antioxidant properties for nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals
Plants are the source of a large spectrum of phytochemicals, and the combined and concerted action of biologically active compounds lead to the potential beneficial properties of each plant matrix. A great attention is being addressed over the years toward herbs and medicinal plants. Dragon’s Blood is a reddish resin…
Food Enzymes Market 2023 Research Report Shows In-Depth Analysis, Opportunities, Threats, And Key Players Till 2025

Global Food Enzymes Market 2023 report covers an in-depth study of the Market Overview, Market Segmentation, and Net Value of the Industry. It also provides 122 Pages, , Tables and Figures Most Crucial Data and Future Prediction up to 2025…
Omega 3 Market Set to Surge Significantly During 2021-2031

New York, Global Omega 3 Market report from Global Insight Services is the single authoritative source of intelligence on Omega 3 Market. The report will provide you with analysis of impact of latest market disruptions such as Russia-Ukraine war and Covid-19 on the market. Report provides qualitative analysis of the market using various…
Fenugreek Absolute Market 2029 Business Insights with Key Trend Analysis | Leading Companies Robertet, Firmenich, Jasmine, Biolandes, Aurochemicals, Van Aroma, Argeville, Ventos, Bontoux, Augustus Oils, Ambles Nature & Chimie, Huabao, China Boton, Xiamen Godelo Flavors & Fragrances
From 2023 to 2033, the research on the global Fenugreek Absolute market focuses on the thoughtful facts and intelligence of the sector as well as present and expected market trends. An in-depth study is also done on pricing, current geographic regions, technology, and demand-supply relationships. the effects it might…
Global Allulose Market Expected to Regain its Position After the Pandemic Debacle with a Healthy CAGR of 11.7% in the 2022-2032 Timeframe [250-Pages]

The global allulose market is expected to grow significantly by 2032, due to the rising demand for low-calorie sweeteners among people all across the globe. Regionally, the North America region is expected to hold the largest share of the market. Global Allulose Market Forecast Analysis: As per the report published by Research Dive, the global allulose market is…
Analyse du marché des cosmétiques naturels et biologiques 2023 par les principaux acteurs – The Estée Lauder Companies Inc., L’Oréal SA, Weleda AG, Burt’s Bees
Le rapport sur le marché mondial des « cosmétiques naturels et biologiques » est un rapport d’étude de marché bien conçu et livré avec précision décrivant des éléments cruciaux dans les états actuels et historiques du marché qui jouent un rôle crucial en influençant les prévisions et les prédictions sans faille…
Functional Cosmetic Market is Expected to Cross USD 5.5 Billion by 2028 at a CAGR of 6.2% from 2022-2028; Demand for Cosmetic Products Enhancing Personal Appearance along with Health and Wellness Benefits to Boost Market Growth
The functional cosmetic market has seen Europe emerge as the dominant player, closely followed by Asia Pacific. This can be attributed to a growing awareness of the benefits of ageless beauty, male grooming, and the growing pattern towards natural and organic products. The rise of digitalization has also played…
Le marché mondial de la gomme Karaya connaîtra une croissance excessive en 2023 | Neelkanth Finechem, Kapadia Gum Industries, Sigma-Aldrich
Le rapport examine en profondeur le marché mondial de la gomme de karaya. Le rapport, intitulé Karaya Gum, prévoit le taux de croissance du marché de la gomme Karaya de 2023 à 2031. Le rapport estime la taille et la valorisation de l’industrie de la gomme Karaya dans les années à venir après avoir fourni un…
Hamamelis Virginiana Leaf Extract Market Challenges, Analysis and Forecast to 2032

A recent market research report added to repository of Analytics Market Research is an in-depth analysis of Global Hamamelis Virginiana Leaf Extract Market. On the basis of historic growth analysis and current scenario of Hamamelis Virginiana Leaf Extract market place, the report intends to offer actionable insights on Global market growth…
Sugar reduction prompts demand for natural, low-calorie sweeteners

(reading the full article requires free registration) Hybrid sweeting systems help meet formulation challenges . When it comes to the relationship between consumers and sugar, American filmmaker, visual artist and actor David Lynch perhaps best describes the dynamic when he said: “Sugar does make people happy, but then you fall off the edge after a few minutes, so…
Bio-Acetic Acid Market Size, Share, Development by 2023

Bio-Acetic acid is a clear, colorless liquid with a pungent odor, produced as a biorefinery product of pulp production from beech wood. It is recovered in several process steps and turned into high-quality, bio-acetic acid. The product is free from solids and of a high purity, making it suitable for human consumption. LPI (LP Information)’ newest research report…
The Global Bioactive Ingredients Market size is expected to reach $262.3 billion by 2028, rising at a market growth of 7.2% CAGR during the forecast period

Bioactive ingredients are substances utilized in food that have a favorable impact on human and animal health. Examples include prebiotics, amino acids, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids. Food components known as bioactive substances affect living tissue biologically. Reportlinker.com announces the release of the report « Global Bioactive Ingredients Market…
La lactofermentation, technique ancestrale de plus en plus tendance

La lactofermentation a la cote. La technique n’est pas nouvelle. Mais elle redevient à la mode. Il faut dire que les légumes fermentés n’ont que des retours positifs. Ils sont faciles à préparer, peu chers, ils ne demandent pas d’énergie et, surtout, sont bons pour la santé. À base d’eau et de sel, le procédé ne nécessite ni cuisson, ni réfrigération…