SPHYDRO – Nouveaux produits alimentaires composés de spiruline hydrolysée

Le projet SPHYDRO vise à développer de nouveaux ingrédients végétaux à base de spiruline. Le projet porte sur la mise au point de nouveaux PAI « Produits Alimentaires Intermédiaires » de spiruline obtenus à partir d’un procédé d’hydrolyse enzymatique…
2020-11-25 – www.pole-mer-bretagne-atlantique.com – Lire la suite
Éditorial : Le CIR à double tranchant ?

Finalement, le CIR n’a-t-il pas fait plus de mal que de bien ? Ce dispositif de crédit d’impôt recherche, loué par tous les industriels du pays et par les laboratoires académiques bénéficiaires par ricochet, a permis de faire de la France un pays de recherche à bas coût, pendant que le coût du travail atteignait des sommets. Cependant, ce soutien massif de la recherche a contribué à asseoir la…
Unigrains se donne de nouveaux moyens
Unigrains a mis en place un financement de 250 millions d’euros auprès d’un pool bancaire. « Avec ces ressources complémentaires, nous nous donnons les moyens d’amplifier notre action d’investisseur de long terme auprès des entreprises de l’agroalimentaire », explique Jean-François Laurain, son directeur général. La société d’investissement gère un milliard d’euros en fonds propres ou quasi-fonds propres dans près de 100 sociétés du secteur.
Deux nouvelles têtes à la DG de Nestlé
(Brève) Bernard Meunier succède à Patrice Bula pour rejoindre, en mars 2021, la direction générale du groupe Nestlé et prendre en charge la stratégie des business units, du marketing, des ventes ainsi que de Nespresso. Depuis trente-cinq ans dans le groupe suisse, il dirigeait précédemment Nestlé Purina Petcare Emena (Europe, Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord)…
Claude Freyd, élu président du Cetiat
Le Cetiat (Centre technique des industries aérauliques et thermiques) renforce sa gouvernance avec l’arrivée de Claude Freyd à la présidence, ainsi que de deux vice-présidents : Didier Bondil et Yves Fanton d’Andon. Claude Freyd a été élu le 13 octobre et …
Naturex uses existing ingredient to seize new market opportunity

For the last six years, men have been using Flowens to help relieve their Low Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS). Now, new research suggests the cranberry product may help women improve their urinary health too…
Seqens, Lesaffre, M2i, Seppic, InnovaFeed… les premiers lauréats de « France relance » dévoilés

Focus sur neuf lauréats dans la chimie pharma, la chimie verte et la nutrition santé, parmi les 31 lauréats retenus par le plan « France Relance ». C’est un des premiers succès du programme « France Relance » : la publication de 31 projets lauréats qui vont permettre de relocaliser des maillons manquants des chaînes de production stratégiques ou de prendre un temps d’avance en localisation…
Algaia. Succes story autour des algues
La Bretagne regorge de pépites industrielles, dont on n’entend peu parler. Parmi celles-ci se trouve Algaia, une entreprise spécialisée dans la biotechnologie marine. Le siège social et le centre de production sont basés à Lannilis. L’entreprise (100 salariés) est devenue un des leaders mondiaux dans le secteur des algues. Algaia expédie aujourd’hui sa production dans 50 pays…
Ingrédients biosourcés : Givaudan et Novozymes se lancent dans la R&D (contenu réservé aux abonnés d’Info-Chimie)

Le fabricant suisse d’arômes, parfums et ingrédients cosmétiques Givaudan et Novozymes, société danoise de biotechnologies spécialisée dans les enzymes ont fait part de leur collaboration le 13 novembre 2020…

As a pioneer of organic and vegetarian food for 30 years, Wessanen is best known for its range of leading brands such as Bjorg, Clipper, Bonneterre, Allos, El Granero and Isola Bio. From today, Wessanen will become Ecotone and focus on a new mission of Food for Biodiversity. Newly headquartered in Lyon, the company will become a mission driven company according to French law and is drawing up a Biodiversity commitment plan that goes beyond the organic standards…
Microalgues : Au bord de l’étang de Thau, on cultive les pépites du futur

Primée pour un projet sur le traitement des acouphènes dans le cadre du plan Avenir Littoral, Greensea, basée à Mèze (Hérault), est l’un des dix spécialistes des microalgues en France. Les applications semblent infinies : compléments alimentaires, cosmétiques, santé, bien-être…
La cosmétique marine, dopée par les «biotechs bleues»
Faire ami-ami avec la mer, qui regorge d’organismes potentiellement bénéfiques à l’être humain, notamment dans le domaine de la santé : l’objectif ne date pas d’hier. Le biologiste français René Quinton l’a préconisé dès 1905, en établissant que la composition du plasma sanguin était très proche de celle de l’eau de mer et que cette «bio-affinité» permettait à la fois une assimilation facile et une grande tolérance des produits à base d’eau de mer par le corps…
GUEDANT investit 2,5 M€ sur son site de Poigny pour innover dans les extraits aromatiques naturels végétaux

Créée en 1910 par Georges Guédant, pharmacien à Champigny sur Marne, la société GUEDANT a développé un savoir-faire unique dans les extraits aromatiques naturels et végétaux hydrosolubles ou liposolubles. Depuis plus d’un siècle, GUEDANT se spécialise dans les extraits de fruits, agrumes, vanille et produits bruns. L’entreprise est aujourd’hui reconnue par les grands noms de l’industrie aromatique et agroalimentaire…
Ynsect lève encore 372 millions de dollars (contenu réservé aux abonnés à RIA)
Pour finaliser la construction d’Ynfarm, sa future ferme d’insectes en construction près d’Amiens (80), la start-up française Ynsect vient de lever 372 M$…
La vague végétale s’impose
La crise du Covid n’a pas freiné les ardeurs des créateurs d’entreprises agroalimentaires. Ils misent à fond sur les tendances du moment, végétale en tête. Avec un effort particulier sur leur démarche commerciale.
Cette année, Agropole a reçu 76 dossiers de candidature à son Concours national de la création d’entreprises agroalimentaires dont RIA est un partenaire historique : c’est treize de plus qu’en 2019, entre dix et vingt de plus par rapport à la moyenne de cette initiative qui en est à sa 27e édition…
Protéine alternative | Une protéine de levure développée par Biospringer

La filiale de Lesaffre lance une protéine pour les nouveaux marchés alimentaires. Springer Proteissimo 101 est le nom d’une nouvelle protéine développée chez Biospringer (spécialiste des ingrédients d’origine naturelle obtenus par fermentation de levure créé en 1872 à Paris et aujourd’hui filiale de Lesaffre) destinée à être utilisée sur les marchés des protéines alternatives pour servir les segments des végans, des végétariens et des fléxitariens…
Biocarburants : Neste rachète la raffinerie de Bunge

Le spécialiste finlandais des carburants renouvelables Neste a fait part de son intention d’acheter une unité de raffinage de Bunge Laders Croklaan située à Rotterdam (Pays-Bas). Cette transaction, dont la clôture est soumise à l’approbation réglementaire, s’élève à un montant de 258 millions d’euros. Cette unité comprend des installations de prétraitement, un parc de réservoirs et…
Lubrizol introduces novel spirulina microencapsulated astaxanthin for healthy aging

To create a synergistic algae blend, Lubrizol Life Science Health collaborated with Neoalgae Micro Seaweeds Products, SL, a company dedicated to microalgae biotechnology…
Cultures Marines – Algolesko consolide sa production

Visant à développer la culture de macro-algues depuis sa création en 2013, Algolesko a obtenu début octobre une levée de fonds de 1,2 million d’euros. C’est un gage d’avenir pour Philippe Legorjus, président fondateur de l’entreprise qui espère atteindre une production de quelque 500 tonnes d’ici 2022…
Microwave irradiation is a suitable method for caulerpin extraction from the green algae Caulerpa racemosa (Chlorophyta, Caulerpaceae).
Caulerpin is a bisindolic alkaloid that has been obtained from many species of the genus Caulerpa. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate four extraction methods of caulerpin in the C. racemosa: maceration (DMA), Soxhlet extraction (SOX), ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) and microwave-assisted extraction (MAE). The methods were compared…
Microporous framework membranes for precise molecule/ion separations.

Microporous framework membranes such as metal-organic framework (MOF) membranes and covalent organic framework (COF) membranes are constructed by the controlled growth of small building blocks with large porosity and permanent well-defined micropore structures, which can overcome the ubiquitous tradeoff between membrane permeability and selectivity…
Temperature-responsive deep eutectic solvents as green and recyclable media for the efficient extraction of polysaccharides from Ganoderma lucidum
Recently, more and more attention has been paid to the green and recyclable deep eutectic solvents (DESs) in the extraction and separation field. In this study, nine temperature-responsive deep eutectic solvents (TRDESs) were prepared and developed to extract polysaccharides from Ganoderma lucidum (G. lucidum). The polysaccharides were extracted into a homogeneous solution…
Green extractions to obtain value-added elephant grass co-products in an ethanol biorefinery
The replacement of fossil fuels with renewable energy sources depends on the adoption of greener technologies and integrated processes within a biorefinery. In this study, organic molecules with high added value and fermentable sugars were obtained by combined extractions and enzymatic hydrolysis from elephant grass leaves and stems. Fatty acids, sterols, alcohols and phenolics were obtained in different concentrations using green extractions with supercritical carbon dioxide and pressurized liquids (PLE)…
Exploiting Mannuronan C-5 Epimerases in Commercial Alginate Production.
Alginates are one of the major polysaccharide constituents of marine brown algae in commercial manufacturing. However, the content and composition of alginates differ according to the distinct parts of these macroalgae and have a direct impact on the concentration of guluronate and subsequent commercial value of the final product…
Use of hydrogen-bonded supramolecular eutectic solvents for eco-friendly extraction of bioactive molecules from Cymbopogon citratus using Box-Behnken design
Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) are evolving as green extraction media in the search for efficient extraction of bioactive compounds. In the current study, four different choline chloride based DESs (eutectics of Choline chloride with ethylene glycol, malic acid, oxalic acid, and tartaric acid) were prepared with their physico-chemical properties and cytotoxicity evaluation…
Biorefinery of marine macroalgae into high-tech bioproducts: a review
Pollution and climate change induced by fossil fuel usage are calling for the development of a circular bioeconomy based on carbon neutral resources such as marine macroalgae, also named seaweeds. Macroalgal biomass can generate biofuels and valuable bioproducts such as hydrocolloids and other unique biomolecules. Biorefinery of marine macroalgae involves a minimum use…
Exploring the potential of microwaves and ultrasounds in the green extraction of bioactive compounds from Humulus lupulus for the food and pharmaceutical industry
Currently, there is a continuous growth in demand for medicinal and aromatic plant derived molecules obtained in a sustainable and eco-friendly way. Among the medicinal plants that have a plethora of health-related properties, there is definitely hops. In the present study, microwaves (MW) and ultrasounds (US) were used to increase the extraction efficiency of bioactive compounds from hop…
Efficient extraction of hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidants from microalgae with supramolecular solvents
There is strong evidence that lipophilic and hydrophilic antioxidants interact in vivo through different mechanisms and that it is their mixed effects what leads to health benefits. Simultaneous extraction of both types of antioxidants from biomass using organic solvents is inefficient because extraction yields for these phytochemicals are highly dependent on the polarity…
Tuning of Proanthocyanidin Extract’s Composition through Quaternary Eutectic Solvents Extraction.
Currently available proanthocyanidins extraction methods rely on dedicated crops and have low specificity and yield which limits their industrial application. Consequently, the development of novel methodologies and the use of sustainable sources is of great importance. Eutectic solvents have been proposed has good alternatives for conventional solvents due to their low price, easiness…
A tribo-electrostatic separation process for fractionating a feed mixture derived from dried distiller’s grains (DDG) or distiller’s dried grains and mixed with solubles (DDGS) is disclosed…
Comparing the Effectiveness of Three Different Biorefinery Processes at Recovering Bioactive Products from Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Byproduct
Hemp ( Cannabis sativa L.) seeds are considered a nutritional powerhouse, rich in proteins and unsaturated fatty acids. The market for hemp seed food products is growing, due to the loosening of constraints in industrial cultivation. During the food processing chain, the external part of the seed is discarded, although it contains a significant amount of proteins. Converting this material…
Chemical-Free Extraction and Identification of Sugar Components from Oil Palm Biomass Through a Hydrothermal Process
Purpose: The aims of this research were to extract sugar-based products from oil palm biomass, oil palm fronds (OPFs) and oil palm fruit pressed fibers (FPFs) via a hydrothermal process using accelerated solvent extraction and to identify the sugar content of the aqueous phase at different temperatures and reaction times. Methods The liquid products obtained from accelerated solvent extraction…
Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from Haskap Leaves (Lonicera caerulea) Using Salt/Ethanol Aqueous Two-Phase Flotation
Aqueous two-phase flotation (ATPF) was used for the extraction and partial purification of bioactive compounds from haskap leaves. Two ATPF systems, ammonium sulfate/ethanol and sodium phosphate/ethanol, were compared. A Box-Behnken approach was used to investigate the operating parameters which included sample loading (5.0, 52.5, and 100.0 mg), flotation time…
Ionic Liquid-Assisted Extraction of Essential Oils from Thujopsis dolobrata (Hiba).
Aomori hiba (Thujopsis dolobrata) has been used as a building material for centuries because of the wood’s resistance against fungi and termites. In addition, the essential oil of hiba wood has a relaxing woody fragrance and antifungal properties and is composed mainly of (-)-thujopsene, cedrol, and hinokitiol. Steam distillation is the main industrial method for obtaining the oil but requires large amounts…
Comparison of Maceration and Ultrasonication for Green Extraction of Phenolic Acids from Echinacea purpurea Aerial Parts.
Echinacea purpurea is used in herbal medicinal products for the prevention and treatment of the common cold, as well as for skin disorders and minor wounds. In this study, the efficiency of traditional maceration using water and ethanol was compared with the maceration using mixtures of water and glycerol, a non-toxic, biodegradable solvent from renewable sources. It was found that the glycerol-water mixtures…
Efficiency and selectivity of ionic liquids in microwave-assisted extraction of major lichen phenolic compounds: a scalable process with recycling of ionic liquids.
Pseudevernia furfuracea, a lichen used classically for cosmetic applications, contains interesting metabolites possessing antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory or antioxidant properties…
Optimization of a Green Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Different Polyphenols from Pistacia lentiscus L. Leaves Using a Response Surface Methodology.
istacia lentiscus leaves are used in several applications, thanks to their polyphenolic abundance. Thiswork aimed to characterize the polyphenols and to optimize the extraction conditions to shorten the time, decrease the consumption of solvent, and to maximize the yield of different classes of phenolics, which have diverse industrial applications. The variables were optimized by applying a Box-Behnken…
Emerging Processing Technologies for the Recovery of Valuable Bioactive Compounds from Potato Peels.
Potato peel (PP) is the major underutilised by-product in the potato-processing industry and a potential source of valuable bioactive molecules. Among them, glycoalkaloids and polyphenols are important precursors for steroid hormones and natural antioxidants, respectively. Moreover, the huge quantities of industrial potato-peel waste that are produced are a rich source of primary metabolites…
Ultrasound assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from a jujube by-product with valuable bioactivities
Jujube plant is a potential source of polyphenols with biological propreties. The purpose of this study was to investigate the application of ultrasound technique for extracting phenolic compounds (TPC) from seeds of Zizyphus lotus under optimization conditions based on response surface methodology. A maximum TPC, total flavonoids content (TFC), and total condensed tannins content (TTC) of…
Carob seeds: Food waste or source of bioactive compounds?
(1) Background: For centuries, carob fruit has been used in the food field, while carob seeds have been mainly considered as food waste. Nowadays, there has been considerable attention toward the recovery of the waste plant matrices as possible sources of functional compounds with health properties. Therefore, our goal was to evaluate the health properties of carob seed extracts…
Grape stalk: a first attempt to disentangle its fibres via electrostatic separation
The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of the electrostatic separation on fractionation and deconstruction of the grape stalks lignocellulosic biomass. After the measurements of their physical properties, the eight fractions obtained were extracted with hot water and then with hot 2% sulphuric acid. In aqueous extracts, the concentrations of glucose and fructose of samples collected…
Pilot-scale ohmic heating-assisted extraction of wheat bran bioactive compounds: Effects of the extract on corn oil stability
Recent studies introduced ohmic heating-assisted extraction (OHAE) as a promising emerging technology at laboratory-scales. The objectives of the present study were, first, to investigate the applicability of OHAE at pilot-scale for extraction of bioactive compounds from wheat bran immersed in a polar solvent (salted water containing 0.1% NaCl) at the electric field strengths (EFS) of…
Selective and eco-friendly recovery of glucosinolates from mustard seeds (Brassica juncea) using process optimization and innovative pretreatment (high voltage electrical discharges)
Glucosinolates (β-thioglucoside-N-hydroxysulfates) are rich-sulfur secondary metabolites presented in a large variety of plants mainly in Cruciferous. They may be hydrolyzed by an endogene enzyme called myrosinase to liberate numerous sub-products such as isothiocyanates, thiocyanates and nitriles. Glucosinolates possess biological activity, which reinforce their potential applications as natural…
Microwave assisted extraction of inositols for the valorization of legume by-products
Currently there is great interest in exploitation of agrofood by-products, such as those from legumes, as source of bioactive ingredients. To that aim, characterization of cyclitol and sugar composition of pods and seeds from different legume species has been carried out. A green Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE) method was optimized for extraction of bioactive inositols, and both pod and seed yields…
Cleaner and sustainable processes for extracting phenolic compounds from bio-waste
The frequent environment-unfriendly treatments of agro-industrial bio-wastes cause severe pollution through air pollution and through residual effluents and hazardous solid waste. These bio-wastes can contain phenolic compounds, forms of phenolic acids and flavonoids in plants. They are however the most abundant class of many phytochemicals and have been given great interest due to their health…
Isolation and characterization of cellulose nanocrystals from Cucumis sativus peels
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) peels waste being a potential cellulosic sources, were used for extracting cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs), and characterized in the present study. Firstly, the cucumber peels were purified chemically through acid, alkali, and bleaching treatments for cellulose isolation. Later obtained cellulose was acid (60 wt% H2SO₄) hydrolyzed at 45 ℃ for 45 min to obtain CNC45 suspension, and again…
Subcritical water extraction and microwave-assisted extraction applied for the recovery of bioactive components from Chaya (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius Mill.)
Chaya is a neglected, fast-growing and drought-resistant shrub, mostly cultivated in Mesoamerica as vegetable and medicinal plant. The increasing demand for safe products promotes processes with non-toxic solvents. In this context, Subcritical Water Extraction (SWE) and Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE) with ethanol were firstly applied to recover extracts rich in phenolic compounds from Chaya leaves…
Neochloris oleoabundans biorefinery: Integration of cell disruption and purification steps using aqueous biphasic systems-based in surface-active ionic liquids
In this work, an approach to integrate the downstream processing of bioactive compounds present in the microalgae cells by combining the use of tensioactive compounds and aqueous biphasic systems (ABS) is proposed. For this purpose, several aqueous solutions using solvents with and without tensioactive nature were investigated on their capacity to disrupt the microalgae cells as well as…
Inhibitory effect of Newtonia extracts and myricetin-3-o-rhamnoside (myricitrin) on bacterial biofilm formation.
Diarrhoea is a major health issue in both humans and animals and may be caused by bacterial, viral and fungal infections. Previous studies highlighted excellent activity of Newtonia buchananii and N. hildebrandtii leaf extracts against bacterial and fungal organisms related to diarrhoea-causing pathogens…
Flavonoid Preparations from Taraxacum officinale L. Fruits-A Phytochemical, Antioxidant and Hemostasis Studies.
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale L.) roots, leaves, and flowers have a long history of use in traditional medicine. Compared to the above organs, dandelion fruits are the least known and used. Hence, the present paper was aimed at the phytochemical analysis of T. officinale fruit extract and estimating its antiradical, antiplatelet, and antioxidant properties related to hemostasis. Methanolic extract…
Structural Properties, Bioactivities, and Applications of Polysaccharides from Okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench]: A Review.
Okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench], as a kind of nutritive vegetable, is rich in flavonoids, polyphenols, polysaccharides, amino acids, and other bioactive substances and has various biological activities. As one of main bioactive components, okra polysaccharides (OPs), mainly comprising pectic polysaccharides, have various biological activities. OPs have been extensively investigated…
Therapeutic effect of curcumin on oral diseases: A literature review.
Curcumin (diferuloylmethane) is a polyphenol compound extracted from the rhizome of the plant Curcuma longa. It has the feature of being a yellow or orange pigment with a variety of biological properties, including anti-inflammation, antioxidation, anti-tumor, anti-bacteria, anti-fungus, and wound healing. Previous studies have reported the role of curcumin in treating…
Black bean protein concentrate ameliorates hepatic steatosis by decreasing lipogenesis and increasing fatty acid oxidation in rats fed a high fat-sucrose diet.
The black bean is a legume widely consumed in Latin America, however its consumption has decreased significantly in recent decades. There is evidence that its consumption generates beneficial health effects due in part to the type of protein, resistant starches and polyphenols. Thus, their use in food formulation could impact health status. Therefore, the purpose of the present work was…
Recent advances in food products fortification with anthocyanins.
Anthocyanins are polyphenolic compounds belonging to the group of flavonoids in charge of providing red, purple, and blue colourations to different parts of trees and plants, such as leaves, flowers, fruits, roots, and stems. These substances have potential health benefits due to characteristics such as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which could be leveraged in the food industry…
Buckwheat proteins: functionality, safety, bioactivity, and prospects as alternative plant-based proteins in the food industry.
The need for protein in human nutrition is rapidly increasing because of the increasing world population and consumer preference for high-protein foods. Plant proteins are gaining attention as sustainable means of meeting the global protein need due to their lower carbon footprint. Nonetheless, the food industry has neglected or underutilized many plant proteins, including buckwheat protein…
Chemical composition, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of oils obtained by different extraction methods from Lepidium sativum L. seeds
The oils obtained from plants by different extraction methods and their constituents are known to possess a vast range of pharmacological and biological activities. The essential oils (EOs) extracted by different methods viz. Clevenger type apparatus (CTA), modified simple distillation (MSD), and simultaneous distillation extraction (SDE) and fatty acid (FA) compositions of…
Extraction, purification and antioxidant activity of polysaccharide from cold pressed oil cake of ‘Tengjiao’ seed
Tengjiao (Zanthoxylum armatum DC.) seed cold pressed oil cake (CPC), the main by-product of the cold-pressed oil process, is mainly used for animal feed or crop fertilizer, resulting in a great waste of resources. To improve the added value, the CPC polysaccharide (CPCP) was extracted and purified, and its antioxidant activity was studied. The extraction conditions by microwave assisted extraction…
Purification and characterization of non-enzymatic glycoprotein (NEGp) from flax seed buffer extract that exhibits anticoagulant and antiplatelet activity
The current study deals with the purification and characterization of non-enzymatic glycoprotein (NEGp) from flax seed buffer extract. Sephadex G-100 and DEAE-A25 column chromatography techniques were employed to isolate NEGp. NEGp showed single sharp band at 29 kDa region on 10% SDS-PAGE, and under reduced and non-reduced conditions revealed its monomeric nature…
Microfiltered red-purple pitaya colorant: UPLC-ESI-QTOF-MSE-based metabolic profile and its potential application as a natural food ingredient
Complete characterization of microfiltered red–purple pitaya colorant (MRPPC) and its potential applications in foods is described. Using sensorial analysis, products that use carmine or beetroot dye as a food colorant in their formulations were compared. The effect of storage under refrigeration on the microbiological, physicochemical, and chemical changes of MRPPC were evaluated…
Firmenich développe des parfums grâce à l’IA (article complet réservé aux abonnés d’Info-Chimie)

Après BASF et son actif cosmétique, c’est au tour du Suisse Firmenich de développer des parfums pour les soins du linge à l’aide de l’intelligence artificielle (IA). La société privée de parfums et saveurs s’est appuyée sur la technologie développée par le d-lab, situé sur le campus de l’Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) en Suisse, pour mettre au point ces nouveaux parfums…
Saponins Extracted from Tea (Camellia Sinensis) Flowers Induces Autophagy in Ovarian Cancer Cells.
Tea flower saponins (TFS) possess effective anticancer properties. The diversity and complexity of TFS increases the difficulty of their extraction and purification from tea flowers. Here, multiple methods including solvent extraction, microporous resin separation and preparative HPLC separation were used to obtain TFS with a yield of 0.34%. Furthermore, we revealed that TFS induced autophagy…
Antioxidant and Cytoprotective Effect of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) with Pressurized Hot Water Extraction (PHWE).
Quinoa is widely noted for its nutritional value. The seed is the main edible part of the plant and exists in at least three different colors: white, red and black. This study utilized a pressurized hot water extraction (PHWE) for the extraction of phytochemicals from quinoa. Chemical fingerprints with LC/UV and LC/MS using a targeted approach and pattern recognition tools were used to…
Aqueous green tea infusion extracted by ultra-sonication method, but not by conventional method, facilitates GLUT4 membrane translocation in adipocytes which potently ameliorates high-fat diet-induced obesity.
Green tea contains bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols, responsible for its health-promoting effects, including antiobesity and antidiabetic effects. We previously reported that ultra-sonication extraction (UE) could efficiently increase the extraction yield of green tea compounds. In the present study, we found that the extract obtained using UE contained higher phenolic and flavonoid contents than…
Chemical composition analysis and antioxidant activity of black rice pigment.
The purpose of this research was conducted to determine anthocyanin constituent from the grains of Purple black rice No. 6. Moreover, the in vitro antioxidant activity of black rice pigment (BRP) was evaluated. The crude extract of black rice was isolated and purified by silica gel thin layer chromatography. Anthocyanins were elucidated using ultraviolet visible spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy…
In Vitro Antitumor Potential of Sulfated Polysaccharides from Seaweed Caulerpa cupressoides var. flabellata.
Seaweeds are important source of bioactive compounds, including sulfated polysaccharides (SP). Because of their structural heterogeneity, these compounds are promising sources of anticancer compounds. SP from brown and red seaweeds have shown antimelanoma activity in different in vitro and in vivo models. However, SP from green seaweed are still poorly evaluated. Therefore, SP were extracted from…
Integrated techno-economic and environmental analysis of guayule rubber production
Persistent drought poses a significant risk to farmers in the southwest United States. Adopting drought tolerant crops that yield high value products will help mitigate this risk. One potential crop is guayule, which is known for its high natural rubber content. In this work, a process model was created to quantify all materials and energy required to cultivate, harvest, transport, and extract…
Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Extract and Its Anthocyanin and Copigment Fractions-Free Radical Scavenging Activity and Influence on Cellular Oxidative Stress.
Secondary plant metabolites, e.g., polyphenols, are widely known as health-improving compounds that occur in natural functional foods such as pomegranates. While extracts generated from these fruits inhibit oxidative stress, the allocation of these effects to the different subgroups of substances, e.g., anthocyanins, \ »copigments\ » (polyphenols without anthocyanins)…
Plant Extracts: Antimicrobial Properties, Mechanisms of Action and Applications
It is generally agreed that bioactive compounds derived from plants play an important role in human health. Therefore, it is desirable to understand antimicrobial properties and mechanism of action of bioactive compounds from plants. This chapter presents a general overview of the plant extract sources, chemical structures, and antimicrobial properties. Particularly, understanding of…
SEPPIC’s Plant-based Ingredient Proves to be Effective on Sensitive Skin

Natural/ Organic Skin Care SEPPIC introduces new results on Sepibliss™, a natural plant-based solution to address sensitive skin condition by oral route. Sensitive skin is a worldwide concern with more than 50 percent of the global population that…
Polyphenol and flavonoid profiles and radical scavenging activity in leafy vegetable Amaranthus gangeticus.
Red amaranth (Amaranthus gangeticus L.) has great diversity in Bangladesh, India, and South East Asia with multipurpose uses. The bright red-violet colored A. gangeticus is a popular and low-cost leafy vegetable in the Asian continent including Bangladesh and India because of attractive leaf color, taste, adequate nutraceuticals, phenolic compounds, and sole source of betalains…
Phytochemical analysis and in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of hydroalcoholic extracts of the leaves of Salacia kraussii
The present work was aimed at identifying the bioactive compounds and determine the in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the hydroethanolic extract of S. kraussii leaves. Phytochemical analysis was performed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and classical colorimetric methods. Folin-Ciocalteu method, aluminum chloride precipitation, and casein precipitation…
Antibacterial activity of prunus scoparia root methanol extract against most common burn wound pathogens
Background: Burn wound infection and sepsis are serious medical conditions requiring prompt intervention. Plants are a good natural source for the development of novel, safe, and cost-effective antibacterial agents. The objective of the present study was to assess the antibacterial potential of aqueous, chloroform, and methanol extracts of the Prunus scoparia (P. scoparia) root against…
Rosmarinic Acid Protects Mice from Concanavalin A-Induced Hepatic Injury through AMPK Signaling
Rosmarinic acid (RA) is extensively utilized in herbal medicine in China. The AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling can be activated by RA and inhibited by the synthetic, reversible AMP-competitive inhibitor, Compound C (CC). The objective of this study was to investigate the role of AMPK signaling involving the protective effects of RA on concanavalin A (Con A)-induced…
Leaf Endophytes and Their Bioactive Compounds
Endophytes can reside in every part of a plant and show mutualistic relationship but leaf tissue is considered as an ideal habitat for such microorganisms. Endophytic microflora is a great source of secondary metabolites that can have various biological activities like antibacterial, antifungal, anticancerous, etc. This chapter focuses on such endophytic microbes that inhabit leaf tissues…
Antioxidant and antimicrobial extracts obtained from agricultural by-products: Strategies for a sustainable recovery and future perspectives
Durum wheat and rice brans are by-products deriving from the milling industry and source of important phytochemicals, mostly phenolics in bound form. The objectives of this work were to evaluate the most effective method for the extraction of phenolic acids from these by-products with antioxidant and antimicrobial activity and to standardize the obtained extracts…
Scale up fractionation of components from novel glabrous brown and yellow canary seeds (Phalaris canariensis L.) and techno-functional properties of the resulting protein isolates
Glabrous canary seed (Phalaris canariensis L.) is a novel true cereal grain produced primarily in Western Canada which has been approved for human consumption by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Health Canada in 2016. Due to its high protein content (22%), this new edible grain is emerging as an alternative source of plant proteins…
Antioxidant efficacy and in silico toxicity prediction of free and spray-dried extracts of green Arabica and Robusta coffee fruits and their application in edible oil
Extracts of green coffee fruits (GCFEs), either of the Arabica or Robusta variety, obtained by percolation with a 68% (w/w) aqueous ethanol solution using a 0.9:10 (w/w) solid-to-solvent ratio, were tested in this study as antioxidant additives to delay sunflower oil oxidation. In addition, safety of the major secondary metabolites of the extracts was investigated by in silico modeling…
Removal of contaminants of emerging concern from real wastewater by an innovative hybrid membrane process – UltraSound, Adsorption, and Membrane ultrafiltration (USAMe®)
The low-level presence of emerging contaminants (ECs) in the environment has raised a great concern due to their persistence, chronic toxicological, and endocrine disrupting effects on terrestrial and aquatic organisms. Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) have become hotspots for the spread of these contaminants to the environment as conventional processes are not efficient in…
Downstream Processing; Applications and Recent Updates
Industrial fermentation comprises upstream and downstream processing. Downstream processing includes all the unit operations following the fermentation process. Downstream processing of the industrial products like metabolites, enzymes, biomolecules, food grade chemical, nutraceuticals, etc., requires recovering, extracting and purification from a complex mixture of molecules and…
Structure du marché Ingrédients prébiotiques avec approche descendante et ascendante, tendances technologiques – Rapport sur les prévisions mondiales 2020-2023
Le rapport final ajoutera l’analyse de l’impact du COVID-19 sur cette industrie. Le rapport sur le marché Ingrédients prébiotiques fournit des données vitales associées aux parts de marché complètes, au taux de croissance, aux revenus, aux défis et à la prévision…
Marché mondial des polyphénols 2020-2027 Jainco Industry Chemicals, Keyland Polymer, Master Bond Inc., Protech Powder Coatings Inc.
Le rapport actuellement publié sur le marché des polyphénols est une analyse approfondie de l ‘ industrie mondiale des polyphénols 2020 avec les valeurs industrielles réelles ainsi que la période de prévision de 2020 à 2027…
Beta-Glucan Market 2020 Focusing on Current Trends and Top Key Players- Cargill, Incorporated, Biotec Pharmacon ASA, Ceapro Inc

Beta-Glucan Market research report provides market data for several segments such as technologies, services and applications across many geographical areas. Beta-Glucan Market research analysis performed in this report hopefully lends a hand to businesses for the strategy planning related to production, costing, inventory, purchasing and marketing…
Taille du marché mondial Additifs alimentaires 2020, principaux acteurs clés, tendances commerciales, paysage concurrentiel, risques et opportunités jusqu’en 2023

Le rapport sur le marché Additifs alimentaires fournit une étude approfondie et des informations détaillées sur les perspectives des segments, l’évaluation commerciale, le scénario de concurrence et les tendances. Ce rapport contient des statistiques clés sur l’état du marché, la taille, la part et les facteurs de croissance du marché Additifs alimentaires. Le rapport couvre une performance détaillée de certains des principaux acteurs et une analyse des principaux acteurs de l’industrie…
Phycocyanin Market Expected to Reach Tremendous Growth by 2026 with key player Like Cyanotech Corporation, Chr. Hansen Holding A/S, others

Competitive landscape is another major section of reliable Phycocyanin Market research report which presents with a clear insight into the market share analysis and actions of key industry players. To thrive in this competitive market place, market research report plays a vital role which gives important and meaningful market insights for the business. Market research analysis and data…
Hydrolysed Vegetable Protein (HVP) Market 2020 Competitive Dynamics – Givaudan SA, Kerry Group Plc., Cargill Incorporated, Ingredient Inc.
The Pixion Market Research offers complete overview of the Global Hydrolysed Vegetable Protein (HVP) Market with marketing knowledge on the basis of recorded data for marketing decision makers. Report also focuses on all the important aspects of the industry such as new models, opportunities and trends which enable more effective marketing decision making…
Global Ethanolic Neem Leaf Extract Market 2020 Status and Outlook – Biogrndl, Bioveda Naturals, Vee Kay International, Amruta Herbals
An exhaustive investigation of Global Ethanolic Neem Leaf Extract Market 2020 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2025 brings you the most recent and the most updated data on the market and the ruthless structure of this market. The report examines the market position and viewpoint of the market worldwide, from various angles, such as from the key player’s point…
Global Calophyllum Oil Market 2020 – Key application, opportunities, demand, status, trends, share, forecast 2025
Global Calophyllum Oil Market 2020 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2025 is a well presented and highly researched market synopsis that demonstrates a thoroughly unbiased portrayal of the current market conditions to assist enthusiastic investors and established players to manage high potential growth and steady revenue output through the entire growth span…
Orange Peel Extract Market Global Industry – Key Players, Size, Trends, Opportunities & Growth Analysis 2018 to 2028

The study on the Orange Peel Extract Market Research offers a profound comprehension of the market dynamics like opportunities, drivers, trends, and the challenges. The analysis further elaborates on the micro and macro-economic aspects which can be predicted to shape the rise of the Orange Peel Extract Market throughout the forecast period (2019-2029)…
The pandemic is making natural ingredients more popular, Symrise says

The pandemic accelerated the movement of consumers toward more natural products and ingredients, ingredients manufacturer Symrise told Food Ingredients First. Attributes of the natural category typically include food choices that are minimally processed, sport clean labels and have a supply chain that is ethical and environmentally friendly, the company said…
Citrus Pect

The study on the Citrus Pectin Market Research offers a profound comprehension of the market dynamics like opportunities, drivers, trends, and the challenges. The analysis further elaborates on the micro and macro-economic aspects which can be predicted to shape the rise of the Citrus Pectin Market throughout the forecast period (2019-2029)…
Algae Products Market to Show a Robust Growth Worldwide By 2030 – DSM, BASF, Cyanotech Corporation

Algae is one of the most promising sustainable oils and biomass sources for feed, fuel, foods and several other co-products. One attractive characteristic or feature of algae is its wide range of benefits and availability in large number in terms of the location and process of its growth. Almost all of their attractive characteristics of algae are based on the fact that they have developed…
Natural Food Foaming Agent Market Size, Share, Scope, Growth, Demand and Future Potential of Industry 2027
Impact of COVID-19 Global Natural Food Foaming Agent Market Size, Status and Forecast 2020-2027 This report studies the Natural Food Foaming Agent Market with many aspects of the industry such as market size, market status, market trends, and forecast. The report also provides brief information on competitors and specific growth opportunities…
Algae in bloom: an ingredient for the future
Many have touted algae as a vital ingredient for the future, and this year has seen some promising developments, thanks in no small part to the plant-based explosion, as Peter Nilson highlights. The marine ingredients sector is flourishing, as companies respond to consumers’ growing appetite for more sustainable, healthier ingredients. Whereas in years gone by algae would be used in niche applications, it certainly seems to be enjoying a breakout year…
Specialty Flavors Market Outlook of the Industry with reference to Recent Developments, Opportunities and Drivers: Include Covid-19 impact Analysis

A proficient team works meticulously with their potential capabilities to generate the finest Specialty Flavors market research report. This report provides exact information about market trends, industrial changes, and consumer behaviour etc. By knowing the marketing strategies of rivals, businesses can set up innovative ideas and striking sales targets which ultimately make them achieve…
Global Omega-3 Market (2020 to 2025) – by Type, Source, Application, Region and Country
The « Global Omega-3 Market – Analysis by Type (EPA, DHA, ALA), by Source (Marine, Plant), by Application, by Region, by Country (2020 Edition): Market Insights, Covid-19 Impact, Competition and Forecast (2020-2025) » report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com’s offering…
Fungi-based Protein Market is Anticipated to Attain a Market Value of US$XX by the End of 2019 – 2029

Most recent report on the global Fungi-based Protein market by PMR – A recent market study by PMR reveals that the global Fungi-based Protein market is likely to grow at a CAGR of ~XX% over the forecast period (2019-2029) largely driven by factors including, factor 1, factor 2, factor 3, and factor 4. The value of the global Fungi-based Protein market is estimated to
Green chemistry: these new ingredients about to change perfumes

Alongside biotechnologies, green chemistry is a key transformation driver when it comes to helping the perfume sector shift towards more naturalness and sustainability. Promising alternatives to molecules derived from petrochemistry, the new resulting ingredients will soon be produced at an industrial scale, as pioneer manufacturer Afyren explains. According to perfumer-creator Antoine Lie, green chemistry also paves the way for the creation of new, original olfactory notes.
Essential Oil Extraction Market to Reflect a Holistic Expansion During 2027 – Top Companies Givaudan, Moksha, Sensient Technologies Corporation, others
According to an influential Essential Oil Extraction Market report, industry is expected to witness growth during the forecast period due to growing demand at the end user level. The report takes into consideration all the opportunities, challenges, drivers, market structures, and competitive landscape for the clients. The market research report highlights diverse segments of the market…
Spirulina Extracts Market: Latest Innovations, Drivers and Industry Key Events 2018 – 2026
The main function of spirulina is to raise the energy level and provide antioxidant protection to the food product and others products. Spirulina extracts available mainly in three colors such as blue, red and yellow. Blue spirulina extracts is used to make other three colors. Spirulina extract ingredients are used in food products, feed, cosmetics, fine chemicals, colours, cosmetics…