Groupe Berkem Appoints Barentz Personal Care as its Distributor for US & Canada

Groupe Berkem, a player in bio-based chemicals, appoints Barentz as its exclusive North American channel partner to distribute Berkem’s sustainable ingredients in personal care and cosmetics in the US and Canada. Barentz Personal Care, is a…
Implanter de la cameline en dérobé pour l’aéronautique

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à La France Agricole) Saipol et Terres Inovia lancent, avec l’appui de plusieurs coopératives de Picardie, une filière de production de cameline en intercultures,…
ANDRITZ Oy and LUT University open new fiber research laboratory in Lahti, Finland
ANDRITZ Oy, part of international technology group ANDRITZ, and LUT University (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT) launched an extensive collaboration in the field of fiber technology a year ago. As a result, a new state-of-the-art research laboratory for the joint development of sustainable…
Azalis taps into Symrise potential to bolster food & nutrition presence in Indian and Indonesian markets

Ingredients supplier Azelis has partnered with flavor powerhouse Symrise in India and Indonesia to bring new solutions that enrich the taste and improve the nutritional profile of end products to these markets. Symrise specializes in creating inspiring flavor ingredients and solutions and is best known for its taste-balancing options and…
Alternative protein pioneers and Chinese policymakers convene at « historic » food innovation event

Amid a global food crisis, agri-food industry thought leaders convened with Chinese policymakers from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) online to discuss food security and the prospects of cultivated meat in China and around the world. The recent panel included Josh Tetrick, CEO of the world’s first cultivated meat company approved for sale…
L’Association Chimie Du Végétal ajoute quatre entreprises à son écosystème

GFBiochemicals, Détergence Industrielle Française (DIF), PRODIROX et LICEF (l’Industrielle de Chimie Élaborée Française) viennent renforcer la branche des entreprises de biotechnologie de l’Association Chimie Du Végétal. Pour cette rentrée, l’ACDV qui représente les industriels des matériaux et produits biosourcés…
Harmonizing cell-based labels: Alt-protein pioneers come to consensus on « cultivated » terminology

More than 30 Asia-Pacific stakeholders in the novel foods space have come to an agreement on using « cultivated » as the standard descriptor for novel cell-based products. Working toward regulatory standardization and building public trust, they will use the common term « cultivated » as the English language descriptor to identify meat and other food products grown directly…
Silab lance Lightskin, un actif dépigmentant d’origine naturelle

Pour corriger les imperfections pigmentaires des peaux caucasiennes et asiatiques, le nouvel actif du fabricant français s’appuie sur le pouvoir dépigmentant des peptides soufrés. Lightskin est un actif naturel dépigmentant issu de procédés biotechnologiques, riche en peptides soufrés reconnus pour leur capacité à limiter la mélanogenèse…
La food-tech Heura lève plus de 20 M€

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à RIA) Heura, la start-up espagnole d’alternatives végétales à la viande vient de lever 20 M€ auprès de la star de NBA Ricky Rubio, les joueurs de football Sergi Busquets et Sergi Roberto, le comédien David Broncano, ainsi qu’Unovis Asset Management. « L’objectif premier de la marque sera de se positionner comme le leader européen de la technologie alimentaire…
Redefine Meat imprime sa marque dans la » viande » végétale

(Article réservé aux abonnés à RIA). La société israélienne veut devenir le leader mondial des alternatives végétales à la viande grâce à une technologie inédite d’impression 3D. La start-up Redefine Meat a créé le buzz lors du dernier Sial avec ses entrecôtes et ses bavettes imprimées en 3D. « Nous avons mis au point une technologie d’impression…
Scentaurus Melrose : nouveau précurseur biodégradable dans la palette Givaudan

Le fabricant de parfums et d’ingrédients cosmétiques lance Scentaurus Melrose, le dernier-né de sa famille de précurseurs de parfums. Scentaurus Melrose a été conçu pour apporter un effet floral vert longue tenue avec des facettes miel et fleur de tilleul, des touches florales de roses fraiches et des nuances poudrées d’anis…
Antofénol va construire son usine de production dans le Vaucluse et y déménager son siège social

Antofénol développe à Plestan l’Antoférine, un produit de biocontrôle comme alternative aux pesticides conventionnels à base de taille de vigne. En attendant l’homologation de ce produit, l’entreprise va construire une usine dans le Vaucluse, proche de sa matière première, et y déménager son siège social. L’investissement se monte à 53…
Nivea intègre du marc de café recyclé dans son dernier soin pour le visage

La marque de soin allemande passe à son tour à l’upcycling et intègre pour la première fois de son existence, un ingrédient recyclé, du marc de café, dans une crème pour le visage de sa gamme Naturally Good. Il s’agit pour la marque de réaffirmer sa position d’acteur engagé dans la préservation de la planète et de faire un pas de plus dans l’ère…
Algo Paint (35). En croissance de 60%, l’entreprise à impact se renforce sur ses trois segments de marché

Algo Paint (35). En croissance de 60%, l’entreprise à impact se renforce sur ses trois segments de marché – Unique fabricant français de peintures biosourcées à valoriser des produits issus de la mer, Algo Paint, fondée en 2015 à Rennes, accélère. Après avoir levé 3 millions d’euros cet…
Givaudan et Tmall lancent un service de co-création de parfums basé sur l’IA

L’Intelligence Artificielle (IA) continue de se faire une place dans la création olfactive. Givaudan s’est ainsi associé avec TMIC, le centre d’innovation de Tmall, la plateforme e-commerce grand public (B2C) du groupe Alibaba, pour lancer un service de co-création de parfums faisant appel à l’intelligence artificielle. Baptisé ‘Creatogether’…
Ifremer et l’Institut Agro signent un accord-cadre pour répondre aux enjeux de la mer et de la terre

Le vendredi 21 octobre 2022, Anne-Lucie Wack, directrice générale de l’Institut Agro, et François Houllier, PDG de l’Ifremer, se sont retrouvés sur le campus rennais de l’Institut Agro pour signer leur premier accord-cadre de collaboration. Cet accord consolide des synergies de longue date entre l’Ifremer et le pôle Halieutique de l’Institut Agro. Il ouvre plus…
Lesaffre se dote d’un campus sur l’innovation

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à RIA) Le groupe a inauguré le 13 octobre un centre de R&D pour accélérer la recherche et développement sur la fermentation et les micro-organismes. Lesaffre, acteur mondial de référence dans le domaine de la fermentation, réunit désormais les 700 collaborateurs présents au sein de la métropole lilloise dans…
Solabia-Algatech launches Vitamin C astaxanthin gummies

Israel-based Solabia-Algatech Nutrition has unveiled its astaxanthin whole algae complex, the AstaPure Arava. The new gummy format is a bid by the company to broaden its portfolio of astaxanthin-based products. The company will introduce the new delivery system at SupplySide West, Las Vegas, on November 2-3, booth #3640. The microalgae…
Activ’Inside launches new nutricosmetic beauty ingredients at SupplySide West

The nutricosmetic ingredients support collagen production and address dark spots on skin. French ingredients supplier Activ’Inside (Bordeaux, France) is introducing two new beauty ingredients at its Booth #6014 at the SupplySide West trade show, taking place October 31 to November 4, 2022, in Las Vegas. The new ingredients are Skinax2 and Belight…
Nutrisens rachète le portugais Glutamine

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à RIA) Nutrisens, spécialiste de la nutrition clinique et de l’alimentation médicale, a repris Glutamine. Basée à Porto au Portugal, cette dernière élabore des compléments nutritionnels destinés aux personnes atteintes de maladies héréditaires du métabolisme ou de maladies cœliaques. Elle distribue ses produits en pharmacies, dans…
IFF ouvre un nouveau centre d’innovation à Singapour

Le fabricant d’ingrédients pour les marchés de l’alimentation, des boissons, de la santé, des biosciences et des parfums étend ses capacités dans la région avec un nouveau centre d’innovation à Singapour. L’ouverture fait suite à l’inauguration récente de l’usine IFF Singapore Flexiblend à Tuas. Elle marque la dernière étape d’une…
Arômes et fermentation : Ennolys célèbre ses 30 ans

Arômes et fermentation : Ennolys célèbre ses 30 ans – Cette année, Ennolys fête ses 30 ans ! Une belle occasion de revenir sur son histoire et son savoir-faire. Depuis 1992, Ennolys propose des molécules aromatiques naturelles issues de la fermentation. L’histoire d’Ennolys commence en 1992, avec la création de Safisis…
Codif : Une nouvelle étape dans la culture d’algue en photo-bioreacteur

En 2006, Codif Technologie Naturelle récolte un fragment de 1 milligramme d’une macro algue calcifiée, Jania Rubens. En 2022, l’entreprise passe la barre des 1 tonne de matière sèche produite en cumulé. Le pompon Jania est devenu le symbole de Codif TN. Découvrez cette histoire avec Éric Gasparotto, Responsable du Département…
» L’écoresponsabilité est dans l’ADN de TechnicoFlor « , Bérengère Bourgarel

TechnicoFlor a récemment lancé toute une collection de parfums formulés à partir de matières upcyclées, dont des déchets issus de l’industrie agroalimentaire et de l’ébénisterie. Bérengère Bourgarel, parfumeur au sein du groupe familial, revient sur les différentes initiatives de l’entreprise pour tendre vers une parfumerie plus verte. Quand…
Cauvin s’ouvre à Unigrains

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à RIA) Cauvin, société familiale spécialisée dans les huiles végétales, vient d’ouvrir une part minoritaire de son capital à la société d’investissement Unigrains. Basée à Saint-Gilles (30), l’huilerie ambitionne en effet de « renforcer le positionnement de sa marque éponyme, notamment sur le marché de…
Givaudan et LanzaTech veulent créer des parfums à partir de carbone recyclé

La technologie de recyclage du carbone de LanzaTech pourrait connaître de nouvelles applications dans l’industrie de la beauté. La société de capture et de transformation du carbone s’est associée au fabricant d’ingrédients de parfumerie et de beauté Givaudan pour développer de nouvelles générations d’ingrédients durables. Après plus de 15…
Mibelle Biochemistry s’empare de Mirexus Inc. et élargit son offre

Le fournisseur d’ingrédients cosmétiques actifs a annoncé la conclusion réussie de l’acquisition des actifs de Mirexus Inc., une société canadienne qui propose un glycogène durable d’origine végétale (phytoglycogène) appelé PhytoSpherix pour une utilisation dans les produits cosmétiques. Le transfert est effectif depuis le 1er…
JBS shuts down its US alternative meat operation as market turns on plant-based

JBS is abandoning itaMeat titan JBS is abandoning its plant-based business in the US just two years after entering the alternative meat market in the country with Planterra Foods and its OZO brand. The nation’s plant-based sector is showing some signs of a crisis of faith as the general market experiences a bear market taking a toll on nascent, still growing businesses…
Maximizing Valorisation Opportunities from Palm Biomass
Malaysia is the second largest world palm oil producer. The oil palm Oil palm industry has been the main contributor of biomasses Biomass to Malaysia. These biomasses can be turned into various value-added bio-based products that are in high demand, such as bioenergy Bioenergy , bio-agriculture, eco-products…
New insight for spent hops utilization: simultaneous extraction of protein and xanthohumol using deep eutectic solvents
Agro-food by-products are a cheap source of bioactive and functional compounds that should be used via a biorefinery approach to produce a range of bio-based products. Spent hops (SH) are an important by-product of the brewing industry and are rich in valuable ingredients such as proteins and xanthohumol…
Preventive control method and system for preventing the fouling of a membrane separation unit
The invention relates to a method and system for controlling a membrane separation unit of an aqueous liquid effluent treatment plant comprising a system for injecting at least one chemical compound into the effluent that is to be treated. The method and system make it possible to regulate at least one parameter selected from…
Systems and methods for removing odor from a fluid stream
A method for removing at least one odorous contaminant from a fluid stream by filtering the fluid stream with a filtration medium. The filtration medium includes a chemically modified activated carbon. The method is useful for removing one or more volatile organic compounds and/or one or more volatile thiol…
System and method for continuous microwave-assisted extraction of bioactive agents from biomass
The presently disclosed subject matter is directed to a method of extracting bioactive agents from biomass using continuous microwave-assisted extraction. The disclosed method includes contacting the biomass with a solvent and optionally homogenizing the biomass. Then blending the biomass and the solvent…
Advances in legume protein extraction technologies: A review
Highlights • Pulses and legumes play essential roles in tackling food security problems globally. • Conventional legume protein extraction methods impact negatively on the environment. • Paucity of studies on green technologies in protein extraction limit their scale up. • With Green technologies, water-food…
Pineapple juice clarification by continuous dead-end microfiltration using a low-cost ceramic membrane
Pineapple juice clarification was performed by a continuous dead-end microfiltration process with low-cost ceramic membranes (M1-M3). Membranes were characterized using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), particle size distribution (PSD), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Membranes…
Direct lipid and carotenoid extraction from Rhodosporidium toruloides broth culture after high pressure homogenization cell disruption: strategies, methodologies, and yields
Highlights • A new protocol to extract lipids and carotenoids from R. toruloides was developed. • No harvesting technique was performed after high pressure homogenization. • Hexane extractions attained 55.9\% of total lipids and 111.5 µg g-1 of carotenoids. • Easy, simple and inexpensive method for simultaneously extract…
Optimization of Ultrasonic-Assisted Enzymatic Hydrolysis to Extract Soluble Substances from Edible Fungi By-products
Edible fungi by-products are fruiting body residues produced during the production of hot pot base. There are abundant cellulose, protein, and minerals remained in edible fungi by-products. Ultrasonic-assisted two-stage enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulase, pectinase, and papain was optimized for the purpose of extracting…
Fouling limitations of osmotic pressure‐driven processes and its remedial strategies: A review
This review highlights the fouling behavior in the membrane system in terms of concentration polarization, membrane fouling (organic, inorganic and biofouling), foulant interactions, remedial strategies, monitoring and characterization techniques, and future directions of research. All the said aspects are critically…
Technological advances in the production of carotenoids and their applications- A critical review
Carotenoids are naturally occurring pigments that are widely distributed in algae, fungi, bacteria, and plants. Carotenoids play a significant role in the food, feed, cosmetic, nutraceutical, and pharmaceutical industries. These pigments are effectively considered as a health-promoting compounds, which are widely used in…
Hydrophobic Deep Eutectic Solvents in the food sector: focus on their use for the extraction of bioactive compounds
Highlights • HDESs are a novel kind of green solvents presented for the first time in 2015. • The research interest on HDESs applications is growing exponentially. • The use as extracting media of foodstuffs’ bioactive compounds is underexplored. • Literature data show a great potential for HDESs use in food…
Food-grade bioactive ingredient obtained from the Durvillaea incurvata brown seaweed: Antibacterial activity and antioxidant activity
Natural antioxidants have been extracted and identified from different types of marine seaweeds for developing new food-grade functional ingredients and drugs. In this study, a food-grade bioactive ingredient (FGBI) containing functional bioactive carotenoids was obtained from Durvillaea incurvata (D…
Simultaneous extraction of lipids and minor lipids from microalga (Nannochloropsis gaditana) and rapeseed (Brassica napus) using supercritical carbon dioxide
Supercritical extraction with CO2 from a substrate composed of Nanochloropsis gaditana and cold-pressed rapeseed was studied to increase the extraction yield of oil, carotenoids, tocopherols, chlorophylls and antioxidant capacity. The independent variables were temperature (37–53 °C), CO2 density (885–935…
Subcritical water extraction for recovery of phenolics and fucoidan from New Zealand Wakame (Undaria pinnatifida) seaweed
In this study, subcritical water extraction (SWE) was investigated for the recovery of phenolics, phlorotannins, and fucoidan from New Zealand Wakame. Maximum total phenolics and phlorotannin content of 29.9 mg ± 1.8 mg gallic acid equivalent/g dry weight seaweed (mg GAE/g dw) and 0.99 mg ± 0.004 mg…
Valorization of microalgal biomass to value-added products using integrated supercritical CO2 extraction and sub-critical hydrothermal liquefaction
The study depicts the use of different extraction techniques to utilize each fraction of microalgal consortium biomass (Chlorella sp. and Phormidium sp.) for its conversion to value-added products (VAPs). The algal biomass was rich in proteins (30.8%), lipids (28.1%), carbohydrates and essential amino acids (36.29%…
Chitosan suspension as extractor and encapsulating agent of phenolics from acerola by-product
The polymeric suspension of chitosan (Ch) has been an effective media for the extraction of total phenolic compounds (TPC) from the acerola by-product. It facilitates the subsequent production of nanoparticles loaded with the phenolics (Np-TPC) by ionic gelation. However, neither the effects of Ch concentration…
Hyphenated solvent-free extraction and ionic liquid-involved “sandwich” membranes separation for polysaccharides, phenols and amino acids from bamboo
As known to all, bamboo and its juice are important resources for industrial crops as well as functional aliments. In this study, an ionic liquid-involved “sandwich” membranes system was developed for one-step separation of polysaccharides, phenols and amino acids in bamboo juice, which was prepared with…
Agricultural crops of sarsaparilla root as source of natural dye for inkjet printing and bio-functional finishing of cotton fabric
In this research, the extraction conditions of natural dyes from Sarsaparilla root were analyzed by response surface method, and the interaction between extract factors and their significant effects on sarsaparilla root extraction efficiency were discussed. The main components of Sarsaparilla root extraction were…
An integrated olive stone biorefinery based on a two-step fractionation strategy
Olive stones (OS) constitute a waste lignocellulosic material produced by the olive oil industry in great amounts, that currently is only used as a low-value energy source for industrial or domestic boilers. Having in view its full valorization, this work proposes and validates an integrated strategy aiming to obtain…
A novel solvothermal biorefinery for production of lignocellulosic xylooligosaccharides, fermentable sugars and lignin nano-particles in biphasic system
Biorefinery plays a pivotal role in biomass economy with environmentally benign process. Herein, we report a coupling dihydrolevoglucosenone and aqueous p-toluenesulfonic acid (Cyrene/TsOH aq.) system for efficient saccharification of moso bamboo. More than 87.3 % of cellulose recovery could be observed under…
Enzyme-assisted extraction of plant material – New functional aspects of the process on an example of Medicago sativa L.
Enzyme-assisted extraction of plant material is widely used method for isolation of biologically active compounds. Changes in the structure of the plant material occuring during enzymatic hydrolysis and their consequences for the extraction process of biological active compounds as well functional aspects of…
Orange peel waste biorefinery in multi-component cascade approach: Polyphenolic compounds and nanocellulose for food packaging
This study proposed an efficient valorization of orange peel waste (OPW) thorugh a multi-product cascade biorefinery approach. In a first step, polyphenolic-rich bioactive extract was obtained using 100% ethanol after a suitability study of different solvent systems. Its use in ultrasound-assisted extraction at 80 °C also…
Steryl glucosides recovered from biodiesel tank deposits are an excellent source of phytosterols
Over the biodiesel production process some minor components are produced and being accumulated on the storage tanks where precipitate, having a negative impact on the quality of the final product. The identity of the main component of the tank deposits have been unequivocally identified as steryl glucosides…
Structural, and functional properties of phosphorylated pea protein isolate by simplified co-spray drying process
In this work, to improve the functionality of pea protein isolate (PPI), sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP) was added during last step of protein extraction and co-spray dried. The influence of PPI to SHMP mixing ratios (95:5 and 90:10) and reaction pH conditions (pH 6, 7, 8, and 9) on reaction efficiency, structural and…
Guideline for the extraction, isolation, purification, and structural characterization of polysaccharides from natural resources
Abstract Polysaccharide is widely distributed in natural resources, and currently attracts scientists\’ attention for their various bio‐functions including immunomodulatory activity, hypoglycemic activity, hypolipidemic activity, antitumor activity, promoting effects on gastrointestinal function, and so on. The purity and…
Optimization of solvent extraction conditions of bioactive compound from wood apple (Limonia acidissima L.) fruit using ultrasonic assisted extraction
Abstract Ultrasonic assisted extraction is a novel technique to obtain bioactive compounds from plants with great efficiency. The aim of study was optimization of phenolic extraction efficiency and DPPHsc activity from wood apple (Limonia acidissima L.) fruit. Phenols were extracted using different polar solvents methanol…
Integrated rice bran processing by supercritical CO2 extraction and subcritical water hydrolysis to obtain oil, fermentable sugars, and platform chemicals
Highlights • Environmentally friendly technologies for rice bran processing • Sequential supercritical fluid extraction and subcritical water hydrolysis was performed • High yield of oil (17.77\%) for supercritical fluid extraction • High yield for fermentable sugar (6.34 g/100 g DRB) and platform chemicals (9.55 g/100 g…
Enrichment of nervonic acid in Acer truncatum Bunge oil by combination of two-stage molecular distillation, one-stage urea complexation and five-stage solvent crystallization
Abstract Nervonic acid is the world’s first and only potent substance that can repair damaged nerve fibers and promote nerve cell regeneration with high nutritional value. The wide variety of fatty acids in plant oils and fats with similar structures makes the large-scale separation and purification of high-purity nervonic acid…
Quantification and purification of procyanidin B1 from food byproducts
The flavan-3-ols of 10 primarily plant food byproducts, including Muscat Hamburg grape seed, hawthorn sarcocarp, litchi pericarp, cocoa bean, peanut skin, lotus seedpod, Xinyang Maojian green tea, Cinnamomi cortex, Sargentodoxa cuneata stem, and Cyperus esculentus, leaves were analyzed. Ultrahigh…
Co-encapsulation of retinoic acid, curcumin and resveratrol by spray-drying of alginic acid sodium-based emulsions and ethyl cellulose-based solutions: Impact on the co-delivery profiles
Abstract Co-encapsulation of retinoic acid (RA), curcumin and/or resveratrol into microparticles composed by alginic acid sodium and the ethyl cellulose + polyethylene glycol (EC + PEG) blend was proposed for the protection and co-delivery of these bioactive compounds. The final aim is to take benefit of…
Cell disruption and lipid extraction from Chlorella species for biorefinery applications: Recent advances
Chlorella is a promising microalga for CO2-neutral biorefinery that co-produces drop-in biofuels and multiple biochemicals. Cell disruption and selective lipid extraction steps are major technical bottlenecks in biorefinement because of the inherent robustness and complexity of algal cell walls. This review focuses…
Strategies for the recovery of bioactive molecules from deep eutectic solvents extracts
Highlights • Deep eutectic solvents are suitable to extract food and plants bioactive molecules. • Deep eutectic solvent low vapor tension represents a drawback in extraction process. • Strategies to recover analytes from deep eutectic solvent extracts were developed. Abstract The need to reduce the ecological impact of…
Continuous pulsed electric field pilot plant for olive oil extraction process
Highlights • A PEF pilot plant was developed for the treatment of olive pastes. • Unipolar electric pulses with amplitude <10 kV, current <200 A and 3 kW maximum average power was used. • The PEF unit developed is easily installed within existing plants and flexible in control. • Improvement of olive oil extractability…
Anthocyanin: a review of plant sources, extraction, stability, content determination and modifications
Anthocyanins are typical nutrients, which are widely found in various fruits and vegetables and have rich nutritional and pharmacological values. However, it is very unstable and easy to be affected by external factors, which will lead to the content reduction. Therefore, it is essential to improve the stability…
Lycopene Extraction from Industrial Tomato Processing Waste using Emerging Technologies, and its application in Enriched Beverage Development
Summary The present study aimed to extract lycopene from the industrial tomato processing waste (peel) using emerging technologies such as power ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE), low temperature microwave assisted extraction (MAE), pulsed electric field (PEF) assisted extraction (PAE), combined…
A novel process line for the valorization of industrial spent coffee grounds through coffee roasting technology and ultrasonic‐assisted extraction
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND The main by‐product of the coffee industry is spent coffee grounds (SCG). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first occasion where industrial SCG is used to build a batch‐valorization line combining barrel coffee roasters as an innovative drying process and ultrasound‐assisted…
Microwave-ultrasound assisted extraction of red corn pigments and their effect on chemical composition and tecno-functional properties
Abstract Currently, there is a growing interest in obtaining natural pigments, without presenting a risk to health, as well as to the matrix and food safety. The objective of this study was to characterize grains with different shades of red color (High pigmentation maize = RA, Medium pigmentation maize = RM, and…
Ultrasound‐assisted extraction of mango seed kernel butter and assessment of its physicochemical, thermal, and structural properties
Abstract Mango is an important tropical fruit with worldwide consumption and acceptance; however, the production of a large volume of waste in the form of mango seed kernels after the processing of mango has been a menace to food processing industries. Extraction of mango seed kernel butter from mango seed…
Effect of microwave pretreatment on the extraction of antioxidant‐rich red color betacyanin, phenolic, and flavonoid from the crown of Cylindra‐type beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.)
Microwave pretreatment for the improved extractability of bioactive compounds from beetroot crown. Abstract In the context of “waste valorization,” recovery of biomolecules from agri‐food wastes by the innovative extraction technique has come to the forefront. In this investigation, the effect of microwave pretreatment…
Recent granted patents related to Deep Eutectic Solvents
Highlights • Deep Eutectic Solvents offer versatile solutions to many chemical challenges. • DES in biorefineries help fractionating and valorizing raw materials. • DES in organic synthesis function not only as innocent solvents, but create reactive synergies. • DES are useful agents for selective extraction of…
Rhodotorula sp.-based biorefinery: a source of valuable biomolecules
The development of an effective, realistic, and sustainable microbial biorefinery depends on several factors, including as one of the key aspects an adequate selection of microbial strain. The oleaginous red yeast Rhodotorula sp. has been studied as one powerful source for a plethora of high added-value…
Bioprocessing of pineapple waste biomass for sustainable production of bioactive compounds with high antioxidant activity
The effect of temperature, moisture content and pH during solid-state fermentation (SSF) of MD2 pineapple peel with Rhizopus oryzae (MUCL 28168) was evaluated on the release of bioactive compounds with antioxidant capacity. Applying a central composite design, it was found that temperature had a…
Valorization of potato peel waste: Recovery of p-hydroxy benzoic acid (antioxidant) through molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction
Solid waste management of the potato peels, generated during the processing of potatoes, can be done sustainably by adding value to the peel waste. Peels contains polyphenols, which serve as a defense mechanism against foreign pathogens in plants and have a variety of pharmacological properties such…
Filtration of subcritical water hydrolysates from red macroalgae byproducts with ultraporous ceramic membranes for oligosaccharide and peptide fractionation
An ultrafiltration-based process for oligosaccharide and peptide fractionation from a macroalgae subcritical water hydrolysate was studied. A wide range of separation results was obtained depending on the membrane pore. 100 kDa cut-off size was enough for hydrolysate clarification with total retention of colloidal…
A techno-economic perspective on a microwave extraction process for efficient protein recovery from agri-food wastes
Different agri-food wastes (brewer´s spent grain (BSG), spent coffee ground (SCG) and kale stems) have been proposed as excellent sources of protein-enriched extracts with an antioxidant capacity. The optimization of the microwave-assisted hydrothermal and alkali extraction has been compared in this study…
Green supported liquid membranes: The permeability activity-based linear operation (PABLO) method
Supported liquid membranes (SLMs) containing novel green solvents are proposed as a sustainable alternative separation process in the recovery of biomolecules. In this work, succinic acid has been successfully extracted from model fermentation broths through a stripping phase-facilitated transport…
Recovery of Valuable Products from Vegetable Wastes
Role of microbes in industrial products and processes : The book covers recent breakthroughs and highlights the major role microbes play in industrial products and processes. With the advent of industrial biotechnology, microbes became popular as cell factories, and with the recent advancements in recombinant…
Using Biobased Solvents For The Extraction Of Phenolic Compounds From Kiwifruit Industry Waste
Highlights • Production of extracts with high phenolic content and antioxidant activity from kiwi peels. • Optimization of biobased solvent mixtures composition and operating extraction conditions. • Mixtures of gamma-valerolactone and ethanol were the most promising solvents. • UAE was the best…
Algal biorefinery towards decarbonization: Economic and environmental consideration
Algae biomass contains various biological elements, including lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates, making it a viable feedstock for manufacturing biofuels. However, the biggest obstacle to commercializing algal biofuels is their high production costs, primarily related to an algae culture. The extraction of additional high value…
« Smart Extraction Chain » with Green Solvents: Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from Picea abies Bark Waste for Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical and Cosmetic Uses
Secondary metabolites from the sawmill waste Picea abies bark were extracted using an innovative two-step extraction that includes a first step with supercritical CO2 (SCO2) and a second step using green solvents, namely ethanol, water, and water ethanol mixture. Maceration (M), ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE)…
Protein extraction from microalgae residue and nutritional assessment
On the basis of determining isoelectric point of algae residue protein obtained from Scenedesmus dimorphus, this study investigated the effects of pH values, ratio of liquid to solid, extraction temperature and time on protein extraction rates, and assessed the nutritional value of protein extracted from microalgae residues…
Sustainable production of lutein—an underexplored commercially relevant pigment from microalgae
Currently, microalgae-derived lutein is gaining attention for its potential applications in cosmeceutical, nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, and food industries. Lutein is of commercial interest for a broad variety of health benefits: antioxidant activity, skin health improvement, reducing age-related macular degeneration…
Extraction and characterization of phenolic compounds and their potential antioxidant activities
For thousands of years, plant has been widely applied in the medical area and is an important part of human diet. A high content of nutrients could be found in all kinds of plants, and the most outstanding group of nutrients that attracts scientists’ attention is the high level of phenolic compounds. Due to the…
Plant Extraction in Water: Towards Highly Efficient Industrial Applications
Since the beginning of this century, the world has experienced a growing need for enabling techniques and more environmentally friendly protocols that can facilitate more rational industrial production. Scientists are faced with the major challenges of global warming and safeguarding water and food quality. Organic…
Macadamia Oil Market 2022 Global Analysis and Industry Demands, Forecast By 2028

The Macadamia Oil market report gives in-depth assessment of the market status, prosperity rate, future trends, market drivers, revenue channels and and distributors with Porter’s Five Forces Analysis. The Macadamia Oil market report also covers all market shares and strategies of the most important competitors or key players in the market. This latest report…
Citric Acid Market Size Share Trends Growth Demand and Competitive Analysis Insights 2022-2029 | DataM Intelligence

Citric Acid Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.2% during the forecast period 2022-2029. Market Overview: Citric Acid is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.2% during the forecast period 2022-2029. As per Priority Exploration, the worldwide red biotechnology market size is anticipated to hit around US$ 510 billion by 2027 from an estimated at US$ 322 billion out…
Pisum Sativum Extract Market to Witness Huge Growth by 2029 | Biogründl, Ashland Specialty Chemical, Making Cosmetics

Pisum Sativum Extract Market, Global Outlook and Forecast 2022-2028 is latest research study released by HTF MI evaluating the market risk side analysis, highlighting opportunities and leveraged with strategic and tactical decision-making support. The report provides information on market trends and development, growth drivers, technologies, and the changing…
Vegetable Oils in Beauty and Personal Care Market worth $5.8 billion by 2027 – Exclusive Report by MarketsandMarkets™

The Vegetable Oils in Beauty and Personal Care Market is projected to reach USD 5.8 billion by 2027 from USD 4.4 billion by 2022, at a CAGR of 5.7% from 2022 to 2027 according to a new report by MarketsandMarkets™. The beauty and personal care industry continues to incorporate jojoba oils into multiple products, due to its…
Céréales et oléoprotéagineux bio : fort recul des volumes de production en C2

Le marché des matières premières bio reste plutôt actif, mais sur de faibles volumes, les transformateurs étant pour la plupart couverts. Un flux de ventes hors frontières (Allemagne, Benelux et Europe du Nord) se maintient en céréales fourragères. Dans ce contexte, les prix restent fermes et stables. Les récoltes d’automne sont quasiment…
Opportunities and hurdles to European market access for multi-herbal traditional Chinese medicine products: An analysis of EU regulations for combination herbal medicinal products
Abstract TCM herbal remedies are popular among European patients. However, a very limited number of TCM products have been approved as herbal medicinal products (HMPs) in Europe. Multi-herbal TCM products, the most prevalent form of medication in TCM practice, are even rare. This indicates multi-herbal…
Latin America Feed Antioxidants Market Rising Demand for Natural antioxidants

According to Precision Business Insights (PBI) latest report, The latin america feed antioxidants market size is expected to be worth USD 32.9 million in 2021, growing at a high CAGR of 6.3% from 2022 to 2028 to reach USD 50.4 million by 2028.. Latin America Feed Antioxidants Market by Antioxidant Type (Natural (Rosemary Extract, Tocopherols, Gallic Acid, Oil Seeds…
Arabinoxylan Fiber Market: Strategic Assessment, Latest Innovations, Drivers, Restraints and Challenges 2022 to 2029

Global Arabinoxylan Fiber Market studies current as well as future aspects of the market primarily based upon factors on which the companies compete in the market, key trends, and segmentation analysis. This report covers each side of the market, ranging from the fundamental market info and advancing more to varied important criteria, based on that…
Cosmetic 360 : Quand l’innovation cosmétique se met à l’heure de la sobriété

Si l’intelligence artificielle était le fil rouge choisi par les organisateurs de Cosmetic 360 cette année, une rapide déambulation dans les allées du salon parisien permettait de se rendre compte que l’autre grand thème était bien la durabilité des cosmétiques – des ingrédients au packaging, en passant par les formules. Tour d’horizon. Cosmetic 360…
Oat Kernel Extract Market Analysis, Technical Study and Business Guidelines till 2022-2028

MarketQuest.biz studies provide comprehensive Global Oat Kernel Extract Market from 2022 to 2028 analysis with exact estimations and projections, as well as full research solutions for strategic decision-making. This recently released report reveals critical market elements such as drivers, restraints, and opportunities for important industry players as well as developing…
Black Currant Seed Oil Market Key Manufactures, Industry Size,Production Development and Opportunities 2022-2028

Global Black Currant Seed Oil Market by MarketQuest.biz provides information on the present development platform as well as the total market potential for the years 2022-2028. The industry’s projected growth patterns are based on a thorough quantitative and qualitative assessment of the data available. The Black Currant Seed Oil market’s significant…
Rosemarinic Acid Market Recent Developments & Emerging Trends To 2028

MarketsandResearch.biz has announced the release of a new study named Global Rosemarinic Acid Market, which will contain regional and worldwide market data and is expected to create outstanding valuation from 2022 to 2028. This market is thoroughly explored in the report. The study defines, classifies, and evaluates the market’s capabilities, drivers…
Gelling Agents, Emulsifiers and Stabilizers Market 2022 Manufacturer Landscape: Ajinomoto Co, Ashland Inc, Cargill, FMC Corporation

Looking at Global Gelling Agents, Emulsifiers and Stabilizers Market tends to astonishing expert in exploring most recent things in the general market. The goal of MarketsandResearch.biz is to outfit customers with a full-scale picture of the market and help them with making extension procedures. The record evaluates various analysis and current market scenario, giving scraps…
Plant Extracts Market Revenue to Cross USD 47,421.44 million by 2028 Says, The Insight Partners

According to The Insight Partners latest market study on « Plant Extracts Market Forecast to 2028 – COVID-19 Impact and Global Analysis – by Form, Source, and Application, » the market is projected to grow from US$ 29,238.91 million in 2021 to US$ 47,421.44 million by 2028; it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.3% from 2022 to 2028. Plant extracts are extracted from…
Liquid Malt Extracts Market Size to Surpass USD 1.75 billion by 2029
“Global Liquid Malt Extracts Market” the new research report added in Data Bridge Market Research’s reports database. This Research Report spread across 350 Pages, 220 No of Tables, And 60 No of Figures with summarizing top companies, with tables and figures. The rapidly revolutionizing market place demands…
Isomalt Market to Reach US$ 1.6 Bn by 2030, TMR Study

One of the most prominent drivers for the growth within the global isomalt market is the rising demand for sugar substitutes across the world. Owing to its low glycemic index, products in the global isomalt market are considered to be an excellent sugar alternative. The low glycemic index of isomalt means it has lowest effect on glucose or blood…
Wine Yeast Market is Set to Witness Huge Demand at USD Value of 2.45 Billion by 2029 at a CAGR of 9.90%

Market Analysis and Insights of Global Wine Yeast Market. Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the wine yeast market was valued at USD 1.15 billion is expected to reach the value of USD 2.45 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 9.90% during the forecast period. In addition to the insights on market scenarios such as market value, growth…
Garlicin Oil Market to Witness Huge Growth expansion by 2028 – CP Kelco, Algaia, Algea, Qingdao Gather Great Ocean Algae Industry Group
The Garlicin Oil Market offers a qualitative analysis of industry statistics, market size, share, and growth trends. The research offers a detailed overview of vital data on the present and projected market conditions, as well as information on leading industry players’ growth revenue, CAGR status, supply-demand…
Prix des oléagineux – Repli des cours du colza, dans le sillage de l’huile de palme

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à La Dépêche). L’évolution des cotations des oléagineux français (colza, tournesol) entre le 10 et le 11 octobre, expliquée par La Dépêche Le petit meunier. Les cours de la graine de colza se sont effrités entre les 10 et 11 octobre sur Euronext et le marché physique français, en raison de la baisse de ceux de l’huile…