Tate & Lyle dope sa production de fibres

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à RIA) Le fournisseur d’ingrédients annonce un programme d’investissement dans son usine de Slovaquie pour produire des fibres alimentaires. Tate & Lyle annonce construire une nouvelle unité de production de ses fibres solubles sans OGM Promitor sur son site à Boleráz, en Slovaquie, pour un…
Tipiak en passe d’être repris par Terrena

Le fabricant de produits d’épicerie, de surgelés et de traiteur frais est entré en négociation avec le groupe coopératif Terrena qui souhaite acquérir 77,95 % de son capital. L’opération devrait se concrétiser début 2024. Tipiak va changer de main. Le groupe Terrena est entré en négociations avec Maison Groult, Société de Gestion…
Going beyond citrus: BASF Aroma Ingredients unveils fermentation-based natural flavors

BASF Aroma Ingredient’s brand Isobionics is launching two new natural products on the flavor market. Isobionics Natural alpha-Bisabolene 98 and Isobionics Natural (-)-alpha-Bisabolol 99 are the latest additions to Isobionics’ flavor portfolio. The two new products are produced with fermentation technology, are independent of harvest conditions and are pesticide-free, flags…
Berkem veut gagner en notoriété sur le marché de la résine végétale

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à Batinews) Le spécialiste de la chimie du végétal est fortement présent dans le secteur de la construction notamment sur le segment des peintures. Il cherche aujourd’hui à développer de nouvelles formules pour être considéré non plus comme une start-up mais comme un industriel à part entière. C’est un site industriel…
Le projet CIRCALGAE fête son premier anniversaire

Le projet CIRCALGAE a pour objectif de valoriser les rejets issus de la culture d’algues en développant des produits à forte valeur ajoutée dans les secteurs de l’alimentation humaine et animale, ainsi que dans le cosmétique. Pour cela, les 21 partenaires du projet, issus de 11 pays européens, collaborent durant les 4 ans du projet pour : Optimiser…
Agrimer décline une gamme de soins 100% naturels en version mix & match

Spécialisé dans la valorisation des ressources marines, le fabricant breton Agrimer a présenté à Luxe Pack Monaco et Cosmetic 360, la gamme de soins visage et corps Marine Sunset, riche en actifs marins. Le concept » mix & match » de couleurs, de parfums et textures, offre un large spectre d’applications et de personnalisation…
Parfum : dsm-firmenich augmente les capacités de production du musc Habanolide

Le spécialiste helvético-néerlandais des ingrédients pour les marchés de la nutrition, de la santé et de la beauté a annoncé la mise en service prochaine d’une toute nouvelle unité de production d’Habanolide, un musc synthétique durable déjà très utilisé en parfumerie. Située dans le sud-ouest de la France, cette nouvelle installation de…
IFF cède Lucas Meyer Cosmetics à Clariant pour 810 millions de dollars

Le groupe américain International Flavors & Fragrances (IFF) a annoncé aujourd’hui la vente de sa division ingrédients cosmétiques pour 810 millions de dollars au groupe Clariant, spécialiste suisse de la chimie fine. Avec cette acquisition, Clariant souhaite renforcer sa présence en Amérique du Nord et sa position dans le secteur des…
Ecotone opens Europe’s largest organic coffee and tea factory
Company makes €10 million investment as part of its food for biodiversity mission. Ecotone, Europe’s leading producer in organic, plant-based, ethical, and sustainable food, has opened the doors to the continent’s largest 100% organic coffee and tea factory. The company, which owns pioneering brands across seven countries…
Crodarom et Alban Muller International : l’expertise botanique

L’Alliance Botanique du groupe chimique Croda International Plc., réunissant Crodarom, expert botanique du groupe, et Alban Muller International, a lancé son premier catalogue commun, qui réunit plus de 250 références d’extraits botaniques. Cette mise en commun des deux offres est intervenue après l’acquisition d’Alban Muller…
Azelis Acquires French F&F Distributor BLH

The acquisition is said to strengthen Azelis’ global footprint in flavors & fragrances. The transaction is expected to close in November. A family-owned business founded in 1983, the company is currently led by Nicolas Bécot, who will stay on during integration, as well as continued development of the business. The company employs 42 staff members…
Agronutris confirme son passage à l’échelle industrielle avec l’inauguration de sa première usine dans les Ardennes

Agronutris, société à mission de biotechnologie française spécialisée dans l’élevage et la transformation d’insectes en protéines pour l’alimentation, a rassemblé plus de 200 personnes, parmi lesquelles Nicolas Dufourcq, directeur général de Bpifrance, ce jeudi 19 octobre 2023 pour inaugurer sa première unité de production industrielle située dans…
Ingredion and Univar eye Middle East with plant-based and sugar reduction solutions

As consumers in the Middle East become more curious about plant-based products, Ingredion and its distributor Univar, unveil a range of natural, healthy and more sustainable products based on plant-based ingredients and sugar-reduced content. This comes when consumers demand ethically sourced, nutritious options with 50% of UAE consumers prioritizing their…
Sulzer Collaborates with ANDRITZ to Support Production of 12’000 Tons of Biomethanol per Year at World Largest Plant

Sulzer separation technology and flow equipment have been selected to enable biomethanol production at the new Veolia plant in Äänekoski, Finland. The separation technology will be integrated with ANDRITZ’s KraftanolTM biomethanol purification concept. eolia will utilize the purification solution to convert raw pulp mill waste into commercial grade biomethanol…
Andritz opens food innovation test center in the Netherlands
Andritz has opened a test and research center for the food and feed industry in Waddinxveen, the Netherlands. The Food Innovation Xperience center will be the development and technology hub where customers and Andritz experts will team up. The test center is equipped with Andritz’s latest milling…
For the love of pets: Nutramax and ADM Protexin to expand reach of animal supplement distribution

he pet supplement R&D company Nutramax Laboratories has announced it is expanding its partnership with ADM Protexin, ADM’s probiotic supplements brand. ADM Protexin is set to take charge of Nutramax brands in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region to grow internationally. « ADM Protexin and Nutramax have a longstanding partnership that has enabled Nutramax…
Technature refond son site historique et annonce des projets d’avenir

À l’occasion de l’inauguration de son site de production historique à Dirinon, dans le Finistère, qui a été entièrement refondu pour répondre aux enjeux actuels et futurs du marché cosmétique, Technature a annoncé le projet d’un troisième site de production. Le lieu et le calendrier de construction de ce futur site restent toutefois à préciser…
Extracting value from nature: Symrise taps technology to create eco-friendly upcycled flavors

Symrise has unveiled its Set Flavors brand which harnesses enrichment technologies to craft authentic taste experiences, while championing sustainability targets and catering to the evolving demands of conscious consumers. Consumers are increasingly concerned about the environment as pursuing rich flavors remains a driving force in their preferences…
Pulpe de Vie, marque française pionnière de l’upcycling, s’étend en Europe

Avec une nouvelle levée de fonds opérée en mars, la marque de soins biologiques confectionnés à partir de fruits déclassés, renforce sa présence en France et en Europe. Précurseur du concept de l’upcycling local en cosmétique depuis 14 ans, Pulpe de vie poursuit le développement de son concept d’entreprise en lien avec le vivant. Créée…
Pomacle : ARD double la mise sur BioDémo

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à la Marne Agricole) ARD a inauguré vendredi 13 octobre à Pomacle (Marne) la deuxième ligne de son démonstrateur industriel BioDémo. Un investissement de 8 millions d’euros, avec 35 nouveaux emplois créés, qui permet à ARD de répondre à une demande internationale soutenue dans le domaine…
Argeville Debuts Center in Mumbai, India

(News in brief) This location is designed to assist Argeville’s mission to target the fine fragrance as well as the cosmetics industry within the Indian market. Following recent openings in Vietnam and South Africa, Argeville has announced the debut of its center in Mumbai, India within the Bandra Kurla Complex. This location is designed to…
Activ’Inside highlights new immune-health ingredient combining vitamin D3 and green tea flavanols: 2023 SupplySide West Preview

The company first introduced the ImprovD3 ingredient at the Vitafoods Asia trade show this year. Activ’Inside (Bordeaux, France) will promote its new ImprovD3 ingredient for immune health at the SupplySide West trade show happening October 23-27, 2023, in Las Vegas, at booth #2264. The company first introduced the ImprovD3 ingredient at the…
Arla Foods et Novozymes s’associent pour produire des protéines

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à RIA) Les deux sociétés ont conclu un partenariat pour développer des ingrédients protéiques utilisant la fermentation de précision. Fortes de leurs compétences, Arla Foods Ingredients et Novozymes ont décidé de collaborer dans la fermentation de précision avec l’objectif de développer une solution pour…
Comment Snow Group rebooste Algotherm, pionnière de la cosmétique marine

Passée en 2021 dans l’escarcelle de Snow Group, spécialiste de l’univers du spa, Algotherm renoue avec ses origines et réaffirme sa position de pionnière de l’algothérapie, nourrie par 60 années d’innovations reconnues. Au programme de ce bain de jouvence : de nouvelles formules, de nouveaux emballages, et une montée…
Pour remplacer Safran à Feyzin la Métropole veut faire pousser une pépinière de start-up de la chimie avec près de 800 emplois à la clef

C’est Emmanuel Macron qui l’avait lui-même annoncé l’été 2019 : le groupe Safran devait construire à Feyzin, dans la Métropole lyonnaise, sa 4ème usine de freins carbone pour avions. La Métropole alors dirigée par David Kimelfeld avait mis les petits plats dans les grands pour attirer l’entreprise dans la région lyonnaise plutôt qu’aux États-Unis via…
Schouten Europe’s award-winning plant-based egg innovation shines at Anuga 2023

Schouten Europe’s latest offering, No Egg White, is taking center stage at the Anuga Taste Innovation Show and has received a top innovation award at the trade show in Cologne, Germany. The company highlights that in the ever-evolving landscape of plant-based alternatives, its plant-based egg protein is garnering attention due to its resemblance…
Azelis strengthens Asian positioning by expanding partnership with DSM-Firmenich in India

Azelis has expanded its affiliation with DSM-Firmenich in India and is now the exclusive distributor of DSM-Firmenich’s food enzymes and cultures across the region, which ranges from dairy cultures and dairy enzymes to dairy test kits and bakery enzymes. The move is set to help Azelis carve its presence firmly in India by supporting dairy, bakery and nutrition…
Série d’automne : Ynsect, les insectes s’invitent dans nos assiettes
Et si la solution pour nourrir la planète sans épuiser la terre et les ressources aquifères consistait à remplacer veaux, vaches et cochons par des protéines issues de fermes d’élevage d’insectes ? C’est le pari, pas si fou, d’Ynsect. À Dole, quand les éleveurs d’Ynsect s’affairent à nourrir leurs animaux, on n’entend pas une vache meugler…
Beyond The Headlines: Mondelēz sells gum business to Perfetti Van Melle, Nestlé supports coffee farmers

In industry news this week, Mondelēz sells its gum business in developed markets to Perfetti Van Melle Group while the Carlsberg Group has terminated license agreements with Baltika Breweries. Nestlé launches a weather insurance program to assist coffee farmers. Business moves. Oddlygood, a Finnish plant-based food producer, has acquired the Nordic brand Planti…
Scientists tap fermentation to develop pea protein cheese with firm gels and reduced off notes

Researchers from the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Food Science, have developed plant-based cheese made from yellow pea protein with a firm texture and improved aroma profile. They have replicated the compounds that are normally found in dairy cheese in a plant-based version that leverages fermentation and uses yellow peas as a base. « Fermentation is…
Le chimiste BASF réduit la voilure dans la production
Le géant allemand de la chimie BASF a annoncé vendredi la suppression de 3300 emplois dans le monde et la fermeture de plusieurs unités de production sur son site historique de Ludwigshafen, après avoir été frappé de plein fouet par la hausse des coûts d’énergie. Le groupe s’attend à économiser à partir de 2025…
AlgoSolis s’agrandit pour mieux travailler sur les microalgues

AlgoSolis, la plateforme de recherche et développement sur les microalgues située à Saint-Nazaire s’agrandit pour mieux valoriser son travail et améliorer le confort des chercheuses et chercheurs. Une extension en bois de deux étages rend désormais plus visible le site d’AlgoSolis dans le secteur Gavy à Saint-Nazaire. Les chercheuses…
Innov’ia inaugure un nouveau site de production

(Brève) La société se dote d’un nouvel outil avec trois tours de séchage en Anjou. Construit à Segré (Maine-et-Loire), le nouveau site de production d’Innov’ia, inauguré le 29 septembre, représente un investissement de 42M €. Ce site de 63 000 m² compte trois tours de séchage et une ligne de conditionnement, pour une production de 10 à 12…
Global Bioenergies reçoit 16,4 millions d’euros pour son usine d’isobutène

La start-up française spécialisée dans la conversion des ressources végétales en composés chimiques recevra une aide de 16,4 millions d’euros de l’État pour la construction de la première usine au monde d’isobutène biosourcé. Ce financement porté par Bpifrance dans le cadre du plan France 2030 prend la forme d’une…
L’Oréal sells organic cosmetics brand Sanoflore
News business : Bought out in 2006, the L’Oréal group has just sold the Sanaflore organic cosmetics brand to the Ekkio Capital fund and to Sergio Calandri, founder of the Inula group, specialists in natural therapeutics whose portfolio includes the HerbalGem and Biofloral brands. Spotted by French media outlet LSA…
La FoodTech EntoInnov va lever un million d’euros pour faire décoller son innovation

Producteur d’ingrédients pour l’alimentation humaine et animale à base de vers de farine, la start-up nancéienne EntoInnov va lever un million d’euros pour passer à l’échelle industrielle grâce au programme France 2030. Encore en phase d’amorçage, la société vise une capacité de production de quelques centaines de tonnes par an fin…
Aix-en-Provence : Cearitis inaugure son verger vitrine à l’Arbois

« Aujourd’hui nous sommes là pour visiter la vitrine de l’une des plus belles pépites de l’Arbois » inaugure, jeudi 28 septembre, Frédéric Guilleux, directeur de l’Arbois-Méditerranée, premier technopôle dédié à l’environnement en France. La pépite, c’est Cearitis, avec à sa tête un duo familial, Solena Canale Parona et sa cousine Marion…
Cargill opens European Protein Innovation Hub to allow customers to create new protein products

As part of an investment of 50m into Cargill’s Saint-Cyr en Val facility in Orleans, France, American multinational Cargill is opening a protein innovation hub. The hub promises to give the company’s customers the tools to trial, create and taste protein-rich products. Cargill’s Saint-Cyr en Val facility, which has been running for 30 years, is…
Evove Completes Pilot Demonstration of Graphene-enhanced Filtration Membranes at AB InBev Brewery in South Africa

U.K.-based Evove, which develops graphene-enhanced membrane and filtering solutions, has announced it has completed a pilot demonstrating the use of its filter technology at a large AB InBev brewery in Johannesburg, South Africa. It was explained that making beer is a process that requires a lot of water: Just sterilizing the equipment in a brewery can mean…
Estée Lauder va ouvrir à Paris un centre de développement dédié au parfum

Le fabricant américain de cosmétiques et de parfums de luxe et de prestige a annoncé qu’il allait ouvrir à Paris un centre de développement destiné à booster ses ambitions stratégiques en parfumerie. Ce nouvel » Atelier » devrait ouvrir ses portes d’ici la fin de l’année 2024. Cet Atelier parisien se concentrera exclusivement sur l’innovation et…
Algaktiv : Des microalgues up-cyclées pour une peau transformée

Algaktiv, société espagnole spécialiste des biotechnologies durables, présente un nouveau complexe raffermissant 2 en 1 qui nourrit et restructure la matrice cutanée. Ce nouvel actif est issu d’une microalgue extrémophile. Présenté cette semaine au salon in-cosmetics Latin America, à São Paulo, Algaktiv Collage est fabriqué à partir de…
Methods and systems for producing cellulosic ethanol by biomass saccharification and fermentation
A system and method for producing cellulosic ethanol by biomass saccharification and fermentation is provided. The system includes a first reactor configured to carry out an enzymatic hydrolysis reaction of a biomass feedstock, a second reactor configured to carry out a fermentation reaction of the biomass…
A process for the preparation of undenatured vegetable proteic isolates
Disclosed is a process for the preparation of vegetable protein isolates of high quality, that allows maintaining in the final product the nutritional value and specific functionalities of the native biological activity of the proteins of the starting vegetable raw material. Also disclosed are the vegetable protein isolates obtained…
Valorization of coffee bean husk via pressurized liquid extraction for production of physicochemical extract
Abstract. Background : In this study, obtaining phytochemical compounds from coffee bean husk (Arabica variety) under pressurized conditions (PLE) was investigated. For this, an experimental design was applied to evaluate the efficiency of the extraction in different conditions of temperature, solvent to husk ratio and…
The sources, properties, extraction, biosynthesis, pharmacology, and application of lycopene
Lycopene is an important pigment with an alkene skeleton from Lycopersicon esculentum, which is also obtained from some red fruits and vegetables. Lycopene is used in the food field with rich functions and serves in the medical field with multiple clinical values because it has dual functions of both medicine and…
Ultrafine comminution-assisted ultrasonic-microwave synergistic extraction of Pueraria mirifica (Kudzu flower and root) flavonoids
Extracts of the Pueraria mirifica (Kudzu) plant have several significant human health-promoting benefits. This study utilized orthogonal tests to evaluate the effects of differential ultrasonic power, microwave, and time on the rate of flavonoid extraction from Kudzu samples. Ultrafine processing resulted in finer…
Pressurized liquid extraction of bioactive extracts with antioxidant and antibacterial activity from green, red and brown Algerian algae
In this work, the protein, sugar, phenolic and phlorotannin contents, as well as the antioxidant and antibacterial activity of hydroethanolic extracts of six algae species from the west cost of Algeria (Padina pavonica, Halopteris scoparia, Cystoseira mediterranea, Ulva lactuca, Ulva intestinalis, and Ceramium…
Sustainable ultrasound-assisted extraction of Polygonatum sibiricum saponins using ionic strength-responsive natural deep eutectic solvents
The sustainable extraction of saponins was investigated using natural deep eutectic solvents (NADESs) combined with ultrasound-assisted extraction. A novel NADES (butyric acid-urea) that was responsive to ionic strength was designed and used as the extractant. Ultrasound treatment and a catalyst ferric chloride…
Valorization of tuberose flower waste through development of therapeutic products using supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and microencapsulation technologies
Tuberose flowers (Calcutta Single variety) valued as ornamentals globally, have short shelf-lives of 8 days at 4 ± 1 °C and are therefore discarded post senescence. Previous investigations from our laboratory have established that a combination treatment using GRAS preservatives [(sucrose (4%) and CaCl2 (0.02%)]…
Sustainable conversion of cottonseed hulls to valuable proanthocyanidins through ultrasound-assisted deep eutectic solvent extraction
This study presents a novel approach for converting cottonseed hulls (CSHs) into valuable proanthocyanidins (PAs) through deep eutectic solvent (DES)-based ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE-DES). Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to optimize and model this process, resulting in maximum yields of…
Isolation and characterization of novel carotenoid pigment from marine Planococcus maritimus MBP-2 and their biological applications
Background: Numerous types of carotenoids with other structures are produced by organisms like bacteria, fungi, algae, yeast, higher plants, etc. In the present study, carotenoid pigment-producing, orange or red-pigmented organisms were isolated from scraping from the ship hull. Material and Methods: According…
Microalgae biomass as an alternative source of biocompounds: New insights and future perspectives of extraction methodologies
Microalgae have characteristics that make them unique and full of potential. Their capacity to generate interesting bioactive molecules can add value to various industrial applications. However, most of these valuable compounds are intracellular, which makes their extraction a major bottleneck. Conventional…
Extraction process optimization of essential oil from Mellissa officinalis L. using a new ultrasound-microwave hybrid-assisted Clevenger hydrodistillation
The limited efficiency of traditional hydrodistillation extraction methods has hindered the development of essential oils (EOs). This study introduces an innovative method for enhancing the production of EOs from Mellissa officinalis L. The method involves ultrasonic and microwave-coupled Clevenger…
Using eutectic solvents for extracting astaxanthin from dry biomass of Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous pretreated by pulsed electric fields
The healthy properties of astaxanthin (AST) together with the growing interest in products of natural origin have motivated the development of sustainable extraction procedures from biomass. For this, it is essential to establish mechanisms that allow overcoming the barrier of the cell envelopes as well as the substitution of…
A step-by-step technoeconomic analysis of supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of lycopene from tomato processing waste
There is a demand for natural lycopene in both nutraceutical and food industries. Tomato processing waste is a promising source to isolate high value lycopene. In recent years, there is a growing interest in green extraction methods such as supercritical carbon dioxide (SC–CO2) extraction due to benefits of SC…
Pilot plant extraction of oligo/polysaccharides from cocoa bean shells and their incorporation into chocolate based formulations
A pilot plant extraction of cocoa bean shell CBS oligo- (hCHO) and polysaccharide (CHO) extracts using alkali isolation (0.5 M KOH) and a commercially available multi-enzymatic product, Depol™ 670L, was performed. Comparisons between laboratory and pilot scale recovery yields and saccharide profiles were…
Technologies for the Extraction and Post-extraction of Stevia rebaudiana Leaves
Due to the perceived link between sugar and diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases, the market for low-calorific sugar alternatives or sweeteners has intensified in recent times. Stevia ( Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni ) is an herbaceous perennial shrub and a member of the Asteraceae family…
Resveratrol-based biorefinery models for favoring its inclusion along the market value-added chains: A critical review
Resveratrol, a natural organic polyhydroxyphenolic compound, has gained significant attention in the last years given its potential health benefits, including antioxidant, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory properties. It can be directly extracted from plants, vegetables, and related products and waste resources, but…
A narrative review on extraction techniques of phytosterols and their applications in food industry
Phytosterols are natural plant–based bioactive compound shaving various roles in human health that are widely used in the food, nutrition, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics industries. Phytosterol extraction and isolation techniques are difficult and time consuming. The growing demand for phytosterols encourages…
Green Processing of Black Raspberry Pomace: Application of Sonotrode-Based Extraction Technique and Particles from Gas-Saturated Solutions (PGSS) Technology
The aim of this study was to develop, for the first time, anthocyanin-enriched fractions from black raspberry pomace (BRP) using ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) via sonotrode and the Particles from Gas-Saturated Solutions (PGSS) process. UAEs with different amplitudes and sonication times were…
A crystallization protocol designed for the isolation of lycopene from tomato processing by‐products
Summary The antioxidant and anticancer properties of lycopene make it an excellent ingredient for daily food supplements. The present study developed a novel protocol based on crystallization to produce lycopene of high purity from a complex extract obtained by n‐hexane from tomato peel. The crystallization process…
Factors Affecting the Extraction of (Poly)Phenols from Natural Resources Using Deep Eutectic Solvents Combined with Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction
Replacing conventional solvents with deep eutectic solvents (DES) has shown promising effects on the extraction yield of (poly)phenols. DES can be combined with ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) to further increase the extraction efficiency of (poly)phenols from natural resources compared to conventional…
Extraction and Purification of A Phycocolloid from Chaetomorpha Aerea
Abstract Phycocolloids are gelling polysaccharides extracted from algae that have found applications as microbiological culture media, food thickener, and cosmetic rheological modifiers. The extensive use of algae species that have not yet been domesticated has led to overexploitation or supply shortages. Thus…
Green approach for polyphenol extraction from waste tea biomass: Single and hybrid application of conventional and ultrasound-assisted extraction
Based on a green approach, the potential use of waste tea biomass (fiber and second sieving) with rich polyphenol content was investigated as an alternative source of polyphenol to achieve an economic added value. In addition, this study demonstrated a comparative approach to explore the most sustainable…
Microbial pigments: Eco-friendly extraction techniques and some industrial applications
Since ancient times, natural coloring agents have been produced from plants, insects, animals, and ores. Although they have a dangerous impact on mammals and the environment, synthetic dyes replace natural colors because of their limited availability throughout the year; instability in light, heat, and pH…
Optimisation and modelling of ultrasonic-assisted extraction of canthaxanthin from Chromochloris zofingiensis using eutectic solvents
Carotenoids are well-known bioactive compounds and high-value nutritional molecules. Chromochloris zofingiensis, a unicellular green alga, is a promising source of commercial carotenoids owing to its robust growth, easy cultivation, and facile scale-up. However, this microalga has a very rigid three-layered cell…
Hydrogen incorporation into solvents can improve the extraction of phenolics, flavonoids, anthocyanins, and antioxidants: A case-study using red beetroot
Different methods are used for extracting phytochemicals from plant produce. Some methods require sophisticated and expensive instruments, while others need multiple steps and specialist equipment, leading to an increase in energy, solvents, cost, and time. Here, the effect of incorporating hydrogen (H2) into…
Techno‐economic learning in biorefinery research; a meta‐level perspective of three exemplary cases
Abstract The production of liquid fuels and chemicals from biomass is an essential part of establishing a bioeconomy. Numerous techno‐economic studies have been published on different pathways for processing biomass. To examine the progress made in this field, a meta‐analysis investigating three exemplary…
Fractionation and characterisation of pectin-rich extracts from garlic biomass
Polysaccharides from garlic waste leaf and skin biomass have been isolated using a sequential extraction protocol and characterised using constituent sugar composition and linkage analysis, spectroscopy, chromatography and dilute solution viscometry. The results revealed that the isolated polysaccharides were…
Microalgal lutein: Advancements in production, extraction, market potential, and applications
Lutein, a bioactive xanthophyll, has recently attracted significant attention for numerous health benefits, e.g., protection of eye health, macular degeneration, and acute and chronic syndromes etc. Microalgae have emerged as the best platform for high-value lutein production with high productivity, lutein content, and…
Freshwater Edible Algae Polysaccharides: A Recent Overview of Novel Extraction Technologies, Characterization, and Future Food Applications
Freshwater edible algae have been consumed as a source of food and nutrition for humans as well as animals for centuries. Among the several bioactive components in freshwater algae, polysaccharides are considered the most important due to their numerous health benefits. Freshwater edible algae…
Combining Conventional Organic Solvent Extraction, Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction, and Chromatographic Techniques to Obtain Pure Betanin from Beetroot for Clinical Purposes
Red beetroot extract (E162) is a natural colorant that owes its color to betanin, its major red pigment. Betanin displays remarkable antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and chemoprotective properties mediated by its structure and influence on gene expression. However, the betanin employed in most preclinical assays is a…
Life Cycle Assessment of Bacterial, Algal, and Synthetic Approaches for Astaxanthin Production at a Laboratory Scale: Comparative Environmental Analysis and Sensitivity of Energy Sources
Astaxanthin, a highly valuable natural pigment with potent antioxidant properties, is widely used in various industries, including food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. The demand for astaxanthin has led to the development of multiple production methods, including algal, bacterial, and synthetic…
Extraction and Purification of Highly Active Astaxanthin from Corynebacterium glutamicum Fermentation Broth
The marine carotenoid astaxanthin is one of the strongest natural antioxidants and therefore is used in a broad range of applications such as cosmetics or nutraceuticals. To meet the growing market demand, the natural carotenoid producer Corynebacterium glutamicum has been engineered to produce astaxanthin…
Enzyme-Assisted Extraction of Ulvan from the Green Macroalgae Ulva fenestrata
Ulvan is a sulfated polysaccharide extracted from green macroalgae with unique structural and compositional properties. Due to its biocompatibility, biodegradability, and film-forming properties, as well as high stability, ulvan has shown promising potential as an ingredient of biopolymer films such as sustainable and…
Integrated approach applying ultrasound-assisted extraction to recover bioactive material from Chondrus crispus
Rhodophyta represents the largest seaweed phylum including a wide variety of species, such as Chondrus crispus Stackhouse, with benefits for consumers health due to their nutritional value and bioactive compounds. This work aimed to optimize the extraction of compounds from C. crispus using a three-step…
NADES assisted integrated biorefinery concept for pectin recovery from kinnow (Citrus reticulate) peel and strategic conversion of residual biomass to L(+) lactic acid
The present study aims to establish an integrated strategy for valorization of kinnow peel waste. A total of ten natural deep eutectic solvents (NADESs) were exploited for extraction of pectin. The highest yield of pectin enriched material was reported 35.66 % w/dw using choline chloride-Maltose based NADES. The…
Phaffia rhodozyma biorefinery: A sustainable pathway to obtain natural pigments and production of methane biogas as renewable fuel
As the world strives to create a more sustainable and healthier lives, natural pigments are coming to the fore in an attempt to minimize the use of synthetics counterparts and shift the focus towards microbial sources. In this in mind, the yeast Phaffia rhodozyma was used in this study, in a biorefinery context, as…
Bioactive Ingredients Industry 2030 | SWOT Analysis, Outlook, By Top Key Players: Archer Daniels Midland Company, BASF SE, Koninklijke DSM N.V
Report Description: Market Intelx has recently published a market research report namely Bioactive Ingredients Market that contains important statistical and analytical data spread through the entirety of the report and includes contents related to the industry. The report covers an overview of the segments and…
Bladderwrack Extract Market Global Report | SOCRI, The Garden of Naturalsolution, Solabia Group, Lubrizol
A comprehensive market analysis report on the Bladderwrack Extract Market has been unveiled by StansNData, offering valuable insights and intelligence for both industry veterans and newcomers. This in-depth report not only provides revenu revenue forecasts for the Bladderwrack Extract market and its…
Aquafeed Enzymes Market Is Expected to Boom- BASF SE, Novozymes, Cargill, Incorporated, ADM
Aquafeed Enzymes Market research is an intelligence report with meticulous efforts undertaken to study the right and valuable information. The data which has been looked upon is done considering both, the existing top players and the upcoming competitors. Business strategies of the key players and the new…
Essential Oil and Plant Extract for Livestock Market research report covers future, past and current trends | Delacon Biotechnik GmbH, Sensnutrition, Laboratories Phode, Amorvet Animal Health Pvt. Ltd.
An insightful market analysis report focusing on the Essential Oil and Plant Extract for Livestock Market has just been released by StatsNData, serving as a valuable resource for both industry leaders and newcomers. This comprehensive report offers a detailed exploration of the global Essential Oil and Plant Extract…
Extrait de fucus Analyse du marché Paysage concurrentiel, facteurs de croissance, revenus The Garden of Naturalsolution, Solabia Group, Lubrizol
Statsndata a publié un rapport sur le processus de collecte, d’analyse et d’interprétation des données du marché. Il a publié des rapports sur la manière dont les entreprises collectent, analysent et interprètent les données de leur marché. Cela aide les entreprise à mieux comprendre le marché, à identifier les besoins…
Malt Ingredient Market Global Report | Dohler, Ireks, Malteurop, Simpsons Malt
A comprehensive market analysis report on the Malt Ingredient Market has been unveiled by StansNData, offering valuable insights and intelligence for both industry veterans and newcomers. This in-depth report not only provides revenue forecasts for the Malt Ingredient market and its subsegments but also…
Aquatic Feed Ingredients Rapidly Growing Market Globally | Alltech, BioMar Group, Cargill, Cermaq
A comprehensive market analysis report on the Aquatic Feed Ingredients Market has been unveiled by StansNData, offering valuable insights and intelligence for both industry veterans and newcomers. This in-depth report not only provides revenue forecasts for the Aquatic Feed Ingredients market and its…
Citric Acid Regulators Market Sets New Record, Projected at USD 3.1 Billion By 2031 | CAGR of 5.3%

Citric Acid Regulators Market by Form (Anhydrous, Monohydrate), by Application (Food, Beverage): Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2021-2031. » According to the report, the global citric acid regulators industry generated $1.8 billion in 2021, and is estimated to reach $3.1 billion by 2031, witnessing a CAGR of 5.3% from 2022 to 2031…
Extrait de Centella Asiatica de qualité cosmétique Le marché est en plein essor à l’échelle mondiale d’ici 2029 | Symrise, Croda, Seppic
Statsndata a publié un rapport sur le processus de collecte, d’analyse et d’interprétation des données du marché. Il a publié des rapports sur la manière dont les entreprises collectent, analysent et interprètent les données de leur marché. Cela aide les entreprise à mieux comprendre le marché, à identifier les besoins…
Natural Food Antioxidants Market Developments 2029 | Archer Daniels Midland Company, Dupont, Eastman Chemical Company, Koninklijke DSM
An insightful market analysis report focusing on the Natural Food Antioxidants Market has just been released by StatsNData, serving as a valuable resource for both industry leaders and newcomers. This comprehensive report offers a detailed exploration of the global Natural Food Antioxidants market and its…
Pisum Sativum (Pea) Extract Rapidly Growing Market Globally | BASF, Roquette, Active Concepts, Alfa Chemicals
An insightful market analysis report focusing on the Pisum Sativum (Pea) Extract Market has just been released by StatsNData, serving as a valuable resource for both industry leaders and newcomers. This comprehensive report offers a detailed exploration of the global Pisum Sativum (Pea) Extract market and…
Legumes and Nuts Dietary Fibers Market Global Report | Lonza, Kerry Group, Cargill, Roquette Frères
A comprehensive market analysis report on the Legumes and Nuts Dietary Fibers Market has been unveiled by StansNData, offering valuable insights and intelligence for both industry veterans and newcomers. This in-depth report not only provides revenue forecasts for the Legumes and Nuts Dietary Fibers market and…
Polyphenol Market to Rise at an Impressive CAGR of 5.2% : Aquanova AG, Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, Botaniex

According to a new report published by Allied Market Research, titled, “Polyphenol Market by Product Type, Type, And Application: Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2021–2030,” the global polyphenol market size was valued at $1.6 billion in 2020, and is projected to reach $2.7 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 5.2% from 2020 to 2030…
Peptone de fève État de développement du marché 2029 | Solabia Group
Statsndata a publié un rapport sur le processus de collecte, d’analyse et d’interprétation des données du marché. Il a publié des rapports sur la manière dont les entreprises collectent, analysent et interprètent les données de leur marché. Cela aide les entreprises à mieux comprendre le marché, à identifier les besoins…
Le marché de la biomasse algale devrait augmenter à 25,16 milliards de dollars – Algasol Renewables, Algaetech Sdn Bhd, UFraction8, Microphyt, AlgEternal Tec – Batir

Le rapport Biomasse algale est un examen approfondi de la structure de consommation générale de Biomasse algale, des tendances de développement, des techniques de vente et des ventes des principales nations. La recherche porte sur les fournisseurs bien connus de l’industrie mondiale des logiciels de dépanneur, ainsi que sur la segmentation du marché…
Protein Hydrolysis Enzymes Market to reach USD 3.14 Bn by 2029
Protein Hydrolysis Enzymes Market Report Scope and Research Methodology: Maximize Market Research Pvt Ltd is pleased to introduce a comprehensive market research report on the Protein Hydrolysis Enzymes Market. This report aims to provide a profound understanding of the market, encompassing its definition, segmentation, market…
La part de marché des autolysats de levure devrait connaître une croissance considérable de 2023 à 2030
Description du rapport: Autolysats de levure Market 2023 publié par Global Market Vision contient une étude détaillée de la taille, de la part et de la dynamique du marché qui est couverte dans les pages. Le rapport est un exemple illustratif démontrant les tendances du marché, le type de catégorie de produits et l’état…
Tocopherol Market to Grow at Robust 7.4% CAGR from 2023 to 2033, Estimated to Reach US$ 32.66 Billion by 2033

The tocopherol market is likely to hold a valuation of US$ 32.66 billion by 2033. As of 2023, the market value is US$ 15.99 billion. As the demand for organic vitamin E supplements foresees growth, the tocopherol market, too, is expected to grow by 7.4% from 2023 to 2033. The demand for tocopherol in a broad spectrum of industries…
Europe Food Flavors Market Share, Size, Key Players, Revenue
Europe food flavors market is projected to register a substantial CAGR of 5.7% in the forecast period of 2023 to 2030. The new market report contains data for the historic year 2021, the base year of calculation is 2022, and the forecast period is 2023 to 2030. The Europe Food Flavors Market 2023 Report makes available the current…
Moringa Oil Market Has Huge Potential for Growth during Forecast
Global ‘Moringa Oil’ market report is a well-conceived and accurately delivered market research report depicting crucial elements across the current and historic market states that play a crucial role in influencing unfaltering forecasts and predictions in the Moringa Oil market. The report is so designed to address the crucial facets of the market such…
Europe protease market size is expected to reach a valuation of US$ 519.0 million in 2033
According to Future Market Insights (FMI), by 2023, the Europe protease market is projected to be worth US$ 227.4 million. From 2023 to 2033, it is expected to accelerate at a CAGR of 8.5%. Sales of protease in Europe are anticipated to soar in 2033, valued at US US$ 519.0 million. The food business has a tremendous…
Sports Nutrition Ingredients Global Market 2023-2032: Arla Foods Ingredients, Glanbia and Fonterra Group Among Players Leading Innovation

The ‘Sports Nutrition Ingredients Global Market Report 2023’ report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com’s offering. The global sports nutrition ingredients market is gearing up for a substantial boost in 2023, offering businesses a promising avenue for growth. As…
Dried Glucose Syrup Market Statistics, Share Price, Growth Prospects and Industry Trends till 2030
New research titled Global Dried Glucose Syrup market 2023 inspects the informative data related to the market by focusing on different components of the market including market share, market size, regional outlook, competitive landscape, key players. The report shows elementary details related to the supply…
Bio-Acetic Acid Industry by Services, Company Profiling, Business Revenue, and Growth Opportunities to 2030
Report Description: A new market study report by Global Market Vision on the Bio-Acetic Acid Market has been released with reliable information and accurate forecasts for a better understanding of the current and future market scenarios. The report offers an in-depth analysis of the global market, including qualitative…
Ricinus Communis Seed Oil Market Size 2023 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2030
Report Description: The New Report By Global Market Vision Titled, ‘Global ‘Ricinus Communis Seed Oil Market’ Size, Share, Price, Trends, Report and Forecast 2023-2030’, gives an in-depth analysis of the global Ricinus Communis Seed Oil market, assessing the market based on its segments like Type, application…
Fatty Acid Anti-aging Agent Market Analysis | Sophim, AE Chemie, Aldivia, Aromtech
Statsndata Fatty Acid Anti-aging Agent Market research reports provide all the information. It fuels market growth by providing customers with reliable data that helps them make critical decisions. These documents encapsulate extensive studies and analyses conducted by experts in various fields, presenting findings…
Botanical Flavor Powder Market 2029 | Archer Daniels Midland, Carrubba Incorporated, Synergy Flavors, Parker Flavors
Statsndata published a report on the process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting Botanical Flavor Powder Market data. New published reports on companies to collect, analyze and interpret Botanical Flavor Powder market data. This not only accelerates individual business growth but also contributes to the overall…
Dietary Fibers Market Soars to $21,672.9 million by 2030 with North America Leading the Way

Growth in use of dietary fibers in manufacturing fiber supplements is expected to positively fuel growth of the market. According to a new report published by Allied Market Research, titled, “Dietary Fibers Market by raw material, product, and application: global opportunity analysis and industry forecast, 2021–2030,” the global dietary fibers…
Seaweed Algae Market Value Is Projected To Reach US$ 20,345.0
As per a new research report by Fact.MR, a provider of market research and competitive intelligence, the global Seaweed Algae Market is valued at US$ 15,000.0 million in 2023 and it is anticipated to reach US$ 20,345.0 million by 2033. Over the next decade, global Seaweed Algae demand is likely to increase…
Ingrédients anti-inflammatoires pour les soins de la peau Données de marché et analyse approfondie jusqu’en 2029 | Symrise, Croda, Clariant
Statsndata fournit un rapport bien défini avec une analyse approfondie du marché Ingrédients anti-inflammatoires pour les soins de la peau. le plus chaud du monde Ingrédients anti-inflammatoires pour les soins de la peau marché. Le rapport fournit une analyse complète des fondamentaux du marché, y…
Cultivating Growth: Global Plant Extracts Market Set to Flourish 2031

Introduction The global plant extracts market has thrived to reach a valuation of USD 31.9 billion in 2021, and its growth story continues with a projection to reach USD 62.1 billion by 2030. This market is expected to flourish at a robust Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 7.1% during…
Global Cosmetic Ingredients Market Forecast 2023-2032 – Market Size, Drivers, Trends, And Competitors

The Business Research Company’s Cosmetic Ingredients Global Market Report 2023 – Market Size, Trends, And Forecast 2023-2027. The cosmetic ingredients market is expected to reach $35.10 billion in 2027 with a 5.68% CAGR, as per TBRC’s…
Microalgae Market to Reach $3.08 Billion by 2030 – Exclusive
According to a new market research report titled, ‘Microalgae Market by Type (Spirulina, Chlorella, Dunaliella Salina, Nannochloropsis), Production Technique (Ponds, Fermenters, PBR), Distribution Channel (B2C, B2B), Application (Nutraceuticals, Food and Beverages), and Geography – Global Forecast to 2030,’ published…