Puig prend le contrôle de Kama Ayurveda et consolide sa présence en Inde

Le groupe espagnol Puig a acquis une participation majoritaire dans Kama Ayurveda, une marque de soins de beauté et de bien-être ayurvédiques, fondée en 2002 en Inde. Puig détenait déjà, depuis 2019, une participation minoritaire dans Kama Ayurveda. Avec cette acquisition, Puig renforce son implantation sur le marché indien ainsi que…
SILAB améliore encore son score EcoVadis

La plateforme de notation EcoVadis a de nouveau récompensé la politique RSE de SILAB en 2022, en lui attribuant le statut Gold. Ce résultat place l’entreprise dans le top 2% des entreprises les mieux notées. Année après année, SILAB renforce…
Série de nominations chez Carbios

Carbios, société de chimie verte fondée en 2011 par Truffle Capital, étoffe son organisation dans la perspective de son développement business et intègre de nouvelles expertises essentielles à la mise sur le marché de ses innovations. Stéphane Ferreira est désigné directeur des opérations et membre du comité exécutif à compter du 10 octobre 2022. Arnaud Tillon est nommé directeur Marketing du groupe. Martin Stephan…
Saipol rachète Centre Grains

Centre Grains, appartenant anciennement à Axéréal, comprend sept salariés, ainsi que des installations de stockage et d’exportation de matières premières. La filiale industrielle du groupe Avril, Saipol, a annoncé, le 3 octobre par voie de communiqué, avoir racheté dans sa totalité la société Centre Grains basée à…
Pierre Fabre devient le premier grand groupe industriel labellisé au niveau » Exemplaire » du label Engagé RSE d’Afnor Certification – Industries Cosmétiques

La démarche RSE du Groupe Pierre Fabre vient d’être labellisée par l’organisme indépendant AFNOR Certification au niveau » Exemplaire » de son label Engagé RSE (reconnu internationalement sous le label Responsibility Europe). Avec un score global de 788 points sur les 1000 points du référentiel, Pierre Fabre rejoint le Top 1% des…
BASF offers neopentyl glycol and propionic acid with product carbon footprint of zero

* Cradle-to-gate product carbon footprint (PCF) of zero achieved through use of renewable raw materials via BASF’s biomass balance approach * Use of renewable energy and benefits of BASF’s Verbund * Drop-in solutions: identical product quality and properties * Contribution to CO2 emission reduction targets in powder coatings applications and feed, food, agricultural…
Barvecue and Arbiom Partner to ‘Dramatically Increase’ Consumer Acceptance of Plant-Based Meats

Plant BBQ brand Barvecue and protein innovator Arbiom announce a strategic partnership to improve the taste, texture and nutritional profile of clean-label plant-based meats. The partnership seeks to « dramatically increase » public acceptance of plant-based meats by conducting product innovation, focus group research, and commercial trials. Based in…
Afyren inaugure sa première bioraffinerie pour la parfumerie et l’alimentaire

La société clermontoise de chimie verte a inauguré, le 29 septembre, sa première unité de production à grande échelle, sur la plateforme industrielle Chemesis à Carling Saint-Avold, en Moselle. Baptisée Afyren Neoxy, la bioraffinerie est en phase de démarrage et devrait augmenter graduellement ses volumes pour produire d’ici deux ans…
Limagrain a investi 24 M€ à Saint-Ignat

(Brève) Le groupe coopératif Limagrain a inauguré son nouveau moulin à blé de Saint-Ignat (63). Ce nouvel outil, porté par sa division Limagrain Ingrédients, vient remplacer les deux moulins existants de Bouzel et Gerzat. Ayant bénéficié d’un investissement de 24 M€, il dispose d’une capacité d’écrasement de 110 000 tonnes de blé par…
Le cri d’alarme de l’Ania sur les marges des industriels

Le président de l’Association des industries alimentaires, Jean-Philippe André, alerte sur les difficultés à venir des acteurs du secteur et demande une révision des critères d’éligibilité des aides pour les entreprises en difficulté. Faire passer les hausses de tarifs ou arrêter de produire ? C’est le dilemme auquel vont se livrer les industriels de l’agroalimentaire…
À Dury, Extractis s’agrandit

L’expert en extraction du végétal, qui bénéficie d’un matériel unique en France, poursuit son développement. Grâce au Plan de relance, à l’appui du Conseil régional et des fonds européens, la structure a pu investir dans de nouveaux équipements et va construire une extension de 200 m². Créé en 1984, Extractis, à Dury, est un acteur incontournable de…
Aide à l’innovation et à la R&D dans l’agroalimentaire

Présentation du dispositif :Cette aide soutient les projets d’innovation et de recherche et développement des entreprises de l’industrie agroalimentaire (transformation et commercialisation de produits agricoles). Conditions d’attribution: A qui s’adresse le dispositif ? Entreprises éligibles – Sont éligibles les entreprises (hors sociétés de production…
Sofiprotéol finalise son augmentation de capital de 145 M€

La société financière Sofiprotéol souhaite accélérer ses investissements dans les filières agricoles et agroalimentaires. Le bras financier du groupe Avril Sofiprotéol a annoncé avoir finalisé avec succès son augmentation de capital pour un montant de 145 millions d’euros (M€), via un communiqué le 27 septembre 2022. Cette opération permettra à la société…
Hausse des prix de la farine insuffisante pour compenser la flambée des coûts, alertent les meuniers

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à Réussir) Une lettre d’information de l’ANMF (association nationale de la meunerie française) fait le point sur la hausse des coûts de production de la farine (blé, énergie, papier, carton, etc.), et rappelle que la meunerie est un des secteurs alimentaires où la rentabilité est une des plus faibles. Les prix de la…
» START And GROw » : des résultats scientifiques à la création de start-up

Afin de contribuer efficacement à la transformation des systèmes agricoles et alimentaires, INRAE est mobilisé pour renforcer l’impact de ses résultats scientifiques à travers une politique de transfert et d’innovation ambitieuse. Accompagner les scientifiques dans leur projet de création d’entreprises est l’un des leviers…
Balmain s’attaque au marché de la beauté avec l’aide du groupe Estée Lauder

(Brève) The Estée Lauder Companies et Balmain ont signé un accord de partenariat pour développer, produire et distribuer collaborativement une gamme de produits de beauté marque de produits de beauté, Balmain Beauty. Les premiers produits devraient être lancés à l’automne 2024. La nouvelle marque sera…
AgroParisTech inaugure son nouveau site à Orléans

Faire d’Orléans la capitale scientifique d’enseignement et de recherche pour la cosmétique Après les quinze étudiants venus suivre le module de découverte » Management de l’innovation en cosmétique » dès le mois de mars, c’est dix-sept étudiants en troisième année de leur cursus ingénieur qui rejoignent la métropole orléanaise et ouvrent la voie à…
Gattefossé completes the ERI 360° certification process of two new ingredients

The manufacturer of cosmetic actives has completed the ERI 360° certification process for two new major personal care ingredients in its portfolio: Gatuline RC Bio and EleVastin. Both ingrdeients have reached the Silver level of the ERI 360° seal. Gatuline® RC BIO is a hydrating skincare active, naturally extracted from beech buds harvested…
À Dury, Extractis inaugure un nouvel agrandissement
(article complet réservé aux abonnés au Courrier Picard) Après avoir pu investir dans deux nouveaux réacteurs grâce au plan de relance du gouvernement, Extractis a lancé des travaux d’agrandissement du site en posant la première pierre symbolique. Ils devraient être terminés en décembre…
Sederma veut simplifier la formulation des soins avec un rétinol encapsulé

Pour répondre à la demande du marché d’une vitamine A bien tolérée, stable, facile à formuler et présentant une biodisponibilité élevée, Sederma lance un rétinol encapsulé. En effet, s’il a démontré depuis des décennies ses bienfaits sur les rides, les vergetures, les imperfections cutanées et les cicatrices, le rétinol est également associé à…
Givaudan Active Beauty lance un pigment cosmétique violet issu du radis

Le fabricant d’actifs cosmétiques présente un nouveau pigment cosmétique violet. Spécialement conçue pour être utilisée dans les produits de maquillage, cette nouvelle alternative aux pigments synthétiques est issue de radis rouges cultivés de manière durable. Elle offre également des propriétés de soin de la peau et les ongles…
Berkem bénéficie d’un financement de 70 M€

(Brève) Avec un plan de financement d’un montant de 70 millions d’euros, la société Berkem sera en mesure de refinancer sa dette et de poursuivre son plan de développement. Le spécialiste de l’extraction végétale Berkem a mis en place un financement d’un montant total de 70 millions d’euros, dont 50 M€ ont été confirmés…
L’Oréal fait l’acquisition de la marque américaine de soins Skinbetter Science

L’Oréal vient de signer un accord portant sur l’acquisition de Skinbetter Science, une marque américaine de soin de la peau recommandée par les professionnels de santé. Grâce à ce rachat dont le montant n’a pas été dévoilé, le géant mondial de la beauté renforce le poids de sa division Cosmétique Active qui compte La Roche-Posay ou encore Decléor et a réalisé en…
» Nouveau Suez » met la main sur Suez R&R UK auprès de Veolia

Le groupe de services aux collectivités Veolia annonce céder les activités de déchets de Suez Recycling and Recovery (R&R UK) au Royaume-Uni à Suez. Cette opération d’acquisition d’une valeur d’entreprise de 2,3 milliards d’euros intervient à la suite de l’exercice par Suez de son droit de premier refus. Les anciennes activités de déchets…
EU fails on food waste: Report reveals bloc discards more than it imports

The amount of food the EU wastes each year is 15 million metric tons more than what is imported into 27 countries yearly. Food waste costs the EU €143 billion per year (US$141.7 billion), with a report by Feedback EU raising the alarm of how it’s vital to reduce waste from farm to fork 50% by 2030 and the only way this will be achieved is by enforcing a…
Azelis Receives Sustainalytics ESG Rating for Its Sustainable Efforts

Azelis announced that in August 2022 it received the highest ESG ranking (lowest risk) among a peer list of 178 international traders and distributors from Sustainalytics, with a score of 12.4. This places Azelis in the top 5th percentile of more than 14,500 companies rated by the firm worldwide. Sustainalytics ESG ratings evaluate a company’s…
Parfums : Matière Première cultive la tradition artisanale grassoise

Berceau de la parfumerie française au XVIIe siècle, la région de Grasse a de nouveau le vent en poupe. Le regain d’intérêt pour ses plantes à parfum d’exception et ses méthodes de production traditionnelles a suscité l’implantation de plusieurs géants du secteur. Célèbre pour ses champs de rose et de jasmin, longtemps restés l’apanage…
Beaufort-en-Anjou. L’entreprise HEMP’IT mise sur le chanvre et ses possibles

L’entreprise beaufortaise HEMP’IT, qui évolue dans le secteur du chanvre, mise tout sur cette plante aux multiples usages. Installée dans de nouveaux locaux plus performants, elle souhaite se lancer dans la valorisation des protéines de chanvre. Explications. Marie-Pervenche Plaza, sous-préfète de Saumur, a visité ce jeudi 15 septembre…
Le défi ferments ouvert
(Brève) Le gouvernement a lancé lundi le grand défi « Ferments du Futur ». L’Inrae et l’Ania sont les pilotes de ce projet financé par l’État à hauteur de 48,3 millions d’euros dans le cadre de France 2030 pour « mobiliser les techniques naturelles de fermentation au service d’une alimentation saine, durable et…
Colorants : Oterra acquiert Akay

(Brève) Oterra, anciennement connu sous le nom de Chr. Hansen Natural Colors jusqu’en 2021, vient de racheter Akay Group, une société indienne spécialisée dans les colorants et les ingrédients pour compléments alimentaires, d’origine naturelle. Il…
Food inflation: Rice under pressure, prices expected to boil over

Severe disruptions in global rice suppliers combined with a soaring demand for the grain could break the fragile balance between supply and demand, leading to price increases and, once again, supercharging global food inflation. India has moved to curb its broken variety of rice exports, together with a 20% levy on other rice types, which has pushed off-balance…
Le groupe Avril lève 1,18 milliard d’euros

Le groupe Avril espère accélérer son développement et « devenir le leader des solutions végétales ». Les fonds levés auprès des banques partenaires se basent sur des critères environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance (ESG). Le groupe Avril a annoncé avoir levé auprès de ses partenaires bancaires 1,18 milliards d’euros dans un communiqué…
Capagro lance un nouveau fonds Agri-FoodTech de 200 millions d’euros

Le fonds crée un nouveau véhicule d’investissement de 200 millions d’euros pour poursuivre le travail entamé avec Capagro Agri-Food Innovation Fund I. Première société à rejoindre son portefeuille : la startup Cuure, spécialisée dans les compléments alimentaires. Pas de changement majeur pour Capagro Agri-Food Innovation Fund II…
The startups harnessing the power of algae

Is algae the key to combatting the climate crisis? Companies around the world are betting big on algae to combat the climate crisis — and make a whole lot of money. The algae market is expected to be worth $8.3bn by 2028, and there are now dozens of European startups — and investors — hoping to take a slice of that pie. Algae…
ASTREDHOR présente ses expertises et célèbre son unification au Salon du Végétal 2022
Du 13 au 15 septembre 2022, ASTREDHOR présentera les résultats de ses récents programmes de recherche au Salon du Végétal à Angers. Les équipes d’ASTREDHOR seront heureuses de vous rencontrer sur le stand interprofessionnel,sur le jardin « Agriculture Urbaine » dans le Cœur végétal du salon et…
Pour ses 40 ans : le centre de valorisation des algues ouvre le 21 septembre à Pleubian

Sur le plan local, on ne présente plus le Centre d’étude et de valorisation des Algues (Ceva) installé à Pleubian. Pour ses 40 ans, il ouvre ses portes au public le 21 septembre. Nous croyons le connaître, mais savons-nous se qui s’y fait vraiment ? Le Ceva, centre d’étude et de valorisation des algues est installé depuis 40 ans l’extrémité de la presqu’île…
Inria et l’Université Paris-Saclay confirment leur partenariat stratégique et annoncent la création du » Centre Inria de l’Université Paris-Saclay «

10/22/2021 – 16:26 Inria et l’Université Paris-Saclay, avec CentraleSupélec et l’ENS Paris-Saclay, ont signé lundi 25 octobre 2021 un accord cadre de partenariat stratégique qui détaille leur stratégie et leur feuille de route communes dans le domaine des sciences et technologies du numérique que portera le » Centre Inria de l’Université Paris-…
Green extraction of bioactive components from carrot industry waste and evaluation of spent residue as an energy source
Carrot processing industries produce 25–30% of waste in the form of carrot rejects, peels, and pomace which contain a large amount of high-value bioactive components. Green extraction of the bioactive components from carrot rejects with green solvents using closed-vessel energy-intensive microwave-assisted…
Waste management and green technology: future trends in circular economy leading towards environmental sustainability
The effective treatment of waste to be used as a resource in future has a major role in achieving environmental sustainability and moving towards circular economy. The current research is aimed to provide in-depth detail regarding prominent trends and research themes, evolution, future research orientation…
Are natural deep eutectic solvents always a sustainable option? A bioassay-based study
The traditional use of organic solvents in various branches of industry is being rethought as these compounds very often display high volatility, toxicity and lipophilicity (related to the ability to interact with biological membranes). More recently, developments in the field of Green Chemistry are focusing on the design of…
High hydrostatic pressure-assisted extraction of lipids from Lipomyces starkeyi biomass
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) as a novel approach for yeast cell disruption and lipid extraction from Lipomyces starkeyi DSM 70295 grown in glucose medium (40 g/L and C/N:55/1) at initial pH of 5.0, 25°C, and 130 rpm for 8 days. HHP extraction conditions…
Emerging research promises waste-free biorefinery for seaweed

Wageningen University & Research is taking the lead on the SeaSolv project, an initiative that hopes to produce a waste-free multiproduct biorefinery for different macroalgae species. Seaweeds are rich in valuable nutrients for food, nutraceuticals…
On the use of pulsed electric field technology as a pretreatment to reduce the content of potentially toxic elements in dried Saccharina latissima
Highlights • Pulsed electric field (PEF) and freezing were used as pretreatments before drying. • The content of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in dried sugar kelp was analyzed. • PEF processing reduced the iodine (−40\%) and mercury contents (−19\%). • The PTE content was not significantly altered by freezing…
Comparison of three extraction methods for anthocyanins from perilla frutescens leaves
The effects of three extraction methods on the yields, physicochemical properties, stabilities and antioxidant activities of anthocyanins from perilla frutescens (L.) Britt. were investigated and compared. Three extraction methods were applied to extract perilla leaves anthocyanins (PLAs), which include ultrasonic-assisted…
High pressure assisted extraction of proteins from wet biomass of Arthrospira platensis (spirulina) – A kinetic approach
The application of high-pressure technology (100–600 MPa, 20 °C for up to 20 min) for cell disruption and consequent extraction of proteins -including C-phycocyanin- from the cyanobacteria Arthrospira platensis (spirulina), was investigated. Wet spirulina biomass was suspended in three different aqueous…
Utilization of guaiacol-based deep eutectic solvent for achieving a sustainable biorefinery
This study proposed a renewable deep eutectic solvent (DES) pretreatment using lignin-derived guaiacol as the hydrogen bond donor. The DES showed excellent biomass fractionation efficiency after the incorporation of trace AlCl3 as the reinforcer, which removed 79.1 % lignin while preserving more than 90 % glucan…
Optimization for the extraction of polysaccharides from Huidouba and their in vitro α-glucosidase inhibition mechanism
Huidouba is a kind of fungus plant that grows by spiders parasitizing tea trees at an altitude of 1500 m above Mount Emei. The bioactive polysaccharides extracted from Huidouba have been traditionally used in the treatment of diabetes in China. In this study, the optimal hot-water extraction condition of crude…
Environmentally benign, ultrasonication assisted, sustainable valorization for commercially important nutraceutical-Daucosterol from the heartwood of invasive Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC
Steroidal saponins are amphiphilic glycosidic chemical constructs, which possess diverse biological activities, that are attributable to the structural variations in the aglycone part and in the carbohydrate part. Daucosterol, a steroidal saponin, is a nutraceutical possessing various pleiotropic effects such as food…
Eritadenine: Pressurized liquid extraction from Lentinula edodes and thermal degradation kinetics
Eritadenine, a cholesterol lowering component, found significantly in a mushroom cultivar namely Lentinula edodes. Pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) technique provided higher results for eritadenine, total phenolics and antioxidant capacity than classical aqueous ethanol extraction. Three optimum extraction points giving…
Ultrasonic assisted enhanced catalytic effect of perovskite to promote depolymerization of lignin
The search for renewable energy sources to replace fossil fuel has made lignin a promising carbon-containing resource. In this paper, LaNiO3 perovskite catalyst supported by mesoporous carrier with specific pore structure was prepared by the pore filling of MCM-41 with citrate complex precursors of nickel and…
Extractive separation of 1,8-cineole and γ-terpinene with lactic acid-based deep eutectic solvents
1,8-Cineole has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and physiological properties and its high purity is important to application. However, 1,8-cineole usually mixes with monoterpene hydrocarbons in plant essential oils and they are difficult to separate via distillation due to their close boiling points. In this study, a series of lactic…
Functional foods based on the recovery of bioactive ingredients from food and algae by-products by emerging extraction technologies and 3D printing
3D food printing is an emerging technology developed to facilitate the life of consumers and food enterprises. This technology allows to obtain any type of new foods according to our wishes. It is possible to develop a food with the exact nutritive value necessary for our body, with the most benefiting nutrients we want…
Deep eutectic solvents based biorefining of Value-added chemicals from the diatom Thalassiosira andamanica at room temperature
The extraction and biorefining of value-added chemicals from bioresources using green solvents are among the key agenda of the circular bioeconomy. Herein we have developed a deep eutectic solvent (DESs) based biorefining approach for clean separation and purification of value-added Fucoxanthin, Chlorophyll…
An optimized strategy for lutein production via microwave-assisted microalgae wet biomass extraction process
Lutein is a bioactive substance with functional properties, applicable in food supplementation and food fortification. Wet microalgae biomass processing is a propitious practice, yet receives limited exploration for lutein production. Here, novel microwave-assisted extraction methods utilizing wet biomass are designed…
Deep-eutectic solvents/ionic liquids/water mixture as a novel type of green thermo-switchable solvent system for selective extraction and separation of natural products from Rosmarinus officinalis leaves
In the present study, we designed a novel type of green thermo-switchable solvent system which is composed of ChCl:LA/[BMIM]PF6/H2O (v/v/v, 1/2/1) to extract natural products. When the temperature is 60 ℃, the system is a homogeneous single-phase system, and when cooling to 25 ℃, the system is switched into…
Anthraquinone-assisted deep eutectic solvent degumming of ramie fibers: Evaluation of fiber properties and degumming performance
Deep eutectic solvent (DES) is proved to be versatile for ramie fiber isolation due to its high degumming efficiency and feasible recycling process. However, ramie cellulose is easily to be chemically degraded during the intense reaction if the treatment conditions cannot be properly controlled, affecting the…
A new separation approach of amylose fraction from gelatinized high amylose corn starch
This work aimed at developing a new method to separate amylose from high amylose corn starch (HACS) with calcium chloride (CaCl2) solution. The prepared amylose C was compared with the amylose N obtained with traditional sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution. Although the extraction rate of purified amylose C…
Methanol-based extraction of psychoactive alkaloids from fungus
This invention relates to the extraction of psychoactive compounds from fungus for use in medicine. Raw fungus is dried and ground. The solvent used for extraction is methanol or a hydro-methanol mixture, an acidic hydro-methanol mixture, or an alkaline hydro-methanol mixture. The extraction slurry is filtered and…
Identification and selection of a plant starting material of a plant chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid, and transformation of such plant starting material to obtain ingredients for use in foods, supplements, medical devices or drugs
Process is described for extraction from a plant starting material, such as a fungus, for the preparation of a mixture (m) of at least one glycosaminoglycan selected from: (a) hyaluronic acid or a salt thereof (HA) having a weight average molecular weight from 10 kDa to 600 kDa; (b) chondroitin or chondroitin sulfate or a…
Optimization of cyclodextrin-assisted green extraction of cannabidiol from industrial hemp leaves: Release behavior, permeability, bioactivity, and stability
Abstract Cannabidiol (CBD) is an important natural compound of hemp. Cyclodextrin-assisted extraction of CBD from hemp leaves was optimized by single-factor experiments and response surface methodology. The highest extraction yield of CBD was 1.075 ± 0.012 mg/g and the recovery yield was 87.19 \% using…
Method for extracting active components from plants and devices for such purpose
The present invention relates to a method and apparatus for extracting active components from a plant material by means of • Introducing the material containing the active components in an extraction chamber • Introducing a hydrofluorocarbonated compound in a tank at a pressure between 482.6 kPa and 1,447.9…
Enzyme aided oil and oilseed processing: opportunities and challenges
Oil and oilseeds are commodity products that are produced and processed in large quantities and utilized in numerous applications ranging from food, feed and oleochemicals. Adverse environmental impact of conventional oil and oilseed processing techniques pleads for cleaner manufacturing techniques that…
Instant catapult steam explosion: An efficient preprocessing step for the robust and cost-effective chemical pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass
Abstract The biorefinery based on lignocellulosic biomass requires an efficient preprocessing step to address problems regarding with the high cost of biomass transportation and the low cost-effectiveness of subsequent chemical pretreatment. In this study, the instant catapult steam explosion (ICSE) was investigated as…
Spray drying co-encapsulation of lactic acid bacteria and lipids: A review
Highlights • Oil provides a protective barrier to oxygen and heat. • The polysaccharide matrix forms a mesh gel that stabilizes bacteria. • Proteins unfold and reorient at the water-oil interface to stabilize the emulsion. • The survival rate of bacteria could be improved by wall material modification. Abstract Background…
Recent advancements in astaxanthin production from microalgae: A review
Microalgae have emerged as the best source of high-value astaxanthin producers. Algal astaxanthin possesses numerous bioactivities hence the rising demand for several health applications and is broadly used in pharmaceuticals, aquaculture, health foods, cosmetics, etc. Among several low-priced…
Solar biorefinery concept for sustainable co-production of microalgae-based protein and renewable fuel
Microalgae-based renewable fuels offer low carbon alternatives to fossil fuels, and can theoretically support energy and climate security, regional employment and sustainable development. However, to achieve price parity with fossil fuels and fast track scale up, a benchmark production price of US$0.67 L-1 ($2.54…
Process for removing THC from cannabinoids
A method of removing THC and THCA from a non-decarboxylated hemp extract, the non-decarboxylated hemp extract including THC and THCA and at least one cannabinoid is provided. The method comprises passing a first feedstock stream through a first chromatographic resin arranged in a simulated moving bed…
Processes for producing omega-3 containing compositions from algae and related extractions
A method for producing highly bioavailable oil compositions from biomasses and, in particular, autotrophic algal biomasses, and providing characterized and clarified mass balance breakdowns and component products therefrom without loss of significant mass in an extraction such as a liquid-liquid extraction…
Phitosterols suspension concentrates and process of preparation thereof
Concentrated suspensions containing phytosterols are described, in an amount higher than 25% by weight, in addition to a process for their preparation and their relative use as stimulants of plant growth. Claims: 1-4. (canceled). 5. A concentrated suspension comprising: a) a phytosterol mixture of beta-sitosterol…
A mini-review on the plant sources and methods for extraction of rhamnogalacturonan I
Rhamnogalacturonan type I (RG-I) is one of the pectin family member abundant in plant cell walls. Process of RG-I extraction from cell walls, either as a one-step or several-stage process, conditions the structure and properties of obtained polysaccharides. In this paper, we provide comprehensive overview of the…
Lentil and Mungbean protein isolates: Processing, functional properties, and potential food applications
Highlights • Globulin protein composition is different between lentils and mungbeans. • Lentil protein exhibited comparable functional properties to pea and soy protein. • Gelling, water holding and oil absorption of mungbean proteins are comparable to soy. • Lentil and mungbean protein isolates are best suited…
A simple method for extracting phycocyanin from Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis by autolysis
Phycocyanin (PC) is a natural blue pigment that has great commercial value in food and pharmaceutical industry. Arthrospira ( Spirulina ) platensis is a photosynthetic spiral-shaped cyanobacterium containing a rich PC pigment. Autolysis is the enzymatic digestion of cells by the action of its own enzymes. To develop…
A novel approach for microalgal cell disruption and bioproducts extraction using non-thermal atmospheric plasma (NTAP) technology and chitosan flocculation
Highlights • Non-thermal atmospheric plasma (NTAP) efficiently disrupts microalgae cells. • Maximum cell disruption efficiency 75\% was achieved at 12 kV voltage. • Adding 100 mg/L of chitosan could efficiently recover the release bioproducts. • NTAP was found as economical low energy consuming method (59.4…
Phenolics from Defatted Black Cumin Seeds (Nigella sativa L.): Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction Optimization, Comparison, and Antioxidant Activity
An ultrasound-assisted method was used for the extraction of phenolics from defatted black cumin seeds (Nigella sativa L.), and the effects of several extraction factors on the total phenolic content and DPPH radical scavenging activity were investigated. To improve the extraction efficiency of phenolics from black cumin…
Extraction of Acetogenins Using Thermosonication-Assisted Extraction from Annona muricata Seeds and Their Antifungal Activity
The objective of this work was to find the optimal conditions by thermosonication-assisted extraction (TSAE) of the total acetogenin content (TAC) and yield from A. muricata seeds, assessing the effect of the temperature (40, 50, and 60 °C), sonication amplitude (80, 90, and 100%), and pulse-cycle (0.5, 0.7, and 1…
Processes for extracting muscimol from Amanita muscaria
Disclosed herein are methods of muscimol extraction from Amanita mushrooms, and more particularly, enhanced muscimol extraction processes from Amanita muscaria, including by distillation, refluxing, and pressing, including processes that increase muscimol content and decrease ibotenic acid content, and…
Improved Sustainability in Wine Industry Byproducts: A Scale-up and Economical Feasibility Study for High-Value Compounds Extraction Using Modified SC-CO2
The objective of the present work was to optimize the operating conditions (P, T cosolvent %) and to study the scale-up and the feasibility of the supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) process for polyphenols from grape pomace, the main solid byproduct of the wine industry. Pilot-scale equipment (1 L extraction vessel) was…
Antioxidant Extracts of Nettle (Urtica dioica) Leaves: Evaluation of Extraction Techniques and Solvents
Nettle (Urtica dioica) is a great source of bioactive compounds. The objective of this study was to evaluate the extraction techniques (ultrasound, without stirring, and stirring), solvents (methanol, water, and ethanol), and extraction times (1-4 h) to maximize antioxidant capacity of the Urtica dioica extracts. In the case of…
Antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of phenolic extracts from walnut (Juglans regia L.) green husk by using pressure-driven membrane process
In this study, antioxidant (DPPH and metal chelating), DNA cleavage, biofilm, and antimicrobial properties of extracted phenol from the walnut green husk (WGH) and its different concentrate and permeate samples were evaluated. For maximum phenolic compound extraction from the WGH first, the effects of solvent…
Phenolic Fraction from Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) By-product: Innovative Extraction Techniques and New Encapsulation Trends for Its Valorization
Peanut skin is a by-product rich in bioactive compounds with high nutritional and pharmaceutical values. The phenolic fraction, rich in proanthocyanidins/procyanidins, is a relevant class of bioactive compounds, which has been increasingly applied as functional ingredients for food and pharmaceutical applications and is…
Valorization and extraction optimization of Prunus seeds for food and functional food applications: A review with further perspectives
Valorization of byproducts generated during food processing has recently attracted considerable attention, especially processes with high wastage rates. In this review we present a detailed analysis of the phytochemical composition of Prunus seed oil and extracts as potential sources of unsaturated fatty…
Optimization of the conditions for ultrasound-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from Opuntia ficus-indica [L.] Mill. flowers and comparison with conventional procedures
Opuntia ficus-indica [L.] Mill. (OFI) flower has been studied less than OFI fruit and cladode for the bioactive compounds occurrence. Also, ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) technique has been applied less than conventional techniques to extract bioactive compounds, generally. In this work, UAE was developed…
Method for producing water-soluble polysaccharides
[Problem] An object is to obtain a water-soluble polysaccharide (mainly pectin) in a high yield under mild extraction conditions (temperature and pH) and also without using any special agent or extraction device, and to suppress the excessive degradation of the polysaccharide (reduction in the molecular weight of a…
Method and system for producing a high protein meal from a whole stillage byproduct and system therefor
A method and system for producing a high protein meal from a whole stillage byproduct produced in a grain dry-milling process for making ethanol, with optional back end milling options, is disclosed. In one embodiment, a method for producing a high protein meal from a whole stillage byproduct includes…
Review on essential oil extraction from aromatic and medicinal plants: Techniques, performance and economic analysis
Highlights • Essential oil extraction from aromatic and medicinal plants. • Analysis of various essential oil extraction methods. • Performance analysis of different oil extraction techniques. • Economic and environmental aspects of conventional and non-conventional oil extraction methods. Abstract Essential…
Volatile Organic Compounds of Anchote Tuber and Leaf Extracted Using Simultaneous Steam Distillation and Solvent Extraction
Anchote (Coccinia abyssinica (Lam.) (Cogn)) is an endemic and potentially valuable crop of Ethiopia principally categorized under root and tuber crops, and its newly growing leaves along with the tendrils are also used as nutritious vegetable served after being cooked. Leaf and tuber powders were extracted for…
Onion (Allium cepa L.) peel: A review on the extraction of bioactive compounds, its antioxidant potential, and its application as a functional food ingredient
Functional food development is rapidly increasing as a result of consumer consciousness concerning healthy and nutritious foods. In turn, research exploring novel ingredients for formulating functional foods has been accelerated. Onion peel or skin is a byproduct obtained from onion processing that contains…
Cold-Active Enzymes and Their Potential Industrial Applications-A Review
More than 70% of our planet is covered by extremely cold environments, nourishing a broad diversity of microbial life. Temperature is the most significant parameter that plays a key role in the distribution of microorganisms on our planet. Psychrophilic microorganisms are the most prominent inhabitants of the…
Use of catalytic ion exchange resins to effectively decolorize polysaccharides derived from lignocellulosic biomass
This invention relates to the isolation and purification of nutritional supplements and prebiotics, such as xylo-oligosaccharides, and specifically the removal of color bodies, said xylo-oligosaccharides sourced from from ligno-cellulosic feedstocks such as sugar cane and sugar cane bagasse. Removal of color bodies…
Hydro-Distilled and Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Essential Oil: Characterization of Bioactives Along With Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Activities
Present research work evaluates variation in volatile chemicals profile and biological activities of essential oil (EO) obtained from the leaves of eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.) using hydro-distillation (HD) and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE). The yield (1.32%) of volatile oil by HD was higher than the yield…
Investigation on the Effects of a Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) Continuous System Implemented in an Industrial Olive Oil Plant
The aim of this study was to investigate how the treatment of olive paste of the Picholine variety with pulsed electric fields (PEF) under real operating conditions in a large-scale olive oil extraction plant affects the extractability, chemical composition and sensory profile of the oils. The application of pulsed electric…
Method for manufacturing revaudioside-D-containing crystallized product, and revaudioside-D-containing crystallized product
There is demand for a novel method for manufacturing a RebD crystallized product. The present invention provides a method for manufacturing a RebD-containing crystallized product, including: a step for mixing a stevia plant-derived crude product having a total steviol glycoside content of 50-95 mass%, and containing…
Selectivity Tuning by Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents (NADESs) for Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from Cytinus hypocistis-Studies of Antioxidative, Enzyme-Inhibitive Properties and LC-MS Profiles
In the present study, the extracts of Cytinus hypocistis (L.) L using both traditional solvents (hexane, ethyl acetate, dichloromethane, ethanol, ethanol/water, and water) and natural deep eutectic solvents (NADESs) were investigated in terms of their total polyphenolic contents and antioxidant and enzyme…
Phenolic compounds in novel foods: insights into white and pigmented quinoa
Quinoa ( Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is included in the European catalogue of novel foods. Indigenous to the Andes in South America, a global expansion of its cultivation has occurred worldwide over the last decades. At physiological maturity, quinoa grains display several colours. However, after desaponification…
Juniperus sabina L. as a Source of Podophyllotoxins: Extraction Optimization and Anticholinesterase Activities
Juniperus sabina L. (J. sabina) has been an important plant in traditional medicine since ancient times. Its needles are rich in podophyllotoxin, a precursor compound to anti-tumor drugs. However, no systematic research has been done on J. sabina as a source of podophyllotoxins or their biological action…
Factorial Optimization of Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Phycocyanin from Synechocystis salina: Towards a Biorefinery Approach
PC is a bioactive and colorant compound widely sought in the food, nutraceutical and cosmetic industries, and one of the most important pigments produced by Synechocystis salina. However, the general extraction process is usually time-consuming and expensive, with low extraction yields-thus compromising a…
Salting-Out crystallization of glycopeptide Vancomycin: Phase behavior study to control the crystal habit
Highlights • Octahedral habit is predominant in salting out room temperature Van crystallization. • Needle habit formation can be avoided by control of pH and salt concentration. • Yield of batch crystallization of octahedral habit is higher than needle habit. • Needle and octahedral crystals exhibit distinct dissolution and…
Aqueous two-phase extraction to separate alpha-ketoglutaric acid from fermentation broth by combining crystallization
Highlights • As fermentation product, high purity α-KG was achieved by ATPS and crystallization. • Acetone/(NH4)2SO4 system was found to be effective in recovering α-KG. • ATPS could effectively remove cell, protein and glucose in crude fermented broth. • The recyclability of (NH4)2SO4 precisely solves…
Global Organic Personal Care And Cosmetic Products Market Increasing Demand and surpass $55,729 mn by the end

The global organic personal care products market size was valued at $35,492 million in 2021 and is expected to grow with a high CAGR of 5.4% during the forecast. The global organic personal care products market is anticipated to register a higher than ever global market share during the projection period. A rise in the number of local manufacturers…
Organic Cosmetic Ingredients Market to Witness Huge Growth by Key Players: Seqens, Greenphyt, Seqens Group, Gobiotics
The Organic Cosmetic Ingredients market research report delivers accurate data and innovative corporate analysis, helping organizations of all sizes make appropriate decisions. The Organic Cosmetic Ingredients report also incorporates the current and future global market outlook in the emerging and developed…
Consumer response to bio-based products – A systematic review
Abstract Bio-based products represent a promising alternative to fossil-based products and contribute to reduce negative environmental consequences caused by the latter. As consumer behavior is crucial for market penetration of bio-based products, this review analyses the current state of the art in…
Heroing botanicals: Consumers champion natural extracts and herbal remedies

Consumer awareness around finding products that contain natural ingredients with well-being benefits continues to spur the meteoric growth of botanical extracts, with region-specific flavors such as African superfoods, hibiscus and rose extract trending. Food industry experts from Nexira, Gencor, Kerry andAfrican superfoods thrive as the trending ingredient resource for…
Muntons taps barley and wheat malt as sustainable plant-based meat ingredient

Malt, a common ingredient in beer, is being created by Muntons to aid in producing plant-based meat that is pegged as highly sustainable. Muntons utilizes a 100% environmentally sustainable malt derived from British barley and wheat to help manufacturers create plant-based burgers, sausages and sliced deli beef offerings. The plant-based meat industry is constantly innovating…
Europe Malt Extract Market Dynamic Innovation 2022-2026: Business Insights and Forecast Analysis Report

The Europe malt extract market is valued at US$ 9.8 Bn in 2021. The market is likely to grow at a CAGR of 5.6% through 2026, reaching US$ 12.9 Bn by 2026. Rising consumer awareness about the high nutritive value of diastatic malt extract will continue to drive the growth of Europe malt extract market Increasing health awareness and rising consumer demand for…
Global Meat And Meat Substitutes Binders and Scaffolders Markets, 2016-2021 & 2022-2026 && Long-term Forecasts to 2031
The « Binders and Scaffolders for Meat And Meat Substitutes Global Market Report 2022 » report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com’s offering. The global binders and scaffolders for meat and meat substitutes market is expected to grow from $3.44 billion in 2021 to $3.57 billion in 2022 at a…
Black Currant Seed Oil for Cosmetics market: Market Indicators Showing Positive Outlook | Gustav Heess, Esperi
The global Black Currant Seed Oil for Cosmetics Market is carefully researched in the report while largely concentrating on top players and their business tactics, geographical expansion, market segments, competitive landscape, manufacturing, and pricing and cost structures. Each section of the research study…