PAT Zerbaz extrait les molécules des plantes de La Réunion par les racines

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés des Echos) Dans une serre du sud de l’île, PAT Zerbaz exploite un brevet de la société nancéenne Plant Advanced Technologies pour extraire des principes actifs se trouvant dans les racines de certaines plantes, notamment des espèces endémiques de La Réunion. PAT Zerbaz touche au but…
Le programme Booster sort de terre au sud de Lyon

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés des Echos) Le promoteur lyonnais em2c lance un programme tertiaire de près de 8.000 mètres carrés. Adisseo, spécialiste de la nutrition animale sera l’un des occupants de cet ensemble livré l’année prochaine. A Saint-Fons dans la vallée de la chimie, sur un territoire en pleine mutation, le…
Les algues, la nouvelle frontière des start-up de la foodtech

(Article compelt réservé aux abonnés des Echos) Neptune Elements veut créer une nouvelle filière autour des algues, des légumes de la mer peu consommés en France. Seafood Reboot entend, pour sa part, utiliser les nutriments des algues pour développer des alternatives végétales aux poissons. Si les start-up de viande végétale…
Barry Callebaut opens new Greater China headquarters & CHOCOLATE ACADEMY center in Shanghai

Barry Callebaut’s new Shanghai office and CHOCOLATE ACADEMY center are by the Huangpu River. Regarded as the Mother River of Shanghai, this beautiful river serves multiple functions including drinking water, shipping, drainage, fishery, and tourism. China is one of Barry Callebaut’s largest chocolate…
Beneo study reveals chicory fiber may have prebiotic effect, improving microbiome function

Beneo offers naturally-sourced, functional ingredients derived from the chicory root, sugar beet, rice, and wheat, adding nutritional, technical and health benefits. Researchers have found that inulin-type fructans in chicory root fiber can increase the amount of Bifidobacteria in the microbiome. The researchers also found that the fibers increased the bacteria and…
Les IAA redoutent le rationnement énergétique

L’Ania redoute « demain, des rayons vides si la production alimentaire n’est pas préservée coûte que coûte ». Les entreprises agroalimentaires se disent « très inquiètes pour le maintien de leur production » si le rationnement de l’énergie et les coupures de courant envisagées par le gouvernement se concrétisaient. L’Ania appelle donc…
Swiss plant-based firm Planted eyes further expansion after funding round

The round was led by private-equity firm L Catterton. Switzerland’s Planted, a plant-based food start-up, has raised CHF70m (US$72m) in a funding round. It said the money brought in by the Series B funding round will be used to accelerate its plans to introduce whole cuts of faux meat into the market, including its chicken breast alternative, and to fund…
» Le steak végétal » fait le forcing
(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à La France Agricole) Protéines France a obtenu, à la fin de juillet, la suspension du décret interdisant les dénominations animales pour les substituts de viande à base de végétaux. Une décision qui divise le monde agricole, et annonce une rentrée tendue pour l’organisation…
Researchers discover « unexplored enzyme » to harness power of expensive saffron

Scientists have found a substitute for one of the most expensive spices in the world, saffron. The spice, known as « red gold » often gets overlooked in terms of production because of its price tag, limiting its place in the food industry. Research has now found an unexplored enzyme leads the way for the saffron pigment to be harnessed in other ways. Researchers from King…
AFYREN Diversifies Sales With Two Strategic Contracts to Supply Players in the Cosmetics and Nutraceuticals Markets

AFYREN Diversifies Sales With Two Strategic Contracts to Supply Players in the Cosmetics and Nutraceuticals Markets. At the end of a summer during which climate change was top-of-mind worldwide, major economic players are stepping up efforts…
Bel table sur les protéines issues de la fermentation de la biomasse

Le groupe fromager entame une collaboration avec Superbrewed Food pour développer une ligne de produits fromagers incorporant des protéines issues de la fermentation de la biomasse dans ses recettes. En savoir plus Cet article Bel table sur les protéines issues de la fermentation de la biomasse est apparu en premier sur Improve…
Coudekerque-Branche : Lesieur investit 21 millions d’euros

Le site Lesieur de Coudekerque-Branche, spécialisé dans le raffinage d’huiles et leur conditionnement, a investi 21 millions d’euros pour remplacer quatre de ses chaînes de conditionnement. Un nouvel outil qui lui permet de gagner en productivité et d’offrir de meilleures conditions de travail à ses 210 salariés. L’usine Lesieur est implantée sur…
La dynamique hi France est lancée : déjà 46 entreprises innovantes labellisées en 6 mois

hi France est le label national distinguant l’excellence des entreprises françaises innovantes dans lesquelles investir. Il vient parachever l’accompagnement de dirigeants par des experts de pôles de compétitivité. Avec déjà 46 entreprises labellisées en 6 mois, hi France incarne le dynamisme des pôles de compétitivité alors que s’ouvre en 2023 une nouvelle phase pour…
IFF to fast-track food ingredients tech at new Nourish Innovation Lab in US

International Flavors andsymamp; Fragrances (IFF) has inaugurated its latest US-based Nourish Innovation Lab at the company’s UniInternational Flavors & Fragrances (IFF) has inaugurated its latest US-based Nourish Innovation Lab at the company’s Union Beach, New Jersey R&D center. In the state-of-the-art lab, scientists – including flavorists and food designers…
Compagnie Léa Nature s’implante en Italie

(Brève – article complet) Compagnie Léa Nature a pris le contrôle de Bio Organica Italia, ainsi que de Bio Organica Farm, propriétaire de terres agricoles dans les Pouilles, à hauteur de 60 %. Spécialisée dans les antipasti et les produits méditerranéens biologiques et biodynamiques, l’entreprise rejoindra le pôle Ekibio du groupe. La…
Alibaba-backed investor propels alternative protein with US$25M Eat Just deal
Eat Just has netted a US$25 million investment from China-focused private equity firm C2 Capital Partners (C2), whose anchor investor is the Alibaba Group. According to C2, this is the company’s first investment and partnership in the alternative protein sector. The new funding is currently supporting Eat Just’s go-to-market strategies, sales, branding, consumer…
Jean-Paul Cadoret « Je parie sur le développement des microalgues »

Dans quelles mesures les microalgues peuvent répondre aux évolutions environnementales et sociétales ? Sur quelle force, l’Europe peut compter pour devenir leader dans ce domaine ? Pour tout savoir des pouvoirs des microalgues, rencontre avec l’un des plus grands spécialistes du sujet, Jean-Paul Cadoret…
Fanny Rolet (Antofénol): Antofénol développe des solutions naturelles pour remplacer les pesticides

BFM Business Partenaire – Ce mercredi 10 août, Fanny Rolet, présidente et fondatrice d’Antofénol, s’est penchée sur la valorisation des déchets viticoles pour fournir aux agriculteurs une alternative aux pesticides, dans l’émission Objectif Croissance présentée par Vincent Touraine…
ANGUS Expands Home and Personal Care Product Portfolio With Natural Botanical Extracts
ANGUS Chemical Company (“ANGUS” or “Company”), a leading global manufacturer and marketer of specialty chemicals for Life Sciences and Industrial markets, today announced the launch of a new portfolio of Natural Botanical Extracts for the U.S. market. The botanical extracts are produced by ANGUS in the…
BASF Launches CBD-based Ingredient to Expand Its Clean Beauty Offerings

TAGS: Sustainability / Natural Cosmetics Skin Care BASF has introduced ComfortBD™ to the U.S. market, a natural CBD-based ingredient derived from industrial hemp grown on farms in the United States that intend to seek certification for their organic growing…
Nutrition animale – Nealia et Sanders posent la première pierre de l’usine Aliane à Pauvres

Nealia (filiale de Vivescia) et Sanders (filiale du groupe Avril) ont dévoilé les principaux aspects de la future plateforme d’aliments composés humides de leur filiale commune: Aliane. Les filiales des groupes Avril et Vivescia, Nealia et Sanders, ont posé la première pierre de la future usine de production d’aliments composés humides pour…
Groupe Berkem annonce le succès de la mise en place d’un financement de 50 ME

Dont 43,5 ME de dette senior et 6,5 ME en Obligations RelancaGroupe Berkem, acteur de référence de la chimie du végétal annonce aujourd’hui le succès de la mise en place d’un financement auprès d’un pool de 6 banques françaises, ainsi que l’émission d’Obligations Relance en France. Anthony LABRUGNAS, Directeur Financier de Groupe…
Parution du rapport d’activité 2021 d’ASTREDHOR
ASTREDHOR, l’Institut technique de l’horticulture, publie son rapport d’activité 2021. Ce document présente les missions et synthétise les résultats de recherche et d’innovation de l’Institut. Ce rapport d’activité permet de dresser un panorama de l’étendue de l’expertise, des thématiques de recherche et des…
Gavan plant protein extraction process utilizes the entire plant, ensuring zero-waste

Gavan Technologies has unveiled a novel process to extract protein from lentil legumes. The process uses the entire plant, supports the circular economy and taps into the rising trend of upcycling. « Our new, multistep technological platform enables us to take any plant source, isolate and extricate multiple proteins and other valuable components until the source is…
Chimie. Gattefossé met 50 millions de dollars dans son usine du Texas

(article complet réservé aux abonnés à la Tribune de Lyon – abonnemeent gratuit) L’entreprise fondée à Lyon Gattefossé se développe aux États-Unis en construisant sa troisième usine hors de France au Texas…
Merit leverages membrane filtration technology for new pea protein poised for ready-to-drink beverages

Merit Functional Foods has revealed its high-protein new pea ingredient with a grit-free texture and without the sedimentation with formulations in proteinous ready-to-drink beverages. Sediment is one of the biggest challenges for beverage producers as it accumulates at the bottom of the bottle. Peazazz C is a lower sodium protein, with 800% less sodium than…
Health-Phase: un ambitieux projet de démonstrateur de bioproduction de composés actifs issus de microalgue

Le projet Health-Phase est officiellement lancé et va servir à ouvrir des programmes collaboratifs en microalgues santé. Initié début 2022 au sein du laboratoire GEPEA-UMR CNRS 6144 avec le soutien de la Région des Pays de la Loire, ce projet ambitieux vise à développer, à travers un démonstrateur, des procédés dédiés aux microalgues…
Biolie’s Upcycled Vosgian Fir Seed Brightens Skin – Cosmetics & Toiletries

The fir seed co-product extract, Firever (INCI: Water (Aqua) (and) Propanediol (and) Abies Alba Seed Extract), is described as a natural solution to fight against pigmentary disorders and the signs of aging. According to the company, the active targets dark spots on skin. In vitro tests in reconstructed epidermis demonstrate a 14% reduction in…
Face à la menace de crise alimentaire, les agrocarburants accusés d’aggraver les tensions

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés au Monde) La production mondiale de ce type de carburants, issus majoritairement de cultures agricoles, est remise en cause, pour la concurrence qu’elle entraîne avec les besoins alimentaires, mais aussi pour son impact environnemental sous-estimé. A la pompe, on les distingue par un nombre : E5, E10, E85, etc., soit la part croissante d’éthanol issu de la production de betterave, de blé ou de…
Croda Sells its Performance Technologies and Industrial Chemicals business to Cargill : Chemical Industry Digest

Cargill has reached an agreement with Croda to acquire the majority of its performance technologies and industrial chemicals business for $1.03 billion. The investment would dramatically expand Cargill’s bio-industrial footprint to better serve industrial manufacturers searching for greener ingredient solutions. The transaction, which is subject to regulatory approvals, is expected to close in Summer 2022. « The bio…
Optimization and modelling in flavonoid and phenolic compounds recovery from peanut skin by subcritical water
Subcritical water extraction (SWE) is a process for extracting phenolic and flavonoid compounds from the skin of the peanut ( Arachis hypogea ). The phenolic and flavonoid compounds of peanut skin were frequently recovered using a hazardous solvent in a traditional extraction procedure. Subcritical water extraction is…
Integrated multiproduct biorefinery from Ricinus communis in Mexico: Conceptual design, evaluation, and optimization, based on environmental and economic aspects
Currently, biorefineries require production of multiple value-added bioproducts to compete with oil-derived products. Castor oil, extracted from the Ricinus communis plant, is a valuable biorefinery feedstock for producing a wide range of biochemical products, besides biofuels. However, the castor oil biorefinery…
Bio-production of eicosapentaenoic acid from the diatom Nanofrustulum shiloi via two-step high performance countercurrent chromatography
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is an essential polyunsaturated fatty acid of nutritional and physiological relevance for humans. It is commercially produced mainly from fish oil, but new sustainable sources are required. In this study, pure EPA ethyl ester was produced from Nanofrustulum shiloi biomass by…
A streamlined method for pressurized extraction and fractionation of leaf lipids
Plant leaf lipids are complex mixtures, which may include n-alkanes, n-alkanols, fatty acids, phenolic compounds, phytosterols, terpenes, flavonoids, and alkaloids. Many of these compounds are also widely distributed in sediments and soils, preserving molecular and isotopic information that aids the study of…
Synergetic effect of ultrasound and hydrodistillation for extraction of patchouli oil: Screening, optimization and comparison
Patchouli oil is highly recommended in fragrance and cosmetic industries. Patchouli alcohol is the main component as well as the prime reason for the classical aroma of the oil. An intensified concept of aiding hydrodistillation with sonication, a green concept, has been incorporated to maximize the yield of patchouli…
Ultrasonic-assisted extraction of carotenoids using cottonseed oil: Optimization, physicochemical properties, and flavor studies
Vegetable oils are ideal alternative solvents for extracting fat-soluble substances. Here, response surface methodology, conventional analysis, and headspace-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry were used to evaluate the effect of an extraction process on the carotenoid yield, changes in physicochemical…
Improving the extraction of guayulins from guayule stems (Parthenium argentatum A. Gray)
Guayule (Parthenium argentatum A. Gray) exploitation has so far been focused on the production of rubber, but until now was unable to compete commercially, as other guayule co-products have not been equally considered for exploitation. However, to successfully exploit one of these co-products, the guayulins, it…
A subcritical butane-based extraction of non-psychoactive cannabinoids from hemp inflorescences
Although several extraction methodologies have been reported to date, the development of novel, more powerful, and alternative extraction processes using hemp as the vegetable matrix is still a challenging field of research. In this manuscript the performance of the subcritical butane promoted extraction of a panel of 5…
Nanofiltration (NF) Membrane Processing in the Food Industry
Nanofiltration (NF) membranes are the globally recognized membrane technology, having potential use in food industries from a consistent, economical and standard operation point of view. NF has also attracted industries due to the need for lower pressure–driven membranes compared to reverse osmosis…
Stability of natural food colorants derived from onion leaf wastes
Plant anthocyanins have widely been employed as natural food colorants. However, their instability restricts many of their applications in food industry. In this study, anthocyanins were extracted from onion outer scales, using aqueous solutions with or without added cyclodextrins (CDs). The results indicated that…
Onion waste based-biorefinery for sustainable generation of value-added products
Waste derived from the onion processing sector can be harnessed for the production of organic acids, polyphenols, polysachharides, biofuels and pigments. To sustainably utilize onion processing residues, different biorefinery strategies such as enzymatic hydrolysis, fermentation and hydrothermal…
Deep eutectic solvents as new media for green extraction of food proteins: Opportunity and challenges
Highlights • The recent research progress on extraction of food proteins by DES is reviewed. • DES can exhibit high extraction efficiency in the extraction of food proteins. • The structure and activity of extracted proteins can completely be retained by DES-based method. • DES with low viscosity, high selectivity…
Process for increasing yield in plant based products
A process for using bacterial or fungal metalloprotease and trypsin to solve problems associated with conventional protease extraction techniques by dramatically reducing temperature, incubation time and proteolysis during protease extraction. The present disclosure relates to a protease treatment for…
Seaweed extract
A savoury flavour concentrate from seaweed containing Fucus serratus provides for umami and meaty notes when added to savoury food product. The concentrate can be used for the preparation of flavour products or can be added as such. Also described is a process for the preparation of the concentrate from seaweed…
Systems and methods for extracting and isolating purified wheat embryo products
Methods for producing a purified wheat embryo product are disclosed. In one embodiment, producing a purified wheat embryo product includes the steps of: accelerating a plurality of wheat berries toward an impact surface, impacting each of the plurality of wheat berries against the impact surface, dislodging at least…
Economical process for the isolation of functional protein from plants
The invention relates to a method for obtaining a protein from a plant material, wherein the method comprises the steps of i) mechanically disrupting the plant cells to obtain a plant juice in the presence of a reducing agent, ii) treating the plant juice to cause aggregation of chloroplast membranes, iii) removing the…
Magnetic deep eutectic solvents – fundamentals and applications
Highlights • Magnetic deep eutectic solvents (MDES) present unique properties. • Detailed information on synthesis, structures, and physicochemical properties of MDES are included. • Application of MDES in extraction processes and catalyst preparation. • Advantages, limitations, and future perspectives…
Algal biorefinery culminating multiple value-added products: recent advances, emerging trends, opportunities, and challenges
Algal biorefinery is rising as a prominent solution to economically fulfill the escalating global requirement for nutrition, feed, fuel, and medicines. In recent years, scientific productiveness associated with microalgae-based studies has elaborated in multiplied aspects, while translation to the commercial level continues…
Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of natural dyes from jackfruit wood (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamk) by response surface methodology
The microwave-assisted extraction method for extraction of natural dyes from plants is more effective than the conventional methods because of shorter processing time and less solvents use. The objective of this research is to optimize the effects of extraction time, microwave power and feed/solvent (F/S) ratio on…
Evaluation and comparison in caffeine extraction under green conditions: Solvent selection and ultrasound-assisted process
This study compared the green solvents ethyl acetate and water for caffeine extraction from coffee pills against four traditional solvents (ethanol, methanol, acetone, and acetonitrile). Each solvent\’s green degree (GD) was calculated using seven environmental and technical performance parameters. The…
Non-toxic proteins and omega-3 from algae and method of making same
Disclosed is a non-toxic omega-3 rich extract and non-toxic miscella and a method of producing same. The method may include obtaining an aqueous microalgae slurry comprising at least 65% water; mixing the aqueous microalgae slurry with ethanol for a predetermined duration; separating the aqueous…
Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from coffee pulp using propylene glycol as a solvent and their antioxidant activities
In the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, it has been increasingly popular to use alternative solvents in the extraction of bioactive compounds from plants. Coffee pulp, a by-product of coffee production, contains different phenolic compounds with antioxidant properties. The effects of polyols, amplitude, extraction…
Enzyme-assisted extraction of fucoidan from Kjellmaniella crassifolia based on kinetic study of enzymatic hydrolysis of algal cellulose
Abstract Fucoidan extraction from Kjellmaniella crassifolia was enhanced through β-glucosidase fortified cellulase treatment. Kinetic study of the hydrolysis of isolated seaweed cellulose by commercial enzymes was carried out, and cellulolytic enzyme cocktail was optimized according to the degradation kinetics…
Optimization of Polyphenols’ Recovery from Purple Corn Cobs Assisted by Infrared Technology and Use of Extracted Anthocyanins as a Natural Colorant in Pickled Turnip
An ecofriendly extraction technology using infrared (IR) irradiation Ired-Irrad® was applied to purple corn cobs to enhance polyphenol recovery for the first time. The IR extraction efficiency was compared to that of the water bath (WB) method. Response surface methodology (RSM) using a central composite design…
Extraction of natural pigments from red sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) husk by ultrasound and microwave assisted extraction: A comparative study through response surface analysis
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) is an important source of bioactive compounds, such as the phenolic compounds. The phenolic compounds in sorghum grain are concentrated in its hull; however, its hull is usually being discarded as a waste. In this study, ultrasonication power intensity (916, 1018, and 1120 W/cm2)…
Green Extraction of Annatto Seed Oily Extract and Its Use as a Pharmaceutical Material for the Production of Lipid Nanoparticles
This work developd nanomaterials formulated from annatto seed oily extract (ASE), myristic acid (tetradecanoic acid), and their fatty acid esters. The annatto seed oily extract was obtained using only soybean oil (ASE + SO) and Brazil nut oil (ASE + BNO). The UV/VIS analysis of the oily extracts…
A Comprehensive Review on Microalgae-based Biorefinery as Two-way Source of Wastewater Treatment and Bioresource Recovery
In the past few years, microalgae have gained huge recognition from the scientific community due to their potential applications in the production of a broad array of bio-based products varying from biofuels to nanoparticles. Due to their elevated growth rate, high tolerance to various types of abiotic stresses…
A look into Phaffia rhodozyma biorefinery: From the recovery and fractionation of carotenoids, lipids and proteins to the sustainable manufacturing of biologically active bioplastics
Carotenoids over-producing yeasts has become a focus of interest of the biorefineries, in which the integration of the bioproduction with the following downstream processing units for the recovery and purification of carotenoids and other value-added byproducts is crucial to improve the sustainability and profitability of…
Comparison of Wet Fractionation Methods for Processing Broccoli Agricultural Wastes and Evaluation of the Nutri-Chemical Values of Obtained Products
The main objective of this study was to increase the economic value of broccoli green agro-waste using three wet fractionation methods in the shadow of green biorefinery and the circular economy. Product candidates were obtained directly by using a mechanical press, and indirectly by using microwave coagulation…
Valorization of Tomato Seed By-Products as a Source of Fatty Acids and Bioactive Compounds by Using Advanced Extraction Techniques
In this work, lipids and bioactive compounds from tomato seed by-products were extracted and compared by using advanced extraction techniques, such as microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE). The influence of different extraction parameters, including extraction temperature (T)…
Natural pigments of plant origin: Classification, extraction and application in foods
Color is the first attribute that influences the acceptance of foods as they become more attractive to consumers when they are more intense and uniform. In recent years, the interest of producers and consumers in purchasing products containing natural ingredients have constantly increased. Natural pigments…
Rejuvenation of Natural Dyes From Medicinal-Based Plants
Growing awareness about the environmental issues caused by synthetic colorants in all applied fields has affected the global mental approach about charming colors. Now, people are shifting toward eco-safe, greener, sustainable labeled products, which have not only excellent antiviral, antioxidant…
Une nouvelle technologie pour lyophiliser plus rapidement les produits

La start-up Lyophitech a mis au point un lyophilisateur dynamique capable de lyophiliser des produits entre 4 à 5 fois plus vite que les lyophilisateurs statiques conventionnels. Ce nouveau procédé permet aussi de réduire la consommation d’énergie…
Extraction and utilization of active substances from edible fungi substrate and residue: A review
The expansion of the edible fungi industry has resulted in the production of large amounts of edible fungus residues, causing great pressure on environmental protection.Therefore, research on edible fungus residue utilization has become a controversial issue. Thus far, numerous efforts have been devoted to separate…
Ultrasonic-assisted extraction and purification of xylo-oligosaccharides from wheat bran
This study was to produce functional xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS) from wheat bran via ultrasonic-assisted extraction, enzymatic hydrolysis, and purification. Optimal extraction conditions were ultrasonic frequency of 72 kHz, sonication time of 20 min, solid/liquid ratio of 1:21(w/v), 100°C, and extraction time of 2.25 h…
An overview on microalgae as renewable resources for meeting sustainable development goals
The increased demands and dependence on depleted oil reserves, accompanied by global warming and climate change have driven the world to explore and develop new strategies for global sustainable development. Among sustainable biomass sources, microalgae represent a promising alternative to fossil…
Extraction of cynarin and chlorogenic acid from Artichoke leaves (Cynara scolymus L.) and evaluation of antioxidant activity, antibacterial activity of extract
Artichoke has been well known as a traditional medicine because of its phenolic compounds. In this study, solid-liquid extraction, ultrasound-assisted extraction, and enzyme-assisted extraction were used to extract cynarin and chlorogenic acid from dry artichoke leaves. In the optimum experimental parameters…
Recent advances in non-conventional techniques for extraction of phycobiliproteins and carotenoids from microalgae
The diverse colors and significant health benefits of some natural pigments, such as phycobiliproteins and carotenoids, have made them valuable compounds in various industries, including food, cosmetics, poultry, and pharmaceutical. Phycocyanin, astaxanthin, β-carotene, and lutein are the main examples of high…
Terpene enrichment methods and systems
Abstract: The present disclosure provides methods and systems producing active extraction products from cannabis resin. An example method comprises introducing a mixture of a resin and an extractor into a sealed container, heating the mixture to extract cannabinoids and terpenes from the resin, adding water to…
Advances of non-conventional green technologies for phyto-saccharides extraction: current status and future perspectives
Saccharides play a vital role in the human diet due to their beneficial biological and functional properties. The adverse limitations of conventional extraction methods for plant saccharides have led to the search for advanced, ecofriendly, and cost-effective extraction techniques. This review focuses on the five…
Extraction and Purification of Phycocyanin from Arthrophira platensis Microalgae Using a Green Solid-Liquid Extraction Technology (RSLDE)
Spirulina is a blue alga belonging to the class of Cyanobacteria. This alga is characterized by a high content of phycocyanin (PC), a blue photosynthetic pigment belonging to the phycobiliprotein family. As natural dye, PC has a lot of industrial applications, in several fields such as the cosmetic, food, and textile sectors…
Valorization Beetroot Waste for Eco-Friendly Extraction of Natural Dye for Textile and Food Applications
An important direction toward change refers to replacing the synthetic components, especially the synthetic dyes, currently utilized in the textile industry that is hazardous both to humans and nature. The goal of this research was to see how effective aqueous extraction of natural colour from Beetroot waste was. FTIR…
Succinic acid recovery from a glycerol-based solution using phosphonium ionic liquids supported by COSMO-RS
Succinic acid has been considered a promising chemical building block that can be bio-produced using renewable resources. However, one of the biggest challenges in the bioproduction of this acid is the extraction and purification process. Currently, to extract and improve the purity of the produced succinic acid, a…
Pressurized hot water-assisted recovery of crude residual agar from a never-dried algae industry waste stream: A Box-Behnken design approach
The potential of using pressurized hot water extraction to valorize the remaining crude agar in Gelidium sesquipedale waste stream after an initial industrial extraction was investigated. In this process, a four-factor Box-Behnken design was coupled with a response surface methodology. The impact of the…
Extractability of Curcuminoids Is Enhanced with Milk and Aqueous-Alcohol Mixtures
In this study, we evaluated the extractability of three curcuminoids (curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin) from turmeric powder in several solvents using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with the diode-array detection method. These solvents include water…
Microalgae-Based Biorefineries: Challenges and Future Trends to Produce Carbohydrate Enriched Biomass, High-Added Value Products and Bioactive Compounds
Microalgae have demonstrated a large potential in biotechnology as a source of various macromolecules (proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids) and high-added value products (pigments, poly-unsaturated fatty acids, peptides, exo-polysaccharides, etc.). The production of biomass at a large scale becomes more…
Valorization of avocado seeds with antioxidant capacity using pressurized hot water extraction
The pulp of avocado (Persea Americana) is widely consumed as the primary food source, while the seed is often discarded as food waste. Increased consumption of avocado would inevitably results in production of waste by-products such as avocado seeds, hence the ability to extract phytochemicals from such waste…
Valuable bioproducts from seaweeds obtained by green extraction technologies: Potential health benefits and applications in pharmacological industries
Abstract Seaweeds are considered one of the most potential yet renewable marine resources in the food, pharmacy, as well as cosmetic industries. A great deal of interest has been developed to extract bioproducts from seaweeds because of their numerous health-beneficial effects. Seaweed-derived bioproducts…
Surfactant-Assisted Extraction of Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree) Oil by Hydrodistillation and Its Application in Microemulsion
Background The surfactant-assisted extraction of essential oil from Melaleuca alternifolia foliage, aka tea tree oil (TTO), was studied systematically with the design of experiments (DoE) with an aim to improve the extraction of TTO. Specifically, the optimal parameters of hydrodistillation process were obtained with…
Extracting and refining plant cuticular waxes from aqueous dispersion using a capturing agent
The present invention concerns a method of extracting and refining wax from plant material. Briefly, the method comprises the steps of (a) providing plant by material comprising cuticular wax, (b) disassociating cuticular wax from the plant material, thereby obtaining a sample comprising plant derived cuticular wax…
Extraction and purification method and application of plant-condensed tannin
The invention discloses an extraction and purification method and application of plant condensed tannin. The extraction method conducts extraction on plant samples by means of a compound enzyme extractant, and the compound enzyme extractant contains laccase, cellulase, and pectinase. The invention first proposes the…
Onion anthocyanins: Extraction, stability, bioavailability, dietary effect, and health implications
Anthocyanins are high-value compounds, and their use as functional foods and their natural colorant have potential health benefits. Anthocyanins seem to possess antioxidant properties, which help prevent neuronal diseases and thereby exhibit anti-inflammatory, chemotherapeutic, cardioprotective, hepatoprotective…
Extraction of bound phenolics from shiitake mushrooms (Lentinus edodes) by combined acid and base hydrolysis procedures and analysis of phenolic profiles and antioxidant capacities
Shiitake mushrooms contain free phenolics (FPs) and bound phenolics (BPs). BPs embedded in mushrooms are generally neglected and underestimated. Methods of hydrolysis with acid, base and their combination in different sequences were developed to release BPs. The contents, compositions and antioxidant capacities…
Supercritical fluid extraction of astaxanthin-rich extracts from Haematococcus pluvialis: economic assessment
The study evaluated the techno-economic feasibility of an industrial SFE plant to produce astaxanthin-rich extracts in Chile based on previously published data. A kinetic study comparing two solvent flow rates (3.62 and 7.24 g/min) at a scale production of 2 × 10 L showed the FER period as the more economically…
The Pulsed Electric Field Assisted-Extraction Enhanced the Yield and the Physicochemical Properties of Soluble Dietary Fiber From Orange Peel
The study aimed to investigate the effects of pulsed electric field (PEF)-assisted extraction on the yield, physicochemical properties, and structure of soluble dietary fiber (SDF) from orange peel. The results showed that the optinal parameters of PEF assisted extraction SDF was temperature of 45oC with the electric…
Process for protein enrichment of dried distillers grains using a tribo-electrostatic separator device
A tribo-electrostatic separation process for fractionating a feed mixture derived from dried distiller’s grains (DDG) or distiller’s dried grains and mixed with solubles (DDGS) is disclosed…
Pulsed electric field assisted extraction of natural food pigments and colorings from plant matrices
Highlights • Pulsed electric field (PEF) technology enables the extraction of food pigments at lower temperatures. • PEF process intensification may reduce the extraction yield depending on the plant matrix. • Coupling PEF with other emerging technologies is a smart strategy to extract natural pigments…
The Effect of High-Intensity Ultrasound and Natural Oils on the Extraction and Antioxidant Activity of Lycopene from Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Waste
The extraction of lycopene was carried out with three types of vegetable oils (grape, extra virgin olive, and peanut) by means of two methods: agitation and high-intensity ultrasound with a frequency of 20 kHz at an amplitude of 80% with periods of 40 s of sonication for 20 min at a temperature of 40 °C. The…
Algal Biorefining: Resource Expenditure and Exergo-Environmental Sustainability
This book details the attractive features of algae as a sustainable third-generation feedstock for biorefineries. The commonly explored algal biofuels technologies such as pyrolysis, fermentation, transesterification, gasification, and briquetting/pelleting are assessed in a biorefinery concept and discussed based on…
Acacia Wood Fractionation Using Deep Eutectic Solvents: Extraction, Recovery, and Characterization of the Different Fractions
The selective extraction and recovery of different lignocellulosic molecules of interest from forestry residues is increasing every day not only to satisfy the needs of driving a society toward more sustainable approaches and materials (rethinking waste as a valuable resource) but also because lignocellulosic molecules…
Production of antihypertensive and antidiabetic peptide fractions from quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) by electrodialysis with ultrafiltration membranes
Abstract Processing bioactive peptides from natural sources using electrodialysis with ultrafiltration membranes (EDUF) have gained attention since it can fractionate in terms of their charge and molecular weight. Quinoa is a pseudo-cereal highlighted by its high protein content, amino acid profile and…
Extraction of curcuminoids and ar-turmerone from turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) using hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents (HDESs) and application as HDES-based microemulsions
The extraction of curcuminoids and aromatic (ar)-turmerone from Curcuma longa L. using organic solvents produces chemical waste, and is therefore incompatible with food applications. To address this issue, this study presents the design of hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents (HDESs) and HDES-based…
Global Botanical Flavor Powder Market 2022-2028 – Growing Demand,Trend,Cagr, |Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Archer Daniels Midland, Carrubba Incorporated
Recently we published the latest report on the Botanical Flavor Powder market. The report on the Botanical Flavor Powder market provides a holistic analysis, of market size and forecast, trends, growth drivers, and challenges, as well as vendor analysis covering around 15 vendors. The report offers an up-to-date…
Part de marché des émulsifiants alimentaires 2022: tendances, acteurs clés, analyse de l’industrie et prévisions 2022-2028
Le marché des émulsifiants alimentaires affiche un TCAC considérable de 4,8 % au cours de la période de prévision. Les émulsifiants alimentaires sont les composés chimiques qui facilitent la formation de micelles stables dans le temps. La caractéristique unique des émulsions d’être utilisées sous forme de…
Global Plant Based Bioactive Market worth $ 34.82 Billion by 2030 – Exclusive Report by InsightAce Analytic

Global Plant Based Bioactive market is valued at US$ 13.54 Billion in 2021, and it is expected to reach US$ 34.82 Billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 11.4%. InsightAce Analytic Pvt. Ltd. announces the release of a market assessment report on the « Global Plant Based Bioactive Market- by Source (Fruits & vegetables, Plants, Legumes and…
Microbial Algae Products Market to Reach US$ 4.8 Bn by 2030
Robust growth of the supplements market over the last decade is a major factor for the high demand for microbial algae products across major regions of the world. Demand for nutraceuticals and functional foods is expected to increase as consumers prefer foods that increase their immunity. Microbial algae products…
Microalgal carotenoids: A promising alternative to synthetic dyes
Abstract Natural dyes and pigments (vegetal, animal and microbial) are safer than synthetic dyes which have a polluting and harmful impact on the environment. Among natural microbial sources of pigments, microalgae are widely exploited for the production of phycobiliproteins, chlorophylls but especially carotenoids which…
Berry Extracts for Feed Market Estimated at USD 8.95 billion by 2029 with Healthy CAGR 6.7%| Key Vendors: Perstorp, Nutrition N.V., Kemin Industries, Inc., Biomin GmbH and Impextraco NV

Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the berry extracts for the feed market were valued at USD 5.33 billion in 2021 and are expected to reach the value of USD 8.95 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 6.7% during the forecast period of 2022 to 2029. The market is expanding due to growing concerns about animal health. Modern feed…
Substituts de viande Taille du marché, part, croissance, tendances du secteur, demande, dernière innovation 2022-2029
Data Bridge Market Research analyse que le marché mondial des substituts de viande représentera 10,43 milliards USD d’ici 2028, avec un TCAC de 6,85 % au cours de la période de prévision 2021-2028. Les substituts de viande sont des substituts de viande nutritifs. Ils ont un goût et une apparence similaires à…
Technologies avancées du marché des extraits floraux, tendances, tendances actuelles et prévisions du marché des revenus 2028
Le document de marché convaincant Extrait Floral est la meilleure source donnant des valeurs CAGR avec des variations au cours de la période de prévision de 2022-2029 pour le marché. Avec l’analyse complète du marché, il présente un aperçu du marché en ce qui concerne le type et les applications, en présentant…
Caroténoïdes alimentaires pour l’aquaculture Études de marché par taille, part, tendances, opportunités commerciales et principales fabrications et prévisions d’ici 2028

Caroténoïdes alimentaires pour l’aquaculture Marché rapport de recherche est une source essentielle d’informations qui donne des détails techniques et financiers actuels et à venir sur l’industrie. Toutes les données de marché collectées sont vérifiées et validées par les experts du marché pour les lecteurs et les utilisateurs finaux. Il…
Seaweed Protein Market by Source (Red Seaweed, Green Seaweed & Brown Seaweed), Extraction Process (Conventional Method & Current Method), Mode of Application (Food, Animal Feed & Additives, Personal Care & Cosmetics) & Region – Global Forecast to 2027
The Seaweed protein market is estimated at USD 585 million in 2022; it is projected to grow at a CAGR of 14.1% to reach USD 1131 million by 2027. The growth of this market is estimated to be driven by the increasing health awareness among consumers. Seaweed protein has observed massive growth due to…
Bioactive polysaccharides from microalgae: A close look at the biomedical applications
There is a current tendency towards bioactive natural products that can be used in different areas such as food, pharmaceutical, and biomedical. In the last decades, the polysaccharides have attracted an increasing interest because of the potent nontoxic effects, therapeutic properties, and the diversified range…
Marché des solvants verts et biosourcés – croissance, tendances, impact du Covid-19 et prévisions (2022-2027)
Le marché des solvants verts et biosourcés devrait croître à un TCAC de plus de 7 % au cours de la période de prévision. Les principaux facteurs qui animent le marché étudié sont une réglementation stricte sur les émissions de COV et d’autres polluants atmosphériques dangereux et la pénétration croissante du…
Le marché de l’huile essentielle de romarin devrait exploser :Lebermuth Company, Katyani Exports, Yafa Herbs
La dernière étude de marché mondiale Huile Essentielle de Romarin publiée a évalué le potentiel de croissance future du marché Huile Essentielle de Romarin mondial et fournit des informations et des statistiques utiles sur la structure et la taille du marché. Le rapport vise à fournir des informations sur…
Vetiver Oil Market to Garner revenue of USD 126 Million By 2030 Driven by Increasing Use of Vetiver Oils in Aromatherapy

Acumen Research and Consulting recently published report titled « Vetiver Oil Market Size, Share, Analysis Report and Region Forecast, 2022 – 2030 » The Global Vetiver Oil Market Size accounted for a revenue of USD 59 Million in 2021 and is expected to reach the market value of USD 126 Million…
Chocolate Extract (pure chocolate extract) Market Size is Expanding with a large Industry Scope During [2022–2028] | Growth Status, Revenue, Regional Competitors, Production and Consumption Opportunities
The Chocolate Extract (pure chocolate extract) Market research report includes specific segments by region (country), by company, by Type and by Application. This study provides information about the sales and revenue during the historic and forecasted period of 2017 to 2028. Understanding the segments helps…
Marché mondial de extrait de thé noir 2022 par fabricants, régions, type et application, prévisions jusqu’en 2028
L’étude du rapport de recherche Marché Extrait De Thé Noir mondial 2022 estime le marché, mettant en évidence les opportunités, l’analyse du côté des risques, un avantage avec un soutien à la prise de décision stratégique et diplomatique. L’étude offre des informations sur les tendances et le développement du…
Document global sur le marché mondial Système D’Extraction Par Solvant – Potentiel actuel et futuriste 2022-2029
Le rapport Marché mondial Système D’Extraction Par Solvant 2022 affine les aspects essentiels de l’industrie et les présente sous la forme d’un document unifié et complet. Le rapport Système D’Extraction Par Solvant commence par un aperçu de la structure de la chaîne industrielle et décrit l’environnement de l’industrie…
Le Marché des Gousses de Vanille et des Extraits Générera un Chiffre d’affaires Record d’ici 2028
Des informations vitales sur les facteurs de croissance du marché, les tendances du marché et les éléments essentiels du marché fournis dans ce rapport d’étude de marché sur les graines de vanille et l’extrait de vanille aident grandement à améliorer les performances de l’entreprise, à éviter les revers futurs…
Anthocyanins pull double duty as health-promoting ingredients and natural food colors

Natural colors are being widely adopted in the food, nutrition, and beverages industries, gradually replacing their synthetic counterparts. Natural colors accounted for almost 70% of the total colors market in 2021, compared to 2010 when they accounted for only 40% of the total market. The extensive use of natural colors in functional foods and…
Rapport d’étude de marché sur le bêta-carotène | DSM, BASF, Allied Biotech, Chr Hansen
Global Market Vision a récemment publié un rapport de recherche intitulé ‘Bêta-carotène Market Size, and Forecast 2022-2029, Breakdown Data by Manufacturers, Key Regions, Types and Application’. Des méthodologies de recherche primaire et secondaire ont été utilisées pour formuler ce rapport. L’analyse a…
Corn Wet-Milling – Global Market Trajectory & Analytics- Product Image Corn Wet-Milling – Global Market Trajectory & Analytics
Global Corn Wet-Milling Market to Reach $86 Billion by 2027. Amid the COVID-19 crisis, the global market for Corn Wet-Milling estimated at US$67.8 Billion in the year 2020, is projected to reach a revised size of US$86 Billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 3.5% over the analysis period 2020-2027. Starch, one of the…
Riding on the plant-based wave with rice ingredients

The market for healthier food options is now a booming one, with a distinct spotlight on plant-based alternatives. Especially in recent years, the perceived healthier nature of plant-based alternatives has played an influential role in steering consumer interest towards it. Promoting long-term health is a key driver for 70 percent of people choosing plant-based foods. Coupled with increasing concerns over environmental sustainability and…
Waxy Maize Starch Market is Estimated to Progress at a CAGR of 5.8% during the Forecast Period, TMR Study

Waxy corn starch is utilized in food products to enhance texture, flavor, moisture retention, and flowability, which is likely to lengthen the lifespan of final products. Given the strong growth potential and increasing consumption of waxy corn starch in various non-food applications, companies are likely to focus on these application segment. The value of the global waxy…
Le marché des arômes alimentaires | France
Un arôme alimentaire est un ingrédient qui apporte un goût et/ou une odeur spécifique à l’aliment auquel il est incorporé à très petite dose. D’après les prévisions, le marché mondial de l’arôme va croître à un rythme soutenu de 4,8% par an entre 2020 et 2025. Cette hausse est tirée par les pays émergents avec l’Asie…
Les compléments alimentaires changent de régime industriel

La crise sanitaire a libéré la curiosité des Français pour les produits de santé naturels, notamment les compléments alimentaires. Alors que la demande explose, la filière régionale, des start-up jusqu’aux grands faiseurs, monte en puissance, générant des projets industriels et motivant l’intérêt des investisseurs…
Inuline et FOS Valeur marchande et volume avec statut et perspective 2022 à 2028
Inuline et FOS Scénarios de marché et brève analyse avec taille, statut et prévisions 2022-2027. Le rapport de recherche mondial intitulé Inuline et FOS Market a contribué à fournir des lignes directrices aux entreprises. Il a été agrégé en fonction de différents piliers clés des entreprises tels que les moteurs…