A smarter future for cocoa? Upcycling certification and traceability tactics to tackle deforestation

As cocoa farming is battered with climate shocks and volatile marketing pricing, one major supplier, Ecom has unveiled a Cocoa Charter designed to tackle deforestation and strengthen biodiversity with big aims to reach zero deforestation in the supply chain by 2023. Other moves in cocoa include how Barry Callebaut’s upcycling project Cacao Barry is making strides…
Spirulysat® – Soin support en oncologie

Les applications du Spirulysat en soin de support en oncologie pour réduire les effets indésirables des traitements chimio-thérapeutiques. SOIN SUPPORT EN ONCOLOGIE : L’usage des microalgues en soin de support. Les extraits bioactifs de microalgues d’AlgoSource sont obtenus grâce à un procédé unique et breveté d’extraction à l’eau, à froid, sans solvant ni produit chimique. Réalisée sans aucun traitement thermique…
Chimie verte : Metex lance ses premiers produits de spécialité

Le groupe clermontois spécialiste de la production d’acides aminés par fermentation commercialise une gamme de produits à forte valeur ajoutée pour l’alimentation animale. Une première pour cet acteur qui souhaite accélérer son développement vers ce type de produits répondant aux besoins précis de ses clients. C’est le premier pas concret…
Gattefossé lance la construction de son site de production en Amérique du Nord

Le fabricant français d’ingrédients naturels pour produits cosmétiques et pharmaceutiques poursuit son développement international avec le lancement des travaux de construction de son premier site de production en Amérique du Nord, à Lufkin, au Texas. Spécialiste de la chimie des lipides et de l’extraction…
Lyophitech réinvente la lyophilisation

Lyophitech a choisi de s’implanter à Vénissieux. Cette jeune entreprise villeurbannaise y exploitera une technologie en passe de révolutionner le marché de la lyophilisation. Lyophitech a mis au point un procédé de lyophilisation dynamique en collaboration avec l’Université Lyon I. Sa machine, fabriquée sur-mesure, est capable…
Florimond Desprez prépare les semences de demain face au changement climatique

Le groupe familial nordiste, leader des semences de betterave sucrière mais aussi très présent dans le blé et les plants de pomme de terre, a sécurisé un plan de financement de 40 millions d’euros avec la BEI. Il se positionne comme un obtenteur de variétés de grandes cultures adaptées à… (article complet réservé aux abonnés au Echos)
Avec Sugar Cosmetics, LVMH cible un marché indien de la beauté en plein essor

Sugar Cosmetics, jeune marque indienne de produits de beauté vient de clôturer un nouveau tour de table de 50 millions de dollars auprès d’un groupe d’investisseurs conduits par le fonds asiatique de L Catterton, détenu en partie par la maison de luxe française LVMH. Cette opération intervient au moment où le marché indien…
Les nouveautés Biolandes présentées au Simppar à Paris
Depuis sa création en 1980, Biolandes travaille consciencieusement dans le respect de la nature et des hommes. Minimiser son impact sur l’environnement et préserver les écosystèmes locaux ont toujours été au cœur de ses décisions. Cette volonté n’a cessé de marquer ses choix et sa vision quotidienne, ainsi que…
ANDRITZ : to supply biomethanol purification plant for Veolia in Äänekoski, Finland

International technology group ANDRITZ has received an order from Veolia Services Suomi, a Veolia Group company, to supply a biomethanol purification plant. The plant, which will be integrated into Metsä Fibre’s bioproduct mill in Äänekoski, Finland, refines the crude sulphate methanol generated in pulp production to obtain commercial…
Where food meets IT: les technologies alimentaires intelligentes bientôt à l’essai à Lemgo

En Allemagne, la Smart Food Factory, financée par un fonds européen, aura pour but d’améliorer la gestion de la nourriture disponible, notamment en passant à la loupe les aliments et leur mode de production. Nous vivons assurément dans un monde de contradiction: alors que la famine sévit dans une grande partie de la planète…
DSM et Firmenich veulent créer un géant mondial des parfums et de la nutrition

Le groupe néerlandais DSM, spécialiste de la nutrition, et la société suisse Firmenich, spécialiste des parfums et arômes, ont conclu un accord de fusion de leurs activités pour constituer un géant mondial des arômes, des parfums, et de la beauté. La nouvelle entité, dont le chiffre d’affaires avoisinera les 12 milliards d’euros, comptera quatre…
Azelis inaugurates state-of-the-art Regional Innovation Center for food & nutrition in Singapore

Azelis, a leading innovation service provider in the specialty chemicals and food ingredients industry, announces the opening of its Regional Innovation Center (RIC) for Food & Nutrition (F&N) in Singapore, further demonstrating the Group’s commitment to continuously invest in its innovation capabilities. The RIC will generate a wealth…
ANDRITZ presents smart dewatering and drying solutions for chemicals production at ACHEMA 2022

Showcases include: • The newly launched ANDRITZ screen scroll centrifuge HX – designed to enable flexible dewatering, even under difficult feeding conditions: This centrifuge is especially suitable for processing bulk chemicals and agrochemicals. The combination of innovative features, such as a modular scroll and an express…
Puig acquiert une participation majoritaire dans la marque de luxe Byredo

Après plusieurs jours de spéculations et de rumeurs évoquant un possible rachat par L’Oréal, Byredo a un nouveau propriétaire ! Puig a annoncé aujourd’hui avoir acquis une participation majoritaire dans la marque de luxe suédoise fondée à Stockholm en 2006. Le fondateur Ben Gorham et le fonds d’investissement Manzanita Capital resteront…
Unilever to acquire US hair care product supplier Nutrafol
Unilever is to acquire a majority stake in US hair wellness products supplier Nutrafol. The British company currently holds a 13.2% minority stake in New York City-based Nutrafol through Unilever Ventures. Nutrafol is said to be the leading dermatologist-recommended hair growth brand in the US, and offers a range…
Tarn. Pierre Fabre : il y a soixante ans, tout partait d’une simple pharmacie…

Le groupe Pierre Fabre, basé dans le Tarn, est né il y a soixante ans. D’une simple pharmacie, il est devenu un géant mondial pharmaceutique et dermo-cosmétique. L’aventure, bien sûr, a commencé plus tôt. Mais ce sont les dates qui restent dans l’histoire et celle du 30 mai 1962 restera celle de la création depuis une pharmacie…
PureCircle to appeal Sweegen’s victory in stevia Rebaudioside M patent lawsuit

Global wellness ingredient technology expert Sweegen has won a patent lawsuit involving stevia Rebaudioside M (Reb M) against PureCircle by Ingredion. PureCircle, acquired by Ingredion in 2020, filed the lawsuit in 2018 against Sweegen in the US district court for the Central District of California, accusing Sweegen of infringing two PureCircle patents covering the manufacture…
Blé, avoine, maïs : les céréales au menu des nouvelles routines beauté

Incontournables au moment des repas, les céréales s’imposent depuis peu dans l’industrie des cosmétiques pour leurs nombreux bienfaits pour la peau et les cheveux. Le maïs, l’avoine, le sésame, l’orge, le son, le blé, ou encore le seigle investissent progressivement les salles de bain pour venir à bout des rides, des rougeurs, et…
Cargill says it’s the first stevia supplier to have entire grower network benchmarked to Farm Sustainability Assessment

SAI Platform’s Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA) 3.0 is global benchmark reference for sustainable farming and sourcing practices. Cargill (Minneapolis) says it’s become the first stevia supplier to have its entire grower network benchmarked by SAI Platform’s Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA) 3.0. The benchmark was achieved for Cargill’s Truvia…
Ingredient suppliers highlight the latest sweetener solutions

New ingredients from ADM, ASR Group, Cargill, and more! SUCROSE ALTERNATIVE : ADM’s GrainSweet glucose-fructose syrup is a sucrose alternative that brings sweetness, functionality, and cost optimization to dairy applications such as flavored milks and ice creams. This proprietary specialty syrup helps brands remain competitive while adhering to restrictions…
Planted double ses capacités en Suisse

La start-up suisse Planted investit pour doubler ses capacités de production de protéines végétales à Kemptthal. Une nouvelle ligne comprend une extrudeuse à double vague, suivie d’une nouvelle ligne d’emballage. Sur un ancien site Maggi, l’usine, qui…(brève).
Nactis va construire une nouvelle usine
La société d’arômes Nactis Flavours annonce le projet d’une nouvelle usine et du déménagement de son siège à Lieusaint (Seine-et-Marne) en 2023. « Ce site nous permettra de mieux répondre aux impératifs technologiques exigés par nos clients partout dans le monde, grâce à une productivité renforcée, tout en…
Ecotone invests in capacity to meet ‘significant growth’ in European dairy alternatives

European organic food company Ecotone is investing €20m to increase its capacity in plant-based milks: Ecotone is ramping up production output at its plant-based beverage production facility in Nadia Plesine, Northern Italy. The fresh investment includes the development of a new production line that will allow production of an additional 27…
BENEO Acquires Meatless B.V. to Further Expand its Portfolio of Plant-based Solutions

BENEO, one of the leading manufacturers of functional ingredients, announced the acquisition of Dutch company, Meatless B.V., ensuring it becomes a major player in the field of plant-based texturizing solutions for meat and fish alternatives. The move…
Cargill to meet global demand for oilseeds with soybean processing facility in US

Cargill has planned to build a soybean processing facility in the US with an annual capacity of 62 million bushels to meet the domestic and global demand for oilseeds. Cargill will break ground on the project early next year, with plans to be operational in 2026. The facility will be the first of its kind for Southeast Missouri and is believed to boost economic development in the…
À Guingamp, l’UCO voit l’avenir en vert avec son labo dédié aux algues

Depuis deux ans maintenant, l’Université catholique de l’Ouest (UCO) de Guingamp a aménagé un laboratoire entièrement dédié à la recherche sur les algues et souhaite tisser des partenariats avec des entreprises bretonnes. C’est une salle entièrement équipée pour la culture d’algues, qui est apparue il y a deux ans maintenant…
Vegepolys Valley poursuit son effort d’innovation

Les adhérents du pôle de compétitivité Vegepolys Valley étaient réunis en assemblée générale le 5 mai dernier. L’occasion de faire le point sur le soutien à l’innovation engagé par le pôle mais aussi de mettre en lumière cinq projets menés en 2021 pour accompagner la montée en puissance d’une filière amenée à jouer un rôle clé face…
TechnicoFlor illustre le potentiel de l’upcycling en huit parfums

La maison de maison de composition française a présenté le mois dernier lors du salon in-cosmetics Global à Paris, une collection de huit parfums composés à l’aide de matières premières issues de sous-produits de l’industrie agro-alimentaire et de l’ébénisterie. Le surcyclage (upcycling en anglais) est une des tendances les…
La plateforme AlgoSolis est parfaitement équipée, organisée et expérimentée en tant que partenaire R&D de bioraffinage de microalgues pour accompagner ses partenaires industriels visant une certification BIO-Ecocert

La plateforme AlgoSolis est parfaitement équipée et expérimentée en tant que partenaire R&D de bioraffinage pour accompagner ses partenaires industriels visant une certification BIO Ecocert. Opérée conjointement par les équipes du laboratoire de recherche GEPEA et CAPACITES, filiale d’innovation de Nantes Université…
L’Union européenne veut améliorer son évaluation des risques de substances chimiques

Regroupant près de 200 partenaires, le Partenariat européen pour l’évaluation des risques liés aux substances chimiques (PARC) vise à produire de nouvelles données sur les expositions aux substances chimiques en intégrant l’approche » Une seule santé « . Une large communauté de chercheurs, universitaires et d’agences sanitaires…
Givaudan strengthens natural preservation portfolio with nitrite alternative for processed meat

Givaudan has unveiled NaNino+, a patent-pending combination of plant-based ingredients and natural flavorings that can replace nitrite in processed meat. Designed with natural ingredients, it provides a lasting multi-sensorial food experience with a good taste, color and freshness. With the increased scrutiny around nitrites and growing consumer demand for healthier…
Robertet rachète Omega Ingredients
Robertet vient de faire l’acquisition d’Omega Ingredients. Cette société, fondée en 2001 au Royaume-Uni, est spécialisée dans la création d’arômes et ingrédients d’origine naturelle pour l’industrie alimentaire et les boissons, grâce à un approvisionnement entièrement intégré. Olivier Maubert, directeur des divisions…
Strategic Contract Signed for the Supply of an Organic Acid From the AFYREN NEOXY Range in Animal Nutrition

Deal underscores relevance of AFYREN’s biobased, circular and low carbon offering AFYREN NEOXY continues to secure long-term sales as it commercializes a new product from its range. AFYREN (Paris:ALAFY), a greentech company that offers manufacturers natural, low-carbon products created with technology based on…
PIP International, une entreprise canadienne visionnaire de technologie agricole, lance une technologie révolutionnaire

La technologie « Ultimate Pea Protein » ou « UP.Ptm » révolutionnaire libère le potentiel des protéines végétales PIP International (PIP), un transformateur canadien de technologie agricole à base de plantes, a annoncé aujourd’hui une percée technologique révolutionnaire dans le domaine des protéines végétales. La technologie innovante a finalement trouvé…
SEAFOOD REBOOT Secures €3.2M to Create the Next Gen Algae Seafood (R)evolution

SEAFOOD REBOOT has completed a €3.2M pre-seed round for its algae-based alt seafood, less than six months after it was founded. French foodtech startup SEAFOOD REBOOT announces it has completed a €3.2M pre-seed round for its algae-based alt seafood, less than six months after it was founded. Speaking with vegconomist…
AMI Ingrédients inaugure sa nouvelle usine à Tauxigny, près de Tours

Des locaux tout neuf pour AMI Ingrédients, une entreprise du Node Park de Tauxigny, près de Tours (Indre-et-Loire) qui les inaugure mercredi 11 mai sa nouvelle usine à Tauxigny, près de Tours (Indre-et-Loire). 13 millions d’euros ont été investis pour ce site qui sera autonome en énergie. Des locaux tout neuf pour AMI Ingrédients…
Scaling up the Two-Stage Countercurrent Extraction of Oil and Protein from Green Coffee Beans: Impact of Proteolysis on Extractability, Protein Functionality, and Oil Recovery
Green coffee processing has been hindered by low oil extraction yields from mechanical pressing and the need of using flammable and hazardous solvents for defatting the protein-rich cake before subsequent protein extraction. To replace the use of flammable solvents and enable the simultaneous extraction of lipids…
Extraction of Lignosulfonate from Black Liquor into Construction of a Magnetic Lignosulfonate-Based Adsorbent and Its Adsorption Properties for Dyes from Aqueous Solutions
Lignosulfonate, one of the lignin derivatives, was extracted from the black liquor as a byproduct of the wood and paper industry. It was used to prepare magnetic aminated lignosulfonate/carbon (MALS/C) adsorbent for the adsorption of Congo red and methyl orange dyes from an aqueous solution. The physical and…
Red and brown seaweeds extracts: A source of biologically active compounds
Highlights • Bioactivities of enzymatic/mechanical-assisted seaweed extracts were evaluated. • Enzymes had a significant enhancing effect on the extraction yield. • Porphyra sp. has higher TPC and S. latissima higher TFC. • Porphyra sp. and Saccharina latissima showed the highest bioactivities. • These seaweeds…
Solvent-switching methods for precipitation, processing, and purification of selected cannabinoids from concentrated complex mixtures
Disclosed are methods for precipitation of CBDA-amine salts and THCA-amine salts from concentrated crude complex extracts. The crude complex extracts may be recovered from cannabis biomass or fermentation systems wherein microorganisms were cultured to produce selected target cannabinoids, with a…
Microwave assisted extraction of essential oils from plant biomass
The aspects presented herein provide essential oils, extracts, apparatus and methods for the extraction of the essential oils and extracts from plant biomass using microwaves. Claims: 1. An extract of a plant biomass, wherein the extract comprises at least one anthocyanin… 5. The extract of claim 2, wherein the at least…
Method for preparing an extract containing gallic acid, aqueous concentrate containing gallic acid, and foodstuff and food supplement containing the aqueous concentrate
Abstract The present invention relates to a method for preparing an extract containing gallic acid, comprising performing an extraction treatment on plants or plant constituents containing tannins by means of water or an aqueous system in the presence of the enzyme tannase to obtain a product mixture containing gallic acid…
Maximization of the recovery of phenolic compounds from sugar maple leaves
A maceration process was optimized using a full factorial design coupled to a response surface model for the extraction of phenolic compounds (PCs) from sugar maple leaves (SML). As part of the extraction process, high-speed homogenization (HSH) as a pre-treatment condition was investigated to promote the efficiency…
Deep eutectic solvents for the extraction and stabilization of Ecuadorian quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) saponins
Highlights • A green and rapid extraction method, using DES-based ball mixer mill extraction at room temperature, was developed for extraction of saponins from Chenopodium quinoa Willd. • DES based on choline chloride/glycerol/water as an alternative to toxic organic solvents in quinoa saponin extraction…
Biorefinery Cascade Processing for Converting Corncob to Xylooligosaccharides and Glucose by Maleic Acid Pretreatment
Corncob as an abundant and low-cost waste resource has received increasing attention to produce value-added chemicals, it is rich in xylan and regarded as the most preferable feedstock for preparing high value added xylooligosaccharides. The use of xylooligosaccharides as core products can cut costs and improve…
Process Optimization of Lipid Extraction from Microalgae Aphanothece halophytica in Wet and Dry Conditions
Unearthing new sustainable and economically viable sources for biofuel production which do not affect the environment is a dire need of the hour. Microalgae is one such promising source due to its high lipid content, productivity, and carbon neutrality. Identification of appropriate strain and process optimization decides…
Recovery of sugars and amino acids from brewers’ spent grains using subcritical water hydrolysis in a single and two sequential semi-continuous flow-through reactors
Highlights • Subcritical water hydrolysis was performed in a single and two sequential reactors. • Sugars, organic acids, and amino acids were recovered from brewer’s spent grains. • The highest sugar concentration was obtained using a single reactor at 180 °C. • Arabinose and xylose were the main…
Successful production of bioethanol from olive waste residues followed by its purification using poly (acrylonitrile-co-methylacrylate)/polymethylmethaacrylate membrane
Olive residues waste is one of the most abundant wastes that is produced in many olive-cultivating countries especially Saudi Arabia. The current research is interested in the proper exploitation of this waste as a source of alternative energy such as bioethanol. The waste was submitted for physical/chemical and…
Biorefinery approaches for integral use of microalgal biomass
Abstract The areal productivity and lipid yield of algal cultures created an expectation for algal biofuels, which is yet to be materialized; the projected prices for algal liquid fuels make them still uncompetitive. However, the market for microalgae products is growing in size and diversity, primarily for nutritional biomasses…
Deep eutectic solvents in the extraction of active compounds from Eucommia Ulmoides Oliv. leaves
Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. leaves (EULs) are a newly-developing food feedstock in China, containing various active compounds with important biological activities for humans. We evaluated the influence of deep eutectic solvents (DESs) with different hydrogen bond donors (HBD) on the yields of active compounds from EULs…
Processes for recovering products from a corn fermentation mash
Processes and systems for recovering products from a fermentation mash. In some examples, a process for recovering products from a fermentation mash can include processing a ground corn product to produce a fermentation mash that can include ethanol. At least a portion of the ethanol can be separated…
High gravity, fed-batch ionic liquid based process for deconstructing biomass
In one aspect, the present invention provides methods for preparing a fermentation product. The methods include pre-treating a mixture of biomass and ionic liquid, wherein the ionic liquid comprises a choline cation and the biomass comprises polysaccharide and lignin. The methods further include forming hydrolysates…
From agricultural waste to antioxidant-rich extracts: Green techniques in extraction of polyphenols from sugar beet leaves
Highlights • Utilization of sugar beet leaves for recovery of antioxidant polyphenols. • Evaluation of conventional versus novel extraction techniques for efficient valorization. • Emerging extraction techniques provided improvements in extracts bioactive significance. • The major phenolic acids and flavonoids…
Deep eutectic solvents-based three-phase partitioning for tomato peroxidase purification: A promising method for substituting t-butanol
Highlights • Three-phase partitioning (TPP) was constructed using deep eutectic solvents (DESs) • DESs were used to substitute the volatile and flammable t-butanol in TPP. • DESs can be recycled and reused well. • The recovery and purification fold of POD reached 104.71\% and 9.76, respectively. Abstract T-butanol…
Membrane filtration of plant extracts by means of cyclodextrin
The invention relates to a process for preparing a composition, low in alcohol or alcohol-free, of at least one alcohol-containing plant extract by means of membrane filtration using cyclodextrin. Claims: 1. A method of making a composition of at least one Plant extract, the composition having an alcohol content of less…
Ultrasound for microalgal cell disruption and product extraction: a review
Highlights • Ultrasonic frequency, intensity, and duration affect algal cell disruption. • Acoustic cavitation, heat, pressure and free radicals are the major mechanisms. • Hybrid techniques of ultrasound and other disruption methods reduce energy cost. • Target product release is a vital indicator to reflect cell disruption degree…
Enhanced removal of extracellular microcystin-LR using chitosan coagulation-ultrafiltration: Performance and mechanisms
Although many studies have proposed different drinking water treatment strategies to cope with harmful algal blooms (HABs), the removal of dissolved cyanotoxins remains a technical challenge. In this study, well-controlled laboratory experiments were performed to investigate the performance of chitosan as an…
Current advances in recovery and biorefinery of fucoxanthin from Phaeodactylum tricornutum
The growing human population has put significant pressure on the market for food sources and nutritional supplements, necessitating careful consideration of high costs, supply, and long-term sustainability. The same is true for the biorefinery of carotenoids where the high extraction costs significantly raise the end…
Preparation of molecularly imprinted foam for selective extraction of toxic monocrotaline from herbs
Monocrotaline (MCT), derived from most flowering plants, showed significant hepatotoxicity and carcinogenicity. Humans are easily exposed to MCT by eating traditional herbs or contaminated foods, posing a huge threat to human health. In order to selectively and conveniently separate and enrich MCT from…
Life cycle assessment of a seaweed-based biorefinery concept for production of food, materials, and energy
Blue Economy is seen as an essential contributor to a sustainable development, and it is an important part of the EU Green Deal. Seaweed plays a key role in the Blue Economy as a source of food, feed, and feedstock for biorefineries. Today, the largest part of global seaweed production is based in Asia, but there is…
Development, modeling and simulation of extraction and purification of bixin from annatto seeds (Bixa orellana L.)
To extract and purify bixin from annatto seeds, a new process based on alkaline extraction, partition with an aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) and acid precipitation was developed on a SuperPro Designer v. 7.0® simulator. To implement the model, data of seed leaching, liquid extraction in an ATPS and acid…
Optimization and modeling of solid-liquid multivariable extractor (SoLVE): A new solution for tomato waste valorization
In this work, a new extraction technique and a new modeling approach were proposed for the simultaneous recovery of hydrophobic (carotenoids) and hydrophilic (polyphenols) antioxidants from industrial tomato waste. SoLVE (Solid-Liquid multiVariable Extractor), is an extractor characterized by high versatility…
Extraction and purification of anthocyanins: A review
Abstract: Anthocyanins are natural flavonoid organic compounds widely existing in natural fruits and vegetables. Increasing researches have confirmed that anthocyanins have various biological activities, such as antioxidant, immunomodulatory, anti-tumor, hepatoprotective, anti-aging, and anti-inflammatory…
In situ solid-liquid extraction enhances recovery of taxadiene from engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell factories
Microbial cell factories express diverse heterologous pathways for the production of a wide range of valuable natural products. However, the recovery and purification of such compounds is a major bottleneck in commercialization. In this study, a novel in situ solid phase adsorption strategy was investigated for…
Pulsed microwave pretreatment of fresh microalgae for enhanced lipid extraction
Pulsed microwave (PMW) is considered as an energy-saving pretreatment for microalgae. The efficiency of PMW was studied using a generator delivering square-pulsed modulated microwave in continuous flow on fresh Auxenochlorella protothecoides suspension. The efficiency was evaluated by measuring the increase…
Continuous flow microwave-assisted aqueous extraction of pomace phytoactives for production of protein-polyphenol particles and a protein-enriched ready-to-drink beverage
Muscadine grape (MG) and blueberry (BB) pomaces processed via water-based continuous flow microwave-assisted extraction (CFMAE) yielded flavonoid-rich extracts, which were complexed with chickpea [CH] or pea:rice [PR] protein and spray dried (SD) into protein-polyphenol aggregate particle treatments: BB-CH…
Purification of vitamins from tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) using ethanolic two-phases systems based on ionic liquids and polypropylene glycol
Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) represent the second most produced and consumed vegetable crop in the world and can be considered a source of various nutrients, such as minerals, fiber, phenolic compounds, and vitamins A (precursors: β-carotene) and E (α -tocopherol). The actions of vitamins in the regulation…
Application of solvent pH under pressurized conditions using accelerated solvent extraction and green solvents to extract phytonutrients from wild berries
Berry fruits are known as “superfoods” due to health benefits associated with the high content of bioactive compounds or phytonutrients. Organic extraction solvents are fundamentally volatile compounds acquired from non-renewable resources, i.e petroleum-based solvents are presumed to be harmful to both…
Brewer’s spent grains-based biorefineries: A critical review
Barley and wheat were known to be domesticated, since the earliest ages when man took up agriculture. And the art of preparing fermented drinks from these grains was well documented throughout the ancient civilizations. Brewer’s spent grain (BS grain) is the by-product obtained as a retentate during the…
Sustainable Conversion of Wastes into Green Bioproducts to Introduce Diversification and Green Economy in the Sugar Industry. A Review
Sucrose has been the major commercial product of the sugar industry for decades. Sugarcane is a C4 photosynthetic crop and has great diversification potential. It can be used to produce dozens of bioproducts, apart from ethanol, electricity, paper, vinasse, and other green products of commercial importance…
System and method for the extraction of isoflavones from soybeans
The present disclosure describes a system for the commercial scale extraction of isoflavones from soybean meal. The system includes an optional grinder, an extraction component, a solid-liquid separation component, an acid hydrolysis component, a neutralization component, and a purification component. Also provided…
Ascomycota as a source of natural colorants
In the last few decades, there has been a great demand for natural colorants. Synthetic colorants are known to be easy to produce, are less expensive, and remain stable when subjected to chemical and physical factors. In addition, only small amounts are required to color any material, and unwanted flavors and…
Extraction and purification of natural ferulate and coumarate from biomass
A process for a reactive extraction and subsequent purification of organic molecules from biomass comprises extracting one or more products from the biomass using an extraction solvent to solvate the products, contacting the biomass with a reactant during the extracting, recovering the one or more products…
Process optimization for supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil based on the yield, carvacrol, and thymol contents
Origanum vulgare L. essential oil (OEO) is widely known for its good biological activity. However, different extraction methods with significant implications on the yield of OEO and the content of the thymol and carvacrol. As an efficient method for extracting essential oils, the supercritical carbon dioxide extraction…
Variables and Mechanisms Affecting Electro-Membrane Extraction of Bio-Succinic Acid from Fermentation Broth
The production of succinic acid from fermentation is a promising approach for obtaining building-block chemicals from renewable sources. However, the limited bio-succinic yield from fermentation and the complexity of purification has been making the bio-succinic acid production not competitive with…
Phytochemical Screening, Qualitative Analysis and Isolation of Endophytes from Selected Medicinal Plants
The medicinal plant Azadirachta indica and Moringa oleifera have great nutritional values and are being studied here. Even every part of these plants like leaves, stem bark, roots, seed, pods have its own nutritional value and positive impact on human health. Both of these medicinal plants bears important properties…
Production of rice bran oil (Oryza sativa L.) microparticles by spray drying taking advantage of the technological properties of cereal co-products.
Microparticles loaded with rice bran oil were produced by spray drying. Rice flour (RF) and rice protein (RP), considered as co-products of the cereal production chain, were tested as stabilizers in the encapsulation process to improve emulsion stability and the properties of the particles. Rice bran oil presented 1.75%…
Enzyme-assisted extraction of anthocyanins and other phenolic compounds from blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) press cake: From processing to bioactivities.
The effects of commercial enzymes (pectinases, cellulases, beta-1-3-glucanases, and pectin lyases) on the recovery of anthocyanins and polyphenols from blackcurrant press cake were studied considering two solid:solvent ratios (1:10 and 1:4 w/v). β-glucanase enabled the recovery of the highest total phenolic…
Effect of the duty cycle of the ultrasonic processor on the efficiency of extraction of phenolic compounds from Sorbus intermedia.
This paper studies the effect of different ultrasonic parameters on the yield of extraction and antioxidant activity of selected phenolic compounds from Sorbus intermedia berries. The sonication was carried out in two modes: continuous and pulse. In the pulse mode, the samples were sonicated with the following…
Phlorotannins-bioactivity and extraction perspectives
Phlorotannins, a seaweed based class of polyphenolic compounds, have proven to possess potential bioactivities such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-allergic, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancerous, neuroprotection etc. These bioactivities have further increased demand globally and sustainable…
Desalination using pressure or electric field? A fundamental comparison of RO and electrodialysis
Reverse osmosis (RO) is the dominant desalination technology today since it is the most economical. Electrodialysis (ED) is a competing technology that removes ionic solutes using an applied electric field. An analogy is derived between the flux of water in RO (pressure-driven) and salt in ED (in the form of an…
A Comparative Assessment on the Recovery of Pectin and Phenolic Fractions from Aqueous and DES Extracts Obtained from Melon Peels
This work evaluates the purification of melon peel extracts obtained by two eco-friendly methods: autohydrolysis and sodium acetate/urea/water extraction (1:3:1.6), an alkaline deep eutectic solvent (DES). For that, sequential ethanol precipitation and resin adsorption/desorption stages were proposed for…
Optimization of extraction process parameters of caffeic acid from microalgae by supercritical carbon dioxide green technology
Purpose In this study, the optimization of extraction process parameters of caffeic acid content from Spirulina platensis is performed by supercritical green technology. Methods Especially, the optimization of supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO 2 ) extraction parameters was carried out employing Box-Behnken design (BBD)…
Method for obtaining fucoxanthin and fatty acids from the biomass of algae
The invention relates to methods for obtaining a fucoxanthin-crystal-containing precipitate, in particular fucoxanthin crystals, in particular fucoxanthin, and a fatty-acid-containing lipid fraction, in particular fatty acids, from the biomass of algae, in particular methods for the integrated extraction and separation of…
High yield extraction method for and products of corydalis plants
A method of extracting a C. yanhusuo plant comprising the steps of harvesting and drying the plant; extracting the alkaloids from the plant in a solvent; filtering the solvent-C. yanhusuo plant mixture to remove the solvent and extracted alkaloids from a spent plant matter; drying the spent plant matter; purifying and separating…
A Green, Efficient Approach on Extraction of Polyphenols from Fenugreek Seeds (Trigonella foenum-graecum): DES and β-Cyclodextrin Assisted Extraction
Trigonella foenum-graecum , is a widely used medicinal and culinary plant. The antioxidant compounds extracted from the seeds of this plant exert antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and hypoglycemic effects. In this study, antioxidant compounds from the seeds of Trigonella foenum-graecum were obtained using the…
Radish leaf protein concentrates: optimization of alkaline extraction for production and characterization of an alternative plant protein concentrate
Radish leaf protein concentrates (RLPC) were prepared by alkaline extraction and characterized for their antioxidant activity, functional properties, mineral content, in-vitro digestibility and microbial stability. Numerical optimization using the 3-factor Box–Behnken Design of response surface methodology suggested that…
Recent Progress on Feasible Strategies for Arbutin Production
Arbutin is a hydroquinone glucoside and a natural product present in various plants. Arbutin potently inhibits melanin formation. This property has been exploited in whitening cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Arbutin production relies mainly on chemical synthesis. The multi-step and complicated process can…
Optimization of ultrasonic-assisted extraction of arbutin from pear fruitlets using response surface methodology
Arbutin, one of the main phenolic substances in pear fruits, has several health benefits. To optimize the extraction process of arbutin from pear fruitlets (‘Huangli No. 1’), ultrasonic-assisted extraction (UAE) was investigated as an efficient method. Single-factor experiments combined with response surface…
Optimization of Astaxanthin Recovery in the Downstream Process of Haematococcus pluvialis.
Astaxanthin derived from Haematococcus pluvialis is a valuable metabolite applied in a wide range of products. Its extraction depends on a sophisticated series of downstream process steps, including harvesting, disruption, drying, and extraction, of which some are dependent on each other. To determine the…
Aqueous Extraction of Curcuminoids from Curcuma longa: Effect of Cell Disintegration Pre-treatment and Extraction Condition
Cell structure modification techniques have the potential to improve curcuminoid recovery in Curcuma longa . In this study, different pre-treatments such as high hydrostatic pressure (HPP, high pressure processing), ultrasound (US), pulsed electric field (PEF), and ohmic heating (OH) were used on dried C. longa…
Procedure for selective extraction of active principled and/or oleoresins from vegetable material and related system
A process for the extraction of oleoresins from vegetable material by solvent comprising the following successive steps:a solvent washing step of vegetable material in maceration means controlled in temperature and/or pressure for a time varying between 10 and 60 minutes, with a proportion between the mass…
Techno-economic assessment of microalgae production, harvesting and drying for food, feed, cosmetics, and agriculture.
The objective of this techno-economic analysis is to define the costs for an industrial microalgae production process, comparing different operation strategies (Nannochloropsis oceanica cultivation during the whole year or cultivation of two species, where Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Tisochrysis lutea alternate)…
Effect of solvent composition on the extraction of proteins from hemp oil processing stream.
Hempseed meal, a by-product of hempseed oil processing stream, is a potential alternative source for food proteins. Efficient extraction of proteins from hempseed meal is challenging owing to difference in the structure and solubility of various protein fractions present in the seed. In the present study, protein…
Possibilities for Exploitation of Invasive Species, Arundo donax L., as a Source of Phenol Compounds
Recycling and reuse are a fundamental pillar for reducing global pollution. In this context, the use of waste generated by invasive species control actions, as a natural raw material for the exploitation of their bioactive compounds, provides a great interest for a more sustainable industry. In this study, phenolic compounds…
Global microalgae market on upward curve as alternative protein companies shoot for price parity

The microalgae market is expected to be worth US$1.8 billion by 2028 and record a compound growth rate (CAGR) of 10.3% for the same timeframe, according to forecasts. Driving this growth is the microalgae trend in health and wellness, dietary supplements, natural food colors, vegetarian products and nutraceuticals. However, a challenge that needs to be overcome…
Ecosystèmes d’innovation et stratégies de biocontrôle et de biostimulation dans le secteur des semences : quelles dynamiques de restructuration et évolutions des modèles d’organisation du secteur ?

Contexte scientifique et socioéconomique : Ce projet de thèse sera réalisé au sein de l’équipe pluridisciplinaire Proximités de l’UMR SADAPT d’INRAE (AgroParisTech, Université Paris Saclay) sur le nouveau campus de l’Université Paris-Saclay à Palaiseau. Il s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet SUCSEED (Stop the use of cide in seeds) financé…
Le marché de la levure de vin va se développer à un TCAC énorme: technologies émergentes, taille de l’industrie, part et tendances

Le rapport d’enquête persuasif sur le marché de la levure de vin contient des données importantes, les tendances actuelles du marché, l’environnement du marché, l’innovation technologique, les technologies à venir et les progrès techniques dans l’industrie alliée. Les données et informations couvertes par le rapport sont très importantes pour les…
Marché des suppléments végétaliens par avancement, technologie croissante, applications, spécifications, principales tendances du secteur, opportunités commerciales et stratégies

Suppléments végétaliens est un document de marché professionnel et exhaustif qui se concentre sur les moteurs primaires et secondaires, la part de marché, les principaux segments et l’analyse géographique. De plus, les revues sur les acteurs clés, les collaborations majeures, les fusions et acquisitions ainsi que les tendances en matière d’innovation et de…
Le marché des excipients pharmaceutiques connaîtra une croissance exponentielle d’ici 2022

Les rapports mondiaux sur le «Marché des excipients pharmaceutiques» 2022 fournissent des études clés de l’industrie pour les fabricants de Excipients pharmaceutiques avec des statistiques spécifiques, l’importance, la définition, l’analyse SWOT, l’opinion d’experts et les derniers développements dans le monde. Le rapport de recherche couvre également la taille…
La France toujours leader du sucre

Cultures Sucre vient de publier un document récapitulant les résultats de la campagne 2021-2022, avec 34,5 Mt de betteraves sucrières produites. La France reste le premier pays producteur européen… (texte complet réservé aux abonnés au Betteravier.fr)
Europe Grape Seed Extract Market Increasing Demand, Development, and Geographic Overview Forecast till 2029
Europe grape seed extract market is expected to gain market growth in the forecast period of 2022 to 2029. Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the market is growing at a CAGR of 5.9% in the forecast period of 2022 to 2029 and expected to reach USD 51,281.54 thousand by 2029. In this Europe Grape Seed…
Malt and Malt Extracts Market Size, Scope and Forecast | Axereal Group, Cargill, Incorporated, Graincrop Limited, Malteurop Group, Soufflet Group, Crisp Malting Group, Global Malt Gmbh & Co. Kg, Ireks Gmbh, Muntons Plc and Simpsons Malt Ltd.
The Malt and Malt Extracts Market report is the result of extensive and expert research into the Malt and Malt Extracts industry. The Malt and Malt Extracts Market report explains what the market is all about, the market prognosis, several segmentations, and everything that falls under the market’s umbrella. It also looks at…
Stevia Market Size, Scope and Forecast | Cargill, Ingredion Inc., PureCircle Ltd., Tate & Lyle PLC., Archer Daniels Midland Company, Evolva, Stevia Corp., GLG LIFE TECH CORP., Sunwin Stevia International, Inc. and HYET Sweet.
The Stevia Market report is the result of extensive and expert research into the Stevia industry. The Stevia Market report explains what the market is all about, the market prognosis, several segmentations, and everything that falls under the market’s umbrella. It also looks at major and secondary market…
Global Avena Sativa Kernel Extract Market 2022-2028 | Expert Strategic Analysis, Estimates CAGR Status Durae Corporation, Vee Kay International, Amsar
The Avena Sativa Kernel Extract Market research delivers comprehensive research on the present stage of the market, covers market size with respect to assessment as sales volume, and provides a precise forecast of the market scenario over the estimated period. Also focuses on the product, application…
Part de taille du marché de l’inuline à longue chaîne 2022 avec les principales entreprises, taux de croissance régional, tendances, opportunités futures et prévisions d’analyse de l’industrie mondiale jusqu’en 2028
Le rapport sur le marché de l’ inuline à longue chaîne résume les dernières tendances, les opportunités d’expansion commerciale lucratives pour les entreprises, les fabricants, les fournisseurs et les distributeurs d’inuline à longue chaîne. Les stratégies et principes commerciaux clés intégrés par les principaux acteurs…
Bio : les hauts et les bas du label AB
Ce logo officiel, signe de qualité et d’origine des aliments issus de l’agriculture biologique, est de plus en plus malmené par la concurrence de logos privés. Face à cette guerre des normes qui se profile, la filière se mobilise pour le défendre, quitte à le faire évoluer. Un enjeu majeur sur un marché bio assailli par les…
Analyse du marché de la distribution de produits chimiques tiers par croissance et prévisions 2022-2028 : Univar, Brenntag, HELM, Nexeo Solutions, IMCD, Azelis, Biesterfel
Le rapport Distribution de produits chimiques tiers est un examen approfondi de la structure de consommation générale de Distribution de produits chimiques tiers, des tendances de développement, des techniques de vente et des ventes des principales nations. La recherche porte sur les fournisseurs bien connus de…
Émulsifiants sur le marché des compléments alimentaires par avancement, technologie croissante, applications, spécifications, principales tendances de l’industrie, opportunités commerciales et stratégies

Les entreprises dépendent beaucoup des divers segments impliqués dans le rapport d’étude de marché, car il offre de meilleures informations pour conduire l’entreprise sur la bonne voie. Les rapports de marché acquièrent une importance considérable sur ce marché en pleine transformation ; par conséquent , le rapport sur le marché des émulsifiants dans…
Le marché des équipements d’extraction de plantes connaîtra une croissance énorme d’ici 2029 | Gea, Centrifugeuse US, Pieralisi, Alfa Laval

Global Market Vision a récemment publié un nouveau rapport intitulé Équipement d’extraction de plantes Market Size Report, Growth and Forecast 2022-2029, Breakdown Data by Company, Key Regions, Types and Applications. Le rapport a été compilé à l’aide d’une méthodologie de recherche primaire et secondaire qui fournira une compréhension précise et précise du…
Herbal Extracts Market Key Players, Industry Overview, Application and Forecast Analysis to 2022-2030

A recent market research report added to repository of Healthcare Market Reports is an in-depth analysis of global Herbal Extracts market. On the basis of historic growth analysis and current scenario of Herbal Extracts market place, the report intends to offer actionable insights on global market growth projections. Authenticated data presented in report is based on findings…
Le marché des extraits de vin rouge connaîtra une expansion robuste d’ici 2029 |XI’AN GREEN-LIFE NATURAL PRODUCTS CO.,LTD, Xi’An Chinwon Biotech

A2Z Market Research présente une nouvelle recherche sur Extrait de vin rouge couvrant le niveau micro d’analyse par les concurrents et les segments commerciaux clés. Le Extrait de vin rouge explore une étude approfondie sur divers segments tels que les opportunités, la taille, le développement, l’innovation, les ventes et la croissance globale des principaux acteurs…
Énorme demande du marché de l’huile d’aiguille de pin d’ici 2029 |BIOLANDES, Hobart Company, Baicao Pharma

La dernière étude de marché mondiale Huile d’Aiguille de Pin publiée a évalué le potentiel de croissance future du marché Huile d’Aiguille de Pin mondial et fournit des informations et des statistiques utiles sur la structure et la taille du marché. Le rapport vise à fournir des informations sur le marché et des informations stratégiques pour aider les décideurs à …
Le marché des huiles essentielles de sauge connaîtra une croissance énorme d’ici 2029 | Herbes de Rose des Montagnes, Huiles Essentielles de Thérapie Végétale, Biolandes, Inde Huiles Essentielles

Global Market Vision a récemment publié un nouveau rapport intitulé Huile Essentielle de Sauge Market Size Report, Growth and Forecast 2022-2029, Breakdown Data by Company, Key Regions, Types and Applications. Le rapport a été compilé à l’aide d’une méthodologie de recherche primaire et secondaire qui fournira une compréhension précise du marché…
Plant Extracts Market Size, Trends and Forecast to 2029 | Naturex, Berkem, Kuber Impex Ltd., Network Nutrition, Organic Herb Inc., Qualiphar-Gifrer
The Plant Extracts Market report includes the upcoming challenges and opportunities in the market. It ensures a strengthened position in the market and a growing product portfolio by providing all the important details related to the market growth. It reveals some of the key insights and focuses on the impact of the COVID…
Le marché des mannanes-oligosaccharides va assister à une accélération de la croissance |MItushi Pharma, Parmalat SPA, ORFFA

Le rapport Global Mannane-Oligosaccharide Market intelligence est un aperçu complet de la position du marché Mannane-Oligosaccharide. Des informations complètes sur les progrès passés, les conditions actuelles du marché et les perspectives d’avenir sont fournies dans le rapport. Il donne également un aperçu précis de la stratégie clé, de la taille du marché et…
Faire moins de biocarburants pour produire plus de nourriture ? Pas si simple

La guerre russo-ukrainienne, couplée à des conditions météo particulièrement rudes dans plusieurs régions du globe, met le sujet de la sécurité alimentaire sur le devant de la scène et pose la question des biocarburants : faut-il réduire leur production et réserver les terres agricoles à l’alimentation ? La réponse est plus complexe qu’il n’y paraît…
Le marché des soins solaires est en plein essor dans le monde avec Beiersdorf, L’Oreal, Bioderma Laboratories

Le dernier rapport sur le marché Protection solaire publié par Research Cognizance donne un aperçu complet de la question et fournit des informations détaillées sur divers aspects tels que la taille du marché, les performances et la dynamique actuelle du marché. Le rapport fournit également une évaluation solide du marché Protection solaire afin de mieux saisir les …
The mainstreaming of alt proteins

If you visit your local supermarket today, you’ll find a small selection of plant-based products on one end of the meat fridge. The range is small, and these products still have an air of novelty about them, but that’s all changing. In fact, by the year 2040, it’s estimated that around 60 per cent of the protein we eat will come from plants…
$36.61 Billion Alternative Protein Markets – Global Forecast to 2029: Environmental Sustainability with Production and Consumption of Alternative Protein
The Global Alternative Protein Market is expected to reach $36.61 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 12.4% during the forecast period of 2022 to 2029. This market is driven by the growing population and awareness about the benefits of alternative proteins, the increasing number of venture investments…
Global Fats & Oils Market Value to surpass US$ 364 Billion by 2032; Vegetable-sourced Fats & Oils to contribute US$ 250 Million in 2022

According to Fact.MR, the global fats and oils market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4% during the forecast period (2022-2032), reaching a market value of US$ 364.12 Billion. The demand for Fats & Oils Market is expected to rise over the forecast…
Research on Cucumis Sativus Fruit Extract Market – Key Data Points Necessary for Effective Strategies | BIOLIE, Interaxion, Dermalab, Provital, MakingCosmetics, Durae Corporation, and more
“The latest study titled ‘Global Cucumis Sativus Fruit Extract Market 2022 by Key Players, Regions, Type, and Application, Forecast to 2028’ published by Affluence Market Report, features an analysis of the current and future scenario of the global Cucumis Sativus Fruit Extract market.” In this report, a comprehensive analysis…
Premium Insights on Pisum Sativum Extract Market 2022-2028 by Leading Players like Biogründl, Ashland Specialty Chemical, MakingCosmetics, Alban Muller International, BASF,, and more
Global Pisum Sativum Extract Market Report 2022 comes with the exclusive industry analysis of development components, patterns, flows, and sizes. The report also calculates present and past market values to forecast potential market management through the forecast period between 2022-2028. This research study of…
Portée et aperçu du marché Solvant furfural, aperçu du rapport, consommation par région, profils d’entreprise, analyse de la chaîne de valeur et des ventes jusqu’en 2027

« Solvant furfural Marché » rapport d’étude de marché est un résumé détaillé de l’étude de l’industrie DBMR et de son impact sur l’environnement du marché. Ce rapport de marché est doté des statistiques sur l’état actuel de l’industrie qui dirige les entreprises et les investisseurs intéressés par ce marché. En outre, le rapport présente également des données sur les…