Comment Mane renouvelle le parfum sans alcool pour VelvetVelo

Résolument inspirée des grandes évasions extérieures, entre mer et montagne, la collection de quatre fragrances VelvetVelo construit son univers olfactif sur une base d’eau grâce à la technologie Aquafine développée par la Maison Mane. La jeune marque niçoise revendique une parfumerie respectueuse de la peau et de son microbiote, en…
Bonduelle va arrêter de vendre ses salades en France et en Allemagne

Parce que les Français et les Allemands consomment de moins en moins ses salades en sachet, le groupe agroalimentaire nordiste a décidé de céder cette activité à la concurrence. Afin que la salade ne les tue pas, les dirigeants de Bonduelle ont tout simplement décidé d’arrêter d’en commercialiser et d’en produire en France et en…
GNT s’associe à Plume Biotechnology pour concevoir des ingrédients colorants par fermentation
Afin de continuer d’étendre son portefeuille d’ingrédients colorants, le groupe GNT a noué un partenariat avec la société anglaise Plume Biotechnology. Cette dernière utilise des coproduits végétaux pour produire par fermentation en bioréacteurs des colorants très concentrés en pigments. L’avantage est d’avoir une…
DSM-Firmenich finalise la vente de ses huiles de poisson

DSM-Firmenich a finalisé la cession de son activité dans les huiles de poisson MEG-3 au groupe KD Pharma. Les deux sites de production dédiés aux secteurs de l’alimentation, des compléments alimentaires et de la pharmacie situés à Piura, au Pérou, et à Mulgrave, au Canada, passent entre les mains de l’entreprise sise au Tessin. Dans le cadre de…
CocoGrow Project Launch: Revitalizing Sarangani’s Coconut Industry for Sustainable Future | Cargill

The CocoGrow Project, a groundbreaking initiative by Cargill and ASSIST supported by the Philippine Coconut Authority, officially launched on August 22, 2024, at Barangay Bagacay, Alabel, Sarangani Province. This project aims to rejuvenate Sarangani’s coconut industry by planting 75,000 coconut seedlings across three key municipalities…
Construction de la première chaufferie à Combustibles Solides de Récupération (CSR) des Hauts-de-France : un partenariat inédit entre Tereos et SUEZ

La première pierre d’une chaufferie à Combustibles Solides de Récupération (CSR), unique dans les Hauts-de-France, a été posée ce jour. Cette future installation remplacera à partir de 2027, à hauteur de 40%, la consommation de gaz fossile nécessaire au fonctionnement de la sucrerie-distillerie d’Origny-Sainte-Benoite…
Andros va reprendre à Carambar & Co son usine de chocolat Poulain de Blois

Andros et Carambar & Co sont en passe de trouver un accord pour la reprise de la chocolaterie de Villebarou, dans le Loir-et-Cher. 109 emplois sont à la clé. Les salariés du site Poulain de Villabarou, à côté de Blois, sont soulagés. Son actuel propriétaire, le groupe de confiserie Carambar & Co, a trouvé les bases d’un accord de reprise par le…
Séché consacre 26 millions d’euros pour doubler le recyclage de solvants par Speichim Processing dans l’Ain

Le Mayennais, spécialiste de la gestion de déchets industriels, investit davantage dans le traitement d’actifs chimiques revalorisés auprès d’industriels. Un projet à relier avec une relocalisation des acteurs de la pharmacie. Le groupe mayennais Séché…
Concours VEGEPOLYS VALLEY 2024-2025 : Un tremplin pour les start-ups innovantes du végétal !

Porteurs de projets ou jeunes entreprises innovantes liées au végétal, l’édition 2024-2025 du concours VEGEPOLYS VALLEY est lancée ! Si votre entreprise a moins de 24 mois ou que sa création est imminente, c’est l’occasion de valoriser votre innovation. Ouvert à toutes les entreprises du secteur, ce concours promeut les meilleures initiatives de jeunes entreprises…
Ingrédients : Silab enchaine les distinctions

Le fabricant et fournisseur français d’actifs cosmétiques s’est vu attribuer, cet été, un deuxième prix pour son actif Inclusium, déjà récompensé par l’ICIC Award, il y a quelques mois tout juste. L’actif a remporté le Ringier Technology Innovation Award dans la catégorie Anti-aging Ingredients. Pour le développement de cet actif, Silab a recensé…
Flavorchem develops orange oil replacers amid global supply chain issues

lavorchem launches Taste Mod Orange, a line of orange oil replacers offering the zesty taste of citrus at a more affordable price. The new product comes in response to supply chain challenges in the global orange juice market. Orange continues to be one of the world’s most widely consumed citrus flavors, yet despite its popularity, the global orange oil market is facing…
Moa and Biomar announce bio-herbicide collaboration

Moa has boosted its bio-herbicide research and development programme with a new long-term collaboration agreement with Biomar Microbial Technologies. The new collaboration gives Moa access to Biomar’s extensive library of natural marine compounds for the discovery of new herbicides. Moa is screening the compounds with its proprietary…
Palmarès des Entreprises Innovantes en Hauts-de-France – Édition 2024
Êtes-vous une entreprise innovante en Hauts-de-France ? Le Palmarès des entreprises innovantes en Hauts-de-France revient pour sa seconde édition, et cette année, c’est VOUS qui avez la parole ! En effet, pour cette nouvelle édition, le collectif d’experts régionaux d’accompagnement des entreprises a fait évoluer le…
Des microalgues, des lentilles d’eau et du miel soufflé, vainqueurs du concours Agropole 2024 !

Trois start-ups ont été récompensées, le 16 septembre, par le jury du 31e concours national de l’innovation agroalimentaire de l’Agropole : Edonia et ses microalgues, Lemna et ses lentilles d’eau en poudre et Panacea pour son miel soufflé. Ils étaient 43 candidats à postuler cette année au 31e concours national Agropole. Trois d’entre eux étaient…
Galénic poursuit sa stratégie de croissance et investit le offline

Rachetée en 2021 par le groupe chinois Yatsen, la marque Galénic, auparavant dans le giron du groupe Pierre Fabre, s’est repositionnée sur le marché du soin scientifique ultra luxe, multipliant son chiffre d’affaires par six en trois ans. Pour l’heure, principalement implantée en Chine, la marque distribuée online, poursuit sa stratégie de croissance…
Standing Ovation Raises €3.75M for Fermented Casein, Eyes 2025 USA Launch with New CEO
Standing Ovation French biotech Standing Ovation, which specializes in precision-fermented casein for animal-free dairy, announces it has raised €3.75 million in Series A+ funding. The funds will accelerate the company’s growth and the distribution and sales of its flagship protein ingredient — Advanced Casein — in…
Lactalis et Sodiaal rachètent les marques Yoplait et Liberté en Amérique du Nord

General Mills revend ses activités de yaourt à Lactalis pour les États-Unis et à Sodiaal pour le Canada, pour un total de 2,1 milliards de dollars. Sodiaal reste propriétaire de la marque Yoplait. General Mills, sixième groupe mondial de l’agroalimentaire, a annoncé le 12 septembre 2024 la vente de ses activités de yaourts en Amérique du Nord à…
Endress Hauser et Sick scellent leur union

En pourparlers depuis plusieurs mois, les deux groupes ont créé en août dernier une entreprise commune destinée à mieux soutenir leurs clients et à les accompagner dans la nécessaire transformation durable de l’industrie des process. Déjà annoncé en octobre 2023 sous la forme d’une déclaration d’intention commune, le rapprochement…
Evonik ajoute deux nouveaux ingrédients végétaux à son portefeuille d’actifs

Dans la foulée de l’acquisition de Novachem par Evonik, il y a un an, et de son intégration au sein de sa division Care Solutions, le fabricant de produits chimiques de spécialité a ajouté deux nouveaux produits naturels et durables à son portefeuille d’actifs cosmétiques : CapilAcid pour les soins capillaires et Oleobiota pour les soins de la…
Oléon, spécialiste de la chimie du végétal, muscle son usine picarde

Dans l’Oise, Oléon, filiale du groupe Avril, transforme les huiles végétales en ingrédients biosourcés pour les industries pharmaceutiques et cosmétiques ou encore la production de lubrifiants. Son site centenaire est en pleine modernisation, pour augmenter sa…
Biotechnologies : L’Oréal et Evonik entrent au capital d’Abolis

L’Oréal Groupe et Evonik ont annoncé leur entrée au capital de la société de biotechnologie Abolis, spécialisée dans la fabrication d’ingrédients issus de micro-organismes pour les marchés de la cosmétique, de la pharmacie et de la nutrition. Le géant de la beauté et le fabricant d’ingrédients chimiques de spécialité participent à…
Chickpeas in focus: Combining dairy and plant-based proteins for hybrid applications

With vegetarians and flexitarians looking for ways to optimize their protein intake, innovation to make the macronutrient accessible, nutritious and enjoyable is fiercely advancing. Food Ingredients First sits down with Karina Munch Simonsen, key account and sales manager at the foodtech company ChickP, as she unpacks the company’s chickpea-derived protein portfolio…
Vivescia dresse un premier bilan de son programme Transitions

Le 6 septembre 2024, à la Foire de Châlons, le programme Transitions de Vivescia fêtait ses un an, l’occasion pour le groupe coopératif de faire un premier bilan de cet accompagnement technique et économique vers l’agriculture régénérative. Les 200 agriculteurs engagés en septembre 2023 ont été formés via 38 réunions (dont 12 sur…
Sanders poursuit ses investissements pour l’agriculture de demain

Fabricant d’aliments pour l’élevage, la filiale du groupe Avril poursuit ses investissements au service de sa croissance mais aussi de celle de ses clients agriculteurs. Après avoir investi dans l’un de ses sites finistériens, Sanders élargit son périmètre avec un rachat en Vendée. En parallèle, pour soutenir la filière, elle lance un troisième plan d’aide aux…
Calyxia raises $35 million
Calyxia, an industrial B2B Cleantech innovator, certified B Corp, specializing in advanced and biodegradable microcapsules and microparticles for use in Consumer Goods, Crop Protection and Advanced Materials, announced that it has raised $35 million in a Series B funding round. The round was led by Lombard Odier…
Global Bioenergies: net loss reduced to €2.8m in first-half 2024

Press release : Global Bioenergies: net loss reduced to €2.8m in first-half 2024 Net loss reduced to -2.8 M€ compared to -€4.1 million in H1 2023 and -€5.8 million for H1 2022 Gross cash position of €7.7 million as of 30 June 2024 vs €11.7 million as of 31 December 2023 Evry, 10 September 2024 – 05:45 p.m.: Global Bioenergies’ Board of Directors today approved the…
Bio-Botanica® and Gillco Ingredients, an Azelis Company Announce Exclusive Distribution Agreement for Food, Beverage and Dietary Supplement Industries in the U.S.

Bio-Botanica, Inc., and Gillco Products LLC, an Azelis® Company (Gillco), announced today that they have entered into an agreement for Gillco to be the exclusive distributor of Bio-Botanica’s botanical extract ingredients to U.S. companies in the food, beverage and dietary supplement industries. The agreement brings together the oldest family…
Solabia acquiert une participation majoritaire dans PolymerExpert

Le groupe Solabia renforce sa position sur les marchés de la cosmétique et de la santé avec l’acquisition de PolymerExpert, spécialiste français des polymères à haute valeur ajoutée. Basée à Pessac, en Gironde, France, la société PolymerExpert a été fondée en 2000 par Marc Dolatkhani. L’entreprise propose une gamme de produits destinés aux…
La plateforme chimique des Roches-Roussillon s’agrandit avec Arbiom.

Fruit d’un long héritage industriel avec Rhône Poulenc, la plateforme chimique des Roches-Roussillon, organisée en GIE depuis 1999, devient un pôle d’excellence industrielle autour de l’économie renouvelable, de l’alimentation et de la santé. En effet, à l’issue de la crise sanitaire de 2020, Sequens avait déjà investit dans une nouvelle unité de production de…
Case: ANDRITZ & Metsä Fibre & Dow – LigniOx innovation offers a biobased option for construction chemicals

Key facts VTT coordinated an EU-funded project called EU-LigniOx during 2017-2022 that brought together several partners, including ANDRITZ, Metsä Fibre and Dow to demonstrate the viability of oxidised lignin as a replacement for fossil-based plasticisers in concrete production. The basis for the research was provided by the doctoral thesis of VTT’s…
21st.Bio’s animal-free beta-lactoglobulin gets GRAS green light for US markets

Precision fermentation player, 21st.Bio, obtains self-affirmed generally recognized as safe (GRAS) status for its animal-free beta-lactoglobulin ingredient, BLG Essential+. The company’s customers can now enter into production in the US market using 21st.Bio’s technology. Beta-lactoglobulin is the predominant protein in bovine whey. The company says its precision…
Pomace to pectin: Cargill upcycles fruit for elevating dairy and alt-dairy texture and stability

Cargill is utilizing apple pomace and citrus peels to develop pectin solutions that resonate with consumer preferences for natural and label-friendly, plant-based and reduced-sugar products. The company formulates pectin solutions that are water-soluble texturizers, highly functional and have gelling, stabilizing and thickening properties. Different types of pectin are defined by their…
EIT Food and Mars partner to transform fiber into protein and sugar for pet food market

EIT Food and Mars Petcare, a global player in veterinary care, nutrition and pet welfare, have jointly unveiled an Open Innovation Challenge to identify ways to transform fiber into protein and sugar to develop sustainable pet food ingredients. Through engaging EIT Food’s network, the initiative aims to transform byproducts from agricultural processing, such as straw from crop…
Pourquoi la French Tech fait face à un tsunami de faillites

La French Tech, autrefois fleuron de l’innovation européenne, traverse une période pour le moins compliquée. Depuis 2023, une vague de faillites sans précédent déferle sur l’écosystème des start-up françaises. Ce phénomène, aussi soudain qu’inquiétant, soulève de nombreuses questions sur la pérennité du modèle de croissance adopté par ces…
Lesaffre rachète l’activité de levure de dsm-firmenich

Pour le géant français, qui a réalisé un chiffre d’affaires de 2.7 milliards d’euros en 20231, il s’agit d’une opportunité de développer son savoir-faire ainsi que son portefeuille de clients. Lesaffre pourra proposer une offre plus large dans le domaine des dérivés de levure pour le marché des ingrédients aromatiques. Une acquisition qui va notamment…
MicroHarvest taps fermentation for microbial proteins in pet food applications
Biotech company MicroHarvest is formulating fermentation-based microbial proteins with a lower footprint per kg of product, as the global protein demand is set to increase by nearly 50% by 2050, says Julian Schildknecht, head of brand and growth at MicroHarvest. The Germany-based company’s protein…
UKRI launches innovation center for alt-proteins amid calls for shift away from animal farming

The UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and Innovate UK are bolstering the alternative proteins sector with a £15 million (US$19.7 million) investment in a research and innovation center. With developments in cultured meat, insect-based proteins and fermentation-derived proteins, the new National…
Metsä Group announces increased focus on carbon capture tech

The company aims to reduce its environmental impact and explore innovative industrial applications. Metsä Group, a leading global provider of sustainable wood-based products, is intensifying its efforts to capture and utilise carbon dioxide (CO₂) emitted during its production processes. The company believes that this untapped resource…
Comment Nicola Kilner veut faire de DECIEM le leader mondial du skincare

DECIEM prévoit d’investir massivement au cours des trois prochaines années pour développer ses ventes dans le monde, notamment en s’implantant dans de nouveaux espaces, a dévoilé Nicola Kilner, CEO de la société, à Premium Beauty News. Fondée en 2013, DECIEM — la société mère des marques de soins de la peau The Ordinary…
Greentech Brasil monte en puissance et veut quadrupler sa production

Installé au Brésil depuis 2021, le fournisseur d’ingrédients naturels Greentech, travaille aujourd’hui avec les principaux acteurs de la beauté brésilienne. Porté par l’intérêt croissant du marché pour la cosmétique naturelle et pour les soins de la peau et des cheveux, l’antenne sud-américaine confirme sa position et étend son offre. Rencontre…
AlgoSource, une entreprise pionnière dans la valorisation des microalgues | Crédit Maritime

Depuis la presqu’île de Guérande (Loire-Atlantique), AlgoSource produit et distribue des compléments alimentaires naturels à base d’extraits bioactifs issus des microalgues. Après plusieurs décennies de recherche et développement, l’entreprise se distingue par son positionnement disruptif et pionnier. Elle a récemment lancé une levée de fonds…
Kolmar Korea prépare la construction d’une deuxième usine aux États-Unis

Kolmar Korea prévoit de construire sa deuxième usine aux États-Unis, au début de l’année prochaine. Dans cet objectif, le fabricant de cosmétiques a recruté un nouveau responsable pour ses opérations en Amérique du Nord et un directeur commercial mondial (Global Chief Commercial Officer), elle a également mis en place un cadre…
Howtian unveils SoPure Dorado amid push for alternative stevia ingredients

Howtian has launched its SoPure Dorado, the latest innovation in natural sweeteners designed to meet the rising demand for minimally processed, plant-based products. SoPure Dorado is an unrefined golden stevia extract, offering the « least processed, plant-based, zero-calorie sweetener. » The company’s latest ingredient was designed for modern F&B consumers who…
UPcycled4Food initiative: Foodvalley spearheads project to « transform sustainable food systems »

Foodvalley, the leading agro-food center in Europe, is shining a light on upcycling and food waste initiatives with a new position paper that delves into and clarifies the definition and attributed values of upcycled food and ingredients. Finding the right market positioning is one of the main challenges for companies developing upcycled foods and technologies for upcycling…
Citral under review: SCCS Preliminary Opinion

The SCCS was tasked by the European Commission to evaluate if the safety levels for Citral, determined through QRA2 based on skin sensitization induction, are sufficient to safeguard consumers. A preliminary opinion was released. Citral is a widely-used fragrance or flavour ingredient in foods and beverages, cosmetics, and household products thanks to…
A review of phycocyanin: Production, extraction, stability and food applications.
This paper aims to review the production, extraction, stability and food application of phycocyanin. Currently, light source modulation and organic solvent cultivation of high biomass phycocyanin is an important research direction. The development of nitrogen oxygen balanced system-assisted culture environments to raise…
Red beet betalains extraction process: A comprehensive review of methods, applications, and physicochemical properties
Hydro‐alcoholic solutions extracted more betalains from red beet compared to water. Moreover, novel extraction methods were more efficient than conventional ones for the extraction of red beet betalains. Red beet betalains have gained attention due to their health‐promoting advantages and applications. Abstract…
Industrial processing of chickpeas (Cicer arietinum) for protein production
Abstract The increasing global interest in plant‐based proteins stems from concerns about the environmental impact, sustainability, animal welfare, and health implications associated with consuming animal‐based proteins. In the frame of alternative protein sources, chickpea (Cicer arietinum) emerged as a rich source of…
Optimizing a Facile and Rapid Method for Extraction of Flavonoids from Matricaria Chamomilla Using TiO2 Nanoparticles
This research introduced a new method for extracting polyphenolic compounds from the chamomile using TiO2 nanoparticles. The optimized extraction parameters were a pH of 7, a temperature of 25 °C, and a time of at least 15 minutes. The optimized nanoparticle concentration is capable of extracting 0.08 mg of…
Hydrogen-rich solvent method enhances the extraction of phenolics, pigments, reducing sugars, organic acids, and vitamin C from cowslip (Primula veris L.) flower.
Cowslip (Primula veris L.) is an anioxidant-rich plant used for many food and medicinal purposes. In this study, the effect of incorporating hydrogen (H 2) into water (HRW), ethanol (HRE), and methanol (HRM) on the extraction of flavonoids (TFC), phenolics (TPC), and antioxidants (metal chelation, FRAP, DPPH, and ABTS)…
Brown algae biomass for fucoxanthin, fucoidan and alginate; update review on structure, biosynthesis, biological activities and extraction valorisation.
Natural compounds promoting human health are the main focus of research nowadays. Fucoxanthin, fucoidan and alginate are such bioactive compounds that are extracted from marine brown algae. Extracting these 3 compounds through successive extraction enhances the commercial value of the brown algae biomass…
Exploring macroalgae biorefinery: extraction of bioactive compounds and production of volatile fatty acids.
Macroalgae have gained significant attention in recent research owing to their potential as novel food source and their noteworthy nutritional properties. However, a substantial amount of these macroalgae accumulates along the coast without being utilized, highlighting the need for proper treatment and disposal methods to…
Eco‐friendly microwave‐assisted extraction of fruit and vegetable peels demonstrates great biofunctional properties
Waste utilization or waste valorization. Microwave‐assisted extraction increased bioactive properties of peel extracts. Abstract This study aimed to determine the biofunctional properties, such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticancer, and antidiabetic activities, of peel extracts obtained through microwave‐assisted…
Method of protein extraction
The subject of the invention is a method of extracting protein from dried brewer’s spent grain, which exists in the form of initial, unground granules (material with a diameter ranging from 3 to 6 cm) or ground granules (material with a diameter ranging from 0.3 to 2.9 cm) originating from beer production, i.e., spent grains. The…
Extraction and Purification of Biopolymers from Marine Origin Sources Envisaging Their Use for Biotechnological Applications.
Biopolymers are a versatile and diverse class of materials that has won high interest due to their potential application in several sectors of the economy, such as cosmetics, medical materials/devices, and food additives. In the last years, the search for these compounds has explored a wider range of marine…
High-performance removal of methylene blue dye using porous lignin extracted from sugarcane bagasse by deep eutectic solvent.
This study evaluated the ability of triethyl benzyl ammonium chloride/lactic acid deep eutectic solvent extracted lignin (TEBAC/LA-DES-L) to adsorb methylene blue (MB) without additional functional group modification. The structure and morphology of TEBAC/LA-DES-L were characterized using SEM, BET, FT…
Polysaccharides and oligosaccharides originated from green algae: structure, extraction, purification, activity and applications.
With the proceeding of global warming and water eutrophication, the phenomenon of green tide has garnered significant societal interest. Consequently, researchers had increasingly focused on the potential applications of green algae biomass, particularly its polysaccharides. The polysaccharide serves as the primary active…
Ultrafast and Highly Efficient Laser Extraction of Matrine and Oxymatrine from Sophora flavescens for the Anticancer Activity.
Matrine and oxymatrine are mainly obtained from Sophora flavescens using the high-temperature and prolonged solvent extraction methods currently employed in industries. In this study, an ultrafast and highly efficient method for extracting matrine and oxymatrine from S. flavescens at room temperature using laser…
Optimization of ultrasonic‐assisted extraction of soluble dietary fiber (β‐glucan) from different barley varieties and study of its characterization and functional attributes
This study successfully enhanced the extraction of soluble dietary fiber (SDF; β‐glucan) from specific barley varieties using ultrasonic‐assisted extraction technique. Through response surface methodology, optimal conditions were determined to yield the highest SDF content, and the extracted SDF was characterized for…
Resveratrol: Challenges and prospects in extraction and hybridization with nanoparticles, polymers, and bio‐ceramics
Abstract Resveratrol (RSV), a bioactive natural phenolic compound found in plants, fruits, and vegetables, has garnered significant attention in pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetic industries due to its remarkable biological and pharmacological activities. Despite its potential in treating various diseases, its poor pharmacokinetic…
Advances and challenges in the fractionation of edible oils and fats through supercritical fluid processing
Abstract Petrochemical solvents are widely used for the extraction and fractionation of biomolecules from edible oils and fats at an industrial scale. However, owing to its safety concerns, toxicity, price fluctuations, and sustainability, alternative solvents and technologies have been actively explored in recent years…
Recent Advances in Superabsorbent Hydrogels Derived from Agro Waste Materials for Sustainable Agriculture: A Review.
Superabsorbent hydrogels made from agro waste materials have the potential to promote sustainable agriculture and environmental sustainability. These hydrogels not only help reduce water consumption and increase crop yields but also contribute to minimizing waste and lowering greenhouse gas emissions…
Comparison effects of PEF and SC‐CO2 treatments on lycopene, β‐carotene, lutein, β‐cryptoxanthin, total polyphenols values, and antioxidant activity of tomato fruits
The SC‐CO2 moderate processing conditions improved extraction of tomato carotenoids. The PEF moderate processing conditions improved extraction of tomato carotenoids. The PEF at 1 Hz and 0.25 kV/cm increased carotenoids’ extraction. The SC‐CO2 at 55°C, and 35 MPa, without modifier, achieved the highest…
Accelerated solvent extraction of apomorphine from Nymphaea caerulea (Blue Water Lily) products: A proof‐of‐concept Green extraction for plant materials
This proof‐of‐concept workflow allows for the detection of apomorphine content in Nymphaea caerulea plant products which are widely sold across the globe in many misleading manner. This work includes a green extraction, rapid mass screening followed by an high performance liquid chromatography‐photo diode array…
Ultrasound as Green Technology for the Valorization of Pumpkin Leaves: Intensification of Protein Recovery.
The recovery of valuable nutritional compounds, like proteins, from waste streams and by-products is a key strategy for enhancing production sustainability and opening up new market potential. This research aimed to use high-intensity ultrasound as an innovative technique to extract the soluble proteins from the pumpkin…
Cardamom seed bioactives: A review of agronomic factors, preparation, extraction and formulation methods based on emerging technologies to maximize spice aroma economic value and applications.
Cardamom seed (Elettaria cardamomum (L.)) is a well-appreciated spice in food and pharmaceutical industries owing to its unique rich flavor dominated by oxygenated monoterpenoids, α-terpinyl acetate and 1,8-cineole, to which most of the quality of cardamom essential oil (CEO) is attributed. CEO output is greatly…
Recent advances in methods of extraction, pre-concentration, purification, identification, and quantification of kaempferol.
As a naturally widely-occurring dietary, cosmetic, and therapeutic flavonoid, kaempferol has gained much consideration for its nutritional and pharmaceutical properties in recent years. Although there have been performed a high number of studies associated with different aspects of kaempferol’s analytical…
Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidants for Cosmetic Applications Using Polyol-Based Technology.
The utilization of polyols as green solvents for extracting bioactive compounds from plant materials has gained attention due to their safety and inert behavior with plant bioactive chemicals. This study explores the sustainable extraction of phenolic compounds and natural antioxidants from coffee silverskin using the…
Betalains from vegetable peels: Extraction methods, stability, and applications as natural food colorants.
Betalains are hydrophilic pigments naturally present in a limited number of plants and fungi. In addition to providing pigmentation, ranging from yellow to red, they show potential for replacing artificial food colorings. Betalains can be obtained from agri-food waste like vegetable peels through conventional and emerging…
Potato protein extraction apparatus and method
Apparatus 1 for extracting protein from potatoes comprising three filtration devices 10, 20, 30 and an ultrafiltration device 40; the pore sizes of the filter materials 12, 22, 32 decrease in size. It may also comprise a decanter centrifuge and/or sedimentation vessel 50. Preferably, the pore sizes of the filtration devices are…
A Sustainable Approach to Valuable Polyphenol and Iridoid Antioxidants from Medicinal Plant By-Products.
Supply chain waste gives rise to significant challenges in terms of disposal, making upcycling a promising and sustainable alternative for the recovery of bioactive compounds from by-products. Lignocellulosic by-products like STF231, which are derived from the medicinal plant extract industry, offer valuable compounds such as…
Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein Hvp Market Ongoing Trends, Future Demand, Challenges, Top Companies & Forecast 2025-2032

Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein Hvp Market Overview: The global hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP) market has seen remarkable growth in recent years, driven by increasing consumer demand for plant-based protein sources and the growing trend of health and…
Lipid Nutrition Nutritional Lipids Market Thriving Demand 2025-2032 with Industry Analysis, Global Trends | BASF SE, Nestle S.A.

Lipid Nutrition/Nutritional Lipids Market Overview: The lipid nutrition/nutritional lipids market is evolving as a crucial component of the global nutrition and health industry. Nutritional lipids, which include essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6, triglycerides, phospholipids, and sterols, are pivotal to to human health, contributing to various bodily functions, including…
Vanilla Beans and Extract Market is expected to reach USD 11,90,612.81 thousand by 2031, at a CAGR of 3.60%

« Vanilla Beans and Extract Market Segmentation: Identifying Core Segments Global Vanilla Beans and Extract Market, By Product Type (Madagascar, Mexican, Indian, Indonesian, Tahitian, Tonga, Papua, Ugandan and Others), Grades (Grade A, Grade B…
The Top 10 Pioneers of Plant-based Food Colorants

As awareness grows about the health risks associated with synthetic chemical colorants in the food industry, consumers are increasingly seeking safer, more natural alternatives. The push for better food safety and sustainability has led to a rising demand for colorants derived from 100% authentic plant-based sources. plant-based colors, sourced from…
Cocoa Industry is Expected to Reach $ 18.02 Billion by 2031 – Barry Callebaut, PLOT Enterprise Ghana Limited, Cocoa Processing Co. Ltd., Cargill, Inc.

The Global Cocoa Market will be USD 12.5 billion by 2022 and will witness lucrative growth by reaching up to USD 18.02 billion by 2031. The market is growing at a CAGR of 4.7% during the forecast period 2024-2031. Cocoa, essential for chocolate and confections, is central to the Global Cocoa Market, which examines market size, trends, and competitive dynamics…
Biosourced Fragrance Research:CAGR of 3.2% during the forecast period

QY Research Inc. (Global Market Report Research Publisher) announces the release of 2024 latest report « Biosourced Fragrance- Global Market Share and Ranking, Overall Sales and Demand Forecast 2024-2030 ». Based on current situation and impact historical…
Le Sustainable Cosmetics Summit plonge dans la vague de la ‘blue beauty’

Après s’être massivement engagées dans une démarche de verdissement de leurs formules, les marques de beauté s’efforcent maintenant de réduire leur impact sur les océans et, plus généralement, sur les ressources en eau. C’est la tendance « blue beauty » qui sera l’un des principaux thèmes de la prochaine édition du Sustainable…
Growth of Natural Pet Food Colors Market, Revenue, Manufacturers Income, Sales, Market Trend Report Archives in 2024

QY Research Inc. (Global Market Report Research Publisher) announces the release of 2024 latest report « Natural Pet Food Colors- Global Market Share and Ranking, Overall Sales and Demand Forecast 2024-2030 ». Based on current situation and impact historical…
Global Cosmetics & Personal Care Ingredients Market 2024 Grows at 4.3% CAGR (2024-2031) – Solvay, Dow, Clariant, Croda International

The global Cosmetics & Personal Care Ingredients Market size reached 9810 USD Million in 2023. Looking forward, MarketsGlob expects the market to reach 13700 USD Million by 2031, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 4.3% during 2024-2031. The global market research for Cosmetics & Personal Care Ingredients presents a thorough…
Emerging and growing trends in pet food

Food Manufacture explores the latest trends in pet food development and the driving forces behind consumer purchasing decisions when it comes to feeding the furrier members of their families. Appealing to the investors : Much like the rest of the food and beverage industry, pet food producers faced significant headwinds in 2023 from rising input prices…
Amino Acid Market to Grow by USD 12.70 Billion from 2024 to 2028, Driven by Rising Demand in Sports Supplements, AI-Enhanced Market Evolution- Report by Technavio

The global amino acid market size is estimated to grow by USD 12.7 billionn from 2024-2028, according to Technavio. The market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of almost…
Current Trends in Food Processing By-Products as Sources of High Value-Added Compounds in Food Fortification.
Along the food production chain of animal, fish, and vegetable products, a huge amount of by-products are generated every year. Major nutritional, financial, and environmental advantages can be achieved by transforming them into functional ingredients for food formulation and fortification. In this review, we…
Corn Wet-Milling Market is Forecasted to Reach CAGR of 4.43%, Size, Share, Trends, Development Strategies, Competitive Scenario and Segmentation Analysis

» Corn Wet-Milling Market Global Corn Wet-Milling Market, By End-Product (Starch, Sweetener, Ethanol, Corn Gluten MEAI, Gluten Feed, and Others), Application (Feed, Food, Steepwater, Mill, Refinery, Ethanol Production, Starch Modification, and Industrial Applications), Source (Dent Corn and Waxy Corn), Equipment (Milling Equipment…