Innovation : Le CNRS récompense la chimie durable

Le centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) a dévoilé le 15 avril 2021 les lauréats de la médaille de l’innovation. Créée il y a dix ans de cela, cette distinction honore les personnalités dont les recherches ont mené à …
Mouscron, pôle d’excellence chocolatière pour Cargill

Le géant américain Cargill investit près de 18 millions d’euros sur son site de Mouscron, où seront installées une usine pilote et une « Maison du Chocolat »…
Le rôle du financement public de l’Union Européenne dans la création d’une nouvelle bioéconomie et d’un secteur des industries biosourcées

Une bioéconomie pleinement opérationnelle et déployée à grande échelle peut apporter une contribution majeure au programme du Green Deal de l’Union Européenne afin d’atteindre nos objectifs en matière de climat et durabilité au cours de la prochaine décennie et jusqu’en 2050…
Royal Avebe and Solynta join forces: hybrid breeding in starch potato production
Averis Seeds B.V., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Royal Avebe, will be working together with the hybrid potato breeding company Solynta on the hybrid breeding of starch potato varieties. Hybrid breeding facilitates…
Agrial regarde de nouvelles acquisitions

» Agrial a tenu car ses métiers ont été protégés par son modèle de multispécialiste. En 2020, nos performances ont même été meilleures que ce que nous avions prévu au début de la crise « , résume Arnaud Degoulet, président du groupe coopératif…
Greentech reprend Solactis pour former un leader des ingrédients agroalimentaires

Le groupe Greentech, leader français en biotechnologies, annonce la signature d’un accord définitif et devient actionnaire majoritaire du Groupe Solactis, le spécialiste français des ingrédients destinés à l’alimentation humaine et animale, actifs sur le microbiote. …
Intelligence artificielle : Amyris acquiert Beauty Labs

a société américaine de biotechnologies Amyris a annoncé, le 14 avril 2021, l’acquisition de la société d’intelligence artificielle (IA) Beauty Labs. Cette société offre des expériences de consommation connectées aux membres de la « communauté de la beauté et du bien-être ». En ajoutant l’innovation numérique à son catalogue d’expériences, Amyris espère accélérer sa croissance et son leadership sur le marché de la clean beauty…
An exclusive interview with Nicolas Sordet, founder and CEO Afyren

Simplification of the European regulatory framework could also go a long way toward accelerating and promoting the circular bioeconomy surge. » Nicolas Sordet, founder and CEO of AFYREN, talks to Il Bioeconomista. Founded in 2012 and headquartered in France, AFYREN collected…
France’s Avril To Focus On Plant-Based Business

French agri-food group Avril has decided to sell its animal processing units to focus acquisitions and investment in its core plant-based business and take advantage …
Veolia, Suez merger to create global waste management, recycling major
Veolia and Suez have reached an agreement in principle on a proposed merger that would create the world’s largest waste management and recycling group by revenue, with €37bn/year in sales, the two firms said on Tuesday. Each company is individually a global recycling and waste management major; Veolia sales stood at €26bn in 2020, while Suez generated global revenues of €17.2bn. Both firms are headquartered in Paris…
Plus de 50 adhérents, un milliard d’euro de chiffre d’affaires… Zoom sur la marque Grasse Expertise, que rejoint Lancôme

C’est une recrue majeure qui vient rejoindre les rangs du groupement local des savoir-faire liés au parfum, avec l’un des leaders mondiaux de la beauté de luxe. Engagement déjà bien ancré…
National Flavors, B&D Flavours & GSB Flavor Creators Become FlavorSum

FlavorSum is comprised of three solutions brands focused on sourcing and customer service. (Pictured: FlavorSum CEO Brian Briggs)
St Hubert passe à l’avoine

Après Les Petits Plaisirs Soja, arrêtés l’an dernier, St Hubert lance un nouveau dessert ultra-frais 100 % végétal, riche en fibres, à base d’avoine. « Le soja fait face depuis plusieurs années à de nombreuses polémiques », explique l’entreprise…
Parfumerie : Blossom Lab, le nouveau laboratoire mobile de Givaudan testé à Grasse

Géant mondial des parfums et arômes, le groupe suisse Givaudan va tester à Grasse son Blossom Lab™, un laboratoire mobile qui permet d’innover dans les techniques d’extraction naturelles et de créer de nouvelles qualités d’ingrédients de parfumerie au plus près des sites de culture. Un labo unique en son genre créé à partir de conteneurs d’expédition…
Biocarburants : Shell investit dans LanzaJet

La société LanzaJet, filiale du groupe LanzaTech, a annoncé que le pétrolier anglo-néerlandais Shell investissait dans la société. Cet investissement, dont le montant n’a pas été communiqué, a pour ambition de faire progresser la croissance mondiale et accélérer la commercialisation de la technologie de LanzaJet…
Croda International snaps up French perfume leader Parfex in £38.7m deal

The acquisition is the Yorkshire firm’s second French deal in two months following the addition of Alban Muller. Chemicals company Croda International Plc has announced its second French acquisition in two months, after agreeing to buy a perfume business in a £38.7 million (€45m) deal…
Méga fusion : ChemChina et Sinochem enfin réunis

Les deux entreprises étatiques chinoises Sinochem et ChemChina annoncent enfin leur fusion, devenant la plus grosse entreprise chimique au monde, devant l’Allemand BASF. Après plusieurs années d’incertitudes, les entreprises chinoises Sinochem et China National Chemical Corp, la plus grande entreprise chim…
Digital : Sumitomo Chemical et Accenture créent une coentreprise

Le 1er avril 2021, le groupe japonais Sumitomo Chemical et le spécialiste de la digitalisation Accenture ont procédé à la création d’une coentreprise dénommée Sumika DX Accent. Détenue à 80 % par le Nippon, cette société vise à développer les activités existante et futures en implémentant des technologies d’intelligence artificielle (IA)…
Official launch of EleVastin
Gattefossé new active ingredient EleVastinTM focusing on skin elasticity and fighting gravity-induced skin sagging is launched today! Though the laws of gravity are inescapable, the side effects they have on our skin don’t have to be. EleVastinTM is the targeted solution to gravity-induced skin sagging. The ingredient boosts key proteins involved in the synthesis and maintenance of functional elastic fibers. Doing so, it reinforces skin elasticity giving it the support needed to cope with this downward pressure…
Filière Colza | Avril et BPI France injectent 45M€ pour produire de la protéine de colza destinée à l’alimentation humaine

La production de protéines végétales à base de colza pour l’alimentation humaine fait un pas de plus avec l’annonce de la construction de l’usine Prolein qui alimentera Olatein en 2022 …
DSM snaps up Amyris’ flavor and fragrance bio-based intermediates business, extending aroma offerings

DSM will acquire the flavor and fragrance (F&F) bio-based intermediates business of Amyris for an upfront consideration of US$150 million. The deal will add seven intermediate products to DSM’s existing personal care and aroma ingredient activities, extending its offerings in bio-based ingredients for the F&F and…
Solabia-Algatech Nutrition Fucoxanthin and liver health

Research In addition to its excellent anti-oxidative benefits, fucoxanthin in the form of a dietary supplement may promote metabolic health including management of glucose and lipids levels and liver health FucoVital, Solabia-Algatech Nutrition’…
Le BBI JU a créé onze bioraffineries en Europe
Le partenariat public-privé BBI JU aura-t-il joué un rôle essentiel dans la reprise verte de l’Europe au travers de bio-industries ? L’objectif clé de ce programme, démarré en 2014, était de créer des bioraffineries de premier plan qui produisent des matériaux…
BASF investit dans un nouveau centre de compétences pour les superabsorbants

L’entreprise allemande BASF va construire un centre de compétences, doté d’un pilote, sur son Verbund d’Anvers, en Belgique. Ce centre sera dédié au secteur de l’hygiène, et en particulier, à l’activité de superabsorbants. Avec un investissement de 25 millions d’euros, BASF prévoit d’équiper sa nouvelle unité pilote d’une technologie avancée…
AFYREN and Südzucker team on biorefinery using sugar beet co-products
In France, AFYREN and Südzucker have reached an unprecedented long-term agreement on the supply of sugar beet co-products as feedstock for AFYREN NEOXY, the zero-waste, low-carbon biorefinery that will begin producing seven 100% biobased organic acids at industrial scale in early 2022. The partnership is…
Nouvel accord de distribution entre Biolie et Unipex

Biolie, spécialiste français de l’extraction enzymatique et Unipex, Smart Distributeur français d’ingrédients de spécialités, ont signé un accord de distribution sur l’ensemble du territoire français et ce, à compter du 22 mars 2021. Créée en 2012, Biolie s’est fait connaître dans la chimie verte à travers son éco-procédé zéro…
L’ADRIANOR un allié de taille pour lancer son activité de transformation bio

Toute la veille sur les ingrédients bio sur Ingrédients Biologiques Alimentaires Avec son outil de production de petites séries, Adrianor permet aux start-ups, PME et aux agriculteurs de développer leurs innovations à la bonne échelle…
Sofiprotéol renforce les fonds propres de Limagrain Europe

Sofiprotéol, filiale du groupe Avril, a annoncé avoir renforcé les fonds propres du semencier Limagrain Europe à hauteur de 25 M€, dans un communiqué commun aux deux sociétés en date du 4 mars. L’objectif : permettre à Limagrain Europe » de consolider durablement…
UK startup raises €8m of funding to convert CO2 into animal feed
Deep Branch aims to create protein that will replace the use of soy, which has been linked to deforestation… Carbon and hydrogen are fed to a microorganism in a fermentation process similar to what you would see in a brewery. But rather than alcohol, the output is a high-value protein that can be dried and…
Économie : micro-algues, l’or vert de la Presqu’île de Guérande

Sur la Presqu’île de Guérande, Algosource cultive et transforme des micro-algues pour le marché du bien-être et de la cosmétique. L’entreprise est lauréate du Plan de relance…
Devan lance une nouvelle gamme de parfums

Le producteur de produits chimiques de finition à destination du marché textile, Devan, lance une nouvelle gamme de produits biosourcés. La société a utilisé pour cette gamme, nommée SceNTL, des matières premières végétales traçables à 100 %…
Nestlé Recycles Cocoa Fruit Waste To Replace Sugar In Chocolate

As confectionery groups scramble to reduce added sugar, chocolate sweetened with cocoa fruit pulp is about to hit supermarket shelves with food giant Nestlé ready to …
Zelcor – Zero Waste Ligno-Cellulosic Biorefineries by Integrated Lignin Valorisation

The EU project Zelcor officially ended on 28 February 2021 after four and a half years intense research & activities by 17 partners, demonstrating the feasibility of transforming lignocellulose biorefinery recalcitrant side streams to high added-value bio-based…
Koch Separation Solutions announces Royal Avebe partnership
According to KSS, the collaboration will help provide separation solutions for more and more alternative protein ingredients manufactured by Avebe…
Acides aminés : DMC Biotechnologies réussit sa mise à l’échelle

La société américaine DMC Biotechnologies a fait part de la production à échelle commerciale de son acide aminé L-alanine. Pour la société, les résultats de cette mise à l’échelle sont dans la continuité de l’essai pilote réalisé en février 2020…
Croda agrees deal for £15m Parisian beauty ingredients business

FTSE-listed firm furthers French interests as it adds to consumer care portfolio. Croda has agreed a deal for a French beauty business as it expands its personal care portfolio. The East Yorkshire smart science specialist will add Alban Muller’s eponymous Parisian operation to its beauty actives business unit.
Valorization of byproducts from tropical fruits: A review, Part 2: Applications, economic, and environmental aspects of biorefinery via supercritical fluid extraction
The global trade of tropical fruits is expected to increase significantly in the coming years. In 2018, the production was approximately 100 million tones, an increase of 3.3% compared to the previous year. Nevertheless, according to the Food and Agricultural Organization, every year one‐third of the food…
Methods, compositions, and systems for fermentation, particularly large scale operations for production of ethanol and dried distiller’s grain are provided. Addition of a transglutaminase source to a process stream aids in removing protein from the system in order to provide a high protein feed product and/or provide clarified…
A process for making olive oil having a high polyphenol content and, in particular a high hydroxytyrosol content, comprises the conventional steps of transforming (II) olives (1) into an oily must (5); of resolving (V) the later into an oily juice (7), from which a base olive oil (8) is obtained, and into an aqueous juice (6)…
A method for producing valuable organic liquid from a biomass wherein a gas is heated to a predetermined temperature to produce a heated gas. The heated gas is mixed with a biomass to produce an enriched organic vapor and a biomass waste product. The biomass waste product is separated from the enriched…
The present invention relates to a process-economic method for the disconnection/detachment of constituents consisting of water-soluble and dissolved compounds comprising proteins and/or carbohydrates and/or flavorings and/or colorant agents and/or fats and/or toxins; —optionally water-soluble and undissolved…
Purification of linarin and hesperidin from Mentha haplocalyx by aqueous two‐phase flotation coupled with preparative HPLC and evaluation of the neuroprotective effect of linarin
The volatile oil of Mentha haplocalyx is widely used in medicine, food and cosmetics. However, a large amount of its residue after steam extraction of volatile oil is abandoned, resulting in a waste of resources. The method of aqueous two‐phase flotation coupled with preparative HPLC was established for the separation…
This paper describes a concentrated sweet potato leaf protein in dried form, along with methods for producing it. The concentrated leaf protein is high in protein content, high in purity, and can have other beneficial components such as polyphenols. The concentrated leaf proteins are suitable for use in food…
The present disclosure belongs to the technical field of extraction of fragrance substances, and specifically relates to Cymbidium goeringii balsam and a preparation method and use thereof. The present disclosure is implemented by cultivating multiple plants of Cymbidium goeringii with unravelling bloom collectively…
A method for extracting and purifying chlorogenic acid and its application
The invention discloses a method for extracting and purifying chlorogenic acid and its application. The method comprises taking Eucommia ulmoides leaf extract as raw materials, water and ethyl acetate as extraction phases at different pH values, and the water-soluble impurities and fat-soluble impurities are sequentially…
Ultrasound‐microwave assisted extraction of proteins from Moringa oleifera leaves: Comparative optimization study and LC‐MS analysis of the protein concentrate
Moringa oleifera leaves contain significant amount of high quality protein which can be utilized as nutrition supplements and food functional ingredients. In this study, the extraction process of M. oleifera leaves protein was optimized by response surface methodology. Traditional solvent extraction conditions for maximum…
Understanding heat and mass transfer processes during microwave-assisted and conventional solvent extraction
Solvent extraction is a mass transfer process. In this paper, we investigate the role of heat transfer in solvent extraction: in particular, how the heat transfer properties of the solid and the heating method (conventional heating and microwave heating) drive this mass transfer process. Water-based solvent extraction…
Optimization of the extraction of antioxidants from Moringa leaves: a comparative study between ultrasound‐ and ultra‐homogenizer‐assisted extractions
This work investigated the effect of the solvent composition and solid/solvent ratio on the extraction of antioxidants from Moringa oleifera Lam leaves using experimental design and compared the efficiency between the ultrasound‐ (UAE) and ultra‐homogenizer (HAE) assisted extractions. The phytochemical…
Preparative separation of two isomeric antimalaria alkaloids febrifugine and isofebrifugine from Dichroa febrifuga roots by countercurrent chromatography
Two antimalaria alkaloids, febrifugine and isofebrifugine, were successfully separated from total alkaloids of Dichroa febrifuga roots by one‐step preparative countercurrent chromatography with a selected biphasic solvent system. The selected biphasic solvent system was composed of chloroform : methanol : water…
Phenolic extraction from grape (Vitis vinifera) seed via enzyme and microwave co-assisted salting-out extraction
The aim of this study was to develop an effective method for extracting total phenolic (TP) from grape seed using enzyme and microwave co-assisted salting-out extraction (EMASOE). The significant factors affecting TP yield were screened by Plackett-Burman design and then optimized by Box-Behnken design. Under…
Selective separation of the homologues of baicalin and baicalein from Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi using a recyclable ionic liquid-based liquid-liquid extraction system
To explore convenient and efficient techniques for the extraction and separation of the active ingredients in medicinal plants is still ongoing. As a new class of molten salt, ionic liquids (ILs) are widely used in the extraction of bioactive compounds from plant resources. In this work, the IL-based biphasic system was…
Selective recovery of terpenes, polyphenols and cannabinoids from Cannabis sativa L. inflorescences under microwaves
In recent years, hemps health and nutritional properties recognition has led to an impressive growth of Cannabis research, industrial processing, and the related market. Moreover, the demand for natural Cannabis-derived compounds (i.e. terpenes, polyphenols, and cannabinoids) is constantly growing…
Development of ultrasound-assisted centrifugal extraction and online solvent concentration coupled with parallel countercurrent chromatography for the preparation of purified phytochemicals: Application to Lycium ruthenicum
To improve the preparation efficiency of natural products, new techniques for extraction and concentration of natural products have been established. Based on this, an on-line technology to improve the yield and preparation efficiency of natural products have been established. In this study, a novel method to…
Effect of combined pulsed electric energy and high pressure homogenization on selective and energy efficient extraction of bio-molecules from microalga Parachlorella kessleri
This work investigates the potential of pulsed electric energy (pulsed electric fields (PEF) and high-voltage electrical discharges (HVED)) and high pressure homogenization (HPH) for extraction of bio-molecules from Parachlorealla kessleri. The applied procedures included individual pulsed electric energy (PEF, HVED)…
Deep eutectic solvents as green media for flavonoids extraction from the rhizomes of Polygonatum odoratum
Recent years have witnessed the growing popularity of deep eutectic solvents (DESs) in the extraction of functional components. As a novel green alternative to organic reagents, DESs are environmentally friendly, non-toxic, inexpensive, and biodegradable. In the present study, tailor-made DESs were prepared…
Technical and economic feasibility of an integrated ethanol and anthocyanin coproduction process using purple corn stover
The coproduction of high‐value anthocyanin extract in the cellulosic ethanol process would diversify the co‐product market, increase revenue, and potentially improve the economics of the process. The high anthocyanin concentration in the cob and structural carbohydrates in residual stover make purple corn…
New trends in the use of enzymes for the recovery of polyphenols in grape byproducts
Residues from wine and juice processing still contain about 70% of the phenolic compounds in grapes. These compounds are valued for having several bioactive properties that are explored in the pharmaceutical and food sectors. This paper aims to summarize the most recent advances in the use of enzymatic techniques…
A simple and fast experimental protocol for the extraction of xanthophylls from microalga Chlorella luteoviridis.
This study aimed to optimize the key parameters of extraction methods and to increase the recovery yields of intact xanthophylls (violaxanthin, zeaxanthin, astaxanthin) from microalgae (Chlorella luteoviridis). An effective, simple, and fast extraction protocol is described. It consists of a grinding pretreatment…
Box-Behnken Design (BBD)-Based Optimization of Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Parthenolide from the Stems of Tarconanthus camphoratus and Cytotoxic Analysis.
Parthenolide, a strong cytotoxic compound found in different parts of Tarchonanthus camphoratus which motivated the authors to develop an optimized microwave-assisted extraction (MEA) method using Box-Behnken design (BBD) for efficient extraction of parthenolide from the stem of T. camphoratus and its…
A process for fractionating a feed mixture derived from dried brewer’s spent grains (BSG) or distiller’s grains (DDG) or distiller’s dried grains and mixed with solubles (DDGS) is disclosed. The process includes using a single-step tribo-electrostatic separation process and device to separate the feed mixture by…
Digital sensory innovation: Givaudan’s Aroma Kiosk leverages AI to identify flavor preferences

Givaudan Taste & Wellbeing has launched its Aroma Kiosk, a digital sensory tool designed to gather valuable consumer insights on flavors and products in real-time. Touted as a « breakthrough innovation, » the Aroma Kiosk is the latest addition to Givaudan’s ecosystem of digital and AI tools that allow Givaudan’s global…
Ultrasound as a Promising Tool for the Green Extraction of Specialized Metabolites from Some Culinary Spices.
Spices are a popular food of plant origin, rich in various phytochemicals and recognized for their numerous properties. The aim of the study was to evaluate the antioxidant and antimicrobial activity, as well as the content of specialized metabolites, of aqueous extracts of three spice species–garlic (Allium sativum L.),…
Investigation of time effect on pectin production from citrus wastes with ohmic heating assisted extraction process
Pectin is usually extracted by exposure to a high temperature and a specific pH value by conventional methods. However, due to reasons such as low energy efficiency of the process and damage to the pectin, alternative thermal and non‐thermal methods are used in the pectin extraction process. In this study, the…
Extracting flavonoid from Ginkgo biloba using lignocellulolytic bacteria Paenarthrobacter sp. and optimized via response surface methodology
Ginkgo biloba flavonoids are important natural bioactive compounds with strong physiological effects. To develop an eco‐friendly and effective method for extracting flavonoids from plants, a microbial method involving lignocellulose‐degrading bacterial enzymes was developed to improve flavonoid extraction from…
Optimization of Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from Baphicacanthus cusia Leaves by Hydrophobic Deep Eutectic Solvents.
Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) are considered as efficient and green solvents for the extraction of bioactive compounds from medicinal plants. In this work, a novel method of DES-based ultrasound-assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from Baphicacanthus cusia leaves (BCL) was established. Systematic screening…
Bacterial pigments: a colourful palette reservoir for biotechnological applications
Synthetic derivatives are currently used instead of pigments in many applicative fields, from food to feed, from pharmaceutical to diagnostic, from agronomy to industry. Progress in organic chemistry allowed to obtain rather cheap compounds covering the whole colour spectrum. However, several concerns…
Methods for decreasing harmful effects of blue light on skin are disclosed that include topically administering to a subject in need thereof a composition of an effective quantity of a purified, enzymatic hydrolysate of Theobroma cacao L. beans comprising peptides and saccharides having a molecular weight between 200…
Prostaglandin production by the microalga with heterologous expression of cyclooxygenase
Prostaglandins (PGs) are the physiologically active compounds synthesized from C20 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) by cyclooxygenase (COX) and a series of PG synthases, and are utilized as pharmaceuticals. Currently commercialized PGs are mainly produced by chemical synthesis under harsh conditions…
Proteins and Peptides Derived from Rapeseed: Techno‐Functional and Bioactive Properties
Rapeseed proteins can be classified according to their solubility as globulins, albumins, and oleosins. Toxic and anti‐nutritional elements including glucosinolates and sinapinic acid can be removed from rapeseed protein meal using hydrolysis or fermentation, which results in the generation of a bioactive peptide…
Oils and Oilseeds in the Nutraceutical and Functional Food Industries
A substantial change in dietary habits complemented with the consumption of some bioactive compounds, which can be contained in functional foods or nutraceuticals, may constitute an effective way to reduce the incidence of these pathologies. Vegetable and seed oils provide a broad range of components (including…
Valorization of Pinus halepensis Mill. seed oil: Physicochemical characteristics, bioactive compounds, and antioxidant activity as affected by location and extraction method
In this study, physicochemical characteristics, phytochemical compositions, and antioxidant activities of Pinus halepensis Mill. seed oils (PHSO) from two geographical origins (Algeria and Turkey) and obtained through two different extraction processes (cold pressing and solvent extraction) were determined. PHSO were…
Effect of cold press and Soxhlet extraction systems on total carotenoid, antioxidant activity values and phytochemicals in caper (Capparis ovata var herbacea) seed oils
Total carotenoid and chlorophyll amounts of caper seed oils extracted in cold press and Soxhlet extraction equipments were determined as 18.21 mg/g (cold press) and 17.33 mg/g (Soxhlet) to 31.68 mg/g (cold press) and 30.06 mg/g (Soxhlet), respectively. The caper seed oils contained 54.125 (cold press) and…
Reuse of brackish water from desalination units in agriculture will reduce the environmental impacts resulting from disposal in the soil and groundwater, thus reflecting positively in reducing costs. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of reusing brackish water from a small water desalination unit as amended…
Phycocyanin content and nutritional profile of Arthrospira platensis from Mexico: efficient extraction process and stability evaluation of phycocyanin.
Phycocyanin is a blue natural food colorant with multiple health benefits. Here we propose an efficient phycocyanin extraction method from Arthrospira platensis from Mexico. Three extraction methods were applied to optimize the extraction process, using water and buffer as solvents, with three pH values at two…
Extraction of protein from food waste: An overview of current status and opportunities
The chief intent of this review is to explain the different extraction techniques and efficiencies for the recovery of protein from food waste (FW) sources. Although FW is not a new concept, increasing concerns about chronic hunger, nutritional deficiency, food security, and sustainability have intensified attention on…
Optimization of green extraction for the recovery of bioactive compounds from Brazilian olive crops and evaluation of its potential as a natural preservative
Olive leaves are a great resource to obtain bioactive compounds, contributing to sustainability in agriculture. This work aimed to optimize the extraction conditions of bioactive compounds from Brazilian olive leaves using a green technique and evaluate the potential of the extract as a food additive with antioxidant and…
Ultrasound-assisted extraction of five anthraquinones from Rheum palmatum water extract residues and the antimicrobial activities
Previously studies found that Rheum palmatum L. water extract residues contains the abundant five anthraquinones, and could be used as a renewable source to enrich active compounds for industrial uses. In this paper, we found that the ultrasound- assisted extraction method could be used to enrich 5 anthraq…
Antioxidant and anti-norovirus properties of aqueous acetic acid macromolecular extracts of edible brown macroalgae
Previous studies reported the activity of fucoidans and polyphenols (phlorotannins) extracted from brown algae against enveloped viruses. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of brown macroalgae on the non-enveloped norovirus. Aqueous acetic acid macromolecular (>3 kDa) extracts (AAEs) were obtained…
Azadirachta indica A. Juss (Meliaceae) microencapsulated bioinsecticide: Spray drying technique optimization, characterization, in vitro release, and degradation kinetics
Insecticides based on Azadirachta indica have been demonstrated as useful in pest control and bioinsecticides that are microencapsulated can reduce the amount of product utilized, and minimize impacts on the environment and human health. The objective of this study was to optimize drying, and evaluate the…
Evaluation of green extraction methods on bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity from Bougainvillea glabra bracts
Bougainvillea glabra is a native plant of South America, and its bracts are still an underexploited source of betalains and phenolic compounds. Microwave (MAE), ultrasound (UAE), conventional aqueous and ethanolic exhaustive extractions were used for the recovery of total phenolic compounds (TPC) and betalains…
Use of water and ethanol extracts from wine grape seed pomace to prepare an antioxidant toothpaste
Objectives Use of extracts of fresh wine grape seeds/skin or of grape pomace seeds to prepare antioxidant natural toothpastes. Results Ethanol extracted twice more polyphenols than water; ultrasound did not provide any improvement in the extraction. The addition of freeze‐dried ethanol extracts of seeds or skin…
Ultrasound-assisted preparation of anise extract nanoemulsion and its bioactivity against different pathogenic bacteria
The present work aimed to characterize the nanoemulsion of anise seed extract and to compare its efficacy with the bulk extract against pathogenic bacteria. The anise seeds extract was prepared by cold solvent extraction method using ethanol. Nanoemulsion of anise extract was formulated using ultrasound assisted…
Effect of different polarity solvents on the anti‐inflammatory activity of Symplocos cochinchinensis leaves and correlation with total polyphenol content
Symplocos cochinchinensis leaves known as Vietnamese traditional herbal medicines which have been utilized anciently to support the medication of infirmities. The study aimed to explore the correlation of total polyphenol content (TPC) with anti‐inflammatory activity of S. cochinchinensis leaves. S. cochinchinensis…
Impact of processing on the in vitro protein quality, bioactive compounds, and antioxidant potential of 10 selected pulses
Pulses are consumed worldwide with different processing methods, which may impact their digestibility, protein quality, and composition. This study aims to analyze the effect of extrusion, baking, and cooking on protein nutritional parameters; bioactive compounds; and the impact on antioxidant capacity (AOX) of 10…
Preservation activity of Artemisia essential oils and a monomer in treating pepper bacterium and fungus diseases
13 micro‐organic strains were isolated from rotten pepper fruits, and 4 kinds of bacterium and 2 kinds of fungus were identified as the postharvest pathogens through Koch\’s postulates and ITS, 16S sequences. Five plant‐sourced essential oils and a monomer, 1, 8‐cineole, were used for in vitro bacteriostatic activity…
Development of extracts obtained from yerba mate leaves with different industrial processing steps. Antimicrobial capacity, antioxidant properties and induced damage
This study was aimed at developing a yerba mate extract (YME) intended to be used as food additive with antioxidant and antimicrobial capacity. For the extraction, yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis, St Hill) leaves collected from three industrial processing steps (green, unaged canchada and aged canchada) were used…
Optimization of cold press and enzymatic‐assisted aqueous oil extraction from tomato seed by response surface methodology: Effect on quality characteristics
Tomato seeds, which are the byproducts of tomato paste processing, were used to obtain tomato seed oil using two different extraction methods: cold press extraction (CPE) and enzymatic assisted aqueous extraction (EAAE). To maximize oil amount, the experimental parameters of those two methods were…
New Insights into the Biological Activity of Lichens: Bioavailable Secondary Metabolites of Umbilicaria decussata as Potential Aanticoagulants
The present study reports the in‐vitro anticoagulant impact of acetonic extract (AE) of 42 lichen species, and the identification of potential bioavailable anticoagulant compounds from Umbilicaria decussata as a competent anticoagulant lichen species. Lichens\’ AEs were evaluated for their anticoagulant activity…
Chemical profile and antioxidant activity of Sesbania bispinosa (Jacq.) W. Wight aerial parts and seeds extracts
Sesbania bispinosa (Jacq.) W. Wight is a medicinal plant used by traditional healers from India and now introduced in southern Algeria, for which the chemical composition still needs to be uncovered. This work aimed to establish the chemical profile of this important medicinal plant and determine of the antioxidant…
Costus spiralis (Jacq.) Roscoe leaves fractions have potential to reduce effects of inflammatory diseases
Ethnopharmacological relevance: Since drugs currently used to manage pain and inflammatory conditions present several side effects, the investigation of new anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive agents from folk-medicine plants is an important approach. Costus spiralis (Costaceae) has been used in Brazilian…
Gastroprotective activity of kaempferol glycosides from Malvaviscus arboreus Cav.
Ethnopharmacological relevance: Malvaviscus arboreus is traditionally used in Mexico and Central America for culinary and medicinal purposes. Leaves and flowers of this species are commonly used for preparation of salads, herbal teas and herbal dyes. Panamanian, Guatemalan and Mexican healers use this medicinal…
Evaluation of antimicrobial and antioxidant efficacy of hydro ethanol extract of peels of Kufri Chandramukhi, Kufri Chipsona‐3, and Kufri Jyoti potato varieties alone and in combination
The potato processing industries generate substantial quantities of phenolic‐rich potato peels as waste by‐products that could be valuable natural sources of antimicrobials and antioxidants in food industry. The present study is aimed to evaluate antimicrobial and antioxidant potential of hydro ethanol extract of peels of…
A comparative study of essential oil constituents, total phenolics and antioxidant capacity of the different organs of four species of the genus bunium
Bunium persicum is one of the fragrant herbaceous plants that has many nutritional and medicinal applications. Information about other species of Bunium is scarce. Essential oils, polyphenolics and antioxidant activity were analysed in four species of Bunium. The highest levels of total flavonoids were…
Eggplant Peels as a Valuable Source of Anthocyanins: Extraction, Thermal Stability and Biological Activities.
This study aimed to use eggplant peels as a potential source of anthocyanins with biological activities. Two different extraction methods were tested in order to obtain extracts with a high anthocyanin content. The selected methods were the solid-liquid extraction (SLE) and ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) methods…
Techniques and modeling of polyphenol extraction from food: a review.
There is a growing demand for vegetal food having health benefits such as improving the immune system. This is due in particular to the presence of polyphenols present in small amounts in many fruits, vegetables and functional foods. Extracting polyphenols is challenging because extraction techniques should not…
A review on sources and extraction of phenolic compounds as precursors for bio-based phenolic resins
Residues from biomass processing/harvesting (e.g., straw, saw chips, bark) contain value-added chemicals for multiple applications. Biomass residues can be converted to chemicals and fuels, unlike other renewable sources such as wind and hydro, with the added benefit of reducing economic and environmental costs…
Black Currant Seed Oil Market Advancing the Growth Globally: Market Dynamics, Trends, Efficiencies Forecast 2026 – Los Hijos de la Malinche
The Comprehensive research study on « Black Currant Seed Oil Market » is a professional and top to bottom investigation of the current and future market conditions of the global Black Currant Seed Oil industry. This report provides the strategists, marketers…
Taille du marché Sorbitol Maltitol et 2021 par part, offre de l’industrie, croissance, moteurs, applications, fabricants et prévisions jusqu’en 2026
Le rapport d’étude de marché Sorbitol Maltitol et prévision 2021 est une étude approfondie de l’industrie Sorbitol Maltitol et axée sur la taille, la part et la tendance du marché mondial. Ce rapport fournit également des informations sur la croissance du Sorbitol…
Global Hydrolysed Vegetable Protein (HVP) Market 2021-2027 Developments, Restraints, Scope Kerry Group Plc., Cargill, Incorporated, Ingredient Inc.

Global Hydrolysed Vegetable Protein (HVP) Market report 2021-27 explains significant details asked by the customers in terms of industrial advantages or disadvantages and futuristic industry scope. The research report is showcased all the necessary data regarding the Hydrolysed Vegetable Protein (HVP) industry…
Scénario concurrentiel de Phycocyanine pour nutraceutiques croissance du marché, la taille, la demande, prévisions avec l’évaluation de la profondeur par Top Joueurs clés 2025
Le statut de marché mondial Phycocyanine pour nutraceutiques (2021-2026) et la position dans le monde entier et des régions clés, des perspectives des fabricants, les régions, les types de produits et les industries de fin; Ce rapport analyse les entreprises…
Global Vegan Protein Powder Market Proceeds To Witness Upward Trend Over Assessment Period – Zion Market Research

The business report released by Zion Market Research on Global Vegan Protein Powder Market Proceeds To Witness Upward Trend Over Assessment Period…
Le marché des parfums naturels atteindra un nouveau niveau dans l’année à venir | Robertet SA, Frutarom Industries Ltd, Pronex SA, Sethness Products Co.
A2Z Market Research annonce la publication du rapport d’étude de marché Parfum naturel. Le rapport de recherche sur le marché 2021 présente une analyse de la taille, de la part et de la croissance du marché, des tendances, de la structure des coûts, des données statistiques et complètes du marché mondial. Le rapport…
Sclerocarya Birrea Seed Oil Market Global Production, Demand and Business Outlook 2021 to 2027

Global Sclerocarya Birrea Seed Oil Market Size, Status and Forecast 2021-2027 The Global Sclerocarya Birrea Seed Oil Market Research Report 2021-2027
Camellia Oleifera Seed Oil Market Business Development Hacking Strategies by Predominant Players 2021-2027 | All Organic Treasures, OQEMA, Yokozeki Oil & Fat Industries
The report titled Global Camellia Oleifera Seed Oil Market is one of the most comprehensive and important additions to QY Research’s archive of market research studies. It offers detailed research and analysis of key aspects of the global Camellia Oleifera Seed…
Herbal Extracts Market 2021 Grow with a Significant CAGR – Global Industry Analysis, Key Players, Trends, Growth, and Forecast to 2026
Global Herbal Extracts Market 2021-2026 research report added by In4Research provides a detailed analysis of the industry with key driving & restraining factors that are affecting the growth of the Herbal Extracts market during the forecast period…
Europe Marine Ingredients Market – Top Players are Cargill, Incorporated, Symrise, KD Pharma Group, Omega Protein, Abyss Ingredients, Algaia
Global Marine Ingredients Market 2021 Research Report initially provides a basic overview of the industry that covers definition, applications and manufacturing technology, post which the report explores into the international players in the market…
Croissance du marché mondial Polyphénols Végétaux Part de l’industrie 2021, croissance, défis commerciaux, croissance, taille et demande, principaux fabricants et rapport de recherche sur les prévisions 2026
Le rapport de recherche mondial « Polyphénols Végétaux Marché » offre des informations qualitatives et quantitatives sur le taux de croissance de l’industrie, la segmentation du marché, la taille du marché Polyphénols Végétaux, la demande et les revenus. Les tendances…
Ribes Nigrum Seed Oil Market Research Outlook 2021 – EPC Natural Products, OQEMA, Esperis, Northstar Lipids

Global « Ribes Nigrum Seed Oil Market » 2021 Research report produces information with reference to market size, share, trends, growth, cost structure…
Vous reprendrez bien un peu d’algues

Malgré un littoral riche en biomasse et des fermes à spiruline, la France, 7e producteur mondial d’algues, boude encore cet aliment du futur…
Yeast protein: an answer to the growing demand for plant-based foods

In this webinar, Biospringer experts will explain how yeast protein can help develop plant-based meat and dairy substitutes…
Le marché de l’huile de rose devrait connaître une énorme croissance d’ici 2027 | Albert Vieille, Ernesto Ventós, SA, Bontoux SAS
A2Z Market Research annonce la publication du rapport d’étude de marché Huile de rose. Le marché devrait croître à un rythme soutenu dans les années à venir. Le rapport de recherche sur le marché 2021 présente une analyse de la taille, de la part et de la croissance du marché, des tendances, de la structure des coûts…
Know How Seafood Extract Market Growing Massively by 2021-2026 Focusing on Top Players – Activ International Group, ARIAKE, Arjuna Natural Pvt Ltd

Seafood Extract Market report is to provide accurate and strategic analysis of the Profile Projectors industry. The report closely examines each segment…
Global Avena Sativa Kernel Extract Market 2021-2027 Scope, assumptions, Segment Durae Corporation, Vee Kay International, Amsar

Take a look at our recently released study on the Global Avena Sativa Kernel Extract Market 2021-2027 which is a detailed research report covering the…
Global Punica Granatum Seed Oil Market Size, Share, Value, and Competitive Landscape 2020-2026
This Report covers the manufacturers’ data, including: shipment, price, revenue, gross profit, interview record, business distribution etc., these data help the consumer know about the competitors better. This report also covers all the regions and countries of the world, which shows a regional development status, including…
Huile de Baobab Étude de marché (2021-30): étude économique, tendances actuelles du marché, acteurs clés

Un rapport à jour sur Huile de Baobab: Taille du marché – 2030. Analyse la taille actuelle du marché et la croissance des années à venir…
Marché mondial Gomme arabique (E414) Marché Rapport de recherche 2021 (couvrant les États-Unis, l’Europe, la Chine, le Japon, l’Inde, etc.) | Nexira, Alland et Robert, ISC

Rapport de recherche du marché mondial Gomme arabique (E414) de 2021, compris les technologies, les perspectives et les stratégies Informations sur les prévisions. Le dernier rapport global Gomme arabique (E414) examine tout ce qu’un propriétaire d’entreprise doit savoir sur Gomme arabique (E414)…
Produit extrait d’Aesculus Hippocastanum Croissance énorme du marché à l’avenir au cours de 2021-2030

Produit extrait d’Aesculus HippocastanumRapport d’étude de marché Analyse globale par ventes, prix, revenus et part 2030 Produit extrait d’Aesculus Hippocastanum Le rapport d’enquête analytique mondial est la recherche fournie par les analystes, qui contient un examen approfondi des moteurs, des limites et des ouvertures…
Passiflora Incarnata Flower Extract Market 2021 | Extensive Market Growth | Opportunities | Impact and Precise Outlook 2027
The latest report added by market research vision demonstrates that the global Passiflora Incarnata Flower Extract Market will showcase a steady CAGR in the coming years. The research report includes a thorough analysis of market drivers, restraints, threats…
Biotech Flavors Market is projected to record a YoY growth of ~9%

According to a new study by TMR, the sales of biotech flavors are estimated to reach 134,422 metric tons in 2019. The biotech flavors market is projected…
Red Seaweed Extract Insights, Scope And Forecast By 2031
Recent product developments in red seaweed extract market is expected to upsurge overall sales Like several other seaweed extracts, red seaweed extract…
Marché microalgues 2021 Part mondiale, croissance, taille, aperçu régional, opportunités, analyse des principales entreprises, tendances et prévisions clés du pays jusqu’en 2025
Globale microalgues Marché a l’intention de fournir des informations de marché de pointe et d’aider les décideurs à effectuer une évaluation judicieuse des investissements. Le rapport microalgues Marché offre un tableau de bord détaillé des principales entreprises…