DRT announces new partnership with LEVITA in Europe
DRT IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE AN AGREEMENT WITH LEVITA FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF OUR PRODUCTS IN BELGIUM, THE NETHERLANDS AND IN LUXEMBURG. LEVITA has been DRT’s agent for many years and we are now taking a new step together. This new partnership will secure the distribution of DRT’s products for our Industrial and Health & Nutrition markets…
Omya completes acquisition Formulae Development LLC, a contract R&D formulator for natural cosmetics in the US
Omya, a leading global distributor and manufacturer of specialty ingredients, has successfully completed the acquisition of Formulae Development, LLC., an innovative contract R&D company specializing in natural formulations for Personal Care, located in Hazlet, NJ, US. Formulae, a boutique custom laboratory with fifteen years’ experience in the personal care industry…
Alexis RIDEAU nommé Directeur Général Délégué de DEINOVE

Alexis RIDEAU a une expérience reconnue dans le développement, la négociation et la mise en œuvre de partenariats stratégiques dans le domaine des sciences de la vie…
Forum Bourse BIOPHYTIS – 03/05/2020 08:06:37 – Lettre aux actionnaires

… Lancement du programme COVA pour contribuer à la lutte contre le COVID-19: Face à l’urgence sanitaire liée à la propagation du Covid-19, nous avons souhaité contribuer à l’effort mondial de lutte contre cette pandémie. Le 7 avril 2020 nous avons annoncé le lancement du programme clinique COVA avec Sarconeos (BIO101) dans le traitement du Syndrome de Détresse Respiratoire Aigüe (SDRA) lié au Covid19. Sarconeos (BIO101) a démontré sa capacité à rétablir une fonction respiratoire normale dans..
Microalgues : Yemora met au point un photobioréacteur innovant

La start-up israélienne Yemora a annoncé le développement d’une plateforme pour la culture de microalgues personnalisées et conformes aux exigences pharmaceutiques. S’appuyant sur l’usage d’un photobioréacteur haute précision, l’entreprise est en mesure de fournir des microalgues produisant spécifiquement certains composés…
Xylochimie : Gemm_Est se rapproche d’ExtraFor_Est

Les deux projets de recherche Gemm_Est et ExtraFor_Est ont annoncé le 28 avril la mutualisation de leur communication. En effet, les deux projets ont une ambition commune : mieux connaître et valoriser les biomolécules présentes dans les arbres, notamment les résineux…
Cultures Marines – Hemarina se tient prêt

“Nous avons 5 000 doses disponibles et grâce à notre stock de vers marins, nous sommes en capacité d’en fournir 15 000 supplémentaires”, détaille Franck Zal, fondateur d’Hemarina, société bretonne. L’entreprise utilise les vers marins pour en extraire une molécule qui sert de transporteur d’oxygène…
Actif cosmétique : Un deuxième ingrédient issu du partenariat PAT-Clariant

Le chimiste de spécialités suisse Clariant a annoncé le 28 avril la sortie de Rootness Energize. Cet actif est le deuxième ingrédient issu du partenariat entre Clariant et Plant Advanced Technologies (PAT), signé en décembre 2019, après le Prenylium issu…
Actifs cosmétiques : Luminity de Deinove enfin sur le marché

La société montpelliéraine de biotechnologies Deinove a officiellement lancé le 23 avril son nouvel actif cosmétique. Luminity est un concentré de neurosporène, un caroténoïde qui contribue à la beauté de la peau et à la vitalité du teint…
AlgaPrime™ DHA important source of omega-3 fatty acids in American Heart Association certification of Kvarøy Arctic™ Salmon

AlgaPrime™ DHA, produced by Corbion, is a key source of omega-3 fatty acids fed to Kvarøy Arctic™ Atlantic salmon, contributing to the salmon’s…
Fermentalg publie ses résultats pour 2019

Le spécialiste français des micro-algues Fermentalg a publié ses résultats pour l’année 2019 le 1er avril. La société annonce un chiffre d’affaires à 1,9 million d’euros pour 2019, contre 0,1 M€ en 2018. Cette augmentation est le résultat de la commercialisation en volume de son produit…

Le groupe AlgoSource, expert mondial reconnu dans les microalgues, propose une gamme complète de services allant de l’ingénierie de la production à la valorisation industrielle des microalgues. Son savoir-faire unique couvre l’ensemble des procédés de la production et de la transformation de microalgues et permet une vision intégrée auprès de ses clients industriels. AlgoSource développe…
Stepan rachète les bio-surfactants de Logos Technologies

Le groupe américain de spécialités Stepan Company a annoncé le 27 mars le rachat de la gamme de bio-surfactants développée par Logos Technologies. Cet ingénieriste américain a mis au point la gamme NatSurFact de bio-surfactants naturels. Composés de rhamnolipides, tout comme les bio-surfactants développés par…
PAMacée, à la découverte des plantes qui soignent
PAMacée kézako ? Un voyage de 6 mois pour découvrir comment se réapproprier sa santé avec les plantes médicinales. Le projet d’Anne et Lola, deux étudiantes ingénieures à AgroParisTech…
Covid-19 : Tereos engage cinq usines dans la production de gel hydroalcoolique

Dans un contexte de pénurie de gel hydroalcoolique en France, le groupe Tereos, spécialiste de la production de sucre, d’amidon et d’alcool, a décidé d’engager cinq de ses usines dans la production de gel hydroalcoolique. Sont concernées les usines d’Artenay…
Le programme Pragati entre en phase deux

Arkema, BASF, Jayant Agro-Organics et l’organisation Solidaridad – ont célébré les succès de la phase 1 du projetPragati, visant à mettre en place une filière durable du ricin dans le Gujarat en Inde. L’occasion de faire un bilan des réalisations entre 2016 et 2019. Ce premier volet a aidé à la production de plus de 13 000 tonnes de graines de ricin de provenance certifiées durable, l’audit et …
Bioraffinerie 2G : Partenariat entre Sekab et Vertoro

Le groupe suédois de clean tech Sekab et l’entreprise pétrolière néerlandaise Vertoro ont officialisé le 9 mars leur partenariat pour la construction d’un démonstrateur de bioraffinerie à Örnsköldsviken, Suède…
Nigay se renforce à l’export

Nesle (Somme) Le fabricant de caramel a investi 20 millions d’euros pour la construction d’une deuxième unité de production, dédiée aux caramels liquides…
Emmanuel Pinteaux rejoint Léa Nature

Emmanuel Pinteaux est le nouveau directeur marketing alimentation et santé du groupe Léa Nature, en charge des marques Jardin Bio, Karéléa, Biosens et Biopur…
Croda déménage sa recherche en biotech sur le campus Sci-Tech Daresbury

Le Britannique Croda annonce l’ouverture d’un nouveau laboratoire de biotechnologie sur le campus Sci-Tech Daresbury près de…
Effect of the solvent nature on the structure and performance of poly(amide-imide) ultrafiltration membranes
The study covers the fundamental relationships between the nature of aprotic polar solvents [ N -methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP), N , N -dimethylacetamide (DMA), N , N -dimethylformamide (DMF) and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO)] used for casting solution preparation and the structure and performance of poly(amide-imide) (PAI) ultrafiltration membranes. It was found that the distinctive feature of the ternary systems PAI-poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG-400, Mn = 400 g mol−1 ) solvent is gel formation…
The use of the high-frequency electromagnetic field (MW) and of the pulsed electric field (PEF) for the extraction of bioactive compounds from grapes
In recent years the uses of the high-frequency electromagnetic field (MW) and of the pulsed electric field (PEF) are studied as alternative methods in winemaking for better economic efficiency and to provide high quality products, rich in bioactive compounds. The aim of our paper was to compare the two methods, MW and PEF, in terms of their applicability for the extraction of bioactive compounds from two varieties of grapes (Pinot Noir and Merlot). We also determined the antioxidant capacity…
Preliminary study of ohmic heated hydro distillation for essential oil’s plant extraction
Essential oils can be extracted by various extraction methods such as hydro distillation, steam distillation and solvent extraction. However, the application of ohmic heated hydro distillation has not been reported much elsewhere. In this study, ohmic heated hydro distillation of four types of plants; Cymbopogon atratus (Lemon grass), Cymbopogon nardus (Citronella grass), Backhousia Citriodora (Lemon myrtle) and Syzygium aromaticum (Clove) were studied in terms of yield and power consumption…
Processing of sugar beets with pulsed-electric fields
The treatment of biological cells with strong pulsed-electric fields can lead to irreversible formation of large pores in the cell membrane and thus destroy the cell and give access to its content. This well-known process of electroporation has been successfully applied to the inactivation of bacteria in many laboratories. However, few efforts have been made to utilize the technique on a large industrial scale for the production of nourishment from food plants. We have built the mobile test…
New Measurement Methods for an Industrial-Scale Electroporation Facility for Sugar Beets
Electroporation (EP) is a new way for preparing sugar beets for the extraction process in a sugar factory, replacing the established thermal process. For an efficient operation, the degree of EP needs to be monitored continuously. In this paper, a new method for this measurement based on a phase angle evaluation is presented. Furthermore, during the long-term operation, the distance of the spark gaps inside the Marx generators has to be compensated for the wear. With the Marx generators…
Extraction of Zera® fusion proteins in aqueous two-phase systems
The N-terminal proline-rich domain (Zera®) of the maize storage protein γ-zein is a self-assembling domain produced and patented by EraBiotech, which can be fused with proteins of interest. Aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) is a biocompatible method for protein purification, without denaturation or loss of biological activity due to the high water content, low interfacial tension and stabilizing effect of the polymers. This work aims at developing and optimizing a scalable process for the…
Advanced models for cryogenic distillation columns
Cryogenic air separation plants are widely used in industry but are energy consuming processes. The operating costs justify the need for an efficient control of the distillation process. Dynamic models of separation columns are complex and of high order making their use in control design practically impossible. This paper focuses on nonlinear wave models which are commonly used to provide a reduced order description of distillation column dynamic, highlighting the wide range of applicability…
Intensification of Essential Oil Extraction of Artemisia herba alba Using Pulsed Electric Field
In Algeria, the essential oils market is very modest and the development of this sector remains a problem to be solved. Artemisia herba alba (white wormwood) is aromatic and medicinal plant rich in essential oils. It is in great demand by the national and international industrial sectors: pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics …). The extraction by conventional hydrodistillation gives low yield, a solution presented in this article is to make a pulsed electric field treatment to intensify…
A novel extraction of polyphenols, flavonoids and tannins obtained from Argania Spinosa hulls: Modeling and optimization of the process using the response surface methodology
Response surface methodology (RSM) modelling was used for estimation of predictive total polyphenols content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC) and total tannin content (TTC) obtained from Moroccan Argan (Argania Spinosa) hulls. A 3-level 3-factor central composite design was used to optimize microwave-assisted Soxhlet extraction (MASE) to obtain maximum yield of target responses as a function of extraction time (t: 15-35 min), solvent composition ethanol:water (C: 10-0%) and microwave…
The Intensification of the Water Extraction of the Cinnamon Rose Hips under the Conditions of Ultrasonic and Microwave Actions
The paper describes the formulation of the problem of the intensification of the extraction process when extracting ascorbic acid from a rose hip. The intensification of ultrasonic action and electromagnetic oscillations of ultra-high frequency is considered. On the basis of the experimental data, the optimal parameters of exposure with the intensification of these methods were established…
Implementation of first order model reference adaptive control (MRAC) on regulating temperature of essential oil extraction process
This paper presents the performance of proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller and Model Reference Adaptive Controller (MRAC) on regulating essential oil extraction process. The quality of essential oil will reduce if the extraction process expose to overheating of temperature. AutoRegressive with Exogenous Input (ARX) model represent as heating process plant. Heating process is important thing in the essential oil extraction and became challenging for industrial to control…
Microwave extraction of polysaccharides from the traditional chinese medicinal plant, sterculia lychnophora
To investigate the optimum extraction conditions of polysaccharides from Sterculia lychnophora using microwave technology, experiment factors and levels were firstly selected by single factor experiments, then the optimum extraction conditions were obtained through Box-Benhnken center-united experiment design and Response Surface Methodology. The optimum extraction conditions for Sterculia lychnophora polysaccharides were as follows: microwave power, 721W; solid to-liquid ratio, 1:27.4; and…
Design and modeling of hot compressed water extraction process for palm oil
The steady state HCWE process for palm oil and the minor component have been modeled using the multivariable regression method. The MISO strategy model with two independent variables; pressure and temperature and four process outputs; overall oil yield, β-carotene, α-tocopherol and α-tocotrienol concentration have been employing to getting four multivariable equations in this process. At the first step, three different models including linear and nonlinear, have been tested and analyzed…
Alkaline Extraction and Purification of Huauzontle (Chenopodium berlandieri subsp. Nuttalliae) Seed Proteins by Ultrafiltration Membranes
Huauzontle (Chenopodium berlandieri subsp. Nuttalliae) is a species native to Mexico. Over the centuries, important nutritional and medical properties have been attributed to this species in ancient Mexican tradition. In contrast, quinoa (Chenopodium quinoaWilld.), an Andean crop genetically related to huauzontle, has been widely studied and acknowledged for its outstanding potential as a high quality protein source. Considering this, the main objective of this study was to obtain and purify…
Modeling and Simulation of Mini Batch Distillation Column
Distillation is the most common method for separating components in chemical unit operation. In this study, Honeywell mini batch distillation column for laboratory scale is used for separating binary mixtures, ethanol and water. Nonlinear equations model of batch distillation column are presented in this paper based on component mass balance, vapor-liquid equilibrium and other physical characteristic. A reflux valve in the top of column is used as the input to control the amount of vapor…
High-Purity Distillation
Distillation is one of the most common separation techniques in chemical manufacturing. This multi-input, multi-output staged separation process is strongly interactive, as determined by the singular value decomposition of a linear dynamic model of the system. Process dynamics associated with the low-gain direction are critical to the design of high-performance controllers for high-purity distillation but are difficult to estimate from conventional experimental test signals for identification…
Separation and concentration of ω-3 PUFA-rich phospholipids by hydration of krill oil
Krill oil (KO) is unique in contrast to fish oil because the ω-3 PUFAs, particularly eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA), are almost exclusively esterified on phospholipids (PL) rather than triglycerides (TAG) which improves bioavailability and water solubility. Therefore, the primary aim of this study was to use the principles of water degumming to separate PL from TAG in KO. Water was mixed with KO in varying ratios, centrifuged for separation and freeze-dried. Separation…
Supercritical CO2 extraction of Aurantiochytrium sp. biomass for the enhanced recovery of omega-3 fatty acids and phenolic compounds
The microalgae Aurantiochytrium sp. is a strong alternative source of ω-3 fatty acids, including docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). This work encompasses the optimization of SFE conditions to maximize the total extraction yield ηTotal, DHA content (CDHA), total phenolics content (TPC), and antioxidant capacity (AOC) of the extracts produced from Aurantiochytrium sp. biomass. A full factorial experimental plan was performed, comprising three factors (pressure, temperature, and flow rate) and two…
Not sequentially but simultaneously: Facile extraction of proteins and oleosomes from oilseeds
Oilseeds represent a sustainable source of oils and proteins that can replace those of animal origin. However, the extraction of oil and proteins from oilseeds currently requires multiple steps and is plagued by undesired reactions occurring during the extraction, which limits valorization. In this paper, we describe a successful method for the simple simultaneous extraction of proteins and oil (as intact oleosomes). Non-defatted dehulled rapeseeds served as oilseed model…
Extracting the lipid fraction from waste bilberry seeds with a hydrofluorocarbon solvent
The consumption of vegetable oils has increased in recent years due to their nutraceutical properties. There is growing scientific research interest in the development of innovative, efficient and sustainable extraction techniques capable of separating lipid fractions from vegetal matrices. In this study, we introduce an innovative technique for extracting lipids from bilberry seeds that uses Norflurane, a hydrofluorocarbon, as the solvent under subcritical conditions. Preliminary extraction…
Fractionation and precipitation of licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) phytochemicals by supercritical antisolvent (SAS) technique
Supercritical anti-solvent precipitation (SAS) using carbon dioxide is a novel technique that can be used to produce powdered ingredients in small size particles, facilitating their incorporation into food matrices. In this work, the SAS precipitation of a licorice root ethanolic extract was studied. SAS assays were carried out at 15–20 MPa, 308.15 and 313.15 K, and two different concentrations (9.6 and 14.2 mg/ml) of the ethanolic licorice extract. In the range of conditions investigated…
Development of a green innovative semi-industrial scale pilot combined microwave heating and centrifugal force to extract essential oils and phenolic compounds from orange peels
A new process for extraction of essential oils from orange peels (Citrus sinensis L.) using microwave and centrifugal (MW/C) force was studied. MW/C is a combination of microwave heating to explode the internal cells of biological material, and centrifugation to intensify diffusion, collection and separation of compounds of interest. MW/C is performed at atmospheric pressure with an injection of water vapor. A detailed study concerning optimization of different operating parameters like…
Enzyme-assisted extraction and characterization of protein from red seaweed Palmaria palmata
This investigation aimed at protein extraction from red seaweed Palmaria palmata, by application of an optimized enzyme-assisted extraction consisting of an aqueous/enzymatic treatment followed by alkaline extraction. Accordingly, the protein extraction efficiency of four enzymes was evaluated including Celluclast® 1.5 L, Shearzyme® 500 L, Alcalase® 2.4 L FG and Viscozyme® L at 0.0, 0.2 and 0.4% (w/w), at different pHs and temperatures. The protein content of the raw material and the fractions..
Evaluation of pulsed electric fields effect on the microalgae cell mechanical stability through high pressure homogenization
Pulsed Electric Fields, a known technique for permeabilization of cell membranes, can considerably foster intracellular component extraction from microalgae. However, it is currently uncertain in what way, apart from the cell membrane, the cell wall is affected during pulsation. In this study, fresh Auxenochlorella protothecoides and Chlorella vulgaris were subjected to treatment with pulsed electric fields and energy input of 1.5 MJ/kgDryWeight. Subsequently the biomass was fed into a High…
Enhanced process integration for the extraction, concentration and purification of di-acylated cyanidin from red cabbage
Anthocyanins are currently one of the most important pigments in the plants with great proven health-promoting benefits, however, their unstable chemical nature makes difficult their purification process. This work proposes the integration of two stages for the separation and purification of the pigments from red cabbage leaves. For the first stage, the acidified extract, containing 32.05 mg cyanidin-3-glucoside per milliliter (mg ECyn-3-glu•L−1), was subjected to micro, ultrafiltration and…
Application of chemo thermal coupled sonic homogenization of marine macroalgal biomass for energy efficient volatile fatty acid recovery
The present study aimed to employ energy efficient chemo thermal coupled sonic homogenization (CTSH) to obtain VFA from marine macroalgal hydrolysate, (Ulva fasciata). At first, chemo thermal homogenization (CTH) was applied on macroalgal biomass by adjusting the temperature, pH and treatment time from 60 to 90 ℃, 4–7 and 0–60 min, respectively. A higher organic matter solubilisation of 11.81% was obtained at an optimum pH of 6 at a temperature of 80 ℃ with 40 min of homogenization time…
Modeling and optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of pentacyclic triterpenes from Centella asiatica leaves using response surface methodology
Efficient plant extraction techniques that provide high yields of the desired molecules are important. This study focused on the optimization of the processing conditions for a microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) to obtain a maximal yield of prominent pentacyclic triterpenes from Centella asiatica. Response surface methodology (RSM) was tested in the experiments to improve the extraction conditions. The proportions of liquid-to-solid (X1), ethanol concentration (X2), microwave power (X3)…
A green and integrated strategy for enhanced phenolic compounds extraction from mulberry (Morus alba L.) leaves by deep eutectic solvent
Green and tailor-made deep eutectic solvents (DESs) coupled with microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) were performed to extract phenolic compounds from mulberry leaves. Among the twelve DESs prepared, Choline chloride/Glycerol (1:2) with 20% water content was more efficient to get high extraction yields of phenolics. Then, several essential parameters of microwave-assisted deep eutectic solvents extraction (DES-MAE) were optimized by single-factor and Box-Behnken design (BBD) experiments…
Ultrasound-assisted desolventizing of fragrant oil from red pepper seed by subcritical propane extraction
In the present study, ultrasound was used to remove the residual solvent from the fragrant oil of red pepper seed obtained by subcritical propane extraction. The physical and chemical characteristics, particularly the volatile flavor compounds present of the oil before and after ultrasound-assisted desolventizing were comprehensively analyzed to determine the effect of the desolventizing process on product quality. The results showed that the maximum loss of residual solvent was achieved at…
Systems for extracting solute from a source material are shown and described. The systems may include: a first fluid pathway comprising a solvent source arranged to receive and provide solvent and a solvent conditioner. The solvent conditioner is arranged to receive liquid solvent, condition received liquid solvent by maintaining or establishing a pressure and/or temperature of the received liquid solvent and provide conditioned liquid solvent. The systems may further include a canister…
The present invention relates to a process for the extraction of valuable components from a tannin-rich bark raw-material, by carrying out an alkaline cooking step, followed by acid precipitation to separate the valuable components from the remaining bark pulp. The invention also relates to the use of said process on a bark side stream of a chemical pulping plant, whereby the liquor remaining after the extraction of the present process is returned to a stream of the wood pulping process…
A system and a method of extracting active compounds from a biomass are disclosed. The method comprises pressurizing a chamber with a liquefied gas. The liquefied gas is used as a solvent. The biomass is provided to the chamber to prepare a slurry while maintaining a pressure of the chamber. The slurry is transferred to an extraction chamber for treating the slurry with microwaves. Further, an extract and the liquefied gas are separated from the slurry. Thereafter, the extract obtained during…
The present disclosure is directed to methods and apparatus for processing cannabis plant matter according to a set of contractual requirements. These contractual requirements may identify a type of cannabis plant matter, a mass of cannabis plant matter available for extraction, a concentration of cannabinoids that should be included in the mass of cannabis plant matter, or other factors. Sensor data may be received that includes data that can be used to validate that the cannabis plant…
Food-Safe Process for High Recovery of Flavonoids from Cocoa Beans: Antioxidant and HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS Analysis.
Considering the increasing interest in the incorporation of natural antioxidants in enriched foods, this work aimed to establish a food-grade and suitable procedure for the recovery of polyphenols from cocoa beans avoiding the degreasing process. The results showed that ultrasound for 30 min with particle sample size < 0.18 mm changed the microstructure of the cell, thus increasing the diffusion pathway of polyphenols and avoiding the degreasing process. The effect of temperature, pH…
New type of green extractant for oil production: Citric acid/citric acid sodium extraction system
Developing green solvents with low toxicity and low energy consumption is an important issue for edible oil production. In this study, a novel extraction system, specifically a citric acid/citric acid sodium mixture, was developed for oil extraction from seed crops. Peanut and pumpkin seeds were used to evaluate extraction efficiency and more than 70% and 57% oils, respectively, were extracted from peanut and pumpkin seeds at 4 °C. After extraction, the oils floated on the surface…
A system and method for commercial production of aqueous Sargassum seaweed extract concentrate having arsenic level of around 1.32-15 mg/l; cadmium level of around 0.005-5 mg/l; lead level of around 0.2-12 mg/l; mercury level of around 0.00002- 2mg/l; and pH of around 7.4-9 is disclosed. The resulting seaweed extract concentrate can be used in plant and soil amendments, rooting hormones, other organic plant and soil amendments, organic fertilizers, adjuvants for use with organic pesticides…
This invention relates to a process for the continuous production of vegetal protein concentrates by removing the soluble carbohydrates by an aqueous alcohol from a defatted vegetable material said process requiring no frequent production interruptions for cleaning operations. The innovative process includes the steps of removing at least a fraction of the soluble carbohydrates by solvent extraction, the solvent being aqueous alcohol, to obtain a solvent wet protein rich vegetable material…
The present invention relates to the technical field of bioengineering and provides a method for efficient extraction of plant anthocyanidin. The method comprises steps of: hydrolyzing anthocyanin; using one of sodium bicarbonate or potassium bicarbonate NaHCO3/KHCO3 to neutralize an aqueous solution obtained after the anthocyanin hydrolysis to pH 7; using a saturated aqueous solution of sodium chloride or potassium chloride NaCl/KCl to perform salting out for suspended separation of …
Enhanced Yield of Bioactivities from Onion (Allium cepa L.) Skin and Their Antioxidant and Anti-α-Amylase Activities.
There is increasing concern for reduction of the ecological impacts of industrial waste caused by fruits and vegetables. To reduce costs of onion waste disposal while obtaining value-added products, onion skin can be used to extract quercetin, a natural flavonoid with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects. The aim was to optimize quercetin extraction from brown onion (Allium cepa L.) skin through investigation of the effects of different parameters on quercetin yield…
Key process parameters for deep eutectic solvents pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass materials: A review.
Deep eutectic solvent (DES) has been considered as a novel green solvent for lignocellulosic biomass pretreatment. The efficiency of DES pretreatment is affected by the synergy of various process parameters. The study of effect of DES physicochemical properties and pretreatment reaction conditions on the mechanism of lignocellulose biomass fractionation was of great significance for the development of biomass conversion. Form the view of process control, this review summarized recent…
Method for producing purified salacia genus plant extract, and purified salacia genus plant extract
Provided are: a method for producing purified Salacia genus plant extract that improves flavor and that increases the α-glucosidase inhibition activity of the extract without significantly reducing the rate of recovery of the extract which follows purification; and a purified Salacia genus plant extract. This method for producing purified Salacia genus plant extract includes an extraction step in which a Salacia genus plant-containing raw material extract which is constituted of at least any…
Provided are a method of concentrating protein in grain powder, grain powder including protein that has been concentrated by using the method, and a feed additive including the grain powder including concentrated protein. According to the method of concentrating protein in grain powder, grain powder is treated with enzyme to increase the water-soluble saccharide content in a source, and by inoculating bacteria or yeast and fermentation, the increased water-soluble saccharide is removed…
Integration of osmotic shock assisted liquid biphasic system for protein extraction from microalgae Chlorella vulgaris
The aim of this research is to study a sustainable method to recover whole proteins from microalgae Chlorella vulgaris FSP-E using osmotic shock through liquid biphasic flotation (LBF) system. Osmotic shock induces the change in solute concentration around the cell, which results in permeation thus resulting in disruption of cell wall. Various parameters affecting the protein recovery including types of salt, concentrations of salt, types of alcohol, concentrations of alcohol, air flow rates…
Extraction for profiling free and bound phenolic compounds in tea seed oil by deep eutectic solvents.
Bound phenolic compounds have rarely been reported in vegetable oils and this may be due to little research about the extraction. Deep eutectic solvents (DESs), recently applied in the extraction of phenolic compounds as alternatives to organic solvents, were adopted in the extraction of free and bound phenolic compounds from tea seed oil in this work. First, the phenolic compounds were analyzed by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography with quadrupole-time-of-flight and triple…
Extraction of cannabinoids from hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) using high pressure solvents: an overview of different processing options
Highlights • Efficient cannabinoid extraction from raw and decarboxylated hemp with CO2 and propane. • High CBD extracts (up to 449 mg/g) obtained from hemp by means of supercritical CO2. • Addition of 5\% ethanol co-solvent enhances the extraction of cannabinoid acid forms. • Propane more effective than CO2 for extraction of cannabinoid acid forms. • Apparent solubility at 300 bar was 11 g/kg CO2 for raw hemp (dry basis). Abstract Hemp varieties of Cannabis Sativa L. contain low levels of Δ9…
Separation and recovery of phenols from an aqueous solution by a green membrane system
Oil-refinery alkali residue wastewater (ORARW) contains large amounts of phenol and its derivatives, which are highly toxic and valuable but difficult to biodegrade. In this study, using vegetable oil as the liquid membrane phase, a green polypropylene-hollow-fiber supported liquid membrane (SLM) system was constructed to simultaneously separate and recover phenol, m-cresol and o-cresol from aqueous solutions. After screening several types of vegetable oil, linseed oil was selected as…
A method for obtaining biofertilizer concentrates and biostimulants for agricultural use from biomass of microalgae, including cyanobacteria, wherein, firstly, the cellular content of the microalgae, including cyanobacteria, is released by rupturing the cells thereof; next, the protein fraction and the cell wall of the microalgae, including cyanobacteria, obtained from said release of the cellular content, are hydrolyzed with proteolytic enzymes until producing free amino acids…
L’invention concerne un procédé de production d’eugénol comportant les étapes suivantes :a/ séchage d’une biomasse humide;b/ torréfaction de la biomasse séchée selon l’étape a/;c/ condensation étagée, des vapeurs issues de la torréfaction selon l’étape b/, la condensation étant réalisée dans au moins deux étages en série à des températures comprises entre 170 et 230°C dans le premier étage et entre 110 et 130°C dans le deuxième étage, en aval du premier étage, la récupération des sucres…
Subcritical water extraction, identification, antioxidant and antiproliferative activity of polyphenols from lotus seedpod
In this study, polyphenols from lotus seedpod were extracted by subcritical water. Based on single factor experiments, the extraction conditions were optimized by response surface methodology (RSM). Under optimal conditions [temperature of 140 °C, time of 20 min, liquid-solid ratio of 70 mL/g and 4‰ (W/V) NaHSO3], the maximal yeild of lotus seedpod polyphenols (LSPP) was 178.32 mg of gallic acid equivalents (mg GAE) per gram dry weight (g DW), significantly higher than that of hot water…
Microwave-assisted lipid extraction from Chlorella vulgaris in water with 0.5%-2.5% of imidazolium based ionic liquid as additive
Microwave is a good candidate towards lipid extraction from microalgae in a bid to reduce the overall energetic consumption and extraction time. 1-octyl-3-methylimidazolium-based ILs belonging to 1st generation and 2nd generations, have been used. At 2.5% of [Omim][OAc] in the medium, 19.2% of lipid were obtained, while the conventional IL-less system only yielded 10.9%. More interestingly, the extraction efficiency increases with increasing amount of IL. A broader range of fatty acid…
Subcritical water extraction for selective recovery of phenolic bioactives from kānuka leaves
Kānuka is a good source of functional ingredients like phenolic compounds. This study investigated the selective recovery of antioxidant compounds from kānuka leaves using subcritical water extraction (SWE) at different extraction temperatures (150–210) °C, time (0–40) min, and solid-to-solvent ratio, SSR (15–35) g/L. The maximum total phenolic and flavonoid content in the kānuka leaf extracts were (167.93 ± 2) mg GAE/g dw and (405.4 ± 8.47) mg QE/g dw, respectively…
Application of pulsed electric fields to improve product yield and waste valorization in industrial tomato processing
The tomato processing industry strives to maximize product yield, keep energy costs and waste effluents to a minimum while maintaining high product quality. Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) processing increases plant cell permeability through electroporation and could be applied in tomato processing to facilitate peeling, increase juice yields and enhance valorization of tomato waste. PEF was applied to three different steps, of industrial tomato processing. In the first step, different PEF…
Extraction and optimization of extracellular polysaccharide production in spirulina platensis MK 343101
Spirulina is a blue-green alga belonging to Oscillateriaceae family that typically grows in freshwater lakes, natural springs, and saltwater in subtropical and tropical climates. This blue-green alga is packed with nutrients. It has the outer layer made up of polysaccharide which is water-soluble known as extracellular polysaccharides (EPS), which possess various biological activities such as antitumor, antiviral, antioxidant and anticoagulant activity. Extraction of polysaccharides from…
Extraction of protein from four different seaweeds using three different physical pre-treatment strategies
Seaweeds are a rich source of protein and can contain up to 47% on the dry weight basis. It is challenging to extract proteins from the raw biomass of seaweed due to resilient cell-wall complexes. Four species of macroalgae were used in this study-two brown, Fucus vesiculosus and Alaria esculenta, and two red, Palmaria palmata and Chondrus crispus. Three treatments were applied individually to the macroalgal species: (I) high-pressure processing (HPP); (II) laboratory autoclave processing…
Bio-refinery of Chlorella sorokiniana with pulsed electric field pre-treatment
The aim of this work was to investigate the potential of PEF technology for green extraction of microalgal pigments and lipids from fresh Chlorella sorokiniana suspensions. Efficiencies of PEF treatment and different solvent systems application to C. sorokiniana were compared to efficiencies of untreated biomass extraction. Differences in chlorophyll extraction of untreated and PEF treated C. sorokiniana were only seen at short extraction times. Beneficial PEF-effect was minimised for long…
Simultaneous effect of vacuum and ultrasound assisted enzymatic extraction on the recovery of plant protein and bioactive compounds from sesame bran
The latest studies on the extraction of bio-components from plant materials have elaborated on novel approaches to increase yield. This study evaluated the effect of vacuum operation parameters on the recovery of protein and antioxidant compounds from sesame bran. In this context, vacuum-ultrasound assisted extraction (VU) and vacuum-ultrasound assisted enzymatic extraction (VUE) methods were carried out, and the vacuum parameters were investigated using central composite design by response…
Synergistic effect of probe sonication and ionic liquid for extraction of phenolic acids from oak galls
Phenolic acids of oak gall were extracted using ultrasonic-probe assisted extraction (UPAE) method in the presence of ionic liquid. It was compared with classical ultrasonic-bath assisted extraction (CUBAE) and conventional aqueous extraction (CAE) method, with and without the presence of ionic liquid. Remarkably, the UPAE method yielded two-fold higher extraction yield with the presence of ionic liquid, resulting 481.04 mg/g for gallic acids (GA) and 2287.90 mg/g for tannic acids (TA)…
Optimization of flavonoids extraction from Lippia graveolens and Lippia origanoides chemotypes with ethanol-modified supercritical CO2 after steam distillation
Steam distillation of essential oils from Lippia origanoides K. and Lippia graveolens K. leaves plant material residues that can be valorized. Flavonoids can be selectively extracted from these substrates using ethanol-modified supercritical CO2, as attempted in this work. The thymol-rich L. origanoides chemotype was used to test extraction reproducibility. The effects of pressure, temperature, time, CO2 mass flow, particle size, and percent ethanol on the extraction yield of oleoresin…
Two-step procedure for selective recovery of bio-molecules from microalga Nannochloropsis oculata assisted by high voltage electrical discharges
Two-step procedure with the initial aqueous extraction from raw microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata and secondary organic solvent extraction from vacuum dried (VD) microalgae were applied for selective recovery of bio-molecules. The effects of preliminary aqueous washing and high voltage electrical discharges (HVED, 40 kV/cm, 4 ms pulses) were tested. The positive effects of HVED treatment and washing on selectivity of aqueous extraction of ionics and other water-soluble compounds…
Controlled oleosome extraction to produce a plant-based mayonnaise-like emulsion using solely rapeseed seeds
Oleosomes are oil storage structures in seeds, consisting of triglycerides surrounded by a protein-phospholipid mixed monolayer. They can be extracted aqueously together with other seed components such as proteins and soluble fibers. The co-extracted biomolecules can affect the properties of the extracts. Nevertheless, it is possible to control the electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions between these biomolecules and oleosomes by adjusting the extraction conditions…
A simple and efficient sample preparation for taxanes in Taxus chinensis needles with natural menthol-based aqueous deep eutectic solvent
Taxanes are natural anticancer constituents, and the sample preparation from matrix normally depends on organochlorine solvents. In this study, green and natural menthol-based aqueous deep eutectic solvent was synthesized and used for sample preparation for taxanes. Five key parameters were optimized and the optimal preparation conditions were as follows: menthol/1-propanol ratio 1:1 (mol/mol), solid–liquid ratio 1:30 g/mL, extraction time 30 min, ultrasonic power 250 W, and water content 80%…
Ultrathin Membranes: A New Opportunity for Ultrafast and Efficient Separation
Developing advanced membranes with both high permeance and selectivity to enable ultrafast and efficient separation is a persistent pursuit by materials scientists. In recent years, diverse ultrathin membranes with nanometer-scale thickness and unique membrane structures have been developed. These materials show ultrahigh permeance and excellent selectivity in water desalination, dye rejection, oil–water purification, and gas separation applications. Herein, current state-of-the-art ultrathin…
A high efficiency method combining metal chelate ionic liquid-based aqueous two-phase flotation with two-step precipitation process for bromelain purification
This work was to develop a cost-effective and sustainable method which included metal chelate ionic liquid-based aqueous two-phase flotation (IL-based ATPF) and a two-step precipitation process for purifying bromelain from pineapple. Firstly, the metal chelate IL-based ATPF with a copper chelate-functionalized thermosensitive block copolymer (L64-IDA-Cu(II)) as trapping agent was used as the primary purification to obtain the L64-IDA-Cu(II)-bromelain complex. Secondly, the two-step…
Marine diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii based biorefinery for co-production of eicosapentaenoic acid and fucoxanthin.
Diatom algae can produce bioactive compounds like fucoxanthin (FX) and ecosapentaenoic acid (EPA) which are of high demand in pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries. Here, the influence of different light regimes in combination with major nutrients on growth, FX and EPA production by marine diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii were investigated. Batch cultures of T. weissflogii were illuminated under blue (BL), red (RL) and white (WL) light at two intensities. BL regime resulted in higher…
Extraction of sunflower head pectin with superfine grinding pretreatment.
Effect of superfine grinding on pectin extraction was investigated. Sunflower heads were grinded into microparticles of ~50 μm, thus pectin chains were fully exposed due to cell wall breakdown. A good pectin yield of 14.5 ± 0.36% (w/w) was subsequently achieved at mild conditions (pH 5.0, 25 °C, 2 h) associated with 0.8% (w/v) sodium citrate (SC). However, the molecule weight of pectin was greatly reduced (Mw = 7.87 ± 0.21 kDa) due to the action of endo-pectinases. With heating (pH 5.0, 85 °C…
Various aspects of the disclosure relate to methods and systems for extracting plant oil from plant material. A system may comprise a microwave emitter, an extraction chamber, and a cooling chamber. Microwave radiation emitted by the microwave emitter may dielectrically heat a microwave absorbing agent, which may heat the plant oil of the plant material. Plant oil of the plant material may be volatized in the extraction chamber and may be directed into the cooling chamber to be condensed.
The present invention relates to the technical field of extraction and separation of natural plant active ingredients, in particular to a method for separating trans isomeric crocetin from cis isomeric crocetin. Crocetin is a carotenoid compound having strong antioxidation, cardiovascular protection, and skin cancer suppression effects, having potential application value in medicine and skin care products. Crocetin and glucosides thereof are mainly present in gardenia jasminoides ellis fruit…
Isolation of hesperetin – A flavonoid from Cordia sebestena flower extract through antioxidant assay guided method and its antibacterial, anticancer effect on cervical cancer via in vitro and in silico molecular docking studies
Since ancient time, plants serve as a treasure of effective drugs for cancer therapy. In the present study, phytoconstituents and antioxidant activity of Cordia sebestena (C. sebestena) flower in various solvent extracts (hexane, chloroform, acetone, methanol, water) were explored for its biological importance. The total content of phytoconstituents such as phenolic, flavonoid, tannin and nutrient content like carbohydrate, protein are notably observed in acetone extract…
Flavonoids in rice: Ultrasonic extraction and its insecticidal effect on the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens Stål
The optimal technological requirements for flavonoids extracting by ultrasonic wave from rice plant (variety ASD7) and the insecticidal effect of the flavonoids on brown planthopper (BPH) were investigated. Four main factors, including ethanol concentration, ratio of liquid to solid, ultrasonic power and extracting time were firstly analyzed by singlefactor analysis, and followed by orthogonal experiments. The condition for extracting flavonoids from rice plant was optimized as following: 70%…
Comprehensive utilization of dioscorea zingiberensis and industrial scale-up: New approach to pollution prevention in diosgenin industry
As the main active ingredient of Dioscorea zingiberensis, Diosgenin is the important intermediate for the synthesis of steroid hormone medicine. Conventional process in diosgenin industry has a low extraction rate, and also results in severe environmental pollution. Millions of tons of high acidic wastewater and waste residues were discharged to the ambient rivers and field, and caused serious environmental pollution. In this paper, comprehensive utilization process of Dioscorea zingiberensis…
Study on the antimicrobial effect of the extracts of Kiwi Fruit roots
The aim was to research the antimicrobial effect of the extracts of Kiwi Fruit roots with different solvents on the common plant microbes. The bacteria cake method was used to study the antimicrobial capability of Kiwi Fruit roots. The extracts have anti-bacterial action on Rhixoctonia cerealis, Fusarium gram inearum, Rhizoctonia solani and Setosphaeria turcica, especially the extract from distilled water has the strongest anti-bacterial action on Rhixoctonia cerealis and Fusarium gram inearum,
Antioxidant activities of traditional medicinal plants from Lauraceae family in Sarawak
This study aims to determine the antioxidant activities of traditional plants from the Lauraceae family in Sarawak. Twenty selected plants from the Lauraceae family were collected from various mixed dipterocarp forests located in the Kuching and Samarahan Districts of Sarawak. Their antioxidant activities were evaluated on the methanolic extracts using the DPPH (2,2-Diphenyl-l-picrylhydrazyl ) assay. The findings indicated a large variation in the antioxidant activity of which ranged from…
The production of polyhydroxybutyrate from liquid stillage and its application
The liquid stillage contained reducing sugars (fructose and glucose) and volatile fatty acids including acetic acid, propionic acid and butyric acid. 0.5 g/L of reducing sugar was found in raw stillage. Thereafter, ethanol was harvested and the stillage after ethanol recovery was utilized for polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) production. The effect of stillage concentration, nitrogen source, temperature, agitation speed and initial pH were studied. The optimum condition for PHB production containing…
AyurLeaf: A Deep Learning Approach for Classification of Medicinal Plants
Ayurvedic medicines have a vital role in preserving physical and mental health of human beings. Identification and classification of medicinal plants are essential for better treatment. Lack of experts in this field makes proper identification and classification of medicinal plants a tedious task. Hence, a fully automated system for medicinal plant classification is highly desirable. This work proposes AyurLeaf, a Deep Learning based Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model, to classify…
Neem crude extract as Biomolluscicide for sustainable control of golden apple snail, Pomacea canaliculata
Golden apple snail, (Pomacea canaliculata) was reported could cause severe damage on food crop especially paddy, which is a staple food for more than 60% of the world population. The farmers mostly rely on chemical and synthetic molluscicides to overcome this problem which improper use of pesticide could give negative impact on environmental. Therefore, there is a need to determine the potential botanical molluscicides in order to ensure the low cost and efficient pest management control…
Modeling of pervaporation process for the dehydration of bioethanol
The comparison of the different dewatering processes of bioethanol in basing on the literature showed that the pervaporation is very promising for the separation of azeotropes, reducing the consumption energy and protect the environment. Despite these advantages, this method has limitations concern the bioethanol production capacity and type of membrane used. In this work, we sought to develop a model that can be used to improve its production and study its performance optimization…
Structure Identification of an Acaricidal Active Ingredient From Green Walnuts Husks (Juglans regia)
Most plants could produce bioactive substances including alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenes and relative materials, which are poisonous or have antifeedant effect to herbivorous animals, including some insects. Some well-known pesticides originated from plant bioactive substances have been successfully identified and used, for example, the azadirachtin from neem, nicotine from tobacco, rotenone and deguelin from derris, and pyrethrin from pyrethrum. It’s necessary to extract, separate…
Electroporation-Assisted Dewatering as an Alternative Method for Drying Plants
During the last few years, electroporation has been introduced to the food-processing industry as an effective method to open cell membranes for the extraction of substances. Currently, it has been investigated whether electroporation is also useful as a part of an energy-efficient drying process for plant material for the production of biofuel. To omit the use of additional water, the material has been placed in contact with the electrodes by means of its own juice after a first pressing step.
The Development of a Larvicidal Tablet Using Saba Banana (Musa acuminata x balbisiana) Peel Extract
Mosquitoes are a major problem around the world, with the diseases they spread being responsible for millions of deaths every year (Kamaraj et al., 2011). Mosquito population may be controlled by reducing the larvae population which may be found in mosquito breeding areas such as stagnant water. Larvicidal properties have been found within certain plant extracts. Fernandes et al. (2014) found that Manilkara subsericea extract has insecticidal properties. A study by Kamaraj et al. (2011) also…
Nutraceutical applications of twenty-five species of rapid-growing green-microalgae as indicated by their antibacterial, antioxidant and mineral content
Algal-blooming of eutrophic waters is an opportunity to find out rapid-growing algal species, which may be valuable as multipurpose, industrially-producible bioresource. An extensive investigation carried out in algal-bloomed freshwaters of biodiversity-rich Kerala, India enabled the identification of twenty-five industrially-valuable, rapid-growing species of indigenous green algae. The lipid and protein content of these algae are known, but nutraceutical potentials of the same remained…
Agar extraction and purification of R-phycoerythrin from Gracilaria tenuistipitata, and subsequent wastewater treatment by Ulva prolifera
This study investigated the large-scale use of the red macroalga Gracilaria tenuistipitata to extract partially purified R-phycoerythrin in combination with the sequential extraction of agar. The main objective was to investigate the purification of R-PE, the extraction of agar and treatment of wastewater from the whole extraction process using the green macroalga Ulva prolifera.Results showed that the processing of 1 kg fresh biomass of G. tenuistipitata yielded a 30.34 μg/g R-phycoerythrin…
Effect of alkaline extraction pH on structure properties, solubility, and beany flavor of yellow pea protein isolate
In the current study, the impact of alkaline extraction pH (8.5, 9.0, and 9.5) on chemical composition, molecular structure, solubility and aromatic profile of PPI was investigated by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), the quantification of free sulfhydryl group and disulfide bond contents, size exclusion chromatography with multi-angle static light scattering and refractive index (SEC-MALS-RI), circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, and headspace solid phase…
Improved preparation of vitexin from hot water extract of Basella alba, the commercially available vegetable Malabar spinach (\”Tsurumurasaki\” in Japanese) and the application to semisynthesis of chafuroside B.
Hot water extraction of D-arabinofuranosylvitexin from the raw leaves of commercially available Basella alba “Tsurumurasaki” and subsequent acidic hydrolysis was improved to be a procedure using a high-pressure steam sterilizer to afford vitexin. The amount was estimated to be 14.1 mg from 1 g of dry weight of the raw leaves, whose recovery was calculated to be 95% based on the estimated content of D-arabinofuranosylvitexin in B. alba raw leaves. The product was dehydratively cyclized…
Effect of high pressure processing enzymatic hydrolysates of soy protein isolate on the emulsifying and oxidative stability of myofibrillar protein prepared oil-in-water emulsions.
Oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions are thermodynamically unstable and easy to be oxidized. Recently, protein hydrolysates have been used to enhance the emulsifying and oxidative stability of emulsions. High pressure processing (HPP) enzymatic hydrolysates of soy protein isolate have higher bioactivities. The objective of the study was to investigate the effects of various soy protein isolate hydrolysate (SPIH) concentrations obtained during different 4-h pressure treatments on improving…
Biological Activities of Rhamnan Sulfate Extract from the Green Algae Monostroma nitidum (Hitoegusa).
Monostroma nitidum is a green single-cell layered algae that grows on the southwest coast of Japan. It is often used for salad ingredients, boiled tsukudani, soups, etc., due to its health benefits. M. nitidum is composed of many cell aggregates, and the various substances that fill the intercellular space are dietary fibers, vitamins, and minerals. Rhamnan sulfate (RS), a sulfated polysaccharide, is main the component of the fiber extracted from M. nitidum. Recently, some biological…
Carotenoids and lipid production from Rhodosporidium toruloides cultured in tea waste hydrolysate.
In this study, renewable tea waste hydrolysate was used as a sole carbon source for carotenoids and lipid production. A novel Rhodosporidium toruloides mutant strain, RM18, was isolated through atmospheric and room-temperature plasma mutagenesis and continuous domestication in tea waste hydrolysate from R. toruloides…
Comparison of physicochemical properties and antidiabetic effects of polysaccharides extracted from three seaweed species
Three algae polysaccharides (APs) extracted from Ascophyllum nodosum (ANP), Fucus vesiculosus (FVP) and Undaria Pinnatifida (USP) significantly differed in the zeta potential, water and oil holding capacity, monosaccharide composition, organic element composition, molecular weight distribution, microstructure and rheological properties. Antidiabetic effects of APs were compared by oral intervention at the dose of 400 mg/kg·body weight/day in high sugar and fat diets and streptozotocin…
In vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory activities of a fucose-rich fucoidan isolated from Saccharina japonica.
A fucoidan (LJSF4) purified from Saccharina japonica was found to show a strong anti-inflammatory effect via activity assay in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced RAW 264.7 macrophage cells and zebrafish. Chemical and structural analysis indicated that LJSF4 with a sulfate content of 30.72% was composed of fucose, galactose, rhamnose, xylose and mannose with molar ratio percentages of 79.49%, 16.76%, 0.82%, 1.08% and 1.84%. NMR spectroscopy showed that LJSF4 is a polysaccharide with a backbone…
Mango Peel Pectin by Microwave-Assisted Extraction and its Use as Fat Replacement in Dried Chinese Sausage.
In this research, low-fat dried Chinese sausage was formulated with mango peel pectin (MPP; 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% (w/w)) extracted by microwave assisted extraction (MAE). The extractable yield of pectin attained from peel of Nam Dok Mai variety was achieved at 13.85% using 700-watt power. The extracted MPP were of high equivalent weight (1485.78 mg/mol), degree esterification (77.19%) and methoxyl content (19.33%) with a structure of greater porosity as compared to that of the conventional…
Screening of antioxidant potentials and bioactive properties of the extracts obtained from two Centaurea L. species (C. kroumirensis coss. and C. sicula L. subsp sicula)
Herbal medicines, dietary supplements, or infusions with health promoting effects can note strong consumer demand. Hence, researchers and scientists have been increasingly focusing on the promotion of medicinal plants. In this respect, the present study has the evaluation of the biological properties of different extracts (hexane, chloroform, methanol, ultrasonic, essential oil, and supercritical) obtained from two Centaurea species (C. kroumirensis (Coss.) and C. sicula L. subsp sicula)…
Evaluation of antioxidant activity, toxicity, and phenolic profile of aqueous extracts of chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) and sage (Salvia ocinalis L.) prepared at different temperatures
Chamomile and sage are common herbs that are mostly used as infusions due to their beneficial properties. The aims of this study were to determine the total phenolic content, antioxidant activity, and potential toxicity of chamomile and sage aqueous extracts prepared at three different temperatures (25, 80, 100 °C) and finally, to detect their phenolic profiles at the optimum temperature. In order to measure the total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity, Folin-Ciocalteu…
Effects of β-cyclodextrin, whey protein, and soy protein on the thermal and storage stability of anthocyanins obtained from purple-fleshed sweet potatoes
Highlights • Whey protein prevented thermal degradation of purple-fleshed sweet potato (PFSP) anthocyanins, but lead to increasing color loss. • Whey protein accelerated the degradation of anthocyanins and color of PFSP during storage. • Soy protein (25 mg/L) enhanced thermal stability of PFSP anthocyanins and color. • β-Cyclodextrin (2500 mg/L) improved the storage stability of PFSP anthocyanins and color. Abstract The effects of β-cyclodextrin (β-CD), whey protein (WP), and soy protein (SP)…
Analyse de la stratégie globale du marché microalgues 2020 et prévisions pour 2026
Microalgues 2020: Rapport de recherche du marché si utile pour les investisseurs qui veulent investir et faire croître l’entreprise dans le marché des microalgues…
Marché mondial des Additif d’alimentation composé 2020 D: | Impact de la COVID-19

Le Rapport Mondial sur le Marché Additif e alimentation composée présente les perspectives mondiales et locales dans sa récente étude de Business Intelligence sur le marché des Additifs d’alimentation composée…
Poppyseed Oil Market to See Huge Growth by 2025 | Northstar Lipids, Taj agro products, Ostro Organics
A new business intelligence report released by HTF MI with title “Global Poppyseed Oil Market Insights, Forecast to 2025” is designed covering micro level of analysis by manufacturers and key business segments.
Pea Protein Market Segmented by Types, End-User Industry, Geography, Share, Trend, Analysis, and Forecast to 2027
The research report intends to provide factors influencing the Pea Protein Market and gain all possible information with respect to the industry. The analysis of reports gives a satisfactory result. The report offers significant industry observation, market prospect…
Les dernières avancées de la recherche sur le marché Filtre à pression rotatif sous vide – Étude approfondie par les principaux acteurs: BHS-Sonthofen GmbH, ANDRITZ, Gneuss, BOKELA, etc.
Ce rapport couvre également l’impact de COVID-19 sur le marché mondial. le Rapport de recherche 2020 du marché des Filtres à pression rotatifs sous vide 2020-2025 présente une analyse approfondie des perspectives du marché , les tendances, les possibilités, les pilotes et les restrictions actuelles dans le monde entier.
Caramel Ingredient Market May Set New Growth Story | Cargill, Ddw the Color House, Kerry
Advance Market Analytics released the research report of Global Caramel Ingredient Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Global Caramel Ingredient Market research report shows the latest market insights with upcoming…
Marché des Extraits de plantes: étude récente incluant les profils des fournisseurs, les dernières améliorations, les opportunités émergentes et les prévisions 2024
L’analyse du marché mondial Extraits de plantes jusqu’en 2024 est une étude spécialisée et détaillée de l’industrie des Extraits de plantes avec un accent sur la tendance du marché mondial. Le rapport vise à fournir une vue d’ensemble du marché…
Marché mondial des ingrédients pour colorants alimentaires 2020 – Chr. Hansen, Roha Dyechem, Groupe GNT, DSM, Sensient Technologies Corporation

Le rapport Marché mondial des Ingrédients de colorant alimentaire est axé sur divers segments du marché mondial. Il présente une analyse détaillée de la dynamique du marché. Il s’attache notamment à son évolution, aux défis rencontrés par le secteur et ses acteurs et il inventorie ses moteurs, ses contraintes et ses opportunités.
Lentil Protein Market Highlights On Evolution 2026, says QYResearch, Inc.

Los Angeles, United States, April 2020: The Lentil Protein market has been garnering remarkable momentum in the recent years. The steadily escalating demand due to improving purchasing power is projected to bode well for the global market. QY Research’s latest publication, Titled “[Lentil Protein Market Research Report 2020-2026]”, offers an insightful take on the drivers and restraints present in the market. It assesses the historical data pertaining to the Lentil Protein market and compares…
Taille du marché protéine de riz 2020, avantages du marché, développements à venir, opportunités commerciales et investissements futurs
Le rapport fournit les prévisions du marché protéine de riz pour les quatre prochaines années qui aident l’analyste de l’industrie protéine de riz à construire et à développer des stratégies commerciales…
Caroténoïdes Taille du marché, part, ventes, croissance, prévisions, segment, analyse des applications 2019-2026

Facts & Factors (FnF), une société d’études de marché de premier plan, a ajouté un rapport d’étude de marché sur “Marché des caroténoïdes par type (astaxanthine, bêta-carotène, lutéine, lycopène, canthaxanthine, zéaxanthine et autres), par source (naturelle et synthétique), par formulation (perle, poudre, suspension d’huile et émulsion), par application (alimentation, Aliments et boissons, compléments alimentaires, cosmétiques et produits pharmaceutiques) et par région: Perspectives mondiales…
Extraits de spiruline Marche 2020 Impact COVID-19 actuel et analyse du paysage du marche futur 2029
MarketResearch.biz, le principal fournisseur de veille économique, a publié ses dernières recherches sur le marché mondial Extraits de spiruline 2020 par taille, chiffre d’affaires, prix, part de marché, taux de croissance, prévisions jusqu’en 2029, qui enveloppent des informations complètes sur le marché et la nature de la croissance du marché au cours de la période prévue de …
Marché mondial des Polyphénols de pomme 2020 meilleures entreprises – Naturex, Ajinomoto OmniChem Natural Specialities, DuPont-Danisco, Indena, Frutarom

Le Rapport Mondial sur le Marché Polyphénols de pomme présente les perspectives mondiales et locales dans sa récente étude de Business Intelligence. Il examine plus en détail lanalyse régionale dans les pays importants, ainsi que la part de marché et que le modèle d’adoption dans chaque pays…
Ingrédients de fruits et légumes (COVID-19 mis à jour) Marché 2020-2026 par des acteurs clés comme Doehler, Cargill, Archer, Concord

L’étude “Marché mondial des ingrédients pour fruits et légumes – Analyse 2020 prévisions jusqu’en 2026” propose faits complets ainsi que de l’évaluation des meilleurs fabricants, de la portée du produit, du type et des utilisateurs finaux. Le rapport sur les ingrédients de fruits et légumes contient des détails précieux qui peuvent être segmentés en fonction de la zone de production des ingrédients de fruits et légumes, des principales entreprises et du type de produit, afin de proposer un examen
Marché mondial des biotechnologies marines 2020 – Marinova, ONÉ, BiotechMarine, GlycoMar, Marine Biotech

Le rapport Marché mondial des Biotechnologie marine est axé sur divers segments du marché mondial. Il présente une analyse détaillée de la dynamique du marché. Il s’attache notamment à son évolution, aux défis rencontrés par le secteur et ses acteurs et il inventorie ses moteurs, ses contraintes et ses opportunités.
Seaweed Extract Market to perceive substantial growth during 2020 to 2027, TBK Manufacturing Corporation, – Arthur Branwell and Co. Ltd, – ALGAIA and more
ReportsWeb delivers well-researched industry-wide information on the Seaweed Extract market. It studies the market’s essential aspects such as top participants, expansion strategies, business models, and other market features to gain improved market insights…
Marché des anthocyanidines 2020 | Splendide croissance 2029 | FMC Corporation, Archer Daniels Midlands, Naturex
Le rapport sur le marché mondial des Anthocyanidines est une avancée solide tirée par l’utilisation dans les principaux marchés en développement. Plus de chances de développement devraient se présenter quelque part dans la fourchette de 2020 à 2029 contrastent avec quelques années en arrière, ce qui suggère le rythme rapide des progrès…
Pulse Protein Market 2020 is Booming With Healthy CAGR by 2026. Leading Players are Ingredion Incorporated; Cargill, Incorporated; AGT Food and Ingredients; Archer Daniels Midland Company; Glanbia plc; Roquette Frères
In this Pulse Protein market report, breakdown and estimations of important industry trends, market drivers, market restraints, market size, market share and sales volume have been explained very well. This global market report gives CAGR value fluctuation…
Protéines végétales : La filière des légumineuses se met en place

Terres Univia et Terres Innova ont publié le 19 mars le bilan 2019 de la production de légumineuses, et les perspectives pour ces végétaux pour l’année 2020. Et si les graines produites dans les cultures françaises ont une certaine qualité…
Red Seaweed Extract Market to Witness Increase in Revenues by 2019 to 2029

Fact.MR has adopted multi-disciplinary approach to shed light on the evolution of the global Red Seaweed Extract market. The study presents a deep-dive assessment of the current growth dynamics, major avenues in the estimation year of 2019, and key prospects…
Marché mondial des arômes alimentaires et des exhausteurs de goût 2020-2026 | Fufeng, Meihua, Ajinomoto Group, Eppen, Angel Yeast, Biospringer

Une étude récemment publiée sur le marché des arômes alimentaires et des exhausteurs de goût décrit l’analyse approfondie des différentes tendances Marcrkéting et facteurs de croissance des arômes alimentaires mondiaux. Et l’industrie des exhausteurs de goût.
Marché mondial des solvants verts et biosourcés 2020-2026 Cargill, LyondellBasell, Solvay S.A, AkzoNobel NV, Sigma-Aldrich, Arkema SA, Corbion NV

Marché mondial des solvants verts et biosourcés: L’analyse 2020 prévue pour 2026 comprend des faits complets ainsi que l’évaluation des meilleurs fabricants, la portée du produit, le type et les utilisateurs finaux. Le rapport sur les solvants verts et biosourcés contient des détails précieux qui peuvent être segmentés en fonction de la zone de production des solvants verts et biosourcés, des principales entreprises et du type de produit…