CimentAlgue : harnessing CO2 and waste heat in cement plants to produce microalgae

Vicat is working together withAlgoSource Technologies, TotalEnergies and the Université de Nantes to accelerate the development of microalgae production using CO2 and waste heat. The CimentAlgue industrial research project is aimed at harnessing CO2 and waste heat from the manufacture of cement to produce microalgae. The project’s demonstrator will be set up at Vicat’s Montalieu-Vercieu cement plant. The project received…
ADM forecasts “whole self” nutrition, microbiome awareness and sustained plant-based appetites to star in 2022

Holistic nutrition, microbiome health and the sustained plant-based consumer appetite are in focus within ADM’s second annual list of global consumer trends. Based on in-depth research from ADM’s proprietary Outside Voice consumer insights platform, ADM provides a breakdown of each growth space poised for takeoff in the new year. “Consumers today continue to navigate a tumultuous environment that has uprooted every aspect of their lives,” comments…
MS Beautilab acquires GI Picco’s

As part of its France’s solid skincare and make-up strategy MS Beautilab has acquired GI Picco’s, which, it said “strengthens MS Beautilab’s product assortment and thus completes its historical know-how”. As part of its France’s solid skincare and make-up strategy MS Beautilab has acquired GI Picco’s, which, it said “strengthens MS Beautilab’s product assortment and thus completes its historical know-how”. This also brings the…
La technologie d’extraction enzymatique s’implante aux Antilles-Guyane

À l’occasion du salon Cosmetic 360, Biolie, société de biotechnologie spécialisée dans le développement et la production d’ingrédients naturels par extraction enzymatique, a officialisé l’octroi d’une licence de son brevet exclusive pour les Antilles-Guyane aux sociétés Bio Stratège Guyane, laboratoire industriel d’éco-extraction en Guyane française et Lafayette, filiale de la chambre de commerce et de l’industrie de la martinique, dédiée…
Lancement de la plateforme européenne Go4Cosmetics

Afin de renforcer la compétitivité des entreprises européennes de la cosmétique et accroître leur présence sur des marchés étrangers stratégiques, Cosmetic Valley, la Région Centre-Val de Loire et son agence de développement économique DEV’UP Centre-Val de Loire- avec le soutien de la Commission européenne, et en lien avec…
Novelskin rachète le laboratoire Nunii

(article complet réservé aux abonnés à CosmeticObs) Novelskin, marque de médecine esthétique et de soins cosmétiques, vient d’annoncer le rachat du laboratoire de recherches biomédicales Nunii. Cette première acquisition pour Novelskin s’inscrit dans une dynamique de proposer des soins dermo-esthétiques toujours plus ciblés aux professionnels, mais également au grand public. Novelskin a bâti son expertise autour de problématiques cutanées comme…
French Algae Startup Algama Foods Receives €2M Grant From the European Commission

Algama Foods, the French startup created in 2013, an expert in the replacement of animal proteins by microalgae, is the winner of the FEAMP 2020 Blue Economy Window call for projects launched by the European Commission. This €2 million grant is aimed at creating alternatives to products from fishing and aquaculture. With this funding, Algama plans to finalise the R&D of its “Seafood Algternative” innovation, a vegan range of products…
Écoconception et extraction des ingrédients cosmétiques – Écoresponsabilité
L’élaboration d’ingrédients écoconçus est souvent synonyme de nombreux challenges à relever. L’un d’entre eux est de réussir à allier innovation des procédés d’extraction et impact environnemental. Lors de la JEST (Journée d’Échanges Scientifiques et Techniques) organisée par Cosmed le 24 septembre 2021…
GNT expands North American footprint with US$30M investment

Exberry Coloring Foods manufacturer GNT is investing US$30 million to expand its US-based facility for North American ingredient production. Strategically located close to Charlotte in North Carolina, the 49-acre facility will supply customers throughout the US, Canada and Mexico. Speaking to FoodIngredientsFirst, Jeannette O’Brien, vice president at GNT USA, says the investment has been years in the making. “As part of our strategic growth plan, we’re…
Signature d’une Chaire entre SEMAE et l’Institut Agro

Anne-Lucie Wack, directrice générale de l’Institut Agro et Pierre Pagès, Vice-Président de SEMAE ont signé le 14 octobre un partenariat qui concrétise le lancement d’une Chaire : « Diversité, Amélioration des plantes et qualité des semences pour l’agroécologie », un projet porté par l’Institut Agro. « Cette signature représente un acte fort et fondateur entre une Interprofession et une grande école et réaffirme notre…
Bioraffinage des microalgues : réussir la montée en échelle

AlgoSource est un fabricant de produits et d’ingrédients actifs extraits de microalgues. L’entreprise participe au projet MAGNIFICIENT, un consortium européen qui développe une nouvelle chaîne de valeur pour les ingrédients alimentaires, aquacoles et cosmétiques à base de microalgues. Elle a pour mission de développer une chaîne de procédés d’extraction sur trois souches de microalgues marines, afin d’isoler les protéines…
Barry Callebaut launches nutraceutical drink made from cacao fruit

Barry Callebaut has a new better-for-you drink mixture made of 100% cacao fruit that it will make available for manufacturers worldwide to use in different types of beverages. The mixture, called Elix, was unveiled at a live and virtual event at Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam on Thursday.Cacao fruit is a rich source of many nutrients…
Cosmetic 360 dévoile les gagnants des Cosmetic Awards 2021

Sélectionnés parmi les exposants du salon Cosmetic 360, qui s’est tenu au Carrousel du Louvre les 13 et 14 octobre 2021, les finalistes concouraient dans six catégories. Le jury, composé de membres de la presse professionnelle du secteur , a sélectionné les meilleures innovations parmi 160 projets. Les lauréats de l’édition 2021 ont été dévoilés le 13 octobre, lors d’une cérémonie organisée à l’issue du premier jour du salon :…
France 2030 : 2 milliards pour l’agriculture et l’agroalimentaire
À la suite de la présentation par le chef de l’État du plan d’investissements France 2030, le ministre de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation a précisé le budget qui sera consacré aux secteurs agricole et agroalimentaire. Le président de la République Emmanuel Macron a dévoilé, mardi 12 octobre 2021, le plan France 2030 avec, à la clé, 30 milliards…
Givaudan bolsters growth in natural colors arena with DDW acquisition

Givaudan has its sights set on boosting its position in natural colors, as part of a 2025 strategy to expand the company’s global Taste & Wellbeing business. The Swiss flavor manufacturer is on track to acquire DDW, The Color House, a US-based colors company. The acquisition is expected to see Givaudan become a key player in natural colors, diversify its color portfolio and elevate food experiences through taste solutions. The transaction is expected to close in…
Abyss Ingredients lance Mnemosyss

A l’occasion du Vitafoods 2021, Abyss Ingredients annonce le lancement d’un nouvel ingrédient. A la croisée des deux tendances du bien-vieillir et des ingrédients marins, Mnemosyss® a tout pour réussir ! Un lancement à la croisée de deux tendances Le bien-vieillir, ou healthy ageing : l’incontournable Le bien-vieillir est une tendance de fond, et inévitable.En effet, le constat est sans appel : la population mondiale vieillit…
Afyren, le petit chimiste aux ambitions de géant vert

La start-up a mis les bouchées doubles pendant la crise sanitaire : nouvelle usine et introduction en Bourse. Afyren produit des acides organiques biosourcés, alternatifs à ceux extraits du pétrole. Ses cofondateurs, Nicolas Sordet et Jérémy Pessiot, sont lauréats du prix de l’Entrepreneur en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes dans la catégorie Start-Up. Comment se passer de pétrole dans la chimie ? La start-up Afyren dont le siège…
Symrise partners with Freddy Hirsch Nigeria to harness authentic and “hyperlocal” African flavors

In a bid to advance the flavor technology platform in West Africa, Symrise and Freddy Hirsch Nigeria have joined forces, to get in front of the market growth curve expected in the next few years. Under the new partnership, the companies will focus on developing, launching and commercializing transformational food products such as general seasoning, bouillon meat, snacks and instant noodles. According to Sofiane Berrahmoune, Symrise’s sub-regional…
Protéines d’insectes : Agronutris lève 100 M€ pour son industrialisation

La société spécialisée dans l’élevage et la transformation d’insectes Agronutris a annoncé une levée de fonds d’un montant de 100 millions d’euros. Cette opération permettra à la société la construction, à Rethel (Ardennes), de sa première unité industrielle d’ici à la fin 2022 et de financer l’implantation d’un second site de plus grande envergure. Afin de récolter cette somme, Agronutris a réuni de nombreux acteurs capables de…
Le gouvernement veut faire accélérer la chimie biosourcée

Le gouvernement veut accélérer dans le secteur des « produits biosourcés et biotechnologies industrielles – Carburants durables ». Une stratégie sera d’ailleurs bientôt présentée et mobilisera le 4e Programme d’investissements d’avenir (PIA). Elle s’articulera autour de cinq axes principaux : poursuite du soutien à la recherche et à l’innovation sur les biotechnologies industrielles, les produits biosourcés et les carburants durables…
De l’algue au papier, il n’y a qu’une pâte

Les lauréats du concours Tech4Islands 2021 ont été élus le 22 septembre dernier. Le grand prix “Outre-mer” est revenu à l’entreprise Sargasse Project pour sa valorisation des algues sargasses envahissantes en un biomatériau pour créer les emballages de demain. Ou comment transformer une menace en opportunité écologique. Pierre-Antoine Guibout s’est installé sur l’île de Saint-Barthélemy il y a neuf ans. Juriste financier de…
Protex International se renforce en Chine avec une nouvelle usine de spécialités chimiques
Le chimiste français Protex International a engagé plus de 13 millions d’euros pour une usine en Chine près de Guangzhou. Cette troisième implantation chinoise vient remplacer et doubler les capacités d’un ancien site de spécialités chimiques. Spécialiste des additifs chimiques, Protex International (500 salariés, 130 millions…
LVMH s’empare de l’Officine Universelle Buly

Après quatre année d’incubation sous l’égide du fonds d’investissements minoritaires LVMH Luxury Ventures, l’Officine Universelle Buly rejoint le groupe LVMH et ses 75 autres Maisons. La marque française, connue pour ses parfums, ses soins, baumes, huiles, accessoires et bougies parfumées, a été relancée en 2014 par le couple Ramdane Touhami et Victoire de Taillac. Depuis, la marque a connu un beau…
Givaudan tips “mindful drinking” to be next big industry movement as alcohol reduction trend takes hold

Givaudan has unveiled its latest research on “mindful drinking,” offering manufacturers critical insights into what consumers are looking for in low- and no-alcohol drinks and enabling them to create more appealing experiences. Speaking exclusively to FoodIngredientsFirst, Igor Parshin, the company’s regional category manager for beverages, explains how the alcohol-free movement can be compared to plant protein’s popularity, with the Swiss flavor house…
À Pleubian, l’entreprise Laboratoire d’Armor profite du plan de relance de l’État
Installée à Pen Lan, à Pleubian (Côtes-d’Armor) depuis 2005, l’entreprise de cosmétiques Laboratoires d’Armor, a obtenu une aide de l’État dans le cadre du Plan de relance, pour investir dans du nouveau matériel de production. Spécialisée dans les cosmétiques conventionnels, naturels ou certifiés bio, et surtout à…
Agrochimie : Croda ouvre son centre de validation des produits de soin des cultures

(Texte complet réservé aux abonnés à Info-Chimie) Le chimiste britannique Croda a ouvert son centre de validation des produits pour la protection des plantes à Holambra, près de Sao Paolo, au Brésil. Ce centre va permettre de préparer à façon des milieux de croissance des plantes, cultiver et traiter les plantes avec des produits agrochimiques grâce à une chambre de pulvérisation. Une fois la pulvérisation réalisée, les effets des…
Metex Nøøvista plonge Carling dans l’ère de la biotech industrielle

La filiale de Metabolic Explorer et de Bpifrance a inauguré sa première unité de production de propanediol et d’acide butyrique sur le site de Carling, en Moselle. Un projet à 50 millions d’euros qui permet à la plateforme pétrochimique d’accélérer sa reconversion. La plateforme Chemesis, à Carling en Moselle, était en fête le 23 septembre 2021. Sous un soleil éclatant, elle inaugurait sa première usine de chimie verte, propriété de Metex…
À Amiens, quand l’innovation agroalimentaire rime avec développement durable

À Poulainville, près d’Amiens, l’entreprise Ÿnsect construit une ferme verticale spécialisée dans l’élevage de scarabées et leur transformation en protéines pour l’alimentation animale et les plantes. La Banque des Territoires soutient financièrement ce projet innovant et durable. Fondée en 2011 à Paris, par des scientifiques et des militants écologistes, l’entreprise innovante Ÿnsect transforme des insectes en ingrédients à…
CEO Exclusive: Naturex goes back to start-up roots to drive growth
The world’s biggest supplier of botanical extracts, Naturex, is on track to meet the targets of its growth strategy Bright2020 which aims to see 10% of sales coming from new products, according to CEO Olivier Rigaud…
Fusion entre Kraton et DL Chemical

(Texte complet réservé aux abonnés à Info-Chimie) Le groupe américain Kraton va passer dans le giron de DL Chemical pour un montant de 2,5 Mrds $. Une opération qui va élargir le portefeuille de polymères de spécialités du producteur coréen des revêtements. Le producteur de polymères de spécialités et de produits biosourcés et durables à haute valeur ajoutée Kraton Corporation a annoncé, le 27 septembre 2021, la signature d’un…
Agriculture. Sanders mise sur la protéine végétale française pour nourrir les animaux

Le fabricant d’alimentation animale Sanders s’engage plus fortement dans la protéine végétale française pour renforcer son autonomie. Pour le leader de la nutrition animale en France (24 usines, 3,4 millions de tonnes d’aliments), filiale du groupe Avril, la protéine végétale française est clairement un cap stratégique. 38,5 % du soja utilisé d’origine française : Ce fabricant « de plats cuisinés pour animaux », selon le bon mot…
Extraction, purification by cation exchange supermacroporous cryogel and physico-chemical characterization of γ-conglutin from lupin seeds (Lupinus Albus L.)
This study focused on the extraction, purification and physicochemical characterization of γ-conglutin, a protein present in lupin seeds with properties of reducing blood glucose levels. Total protein was extracted with alkaline-saline solvent, followed by isoelectric precipitation. Chromatographic purification of…
Influence of process condıtıons on ultrasound-assısted proteın extractıon from cold pressed tomato seed waste
Tomato seed waste is obtained in large amounts in tomato paste processing. In this study, ultrasound-assisted protein extraction of tomato seed waste was used and extraction parameters were optimized using response surface methodology. Effects of independent variables (liquid:solid ratio, ultrasound duration, and…
Development of a microwave-assisted solvent extraction process for the extraction of high-value carotenoids from Chlorella biomass
The commercial production of carotenoids as bioactive commodities from microalgae has been severely limited due to the nature of the microalgal outer cell matrix. Microwave technology offers a rapid method for obtaining larger amounts of these biochemical compounds. The process facilitates cell-wall rupture…
A Novel Method to Extract Juglone from Juglans mandshurica Waste Branches Using a Water-in-Oil Microemulsion
Pruning of Juglans mandshurica produces many branches, which are potentially a rich source of juglone although they are usually discarded as waste. Herein, we describe a water-in-oil microemulsion-based microwave-assisted extraction (MBMAE) method to isolate the juglone found in waste branches from…
A Review on Instant Controlled Pressure Drop Technology- A Strategic Tool for Extraction of Bioactive Compounds
Bioactive compounds are the naturally derived extra-nutritional components with diversified arrangement and functionality, which makes them a promising source for the fabrication of functional foods, nutraceuticals, and food additives. Extraction of these compounds by traditional techniques is a cumbersome process, which…
Effective methods for isolation and purification of extracellular vesicles from plants
Plant extracellular vesicles (EVs) play critical roles in the cross-kingdom trafficking of molecules from hosts to interacting microbes, most notably in plant defense responses. However, the isolation of pure, intact EVs from plants remains challenging. A variety of methods have been utilized to isolate plant EVs from apoplastic…
Isolation of ocotillol/ocotillone from Fouquieria splendens (Ocote) using a batch reactor
Exploitation of the “ocotillo” tree (Fouquieria splendens Engelm) to produce ocotillol/ocotillone (o/o) in Northern Mexico hasn’t been explored to this date. In the present work, isolation of ocotillol/ocotillone was performed through a batch reactor, which allowed the elimination of alcohol and phenols present in the…
Wood slices for separation of both oil water mixtures and emulsions

Researchers present differently manufactured wooden discs as a biological alternative to conventional, non-renewable materials for separating oil/water mixtures and emulsions. Tremendous efforts have been exerted to develop effective and ecofriendly materials for separation of oil/water mixtures and emulsions. However, porous materials with superwettability for oil/water separation are usually fabricated from non…
A LCST-type ionic liquid used as the recyclable extractant for the extraction and separation of liquiritin and glycyrrhizic acid from licorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch)
Recently, the use of stimuli-responsive ionic liquids (ILs) as extractants has received close attention due to their retrievability. In this study, a temperature-responsive ionic liquid (TR-IL) was synthesized and used for the extraction and subsequent separation of liquiritin (LQ) and glycyrrhizic acid (GA) from licorice…
Separation and purification of polyprenols from Ginkgo biloba L. leaves by bulk ionic liquid membrane and optimizing parameters
Polyprenols extracted from Ginkgo biloba L. leaves (GBL) are known for their biological functions (antioxidant, antimicrobial, antivirus, hepatoprotective, and antitumor properties). Nevertheless, the conventional methods of polyprenol separation lack selectivity and has a low separation efficiency. As a result, effective methods…
Pulsed electric field assisted process for extraction of bioactive compounds from custard apple (Annona squamosa) leaves
Impact of pulsed electric field (PEF) assisted process on preparation of custard apple leaf extract (CALE) using ethanol (70%, v/v) was studied. Different electric field strengths (2–6 kV/cm), pulse numbers (100–300 pulses) with specific energies (45–142 kJ/kg) for 2.5 to 5 min were implemented. Cell disintegration index…
Valorization of the Red Algae Gelidium sesquipedale by Extracting a Broad Spectrum of Minor Compounds Using Green Approaches
Until now, the red algae Gelidium sesquipedale has been primarily exploited for agar production, leaving an undervalued biomass. In this work, the use of eco-friendly approaches employing ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) and green solvents was investigated to valorize the algal minor compounds. The green…
Cell disruption and astaxanthin extraction from Haematococcus pluvialis: recent advances
The green microalga Haematococcus pluvialis is an excellent source of astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant widely used in cosmetics, aquaculture, health foods, and pharmaceuticals. This review explores recent developments in cell disruption and astaxanthin extraction techniques applied using H. pluvialis as a model…
Optimization of a novel lipid extraction process from microalgae
Previous study found that the solvent extraction efficiency of lipid in microalgae could be greatly improved by washing algae cells before the second time extraction. Based on the \”organic solvents-water-organic solvents\” method, this research further studied the effect of four solvent systems (acetone…
Current trends in essential oil (EO) production
The increasing demand of essential oils (EOs) as nutraceuticals, food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic ingredients in the current scenario has opened up new avenues for their large-scale production. India’s biodiversity and scientific development promise to make it leading country in aroma business in the coming…
Valorization of peach (Prunus persica L.) waste into speciality products via green methods
The current study aims to develop an environmentally friendly method for the valorization of an over-produced biowaste (peach peels) into speciality products. Several 3 factor 3 level statistical multivariate methods (3-level factorial, face centered central composite, and Box-Behnken designs) together with response surface…
Emerging technology approach for extractability and stability of betalains from the peel of beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.)
Betalains are natural color compounds with high water affinity, unstable, and fragile; hence, understanding their thermal tolerance is always beneficial either in manufacturing them or in their application in betalain-rich functional foods for better handling. In our study, the extractability of betalains via microwave-assisted…
Methods for extraction, processing, and purification of a selected family of target compounds from cannabis
Disclosed are methods for separating, recovering, and purifying tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) salts from an organic solvent solution comprising a mixture of cannabinoids. The methods comprise solubilizing the mixture of cannabinoids in a selected C5-C7 hydrocarbon solvent, adding thereto a selected amine to…
Extraction method of active ingredient WGX-50 from Zanthoxylum bungeanum and its application in cosmetics
The present invention relates to Zanthoxylum bungeanum extract and its application in anti-aging cosmetics. Zanthoxylum bungeanum, Zanthoxylum bungeanum peel and Zanthoxylum bungeanum bean are crushed into powder and extracted with organic solvents such as dichloromethane, ethanol and ethyl acetate by…
n-Butanol: An Ecologically and Economically Viable Extraction Solvent for Isolating Polar Products from Aqueous Solutions
Water is the solvent of choice in terms of greenness and sustainability. However, it can be difficult to isolate very polar products from water. Here, we discuss the use of n -butanol as a solvent to extract polar compounds from aqueous solution. n -Butanol produces high yields and can also be sourced sustainably…
Tertiary amine as an efficient CO2 switchable solvent for extracting lipids from hypersaline microalgae
Considering the momentous cost drivers in energy efficient algal biorefinery processes, a green alternative in extracting lipid from microalgae is anticipated. Switchable solvent system using tertiary amines namely DMBA (Dimethylbenzylamine), DMCHA (Dimethylcyclohexylamine), and DIPEA (Diisopropylethylamine) for…
Energy-efficient ultrasound-assisted extraction of food proteins from the microalga C. vulgaris at elevated static pressure
The microalga C. vulgaris is a potential source for sustainable food ingredients and particularly food protein. Ultrasonication can enhance the extraction of proteins from Chlorella, but a comprehensive comparison to other cell disintegration technologies is not possible since knowledge about the energy requirements is…
Green extraction of value-added compounds form microalgae: A short review on natural deep eutectic solvents (NaDES) and related pre-treatments
Sustainability and renewability are demanding the most important challenges that need to be achieved. Therefore, microalgae and Natural deep eutectic solvents (NaDEs) are two classes that deserve particular attention that can allow to meet the sustainability. Microalgae, as raw materials, can produce a variety…
Production of a rich-carotenoid colorant from pumpkin peels using oil-in-water emulsion followed by spray drying
Peels and seeds are byproducts generated during the processing of fruits and vegetables that have been cut off or rejected in the food industry. Pumpkin peels are an example of products that provide valuable nutritional aspects but that have low commercial value. This work aimed at recovering carotenoids from pumpkin…
Rapid extraction of lipid from wet microalgae biomass by a novel buoyant beads and ultrasound assisted solvent extraction method
Microalgae biomass is considered as a sustainable source of biofuels and co-products because of its rapid growth and high lipid yield. However, some challenging steps need to be solved such as biomass harvesting, lipid extraction and transesterification in industrial processing. In this study, a novel method using buoyant…
Understanding the effect of time, temperature and salts on carrageenan extraction from Chondrus crispus
Alkali-free carrageenan extraction was performed on dried (around 1 cm size chips) gametophytic and tetrasporophytic Chondrus crispus at varying time and temperatures. For the gametophyte seaweed (containing κι-hybrid carrageenan and its precursors) the first 24 h extraction at room temperature…
Air classification as a useful technology to obtain phenolics-enriched buckwheat flour fractions
Air classification is a valuable process to obtain flours enriched in phenolic compounds. In this study, dehulled buckwheat grain flour was micronized and air classified obtaining two couple of fractions with different yields (fine fraction 70% and coarse fraction 30%, and fine fraction of 80% and coarse fraction 20%)…
Role of virgin coconut oil (VCO) as co-extractant for obtaining xanthones from mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) pericarp with supercritical carbon dioxide extraction
Virgin coconut oil (VCO) was used as co-extractant with supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) extraction for obtaining xanthones from mangosteen pericarp (MP) without organic co-solvents. In each experiment, 120 g of dried MP that had median particle sizes of 0.85 mm was used. Extraction of MP with 40% VCO…
An efficient approach for simultaneously obtaining oil and epigoitrin from Orychophragmus violaceus seeds by microwave-mediated immiscible binary solvent extraction
Microwave-mediated immiscible binary solvent extraction (MIBSE) was applied to simultaneously extract oil and epigoitrin from Orychophragmus violaceus seeds. The upper phase of n-hexane was used to obtain oil, and the lower phase of ethanol solution was used to obtain epigoitrin. Factors potentially affecting the yields…
Green and Efficient Extraction Approach for Polyphenol Recovery from Lotus Seedpods (Receptaculum Nelumbinis): Gas-Assisted Combined with Glycerol
In this paper, the gas-assisted combined with glycerol extraction (GAGE) for polyphenol recovery from lotus seedpods (LSPs) was modeled and optimized. Box-Behnken design was applied to optimize the total polyphenol content (TPC) of LSP along with enhancing antioxidant activities using response surface…
Separation of tomato aroma compounds from binary model solutions using PEBA and EPDM membranes in pervaporation: Comparison of membranes performance and investigation of temperature effect
The pervaporation separation of four important aroma compounds of tomato juice (1-hexanol, hexanal, 2-heptenal, and 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one) was investigated. Ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) and polyether block amide (PEBA) membranes were fabricated and applied to treat binary model…
Polyphenols Extraction From Vegetable Wastes Using a Green and Sustainable Method
Food systems have the potential to support human health, respecting the environmental sustainability principles. Food sustainability, enclosed in the concept of environmental sustainability, involves different aspects, including the recycling of food waste derived from the agri-food production chain, the…
Targeted identification of antioxidant compounds from Sparassis latifolia extracts and their antioxidant activities
Maceration extraction (ME) and ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) were conducted using different solvents to extract all phenols from Sparassis latifolia. UAE using 50% methanol was the best extraction procedure and provided the highest total phenolic content (TPC). Ultra-performance liquid chromatography…
Antioxidant Activity and Rheological Properties of the Polysaccharides Isolated from Ribes stenocarpum Maxim with Different Extraction Methods
The purpose of the present study is to illustrate the effects of extraction methods on the antioxidant activity and rheological properties of polysaccharides isolated from Ribes stenocarpum Maxim (RPs). RPs was extracted by ultrasonic-assisted extraction (RPs-1), alkaline extraction (RPs-2), acid extraction (RPs-3)…
Phenolic compounds in mango fruit: a review
Mangifera indica fruit (mango) is one of the most commercialized fruits around the world occupying the 2nd position as a tropical crop, due to the great variety of existing cultivars from which different food products such as drinks, juices, concentrates, and jams are prepared. The wastes generated during the processing…
Effects of saw palmetto extract on the vanilloid receptor TRPV1
Objective Transient receptor potential vanilloid subtype 1 (TRPV1) may play a significant role in the pathophysiology of the bladder. The present study investigated the effects of the herbal product, saw palmetto extract (SPE) on TRPV1-mediated Ca2+ influx and specific [3H]resiniferatoxin ([3H]RTX) binding to…
Optimization of spray-drying process to manufacture green tea powder and its characters
Tea leaves (Camellia sinensis) have many health benefits due to their abundance of polyphenols with antioxidant activity, most notably epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). To protect those bioactive compounds, the spray-drying technique of green tea-extracted solution is conducted because of encapsulating. This…
Evolutionary research trend of Polygonatum species: a comprehensive account of their transformation from traditional medicines to functional foods
With the advances in Polygonatum research, there is a huge interest in harnessing the valuable functional ingredients of this genus with the potential for functional foods. This review emphasizes the different aspects of Ploygonatum based research starting from its bioactive compounds, their structural characterization…
Improvements in drying technologies – Efficient solutions for cleaner production with higher energy efficiency and reduced emission
Drying is an integral part in the treatment of grains to maintain the freshness and good quality of agricultural products, while protecting bioactive substances (vitamins, antioxidants). The processing allows long-term and safe storage of products, but is one of the most energy-consuming steps in food production. Reducing…
Enzymatic extraction of pectic oligosaccharides from finger citron (Citrus medica L. var. sarcodactylis Swingle) pomace with antioxidant potential
Finger citron pomace is a cheap and renewable by-product of the citrus processing industry, representing up to 60% of the fruit biomass. In this study, a pectinase-based and ultrasonic-assisted method was firstly used to extract pectic oligosaccharides (POS) from finger citron pomace. Using the orthogonal experiment…
Ameliorated membranous nephropathy activities of two ethanol extracts from corn silk and identification of flavonoid active compounds by LC-MS2
The current study looks to evaluate the effect of corn silk flavonoids on membranous nephropathy (MN). Polyamide resin (PR) can be used to enrich corn silk ethanol extract (CSEE) to obtain flavonoid-rich extract (PR-CSEE), the total flavonoid content (TFC) of which we found to be 57.4%. The results of scanning…
Goldenrod Root Compounds Active against Crop Pathogenic Fungi
Root extracts of three goldenrods were screened for antimicrobial compounds. 2Z,8Z– and 2E,8Z-matricaria esters from European goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea) and E– and Z-dehydromatricaria esters from grass-leaved goldenrod (Solidago graminifolia) and first from showy goldenrod (Solidago speciosa) were…
Integrating the Carboxylate Platform into a Red Seaweed Biorefinery
Macroalgae are an important source of food, fertilizer, hydrocolloids, and healthful bioactive components. Macroalgae are also being considered sources of biofuels, which require minimal demands for arable land, fresh water, or fertilizers. In this study, we explored the possibility of developing a red seaweed biorefinery…
Osmo-air drying of banana slices: multivariate analysis, process optimization and product quality characterization
In the present work, osmotic dehydration (OD) was applied as a pretreatment to hot air drying of banana slices and the effect of OD parameters on mass transfer characteristics, color profile was analysed. Principal component analysis (PCA) of OD process revealed that solid gain, weight reduction, water loss and total…
Use of Weed Extracts as Antifouling Additives for Marine Paints: Two Case Studies
The present work explores the use of weed extracts and purified compounds as environmentally friendly antifouling additives with a possible application in marine paints. Two species were selected as case studies: Verbena bonariensis L., Verbenaceae, and Tillandsia tenuifolia L., Bromeliaceae. The extracts of both…
Green coffee polyphenols in formulations of functional yoghurt and their quality attributes
Antioxidant-enriched probiotic yoghurt was developed using spray-dried green coffee extract (SGC). A full factorial design was employed to optimise the spray-drying conditions. A significant yield of polyphenols besides the physico-chemical properties was attained in SGC. Green coffee-enriched yoghurt (GY)…
Characterization of methanolic extract of seaweeds as environmentally benign corrosion inhibitors for mild steel corrosion in sodium chloride environment
Biocorrosion is an aggregation of microbes on the metal surface that induces ion degradation by oxidation and reduction of chemical and electrochemical reactions. Extracellular electron transfer (EET) process was a significant phenomenon in ion deterioration. To block the EET process, the inhibitor was used to…
Nematicidal, antifungal and insecticidal activities of Artemisia halodendron extracts: New polyacetylenes involved
The present study evaluates the nematicidal, antifungal and insecticidal effects of extracts from different organs (leaves, stems and roots) of Artemisia halodendron Turcz. ex Bess. Correlative analysis revealed that polyacetylenes were the main contributors to biological activities. Furthermore, five extraction…
Insights into bamboo delignification with acidic deep eutectic solvents pretreatment for enhanced lignin fractionation and valorization
Deep eutectic solvent (DES) as novel and green solvents can efficiently promote the fractionation of high-purity lignin from lignocellulosic biomass pretreatment. Revealing the fundamental chemistry of lignin during DES pretreatment will improve methodology to optimize the pretreatment in an integrated biorefinery…
Multivariate Analyses of the Antioxidant, Antidiabetic, Antimicrobial Activity of Pomegranate Tissues with Respect to Pomegranate Juice
Purpose The pomegranate tissues investigated in this study included pomegranate peel (PP), pomegranate seed (PS), pomegranate mesocarp (PM), and pomegranate juice (PJ). Methods The total contents of phenolics (TPC), flavonoids (TFC), and hydrolysable tannins (HTC) of pomegranate tissues were analyzed…
Investigation on the Phytochemical Composition, Antioxidant and Enzyme Inhibition Potential of Polygonum Plebeium R.Br: A Comprehensive Approach to Disclose New Nutraceutical and Functional Food Ingredients
The present work describes medicinal potential and secondary metabolic picture of the methanol extract (PP-M) of Polygonum plebeium R.Br. and its fractions; n-hexane (PP-H), ethyl acetate (PP-E) and water (PP-W). In total bioactive component estimation, highest contents of phenolic (89.38±0.27 mgGAE/g…
Pineapple processing waste (PPW): bioactive compounds, their extraction, and utilisation: a review
Fruits and vegetable processing industries contribute to the largest portion of food waste. With changing diet habits, the demand for the production and processing of fruits and vegetables has increased greatly to fulfil the rising demand amongst the masses. Waste generation begins from the harvesting of raw material…
Recent advances in valorization of citrus fruits processing waste: a way forward towards environmental sustainability
Citrus fruits are well known for their medicinal and therapeutic potential due to the presence of immense bioactive components. With the enormous consumption of citrus juice, citrus processing industries are focused on the production of juice but at the same time, a large amount of waste is produced mainly in the…
Peanut skin phenolics obtained by green solvent extraction: characterization and antioxidant activity in pure chia oil, and chia oil in water (O/W) emulsion
BACKGROUND The peanut skin (PS) is considered an industrial waste with undervalued applications. Although several studies report potent antioxidant capacities of PS phenolics, the effectiveness in highly unsaturated lipid systems has not yet been evaluated. The objectives of the present study were to twofold…
Evaluation of growth and some unexplored bioactivities of bioreactor grown adventitious root culture of ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer).
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the growth potentials and some rarely reported bioactivities (antioxidant, thrombolytic, anticoagulant, and anthelmintic) of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer adventitious roots. To demonstrate the growth, shake flask and laboratory-scale bioreactor cultures have been employed…
Ultrasonic-Assisted Aqueous Two-Phase Extraction Combined with Macroporous Resin Enrichment of Lignans from Flaxseed Meal and Their Antioxidant Activities
Secoisolariciresinol di glucoside (SDG) is a natural antioxidant generally extracted from flaxseed, which is one of the most important oil crops in China, the by-product of the flaxseed oil, i.e., flaxseed meal, still contains a lot of lignans. However, flaxseed meal is generally treated as waste, resulting in a huge waste of resources.
Essential oils as natural antimicrobial agents in postharvest treatments of fruits and vegetables: a review
Abstract Increasing consumer concerns about the dangers associated with synthetically produced additives in food processing have led researchers to focus their investigation on eco-friendly materials and natural antimicrobials from animal sources, microorganisms, and plant-based materials. Although fruits…
Natamycin: a natural preservative for food applications—a review
Natamycin is a natural antimicrobial peptide produced by the strains of Streptomyces natalensis . It effectively acts as an antifungal preservative on various food products like yogurt, khoa, sausages, juices, wines, etc. Additionally, it has been used as a bio preservative and is listed as generally recognized as a safe…
Multiproduct biorefinery from marine thraustochytrids towards a circular bioeconomy
Microalgal biotechnology research continues to expand due to largely unexplored marine environments and growing consumer interest in healthy products. Thraustochytrids, which are marine oleaginous protists, are known for their production of bioactives with significant applications in nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals…
Resource recovery from lignocellulosic wastes via biological technologies: advancements and prospects
Lignocellulosic wastes were recently considered as biomass resources, however, its conversion to valuable products is still immature although researchers have put lots of effort into this issue. This article reviews the key challenges of the biorefinery utilizing lignocellulosic materials and recent developments to…
Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of ginseng extract, ferulic acid and noni juice, in the evaluation of their potential to be incorporated in food
Ginseng extract (GE), ferulic acid (≥99%) (FA), and a fermented noni juice powder (FNJP), were investigated for their antioxidant and antimicrobial activities in vitro. Half inhibitory concentration (IC50) was 29.87, 0.45 and 3.82 mg/mL, for GE, FA, and FNJP, respectively. The capacity of the three extracts to inhibit polyphenol…
The Use of Cannabis sativa L. for Pest Control: From the Ethnobotanical Knowledge to a Systematic Review of Experimental Studies
Background: Despite the benefits that synthetic pesticides have provided in terms of pest and disease control, they cause serious long-term consequences for both the environment and living organisms. Interest in eco-friendly products has subsequently increased in recent years. Methods: This article briefly…
Solvent Mixture Optimization in the Extraction of Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activities from Garlic (Allium sativum L.)
Garlic is a health promoter that has important bioactive compounds. The bioactive extraction is an important step in the analysis of constituents present in plant preparations. The purpose of this study is to optimize the extraction with the best proportion of solvents to obtain total phenolic compounds (TPC) and…
Evaluation of the phytotoxic effect of the essential oil from Artemisia absinthium
The chemical profile and the phytotoxicity of Artemisia absinthium essential oil (EO) were investigated to evaluate its potential value as a biopesticide for food safety purposes. A total of 54 compounds were identified in A. absinthium EO, with the most abundant constituents being eucalyptol (25.59%), linalool…
Extraction, chemical modification and antioxidant activities of Daucus carota polysaccharide
The Daucus carota polysaccharides were extracted by hot water extraction and alcohol precipitation, and the phosphorylated and carboxymethylated derivatives were prepared. Their structures were characterized by FT-IR, NMR, and SEM. The antioxidant activities of Daucus carota polysaccharide was enhanced by…
Veteran Cola Innovator Offers Patented Vitamin C As Phosphoric Acid Flavoring Alternative

(full article reserved for HBW subscribers) Correct Cola founder Reza Kamarei pushes patented concoction as an alternative to traditional cola flavor ingredient phosphoric acid with vitamin C. He most recently headed nutrition and health R&D for French firm Naturex…
The green solvent: a critical perspective
Solvents are important in most industrial and domestic applications. The impact of solvent losses and emissions drives efforts to minimise them or to avoid them completely. Since the 1990s, this has become a major focus of green chemistry, giving rise to the idea of the ‘green’ solvent. This concept has generated a…
Algae as a Source of Natural Flavors in Innovative Foods
As a result of their nutritive values, algae have been used as a food resource for centuries, and there is a growing interest to use them as enrichment ingredients in food products. However, food product acceptance by consumers is strongly linked to their organoleptic properties, especially the aroma, taste, and a…
Extraction, purification, bioactivities and prospect of lentinan: A review
It is known that there are many benefits associated with the development and utilization of natural products, such as abundant resources, biocompatible, biodegradability and renewability. The resources of bioactive substances in animals and plants are very huge, including sugars, lipids, protein peptides, sterols…
Screening and process optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction of main antioxidants from sweet tea (Lithocarpus litseifolius [Hance] Chun)
Sweet tea (Lithocarpus litseifolius [Hance] Chun) is an herbal tea with multiple health benefits due to its main bioactive compounds. In this work, the DPPH-spiking test based on high-performance liquid chromatography (DPPH-spiking HPLC) was applied to precisely screen antioxidants from sweet tea. Three main…
Dietary fibers extracted from Saccharina japonica can improve metabolic syndrome and ameliorate gut microbiota dysbiosis induced by high fat diet
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a pathological state of multiple metabolic abnormalities. Dietary fibers (DFs) has been widely concerned about its positive role in MetS. Different from the DFs of terrestrial plants, the DFs of seaweeds has unique composition and structural characteristics. The aim of this study is to investigate…
Increased C-phycocyanin extract purity by flocculation of Arthrospira platensis with chitosan
This paper demonstrates the possibility of harvesting cyanobacteria Arthrospira platensis at various growth phases followed by the extraction of purer C-phycocyanin from the flocculated biomass, by using chitosan as a flocculating agent. It was found that the flocculation efficiency was higher than 90% in 15 min for…
Recovering phenolic compounds from Eugenia calycina Cambess employing high-intensity ultrasound treatments: A comparison among its leaves, fruit pulp, and seed as promising sources of bioactive compounds
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of the high-intensity ultrasound (HIUS) on the recovery of phenolic compounds from the leaves, fruit pulp, and seed of Eugenia calycina Cambess. The impact of using different modes of application of the same ultrasound-specific energy (kJ/g) was examined. Ultrasound…
Microalgae for high-value products: A way towards green nutraceutical and pharmaceutical compounds
Microalgae is a renewable bioresource with the potential to replace the conventional fossil-based industrial production of organic chemicals and pharmaceuticals. Moreover, the microalgal biomass contains carotenoids, vitamins, and other biomolecules that are widely used as food supplements. However, the…
Supercritical CO2-ethanol extraction of oil from green coffee beans: optimization conditions and bioactive compound identification
In this research, a supercritical CO 2 -ethanol extraction was optimized to obtain a green coffee oil rich in bioactive compounds. A face-centered central composite design was used to evaluate the effect of temperature (50–70 °C), extraction pressure (15.0–30.0 MPa), and cosolvent content (5–20%) on the…
Ultrasound-assisted extraction of polysaccharide from spent Lentinus edodes substrate: Process optimization, precipitation, structural characterization and antioxidant activity
Lentinus edodes is the second-most popular and cultivated mushroom worldwide due to its nutritional and health-promoting benefit. However, the mushroom production generates vast amounts of spent L. edodes substrate (SLS) that is generally discharged into the environment, posing a great challenge within…
Rare sugars await possible labeling exemption

Other sweeteners could join allulose as not counting as sugar on Nutrition Facts Label. Food companies increasingly have turned to allulose in their sugar-reduction efforts since the US Food and Drug Administration in 2019 exempted the “rare” sugar from being included as a carbohydrate, sugar or added sugar on the Nutrition Facts Label. Other non-traditional sugars could join allulose in receiving the exemption, but in some cases years…
Étude : Le sulforaphane, un nouvel actif contre la chute de cheveux ?
Le brocoli et le chou-fleur auraient des vertus jusque-là insoupçonnées. Des scientifiques coréens nous apprennent que le sulforaphane, un composé organique présent dans ces deux aliments, pourrait contribuer à prévenir la chute de cheveux, et même à booster leur croissance. Au-delà de nos assiettes, ils…
Algae biotechnology for industrial wastewater treatment, bioenergy production, and high-value bioproducts
A growing world population is causing hazardous compounds to form at an increasingly rapid rate, calling for ecological action. Wastewater management and treatment is an expensive process that requires appropriate integration technology to make it more feasible and cost-effective. Algae are of great interest…
Identification and Capture of Phenolic Compounds from a Rapeseed Meal Protein Isolate Production Process By-Product by Macroporous Resin and Valorization Their Antioxidant Properties
In this study, phenolic compounds from an aqueous protein by-product from rapeseed meal (RSM) were identified by HPLC-DAD and HPLC-ESI-MS, including sinapine, sinapic acid, sinapoyl glucose, and 1,2-di-sinapoyl gentibiose. The main phenolic compound in this by-product was sinapine. We also performed acid…
Pretreatment effect of osmotic dehydration on ultrasound assisted solvent extraction: Functional properties of defatted hazelnut meal
This study aimed to investigate the impact of ultrasound and osmotic dehydration on the functional properties of defatted hazelnut meal. The results showed that osmotic dehydration sample pretreatment did not significantly affect the functional properties of defatted meal based on p-value analysis. However, the…
Les investisseurs parient sur l’envolée des ventes de cosmétiques durables

Alors que la première moitié de l’année 2021 s’est avérée remarquable pour l’industrie des cosmétiques naturels, avec de nombreux investissements et acquisitions, Ecovia Intelligence prévoit que la tendance se poursuivra à mesure que la demande des consommateurs pour des produits de beauté naturels et propres se renforcera. Le cabinet d’études et de conseil discutera de l’évolution des enjeux de durabilité…
Marché émulsifiants alimentaires : analyse de l’industrie mondiale et évaluation des opportunités, taille du marché, part 2021-2024

Le rapport émulsifiants alimentaires Market Research contient un aperçu détaillé du marché et fournit une connaissance complète des différents segments du marché. Le rapport met l’accent sur les tendances émergentes au niveau mondial et régional sur toutes les composantes importantes, telles que la taille du marché, la demande et l’offre, la production, les revenus et le paysage concurrentiel. La recherche évalue le…
Rapport du marché ingrédients prébiotique sur la taille, la part, les tendances des prix, les ventes, la demande et l’analyse des acteurs clés jusqu’en 2023
Le rapport sur le marché de ingrédients prébiotique met à disposition les facteurs qui stimulent et freinent la croissance, reconnaît la situation de l’offre et de la demande et fournit une analyse des écarts de l’industrie, des technologies à venir et des tendances, de la compétitivité / du paysage concurrentiel. Le rapport…
Game on: Dietary Fiber Industry Data & Forecast 2028 by Beneo, ADM, DuPont, Lonza
Adroit Market Research introduces new research on Dietary Fiber Market – Global covering micro level of analysis by competitors and key business segments. The Dietary Fiber Market – Global explores comprehensive study on various segments like opportunities, size, development, innovation, sales and…
Global Theobroma Cacao Seed Butter Market Future Aspect Analysis 2021-2028 | Protameen Chemicals, Clariant, Gustav Heess
A newly added research report titled Global Theobroma Cacao Seed Butter Market 2021 is offers a comprehensive and detailed analysis that considering a wide range of factors affecting the industry to provide a forecast still the year 2028. The report focuses on current business and present-day headways as…
Alkyl Glycoside Market Material Outlook And Manufacturing Cost Analysis by 2026| BASF, Yixing Jinlan Chemical, Yangzhou Chenhua New Materials, Shanghai Chemical Industry, Kao Corporation
A detailed research study on Alkyl Glycoside Market recently published by Report Hive Research. Key information like market size estimates for the value (million USD) and volume (K Units), market segmentation, application, new business opportunities, and statistics summed up in the report to present market forecast…
Global Seaweed Proteins Market 2021 Breaking New Grounds and Touch New Level by 2028 | Key Players – CP Kelco US, Algaia, Gelymar SA, Seasol, Cargill Incorporated, Compo Expert GmBH, DuPont
Global seaweed proteins market is expected to gain market growth in the forecast period of 2021 to 2028. Data Bridge Market Research analyses the market to account from USD 0.466 billion in 2020 to USD 1.256 billion by 2028 growing at a CAGR of 13.2% in the above-mentioned forecast period. Seaweed is a marine…
Food Supplement Ingredients Market Set to Grow with Massive CAGR by 2028. Major Players – Amway, Capsugel, DSM, Merk CH, Kemin Health, etc.
DataIntelo has released their new Food Supplement Ingredients Market research report and forecasts for the industry for next eight years. The company predicts that by 2028, there will be a XX% increase in global demand and market will grow with a CAGR of XX%. With this forecast, the future of Food Supplement…
Personal Care Specialty Ingredient Market: CAGR Analysis, Product Supply and Demand, Sales Volume by Product types, Key Players and Applications
A wide-ranging analysis of the market structure along with the forecast of the various segments and sub-segments of the market have been delivered through the plausible Personal Care Specialty Ingredient Market. report. The market is greatly transforming because of the moves of the key players and brands…
Prébiotiques dans l’alimentation animale Demandes du marché, part, analyse des profits et pertes et prévisions 2030
Tendances, opportunités et prévisions sur le marché Prébiotiques dans l’alimentation animale jusqu’en 2030 par industrie d’utilisation finale, par type de produit et par région (Amérique du Nord, Europe, Asie-Pacifique et reste du monde). Le marché mondial Prébiotiques dans l’alimentation animale a été extrêmement…
Opportunité de croissance du marché Huile essentielle romarin Taille de l’industrie 2021, principaux acteurs clés, étude de recherche approfondie, paysage concurrentiel et prévisions jusqu’en 2027
Le rapport sur le marché Huile essentielle romarin contient une analyse détaillée de l’état actuel et de la portée future ainsi que des modèles de vente, de la taille du marché, de la part, de la croissance et de la dynamique du marché. L’étude examine les tendances sous-jacentes et l’impact de divers facteurs qui…
Plant Extracts Market Size, Growth 2028 | Key Companies – Naturex, Berkem, Kuber Impex Ltd., Network Nutrition, Organic Herb, Qualiphar-Gifrer

The Plant Extracts Market Report by Verified Market Research is a meticulously undertaken study. Experts with proven credentials and a high standing within the research fraternity have presented an in-depth analysis of the subject matter, bringing to bear their unparalleled domain knowledge and vast research experience…
Global Food Grade Alginate Market 2021 Growth, Industry Trends, Size by Regional Forecast to 2027

MarketandResearch.biz instances Global Food Grade Alginate Market provide entire market investigation and projections that provide complete strategy-based examination solutions to guarantee the most exceptional productivity in all components and regions, with precise figures and predictions. The study includes…
Natural Antioxidant Market size, share, growth report explores industry trends & analysis 2025

The in-depth analysis of the global Natural Antioxidant Market is presented by Report Ocean to help readers with relevant data and statistics. The size of the global Natural Antioxidant Market is likely to grow at a CAGR of 5.70% during the forecast period from 2021-2025. The report by report ocean resolves various queries of the top manufacturers, distributors, traders, dealers regarding the effect on the Natural Antioxidant Market in the upcoming years. To make it more…
Le marché des arômes et des parfums connaîtra une croissance énorme d’ici 2021-2027 | Firmenich SA, Givaudan SA, Symrise AG, Agilex Flavours & Fragrances Inc., International Flavours & Fragrances Inc., Bedoukian Research Inc., Aromate

Ce rapport est assez populaire car les différentes industries utilisent l’ analyse de la demande du marché Saveurs et parfums . Il aide à comprendre quelle est la demande des consommateurs pour un produit ou un service particulier pour une période 2021-2027. La meilleure chose à propos de cette analyse est qu’elle permet à la direction de déterminer si leur entreprise pourrait effectivement entrer sur un marché. Cela aide également l’entreprise…
Marché Synthèses prébiotiques à base de polyphénol par taille, tendances et statistiques de croissance, mise à jour des principaux acteurs par région, prévisions jusqu’en 2021-2026
Le rapport sur le marché Synthèses prébiotiques à base de polyphénol présente des informations sur les tendances actuelles et futures de l’industrie, permettant aux lecteurs d’identifier les produits et services, entraînant ainsi la croissance des revenus et la rentabilité. Le rapport sur le marché Synthèses prébiotiques…
Phytochemicals Market Sales to Increase at 7% CAGR through 2031 as Adoption of Flavonoids for Plant-based Colouring Surges: FMI
Future Market Insights (FMI) in its recent market analysis divulges trends, opportunities, threats, and restraints impacting sales of phytochemicals worldwide. The study covers key developments across segments of the market including molecule type, form, and application across seven regions. As per the study, demand…
Marché Acides aminés alimentaires : analyse des progrès technologiques et de la croissance avec prévisions

Le dernier rapport d’étude de marché Acides aminés alimentaires publié par PMR comprend des données détaillées sur diverses dynamiques de marché telles que les dernières tendances, moteurs, défis et opportunités. Le rapport approfondit les éléments micro et macroéconomiques qui devraient influencer la hausse du marché Acides aminés alimentaires au cours de la période de prévision (2021-2028). Cette étude met en évidence les indicateurs vitaux de croissance…
Innova Market Insights’ Top Ten Trends for 2022: Health of the planet overtakes personal health priorities
“Shared Planet” leads Innova Market Insights’ Top Ten Trends for 2022, focusing on how both industry and consumers can play their part in shaping a sustainable and prosperous future. The market researcher underscores that consumers now rank planetary health as their number one concern, overtaking personal health, which has been the top priority in recent years. Sustainability “no longer a Wall Street issue”. “Shared Planet” leads Innova Market Insights’…
Seaweed Protein Market To Show Strong Growth & Demand | Algea (Norway), Seasol (Australia), Gelymar (Chile), Algaia (France), Cargill, Incorporated (US)
Global Seaweed Protein Market Size study, by Source (Red, Brown, Green), by Extraction Process (Conventional Method, Current Method), by Application (Food, Animal Feed & Additives, Personal Care & Cosmetics) and Regional Forecasts 2021-2027, The ‘ Seaweed Protein market’ research report added by…
Taille du marché des microalgues 2021 Analyse des principaux fabricants mondiaux, impact COVID-19, stratégies commerciales, part de l’industrie, demande, tendance, opportunités et défis, prévisions jusqu’en 2026
Rapport final ajoutera l’analyse de l’impact des Covid-19 sur cette industrie. Le marché mondial Microalgues offre qualitative et quantitative Information sur Taux de croissance, la segmentation du marché, la taille du marché, les tendances et les perspectives régionales. Le rapport présente une perspective contemporaine…
Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) Analyse détaillée du marché, état de développement, avancées technologiques et prévisions 2029 | Meiji Holdings, Beneo-Orafti, GTC Nutrition, Leroux
Marché mondial de Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) 2021-2029 par les fournisseurs, les régions, le type et l’application, prévisions jusqu’en 2029 est un rapport de recherche qui connaît la croissance du marché dans les années à venir. Le rapport couvre une portée globale allant de la structure du marché, du potentiel…
Marché Protéine de riz – Analyse de la taille par les perspectives commerciales mondiales 2021: données des principaux pays segmentées par applications et tendances géographiques, canaux de vente, analyse de la technologie et de la production jusqu’en 2027
Le rapport de recherche mondial Protéine de riz Marché se concentre sur l’étude de la taille, de la part, des prévisions futures, de la croissance, de la demande, de l’analyse, de la fabrication et de l’effet Covid-19 sur l’industrie en 2027. Le rapport de recherche vous aidera avec de nouvelles stratégies commerciales…
Les coûts de production et de distribution explosent pour l’amidonnerie

La fédération des industriels producteurs d’amidon et produits dérivés salue la reprise économique post-Covid, mais alerte sur le renchérissement des coûts des matières premières, de l’énergie et du transport. l’occasion de son assemblée générale du 31 octobre, l’Usipa, fédération des industriels producteurs d’amidon et produits dérivés, a mis en avant ” la reprise économique rapide ” qui a marqué le premier trimestre 2021…
Huile de palme durable: l’industrie du chocolat suisse déçoit, Coop en tête du classement mondial

Le WWF a publié jeudi son nouveau classement sur l’huile de palme. Alors que l’industrie du chocolat suisse et celle des cosmétiques déçoivent, le détaillant Coop arrive en tête des entreprises quand il s’agit de faire des efforts pour lutter contre la déforestation et la violation des droits humains. Le bilan du nouveau classement WWF sur l’huile de palme est décevant: les entreprises qui utilisent cette matière première…
Analyse approfondie du marché des excipients pharmaceutiques des principaux fournisseurs, opportunités de croissance et prévisions jusqu’en 2027 | DuPont de Nemours, Inc., Roquette Frères

Le marché des excipients pharmaceutiques en Amérique du Nord devrait passer de 1 865,4 millions de dollars US en 2019 à 2 877,1 millions de dollars US d’ici 2027 ; il devrait croître à un TCAC de 5,7% de 2020 à 2027. Sans un système d’administration approprié, la meilleure nouvelle entité thérapeutique au monde n’est d’aucune utilité. Aujourd’hui, les médicaments, notamment les comprimés, les gélules, les liquides oraux, les crèmes et gels topiques…
Bio-Based Platform Chemical Production to Double Over Next Ten Years, Pharma Manufacturing to Derive the Demand

The market study by Fact.MR provides incisive coverage on the growth drivers and restraints expected to affect the global bio-based platform chemicals market for the next decade. Rising application of bio-based platform chemicals in pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry will continue to spur the sales through the assessment period. Fact.MR projects the bio-based platform chemicals market to exhibit 8% CAGR…