Seppic : Un ingrédient actif nutricosmétique pour un effet bonne mine naturel

Avec le lancement de Sepitone, le fournisseur français d’ingrédients de spécialité pour la santé et la beauté confirme son expertise nutricosmétique et propose une nouvelle solution naturelle pour obtenir un effet bonne mine naturel. Extrait de myrtilles sauvages : Sepitone a été conçu pour apporter les antioxydants permettant d’améliorer les trois paramètres définissant une peau belle et saine : l’uniformité et la couleur du teint…
Natural hydrocolloids: Nexira enters alt-dairy space with Unipektin acquisition
Nexira, a global player in acacia fiber and natural plant-based ingredients for the food, nutrition and health industries, has acquired Switzerland-based Unipektin Ingredients, a company specializing in natural hydrocolloids, such as locust bean gum (LBG). The move propels Nexira into the dairy and plant-based alternatives scene as part of its diversification strategy. The terms of the transaction have not been disclosed. Speaking exclusively to FoodIngredients…
BASF Presents Sustainable & Natural Solutions at SCS Formulate 2021

BASF’s Care Creations® focuses on the consumer need for natural, more sustainable cosmetics at SCS Formulate 2021. Consumer demand for natural cosmetics is growing rapidly, prompting the personal… “Consumer demand for natural cosmetics is growing rapidly, prompting the personal care industry to find eco-friendly alternatives to tradi…
Expanscience lance un nouvel ingrédient fair for life, un beurre d’illipé bio

Les jeunes générations affichent une vraie conviction pour la défense de l’environnement. Ces changements de mentalité entraînent des évolutions de comportement et de consommation. La transparence, la traçabilité et le respect de l’environnement sont devenus des exigences pour les consommateurs. C’est un défi auquel doivent aujourd’hui répondre les marques en passant par un plus fort engagement en termes…
Phycocare par Algosource, lauréat des Audacity Awards

Les lauréats de l’édition 2021 des Audacity Awards ont été révélés le 16 novembre lors d’une soirée organisée au VIP à Saint-Nazaire. Ils rejoignent les 45 projets primés lors des éditions précédentes. Créé sous l’impulsion de la CARENE et de la CCI Nantes Saint-Nazaire en 2011, le concours des Audacity Awards a récompensé cinq projets pour leur caractère innovant, mais aussi leur faisabilité, les compétences des porteurs de…
Plan protéines : zoom sur SOS Protein
SOS PROTEIN fait partie des démarches territoriales identifiées par le Plan Protéines comme structurantes pour le développement des filières des protéines végétales impliquant les acteurs institutionnels et économiques. Ce programme de recherche et d’expérimentation inter-régional de Bretagne et des Pays…
Ynsect en co-branding aux États-Unis
Des friandises pour chiens faites à partir de protéines de larves, vendues aux États-Unis sous la marque Bernie’s et Ynsect. En association avec Purple Simple True, Ynsect participe au lancement d’une friandise pour chiens en co-branding avec la marque Bernie’s aux États-Unis. Ces « tender medallions » intègrent ses protéines de larves de scarabée Molitor. Selon une étude, le taux d’acceptation d’aliments pour animaux domestiques à base d’insectes dépasse les 50 % outre-Atlantique. Ynsect rappelle qu’il est « prouvé que cet ingrédient est hypoallergénique et contribue à réduire les lésions cutanées et les intolérances alimentaires ». (Texte intégral)
Danone veut accroître de 25 % sa capacité de production de boissons végétales
Le site de Villecomtal-sur-Arros (32) va bénéficier d’un investissement de 43 M€, dédié à la production de boissons principalement à base d’avoine pour la marque Alpro. Après avoir investi 16,5 millions d’euros en 2021 sur son site historique Alpro, basé à Issenheim dans le Bas-Rhin, Danone entend consacrer 43 millions d’euros, en 2022…
Meatless CEO names plant-based seafood “key” to securing fish supply at Food Matters Live
Nutritious foods to protect the environment and reduce obesity take center stage at Food Matters Live this November 16-17. Following COP26 as “a crucial milestone,” the digital event brings together companies, manufacturers, retailers and start-up brands to drive the conversation on sustainable food systems forward. FoodIngredientsFirst speaks with Jos Hugense, CEO of Meatless, ahead of his presentation at Food Matters Live, who shares…
Nutrition animale : DSM prévoit un nouveau site de production en Écosse

Lors de la COP26, le néerlandais DSM a annoncé l’augmentation de la capacité de production de son nouvel additif alimentaire Bovaer, supposé réduire de 30 % les émissions de méthane chez les ruminants. DSM construira donc une nouvelle usine sur son site de Dalry, en Ecosse. Le démarrage est prévu courant 2025. Le projet est soutenu par la Scottish Enterprise… (Article complet réservé aux abonnés à Info-Chimie).
Givaudan se renforce en Amérique du Nord avec l’acquisition de Custom Essence

Givaudan a annoncé avoir conclu un accord en vue d’acquérir Custom Essence, une maison américaine de création de parfums. Avec cette opération, dont le montant n’a pas été dévoilé, la société veut renforcer son accès aux clients locaux et régionaux et élargir ses capacités en matière de parfumerie naturelle en Amérique du Nord. Parfums naturels: Fondée en 1981, Custom Essence est une entreprise familiale installée…
ADM & Asia Sustainable Foods Platform eye microbial-based alt-protein growth in Singapore

ADM and Temasek-owned Asia Sustainable Foods Platform, have signed a 50-50 joint venture (JV) agreement to provide precision fermentation and serve the growing demand for a wide variety of bio-based products in Singapore and the wider Asia-Pacific (APAC) region. The proposed JV would be a “one-stop-shop” for start-ups and mature businesses looking for support in food-grade. fermentation, downstream processing, lab services and …
La Normandie s’associe au pôle IAR pour développer la bioéconomie

Forte de ses richesses agricoles, animales et aquacoles, avec plus de 2 millions d’hectares de terres consacrés à l’agriculture et plus de 600 kilomètres de côtes, la Normandie dispose de toutes les ressources nécessaires pour devenir un leader de la bioéconomie et développer des solutions biosourcées innovantes. Depuis mars 2021, elle est la troisième région de France avec le Grand-Est et les Hauts de France…
L’Occitane prend le contrôle de la marque américaine Sol de Janeiro

Le Groupe L’Occitane va acquérir 83 % du capital de la marque de beauté américaine Sol de Janeiro, sur la base d’une valorisation de 450 millions de dollars. Co-fondée en 2015 par l’actuelle PDG Heela Yang, Sol de Janeiro a réalisé un chiffre d’affaires net d’environ 60 millions de dollars en 2020, avec des ventes réalisées aussi via son propre site web que par l’intermédiaire de détaillants haut de gamme à travers le monde…
Lubrizol emphasizes eyes beauty with new sustainably sourced botanical active

Lubrizol’s beauty business team has extracted high concentrations of phytoactives from an African plant known for its ability to remain dormant during drought then revive after a rainfall. Getting inspiration from the plant’s traditional uses, they have designed a new sustainably sourced natural ingredient that promotes longer eyelashes and fuller eyebrows. Dubbed Resulook, the new botanical ingredient crafted by Lubrizol…
Merit Functional Foods inaugurates world’s first plant for food-grade canola proteins

Merit Functional Foods has kicked off operations at the world’s first commercial facility with the capability to produce food-grade canola protein, a new entrant to the plant-based space. The Canada-based company has inaugurated its new 94,000 sq ft plant-protein facility in Winnipeg, Manitoba The site is fully scaled to supply food and beverage customers with 90% purity pea and canola proteins for meat and dairy alternatives. “Plant-based foods is a US$7 billion…
Carob cultivation project to boost sugar alternatives and locust bean gum

Agri-tech start-up CarobWay, has teamed up with Israel’s oldest environmental arm, the Jewish National Fund, to initiate a nationwide research initiative for carob trees. The start-up has also sealed agreements with R&D farms and local farming communities in Israel to optimize carob cultivation to develop innovative carob-derived products. CarobWay currently harvests carobs from key carob forests in several parts of Israel, owned by the JNF. The start-up also…
Un million pour Küra
Küra lève un million d’euros auprès de la Banque des territoires, dans le cadre du PIA (programme d’investissement d’avenir), ainsi que de Défibio (fonds de Biocoop) et d’investisseurs particuliers. Spécialisée dans les condiments, sakés et bières « japonisants », l’entreprise va se doter d’un nouvel outil… (Brève)
Cosmétique : Berkem dévoile un nouvel actif

Le spécialiste de l’extraction végétale Berkem a lancé un actif cosmétique, Skin’Calm. Extrait de la fleur d’acacia robinier, cet actif est destiné à apaiser les peaux sensibles abîmées par le stress ou le port du masque. Il est riche en sucres et en polyphénols, des molécules permettant de lutter contre certains désordres cutanés. « L’extrait de fleur d’acacia Skin’Calm est un ingrédient 3-en-1 qui répond à des attentes fortes du marché de la cosmétique. Il agit sur l’équilibre de la peau…
La flambée des prix menace la sécurité alimentaire
A la COP26 de Glasgow, la transition énergétique et la sortie des fossiles sont au cœur des débats. Les enjeux agricoles sont eux bien moins présents.La hausse des prix des matières agricoles rappelle pourtant combien réchauffement climatique, résilience agricole et sécurité alimentaire sont liés. Il devient…
Fermentalg sur une bonne lancée en 2021

Le spécialiste libournais des microalgues Fermentalg est en forte progression sur la première partie de l’année 2021. Au cours du premier semestre 2021, la société affiche une augmentation de son chiffre d’affaires de 214 %, par rapport à la même période en 2020, et s’établit à 2,54 millions (max deux décimales) d’euros (contre 807 000 €, l’année précédente). Le volume des ventes sur les neuf premiers mois de 2021 (3,7 M€)…
Publication du 4e Règlement CMR
L’Union européenne vient de publier le Règlement 2021/1902, le 4e texte annuel visant à interdire ou réglementer les substances récemment classifiées CMR. Il confirme l’entrée de 23 nouvelles substances dans l’Annexe II (substances interdites) du Règlement Cosmétiques 1223/2009. Parmi … le zinc pyrithione…
Programme d’investissements d’avenir 4 Deux stratégies d’accélération au service de la 3e révolution agricole et de l’alimentation santé
Editorial des ministres: Notre modèle agricole a connu deux révolutions majeures depuis la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, avec la généralisation de la mécanisation et celle de l’agro-chimie. Elles ont profondément transformé notre système alimentaire et nous ont permis de produire pour nourrir une population qui était…
Neolac entend réduire l’impact des pathologies principales des vaches laitières

Recherche et développement Les laboratoires sarthois Biodevas, spécialisés dans la formulation et la fabrication de solutions phytogéniques en agriculture, l’Inrae et la coopérative laitière Sodiaal ont officiellement présenté, le 28 octobre, Neolac, un programme de recherche et développement pour réduire l’impact économique…
Ecolab va acquérir Purolite

L’américain Ecolab a conclu un accord pour acquérir Purolite, producteur de résines échangeuses d’ions haut de gamme pour la séparation et la purification de solutions. Ces résines servent à la fabrication de médicaments et la purification de produits biopharmaceutiques. Purolite fournit également des solutions de purification et de séparation pour les marchés… (Article complet réservé aux abonnés à Info-Chimie)
Biotechnologies industrielles : ARD investit 9 M€ à Pomacle

Le centre de R&D des coopératives agricoles ARD a investi neuf millions d’euros sur son site de Pomacle (Marne). Pour répondre à la demande croissante du marché, la société a décidé de doubler ses capacités de fermentation industrielles d’une part, et de production à façon pour ses clients, d’autre part. « Nous allons installer un deuxième fermenteur d’un volume d’environ 200 000 litres, représentant un investissement de quelque 9 M€…
Tous les produits cosmétiques peuvent désormais demander l’écolabel européen

Jusqu’à présent limité aux produits cosmétiques ” rincés “, l’écolabel européen peut désormais être utilisé pour toutes les catégories de cosmétiques, notamment les soins de la peau et le maquillage. De nouveaux critères d’attribution viennent d’être adoptés à cet effet par la Commission européenne. La Commission a adopté lesnouveaux critères du label écologique de l’Union européenne pour les produits cosmétiques et les…
L’Oréal fait la transparence sur ses ingrédients de parfumerie

Pour répondre à la demande d’informations transparentes sur la composition de ses produits, L’Oréal poursuit la démarche engagée via son site ” Au cœur de nos produits “, lancé en 2019. Le groupe vient ainsi d’annoncer le lancement d’une nouvelle plateforme inédite dédiée aux ingrédients de parfumerie utilisés dans l’ensemble du portefeuille de produits de ses marques. Le géant des cosmétiques a engagé la mise au point…
Microalgues : l’Université de Nantes, AlgoSource et Vicat créent un nouveau démonstrateur

Accélérer le développement de la production de microalgues à partir de CO2 et de chaleur fatale: Le projet de recherche industrielle « CimentAlgue » a pour but de valoriser le CO2 et la chaleur fatale issue de la production du ciment pour la production de microalgues. Le démonstrateur sera installé dans la cimenterie Vicat de Montalieu-Vercieu (38). Ce projet a obtenu le soutien financier de l’ADEME dans…
L’entreprise Eurovanille concrétise un important rachat et part à la conquête du marché américain

L’entreprise Eurovanille vient d’acquérir une gamme de produits d’un très gros groupe industriel belge. Avec ce rachat, elle vise maintenant la conquête du marché américain de la vanille. (Article complet réservé aux abonnés à La Voix du Nord)
Identifying active concentrations of biopolymers for enhancing membrane nanofiltration performance: From bench-scale tests to real production considerations
Highlights: • Biopolymers in surface waters may alleviate NF membrane fouling. • Polysaccharide-like substances could mitigate NF flux decline. • An “active” range of biopolymers’ concentration is proposed. • MF filtrate is suggested to be the feed of a NF unit. • A novel design of membrane-based…
Coacervation in pea protein solutions: The effect of pH, salt, and fractionation processing steps
Highlights: • Solutions of mildly processed pea protein showed coacervation at pH 6.0–6.5. • At pH 6.25 the internal protein content of the coacervates was around 45 wt \%. • The coacervates contained mostly legumin, some vicilin and no albumin. • Coacervates could still observed in case the proteins…
Method for dewatering or removing solids, including corn solids, via flocculation from an alkaline aqueous solution, including nejayote, generated in the process of nixtamalization of corn by introducing a source of carbonate to the aqueous solution, followed by adding an anionic and then a cationic flocculent to the aqueous solution
A method for removing solids via coagulation and flocculation from aqueous solutions that are generated in the process of producing corn flour called nixtamalization. This method for separating liquids/solids is especially effective in removing solids via coagulation flocculation in the process called nixtamalization…
Systems and methods for cannabis extraction
This disclosure provides methods and systems for the supercritical fluid extraction of cannabinoids from cannabis. The supercritical fluid extraction of cannabinoids is performed with carbon dioxide (CO2) balanced with one or more hydrocarbons, such as propane, propene, and propadiene. As demonstrated…
Methods Of Producing Plant Protein From Food Waste Using Microalgae
Methods to extract chlorella protein from algae powder are described. A first extraction method is an alkaline solution extraction method. A second extraction method is an enzyme extraction method. A third method is a low-temperature deep eutectic solvents (DES) extraction method. According to each…
Extraction method of rice bran bound phenolics from step-by-step release by ultrahigh pressure-alkali-acid hydrolysis
The invention provides an extraction method of rice bran bound phenolics from step-by-step release by ultrahigh pressure-alkali-acid hydrolysis, which comprises the following steps: mixing defatted rice bran from which free phenolics is removed by solvent extraction with distilled water, vacuum packaging…
Process of obtaining a phlorotannin-enriched extract having anti-enzymatic action for use in dermatology
The present invention falls under the sector of biotechnology and concerns a process of obtaining a phlorotannin-enriched extract obtained from seaweed, preferably Fucus spiralis. Another object of the present invention is the phlorotannin-enriched extract obtained from the referred process, having anti-enzymatic…
Non-conventional high-pressure extraction process: A comparative study for astaxanthin recovery from Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous
Background Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous is one of the most attractive natural sources of astaxanthin. The yeast produces the compound intracellularly, therefore, it is necessary to evaluate cell rupture methods using clean and efficient technologies for its extraction and it subsequent use in industries…
Selective separation of main flavonoids by combinational use of ionic liquid-loaded microcapsules from crude extract of Tartary buckwheat
For selective adsorption of main flavonoids from crude Tartary buckwheat extract (rutin, 0.021 mg/mL; quercetin, 0.030 mg/mL; and kaempferol, 0.011 mg/mL), new ionic liquid-based sorbents were successfully prepared by encapsulating [Bmim]Br and [Bmim]Pro in regular spherical non-magnetic and magnetic…
Improved continuous extraction process for the production of vegetable protein concentrates
This invention relates to a process for the continuous production of vegetal protein concentrates by removing the soluble carbohydrates by an aqueous alcohol from a defatted vegetable material said process requiring no frequent production interruptions for cleaning operations. The innovative process…
Green extraction optimization of triterpenoid glycoside-enriched extract from Centella asiatica (L.) Urban using response surface methodology (RSM)
Centella asiatica (L.) Urban extracts are widely used as food, drugs and cosmetics, and the main active compounds are glycosides (madecassoside and asiaticoside) and aglycones (madecassic acid and asiatic acid). Green extraction is an interesting concept that can produce safe and high-quality…
High-pressure fluid technologies: Recent approaches to the production of natural pigments for food and pharmaceutical applications
Highlights: • Natural colorants are potential substitutes for synthetic pigments. • Industrial by-products can be an alternative source of natural pigments. • Eco-friendly high-pressure technologies can successfully recover natural pigments. • High-pressure technologies improve the technological attributes of natural…
Continuous Liquid-Liquid Extraction and in-Situ Membrane Separation of Miscible Liquid Mixtures
Separation operations are critical across a wide variety of manufacturing industries and account for about one-quarter of all in-plant energy consumption in the United States. Conventional liquid-liquid separation operations require either thermal or chemical treatment, both of which have a large environmental…
Extraction of flavonoid compounds from bark using sustainable deep eutectic solvents
Highlights: • All aqueous mixtures of DES showed an improvement in pine bark extraction yield. • ChCl:1,4-butadienol was a selective solvent for flavonoid compound extraction. • ChCl:urea was not a good solvent for the extraction of flavonoid compounds. • All the ChCl:1,4-butadienol/H2O extracts…
Effect of ultrasound on the extraction of ellagic acid and hydrolysis of ellagitannins from pomegranate husk
Highlights: • The best extraction conditions on EA recovery from pomegranate husk were determined. • Sonication and temperature can be used together with a positive effect on EA extraction from pomegranate husk. • UAE has no effect on hydrolysis of purified ellagitannins. Abstract In this study…
Extraction of essential oil from black pepper (piper nigrum) by using ionic liquid solution (acetic acid and glucose solution)
Essential oils fall among the volatile class of plant bioactive compounds and progressively used in food, fragrance, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. A great deal of research has been devoted to the extraction of essential oils from plant sources for extraction of important compounds. The present…
Pretreatment techniques and green extraction technologies for agar from gracilaria lemaneiformis
Optimizing the alkali treatment process alone without tracking the changes of algae and agar quality with each pretreatment process will not achieve the optimal agar yield and final quality. In this study, we monitored the changes of the morphology and weight of algae with each treatment process…
Development of optimized ultrasound-assisted extraction methods for the recovery of total phenolic compounds and anthocyanins from onion bulbs
Allium cepa L. is one of the most abundant vegetable crops worldwide. In addition to its versatile culinary uses, onion also exhibits quite interesting medicinal uses. Bulbs have a high content of bioactive compounds that are beneficial for human health. This study intends to develop and optimize two appropriate…
Protein fractionation of green leaves as an underutilized food source—protein yield and the effect of process parameters
Green biomass has potential as a sustainable protein source for human consumption, due to its abundance and favorable properties of its main protein, RuBisCO. Here, protein fractionation outcomes of green leafy biomass from nine crops were evaluated using a standard protocol with three major steps: juicing…
Extraction and stabilization of betalains from beetroot (Beta vulgaris) wastes using deep eutectic solvents
Deep eutectic solvents (DES) using magnesium chloride hexahydrate [MgCl2·6H2 O] and urea [U] proportions (1:1) and (2:1), were prepared for their use as extracting and stabilizer agents for red and violet betalains from beetroot (Beta vulgaris) waste. The synthetized DES [MgCl2·6H2 O] [U] showed…
Direct extraction of fumaric acid from rhizopus oryzae suspensions—interfacial mass transfer
Experimental studies on the reactive extraction of fumaric acid with Amberlite LA-2 from Rhizopus oryzae suspensions using three solvents with different dielectric constants varying from 9.08 to 1.90 (dichloromethane, n-butyl acetate, and n-heptane, respectively) underlined the particular behavior of…
Polyphenols from Artemisia argyi leaves: environmentally friendly extraction under high hydrostatic pressure and biological activities
In this work, high hydrostatic pressure-assisted extraction (HPE) was applied in polyphenol extraction from Artemisia argyi leaf (AAL). The optimal HPE conditions (liquid:solid ratio of 33 mL/g, extraction time of 34 min, high hydrostatic pressure of 301 MPa, and temperature of 71 °C) were identified…
Extraction of rosmarinic acid from Perilla seeds using green protic ionic liquids
The isolation of bioactive compounds from natural sources using conventional solvents has always suffered from the poor extraction ability and tedious extraction procedure. Ionic liquids (ILs) have emerged as the alternatives to conventional solvents due to their high extraction ability and low-toxic nature…
Effective and Selective Extraction of Quercetin from Onion (Allium cepa L.) Skin Waste Using Water Dilutions of Acid-Based Deep Eutectic Solvents
Deep Eutectic Solvents (DESs) are experiencing growing interest as substitutes of polluting organic solvents for their low or absent toxicity and volatility. Moreover, they can be formed with natural bioavailable and biodegradable molecules; they are synthesized in absence of hazardous solvents…
Plant protein concentrates
Disclosed are plant protein concentrates prepared from whole plant seeds or alternatively, from seed cakes or press cakes or seed meals or non-toasted solvent-extracted press-cakes, and the like. Plant seeds or seed cakes or press cakes or seed meals or non-toasted solvent-extracted press-cakes, and…
Optımızatıon of mıcrowave-assısted extractıon of anthocyanıns ın red cabbage by response surface methodology
Response surface methodology was performed to optimize the microwave-assisted extraction of red cabbage anthocyanins. Influence of solid:solvent ratio (1:10, 1:20 and 1:30, w:w), extraction time (5, 10 and 15 minutes) and microwave power (200, 400 and 600 W) on total anthocyanin (TMA) content was…
Extraction of bioactive compounds from Alaria esculenta with pulsed electric field
There is a growing demand for bioactive compounds derived from green extraction methods from the food and cosmetic industries. Pulsed electric field (PEF)-assisted extraction has been applied for numerous foods but few on macroalgae. The present study examines PEF as part of the extraction process…
Application of an eco-friendly sodium acetate/urea deep eutectic solvent in the valorization of melon by-products
Highlights: • Eco-friendly deep eutectic solvents were tested for the valorization of melon peels. • Extracts containing oligosaccharides, antioxidants and protein were recovered. • Extraction temperature and time were the most influential process variables. • Sodium acetate/urea solvent can effectively…
Enzymatic extraction improves intracellular protein recovery from the industrial carrageenan seaweed Eucheuma denticulatum revealed by quantitative, subcellular protein profiling: A high potential source of functional food ingredients
Highlights: • Enzymatic protein extracts from Eucheuma denticulatum were characterized by proteomics. • Predicted subcellular localization was used to evaluate extraction efficiency. • Extraction with cell wall degrading enzymes increased intracellular protein recovery. • Proteomics analysis may provide…
A mini review on synthesis, properties and applications of deep eutectic solvents
Abstract: Organic solvents have been of great importance for many chemical synthesis, storage and separation processes. The industries and research laboratories are heavily dependent on organic solvents in bulk; are highly volatile, lipophilic, toxic and causes a number of issues to the human health and…
Simultaneous transformation and extraction of resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum using acidic natural deep eutectic solvent
Highlights: • The synthesized solvent can successfully and efficiently converted polydatin to resveratrol. • The optimum extraction conditions of resveratrol were determined by response surface model. • The extraction process of resveratrol by NADES was analyzed by kinetic model. • The synthesized NADES…
Supercritical fluid extraction (SCFE) as green extraction technology for high-value metabolites of algae, its potential trends in food and human health
Highlights: • SCFE has been discussed as a principal green extraction technology. • Instrumentation, properties, and solvents used have also been concentrated. • Macro & microalgal HVAMs contain carbohydrates, proteins, lipids & phenolic compounds. • The biological activities of HVAMs have possible…
Extraction of ferulic acid and feruloylated arabinoxylo-oligosaccharides from wheat bran using pressurized hot water
Highlights: • 78\% of Total Ferulic acid is extracted with pressurized water at 200°C and 3.5 min. • 80\% of initial arabinoxylans are extracted as feruloylated oligosaccharides. • Extraction was extremely dependent on the severity factor (optimum log R0 = 3.7). • No influence of microwaves has been observed…
Application of deep eutectic solvents for separation and determination of bioactive compounds in medicinal plants
Highlights: • The medicinal plants industry has grown by leaps and bounds in the last decade. • Attention must be paid to the safety and effectiveness of these medicines. • This development has led to the rapid development of extraction and isolation methods. • Deep eutectic solvents are characterized…
Simultaneous extraction and enzymatic hydrolysis of mustard bran for the recovery of sinapic acid
Highlights: • The bioconversion of a mustard by-product was studied for the recovery of sinapic acid. • Several commercial enzymatic cocktails were identified with a sinapoyl esterase activity. • Extraction and hydrolysis of sinapine in sinapic acid was carried out simultaneously. • The sinapic acid yield…
Three-phase partitioning based on CO2-responsive deep eutectic solvents for the green and sustainable extraction of lipid from Nannochloropsis sp
Abstract: Three-phase partitioning (TPP) had been developed for lipids extraction from microalgae. However, the volatile and flammable organic solvents (typically t-butanol) were widely used in the conventional TPP. In this study, CO2-responsive deep eutectic solvents (DESs) were used as the alternative solvents…
Ultrasonic-assisted protein extraction from sunflower meal: Kinetic modeling, functional, and structural traits
Highlights: • A new kinetic model for extraction of sunflower protein (SP) was developed. • Sonication (observably 20/28 kHz) increased the release and diffusion of soluble SP. • Ultrasonicated SP displayed higher solubility and oil holding efficacy than control. • AFM indicated the collapse of cross-linkages…
Ultrasound assisted curcumin recovery from Curcuma aromatica: Understanding the effect of different operating parameters
Highlights: • UAE of Curcumin from dried rhizomes of Curcuma aromatica. • Extraction potential of ultrasound at room temperature is confirmed. • Various operating parameters are optimized for Curcumin extraction. • UAE intensifies extraction compared to conventional extraction processes. • Physical…
Membrane based separation and purification of fusarubins from Fusarium solani
Highlights: • MF and NF can effectively separate secondary metabolites of Fusarium solani from fermentation broth. • Bostrycoidin was rejected by 97.5\% by microfiltration and purified to 94.1\% • Fusarubin, anhydrofusarubin and javanicin was concentrated in the retentate using nanofiltration…
Preparative separation of three terpenoids from edible brown algae Sargassum fusiforme by high-speed countercurrent chromatography combined with preparative high-performance liquid chromatography
Highlights: • Three terpenoids were isolated from edible brown algae Sargassum fusiforme. • High-speed countercurrent chromatography was used for separation of crude extracts. • Preparative high performance liquid chromatography was employed to separate isomers. • The purity of the three…
Application of conventional and high-pressure extraction techniques for the isolation of bioactive compounds from the aerial part of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) assortment Helena
Highlights: • Detail chemical analysis of bioactives of areal part of hemp assortment Helena. • Conventional and high-pressure extraction applied for isolation of hemp bioactives. • CBD content (71.84–163.11 mg/g) was the highest in case of supercritical extraction. • Beside CBD, dominant sesquiterpene…
Sequential Microwave – Ultrasound assisted extraction of soymilk and optimization of extraction process
Highlights: • Effect of microwave and ultrasound on soymilk quality attributes was analyzed. • Thermosonication increased TSS, fat, and viscosity of extracted soymilk. • LOX enzyme was more sensitive to microwave and ultrasound than STI enzyme. • The activation energy of LOX and STI enzymes…
Ultrasound-assisted three phase partitioning for simultaneous extraction of oil, protein and polysaccharide from pumpkin seeds
Highlights: • A efficient method of ultrasound-assisted three phase partitioning (UTPP) was used. • Simultaneous extraction of oil, protein and polysaccharide from pumpkin seeds. • The UTPP method shortened the extraction time than conventional TPP method. • The quality of pumpkin seed oil extracted by…
Green solvents: A suitable alternative for sustainable chemistry
Highlights: • Ionic liquids (ILs) are received extensive interest among all scientists because of it’s versatile properties such as: low vapor pressure, low toxicity, biodegradability, high stability etc. • These properties made ILs are the best replacement of traditional chemicals and reflected as green solvent…
Direct extraction of lipids from wet microalgae slurries by super-high hydrostatic pressure
Highlights: • Super-high hydrostatic pressure was used to extract lipids from wet microalgae. • High cell disruption obtained by a one-step extraction process. • High lipid extraction yield obtained by a one-step extraction process. Abstract Microalgae are undergoing intense study as feedstock to…
Evaluation of bio-based solvents for phenolic acids extraction from aqueous matrices
Highlights: • Removal of phenolic acids in solution using bio-based solvents was assessed. • Effect of key parameters on liquid–liquid extraction efficiency was studied. • Molecular structures played a significant role in the extraction process. • 2-MeTFH provided the highest extraction and was successfully…
Strategies and advances in the pretreatment of microalgal biomass
Modification of structural components, especially the cell wall, through adequate pretreatment strategies is critical to the bioconversion efficiency of algal biomass to biorefinery products. Over the years, several physical, physicochemical, chemical and green pretreatment methods have been developed…
Comparative phenolic content and antioxidant activity of some medicinal plant extracts prepared by choline chloride based green solvents and methanol
Highlights: • Ocimum Sanctum, Terminalia bellerica and Terminalia chebula extracts were prepared in natural deep eutectic solvents (NADESs) and methanol. • Evaluation of OS, TB and TC extracts for antioxidant and α-glucosidase inhibitory activity. • Bioactive properties of extracts were dependent…
Ultrasound assisted in-situ separation of sophorolipids in multi-phase fermentation system to achieve efficient production by Candida bombicola
Background Sophorolipids (SLs) are regarded as one of the most promising biosurfactants. However, high production costs are the main obstacle to extended SLs application. Semi-continuous fermentation, which is based on in-situ separation, is a promising technology for achieving high SLs productivity…
Solid Lipid Nanoparticles Containing Berberine by Spray-Drying Method
Berberine is commonly used in Eastern countries due to its various biological activities and low cost. However, low permeability has limited its bioavailability. This study was conducted to fabricate solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) containing berberine by spray-drying method to enhance its absorption in the…
Fungal lignocellulolytic enzymes and lignocellulose: A critical review on their contribution to multiproduct biorefinery and global biofuel research
Highlights: • Lignocellulose is complex but may be completely valorized using fungal system. • Utilization of fungal cell factories is a key strategy to improve bio-based economy. • Current status of fungi and lignocellulases in biofuel research are presented. • Commercially available hemi- or cellulolytic enzymes…
Phycocyanin, a super functional ingredient from algae; properties, purification characterization, and applications
Abstract: Phycocyanins (PCYs) are a group of luxuriant bioactive compounds found in blue-green algae with an estimated global market of about US$250 million within this decade. The multifarious markets of PCYs noted by form (e.g. powder or aqueous forms), by grade (e.g. analytical, cosmetic, or food grades)…
Techno-economic and life-cycle assessment of a wood chips-based organosolv biorefinery concept for production of lignin monomers and oligomers by base-catalyzed depolymerization
More wood for technical valorization is to be expected in Europe over the coming years, due to climate change and the bark beetle. To further independence from fossil-fuel resources a novel approach to the base-catalyzed depolymerization (BCD) of organosolv lignin into monomers and oligomers, while maximizing…
Exploring the extraction methods for plant-based coagulants and their future approaches
The application of plant-based coagulants in wastewater treatment has increasingly progressed in the coagulation-flocculation process toward green economy and cleaner production. Plant-based coagulants have a potential as essential substitutes for commercially used chemical coagulants because…
Spilanthol-rich essential oil obtained by microwave-assisted extraction from Acmella oleracea (L.) R.K. Jansen and its nanoemulsion: Insecticidal, cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory activities
Acmella oleracea (L.) R.K. Jansen, also named jambù, is an edible and medicinal plant native to Brazil but extensively cultivated all over the world due to its diverse utilizations in food, cosmetics, pharmaceutics, and pest management science. Most of applications are related to the presence of active ingredients…
The evaluation of phenolic content, in vitro antioxidant and antibacterial activity of Mentha piperita extracts obtained by natural deep eutectic solvents
The focus of this study was to evaluate whether six choline chloride-based natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) could serve as solvents for the extraction of bioactives from the leaves of Mentha piperita. NADES extracted significantly higher amounts of phenols from peppermint than 70% ethanol…
Enhanced anti-fouling performance in Membrane Bioreactors using a novel cellulose nanofiber-coated membrane
The filtration performance, fouling and flux recovery efficiency of a novel thin film nanofibrous composite-cellulose nanofiber (TFNC-CNF) coated membrane was studied and compared with polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membranes treating domestic wastewater. The enhanced anti-fouling property of…
Kinetic study of the semi-continuous extraction/hydrolysis of the protein and polysaccharide fraction of the industrial solid residue from red macroalgae by subcritical water
Highlights: • SubW is suitable to incorporate macroalgae residues in a biorefinery concept. • A by-pass in the semi-continuous reactor helped to a better control of the heating. • Higher hydrolysis yields were obtained for proteins than for carbohydrates. • Small molecules such as free amino acids were…
Extraction and characterization of microalgae-derived phenolics for pharmaceutical applications: A systematic review
Microalgae are regarded as a rich trove of diverse secondary metabolites that exert remarkable biological activities. In particular, microalgae-derived bioactive phenolic compounds (MBPCs) are a boon to biopharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries due to their diverse bioactivities, including…
Neuroprotective mechanisms of red clover and soy isoflavones in Parkinson’s disease models
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by nigrostriatal degeneration and the spreading of aggregated forms of the presynaptic protein α-synuclein (aSyn) throughout the brain. PD patients are currently only treated with symptomatic therapies, and strategies to slow or stop…
A review on the progress, challenges and prospects in commercializing microalgal fucoxanthin
Fucoxanthin, the most abundant but nearly untapped carotenoid resource, is in the spotlight in the last decade from various perspectives due to a wide range of bioactivities and healthy benefits. The exploitation of fucoxanthin for nutraceutical and pharmaceutical purposes encompasses enormous…
Black Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Polyphenolic Extract Exerts Antioxidant and Antiaging Potential
Phenolic compounds present in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) have been reported to possess antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and ultraviolet radiation (UVR) protective properties. UVR from sunlight, which consists of UV-B and UV-A radiations, induces reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free…
Isolation and characterisation of nematicidal compound, leolorin C, from Leonotis leonurus acetone leaf extract
Leonotis leonurus (L.) R.Br. (Lamiaceae) is a perennial shrub native to South Africa used to treat various diseases including digestive tract problems, intestinal worms and constipation. Aim of the study: The aim was to isolate and characterise nematicidal compounds from leaves of L. leonurus. Materials and…
Green approach for the valorization of microalgae Tetradesmus obliquus
Highlights • Green zero waste procedure for valorization of Tetradesmus obliquus was established. • Subcritical water was more efficient compared to microwave and ultrasound extractions. • Extracts and residues represent valuable sources of bioactive compounds. • Solid residues after extraction can be used…
From plant phenols to novel bio-based polymers
Abstract: Replacing petroleum-based products with inexpensive, biorenewable, natural materials is important for sustainable development and will have a significant impact on the polymer industry and the environment. Biorenewable aliphatic and cycloaliphatic compounds are less competitive with counterparts…
Comparative extraction study of grape pomace bioactive compounds by submerged and solid-state fermentation
Background: About 75% of the total grape production is destined for wine production. Many agro-industrial wastes are derived from the various stages of their production that are not usually used. The present study explores grape pomace from winemaking industry as a fermentation substrate for the…
Alkaline deep eutectic solvents as novel and effective pretreatment media for hemicellulose dissociation and enzymatic hydrolysis enhancement
Highlights • Four alkaline deep eutectic solvents (ADESs) were applied to deconstruct poplar. • Choline chloride-monoethanolamine (C-M) caused the highest hemicellulose yields. • The dissociation behavior of hemicelluloses was elucidated. • Cellulose digestibility was increased by 6.6 times after C-M pretreatment…
Glycerol organosolv pretreatment can unlock lignocellulosic biomass for production of fermentable sugars: Present situation and challenges
Highlight: • Glycerolysis reaction occurs in the GO pretreatment process. • Glycerolysis modifies holo-cellulosic structures towards good hydrolyzability. • Glycerolysis protects dissolved sugars excessive degradation by trans-glycosylation. • Glycerolysis allows glycerol grafting on lignin by etherification and…
Extraction and purification of r-phycoerythrin alpha subunit from the marine red algae pyropia yezoensis and its biological activities
Phycoerythrin is a major light-harvesting pigment of red algae and cyanobacteria that is widely used as a fluorescent probe or as a colorant in the food and cosmetic industries. In this study, phycoerythrin was extracted from the red algae Pyropia yezoensis and purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation…
Anti-multiple myeloma potential of secondary metabolites from hibiscus sabdariffa—part 2
Multiple Myeloma (MM) is an aggressive tumor causing millions of deaths every year and currently available therapies are often unsuccessful or correlated with severe side effects. In our previous work we demonstrated that the Hibiscus sabdariffa hydroalcoholic extract inhibits the growth of the MM cell line…
Characterization of some active organic compound from Cold and Hot aqueous solvent and Study their Antibiotic of Artemisia herba-alba Asso plant oil
This study includes the extraction of volatile oil from the Artemisia herba-alba plant (Asteraceae). Take the plant Artemisia from the city of heet Al-Anbar in Iraq, where the research knew the practical chemical components in the A. herba-alba plant. The cold and hot aqueous solvent extracted from the A. herba-alba…
Extraction and encapsulation of phenolic compounds of tunisian rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis l.) extracts in silk fibroin nanoparticles
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) is known to be an effective potential source of natural antioxidants which confer benefits to human health. Their bioactive properties are mainly due to phenolic compounds but these molecules are highly vulnerable to oxidants, light, heat, pH, water and enzymatic…
Production of Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) powder by innovative and traditional drying techniques
Arthrospira platensis is a cyanobacterium used as food due to its high protein content and bioactive compounds (e.g., phycocyanin) and marketed mainly as a dried powder. Drying may cause quality degradation of Spirulina biomass, depending on the technique and the process conditions… thin layer drying…
Extraction and chemical characterization of functional phenols and proteins from coffee (Coffea arabica) by-products
Not all the coffee produced goes to the roasting stage, because non-compliant green coffee beans are usually discarded by roasters and the silverskin of the coffee is usually removed and discarded. In the present work, non-compliant green coffee beans and coffee silverskins were fully characterized from a…
Vitis vinifera l. Pruning waste for bud-preparations as source of phenolic compounds-traditional and innovative extraction techniques to produce new natural products
Herbal products are now considered among the most important sources of phenolic compounds: the FINNOVER project aimed at the creation and development of sustainable supply chains to extract and use natural biologically active agents. Vitis vinifera is one of the most utilised herbal products derived…
A cascade biorefinery for the valorization of microalgal biomass: biodiesel, biogas, fertilizers and high valuable compounds
Bio-refining of algal biomass is currently considered as a key strategy to cut down the cost and improve the overall feasibility of algal-derived biodiesel. With that aim, in this study it was implemented a three-stage biorefinery process for the recovery of five differentiated bio-products from heterotrophically…
Cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L.) oil from cultivated and wild Tunisian populations and its antimicrobial activity
Cynara cardunculus L. is a perennial herb native of the Mediterranean basin, it is mainly used for food like vegetable and its seeds were rich in quality edible oil; Despite the use of this oil for the production of biodiesel in literature, the chemical composition and the antimicrobial activity of cardoon oil are not…
Extracts from Euphorbia heterophylla naturally grown in Brazil – Chemical constitution and bioactivities
Euphorbia heterophylla L. is a herb native of South America and used in traditional African medicine. Although Brazil is considered a center of E. heterophylla dispersion, studies on the medicinal properties of specimens collected in Brazil are lacking. Besides, knowledge about the chemical constituents…
Phytochemical characterization and in vitro antibacterial activity of Xeroderris stuhlmannii (Taub.) Mendonca & E.P. Sousa bark extracts
Herbal medicine use is common in rural communities of Zimbabwe since generic drugs are expensive and not readily available. In this work, we carried out phytochemical screening of secondary metabolites and used GC MS and tandem mass spectroscopy (LC MS/MS) to characterize Xeroderris stuhlmannii…
Hazelnut Shells as Source of Active Ingredients: Extracts Preparation and Characterization
Hazelnut shells represent a waste material (about 42% of the total biomass) deriving from hazelnut harvest. These are mainly used as a heating source; however, they represent an interesting source of polyphenols useful in health field. The impact on phenolic profile and concentrations of hazelnut shell extracts…
Potential for the valorisation of brewer’s spent grains: A case study for the sequential extraction of saccharides and lignin
This study highlights the possibility of using brewers’ grains (BSGs) for the successive extraction of the main lignocellulosic biopolymers, namely, cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin. An exhaustive chemical characterisation revealed a variability of composition in distinct batches of BSGs, depending on their…
Blueberry juice: Bioactive compounds, health impact, and concentration technologies—A review
Abstract: Blueberries are a popular fruit with an attractive flavor and color, as well as health benefits. These health benefits have been attributed to the important number of bioactive compounds in blueberries with activities such as antioxidant, antitumor, antimutagenic, and antidiabetic effects and…
Agricultural crop waste materials – A potential reservoir of molecules
Highlights: • Huge amount of crop wastes is generated during the production and processing which leads to environmental pollution. • Sources, waste residues, and isolated compounds from different types of crop wastes have been compiled to understand the values of waste. • The chemicals like carbohydrates…
Nematocidal activity of hydroalcoholic extracts of spent substrate of Pleurotus djamor on L3 larvae of Haemonchus contortus
Highlights: • Hydroalcoholic extracts of spent mushrooms substrate of Pleurotus djamor show nematocidal activity against Haemonchus contortus. • The most effective fraction “PdAct” caused 80.0 \% mortality in L3 larvae of H. contortus. • The mixture R5 showed a nemostatic effect of 70.24 ± 8.82…
Current extraction, purification, and identification techniques of tea polyphenols: An updated review
Tea, as a beverage, has been reputed for its health benefits and gained worldwide popularity. Tea polyphenols, especially catechins, as the main bioactive compounds in tea, exhibit diverse health benefits and have wide applications in the food industry. The development of tea polyphenol-incorporated products…
A sustainable valorization of industrial tomato seeds (cv Rio Grande): sequential recovery of a valuable oil and optimized extraction of antioxidants by microwaves
Tomato seeds are a major waste of tomato paste manufacturing. In this study, an interesting yield of oil was obtained (21.69%) from the seeds of an industrial tomato byproduct (Rio Grande variety), after a Soxhlet extraction. The fatty acid profile of the extracted oil was established by gas chromatography…
Microalgal secondary metabolite productions as a component of biorefinery: A review
The interest in developing microalgae for industrial use has been increasing because of concerns about the depletion of petroleum resources and securing sustainable energy sources. Microalgae have high biomass productivity and short culture periods. However, despite these advantages, various…
Green extraction of polyphenols from citrus peel by-products and their antifungal activity against Aspergillus flavus
Aspergillus flavus is a pathogenic fungus associated with food safety issues worldwide. This study investigated the antifungal activity of citrus peel extracts prepared using food-grade solvents (hot water or ethanol). Mandarin (Citrus reticulata) peel ethanol extracts inhibited the mycelial growth of A. flavus…
A Study On the Optoelectronic Parameters of Natural Dyes Extracted from Beetroot, Cabbage, Walnut, and Henna for Potential Applications in Organic Electronics
In this work, the optoelectronic parameters of natural dyes extracted from beetroot, red cabbage, walnut leaves, and henna were comprehensively investigated, namely the optical energy gap (Eg), extinction coefficient (k), refractive index (n), dielectric constant ([Formula: see text], and optical conductivity…
Producing fucoxanthin from algae – Recent advances in cultivation strategies and downstream processing
Highlights: • Fucoxanthin is an algae-based carotenoid with multiple health benefits. • Low-cost byproducts are used as growth medium for sustainable fucoxanthin production. • Open ponds and flat plate PBRs are used in pilot-scale fucoxanthin production. • Emerging technologies have been applied for fucoxanthin…
Sequential extraction of antioxidants from paulownia petioles with sc-CO2 and with subcritical water and formulation of hydrogels with the residual solids
Highlights: • Sequential extraction was proposed to obtain antioxidant extracts from paulownia petioles. • Supercritical CO2 extraction and microwave heated extraction were the studied technologies. • Optimal conditions for supercritical CO2 (20 MPa, 10\% ethanol) & microwave heating (120 °C)…
Integrated Biorefinery Processes for Conversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass to Value Added Materials: Paving a Path Towards Circular Economy
Highlights: • Integrated lignocellulosic biorefinery paves a path towards circular economy. • Higher value added production from lignocellulosic biomass has commercial value. • Circular economy closes the loop towards biorefinery processes with effective waste management. Abstract: Lignocellulosic biomass…
Isolation of bioactive compounds from lichen Parmelia sulcata and evaluation of antimicrobial property
Abstract Background Lichens were used as an ailment in the traditional medicine for treating various disorders for centuries. Since there is less evidence in the literature about the medicinal property of Parmelia sulcata (P. sulcata), we made a pioneer attempt to explore the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties…
Microwave-assisted aqueous two-phase system based extraction of phenolics from pulses: Antioxidant properties, characterization and encapsulation
Highlights: • Microwave assisted-aqueous two-phase system was found effective. • Extracts obtained microwave system showed the highest antioxidant properties. • Microwave assisted-aqueous two-phase system affects releasing profile. • FTIR revealed aqueous two-phase system alters structure of the extracts…
Effect of pulsed electric fields pretreatment on juice expression and quality of chicory
Highlights: • Pulsed electric fields (PEF)-assisted pressing (P) for extraction of chicory juice was studied. • Juice expression yield and pressing kinetic rate were enhanced after PEF pretreatment. • PEF-P and P-PEF-P modes resulted in an increase of 9\% higher than P mode. • Cake mixing and smaller cossettes…
Ultrasonic-assisted food-grade solvent extraction of high-value added compounds from microalgae Spirulina platensis and evaluation of their antioxidant and antibacterial properties
Highlights: • Ultrasound+ food grade solvents employed to extract bioactive compounds. • The process led to the higher extraction of the bioactive compounds. • The process enhanced the antioxidant and antibacterial activity of the extracts. Abstract: Spirulina platensis has been referred as a potential source…
Modelling of bioactive components extraction from corn seeds
Highlights: • The objective of this work was to adjust extraction kinetic models. • Antioxidant activity of extracts was analysed by DPPH free radical scavenging method. • Best results were noted for methanol/water 70/30 (v/v) at 1 and 4 h of extraction. • Kinetic data were well described by So and MacDonald’s…
High yield biorefinery products from sugarcane bagasse: Prebiotic xylooligosaccharides, cellulosic ethanol, cellulose nanofibrils and lignin nanoparticles
Highlights: • Xylooligosaccharides with prebiotic activity was produced at pilot scale. • Spherical lignin nanoparticles were produced at high uniformity and yield. • Enzymatic hydrolysis produced a sugar hydrolysate with approximately 100 g/L. • High yield cellulosic ethanol (0.48 g/g) was produced under…
An enriched polyphenolic extract obtained from the by-product of Rosa damascena hydrodistillation activates antioxidant and proteostatic modules
Highlights: • Isolation of a polyphenols enriched extract from of R. damascena petals. • NMR, LC-MS analyses of the enriched extract revealed the presence of 28 metabolites. • The derived extract showed antioxidant activity and was not toxic in human cells. • The R. damascena extract showed cncC/NRF2…
Advanced techniques for recovery of active compounds from food by-products
Abstract: Food is a fundamental product, fueling the economies of the largest producers of agricultural goods. Nevertheless, the food industry generates a large number of by-products considered as waste. Agro-industrial side streams cover a wide range of residues obtained at the cultivation, breeding, harvesting…
Valorization of fruit and vegetable waste for bioactive pigments: extraction and utilization
Abstract: Fruit and vegetable processing industries produce millions of tons of waste annually worldwide. Most fruit and vegetable wastes such as peels, pomace, seeds, stalks, leaves, and pods end up in landfills or dumped in rivers, causing environmental hazards. Only a small fraction is valorized as livestock…
Choosing the appropriate wall materials for spray-drying microencapsulation of natural bioactive ingredients: Taking phenolic compounds as examples
Abstract: Phenolic compounds constitute important parts of natural bioactive ingredients due to their various biological activities. However, phenolic compounds are to some extent restricted by low solubility, poor stability, unpleasant taste and low bioavailability. Spray-drying microencapsulation is an effective…
A natural yellow colorant from Buddleja officinalis for dyeing hemp fabric
Highlights: • Dyeing hemp with a natural yellow colorant from Buddleja officinalis. • Comparative research between natural mordants and metallic ones under different mordanting methods. • Expanded environmental-friendly dyeing based on ethnobotanical application. • Provided a case study is to explore…
Herbal bioactives in treatment of inflammation: An overview
Highlights: • Conventional treatment approaches for inflammatory disorders. • Phytoconstituents for treatment of inflammation mediated disorders. • Molecular targets of anti-inflammatory compounds. • Investigation of mechanisms involved in suppression of inflammation. Abstract: Background Inflammation…
Dry route process and wet route process for algal biodiesel production: A review of techno-economical aspects
Highlights: • Comprehensive review concerning energy and cost in dry and wet route processes. • Elucidation of energy- and cost-intensive steps in dry and wet route processes. • Discussion on quality of biodiesel produced via dry and wet route. • Contextual discussion on the feasibility and future scopes is presented…
From solvent extraction to the concurrent extraction of lipids and proteins from green coffee: An eco-friendly approach to improve process feasibility
Highlights: • Aqueous and enzyme-assisted extraction processes were developed for green coffee. • Alkaline protease led to high protein and oil extraction yields in a shorter time. • Processing optimization reduced enzyme use during the extraction by 80\%. • Countercurrent enzymatic extraction increased oil and…
Separation of secondary metabolites and bioactive substances from agricultural residues
Abstract: The development of modern linear production agriculture has resulted in the generation of tons of organic waste normally destined for energy production in industrial boilers or landfills. However, these organic wastes are rich in secondary metabolites and bioactive substances with potential applications…
Recent advances in the extraction and characterization of seed polysaccharides, and their bioactivities: A review
Abstract: Seeds are the greatest storage reservoir of phytoconstituents, especially polysaccharides in which saccharides are one of the important constituents in our daily diet. Polysaccharides have messenger potential, act as biological carriers and have several medicinal values due to their complex chemical…
A biorefinery approach for high value-added bioproduct (astaxanthin) from alga Haematococcus sp. and residue pyrolysis for biochar synthesis and metallic iron production from hematite (Fe2O3)
Highlights: • Haematococcus lacustris first time studied for astaxanthin and metallic iron production. • The alga H. lacustris produced highest astaxanthin yield (6.8 wt\%) using polythene made PBR. • Acetate addition during growth cycle supported for high biomass productivity (26.58 g m−2). • High biochar yield of 43 wt\%…
Novel extraction, rapid assessment and bioavailability improvement of quercetin: A review
Highlights: • Potential sources and therapeutic properties of quercetin. • In recent years, the different novel extractions techniques for the extraction of quercetin. • Non-destructive assessment techniques for the identification of quercetin in recent years. • Innovative drug delivery strategies to improve…
Production of xylitol and carotenoids from switchgrass and Eucalyptus globulus hydrolysates obtained by intensified steam explosion pretreatment
Highlights: • Switchgrass and Eucalyptus hemicellulosic hydrolysates were produced by intensified steam explosion. • A systematic and selective detoxification was applied to add value in a biorefinery. • K. marxianus and R. toruloides were used to convert sugars into xylitol and carotenoids. • Hydrolysates…
Hydrophilic natural deep eutectic solvent : A review on physicochemical properties and extractability of bioactive compounds
Highlights: • NADES’s properties depends on interactions between HBA and HBD. • Extraction capability of NADES depends on their properties. • NADES preserve the biological activities of the extract. • Toxicity of NADES varies according to its constituents. Abstract The principle of green chemistry is crucial…
Application of microalgae and microalgal bioactive compounds in skin regeneration
Highlights: • The microalgae/cyanobacteria compounds possess excellent bioactive properties. • The anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial features are crucial in wound healing. • The microalgae-based wound dressings have been used in skin injuries treatment. • The live microalgae-based photosynthetic…
Anti-inflammatory activity of betalains: A comprehensive review
Highlights: • Betalains exhibit anti-inflammatory activity in vitro, in vivo, and in clinical trials. • This work provides a short review of all claimed anti-inflammatory activity of betalains. • Betalains have strong health-promoting potential and could be used as an adjunctive therapy. • Anti-inflammatory…
Gliadin Market Outlook, Opportunity and Demand Analysis, Forecast 2018 – 2026
Increasing consumer preference towards low-fat and grain-based foods due to growing health concerns have fuelled the demand for global gliadin market. Gliadin is defined as the plant-derived protein which is being processed from various grains such as barley, wheat, rye, oats, and others. Gliadins are processed…
Le marché de la chicorée connaîtra la plus forte croissance mondiale au cours des prochaines années 2021-2026 – Beneo, Cosucra, Xylem Inc, Leroux, Violf
En 2020, la taille du marché était de 553,5 millions de dollars US. Au cours des cinq prochaines années, le marché de la chicorée enregistrera un TCAC de 6,0% en termes de revenus, la taille du marché mondial atteindra 699,2 millions de dollars américains d’ici 2025. 18 novembre 2021 (Market Insights Reports)…
Paradigm shift in algal biomass refinery and its challenges
Highlights: • Social changes on a global scale have challenged the nascent algal industry. • Drop-in fuel would be a new major target of algal lipid-based products. • Enhancing CO2 fixing efficiency would be a major goal in outdoor cultivation. • An integrated refinery process is required for feasible whole cell…
Le marché des extraits de Fucus Vesiculosus devrait afficher une croissance significative jusqu’en 2029 Marinova | Laboratoires Prod’Hyg | Lipotec SAU
Extraits de Fucus Vesiculosus Facteurs de développement du marché 2022-2029 : Un développement économique extravagant et un processus de fabrication de premier plan ont constitué une génération de revenus au niveau régional du Extraits de Fucus Vesiculosus marché 2022. De plus, nos chercheurs…
Decanter Centrifuge Market 2021 Global Trends, Share, Growth, Analysis, Opportunities and Forecast to 2027
The recent report on “Decanter Centrifuge Market Report 2021 by Key Players, Types, Applications, Countries, Market Size, Forecast to 2027” offered by Credible Markets, comprises of a comprehensive investigation into the geographical landscape, industry size along with the revenue estimation of the…
Expédition du marché de la L-Tyrosine, revenus et prévisions ASP par applications 2022-2028
KandJMarketResearch.com ajoute un nouveau rapport sur le “Rapport d’étude de marché mondial sur la L-Tyrosine avec des opportunités et des stratégies pour stimuler la croissance – Impact et reprise du COVID-19” couvrant de nouvelles recherches avec des détails sur l’impact de l’épidémie de Covid-19…
Algae Oil Market Segmented by Product, Top Manufacturers, Geography Trends & Forecast to 2030
Algal oil is the oil that is derived from green growth. Algal oil contains DHA, which involves 97 percent of the omega-3 fats in the mind. They’re known for being anti-inflammatory agents, and they help the body decrease blood clots. As the source of extraction of algae oil is vegetarian source for omega 3…
Pea Protein Ingredients Market to Expand by 2x as Sales in Bakery Sector Reach US$ 341.1 Mn: FMI
Future Market Insight’s (FMI’s) latest report on the pea protein ingredients market provides in-depth analysis of factors driving growth. It studies the market in terms of various segments including product type, application, and form across several countries and regions. Future Market Insights (FMI): Sales…
Enzymes alimentaires Marché Taille, tendances, analyse des parts, facteurs de croissance, consommation de l’industrie et prévisions mondiales 2028
Un récent rapport d’étude de marché ajouté au référentiel de rapports de marché vérifiés est une analyse approfondie du marché Enzymes alimentaires. Sur la base de l’analyse de la croissance historique et du scénario actuel du marché Enzymes alimentaires, le rapport entend offrir des informations exploitables…
Emerging Oat Beta-Glucan Market 2021: Global Analysis by sales market size, segment and evolution rate by type and application forecast to 2026| Swedish Oat Fiber (Naturex), Ceapro, Fazer Mills, Guangzhou Sinocon Food Co. Ltd.
Global “Oat Beta-Glucan Market” 2021 –2026 Research Report is an extensive Industry report contains an introduction on new trends that can guide the businesses performing in the Oat Beta-Glucan industry to recognize the market and make the strategies for their industry growth accordingly…
Prévisions de marché Acides aminés alimentaires, analyse des tendances et suivi de la concurrence – Revue mondiale 2021-2027

Le dernier rapport d’étude de marché Acides aminés alimentaires présente une directive à grande échelle concernant les tendances présentes et passées du marché, la taille du marché, la part, les facteurs moteurs, les concurrents leaders du secteur ainsi que les facteurs de croissance constante sur le marché…
Natural Health Products Market Size, Global Trends, Latest Techniques, Key Segments And Geography Foresights Till 2027

The research report published by ResearchMoz on the Natural Health Products Market provides a detailed overview of the demands and consumptions of various products/services associated with the growth dynamics of the market during the forecast period 2021 – 2027. A detailed overview of parent market…
Insights on the Microalgae Global Market to 2028 – Featuring AlgoSource, Tianjin Norland Biotech and Phycom Among Others
The “Microalgae Market by Distribution Channel, Type, Application – Global Forecast to 2028” report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com’s offering. This report provides an in-depth analysis of the microalgae market in five major geographies and emphasizes on the current market trends, market size, market…
Le marché des ingrédients prébiotiques prospère dans le monde entier avec des acteurs de premier plan – BENEO GmbH, Tereos SA, Ingredion Inc., Royal Friesland Campina NV, Cargill Incorporated

Le vaste rapport d’étude de marché sur les ingrédients prébiotiques se présente comme un outil influent que les acteurs du marché peuvent utiliser pour se préparer à se tailler la part du lion du marché mondial des ingrédients prébiotiques. Ce rapport sur le marché peut être utilisé par les acteurs du marché pour en savoir plus sur le paysage concurrentiel et le niveau de concurrence sur le marché mondial. Ce rapport sur le marché comprend une évaluation complète…
La cosmétique reprend peu à peu des couleurs

Deuxième filière contribuant positivement à la balance du commerce extérieur de la France, la cosmétique rassemble 3 200 entreprises, dont 80% de PME-TPE et une centaine de grandes marques, représentant tous les métiers de la cosmétique : ingrédients, procédés, packagings, tests, produits finis, etc…
Unlock next level citrus flavor solutions

Citrus is one of the fastest-growing flavor categories and considered one of the most important taste profiles, especially for beverages. Citrus taste profiles come from all corners of the globe, and it is a signature flavor in a variety of applications from juices to soft drinks to on-trend products such as functional lifestyle beverages or hard seltzers. This makes citrus flavors a vital component for product development. The desire…
Technological Breakthrough: Inulin Industry Transformation 2021 by Cargill, Beneo-Orafati, Sensus, Tierra
A New Syndicate Global Inulin Market Study is added in Adroit Market Research database compiled covering key business segments and wider geographical scope to get deep dive analysed market data. The study brings a perfect bridging between qualitative and statistical data of Inulin market. The study provides…
Connaissez-Vous Les Revenus Offerts Par Le Marché Dermo-Cosmétique?
1. Guide Du Marché 2021 : Quelle Hauteur Le Marché Dermo-Cosmétique Atteindra-T-Il Au Cours Des Prochaines Années ? Restaurons la croissance au-delà du coronavirus avec Market.Biz. Global Dermo-Cosmétique Le rapport d’étude de marché contient des détails graphiques (tableaux de données…
Isoflavones Market Overview, Merger and Acquisitions, Drivers, Restraints and Industry Forecast By 2027
The global Isoflavones market is projected to be worth USD 45.22 Billion by 2027, according to a current analysis by Emergen Research. The latest report offers a profound analysis of the present market scenario, its key product types, end-user landscape, application outlook, leading regions, competitive…
Dermocosmetic applications of microalgal pigments
Abstract: Among photosynthetic microorganisms, Cyanobacteria and Microalgae species have been highly studied thank to their high value-added compounds for several industrial applications. Thus, their production is increasing in the last decade to produce raw material for cosmetics. In fact, the daily routine includes…