Au tour de Robertet de se renforcer en Inde

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à tribuca.net) Après les récentes annonces de Virbac ou d’Argeville, le leader des matières premières naturelles à l’usage de la filière Parfums & Arômes confirme l’acquisition d’un groupe indien à forte valeur ajoutée. C’est la sixième opération de croissance externe pour le groupe sur les cinq dernières…
Chr. Hansen devient partenaire de Danone

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à RIA) La société spécialisée dans les ferments rejoint un programme initié par Danone pour développer des produits laitiers et végétaux. « Partner for Growth », tel est le nom du programme lancé par Danone pour soutenir sa stratégie de croissance. Mené avec des partenaires, il a notamment pour…
Le Fil API – Agroalimentaire. Algolesko veut déployer ses algues alimentaires en Europe

Agroalimentaire. Algolesko veut déployer ses algues alimentaires en Europe. Basée à Lesconil, la PME finistérienne Algolesko, spécialisée dans la culture d’algues en pleine mer, sans intrants, accélère la commercialisation de ses laminaires brunes. Elle a signé cette année des contrats de distribution avec des réseaux de grossistes tels que Metro en France mais aussi avec ses…
Orlandi acquiert l’activité échantillons et encapsulation d’ART Inc. – Premium Beauty News

Dans la foulé de la vente de son activité scented strips à son concurrent Arcade Beauty, Orlandi a annoncé l’acquisition de la société de l’activité échantillons et micro-encapsulation de parfum de la société Aroma Release Technology Inc. (ART) basée au Tennessee. En parallèle, Orlandi a également signé un nouveau bail à…
L’Oréal renforce sa recherche sur le microbiome avec l’acquisition de Lactobio

Le Groupe L’Oréal a annoncé avoir finalisé l’acquisition de Lactobio, une société à la pointe de la recherche sur les probiotiques et le microbiome, basée à Copenhague, au Danemark. ” Cette acquisition vient consolider 20 ans de recherche avancée sur le microbiome, et permet à L’Oréal d’approfondir sa connaissance des micro…
Astredhor : quand le végétal se digitalise
Astredhor, l’Institut des professionnels du végétal, conduit chaque année plus de 80 projets d’innovation dans la filière du végétal, notamment grâce à des jardins d’essais botaniques. Depuis 2016, Lyon est devenue une station d’expérimentation avec un jardin ouvert au grand public pour communiquer sur le végétal…
Avebe Launches PerfectaSOL Potato Protein for Use in Alt Dairy, Confectionery & More

Avebe, a Dutch supplier of potato-based ingredients, has launched a new product called PerfectaSOL®, described as the “next generation of potato protein products”. PerfectaSOL is said to be an ideal texturiser for plant-based dairy alternatives, with a range of properties including gelling, smoothness, emulsifying, stability, and a neutral white color. It can…
” Ambition Bioéconomie Hauts-de-France ” : les leaders régionaux de l’innovation et de l’industrialisation en bioéconomie s’allient au service de l’emploi et d’une croissance durable

Impulsé dès 2022 par la Région Hauts-de-France, le nouveau réseau d’expertise en innovation et industrialisation en bioéconomie dans les Hauts-de-France a lancé officiellement ” Ambition Bioéconomie Hauts-de-France “, ce vendredi 1er décembre, au siège de la Région à Lille. Ce réseau piloté par Bioeconomy For Change réunit…
Circul’Egg inaugure son site de production et lève 5 M€

Fin d’année 2023 riche en actualités pour la start-up Circul’Eggqui a breveté en 2021 un procédé de valorisation des coquilles d’œufs. La société a clôturé une seconde levée de fonds de 5 M € auprès de nombreux investisseurs (parmi lesquels Asterion Ventures, MouvemenT & Finance, FBA – Femmes Business Angels). Cette opération est…
La fondation d’AgroParis Tech est reconnue d’utilité publique

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à AEFInfo) La fondation AgroParisTech a obtenu le 29 novembre 2023 le statut d’utilité publique, annonce l’école d’ingénieurs par communiqué de presse, le 30 novembre. Son autonomie est aussi “renforcée”, ce qui marque, selon AgroParisTech,”une reconnaissance substantielle et…
Tereos accélère dans les protéines végétales

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à RIA) Le groupe projette de multiplier les ventes de sa gamme Ensemble par dix, en cinq ans. Après le lancement en 2022 de sa gamme Ensemble, Tereos est bien décidé à en faire une référence majeure sur un marché des protéines végétales en progression de 8 à 9 % par an (Source : Euromonitor). Il…
Chemstart’up, le laboratoire de la chimie verte

A Lacq, l’arrêt de l’exploitation commerciale du gaz a soulevé des craintes mais a finalement débouché sur un nouvel horizon, celui de la transition énergétique et de la chimie verte. Portée par le GIP Chemparc et la plateforme Chemstart’up, c’est tout un bassin industriel qui relève les défis du 21e siècle. découvrir le plus grand gisement…
Sofiprotéol investit dans le spécialiste des condiments Martin-Pouret

(Court article) Société d’investissement du groupe Avril dédiée aux acteurs des filières agricoles et alimentaires, Sofiprotéol a annoncé le 28 novembre être entrée au capital de la Maison Martin-Pouret, spécialiste des condiments. « Il s’agit d’une étape importante pour le développement de l’entreprise orléanaise, dont le nouvel atelier ouvrira ses…
‘Good regional fit’: Lucas Meyer Cosmetics can tap Clariant’s strong regional presence to boost Asia growth

Lucas Meyer Cosmetics has the potential to strengthen its position in Asia on the back of Clariant’s strong ‘footprint’ in the region, says the Swiss ingredients firm. Clariant announced on October 30 that it had agreed to acquire Lucas Meyer Cosmetics from International Flavors & Fragrances (IFF) for a total consideration of USD810m…
Beneo triples shelf life of Orafti liquid chicory root fiber ingredient at Chile production plant

Beneo (Parsippany, NJ) is now using a processing method at its production facility in Pemuco, Chile, that significantly expands the shelf life of the company’s liquid chicory root fiber ingredient Orafti oligofructose LL. “The new processing capabilities of Orafti oligofructose LL will nearly triple the life of the product, “ said Guillermo Fernandez…
Tri à la source des biodéchets : pourquoi toutes les entreprises sont concernées

À partir du 1er janvier 2024, tous les biodéchets produits en France devront être triés à la source afin d’être valorisés. Fabien Bréget, PDG de Nomadia, propose un éclairage sur les implications de cette nouvelle obligation. Biodéchets, ces déchets qui n’en sont pas ! Depuis août 2021, le code de l’environnement définit les biodéchets comme…
AI-powered protein: Vivici and Ginkgo forge alliance to innovate alt-dairy with precision fermentation

Vivici has partnered with Ginkgo Bioworks to advance the production of sustainable, nutritious, novel dairy protein made via precision fermentation. Through this collaboration, Vivici will leverage Ginkgo Bioworks’ capabilities in strain engineering, optimization and performance to develop and commercialize the next generation of functional alternative protein…
ABCD Nutrition noue un partenariat avec Business France :

Spécialisé, entre autres, dans la fabrication et la vente de produits sans gluten,ABCD Nutrition a tout de suite opté pour le marché international et travaillé avec Business France. Solidement implantée en Europe et en Amérique du Nord, l’entreprise vise désormais le secteur asiatique. Le 3 octobre, dans les locaux parisiens de Business France, l’agence, dirigée par Laurent…
Les parfums Berdoues lancent de nouveaux investissements capacitaires

Spécialisé dans la parfumerie et les cosmétiques, Groupe Berdoues maintient le cap sur la croissance et engage de nouveaux investissements capacitaires sur son site de Cugnaux, près de Toulouse. Une quatrième ligne de remplissage et conditionnement des produits de parfumerie, plus automatisée, est attendue début 2024. Une quatrième…
Lessonia investit dans une nouvelle technologie de granulation sèche

Spécialiste de la fabrication d’ingrédients cosmétiques en poudre (exfoliants, poudres fines, actifs, extraits…), Lessonia a acquis un savoir-faire reconnu du broyage, du tamisage, du mélange ou la débactérisation de ces galéniques. Progressivement, l’entreprise bretonne a également développé une expertise dans la formulation…
Eurofragance lance Verdenix, un actif upcyclé contre les mauvaises odeurs

La maison de parfum espagnole a dévoilé Verdenix, un actif efficace dans la lutte contre les mauvaises odeurs. Ce nouvel ingrédient est fabriqué à partir de matériaux upcyclés selon un processus naturel. Utilisé avec d’autres ingrédients réactifs de parfumerie, Verdenix agit en tant que booster dans les produits nettoyants pour les mains et le…
Symrise inaugure son nouveau hub de création de parfums à Dubaï

Symrise continue de renforcer sa présence stratégique sur le marché des parfums au Moyen-Orient. Le 30 octobre dernier, en marge du salon Beautyworld Middle East, l’entreprise a inauguré son nouveau centre de création dédié à la parfumerie fine au cœur de Dubaï, aux Émirats arabes unis. Baptisé Jardin Arabia, ce nouveau lieu…
Avec plus de 700 technologies transférées, les IRT et ITE s’affirment comme tiers de confiance et accélérateurs d’innovation dans les filières industrielles stratégiques françaises
Communiqué de presse Lors de la conférence de presse organisée dans le cadre du Colloque CARAC par l’association FIT en présence de Bruno Bonnell, secrétaire général pour l’Investissement, en charge de France 2030, les IRT et les ITE1 ont présenté leurs ambitions et leurs priorités sur la période 2025…
Expanscience to lead cosmetics industry towards positive impact

Driven by consumer demand and the raised awareness of the current issues, the cosmetics industry has been looking to shift paradigms. Commitments have been made and strong action taken to reduce the environmental footprint of operations and products. Some companies, as can be seen with Laboratoires Expanscience, have even…
La chercheuse Irène Gonzalez-Salgado, de l’institut Carnot 3BCAR, reçoit le Grand Prix de la recherche partenariale pour un projet mené avec la société Nereus

La chercheuse Irène Gonzalez-Salgado, de l’institut Carnot 3BCAR, reçoit le Grand Prix de la recherche partenariale pour un projet mené avec la société Nereus. Le Réseau des Carnot, premier réseau français de R&D pour l’innovation des entreprises avec 11 000 contrats de recherche avec les industriels chaque année, a remis, le jeudi 16 novembre, le Grand…
Acquisition de Bionov

ROBERTET, leader mondial des ingrédients naturels pour le domaine des arômes et des parfums et récent lauréat du prix de l’Audace Créatrice, a finalisé l’acquisition de BIONOV, producteur de référence au niveau mondial en matière de SuperOxyde Dismutase (SOD) naturelle et protégée. Cet investissement permet au Groupe ROBERTET d’accroitre…
Nestlé Product Technology Center commemorates five years of R&D in nutrition and sustainability

Nestlé Health Science is celebrating the five-year anniversary of its Nestlé Product Technology Center (NPTC) in Bridgewater, New Jersey, US. This global research and development hub drives the company’s nutritional health and sustainability innovations, encompassing the science, technology and development lifecycle. Nutrition Insight sits down with Rania…
Natura vend The Body Shop au fond Aurelius pour 207 millions de livres

Le groupe brésilien a conclu la cession de The Body Shop au groupe de capital-investissement Aurelius pour 207 millions de livres, soit seulement un cinquième du prix payé en 2017 lorsque Natura avait acquis la célèbre marque au groupe L’Oréal pour 1 milliard d’euros. La transaction devrait être finalisée d’ici le 31 décembre et…
L’Oréal et Cosmo collaborent sur une méthode d’extraction à faible empreinte

Les deux entreprises ont conclu un partenariat en vue de développer l’utilisation d’une méthode d’extraction de molécules parfumées naturelles par un procédé sans eau et à faible empreinte environnementale. L’Oréal disposera d’un accès exclusif à la technologie mise au point par Cosmo International Fragrances. En quête de…
Sanders vise 20 % de parts du marché de la nutrition animale en France

(Brève) Le leader français de la nutrition animale Sanders vise un objectif de 20 % de parts de marché, contre 14 % actuellement, a indiqué son directeur général Philippe Manry le 13 septembre, lors d’une conférence de presse au Space de Rennes…
Cacao : la guerre des prix aura lieu
Les grands négociants chocolatiers occidentaux tentent d’obtenir une nouvelle baisse du kilogramme de fèves, en baissant leurs commandes. Le Cameroun, le Ghana et la Côte d’Ivoire, les trois principaux producteurs s’opposent au diktat des grands marchés et agitent la solution du marché endogène. Le prix…
L’Oréal lance CeraVe en Inde en partenariat avec des dermatologues

L’Oréal Dermatological Beauty a récemment lancé sa marque de soins dermo-cosmétiques CeraVe en Inde. Pour soutenir ce lancement, la multinationale a organisé à Mumbai un événement en partenariat avec des dermatologues et des experts indiens. Développée avec des dermatologues, la formule de CeraVe est basée sur…
Kern Tec valorise des noyaux de fruits

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à RIA) L’entreprise autrichienne Kern Tec, qui utilise des noyaux de fruits pour produire des ingrédients, a levé un financement de 12 millions d’euros. « C’est la plus grande augmentation de série A jamais réalisée pour une entreprise autrichienne de technologie alimentaire », commente Luca…
Evaluation of a hollow fiber membrane contactor reactor for reactive extraction in biodiesel production
A polypropylene hollow fiber membrane contactor reactor (HF-MCR) was used to evaluate the performance of a reactive extraction process for biodiesel production. The process involved the transesterification of soybean oil with methanol, catalyzed by sodium hydroxide. The experimental methodology assessed the impact of…
NADES-based selective extraction of bioactive molecules: A case study with commercially important Himalayan medicinal plant Aconitum heterophyllum
Natural deep eutectic solvents (NADESs) are recognized as sustainable green media for extracting bioactive compounds from biomass. Herein, NADES-based green media was employed to extract bioactives from the Himalayan medicinal herb Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. Bioactive compounds such as aconitic…
Potential use of red hibiscus flower extract for the production of spray-chilled microparticles: Characterization, stability, and bioaccessibility in vitro of anthocyanins
Microparticles (MLP) containing red hibiscus flower (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) anthocyanins were produced by spray chilling, and characterized for physicochemical parameters, accelerated stability, and gastrointestinal release profile. Fully hydrogenated palm oil and cocoa butter were used as wall materials, at a lipid blend…
Ultrasound treatment of herbal extraction residue to enhance enzymatic saccharification
The utilization of herbal extraction residues (HERs) for production of valuable products has gained significant momentum in recent years. In this study, Lianhua Qingwen residue (LQR) was selected as a representative HER for enzymatic saccharification. By subjecting starch-containing raw unpretreated LQR to direct…
Characterization of pectin extracted from pomelo peel using pulsed ultrasound assisted extraction and acidic hot water extraction process
In the present study, the characteristic properties namely XRD, FTIR, DSC, TGA and FESEM analyses of pectin extracted from pomelo fruit peel using pulsed ultrasound assisted extracted (PUUAE) were compared with those of pectin obtained with the conventional acidic hot water extraction (AHWE) process. The…
Enhancement of astaxanthin production, recovery, and bio-accessibility in Haematococcus pluvialis through taurine-mediated inhibition of secondary cell wall formation under high light conditions
This study explored the use of taurine in enhancing the production and bio-accessibility of astaxanthin in Haematococcus pluvialis, which typically forms a secondary cell wall hindering astaxanthin extraction. The biomass of taurine-treated group significantly increased by 18%, and astaxanthin yield surged by 34%…
Optimization of ultrasonic-assisted extraction of eugenol-rich fraction from basil leaves: Characterization of extract for phenols, flavonoids and antioxidant activity
In this study, optimization of ultrasonic assisted extraction (UAE) of eugenol-rich fraction from O. basilicum was performed. Box-Behnken design of response surface methodology was applied with three independent variables viz. solvent concentration (25–75%), amplitude (70–90%) and sonication time (7–12 min)…
Exploring the potential of advanced eco-friendly extraction techniques for a rapid recovery of oleuropein-rich extracts from “Picholine Marocaine” olive tree leaves
This study aimed to explore the use of different advanced extraction methods to obtain oleuropein-rich extracts from leaves of the predominant olive variety in Morocco: “Picholine Marocaine”, and compare them with the conventional maceration method. Initially, the solubility of oleuropein in various ethanol-water…
Enzyme-assisted nanofiltration to enrich tannins from softwood bark extract
Softwood bark is a rich source of renewable chemicals, including phenolic compounds known as tannins. Tannins can be extracted from bark with hot water, but the yield can be relatively low, leading to dilute extracts. Next to tannin, a considerable amount of extracted dry matter comprised of carbohydrates, and…
Purification and fractionation of phycobiliproteins from Arthrospira platensis and Corallina officinalis with evaluating their biological activities
Phycobiliproteins (PBPs) are a class of water-soluble pigments with a variety of biological functions that are present in red macroalgae and cyanobacterial species. The crude forms of phycocyanin (C-PC) from the blue green alga Arthrospira platensis and allophycocyanin (APC) from the red macroalga Corallina officinalis…
Economic potential of essential oil production from New Zealand-grown Eucalyptus bosistoana
Farm foresters and other growers are establishing a ground-durable hardwood resource, including the emerging plantation species Eucalyptus bosistoana in New Zealand. The foliage of this species contains essential oils in quantity and quality suitable for commercial extraction. Essential oil production could…
Ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) of antioxidant phenolics from Corchorus olitorius leaves: a response surface optimization
Background: Besides fibre production, Corchorus olitorius is considered a nutritional and medicinal plant in traditional medicine. Its leaves possess different antioxidant compounds and display various biological properties. This study optimized the ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) parameters like temperature…
Separation of polysaccharide and protein by ionic liquid-based extraction techniques
Biopolymers are natural macromolecules obtained from animal, plant and microbial sources, with the potential to be used in a wide range of applications. A key process step, which is still underdeveloped, is the downstream processing. In this work, water immiscible and water miscible ionic liquids (ILs) were…
Sequential extraction of value-added bioproducts from three Chlorella strains using a drying-based combined disruption technique
In this study, the sequential extraction of the three types of biochemicals from microalgae is employed, which is a more realistic and practical solution for large-scale extraction of bioproducts. The drying, grinding, organic solvent treatment, and ultra-sonication were combined to disrupt cells and sequentially extract…
Waste Valorization towards Industrial Products through Chemo- and Enzymatic- Hydrolysis.
This paper reviews the scientific literature on the latest technologies for treating waste by chemical hydrolysis, enzymatic hydrolysis and supporting processes. Particular attention is focused on wastes of biological origin, especially high-protein materials and those containing fats and sugars, as valuable components can…
Antifouling potential of enzymes applied to reverse osmosis membranes
Many companies in the food industry apply reverse osmosis (RO) membranes to ensure high-quality reuse of water. Biofouling is however, a common, recalcitrant and recurring problem that blocks transport over membranes and decreases the water recovery. Microorganisms adhering to membranes may form biofilm…
Autofermentation of alkaline cyanobacterial biomass to enable biorefinery approach
Background: Carbon capture using alkaliphilic cyanobacteria can be an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly process for producing bioenergy and bioproducts. The inefficiency of current harvesting and downstream processes, however, hinders large-scale feasibility. The high alkalinity of the biomass…
A review on recent advances of plant mucilages and their applications in food industry: Extraction, functional properties and health benefits
Plant mucilages have been used for many applications as stabilizers, emulsifiers, thickening or gelling agents, viscosity modifiers, encapsulating agents and food packaging materials (stand-alone films, coatings). In these studies, it has been reported that plant mucilages have potential to extend the shelf-life of food products…
Systems and methods for protein recovery
The present disclosure provides systems and methods for the recovery of protein species from wet mill grain process streams. Systems and methods of the present disclosure may be integrated with a wet mill grain process to separate out protein species that may limit efficiency of the grain process and produce one or…
Extraction optimization of tea saponins from Camellia oleifera seed meal with deep eutectic solvents: Composition identification and properties evaluation
Traditional organic solvent extractions of tea saponins have many drawbacks. This study aimed to establish an environment-friendly and efficient technology based on deep eutectic solvents (DESs) to extract tea saponins from Camellia oleifera seed meal. The solvent consisting of choline chloride and methylurea…
High-efficiency foam fractionation of anthocyanin from perilla leaves using surfactant-free active Al2O3 nanoparticle as collector and frother: Performance and mechanism
Anthocyanin (ACN) is a natural pigment with significant industrial applications. However, foam fractionation of ACN from perilla leaves extract presents theoretical challenges due to its limited surface activity and foaming capacity. This work developed a surfactant-free active Al2O3 nanoparticle (ANP) as a collector and…
Extraction of psilocybin and psilocin
A method of extracting and isolating psilocybin and/or psilocin from psilocybin fungi includes forming a mixture of the fungi, an extraction solution, and a chitinase capable of digesting chitin present in the fungi. Solids can be filtered from the mixture to yield an extract including psilocybin and/or psilocin. The extract can be…
Hemp fiber extraction and products using green degumming
A method for degumming plant fibers without petrochemical-based synthetic chemicals by using a natural oils/waxes and minerals. The method includes cutting fibers into strips of specified lengths and washing the strips in baths of a non-petrochemical synthetic oil/wax and lye, citric acid mixed with water, and lye…
A process for isolation of saponins uttroside B and uttroside A from Solanum nigrum Linn.
The present invention relates to an improved and economical process for isolation of saponins, uttroside B and uttroside A from the whole plant of Solanum nigrum using a simple precipitation and without the use of any preparative HPLC purification step. Background: Saponins, a group of plant secondary…
Improved method for preparation of protein-enriched products from plant material
The present invention relates to a process for preparation of protein-enriched products, such as plant protein isolates or protein-fibre formulations, from plant materials such as oilseeds, as well as to the uses of the products obtainable via said process in human food and/or animal feed. In particular, the presented…
Powder form of propolis
Propolis is a resinous product collected by bees from various types of plants, which contains a number of compounds with biological activity, including antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. These properties make propolis an ideal candidate for use as a functional ingredient in food. Raw propolis…
Continuous extraction and application potential of value-added products from a promising microalga Coelastrella sp. SDEC-28 for green microalgae-based industry
Microalgae are emerging as a good source of various high-value bio-active compounds and nowadays are applied in several fields. Here we proposed a new extraction method, continuous extraction, to attain crude polysaccharides (CP), methanol extracts (ME) and crude lipid (CL) of a newly isolated soil…
Valorization of pumpkin seed hulls, cucurbitin extraction strategies and their comparative life cycle assessment
In most cases, final agricultural products such as vegetables, fruits, and cereals are associated with the industrial generation of byproducts that are usually unexploited to express all their potential value or, in the worst but common case, directly disposed of as wastes. Even after industrial processing, plant biomasses…
Application of cold plasma pretreatment to improve the extraction efficiency of tanshinone compounds from Salvia subg. Perovskia root
Tanshinone, a secondary metabolite derived from the medicinal plant Salvia subg. Perovskia, possesses therapeutic properties and has the potential to serve as a viable alternative to synthetic antioxidants in food industry. The primary objective of this study was to enhance the extraction efficiency of…
Novel natural deep eutectic solvent-based supramolecular solvents designed for extracting phytochemicals from pigeon pea leaves and its scale-up and recovery process
In this study, a novel green natural deep eutectic solvent-based supramolecular solvent/equilibrium solution (NADES-SUPRAS/EqS) system was designed. The microstructure and formation processes were characterized, revealing the formation and extraction mechanism of this novel solvent. In combination with…
Lycopene in hydrophobic deep eutectic solvent with natural catalysts: A promising strategy to simultaneously promote lycopene Z-isomerization and extraction
Lycopene Z-isomerization and degradation in a series of hydrophobic natural deep eutectic solvents (HNDES) was firstly studied. The highest lycopene retention (about 84.6%) was found in HNDES composed of thymol and menthol (TM), and fatty acid-based HNDES promoted lycopene Z-isomerization (about 70% for total…
Method for producing oil from a microalgae product
A method for producing edible oil, having a high content of unsaturated fatty acids, from a product of microalgae. The microalgae product is treated to form an intermediate product that is subjected to a material separation process for removing impurities, in which material separation process the triglyceride is used as…
Method and plant for extracting nicotine from tobacco
Plant (100) for the production of nicotine in the liquid state starting from tobacco-based starting material (4) characterized in that it comprises: – a macerator (2) configured to mix said starting material (4) with an aqueous solution (3), and form a first liquid fraction (10), which comprises a mixture of said aqueous…
Ursolic Acid Market Development Status 2029 | Sabinsa Corporation , Kingherbs Limited , BASF S.E. , Santa Cruz Biotechnology
Serving as a valuable resource for industry leaders and newcomers alike, a comprehensive market analysis report focusing on the Ursolic Acid Market was recently published. This comprehensive report offers a detailed review of the global Ursolic Acid market and its sub-segments, providing revenue forecasts and…
Elderberry Seed Oil Market to See Massive Growth by 2029 | GreenField, All Organic Treasures, Caribbean Natural, OQEMA

Statsndata has released a comprehensive report on the collection, analysis, and interpretation of Elderberry Seed Oil Market data. This report highlights the importance of leveraging such data to foster not only individual business growth but also the overall progress of the entire chemicals-materials industry. The report provides a thorough overview of the Elderberry Seed Oil…
AgroSpheres aims to build ‘unprecedented stability’ in biologicals

While generally seen as safer for planetary health, biopesticides are frequently less effective than their synthetic counterparts, with success rates varying wildly. It’s one reason many growers remain hesitant to adopt this class of crop protection products. US biotech startup AgroSpheres is addressing this with a novel delivery system that encapsulates and…
Alpha Bisabolol Market Growth in Future Scope 2023-2030 | Atina, BASF Care Creations, Beijing Brilliance Bio
The Global Alpha Bisabolol Market is comprehensively and accurately detailed in the report, taking into consideration various factors such as competition, regional growth, segmentation, and market size by value and volume. This is an excellent research study specially compiled to provide the latest insights into…
Baobab Oil Market Global Report | Biocosmethic, CREMER OLEO, OQEMA, AE Chemie
A groundbreaking market research report on Baobab Oil Market has been published by STATS N DATA, set to provide investors and organizations with a thorough overview of the global Baobab Oil market. This comprehensive report goes beyond data— It provides a forward-looking prognosis, predictions, and…
Carthamus Tinctorius Seed Oil Market Development Status 2029 | Nikkol, A&A Fratelli Parodi, Croda, Gustav Heess

Statsndata Carthamus Tinctorius Seed Oil Market research reports provide all the information. It fuels market growth by providing customers with reliable data that helps them make critical decisions. These documents encapsulate extensive studies and analyses conducted by experts in various fields, presenting findings and insights that are crucial for both businesses…
Huile de germe de Triticum Vulgare (blé) Rapport sur la croissance du marché | Biocosmethic, Ekologie Forte, Gustav Heess
Statsndata de Huile de germe de Triticum Vulgare (blé) Les rapports d’études de marché fournissent toutes les informations. Il alimente la croissance du marché en fournissant aux clients des données fiables qui les aident à prendre des décisions critiques. Fournit un aperçu comprenant le marché, la définition…
Algae Protein Market worth $1,714.60 million by 2030, growing
The “Algae Protein Market by Product (Chlorella, Seaweed, Spirulina), Source (Freshwater Algae, Marine Algae), Application, Distribution Channel – Global Forecast 2023-2030” report has been added to 360iResearch.com’s offering. The Global Algae Protein Market to grow from USD 935.86 million in 2022…
Cellulase Market Projected to Attain US$ 3,263.5 Million by 2033, Maintaining Robust 6.8% CAGR from 2023 to 2033

The cellulase market is expected to grow from US$ 1,685.8 million in 2023 to US$ 3,263.5 million by 2033, with a CAGR of 6.8% from 2023 to 2033. The global cellulase sector expanded at a CAGR of 6.8% from 2023 to 2033. The main application of the cellulase market is pulp and paper. With this, we can provide high-quality paper so customers in…
Avena Sativa Kernel Extract The market is booming worldwide until 2029 | Vee Kay International, Amsar, Oat Cosmetics, Biogründl
A ground-breaking market research report on the Avena Sativa Kernel Extract Market has been published by STATS N DATA, which aims to provide investors and organizations with a comprehensive overview of the global Avena Sativa Kernel Extract market. This comprehensive report goes beyond data – it…
Europe Wheat protein Market Growth: Identifying Pathways to Business Expansion

According to the latest research assessment of the Europe Wheat protein Market by Report Ocean, there is a notable increase in growth opportunities projected for the forthcoming years. This comprehensive report offers valuable insights across a range of market segments, providing crucial details about market conditions, growth catalysts, and a competitive evaluation. The report…
Global Beauty and Personal Care Surfactants Market Demand, Research, Monetary Policy, and Top Leading Player to 2028
This worldwide Beauty and Personal Care Surfactants market report documents extensive technical discoveries as well as current methods used by the large industries over time. Important evaluations are evaluated here in motion for the future of deep and business. Any growth strategy is mostly the product of…
Scent Industry Research Report 2023 – 2029 | Scentair, The Aroma Company, Air Aroma
Global “Scent Market” Research 2023 offers valuable insights on latest trends, growing demand in each region, top key players update with regional scope, and growth revenue. The Scent market report covers major significant strategies, business developments, competitive landscape analysis and business…
De puissance cacaoyère, la transformation de la Côte d’Ivoire en puissance chocolatière

Représentant à elle seule 45% de la production mondiale de cacao, la Côte d’Ivoire est, mécaniquement, très dépendante du secteur (14% de son PIB). Une position qui rend difficile pour Abidjan de s’imposer sur la question des prix face aux grands négociants (Cargill, Barry Callebaut, Olam, Nestlé). La solution ? Accélérer la transformation…
Huile de graines de Limnanthes Alba Analyse du marché jusqu’en 2029 | BioAktive Speciality Products, Croda, Biocosmethic
Statsndata de Huile de graines de Limnanthes Alba Les rapports d’études de marché fournissent toutes les informations. Il alimente la croissance du marché en fournissant aux clients des données fiables qui les aident à prendre des décisions critiques. Fournit un aperçu comprenant le marché, la définition, les applications…
Linum Usitatissimum Seed Oil Global Market Report | Shape Foods, A&A Fratelli Parodi, OQEMA, Fueder

A ground-breaking market research report on the Linum Usitatissimum Seed Oil Market has been published by STATS N DATA, which aims to provide investors and organizations with a comprehensive overview of the global Linum Usitatissimum Seed Oil market. This comprehensive report goes beyond data – it provides forward-looking forecasts, forecasts…
Protéase alcaline de qualité alimentaire analyse de marché | Advanced Enzymes, Novozymes
Statsndata a publié un rapport sur le processus de collecte, d’analyse et d’interprétation des données du marché. Il a publié des rapports sur la manière dont les entreprises collectent, analysent et interprètent les données de leur marché. Cela aide les entreprises à mieux comprendre le marché, à identifier les besoins…
Global Aromatherapy Market Size, Innovations Driving Market Evolution (2023-2030)
The market research report presents a detailed study of the Global Aromatherapy Market, equipping players to effectively address future growth challenges and ensure continuous business expansion. The report offers flawless analysis, in-depth research, and accurate forecasts, providing easily comprehensible and…
What to expect in chocolate in 2024 – and beyond

For the fourth consecutive year, Barry Callebaut has researched the top chocolate trends and deep-dived into what consumer preferences will shape the global and regional chocolate markets in 2024 and beyond. We also involved consulting with leading…
Gum Arabic Market Leading Key Players Analysis, with Forthcoming Growth and Opportunities by 2023-2030

The Global Gum Arabic Market is projected to surpass US$ 654.1 million, in terms of revenue, growing at CAGR of 6.1% during the forecast period (2023 to 2030). The Gum Arabic Market is estimated for 2023 for the forecast period 2023-2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. Market Overview: Gum arabic…
Nutraceutical Ingredients Market Size, Share, Trend Inclinations & Development Status Highlighted During Forecast Period | Royal DSM N.V, DuPont (U.S.A)

Report Ocean published the latest research report on the “Nutraceutical Ingredients Market ”. In order to comprehend a market holistically, a variety of factors must be evaluated, including demographics, business cycles, and microeconomic requirements that pertain precisely to…
Biocatalyseurs industriels Le marché devrait connaître une croissance exponentielle d’ici 2029 | AB Enzymes Gmbh, Amano Enzymes, Decozymes
Statsndata de Biocatalyseurs industriels Les rapports d’études de marché fournissent toutes les informations. Il alimente la croissance du marché en fournissant aux clients des données fiables qui les aident à prendre des décisions critiques. Fournit un aperçu comprenant le marché, la définition, les applications et…
Prebiotics Ingredients Market Growth Factor & Industry Revenue Along with Key Players | Growing a CAGR of 6.3% by 2031

Increase in consumer awareness related to health benefits of prebiotics, multifunctional nature of prebiotic ingredients. The global Prebiotics Ingredients Market generated $7.19 billion in 2020, and is projected to reach $14.31 billion by 2031, witnessing a CAGR of 6.3% from 2022 to 2031. The report provides a detailed analysis of changing market dynamics…
Animal Feed Antioxidant Market is booming in the globe by 2029 |BASF, ADM, DuPont, DSM, Cargill
A comprehensive market analysis report on the Animal Feed Antioxidant Market has been unveiled by StansNData, offering valuable insights and intelligence for both industry veterans and newcomers. This in-depth report not only provides revenue forecasts for the Animal Feed Antioxidant market and its…
Grape Polyphenols Market Is Expected to Boom- Alvinesa Natural Ingredients, GRAP’SUD, Activ’Inside, California Natural Color, Biosynth
The Grape Polyphenols Market research report provides all the information related to the industry. The study considers Market’s present scenario and its market dynamics for the period 2023-2030. It covers a detailed overview of several market growth enablers, restraints, and trends. The report evaluates the…
Polyol SweetenersMarket Comprehensive Overview 2029

The market overview of the Polyol Sweeteners Market focuses on the specific market characteristics, including elements like industry competition. Comprehensive market revenue predictions are provided for the global, regional, segment, and national levels in the report. The report’s sales projections for each region and industry is one of its primary…
Maltodextrins and Dried Glucose Syrup Market expected to grow exponentially by 2029 |Roquette, Grain Processing Corp, Tereos Syral, Cargill, Matsutani
An insightful market analysis report focusing on the Maltodextrins and Dried Glucose Syrup Market has just been released by StatsNData, serving as a valuable resource for both industry leaders and newcomers. This comprehensive report offers a detailed exploration of the global Maltodextrins and Dried Glucose Syrup…
Vitamin A for Cosmetics Market Share, Growth Factors, Restraints, Current And Upcoming Trends, Comprehensive Research, Pricing Strategies, And COVID-19 Impact From 2023 To 2032
Xcellent Insights has recently added a novel report titled, “Global Vitamin A for Cosmetics Market, Forecast to 2032” to its product and service offerings. The report highlights various market aspects and factors to help users, readers and investors have an overview of the Vitamin A for Cosmetics industry. The market…
Additifs colorants alimentaires naturels Analyse du marché jusqu’en 2029 | DDW The Color House, International FlavorsFragrances, Hansen Holding
Statsndata de Additifs colorants alimentaires naturels Les rapports d’études de marché fournissent toutes les informations. Il alimente la croissance du marché en fournissant aux clients des données fiables qui les aident à prendre des décisions critiques. Fournit un aperçu comprenant le marché, la définition, les applications…
Organic Plant Extracts Market Analysis Competitive Landscape, Growth Factors, Revenue | Carrubba Incorporated, Activ’Inside, Dohler, Blue Sky Botanics
An insightful market analysis report focusing on the Organic Plant Extracts Market has just been released by StatsNData, serving as a valuable resource for both industry leaders and newcomers. This comprehensive report offers a detailed exploration of the global Organic Plant Extracts market and its subsegments…
Essential Oil Market Growth Report | Bath & Body Works Direct, Aromaaz, Aura Cacia, Biolandes
A comprehensive market analysis report on the Essential Oil Market has been unveiled by StansNData, offering valuable insights and intelligence for both industry veterans and newcomers. This in-depth report not only provides revenue forecasts for the Essential Oil market and its subsegments but also…
Plant-sourced Emulsifier Market Key Opportunities : Archer Daniels Midland Company (U.S.), E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (U.S.), Cargill (U.S.)
A comprehensive research process that included primary as well as secondary information was used to create the global Plant-sourced Emulsifier market report. To collect qualitative and quantitative information about market trends, drivers, issues, and opportunities, primary research involves interviewing…
Caffeine Market worth $1,325.74 million by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 5.89% – Exclusive Report by 360iResearch | Kalkine Media

The Global Caffeine Market to grow from USD 838.10 million in 2022 to USD 1,325.74 million by 2030, at a CAGR of 5.89%. The “Caffeine Market by Type (Natural Caffeine, Synthesized Caffeine), Application (Food & Beverage, Nutraceuticals, Personal Care & Cosmetics) – Global Forecast 2023-2030” report has been added to 360iResearch…
Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) Industry Key Opportunities : Meiji, QHT, Beneo-Orafti
The Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) market report considers the major factors accountable for driving the growth of the Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) Industry, in addition to the key hindrances and challenges. In the initial segment of the report, the market definition, market overview, product description, product…
Prebiotic Fiber Industry Growth Report | Beneo, Sensus, Cargill
The Prebiotic Fiber market report considers the major factors accountable for driving the growth of the Prebiotic Fiber Industry, in addition to the key hindrances and challenges. In the initial segment of the report, the market definition, market overview, product description, product scope, product characterization…
Sugars and Sweeteners Industry Analysis | Archer Daniels Midland Company, Beneo, Biofeed
The Sugars and Sweeteners market report considers the major factors accountable for driving the growth of the Sugars and Sweeteners Industry, in addition to the key hindrances and challenges. In the initial segment of the report, the market definition, market overview, product description, product scope…
“Green For Me”: Givaudan and Canvas8 reveal five macro trends set to transform F&B industry

Canvas8, a UK-based insights agency, recently announced its participation in Givaudan’s Flavour Vision trends report. The companies have jointly presented five trends that they predict will impact the F&B world in the next two to three years, including “Green For Me,” “Restorative Care,” and “Augmented Assistance.” The report uses Canvas8’s expertise in…
Essential Oil and Plant Extract for Livestock Industry Key Opportunities : Joh. Vogele Kg, Delacon Biotechnik Gmbh, Sensnutrition
Global Market Vision published a report on the Global Essential Oil and Plant Extract for Livestock Market. The research provides a clear picture of the market’s current needs and future prospects. The research study gives a 360-degree overview of the overall market environment by supplying details on the Essential Oil…