Encres de sécurité : Sun Chemical s’empare du brésilien Sellerink

Sun Chemical, filiale du groupe japonais DIC Corporation, a fait l’acquisition de Sellerink, un fabricant d’encres et de revêtements de spécialité basé à São Paulo, au Brésil. Avec plus de 25 ans d’expérience, Sellerink bénéficie d’une forte présence sur le marché des encres de sécurité et de la décoration métallique. Avec l’acquisition de cette société brésilienne, Sun Chemical va pouvoir…

Jean-Yves Berthon est le PDG du groupe Greentech, pionnier en biotechnologie éthique. Les ingrédients actifs pour la cosmétique, la santé,, la nutraceutique, l’agronomie et l’environnement de cette société auvergnate fondée en 1992 sont issus des mondes végétaux, marins et microbiens…
Project in the spotlight: BioSFerA

On 30th April 2020, the activities of the BioSFerA project were launched. The Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant will have an important role to play in the scale-up of this technology. 2G biomass, biofuel, CO, CO2, fermentation, forestry waste, gas fermentation, H2, H2020-RIA, jet fuel, marine fuel, mobile unit, process development, product recovery & purification, scale-up…
Bioéconomie et biosourcé pèsent toujours plus lourd en Europe

Quelque 2400 milliards d’euros, c’est ce que pesait en 2017 le secteur de la bioéconomie dans l’Europe des 28 (EU-28). Cette évaluation, proposée par le cabinet de conseil allemand Nova Institute, pour le compte du consortium BIC, conclut à une hausse de 25% du poids de la bioéconomie par rapport à 2008, année prise comme référence. Sur la période, l’effectif a plongé de 9 %, passant de …
Un programme européen pour valoriser les résidus de l’arboriculture et de la viticulture

Un projet de recherche vise à transformer les résidus agricoles du nord-ouest de l’Europe en composés bioactifs. Le but : valoriser ces déchets auprès de l’industrie cosmétique et nutraceutique, puis dans les domaines chimiques, agricoles et énergétiques…
Un nouvel appel à projet BPI pour financer vos projets d’investissements à 80%

Le gouvernement crée un fonds de soutien à l’investissement industriel dans des secteurs stratégiques français, dont l’agroalimentaire. Bénéficiez d’une aide jusque de 80% pour vos projets de création, de maintien, de redéploiement de capacités…
Givaudan renames its flavour division as Taste & Wellbeing
Givaudan has announced that it is changing the name and positioning of its flavour division to reflect its expanded product offering…
Une grande coopérative agricole canadienne recherche des partenaires français
VEGEPOLYS VALLEY vous relaye ces opportunités d’affaires unique sur le Canada, proposées par Business France. Une coopérative agricole canadienne composée de plus de 4000 membres et 225 employés, présente sur l’ensemble du territoire est-ontarien et ouest-québécois recherche de nouvelles technologies pour offrir à ses membres. Si votre entreprise propose des solutions pour :1) – La robotisation…
Lipotec Active Ingredients’ portfolio enlarges its range of peptides and natural-oriented solutions.

The anti-fatigue DAWNERGY™ peptide and the natural alternative to retinoid STEVISSE™ advanced botanical ingredient are two of the new arrivals to our offering to the beauty market. In terms of capabilities, PHENOBIO™ subcritical water technology…
Paris-Saclay : l’université classée 14e du classement de Shanghai, une première pour la France

La France passe pour la première fois la barre des 15 premières places de ce classement de smeilleures universités …
Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation et les trois SATT du Grand Sud-Ouest conjuguent leurs efforts en faveur du transfert de technologies.
Ce partenariat vise à être plus efficace aux interfaces de la recherche et de l’industrie dans le secteur agricole, agroalimentaire et agro-industriel, et ce sur le territoire des régions Nouvelle-Aquitaine et Occitanie. L’ambition est de permettre…

ROBERTET, leader mondial des ingrédients naturels pour le domaine des arômes et des parfums et récent lauréat du prix de l’Audace Créatrice, a finalisé l’acquisition de BIONOV, producteur de référence au niveau mondial en matière de SuperOxyde Dismutase (SOD)…
Arcadia Biosciences-GoodMills collaboration promises disruptive wheat innovations

Arcadia Biosciences has revealed its latest move in the commercialization of wheat ingredients across Europe with a collaboration with GoodMills Innovation. The partnership will focus on the broad health and nutritional benefits of Arcadia’s portfolio of improved wheats. The announcement comes during a time where wheat ingredients are surging in popularity for a variety of reasons. The GoodWheat portfolio of good-for-you wheats includes higher fiber, fewer calories, reduced allergenicity and extended shelf life…
Glanbia Nutritionals acquires Foodarom to expand flavor capabilities

Glanbia Nutritionals, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Glanbia plc, has agreed to acquire Foodarom. The latter is a Canadian-based custom flavor designer and manufacturer servicing the F&B industry with turnkey flavors and formulation support. Foodarom comprises a flavor library of more than 15,000 recipes and produces both liquid and powder products for various applications. The deal – pegged as a “strategic acquisition” – seriously scales the flavor arm of Glanbia’s business and is expected to be completed…
Givaudan closes acquisition of biotech company Alderys

The deal is expected to expand Givaudan’s portfolio of environmentally friendly cosmetic and perfumery ingredients…
Ocean blue: Algavista’s spirulina colorant provides natural hues

Algavista’s organic phycocyanin presents a natural and organic solution for blue colorants in the F&B industry. The vibrant blue pigment, called Vistablue, is extracted using state-of-the-art technology from organic spirulina cultivated by Algavista’s parent company, Parry Nutraceuticals. With Classic Blue being Pantone’s color of the year and many industry players pegging the tint as rising in popularity for F&B applications, Algavista is tapping into…
Solabia – Algatech Nutrition
Algatechnologies is a rapidly growing biotechnology company, specializing in the commercial cultivation of microalgae. Founded in 1998, Algatech is a world leader in the production and supply of AstaPure™, a premium natural Astaxanthin—one of the world’s most powerful antioxidants—sourced from…
Firmenich s’ancre un peu plus à Grasse

Le parfumeur suisse renforce sa présence à Grasse en créant un atelier de parfumerie après avoir acquis fin 2019 près de 17 % du capital du grassois Robertet…
Nuseed to provide Brassica carinata to French biodiesel maker Saipol (reserved to The Weekly Times readers)
Nuseed has signed a multi-year deal to provide French company Saipol with the Brassica oilseed, carinata, for biodiesel production…
Extraction of naturally occurring cannabinoids: an update
Organic molecules that interact with the cannabinoid receptors are called cannabinoids, which can be endogenous, natural or synthetic compounds. They possess similar pharmacological properties as produced by the plant, Cannabis sativa L. Before cannabinoids can be analysed, they need to be extracted from the matrices…
Rapid fractionation of various lignocellulosic biomass using gamma-valerolactone
Organosolv fractionation of eucalyptus sawdust using γ-valerolactone (GVL) was optimised to maximise cellulose recovery and enhance the economics of the process. Results showed a pretreated biomass (PB) of 88.3% w/w cellulose could be achieved within 10 min using 56% w/w GVL at 167 °C…
Versatile method to obtain protein- and/or amino acid-enriched extracts from fresh biomass of recalcitrant microalgae without mechanical pretreatment
The aim of the study was to develop a sequential alkaline-enzymatic method to obtain protein- and/or amino acid-enriched extracts from fresh biomass of recalcitrant microalgae without any supplementary pretreatment. The effects of the initial biomass concentration, the use of freeze-dried or fresh biomass, enzyme dosage…
Enhanced water extraction with high-pressure carbon dioxide on purple sweet potato pigments: Comparison to traditional aqueous and ethanolic extraction
The high pressure carbon dioxide (HPCD) technology has been used in separation for a while, but its application was relatively limited to several classes of functional compounds. Not to repeat traditional investigation on kinetics or improvement on yield, this study was designed to evaluate HPCD impact…
Towards a sustainable Dunaliella salina microalgal biorefinery for 9-cis β-carotene production
Valorisation of the efficacy of 9-cis beta-carotene in treating atherosclerosis, psoriasis, and inhibiting atherogenesis and retinitis pigmentosa is becoming increasingly urgent, but supplies of 9-cis beta-carotene are scarce and this compound is difficult to synthesise chemically, unlike the much more common…
Comparison of simple and rapid cell wall disruption methods for improving lipid extraction from yeast cells
The present study examined the effect of six disruption methods of the cell wall (acid hydrolysis, ultrasonication, osmotic shock, pasteurization, homogenization with zirconia balls, and freezing/defrosting) on the efficiency of lipid extraction from yeast cells and the composition of fatty acids…
Sequential valorisation of microalgae biomass grown in pig manure treatment photobioreactors
Sequential valorisation of microalgae biomass grown in pig manure was evaluated to harness the major accumulated components. First, supercritical carbon dioxide extraction (100, 200, and 300 bar; 40 and 60 °C) was applied to solubilise the lipid components. The maximum lipid extraction (75%) was achieved at 300 bar…
Downstream separation and purification of bio-based alpha-ketoglutaric acid from post-fermentation broth using a multi-stage membrane process
In this study, a multi-stage membrane process, assisted by vacuum evaporation and crystallization, for recovery of bio-based alpha-ketoglutaric acid from the actual post-fermentation broth was designed and investigated. In the first part of this study, pre-treatment of crude fermentation broth (centrifugation-ultrafiltration-nanofiltration)…
Analytical and preparative chromatographic approaches for extraction of spilanthol from Acmella oleracea flowers
Acmella oleracea, a plant with high spilanthol content, can be found in Brazilian north region. Despite the commercial interest of spilanthol for local communities and industries, due to its anesthetic properties, there are few works that have made a chemical study of it and almost none with analytical strategies…
Evaluation of pulsed electric fields technology for the improvement of subsequent carotenoid extraction from dried Rhodotorula glutinis yeast
This research aims to evaluate whether the electroporation of Rhodotorula glutinis fresh biomass improved the subsequent extraction of carotenoids from dry biomass using supercritical CO2 and traditional solvent extraction. Supercritical CO2 extraction yields were low after all treatments assayed…
Ultrasonic-assisted enzymatic extraction and identification of anthocyanin components from mulberry wine residues
Mulberry wine residues produced during the wine-brewing process contain several anthocyanins and other bioactive compounds. Therefore this study optimized the conditions for ultrasound-assisted enzymatic extraction of anthocyanins from mulberry wine residues. A three-level, four-factor Box–Behnken design was used…
Combining integrated ultrasonic-microwave technique with ethanol to maximise extraction of green coffee oil from Arabica coffee beans
This study was designed to integrate ultrasonic-microwave assisted extraction (UMAE) with ethanol, a green solvent, to extract green coffee oil (GCO) from green coffee beans. Response surface methodology was utilised to maximise the efficiency of GCO extraction. Structural changes occurring in the coffee residue…
Development of a continuous-flow system for microwave-assisted extraction of pectin-derived oligosaccharides from food waste
This paper addresses the current lack of a scalable process for the extraction of “hairy” pectins to upcycle biomasses, by describing the design methodology, building and testing of a continuous microwave-assisted process for potato waste pectin extraction. Hairy pectins have been shown to present prebiotic activity…
Comparison of extraction efficiency and selectivity between low-temperature pressurized microwave-assisted extraction and prolonged maceration
Extraction is a key step in studying compounds from plants and other natural sources. The common use of high temperatures in pressurized microwave-assisted extraction (PMAE) makes it unsuitable for the extraction of compounds with low or unknown thermal stability. This study aimed at determining the suitability of …
Enhanced separation and analysis of low abundant soy proteins by dual washing extraction process
Soybean seeds provide a rich source of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and micronutrients. Extraction and analysis of low abundant soybean seed proteins are challenging because of its complex seed composition. For characterizing various proteins, it is paramount to remove the other interfering components, primarily oils…
Optimization of the Freezing-Thawing Method for Extracting Phycobiliproteins from Arthrospira sp
The freezing-thawing method had been reported to be the best phycobiliprotein extraction technique. However, optimum parameters of this extraction method for Arthrospira sp. (one of the major phycobiliprotein sources) still remained unclear. Hence, this study aimed to optimize the freezing-thawing parameters…
Enzyme-assisted extraction of carotenoids and phenolic compounds from sunflower wastes using green solvents
The aim of this work is to develop an optimized enzymatic assisted extraction methodology to extract carotenoids and phenolic compounds from sunflower wastes (petals and florets) using natural hydrophobic green solvents. Several natural green hydrophobic solvents were used as well as natural hydrophobic eutectic…
Valorization of horse chestnut burs to produce simultaneously valuable compounds under a green integrated biorefinery approach
A biorefinery scheme for the valorization of horse chestnut biowastes (a municipal solid waste) into added value bioactive compounds is proposed in this work. The bur fraction of horse chestnut was evaluated as a novel and cheap renewable feedstock to obtain valuable compounds suitable for their use in industrial…
Recovery and Stabilization of Anthocyanins and Phenolic Antioxidants of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) with Hydrophilic Deep Eutectic Solvents
Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) have got huge interest as new green and sustainable solvents for the extraction of bioactive compounds from plants in recent decades. In the present study, we aimed to investigate the effectiveness of hydrophilic DES for the extraction of anthocyanin and polyphenol antioxidants…
Optimization of Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Functional Food Fiber from Canadian Horseweed (Erigeron canadensis L.).
Much attention has been recently paid to the design of sustainable processes for the production of functional food additives based on renewable resources. Thus, methods for incorporation of green techniques in treatment of undeveloped biomass, resulting in value-added bioproducts, are in great demand. We focus here on the biological…
The disclosure includes a method of using a biomass extraction and centrifugation system to continuously extract and centrifuge biomass. In some embodiments, the method includes sending a first portion of biomass from a biomass feed tank into a first vessel of a plurality of vessels and sending a first portion of solvent from…
Effect of PEF and HVED on polyphenol extraction from pomegranate peels
The aim of this study was to optimize the pulses number of the pulsed electric fields (PEF) and the discharges amount of the high voltage electrical discharges (HVED) treatments for the intensification of polyphenols extraction from pomegranate peels. The latter is a byproduct highly produced in the MENA region…
Green Extraction of Polyphenols from Olive Leaves using Ired-Irrad® as a Pretreatment
Maximization of polyphenols recovery from olive leaves by conventional water bath extraction was investigated using infrared irradiation as a pretreatment. A multivariate study enabled us to define the best experimental parameters for polyphenol extraction: 1:20 (w/v) for the solid to liquid ratio…
A process for the production of lipids from biomass derived from guayule plants comprising: obtaining a hydrolysate comprising 5 carbon atom (C5) sugars from biomass derived from guayule plants, said 5 carbon atom (C5) sugars being present in said hydrolysate in a quantity greater than or equal to 80% by weight…
Various aspects of the disclosure relate to methods and systems for extracting oil from plant material. A system may comprise a gas moving device, an extraction chamber, and a condensation surface. Oil of the plant material may be volatized in the extraction chamber and then propelled by the gas moving device…
Multi-Extraction and Quality of Protein and Carrageenan from Commercial Spinosum (Eucheuma denticulatum)
Seaweeds contain many valuable compounds that can be used in the food industry. Carrageenan is a polysaccharide which has been extracted from seaweed for centuries and is used as a texturizer in food and non-food products. However, seaweeds contain compounds other than carrageenan, such as proteins…
Cleaner and sustainable processes for extracting phenolic compounds from bio-waste
The frequent environment-unfriendly treatments of agro-industrial bio-wastes cause severe pollution through air pollution and through residual effluents and hazardous solid waste. These bio-wastes can contain phenolic compounds, forms of phenolic acids and flavonoids in plants. They are however the most abundant class…
Solubilization and extraction of curcumin from Curcuma Longa using green, sustainable, and food-approved surfactant-free microemulsions
Curcumin is a powerful coloring agent widely used in the food industry. Its extraction from the plant Curcuma longa is commonly done with aqueous solvent solutions. In contrast to the conventional extraction methods, the present study aimed to compare two different green and bio-based surfactant-free microemulsion (SFME)…
Dihydrolevoglucosenone (Cyrene™), a Bio-based Solvent for Liquid-Liquid Extraction Applications
Dihydrolevoglycosenone, commercially known as Cyrene™, is a versatile bio-based solvent reported for various applications including being a medium of chemical reactions and membrane manufacture. In this work, application of Cyrene™ in liquid-liquid extractions has been investigated…
Electro-Fenton Based Technique to Enhance Cell Harvest and Lipid Extraction from Microalgae
Currently, lipid extraction remains a major bottleneck in microalgae technology for biofuel production. In this study, an effective and easily controlled cell wall disruption method based on electro-Fenton reaction was used to enhance lipid extraction from the wet biomass of Nannochloropsis oceanica IMET1. The results…
Combined bead milling and enzymatic hydrolysis for efficient fractionation of lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates of Chlorella vulgaris microalgae
A combined bead milling and enzymatic hydrolysis process was developed for fractionation of the major valuable biomass components, i.e., proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids from the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris. The cells were treated by bead milling followed by hydrolysis with different hydrolytic enzymes, including…
Ultrasound assisted extraction of cynaropicrin from Cynara cardunculus leaves: Optimization using the response surface methodology and the effect of pulse mode
In this study, conditions for ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE) of cynaropicrin from Cynara cardunculus leaves by assessing the effect of pulsed mode and different duty cycles were optimized. Pulse mode presented a reduction of 45 % on energy consumption/ g cynaropicrin extracted, comparatively to…
Seaweed biorefinery: A sustainable process for valorising the biomass of brown seaweed
Marine macroalgal resources are gaining importance as one of the promising feedstocks for the production of food, feed, chemicals and energy which are upwardly growing worldwide. Recent studies have convincingly demonstrated the scope and potentials of seaweeds for the production of diverse bioproducts of commercial…
Folate monoglutamate in cereal grains: Evaluation of extraction techniques and determination by LC-MS/MS
Folates are essential micronutrients for human health. To determine the total folate content, the extraction and quantification of seven monoglutamate folate derivatives in cereals (maize, rice, and wheat) were optimised and validated in this study. Di-enzyme treatment with α-amylase and rat conjugase was proved ideal for…
Integrated supercritical extraction and supercritical adsorption processes from passion fruit by-product: experimental and economic analyses
In this study, we evaluated the integration of supercritical extraction and supercritical adsorption processes (SESA) from passion fruit by-product (PFBP) for obtaining an extract containing tocol with a selective class of compounds. Extraction was performed at 40 °C, pressures of 25 and 35 MPa, and CO2 mass flow rate of…
Ultra-rapid, enhanced and eco-friendly extraction of four main flavonoids from the seeds of Oroxylum indicum by deep eutectic solvents combined with tissue-smashing extraction
Rapid, green and efficient extraction of active compounds followed by fast analysis is always pursued in the field of food analysis and/or industry. Herein, a green and highly efficient extraction of four active flavonoids from the seeds of Oroxylum indicum using a combination of natural deep eutectic solvents (DESs) and …
Optimization of enzyme assisted extraction of protein from the sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) leaves for alternative plant protein concentrate production
This research focused on the effect of temperature (25-75 °C), extraction time (40-120 min) and solvent/solid ratio (15-45 mL/g) and the enzyme assisted extraction on protein extraction efficiency from by-product of sugar beet. 3 different methods were applied in protein isolation and the highest protein yield (34.55%) was…
Emerging Technologies for the Extraction of Marine Phenolics: Opportunities and Challenges
Natural phenolic compounds are important classes of plant, microorganism, and algal secondary metabolites. They have well-documented beneficial biological activities. The marine environment is less explored than other environments but have huge potential for the discovery of new unique compounds with potential…
Volatile organic compounds of tobacco leaves vs. waste (scrap, dust and midrib): extraction and optimization
Volatile organic compounds are present at very low concentration, but exhibit important influence on flavor and aroma of tobacco leaves and products. During tobacco processing, at different stages, tobacco wastes are occurred. Since they are delivered directly from tobacco plant, they are expected to have similar aroma profile…
Production routes to bio-acetic acid: life cycle assessment
Similar to biofuels, numerous chemicals produced from petroleum resources can also be made from biomass. In this research we investigate cradle to biorefinery exit gate life cycle impacts of producing acetic acid from poplar biomass using a bioconversion process. A key step in developing acetic acid for commercial markets…
Molecularization of Foam-Active Saponins from Sugar Beet Side Streams (Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris var. altissima)
This work focuses on the isolation and characterization of saponins with a very low-bitter intensity originating from sustainable plant materials, in particular the sugar beet pulp by-product stream. Via a concise foam activity screening of saponin-containing materials, which gives indications for their emulsifying ability…
Heavy Metal Removal by Low-Cost Adsorbents
Water pollution is one of the foremost environmental issues to deal with worldwide. Heavy metal remediation from water bodies is of particular concern as it persists in environment. Toxic heavy metals released in the water bodies from different sources like fertilizer manufacturing industries, mining, and electroplating which…
Identification of carotenoids and chlorophylls from green algae Chlorococcum humicola and extraction by liquefied dimethyl ether
In this study, the microalga Chlorococum humicula was evaluated as a potential source of carotenoids and chlorophylls, and extraction of these pigments with liquefied dimethyl ether (DME) as an alternative green solvent was investigated. Carotenoids and chlorophylls in the algae were identified by spectral and…
Valorization of Citrus Leaves: Chemical Composition, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities of Essential Oils
Abstract: The objective of this study was to characterize chemical composition and functional properties of essential oils extracted from leaves of Citrus sinensis Osbeck, Citrus grandis Osbeck and Citrus aurantifolia Swingle. The essential oil of the C. sinensis and C. grandis leaves contained 44 compounds…
Coagulant derived from waste biogenic material for sustainable algae biomass harvesting
Highly efficient and sustainable algae harvesting that produced biomass with enhanced characteristics and reusable culture medium were developed from the use of coagulant derived from the waste shell of Gastropod. Thermally treated Gastropod shell samples were screened for the algal cell harvesting efficiency…
Ultrasound assisted maceration for improving the aromatization of extra-virgin olive oil with rosemary and basil
Aromatization of extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) with aromatic plants is commonly used to enrich the oil with aromatic and antioxidant compounds. Ultrasound can be an alternative to accelerate this process. The objective of this work was to determine if ultrasound is able to accelerate EVOO aromatization with rosemary…
Comparative study of the insecticidal activity of a high green plant (Spinacia oleracea) and a chlorophytae algae (Ulva lactuca) extracts against Drosophila melanogaster fruit fly
Currently, the global interests tend to take advantage of the plant world as a renewable source of a natural and effective molecule, to find an eco-friendly, cost-effective, and less toxic alternative to the current synthetic pesticide. In this context, the present research was carried out in an attempt to study the insecticidal activity…
Origanum vulgare and Thymus vulgaris Extract Usability to Improve Silage Hygienic Quality and Reduce Mycotoxin Concentrations
Silage is one of the main feed components of ruminants in the world. Which can consist about 50 – 80% part of the ration of dairy cows during the winter. The aim of this study was to evaluate oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) aqueous and ethanol extracts usability to improve the hygienic quality…
Extraction, Enrichment, and LC-MSn-Based Characterization of Phlorotannins and Related Phenolics from the Brown Seaweed, Ascophyllum nodosum
Phenolic components from the edible brown seaweed, Ascophyllum nodosum, have been associated with considerable antioxidant activity but also bioactivities related to human health. This study aims to select and identify the main phlorotannin components from this seaweed which have been previously associated with…
Valuing Bioactive Lipids from Green, Red and Brown Macroalgae from Aquaculture, to Foster Functionality and Biotechnological Applications
Marine edible macroalgae have functional proprieties that might improve human health and wellbeing. Lipids represent a minor fraction of macroalgae, yet with major interest as main carriers of omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and intrinsic bioactive properties. In this study, we used lipid extracts from the green macroalgae…
Physicochemical Properties, Antioxidant and Antidiabetic Activities of Polysaccharides from Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) Seeds
Quinoa is known for its rich nutrients and bioactive compounds. In order to elucidate the preliminary structural characteristics and biological activity of polysaccharides from quinoa (QPs), five crude polysaccharides (QPE50, QPE60, QPE70, QPE80 and QPE90) were successively fractionated by gradient ethanol…
Simultaneous Natural Deep Eutectic Solvent-Based Ultrasonic-Assisted Extraction of Bioactive Compounds of Cinnamon Bark and Sappan Wood as a Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV Inhibitor
Cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum burmannii) and sappan wood (Caesalpinia sappan) have been reported to be beneficial for Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) and the combination is commonly used by Indonesian herbal industries. In the present study, the simultaneous extraction of bioactive compounds from both plants…
Potential of phytohormones as a strategy to improve microalgae productivity for biotechnological applications
Microalgae have many commercial applications including biofuel production, use in human and animal nutrition, as pharmaceuticals and therapeutic compounds, in beauty-related products and as biofertilizers in the agricultural sector. However, more research needs to be directed to reducing production costs in …
Synthesis of natural deep eutectic solvents using a mixture design for extraction of animal and plant samples prior to ICP-MS analysis
Solvents with both low density and viscosity have the advantage of higher extraction efficiency due to lower diffusivity and consequently higher mass transfer. In this study, a mixture design was performed for the synthesis of three different natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) using citric acid, malic acid, and xylitol…
Optimization of phycobiliprotein pigments extraction from red algae Gracilaria gracilis for substitution of synthetic food colorants
The extraction of phycobiliprotein (PBP) pigments from red algae Gracilaria gracilis was optimized using maceration, ultrasound-assisted extraction (ultrasonic water bath and ultrasonic probe), high pressure-assisted extraction, and freeze-thaw. The experimental conditions, namely homogenization time (t1), buffer…
Promising Anti-atherosclerotic Effect of Berberine: Evidence from In Vitro, In Vivo, and Clinical Studies
Elevated levels of plasma cholesterol, impaired vascular wall, and presence of inflammatory macrophages are important atherogenic risk factors contributing to atherosclerotic plaque formation and progression. The interventions modulating these risk factors have been found to protect against atherosclerosis development…
Study on isoflavones isolated from stems of Wisteria sinensis
Objective: To investigate the chemical constituents from the stems of Wisteria sinensis. Methods: The 14 chemical constituents were isolated and purified by silica gel, polyamide, Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography, and semi-preparative HPLC, and their chemical structures were identified by physico…
Effect of Ultrasound-assisted Extraction on the Structure and Emulsifying Properties of Peanut Protein Isolate
SunWith the increasing demand of edible protein, research on the new extraction method attracts more attention, and its effect on the functional properties is essential. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of ultrasound-assisted extraction on the extraction efficiency, structure and emulsifying properties of peanut protein isolate (PPI)…
Life cycle assessment of polyphenols extraction processes from waste biomass
Waste biomass from forestry and wood processing industries is a source to obtain fine chemicals, and its processing is a good example of circular economy, but it generates secondary environmental impacts. The main objective of this study was to analyse the environmental performances of laboratory scale processes…
The Potential of Sulfated Polysaccharides Isolated from the Brown Seaweed Ecklonia maxima in Cosmetics: Antioxidant, Anti-melanogenesis, and Photoprotective Activities
Sulfated polysaccharides prepared from marine algae are potential ingredients in nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, and cosmeceutical industries. In the present study, the antioxidant, anti-melanogenesis, and photoprotective effects of sulfated polysaccharides obtained from Ecklonia maxima (EMC) were investigated…
Provided is a method for producing a plant protein product which includes treating the plant protein with at least one an exogenous enzyme comprising an oxidoreductase and/or a hydrolase. The method results in a treated protein product that has reduced undesirable aromas and/or reduced undesirable tastes, compared to…
Cultivation of microalgae for biofuel production: Coupling with sugarcane-processing factories
Background: Despite their potential as biofuel resources, large-scale production of biofuels from microalgae is still uncertain primarily due to a lack of feasibility of the process and that it proves to be capital and energy intensive. Therefore, an integration of microalgal cultivation with other processes for achieving an…
Preparation of powdered oil particles by spray drying of cellulose nanocrystals stabilized Pickering hempseed oil emulsions
We are reporting the preparation of cellulose nanocrystal (CNC) particles stabilized Pickering hempseed oil-in-water emulsions and using them as feedstocks for the preparation of oil powders without using any other hydrophilic carrier agent. Oil powders were prepared in a spray drier by rapid evaporation of water…
Application of accelerated solvent extraction coupled with on-line two-dimensional countercurrent chromatography for continuous extraction and separation of bioactive compounds from Citrus limon peel
Drug discovery from complex mixtures, like Chinese herbs, is challenging and extensive false positives make it difficult to obtain compounds with anti-Alzheimer’s activity. In this study, a continuous method comprised of accelerated solvent extraction coupled with on-line two-dimensional countercurrent chromatography…
Evaluation of Biorefining Scenarios for Advanced Fuels production from Triticale Grain
This study explored the potential of triticale feedstock for biofuel biorefining scenarios that included (i) producing ethanol, (ii) biochemically producing acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE), annexing catalytic processes to ethanol production for (iii) butanol, and (iv) hydrocarbons (liquefied petroleum gas, gasoline, jetfuel, diesel)…
Energy harvesting from brines by reverse electrodialysis using nafion membranes
Ion exchange membranes (IEMs) have consolidated applications in energy conversion and storage systems, like fuel cells and battery separators. Moreover, in the perspective to address the global need for non-carbon-based and renewable energies, salinity-gradient power (SGP) harvesting by reverse electrodialysis (RED)…
Treatment effects of choline chloride-based deep eutectic solvent on the chemical composition of red pine (Pinus densiflora)
Effects of deep eutectic solvent (DES) treatment were determined for the chemical composition of the sapwood and heartwood of red pine (Pinus densiflora). Two DES systems were made from the mixture of choline chloride (ChCl) and two different hydrogen bond donors (HBDs), namely, lactic acid (LA) and glycerin…
Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds in Dendrobium formosum Roxb. ex Lindl. and glucose uptake activity
Phenolic compounds are active compounds in Dendrobium formosum Roxb. ex Lindl. that have antidiabetic and anti-obesity activities. To obtain a high extraction yield of phenolic compounds from D. formosum, optimization of microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) was developed in this study using response surface…
Impact of ultrasound-assisted extraction and solvent composition on bioactive compounds and in vitro biological activities of thyme and rosemary
Mediterranean herbs, specially thyme and rosemary, are important ingredients in food preparation and more recently have been studied as natural sources of bioactive compounds. This study aimed to study the effect of matrix (thyme vs. rosemary), and extraction protocol (conventional extraction vs. ultrasound assisted…
Effects of Microwave-Assisted Extraction Conditions on Antioxidant Capacity of Sweet Tea (Lithocarpus polystachyus Rehd.)
In this study, the effects of microwave-assisted extraction conditions on antioxidant capacity of sweet tea (Lithocarpus polystachyus Rehd.) were studied and the antioxidants in the extract were identified. The influences of ethanol concentration, solvent-to-sample ratio, microwave power, extraction temperature…
Microalgae-Derived Pigments: A 10-Year Bibliometric Review and Industry and Market Trend Analysis
Microalgae productive chains are gaining importance as sustainable alternatives to obtain natural pigments. This work presents a review on the most promising pigments and microalgal sources by gathering trends from a 10-year bibliometric survey, a patents search, and an industrial and market analysis built from…
Gano oil: A novel antinociceptive agent extracted from Ganoderma lucidum inhibits paw oedema and relieves pain by hypnotic and analgesic actions of fatty acid amides
Lingzhi or Reishi – Ganoderma lucidum (Fr.) P. Karst is an extensively used medicinal mushroom in folklore and traditional medicine in south East Asia to treat a number of diseases. Lingzhi is known as ‘mushroom of immortality’ in Chinese folklore. In Traditional Chinese Medicine it is considered as a panacea to cure all diseases…
Biotechnological re-cycling of apple by-products: A reservoir model to produce a dietary supplement fortified with biogenic phenolic compounds
This study is an example of apple by-products (AP) recycling through a designed fermentation by selected autochthonous Lactobacillus plantarum AFI5 and Lactobacillus fabifermentans ALI6 used singly or as binary cultures with the selected Saccharomyces cerevisiae AYI7. Compared to Raw-, Unstarted- and Chemically…
Analyse de la production, de la taille, de la part de marché et des tendances du marché protéine de riz 2020 2020-2029
Le rapport d’étude du marché mondial de la protéine de riz 2020-2029 est un aperçu historique et une étude approfondie du marché actuel et futur de l’industrie de la protéine de riz. Le rapport représente un aperçu de base de la part de marché de protéine de riz, … des concurrents…
Global Vitis Vinifera Seed Oil Market Key Players, Demands, Regional Analysis, Market Share, Size, Revenue and Forecast to 2026
The report also understand the export and import, production, and consumption of every particular region holding highest market share, market size, or CAGR. The report covers detailed study about the gross margin, production, revenue, the price of the Global…
Lentil Protein Market Report with COVID-19 Impact Analysis, Top Companies Parabel, Biorefinery Solutions, Henry Broch Foods, Statistics, Growth, Opportunity, Service, Demand, Applications, Forecast To 2026

Lentils are a part of the legume family, and considered to be a vital protein source. The protein and fiber content in lentils is high, and the fat content is low. The increasing awareness of protein-rich…
Trending: Polyphenols Market Demand, Growth, Opportunities and Forecast 2025|Ajinomoto, Amax NutraSource, Barry Callebaut, Blue California, Cargill, etc
Note: Due to the pandemic, we have included a special section on the Impact of COVID 19 on the Polyphenols Market which would mention How the Covid-19 is Affecting the Industry, Market Trends and Potential Opportunities in the COVID-19 Landscape, Key Regions…
Soy Protein Ingredients Market: Year 2020-2027 and its detail analysis by focusing on top key players like Arc

The Insight Partners – Soy Protein Ingredients Market: Year 2020-2027 and its detail analysis by focusing on top key players like Archer Daniels Midland Company, Cargill, Incorporated, CHS Inc., Dean Foods…
Rosemary Extract Industry Report Expected Massive Growth By 2020 – 2025 | Frutarom, Naturex, Danisco(DuPont), Kalsec, Kemin, FLAVEX, EVESA, Monteloeder

The Global Rosemary Extract Market report provides a deep insight into the industry performance, recent trends, key market drivers and challenges, SWOT analysis, Porter’s five forces analysis, value chain analysis, etc…
Food Dryer Market 2020: Global Sales, Ex-factory Price, Top Venders : Buhler, GEA Group, Andritz, Tetra Pak, SPX FLOW, FAVA, Nyle Systems
Global “Food Dryer Market” 2020Report covers definition, classification, industry value, price, cost and gross profit. It also covers types, enterprises and applications. To start with, analytical view to complete information of Food Dryer…
Marché mondial des anthocyanidines 2020 avec statut Covid 2021 | FMC Corporation, Archer Daniels Midlands, Naturex
Les dernières recherches sur le rapport prévisionnel du marché mondial Anthocyanidins 2020-2029 présentent une analyse approfondie des Anthocyanidines, qui étudie les situations du secteur, la taille du marché, la croissance et la demande, la part de marché des Anthocyanidines, les stratégies commerciales, l’analyse concurrentielle par Anthocyanidins fournisseurs du marché, modèles de développement, opportunités, développement futur, chaîne de valeur…
Phytosterols Market Global Trends – Covid-19 Impact Analysis Of Major Factors Driving And Restraining The Growth Of The Industry

Improving technological advancements caused a rising demand for phytosterols in commercial extraction-based processes. In recent times, the demand for…
Pharmaceutical Plant Extracts Market Scope and Market Prospects
Pharmaceutical Plant Extracts Market Insights 2018, is a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the global Pharmaceutical Plant Extracts industry with a focus on the Global market. The report provides key statistics on the market status of the Pharmaceutical Plant Extracts manufacturers and is a valuable source of guidance…
Green Plant-Based Proteins Market with Covid-19 Impact Analysis, 2020 Industry Analysis Report, Recent Trends, Application Development Potential & Regional Analysis by 2027
Global green plant-based proteins market will reach an estimated valuation of USD 44.2 billion by 2027, while registering this growth rate of 12.00% in the forecast period 2020 to 2027. Growing urbanization, increase in the obesity rates and with increasing vegan population in the forecast period of 2020-2027…
Global Sunflower Oil Meal Market 2019 Trends, Market Share, Industry Size, Opportunities, Analysis and Forecast To 2025
“ A detailed research study on the Sunflower Oil Meal Market was recently published by UpMarketResearch. This is a latest report, covering the current COVID-19 impact on the market. The pandemic of Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected every aspect of life globally…
Seaweed Derivatives Market Registering a Strong Growth by 2031
Seaweed Derivatives Market 2018: Global Industry Insights by Global Players, Regional Segmentation, Growth, Applications, Major Drivers, Value and Foreseen till 2024 The recent published research report sheds light on critical aspects of the global Seaweed…
After Years of Neglect, Algae Biotechnology Makes a Comeback

Algae and cyanobacteria have long been neglected by the biotech industry. Recently, however, they have started to gain traction in new market niches…
Trending Now: Global Green & Bio-based Solvents Market 2020 | COVID-19 Impact Analysis Report With Top Players – Archer Daniels Midland Company, BASF SE, Bioamber Inc

Green & Bio-based Solvents Market 2020 Outlook, Analysis and COVID-19 Pandemic Impact…
Sunflower Oil Market Market to See Huge Growth by 2027 | EFKO Group, Dicle Group, Cargill, Incorporated, Optimus Agro, «NMGK» Group, Bunge Limited, Mironivsky Hliboproduct, PP “Oliyar”, Aveno
Various trustworthy sources such as journals, websites, annual reports of the companies, and mergers are used for the gathering of data and information mentioned in this Sunflower Oil Market report. The collected data is then checked and validated by the market…
Euterpe Oleracea Fruit Extract Market Research: Key Companies Profile with Sales, Revenue, and Prices
Euterpe Oleracea Fruit Extract is an extract of the fruit of Euterpa oleracea. Furthermore, Euterpe oleracea fruit extract is an extract of the fruit of the cabbage palm, euterpe oleracea, arecaceae. The fruit extract is concentrated fruit-flavor profiles, produced through the reduction of fruit condenses to form a syrup. The extract…
Flavours and Fragrance Market To Perceive Substantial Growth By the End 2027 | Top Leaders-Cargill Flavor Systems, International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc, Agilex Flavors & Fragrances
DBMR published a new research publication on “Global Flavours and Fragrance Market Size, Share, Growth, Industry Trends and Forecast to 2025″ with 350+ pages and enriched with self-explained Tables and charts in presentable format. In the study you will find new evolving Market Size, Share, Statistics, Trends…
Seaweed Extract Market Forecast to 2027 – DuPont de Nemours, Cargill Incorporated, CP Kelco, Gelymar A., W Hydrocolloids
Global Seaweed Extract Market Research Report 2027 carries in-depth case studies on the various countries which are involved in the Seaweed Extract Market. The report is segmented according to usage wherever applicable and the report offers all this information for all major countries and associations. It offers an analysis of the technical barriers, other issues, and cost-effectiveness affecting the market…
Massive Growth in Centrifuges For Food Market Breaking new grounds and touch a new level in Upcoming Year by Ferraroni AFP Srl, Orto Alresa, Aerne Analytic, Andreas Hettich, ANDRITZ KMPT GmbH, EYG Food Machinery
The Centrifuges For Food Market Report presents an extended representation of insightful enlightenment based on the Centrifuges For Food market and several associated facets. also provides the market impact and new opportunities created due to the COVID19…
Dewatering Equipment Market 2020 Boosted by Rising Demand with key players like Alfa Laval, ANDRITZ, Evoqua Water Technologies
According to The Insight Partners Dewatering Equipment Market report 2027, discusses various factors driving or restraining the market, which will help the future market to grow with promising CAGR. The Dewatering Equipment Market Research Reports offers an extensive…
Proanthocyanidins market Size, Growth Trends, Top Players, Application Potential

Proanthocyanidins market Size, Analytical Overview, Growth Factors, Demand, Trends and Forecast to 2026…
Screw Press Market Exhaustive Analysis, Trend and Industry Forecast To 2025: FKC, ANDRITZ, Haarslev, Voith, Mitsubishi Kakoki Kaisha, Huber, KUHN GmbH, Yemmak, BDP Industries and Others

The global Screw Press Market is influenced by several strategic factors and demand dynamics, a detailed study of which is presented in this report. The growth of the Screw Press market can be attributed to governmental regulations in key regions and the emerging business landscape. The report on the global Screw Press market covers these notable developments and evaluates their impact global market landscape…
Taille du marché Protéines de pommes de terre, part 2020 par développement, tendance, principaux fabricants, prix, demande d’approvisionnement, facteur de croissance et analyse de l’utilisateur final, perspectives jusqu’en 2026
Le rapport de recherche sur le marché mondial Protéines de pommes de terre 2020 fournit des informations sur la taille du marché, la part, les tendances, la croissance, la structure des coûts, la capacité, les revenus et les prévisions 2025…
How covid-19 will reshape Sodium Alginate market-analysis By Top Business Players Miles Chemical Company, Marine Biopolymers Limited (MBL…
Sodium Alginate Market Latest Research PDF Of COVID – 19 Impact Study By eSherpa Market Reports || Top players – Miles Chemical Company, Marine Biopolymers Limited (MBL), Bruchem, Inc, Danisco, KIMICA Corporation, Algaia, Penta Manufacturing Company, Dastec…
Global Apple Polyphenols Market Industry Data Analysis 2020-2025 – Naturex, Ajinomoto OmniChem Natural Specialities, DuPont

The global Apple Polyphenols Market research report provides comprehensive analysis and insights on the overall market size, growth rates, current, and future trends, competitive landscape, segments, and sub-segments analysis and regional and country wise shares. This research report aids the stakeholders in gauging the global Apple Polyphenols industry and deciding the apt strategic moves to be adopted…
Algae Ingredients Market Progresses for Huge Profits by 2025 with demanding Key Players like – FMC, Omega Protein, TerraVia, Algavia, Algae Tech
Latest Research Report: Algae Ingredients industry Algae Ingredients Market report is to provide accurate and strategic analysis of the Profile Projectors industry. The report closely examines each segment and its sub-segment futures before looking at…
Global Natural Tocopherols Market Opportunity, Demand, recent trends, Major Driving Factors and Business Growth Strategies 2026
The global Natural Tocopherols market 2020 report is a research document that comprises of comprehensive data which boosts and helps the appraisal of every aspect of the Natural Tocopherols businesses. It deploys an overview of the baseline and structure of…
Omega-3 PUFA Industry | Uses, Price, Growth, Key Players, Development Strategy, Sales Revenue and Forecast 2023
Omega-3 PUFA Market: Information by Type (Docosahexaenoic Acid [DHA], Eicosapentaenoic Acid [EPA], Alpha-Linolenic Acid [ALA]), Source (Plant Sources [Flaxseed, Chia Seed and others], Marine Sources [Fish, Algae, Krill and others])…
Extraits de spiruline Presentation du marche avec analyse detaillee en PDF, paysage concurrentiel, previsions jusqu’en 2029
“Le rapport de recherche sur le marché international des Extraits de spiruline est une compilation d’études intelligentes et approfondies permettant d’aider les acteurs et les parties prenantes à faire des choix commerciaux éclairés à l’avenir. Il donne des suggestions précises et fiables aux joueurs pour mieux relever les défis du marché mondial Extraits de spiruline”…
Outlook on the Camelina Sativa Seed Oil Market to 2025 by Application, End-user and Geography

The latest report about the Camelina Sativa Seed Oil Market Size, Type (Organic Camelina Oil and Common Camelina Oil), Application (Food, Cosmetic and Drug)…
Natural Antioxidants Market 2020: Opportunity Analysis, Vendor Landscape, Growth Forecast to 2020 | Archer Daniels Midland, Dsm, Ajinomoto Omnichem, Basf, Naturex, Cargill, A&b Ingredients, Ameri-Pac, Algatechnologies, Cyanotech, Astareal Group
A recent report published by QMI on natural antioxidants market is a detailed assessment of the most important market dynamics. After carrying out thorough research of natural antioxidants market historical as well as current growth parameters, business expectation…
Microalgae Market to 2025 Scrutinized in new research by Archimede Ricerche, ENNESYS, DIC Corporation, Duplaco, GELYMA, etc

A complete research offering of comprehensive analysis of the market share, size, recent developments, and trends can be availed in this latest report by Big Market Research. As per the report, the global Global Microalgae Industry Market is anticipated to witness significant growth during the forecast period from 2020 to 2025. The report provides brief summary and…
Algae Oil Market to Expand with Significant CAGR during COVID-19 Crisis 2018 – 2026
Algal oil is the oil that is derived from green growth. Algal oil contains DHA, which involves 97 percent of the omega-3 fats in the mind. They’re known for being anti-inflammatory agents, and they help the body decrease blood clots. As the source of extraction of algae oil is vegetarian source for omega 3 fatty…