Technature investit 3 millions d’euros dans de nouveaux outils de production

Le spécialiste des masques en poudre annonce investir 3 millions d’euros dans l’acquisition de nouvelles machines pour l’équipement de ses deux sites de production. L’entreprise, qui prévoit de boucler son dernier exercice fiscal avec une progression de 17 à 20% de son chiffre d’affaires anticipe une croissance de 40 % pour l’année à…
Officine Universelle Buly met les légumes anciens en parfums

Fondée par Jean Vincent Bully en 1803, relancée par le couple Victoire de Taillac et Ramdane Touhami en 2014, puis acquise par LVMH en 2021, la marque de beauté s’enorgueillit d’exporter au travers de son concept le raffinement à la française. Avec plus de 40 boutiques dans le monde, notamment en Asie, et un catalogue de près de…
Groupe Berkem signe un accord de distribution avec Eigenmann & Veronelli

Groupe Berkem, acteur de référence de la chimie du végétal annonce la signature d’un accord avec Eigenmann & Veronelli, un fournisseur international de solutions dans le domaine des produits chimiques de spécialité et des ingrédients alimentaires, pour la distribution de…
HARI&CO accueille le groupe AVRIL comme actionnaire majoritaire
Avril annonce ce jour sa prise de participation au capital de HARi&CO, aux côtés des fondateurs, pour accélérer le développement de l’entreprise. En ligne avec son ambition, Avril poursuit sa croissance dans les protéines et renforce son offre de produits alimentaires, à destination des consommateurs et…
Le jasmin de Madurai, discret ingrédient des parfumeurs du monde entier

Dans l’ancienne ville de Madurai, dans le sud de l’Inde, la fleur de jasmin omniprésente attire les plus grands noms de la parfumerie. On la retrouve dans les flacons de “J’adore” de Dior et de “Mon Guerlain” de Guerlain. Des effluves capiteux emplissent l’air autour d’habiles cueilleuses dans le sud de l’Inde récoltant les bourgeons de…
Biolie communique sur Biolime, un extrait de citron vert upcyclé
Grâce à son procédé breveté d’extraction enzymatique zéro déchet, Biolie propose Biolime, un extrait aqueux de citron vert certifié Cosmos qui agit comme un bouclier pour protéger les cellules cutanées exposées à la pollution tout en boostant leur métabolisme. “Cet ingrédient aide à lutter contre la pollution urbaine sur…
Upcycling ingredients: Foodvalley NL highlights potential to add value to food waste

Foodvalley NL is outlining the largely untapped potential of upcycling side streams from food production into new food-grade ingredients to create a more circular food system. Speaking to Nutrition Insight, the Netherlands-based organization offers a look into its activities to foster collaboration and innovations in this field. Worldwide, one-third of food…
Gut-appetite axis: BioActor develops arabinoxylan extract for feelings of satiety

Dutch nutraceutical company BioActor, a subsidiary of Solabia Group, has created Naxus, a clinically validated arabinoxylan extract derived from wheat endosperm. The prebiotic ingredient has shown benefits for microbiota composition, glycemic control and satiety. Arabinoxylan is a naturally occurring polysaccharide in whole grains, vegetables and fruits. A recent study reveals that incorporating Naxus into food can support a natural approach to weight management…
Algosource reveals two marine ingredients to counteract joint pain

Microalgae specialist Algosource has revealed it has created a new nutraceutical formula to counteract joint pain. The company’s solution is born out of a combination of two clinically proven marine ingredients: type II collagen hydrolysates and low-sodium marine magnesium. Low-sodium Marine Magnesium comes from residual seawater from the salt…
La biotech Abyss ingrédients booste la mémoire avec les algues marines

Distinguée par France 2030 avec son projet Alg4Health, la biotech bretonne Abyss Ingrédients mise sur les algues vertes pour la formulation de compléments alimentaires favorisant la santé cognitive. Entre son siège situé à Caudan (Morbihan), son petit atelier de production situé à Concarneau, des laboratoires de recherche à Rennes et à Bordeaux, ainsi que des…
Le chiffre d’affaires de Tereos en hausse de 23 % grâce aux cours du sucre
Les cours du sucre ont continué à porter l’activité du groupe Tereos au premier trimestre de son exercice 2023-2024, avec un chiffre d’affaires en hausse de 23 %, à 1,68 milliard d’euros, a annoncé le groupe sucrier mercredi dans un communiqué. Le deuxième groupe sucrier mondial – propriétaire des marques Béghin…
Upcycling ingredients: Alvinesa Natural Ingredients to expand in olive fruit extracts after Genosa deal

Spain-based Alvinesa Natural Ingredients has acquired natural hydroxytyrosol producer Genosa in a new deal that will strengthen its position in the upcycled natural ingredients market. The companies will be further exploring development using olive fruit extract for a range of foods and beverages as it is “easy to incorporate into various food matrices.” Financial details of the…
Une filière locale de légumineuses dans les Hauts-de-France

Terres Inovia collabore à un projet, coordonné par la chambre d’Agriculture des Hauts-de-France, pour créer une filière de légumineuses régionale pour des débouchés en alimentation humaine : FILOLEG.Présentation. Comment développer davantage de légumineuses dans les différents bassins de production ? Pour répondre…
L’Unité de Recherche et de Développement Agro-Biotechnologies Industrielles fête ses dix ans | AgroParisTech

L’unité de Recherche et de DéveloppementAgro-Biotechnologies Industrielles (URD ABI) d’AgroParisTech, située à Reims et spécialisée dans la valorisation de co-produits agricoles à partir de procédés chimiques et biotechnologiques durables, fête ses dix ans. Quelles sont ses principaux axes de recherche ? Les objectifs pour les dix ans à venir ? Comment a-t…
Tate & Lyle unveils highly soluble stevia sweetener for sugar replacement health kicks
Tate & Lyle is expanding its sweetener portfolio with the addition of the Tasteva Sol Stevia Sweetener, which the ingredient solutions provider describes as an “internationally patent-protected breakthrough in stevia technology.” The new product boosts the company’s ability to help customers solve stevia solubility issues…
Vinpai entre en bourse
(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à Process Alimentaire) Spécialiste des ingrédients à base d’algue et de végétaux, Vinpai a annoncé son entrée en bourse, entrainant une augmentation de capital de 7 M€.” Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer le…
S’Young International, nouveau géant chinois des cosmétiques ?
Avec l’acquisition des marques françaises Pier Augé et EviDenS de Beauté et l’ouverture récente de son campus S’Young City, autour de son siège à Changsha, dans la province du Hunan, le groupe chinois S’Young International affiche ses ambitions. Ses excellents résultats de 2022 lui ont permis de faire son entrée, directement en…
L’Aromatic Fablab, une pépinière durable dédiée aux agriculteurs grassois

Durant la cueillette de la Rose de Mai, Premium Beauty News s’est glissé dans les coulisses de la culture des fleurs grassoises. Un filière précieuse, soutenue avec passion par l’Association des Fleurs d’Exception du Pays de Grasse. Pour soutenir les jeunes agriculteurs du Pays Grassois, lassociation a créé l’Aromatic FabLab, un…
Sanders veut reprendre les activités Nutrition animale de Soufflet Agriculture

Le Breton acquerrait ainsi de nouvelles expertises en bovin viande. Dans les Ardennes, Aliane (filiale industrielle détenue à parité par Sanders du groupe Avril et Néalia du groupe Vivescia) lance une nouvelle plateforme d’aliments composés humides. Le spécialiste de la nutrition animale Sanders, filiale d’Avril, a annoncé ce jeudi 13 juillet 2023, être entré en…
Filière bio : avec la future micro-sucrerie, ” du sucre va toujours être produit à Escaudœuvres “
Alors que le groupe Tereos a annoncé son intention de fermer la sucrerie d’Escaudœuvres, les élus de la communauté d’agglomération de Cambrai ont approuvé, jeudi dernier, l’implantation de la micro-sucrerie La Fabrique à sucres, sur la zone d’activités du Lapin noir. ” Parce que si certains ne conçoivent pas…
CPL Aromas s’empare du fabricant de parfum espagnol Global Fragrances Labs

Le fabricant de parfums basé au Royaume-Uni a mis la main sur la société espagnole Global Fragrances Labs (GFL) et l’ensemble de ses opérations situées à El Prat de Llobregat, près de Barcelone. Ce nouveau site fusionnera avec l’activité actuelle de CPL Aromas en Espagne pour créer une division unique et renforcer la position et…
Olmix fait l’acquisition de la biotech brésilienne Yes Sinergy

Olmix se renforce sur le segment de la nutrition, du soin et du bien-être animal avec l’acquisition de Yes Sinergy, une société brésilienne spécialisée dans les additifs naturels sur ce marché. Les deux entreprises vont jouer la carte de la complémentarité tout en se renforçant à l’international. Basé à Bréhan, le groupe Olmix (160 M€ de CA et…
Croda acquiert Solus Biotech et étend ses capacités de R&D en Asie

Le fabricant britannique de spécialités chimiques a finalisé l’acquisition de Solus Biotech. Cette opération permet à Croda de renforcer le portefeuille de céramides synthétiques de Sederma, qui pourra s’appuyer sur les technologies de Solus en matière de céramides et de phospholipides issus des biotechnologies. Située en Corée du Sud…
BASF upgrades its pore-tightening cosmetic active ingredient Laricyl

BASF Personal Care recently unveiled a more sustainable and upgraded version of its pore-tightening active ingredient Laricyl. Laricyl, an extract from the Fomes officinalis mushroom, has been a staple in BASF’s portfolio of cosmetic active ingredients for pore refinement for 20 years. In an effort to align its actions towards more…
Optimization of the extraction of polyphenols from Pinus pinaster residues using deep eutectic solvents: a sustainable approach
Abstract: In the present investigation, the optimization of a pressurized solid–liquid extraction of polyphenols from Pinus pinaster Aiton needles and bark residues has been carried out using new deep eutectic solvent systems (DES). A Box–Behnken design with response surface methodology was implemented, with…
An enzyme-based system for extraction of small extracellular vesicles from plants
Plant-derived nanovesicles (NVs) and extracellular vesicles (EVs) are the next generation of nanocarrier platforms for biotherapeutics and drug delivery. EVs exist not only in the extracellular space, but also within the cell wall. Due to the limitations of existing isolation methods, the EVs extraction efficiency is low, and…
Extraction of pectin from watermelon and pomegranate peels with different methods and its application in ice cream as an emulsifier
Abstract: Pectin extraction from watermelon peel (WP) and pomegranate peel (PP) was carried out using three different extraction methods: classical solvent extraction (CSE), ultrasound‐assisted extraction (UAE), and microwave‐assisted extraction (MAE). Extraction parameters (pH, temperature, time, and…
Reverse osmosis centrifuge
The reverse osmosis centrifuge converts rotational energy into fluid velocity and conserves the energy placed into the concentrate. As concentrate travels back towards the center of the reverse osmosis centrifuge, the velocity of the fluid is converted into rotational force, thus conserving energy. To accomplish this, the…
Plant based protein as an alternative to animal proteins: A review of sources, extraction methods and applications
Summary: A major part of protein in human diet comes from the animal‐based foods such as meat and dairy products. The demand of protein rich food in global market is progressively escalating due to increasing consumer awareness about constructive role of protein in human wellbeing. The changing scenario…
Hansen Solubility Parameters Applied to the Extraction of Phytochemicals
In many analytical chemical procedures, organic solvents are required to favour a better global yield upon the separation, extraction, or isolation of the target phytochemical analyte. The selection of extraction solvents is generally based on the solubility difference between target analytes and the undesired matrix components…
Ultrasonication/dynamic maceration‐assisted extraction method as a novel combined approach for recovery of phenolic compounds from pomegranate peel
Ultrasonication and dynamic maceration had synergistic effects in increasing extraction yield. Box–Behnken Design and response surface methodology were used for optimization. The pomegranate peel extract can be used as substitute for synthetic antioxidants. Abstract According to recent studies, pomegranate peel (PP)…
Optimization of extraction of bioactive compounds with antiproliferative activity of Goji Berry and assessment of kinetic models
This work aims to optimize the extraction of bioactive compounds with antiproliferative activity of goji berry (Lycium barbarum) and assess the extraction kinetic models. The extraction was performed by varying the proportion of ethanol:water solvent. The antioxidant activity determination tests indicated a…
Process of obtaining a protein preparation
Improved process of obtaining a protein preparation A process of obtaining a protein preparation from biological tissues selected from the group comprising seeds eg. legume seeds, algae eg. macro or microalgae, bacteria eg. cyanobacteria, animal products, said process comprises the steps of: · lysing…
Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents (NaDES) as an emerging technology for the valorization of natural products and agro‐food residues: a review
Summary: A review paper on the natural deep eutectic solvents (NaDES) application to the extraction of bioactives from natural products and agri‐food wastes is introduced. NaDES are eutectic mixtures of two or more natural compounds forming a liquid phase at room temperature based in hydrogen bond…
The Use of Ultrasound-Assisted Maceration for the Extraction of Carnosic Acid and Carnosol from Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) Directly into Fish Oil
The aim of the study was to examine the effect of ultrasonic maceration (U) on the extraction of carnosic acid (CA) and its derivative-carnosol (C)-directly from sage into fish oil, compared to homogenization-assisted maceration (H). It was shown that the ultrasonic maceration process (U) allowed for obtaining a…
Plant leaf proanthocyanidins: from agricultural production by-products to potential bioactive molecules
Proanthocyanidins (PAs) are a class of polymers composed of flavan-3-ol units that have a variety of bioactivities, and could be applied as natural biologics in food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. PAs are widely found in fruit and vegetables (F&Vegs) and are generally extracted from their flesh and peel. To…
Extraction of natural colorants using supramolecular solvents composed of Triton X-114 and ionic liquids
The interest for natural colorants from microbial sources has increased in the last few years. However, the extraction of these compounds from complex biomasses/matrices is still a challenge for industrial applications, mainly due to the requirements of biocompatibility, sustainability, and efficiency. With this aim…
Novel green production of natural-like vanilla extract from curcuminoids
The demand for natural vanilla extract, and vanillin in particular, by far exceeds the current production, as both the cultivation of vanilla beans and the extraction of vanillin are laborious. For this purpose, most vanillin used today is produced synthetically, contrary to the general trend toward bio-based products. The present…
Green ultrasonication-assisted extraction of microalgae Chlorella sp. for polysaturated fatty acid (PUFA) rich lipid extract using alternative solvent mixture
Conventionally, microalgal lipid extraction uses volatile organic compounds as an extraction solvent. However, these solvents are harmful to human and environmental health. Therefore, this study evaluated the feasibility of alternative green solvents, namely, ethanol, dimethyl carbonate (DMC), cyclopentyl methyl ether…
Garlic (Allium sativum) peel extracts and their potential as antioxidant and antimicrobial agents for food applications: Influence of pretreatment and extraction solvent
Summary Garlic peel extracts are known to have excellent physiological activity but research on the pre‐processing of garlic peel (GP) to enhance their bioactivity is limited. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of two pretreatments applied to GP, such as fermentation with Lactobacillus plantarum and…
Use of sisal industrial waste (Agave sisalana Perrine) in sustainable and multifuncional cosmetic products
Abstract Objetive Sisal is a common stiff fiber produced around the world, corresponding to approximately 70% of commercial production of all fibers of this type. The fibers are extracted from the leaves of Agave sisalana, from which approximately 4% of its weight is obtained, with the remaining 96% considered to…
Leading Edge Technologies and Perspectives in Industrial Oilseed Extraction
With the increase in the world’s population and per capita wealth, oil producers must not only increase edible oil production but also meet the demand for a higher quality and variety of products. Recently, the focus has shifted from single processing steps to the entire vegetable oil production process, with an emphasis…
Extraction of Polyphenols from Slovenian Hop (Humulus lupulus L.) Aurora Variety Using Deep Eutectic Solvents: Choice of the Extraction Method vs. Structure of the Solvent
Polyphenols from Slovenian hops (Humulus lupulus L.) of the Aurora variety were extracted by different methods and using classical solvents and several deep eutectic solvents (DES) based on choline chloride as the hydrogen bond acceptor component. The obtained extract solutions were analyzed by HPLC for…
Aqueous Two‐Phase Anthocyanins Partitioning from Açai ‐ Laboratory Scale‐Up
Summary: Açai, a fruit typical of Amazonia in Brazil, is consumed due to beneficial health effects. Aqueous two‐phase systems (ATPS) based on ethanol (28% w/w) and ammonium sulfate (17.5% w/w) were employed in the partitioning of anthocyanins from açai. Experiments, applying 50 mL equilibrium cells and a 1 L…
Purification of Coffee Polyphenols Extracted from Coffee Pulps (Coffee arabica L.) Using Aqueous Two-Phase System
Coffee pulp is an abundant residue from the coffee industry, but it still contains large amounts of valuable compounds such as polyphenols. The extraction of polyphenols from coffee pulp by the conventional method is accompanied by contaminated compounds. This study, therefore, applied an aqueous two-phase…
NADES assisted integrated biorefinery concept for pectin recovery from kinnow (Citrus reticulate) peel and strategic conversion of residual biomass to L(+) lactic acid
The present study aims to establish an integrated strategy for valorization of kinnow peel waste. A total of ten natural deep eutectic solvents (NADESs) were exploited for extraction of pectin. The highest yield of pectin enriched material was reported 35.66 % w/dw using choline chloride-Maltose based NADES. The…
Study on enzyme‐assisted extraction of the total phenolic content, vitamin C and antioxidant activity from Beta vulgaris var.rubra
Abstract: Beta vulgaris var.rubra (B. vulgaris) is a plant that is widely distributed in Vietnam, which has been shown to contain phytochemical compounds, including: vitamin C, total phenolic content, antioxidant activity and other substances, that can be used to produce antioxidant extracts and positive benefits for…
Optimization of antioxidant and lycopene extraction from tomato pomace using Hansen solubility parameters and its application in chicken meat preservation
Tomato pomace, composed of peels and seeds, is often discarded or used as animal feed. However, it contains valuable phytochemicals, including lycopene. Lycopene, a natural pigment, is an antioxidant known for reducing the risk of chronic diseases like cardiovascular ailments and cancer. In this study, we aimed…
Techno economic and life cycle assessment of lycopene production from tomato peels using different extraction methods
The objective of this research is to examine various methods of lycopene extraction, taking into consideration their economic and environmental implications. The methods under investigation include solvent-assisted extraction (SAE), supercritical fluid extraction (SCF), enzyme-assisted extraction (EAE), ultrasound…
Rutin: Family Farming Products’ Extraction Sources, Industrial Applications and Current Trends in Biological Activity Protection
In vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated the bioactivity of rutin, a dietary flavonol naturally found in several plant species. Despite widespread knowledge of its numerous health benefits, such as anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, hepatoprotective and cardiovascular effects, industrial use of rutin is still limited…
Concentrated algal extract
The present invention relates to a composition of seaweed algal extracts having a dry matter content between 18-36%. These extracts preferably belong to Ascophyllum nodosum. The said extracts are also characterised using bioactive compounds found in them inherently. The present invention also provides a method of…
Solubility Enhancement of Hydrophobic Compounds in Aqueous Solutions Using Biobased Solvents as Hydrotropes
Improving the aqueous solubility of poorly soluble hydrophobic compounds is a topic of great interest to the pharmaceutical, chemical, and food industries. The poor solubility of these compounds in water poses a challenge in developing sustainable processes for their extraction, separation, and formulation. Therefore…
Recovery of Protein from Industrial Hemp Waste (Cannabis sativa, L.) Using High-Pressure Processing and Ultrasound Technologies
Hemp seeds are currently used mainly for oil extraction, generating waste that could be potentially exploited further as a source of proteins and other bioactives. This study aims to valorise hemp waste (Cannabis sativa, L.) from previous oil extraction as a source of protein by analysing the effect of high-pressure…
Optimization of ultrasonic-assisted extraction of polyphenol from Areca nut (Areca catechu L.) seeds using response surface methodology and its effects on osteogenic activity
Areca nut (Areca catechu L.) seeds are rich in polyphenols, while few studies focused on it. This study was designed to obtain the maximum extraction yield of areca nut seed polyphenol (ACP). An ultrasonic-assisted extraction method optimized by response surface methodology (RSM) was established to extract ACP…
Ultrasound-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from blueberry leaves using natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) for the valorization of agrifood wastes
The food industry demands novel green solvents for the extraction of bioactive compounds, particularly from residues of the agrifood industry. Herein, an ultrasound-assisted method has been developed for the environmentally friendly extraction of phenolic compounds from blueberry leaves using natural deep…
A new green approach for Lavandula stoechas aroma recovery and stabilization coupling supercritical CO2 and natural deep eutectic solvents
This work investigated a green approach to obtain and stabilize Lavandula stoechas L. volatile organic compounds with sensory aroma characteristics by using alternative solvents, namely supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO 2 ) and deep eutectic solvents (DES). The CO 2 extracts were dispersed in different…
Optimization of the subcritical water extraction of sulfated flavonoids from Flaveria bidentis
Flaveria bidentis, an invasive plant, contains sulfated flavonoids (SFs) with therapeutic potential; therefore, their extraction would add value to the plant residues generated during its weeding. This work reports the optimized obtaining of these SFs, by means of subcritical water extraction (SWE). The combined effects…
Optimization of ellagic acid extraction from blueberry pulp through enzymatic hydrolysis combined with ultrasound-assisted organic solvent
The aim of this study was to optimize the technology used to extract ellagic acid from blueberry pomace. For single factor analysis, an enzymatic hydrolysis test showed that temperature, pH value and liquid-to-material ratio exhibited significant effects on ellagic acid content, as did three factors (the liquid-to-material …
Ultrasound-Assisted Anthocyanins Extraction from Pigmented Corn: Optimization Using Response Surface Methodology
This study aimed to determine the optimal UAE conditions for extracting anthocyanins from pigmented corn using the Box-Behnken design (BBD). Six anthocyanins were identified in the samples and were used as response variables to evaluate the effects of the following working variables: extraction solvent pH…
Comparative study of four extraction methods of fructans (agavins) from Agave durangensis: Heat treatment, ultrasound, microwave and simultaneous ultrasound-microwave
Agavins (fructans from the agave plant) are used for their technological and prebiotic properties in developing functional foods. In this study, four extraction methods were evaluated: ultrasound (U), microwave (M), simultaneous ultrasound-microwave (UM), and heat treatment (HT). Isomers with a degree of…
Separation of Mixtures of Rutin and Quercetin: Evaluating the Productivity of Preparative Chromatography
The productivity of isolating rutin from also quercetin containing extracts of Sophora japonica L is evaluated. Overloaded repetitive batch chromatography is optimized based on thermodynamic and kinetic parameters valid for the selected mobile and stationary phases. A comparison with the performance of an…
Alternative methods for RuBisCO extraction from sugar beet waste: A comparative approach of ultrasound and high voltage electrical discharge
Ultrasound (US) and high voltage electric discharge (HVED) with water as a green solvent represent promising novel non-thermal techniques for protein extraction from sugar beet (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris var. altissima) leaves. Compared to HVED, US proved to be a better alternative method for total…
Impact of High-Pressure Homogenization on Enhancing the Extractability of Phytochemicals from Agri-Food Residues
The primary objective of the Sustainable Development Goals is to reduce food waste by employing various strategies, including the reuse of agri-food residues that are abundantly available and the complete use of their valuable compounds. This study explores the application of high-pressure homogenization (HPH)…
Rapid extraction of bioactive compounds from gardenia fruit using new and recyclable deep eutectic solvents
The utilization of deep eutectic solvent as an alternative and environmentally friendly option has gained significant attention. This study first proposed a series of benzylammonium chloride based-deep eutectic systems for the extraction of bioactive compounds from Gardenia jasminoides Ellis. Through…
Green preparation, safety control and intelligent processing of high-quality tea extract
Tea contains a variety of bioactive components, including catechins, amino acids, tea pigments, caffeine and tea polysaccharides, which exhibit multiple biological activities. These functional components in tea provide a variety of unique flavors, such as bitterness, astringency, sourness, sweetness and umami, which meet…
A comprehensive perspective on sustainable bioprocessing through extractive fermentation: challenges and prospects
Extractive fermentation is a potential process intensification integrated with aqueous two-phase extraction for simultaneous in-situ product recovery during fermentation to improve the efficiency of any bioprocess industry. This minimizes the innate product inhibitions, recovery, operational issues, and sustainability during…
Ultrasound-Assisted Deep Eutectic Solvent Extraction of Phenolic Compounds from Thinned Young Kiwifruits and Their Beneficial Effects
Fruit thinning is a common practice employed to enhance the quality and yield of kiwifruits during the growing period, and about 30-50% of unripe kiwifruits will be thinned and discarded. In fact, these unripe kiwifruits are rich in nutrients and bioactive compounds. Nevertheless, the applications of thinned young kiwifruits…
An integrated approach for the extraction of lipids from marine macroalgae consortium using RSM optimization and thermo-kinetic analysis
This work presents an integrated approach for the extraction of lipids from marine macroalgae using RSM optimization and thermo-kinetic analysis. The lipids were extracted from marine macroalgal biomass using a Soxhlet extractor. The Soxhlet extraction parameters, including temperature (60-80 °C), solvent-to-algae…
Kinetic Extraction of Fucoxanthin from Undaria pinnatifida Using Ethanol as a Solvent
Fucoxanthin (Fx) has been proven to exert numerous biological properties, which makes it an interesting molecule with diverse industrial applications. In this study, the kinetic behavior of Fx was studied to optimize three variables: time (t-3 min to 7 days), temperature (T-5 to 85 °C), and concentration of ethanol in water…
Method for the release of ferulic acid from cereal by-products
The invention relates to the food, agricultural, skincare and pharmaceutical industries. The proposed invention is a method for releasing of ferulic acid from cereal by-products (bran) by splitting the ester linkages between arabinose residues and ferulic acid during enzymatic hydrolysis. Enzymatic hydrolysis was conducted…
Solarplast®-An Enzymatically Treated Spinach Extract
In the modern world we are constantly bombarded by environmental and natural stimuli that can result in oxidative stress. Antioxidant molecules and enzymes help the human body scavenge reactive oxygen species and prevent oxidative damage. Most organisms possess intrinsic antioxidant activity, but also benefit from…
Enhanced Polyphenols Recovery from Grape Pomace: A Comparison of Pressurized and Atmospheric Extractions with Deep Eutectic Solvent Aqueous Mixtures
Deep eutectic solvents (DES) are emerging as potent polyphenol extractors under normal atmospheric conditions. Yet, their effectiveness in hot pressurized liquid extraction (HPLE) must be studied more. We explored the ability of various water/DES and water/hydrogen bond donors (HBDs) mixtures in…
Green approach for polyphenol extraction from waste tea biomass: Single and hybrid application of conventional and ultrasound-assisted extraction
Based on a green approach, the potential use of waste tea biomass (fiber and second sieving) with rich polyphenol content was investigated as an alternative source of polyphenol to achieve an economic added value. In addition, this study demonstrated a comparative approach to explore the most sustainable…
Utilization of novel techniques in extraction of polyphenols from grape pomace and their therapeutic potential: a review
Extraction of bioactive compounds from grape pomace is quite interesting field not only for researchers but also for the pharmaceutical, winemaking, food and cosmetic industrial sectors. Scaling up the procedure without compromising the usefulness of the phenolic compounds is extremely important despite its…
In-depth potential mechanism of combined demulsification pretreatments (isopropanol ultrasonic pretreatments and Ca2+ flow additions) during aqueous enzymatic extractions of Camellia oils
Emulsification is the practical limitation of aqueous enzymatic extractions of Camellia oils. This study aimed to investigate the influence and demulsification mechanisms of isopropanol ultrasonic pretreatments and Ca2+ additions on aqueous enzymatic extractions of Camellia oils. Combining isopropanol ultrasonic…
Optimization of β-Cyclodextrin-Assisted Extraction of Apigenin and Luteolin from Chrysanthemum indicum L. Using Response Surface Methodology Combined with Different Optimization Algorithms and Evaluation of Its Antioxidant Capacity
Cyclodextrins and their derivatives have shown successful applications in extracting active compounds from medicinal plants. However, the use of β-cyclodextrin derivatives for extracting apigenin and luteolin from Chrysanthemum indicum L. remains unexplored. Additionally, the application of nature-inspired…
Progress on the Extraction, Separation, Biological Activity, and Delivery of Natural Plant Pigments
Natural plant pigments are safe and have low toxicity, with various nutrients and biological activities. However, the extraction, preservation, and application of pigments are limited due to the instability of natural pigments. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the extraction and application processes of natural plant pigments…
The Most Potent Natural Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, and Food Ingredients Isolated from Plants with Deep Eutectic Solvents
There is growing interest in reducing the number of synthetic products or additives and replacing them with natural ones. The pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and food industries are especially focused on natural and bioactive chemicals isolated from plants or microorganisms. The main challenge here is to develop…
Grape pomace, an undervalued by-product: industrial reutilization within a circular economy vision
Grape is one of the most well-known fruits worldwide, being transformed into distinct food products, one of which is wine. A significantly large portion of grape production is exclusively destined for winemaking which, as an industrial process, produces significant amounts of by-products. Grape pomace is considered the…
Microwave Assisted Extraction of Raw Alginate as a Sustainable and Cost-Effective Method to Treat Beach-Accumulated Sargassum Algae
This paper highlights the potential of Sargassum algae, recovered from raw beach seaweed wastes, as a valid source of valuable sodium alginate. Alginate is a biodegradable, highly attractive polysaccharide widely used in food, pharmaceuticals, and biomedicine applications. The aim of this work is to employ a new…
Alizarin old and new: Extraction techniques for colouration, advances in detection methods for historical textiles, and novel applications as a functional dye
Abstract The present study is the first review of alizarin, a natural dye, in terms of its historical aspects and its potential for functional applications in textiles. The review is subjected to a brief overview of natural alizarin and its occurrence in Rubiaceae family plants, followed by a discussion of alizarin acquisition from…
Comparison of ohmic heating‐ and microwave‐assisted extraction techniques for avocado leaves valorization: Optimization and impact on the phenolic compounds and bioactivities
The paper addresses the hypothesis that using green extraction techniques may provide time, cost, and energy saving compared to traditional methods. We show that using ohmic (OHAE)‐ and microwave‐assisted extraction (MAE) techniques for Fuerte avocado pruning waste leaves phenolics provides less…
A Critical Review on Chlorella vulgaris Deconstruction by Green Sequential Extractions: The Potential of (Bio)Surfactant Modifiers
Chlorella vulgaris is a potential sustainable source of lipids, carotenoids, carbohydrates, and proteins, as it shows high biomass productivity and easy cultivation. Therefore, the aim of this work was to critically discuss the cultivation and characterization of C. vulgaris , and also the aspects related to the application of…
Xanthan Gum Market Size, Share, Report [2023-2030]

The global Xanthan Gum Market covered major segments by Application (Food & Beverages, Oil & Gas, Personal Care & Cosmetics, Pharmaceutical), and Region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa)…
Rice Starch Market Developments, Key Players, Statistics and Outlook2029
Global Rice Starch Market size was valued at USD 525.28 Mn in 2022 and is expected to reach USD 821.28 Mn by 2029, at a CAGR of 6.6 percent over the forecast period (2023-2029). Rice Starch Market Report Overview : Rice Starch Market Research Report analyzed the current state in the definitions, classifications, applications, and industry…
France Essential Oils Market Set to Flourish with 9.8% CAGR

A recent research report titled “France Essential Oils Market by Product Type, Application, Source, Method of Extraction, and Region – Global Forecast to 2027,” published by MarketsandMarkets, reveals that the France essential oils market is poised for substantial growth. The market is projected to exhibit a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)…
Citrus Pectin Market Overview by Rising Demands and Scope 2021

Global Citrus Pectin Market report from Global Insight Services is the single authoritative source of intelligence on Citrus Pectin Market. The report will provide you with analysis of impact of latest market disruptions such as Russia-Ukraine war and Covid-19 on the market. Report provides qualitative analysis of the market using various…
Natural Food Preservatives Market to Generate $1.06 Bn, Globally, by 2026 at 3.7% CAGR | Cargill, Kemin Industries, BASF SE, etc

Allied Market Research published a report, titled, “Natural Food Preservatives Market by Product Type (Salt, Sugar, Oil, Honey, Citric Acid, Vinegar, and Others), Function (Antimicrobial, Antioxidants, and Others), and Application (Sea Food, Meat & Poultry, Bakery Products, Dairy Products, Snacks, Beverages, Fruits & Vegetables, and…
By 2030, Demand for Oleochemicals Market Will Surpass $35.55 Billion at 7.20% CAGR Growth

By 2030, Demand for Oleochemicals Market Will Surpass $35.55 Billion at 7.20% CAGR Growth. According to a recent report by Vantage Market Research, the current valuation of the Global Oleochemicals Market stands at USD 20.37 Billion as of 2022. The report further projects a significant growth potential in the market, with an estimated value…
Superoxide Dismutase Market Opportunities, Sales Revenue, Leading Players and Forecast 2029
Superoxide Dismutase Market size was valued at US$ 3.95 Billion in 2022 and the total Superoxide Dismutase revenue is expected to grow at 6.98% through 2023 to 2029, reaching nearly US$ 6.34 Billion. Superoxide Dismutase Market Report Overview: The aim of MMR’s Superoxide Dismutase Market report is to assist clients in making informed…
Le marché des polyphénols de raisin connaît une croissance énorme pour la nouvelle normalité | Alvinesa Natural Ingredients, GRAP’SUD, Activ’Inside, California Natural Color, Biosynth
Research Cognizance a publié un rapport qui représente le processus de collecte, d’analyse et d’interprétation des données sur un marché Polyphénols de raisin. Il s’agit d’une étape cruciale dans l’élaboration d’une stratégie commerciale ou le lancement d’un nouveau produit, car elle aide les…
Analyse du marché de la vitamine E pour les cosmétiques, étude de recherche avec ADEKA, Lipoid Kosmetik, Croda, All Organic Treasures, BIOLIE
Vitamine E pour les cosmétiques L’étude de marché est un rapport de renseignement avec des efforts méticuleux entrepris pour étudier les informations correctes et précieuses. Les données qui ont été examinées tiennent compte à la fois des meilleurs joueurs existants et des concurrents à venir…
Algal Oil Industry: Forecasting Advances in Omega-3 Rich

The global algal oil market is anticipated to grow from a market value of US$ 133.4 million in 2022 to US$ 243.8 million by the end of 2032, at a CAGR of 6.2%. Algalr NutraPharms Pvt. Ltd., Algarithm, Archer Daniels Midland Company, Corbion…
Rapport de reprise du marché des flavonoïdes et d’analyse d’impact – Zhejiang Conler Pharmaceutical, Chengdu Okay, Sichuan Deebio Pharmaceutical, Hunan Kang Biotech, Sichuan Xieli Pharmaceutical
Research Cognizance a publié un rapport qui représente le processus de collecte, d’analyse et d’interprétation des données sur un marché Flavonoïdes. Il s’agit d’une étape cruciale dans l’élaboration d’une stratégie commerciale ou le lancement d’un nouveau produit, car elle aide les entreprises à…
Taille du marché de l’huile de lavande (huile de lavande), part, rapport de croissance, analyse, prévisions d’ici 2030
Le rapport intitulé « Marché de l’huile de lavande (huile de lavande) par type (absolus, concentrés et mélanges), par application (thérapeutique, soins personnels, aromathérapie, aliments et boissons, cosmétiques et autres), par canal de distribution (magasins de santé et de beauté, pharmacies, Vente…
1,4-butanediol (BDO), polytetramethylene ether glycol

1,4-butanediol (BDO), polytetramethylene ether glycol (PTMEG) & spandex Market Report Scope and Research Methodology. The 1,4-Butanediol (BDO), Polytetramethylene Ether Glycol (PTMEG) & Spandex market report offers a comprehensive scope that encompasses a detailed analysis of the market dynamics, trends, and factors influencing its…
Steviol Glycosides Market Are Projected To Reach Us$ 8.64 Billion By 2033 X Herald
The Steviol Glycosides Industry sales study offers a comprehensive analysis on diverse features including production capacities, Steviol Glycosides demand, product developments, sales revenue generation and Steviol Glycosides market outlook across the globe. market research report by Fact.MR, (Leading…
Taille du marché de l’huile de romarin 2023 Opportunités commerciales, tendances émergentes, perspectives d’avenir et rapport prévisionnel 2030
Description du rapport: Global Market Vision a déployé un nouveau rapport nommé L’huile de romarin Market qui intègre des informations cruciales sur le marché. Le rapport fournit une analyse complète des aspects commerciaux tels que la taille du marché, le scénario concurrentiel, les opportunités de marché, les parts…
Cosmétiques à l’extrait d’Asparagopsis Armata État de développement du marché 2029 | Exsymol, GROWN ALCHEMIST, Kiehl’sSince
Statsndata fournit un rapport bien défini avec une analyse approfondie du marché Cosmétiques à l’extrait d’Asparagopsis Armata. le plus chaud du monde Cosmétiques à l’extrait d’Asparagopsis Armata marché. Le rapport fournit une analyse complète des fondamentaux du marché, y compris l’analyse SWOT, PESTEL…
Citrus Lemon Oils market: Forecasts on Production

“The Citrus Lemon Oils global market is thoroughly researched in this report, noting important aspects like market competition, global and regional growth, market segmentation and market structure. The report author analysts have estimated the size of the global market in terms of value and volume using the latest research tools…
Green Polyols Market Opportunities, Growth and Forecasting

Allied Market Research published a report, titled, “Green Polyols Market by Type (Polyether Polyols, Polyester Polyols), by Application (Polyurethane Foam, Adhesives and Sealants, Coatings, Others), by End-use Industry (Furniture and Bedding, Construction, Packaging, Automotive, Others): Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast…
Isobutyric Acid Market Industry Outlook, Future Trends,, Insights, Quality Analysis, and Sustainable Growth Strategies for the Period of 2023-2029

The isobutyric acid market is projected to grow from USD 180 million in 2023 to USD 269 million by 2028, at a CAGR of 8.3% from 2023 to 2028. The isobutyric acid market is dominated by players, such as OQ Chemicals GmbH (Germany), Eastman Chemical Company (US), Tokyo Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (Japan), Snowco (China)…
Revolutionizing the Protein Industry: Hexane-free Protein Market to Reach US$ 285.73 million by 2033, garnering a CAGR of 9.7%

The Hexane-free protein market has witnessed significant growth in recent years as consumers increasingly seek healthier and more sustainable protein sources. Hexane, a solvent commonly used in protein extraction, poses potential health and…
A review of the chemistry and biological activities of natural colorants, dyes, and pigments: challenges, and opportunities for food, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical application
Natural pigments are important sources for the screening of bioactive lead compounds. This article reviewed the chemistry and therapeutic potentials of over 570 colored molecules from plants, fungi, bacteria, insects, algae, and marine sources. Moreover, related biological activities, advanced extraction, and…
Algae Extract Market is Anticipated to Attain US$ 6,034.3 Million at a CAGR of 3.9% by 2033: Fact.MR Report

Algae Extract Market is Anticipated to Attain US$ 6,034.3 Million at a CAGR of 3.9% by 2033: Fact.MR Report. According to Fact.MR analysis, expanding at a CAGR of 5.5%, the algae extract market in Germany is projected to increase from a market valuation of US$ 675.8 in 2023 to US$ 701.4 by 2033. According to the latest study by…
Astaxanthin impact on brain: health potential and market perspective
Nowadays, there is an emergent interest in new trend-driven biomolecules to improve health and wellbeing, which has become an interesting and promising field, considering their high value and biological potential. Astaxanthin is one of these promising biomolecules, with impressive high market growth, especially…