Rescuing beer waste: Upcycled Foods eyes sustainability with « ReGrained » naan expansion
US-based Upcycled Foods has unveiled mini flatbreads or naans by leveraging upcycled flour made from barley, wheat and rye rescued at the end of the beer-making process. The product is developed in partnership with Atoria’s Family Bakery and targets consumers conscious of their food choices’ environmental impact…
Chanvre, pois, soja… à Paris-Saclay des start-up concoctent des alternatives végétales à la viande

Plusieurs start-ups du Food’In Lab sur le campus Agro Paris Saclay travaillent sur des alternatives végétales au steak à base de chanvre, de pois, de soja ou de fruit du Jacquiet. Les « start-ups » de l’agroalimentaire d’Île-de-France se sont ruées sur le marché prometteur des « alternatives végétales », en s’appuyant sur les ingrédients les plus…
La récolte du lin s’annonce exceptionnelle dans la Somme

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à Picardie La Gazette) À Martainneville, après une année 2023 mauvaise, la récolte de lin s’annonce sous les meilleures auspices tant au niveau de la quantité que la qualité. De bon augure pour la Calira qui, l’an prochain, devra fournir en anas de lin les villes d’Abbeville et Doullens pour alimenter leurs nouvelles…
Onoré rachète So Mochi
Spécialisé dans les mochis glacés, So Mochi a été racheté par Onoré (ex-Boncolac). Le groupe signe sa 4e acquisition en deux ans afin d’étoffer son offre et poursuivre son expansion à l’international. So Mochi a été créé en 2017 pour surfer sur la tendance des daifukus et mochis japonais. Son ambition est de devenir le…
Norway names BioMar, Skretting execs to sustainable feed steering group
The proportion of Norwegian-produced raw materials in aquaculture feed is 8%; the government wants to increase that to 25% by 2034. The Norwegian government has named its steering group for a mission to increase the use of sustainable, home-produced ingredients in aquaculture feed. The group will be led by…
Azelis expands its CASE portfolio in Indonesia with allnex

Azelis, a leading innovation service provider in the specialty chemicals and food ingredients industry, has recently announced a new distribution agreement in Indonesia with allnex, a global leader in industrial coating resins and additives. Effective immediately, Azelis will distribute allnex’s range of additives for the coatings, adhesives, sealants, and…
Oranges, citrons, mandarines… bientôt un monde sans agrume ?
Le fléau du Huanglongbing, une maladie dévastatrice des agrumes transmise par des insectes, menace de faire disparaître les agrumes de nos assiettes en mettant en péril tout une filière agricole. Sommes-nous condamnés à ne plus pouvoir consommer d’agrumes dans les années à venir ? La question peut être posée…
CP Kelco’s Upcycled Ingredient Received 2024 Ringier Technology Innovation Award
(Short article) CP Kelco announces that its innovative KELCOSENS™ Citrus Fiber has been recognized at the 2024 Ringier Technology Innovation Awards. KELCOSENS™ Citrus Fiber – A Gentle Alternative to Emulsifiers: Among the most prestigious industry awards in China, the Ringier Technology Innovation…
Ecotone invests 20m in plant-based beverage facility in Italy

Organic food and beverage company, Ecotone, has announced a €20 million investment at its plant-based drinks production facility in Badia Polesine, Northern Italy.The 14,000-square-metre site produces organic plant-based beverages for brands including Bjorg, Bonneterre, Isola Bio, Abbott Kinney’s and EcoCest, and employs 163 people. The investment – which has included…
Olmix Group (56) mise sur les algues pour une nutrition plus saine

En 1995, persuadé du potentiel des algues pour nourrir végétaux, animaux et hommes, Hervé Balusson crée Olmix à Bréhan. Aujourd’hui, si le groupe breton est devenu l’un des spécialistes mondiaux de la chimie verte et est implanté dans une centaine de…
Kick-off de la première promotion du Farm’InnLab

C’est jeudi 11 juillet que les quatre start-ups de la première promotion du Farm’InnLab ont fait leur rentrée officielle. Après une sélection des projets sur dossier, les plus prometteurs ont été auditionnés par un jury d’experts techniques (direction de la ferme expérimentale), scientifiques (chercheurs, enseignants-chercheurs), de l’entrepreneuriat et l’innovation…
BHS-Sonthofen Opens Test Center for Process Technology
BHS-Sonthofen opened a new test center in Sonthofen. The test center offers expanded capacities for laboratory and pilot tests in the process technology division. Using state-of-the-art technologies for the process steps of solid-liquid separation, drying, mixing and reacting, the experts at BHS support their…
Les ambitions d’Avril pour les ex-MetEx à Saint-Beauzire dans le Puy-de-Dôme – Saint-Beauzire (63360)

Le groupe Avril a repris les activités de MetEx, en liquidation judiciaire, à Amiens et Saint-Beauzire, gardant 315 emplois dont 40 sur le site puydômois, où des investissements sont prévus. Eurolysine. Tel est le nouveau nom de l’ex-Metabolic Explorer, société spécialisée dans la fabrication d’ingrédients naturels par fermentation, qui vient d’être reprise au…
Avril Group Takes Over Metex Nøøvistago, Resumes Lysine Manufacturing in Europe
On July 16, 2024, Avril’s executive team visited its newly acquired facilities in Amiens (80) and Saint-Beauzire (63) to announce the formation of EUROLYSINE, a new company that will integrate the activities previously managed by the Metex group. Embracing its core values of respect, boldness, and performance, Avril aims…
L’expert de la chimie du végétal Berkem dévoile un projet d’OPA et pourrait se retirer de la Bourse

Trois ans après son entrée en Bourse, le groupe girondin de chimie Berkem fait machine arrière. Évoquant des « difficultés persistantes », il prépare une OPA pour regrouper les parts de son capital et se retirer de la cote. En parallèle, le groupe anticipe ses prévisions de chiffre d’affaires et de rentabilité à la baisse et stoppe sa politique…
Brenntag Specialties Nutrition inks distribution agreement on baking enzymes with Lallemand in Europe

Chemicals and ingredients distributor Brenntag has finalized a strategic partnership with Lallemand for main parts of Europe, including the DACH region, Poland, France, as well as the BeNeLux countries and Iberia. The distribution agreement provides Brenntag customers across Europe exclusive access to Lallemand’s Nutrilife portfolio of baking enzymes universally…
L’écosystème des start-up françaises reprend enfin des couleurs

Stimulées par l’IA et les greentech, les levées de fonds sont reparties à la hausse au premier semestre. La French Tech va mieux. Au premier semestre 2024, les levées de fonds ont augmenté par rapport à l’année dernière, marquant une amélioration après 18 mois particulièrement difficiles. 413 levées de fonds: Au total, les start-up tricolores ont…
AFYREN’s fermentation lab reaches 2-million-hour mark as it identifies new raw materials to fuel industrial expansion

12 years of research since AFYREN’s inception have produced: AFYREN, a greentech company that offers manufacturers natural, low-carbon ingredients produced using unique fermentation technology based on a completely circular model, confirms its innovative approach and identifies the biomass families that will underpin its industrial…
Centre d’Innovation Client – Tereos

Notre Centre d’Innovation Client nouvellement établi à Aalst (Belgique) est équipé d’un laboratoire de pointe, de pilotes, d’équipements analytiques modernes, de laboratoires et d’ateliers pilotes dédiés pour fournir des services de qualité à nos clients. Notre équipe d’experts produit, teste et développe des solutions pour une large gamme de produits…
Comptoir des Lys rachète la marque de parfums et cosmétiques bio Acorelle

Le groupe Nature et Stratégie, spécialiste de la cosmétique bio et des détergents écologiques via sa division Comptoir des Lys (Coslys, Les Couleurs de Jeanne, Etamine du Lys, etc.) a acquis le fonds de commerce du Laboratoire Odysud (Acorelle, Be Positive, et Bleu-Zen). Le groupe basé à Somloire, dans l’agglomération de Cholet…
Pierre Fabre explore les biomarqueurs du vieillissement cutané

Les Laboratoires Pierre Fabre ont prolongé leur partenariat de recherche historique avec l’IHU HealthAge de Toulouse. Le fabricant français de produits dermo-cosmétiques cherche à identifier des biomarqueurs prédictifs du vieillissement cutané en vue de nouveaux développement au sein de sa marque Eau Thermale Avène. Pierre Fabre…
Le Groupe Rocher a cédé Flormar à un consortium d’investisseurs turcs

Le groupe familial français d’origine bretonne – propriétaire des marques Yves Rocher, Petit Bateau, Dr Pierre Ricaud, Stanhome ou encore Arbonne et Sabon — a conclu une promesse de vente avec une société composée d’un consortium de trois investisseurs turcs – Esas Private Equity, Tacirler Asset Management PE Fund I, et Credia Partners…
Deux formules nutricosmétiques chez AlgoSource

Spécialisée dans la valorisation des actifs de microalgues à des fins de prévention santé, la société nantaise AlgoSource a développé deux formulations nutricosmétiques. Eclat Marin® associe magnésium et collagène marins. En boostant la production naturelle d’élastine et d’acide hyaluronique, ces deux ingrédients d’origine marine et…
Introducing Carlsberg Britvic: A UK beer and soft drink giant

Carlsberg will create a beer and soft drink powerhouse in the UK with the acquisition of Britvic. How will the new company Shape up? On Monday 8 July, Carlsberg announced it had reached an agreement to acquire Britvic, after two failed offers in June at £2.99bn ($3.8bn) and then £3.1bn ($4bn). It finally clinched the deal with an offer of £3.3bn…
Eaux recyclées dans l’agroalimentaire : le cadre est désormais » opérationnel «

Le cadre réglementaire relatif à l’utilisation des eaux recyclées au sein des industries agro-alimentaires (IAA) est désormais complet, suite à la publication d’un décret et d’un arrêté début juillet. Pour certaines industries, cette » réutilisation » des eaux permettra une économie de 15 % à 80 % en eau potable, a estimé le ministère de l’Agriculture…
Carlyle cède Tokiwa Cosmetics Group à Nihon Kolmar

Nihon Kolmar, le principal sous-traitant japonais du secteur cosmétique, a acquis 100% de Tokiwa Cosmetics Group auprès du fonds d’investissement Carlyle. Nihon Kolmar a acheté la totalité des actions en partenariat avec sa filiale TOA Corporation. Les détails financiers de la transaction n’ont pas été divulgués. Carlyle a acquis Tokiwa en 2019…
InVivo partners Avril accelerate agricultural transformation in France

Soufflet Agriculture of the InVivo group and Avril’s subsidiaries, Lesieur and Saipol, signed a commercial agreement on July 8 to market rapeseed and sunflower seeds grown using regenerative agriculture. Starting with the 2024 harvest, this partnership aims to meet part of Lesieur’s seed needs and Saipol’s requirements for low-carbon biofuel production. The multi…
Debut élargit son partenariat avec L’Oréal pour des ingrédients beauté biotech

La startup biotech californienne a signé un accord avec L’Oréal pour développer plus d’une douzaine d’ingrédients bio-identiques clés destinés à remplacer les ingrédients conventionnels actuellement utilisés dans les produits de soin de la peau et des cheveux, de maquillage et parfums que le géant de la beauté commercialise dans le…
Ingood by Olga – Protéines de pois riche en acides aminés ramifiés

(Brève) Ingood by Olga veut limiter son impact et le gaspillage alimentaire et tendre vers un modèle circulaire. Son ingrédient végétal Peakara est ainsi upcyclé, issu du pois jaune origine Europe garanti sans OGM. Il est hautement nutritionnel, développé pour la nutrition sportive de récupération post-entraînement. Peakara est une protéine concentrée à 55…
Alfalfa – Mix de farines maltées

(Brève) Dans un contexte de flambée du prix du cacao, au plus haut depuis 50 ans, Alfalfa propose Schomalt, une alternativeéconomique, tout en maintenant un goût et une couleur caractéristiques du caco. Schomalt est un mix de farines toastées de malt d’orge et de blé avec pour objectif de remplacer partiellement ou totalement le cacao dans les…
À Saint-Gérand-Croixanvec, le site de l’entreprise Sanders a été entièrement rénové

Sanders est une société filiale du groupe Avril, spécialisée dans la fabrication d’aliments pour les animaux de ferme. L’usine de Saint-Gérand-Croixanvec (Morbihan) compte 160 salariés, majoritairement administratifs, dont 40 dans l’usine automatisée. Le site a été entièrement rénové, en 2022 et 2023. La commission développement économique…
Le gouvernement tient ses promesses sur les biocarburants
Au Journal Officiel du 30 juin dernier, de nouveaux arrêtés autorisent la commercialisation de carburants alternatifs additionnels pour les engins non routiers et assouplissent l’utilisation de certains carburants existants en leur permettant d’être disponibles en station-service. Dans un arrêté du 26 juin 2024, le…
FNB Private Equity acquiert Nestlé Bébé France
(Brève) FNB Private Equity a finalisé l’acquisition des activités « Aliments pour bébé » (hors laits infantiles) de Nestlé en France. Les marques NaturNes, Babicao, Babivanille, et les franchises P’tit, regroupées au sein d’Azuré holding, sont produites sur le site d’Arches (Vosges). Antoine Forbin est nommé Président d’Azuré…
Valorial is mobilising more and more European funding to boost innovation in the food industry
For 6 years now, Valorial has made Europe a strategic lever for the deployment of innovation in the agricultural and agri-food sectors in Western France. This approach has been supported by both the public authorities backing Valorial (the French government, the 3 regional councils of Brittany, Pays de la Loire and…
InnoTech, boosteur d’innovation
La deuxième édition du challenge InnoTech s’est achevée le 4 juillet par l’InnoTech Day qui a rassemblé une centaine de participants, dont 40 entreprises et 20 investisseurs. L’idée ? Réfléchir collectivement comment mieux travailler entre entreprises et laboratoires de recherche pour accélérer l’innovation. L’occasion…
The VERY Food Co. annonce avoir levé plus d’1 million d’euros depuis sa création
En clôturant une levée de fonds de 850 000 EUR, The VERY Food Co. atteint un jalon majeur portant le total des fonds levés depuis sa création à plus d’un million d’euros. La société annonce également des partenariats stratégiques et nominations clés dans le cadre de France 2030. The VERY Food Co., startup pionnière…
Sanders rachète une usine de Soufflet Agriculture et lance Nuoo

Le fabricant d’aliment, du groupe Avril, a ainsi, racheté l’usine du site de production de Talmont-Saint-Hilaire (85). L’usine produit spécifiquement du mash, est certifiée OQUALIM et a une capacité industrielle de 70 000 tonnes. « L’acquisition par Sanders de l’activité nutrition animale de Soufflet Agriculture s’inscrit dans la continuité des…
Hair’Inside(TM) d’Activ’Inside : revitalisation complète des cheveux

La société Activ’Inside a développé Hair’Inside™, un revitalisant capillaire innovant, en instance de brevet, conçu pour répondre aux divers besoins des consommateurs à la recherche de solutions complètes de soins capillaires. Hair’Inside™, testé sous contrôle dermatologique, favorise la croissance, la brillance et la force des cheveux. Sa formule…
Andritz to supply world’s largest lignin production system to Södra pulp mill in Sweden
Swedish forest industry group Södra has selected international technology group Andritz to supply a complete solution for kraft lignin production to its Mönsterås pulp mill in Sweden. This major investment marks Södra’s entry into the lignin market as part of it its strategy to make the most of the wood used in pulp production…
Anjac Health & Beauty se renforce en Amérique du nord avec APR Beauty
Le groupe familial industriel français poursuit sa stratégie de croissance externe avec l’acquisition du fabricant canadien de maquillage et soin de la peau APR Beauty. Nouveau bond en avant pour Anjac Health & Beauty, avec une acquisition qui lui permet de muscler son offre cosmétique clé en main et d’amplifier sa présence…
Method for producing plant-derived collagen peptide mixture
The present disclosure relates to a method for producing a plant-derived collagen peptide mixture, the method including steps of: mixing Hibiscus and Tremella fuciformis; adding water to the mixture, followed by heat treatment at 70 to 90° C. for 30 to 60 minutes; adding an acidic solution to the heat-treated product, and…
Ionic Liquid-Based Extraction of Fulvic-like Substances from Wood Sawdust: Reproducing Unique Biological Activities of Fulvic Acids Using Renewable Natural Sources
Fulvic acids (FAs) have been commercially used in cosmetics and agronomy due to their unique biological activities, such as plant stimulation and anti-inflammatory effects. However, the extraction sources of FAs, such as peat, are currently limited. Consequently, new extraction methods using renewable resources need…
Developing a recovery process for bioactives from discarded by‐products of winemaking industry based on multivariate optimization method: Deep eutectic solvents as eco‐friendly extraction media
Abstract Introduction The recovery process for bioactives from discarded by‐products of the winemaking industry is of great value considering both environmental and economic aspects. Objective The goal of this study is to investigate the extraction of phenolic antioxidants from grape (Vitis vinifera) seeds by means of…
Using rice bran as a press aid during the cold‐pressing of sesame seeds improved the extraction yield and quality of the resultant oil
Simple, cost‐effective, and practical techniques can enhance the shelf life of cold‐pressed oils. This study evaluated sesame seed (SS) cold‐pressed oil with various percentages of rice bran (RB) as press aid, including 0%, 1%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, and 10% w/w. In summary, the study demonstrated that the…
Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) leaves as natural colorant for cotton dyeing using an ecofriendly approach toward industrial progress.
In the industrial sector, vegetable residual materials have received attention in the production of bio-colorant for textile dyeing. The current research endeavor is centered on investigating the possibility of using sugar beet leaves as a natural source of dye for the purpose of dyeing cotton fabrics. Different extraction methods…
Development of a scalable, high-anthocyanin and low-acidity natural red food colorant from Hibiscus sabdariffa L.
The hibiscus calyx contains 0.3-2.4% total anthocyanins, and is a promising source for naturally red food colorants. In this study, commercially available hibiscus calyces were subjected to ethanolic-aqueous extraction and chromatographic enrichment with the XAD-7HP resin, to create scalable, high-anthocyanin…
Valorization of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) brans from the sustainable perspective: A comprehensive review of bioactive compounds and health benefits with emphasis on their potential applications
Barley is an important source of sustainable diets for humans, while its brans is commonly disposed as wastes. The recycling of barley brans has become a key for facilitating the valorization of barley as a whole to achieve its sustainable development. This review summarized the value of barley brans as an excellent…
Trends in extracting protein from microalgae Spirulina platensis, using innovative extraction techniques: mechanisms, potentials, and limitations
Microalgal, species are recognized for their high protein content, positioning them as a promising source of this macronutrient. Spirulina platensis, in particular, is noteworthy for its rich protein levels (70 g/100 g dw), which are higher than those of meat and legumes. Incorporating this microalgae into food can provide…
Green Approaches for the Extraction of Banana Peel Phenolics Using Deep Eutectic Solvents
Banana peels, comprising about 35% of the fruit’s weight, are often discarded, posing environmental and economic issues. This research focuses on recycling banana peel waste by optimizing advanced extraction techniques, specifically microwave-assisted (MAE) and ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), for the…
Electromembrane extraction of peptides based on charge, hydrophobicity, and size – A large-scale fundamental study of the extraction window
This study investigated the capability of electromembrane extraction (EME) as a general technique for peptides, by extracting complex pools of peptides comprising in total of 5953 different substances, varying in size from seven to 16 amino acids. Electromembrane extraction was conducted from a sample adjusted to…
Core-shell magnetic covalent organic polymer nanocomposites as an adsorbent for the extraction of flavonoids
A novel 3D magnetic nanocomposite material based on covalent organic polymers was successfully synthesized and utilized as an efficient sorbent for magnetic solid-phase extraction. It exhibited a regular core-shell structure, large specific surface area, superior stability, and paramagnetism. To evaluate its extraction…
A sequential approach of alkali enzymatic extraction of dietary fiber from rice bran: Effects on structural, thermal, crystalline properties, and food application
Rice bran is abundant in dietary fiber and is often referred to as the seventh nutrient, recognized for its numerous health benefits. The objective of the current study is to investigate the extraction of both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber from defatted rice bran (DRB) using an alkali-enzymatic treatment through response…
Stabilized chlorophyll-based food colorants from spinach: Kinetics of a tailored enzymatic extraction
An organic solvent-free method based on limited dosing options (biocatalyst and zinc chloride) for the quick and mild recovery of chlorophyll (Chl) from spinach has been proposed. This tailored, custom-made protocol has been designed to produce stable green natural colorants. The kinetics of pigment extraction turned out…
Cassava leaves as an alternative protein source: Effect of alkaline parameters and precipitation conditions on protein extraction and recovery
Alternative protein sources have been required to meet the significant plant protein demand. Agro-industrial by-products such as leaves have considerable potential as a source of macromolecules once they are mostly discarded as waste. The current study evaluated dried cassava leaves s as a protein source. First, alkaline…
Mediterranean Food By-products as a Valuable Source of Bioactive Compounds with Health Properties
Recently, considerable attention has been focused on the recovery and re-use of waste plant matrices as promising sources of bioactive compounds with health effects. As the Mediterranean diet involves the consumption of great amounts of fruits and vegetables, large quantities of agro-food by-products are…
Optimizing Ultrasonic‐Assisted Extraction for Enhanced Yield of Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activity in Cold Brew Coffee
ABSTRACT This study aimed to identify the best conditions for ultrasonic‐assisted extraction (UAE) of DPPH and phenolic compounds from cold brew coffee using Box‐Behnken Design (BBD) and Response Surface Methodology (RSM). It explored the effects of solid‐liquid ratio (5%–15%), extraction time (40–50 min)…
Pulsed Electric Field-Assisted Extraction of Inulin from Ecuadorian Cabuya (Agave americana)
Inulin is a carbohydrate that belongs to fructans; due to its health benefits, it is widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries. In this research, cabuya (Agave americana) was employed to obtain inulin by pulsed electric field-assisted extraction (PEFAE) and FTIR analysis confirmed its presence. The influence of…
Comparison of different green extraction methods used for the extraction of anthocyanin from red onion skin
In this study, novel and green methods were used to extract anthocyanin from red onion skin. Abstract Green extraction primarily emphasizes developing new extraction techniques that consume less energy. It involves using safe, non‐toxic alternative solvents and sustainable natural resources to ensure the production of…
Optimised phycoerythrin extraction method from Porphyridium sp. combining imidazolium-based ionic liquids
Phycoerythrin (PE) extraction from Porphyridium sp. was studied employing ultrasound-assisted extraction combined with aqueous mixtures of two imidazolium-based ionic liquids (ILs) simultaneously, marking a significant novelty. A face-centred central composite design and response surface optimised PE yield (E…
Natural Pigments Recovery from Food By-Products: Health Benefits towards the Food Industry
Given the health risks associated with synthetic colorants, natural pigments have emerged as a promising alternative. These renewable choices not only provide health benefits but also offer valuable technical and sensory properties to food systems. The effective application of natural colorants, however, requires the…
Microalgae as a New Source of Oxylipins: A Comprehensive LC-MS-Based Analysis Using Conventional and Green Extraction Methods
Microalgae are promising sources of essential lipids, including omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 and n-6 PUFA) and novel lipid metabolites like oxylipins. However, limited data exist on the oxylipin profile, its characterization, and the potential impact of the xtraction process on these metabolites in…
Extraction of polyphenols and essential oils from herbs with green extraction methods – An insightful review
The demand for polyphenols and essential oils (EOs) on the food market is high and grows every year. Its partially the result of the fact that these compounds can be used in formulation of clean label foods, a fast growing food sector. A significant share of polyphenols and EOs are extracted from herbs. The quality of…
Oil/Water Biphasic Solvent System for the Eco-Extraction and Cosmetic Formulation of Bixa orellana L.
Annatto, obtained from the seeds of achiote (Bixa orellana L.), is a widely used orange pigment rich in bixin and other apocarotenoids. This work reports the optimisation of a green extraction method of pigments and antioxidant compounds from achiote as well as its integration in a one-step green extraction-cosmetic…
Optimization of Four Different Rosemary Extraction Techniques Using Plackett-Burman Design and Comparison of Their Antioxidant Compounds
Rosemary has many medicinal and therapeutic properties and therefore it is important to study how to maximize the recovery of its bioactive compounds. In the present study, four different extraction techniques were used, namely stirring extraction (STE), pulsed electric field-assisted extraction (PEF), ultrasound…
Review of recent applications and modifications of aqueous two-phase system for the separation of biomolecules
Biomolecules, specifically proteins, polysaccharides, and secondary metabolites are potential lead compounds due to their remarkable pharmacological properties. However, the complex molecular structure of the biomolecules makes their separation processes of great challenges. The conventional downstream…
Isolation, purification, and physio-chemical characterization of melanin pigment from nigerseed hulls (Guizotia abysinica)
Plant melanin, a natural pigment, has gained significant attention recently due to its potential therapeutic and industrial applications. In this study, melanin pigments were extracted from Nigerseed hulls (NH) via alkali and acid extraction methods, followed by acid hydrolysis, organic solvent treatment, and repeated precipitation…
Enhancing anthocyanin extraction efficiency in vegetables and fruits: a high‐speed shear homogenization technology
Abstract – Background: To extract anthocyanins with high efficiency, a hypothesis for high‐speed shear homogenization extraction (HSHE) method was established through a combination of solvent and ultrasonic‐assisted extractions. The efficacy of this hypothesis was demonstrated by performing qualitative and…
Optimization of Extraction and Purification of Flavonoids from Stigmaless Floral Residues of Crocus sativus L. and Their Stimulatory Effect on Glucose Uptake In Vitro
Saffron, the dried stigma of Crocus sativus L., is a renowned spice and medicinal herb. During its production, a significant amount of floral residues, rich in bioactive compounds, are discarded as agricultural by-products. This study presents a novel approach to the sustainable utilization of these stigmaless floral residues (FRC)…
Cosucra, Emsland et Roquette mesurent l’ACV du pois jaune

(Article complet réservée aux abonnés à RIA). Les trois producteurs européens de pois jaune ont réalisé son analyse de cycle de vie. Face à la demande croissante d’une alimentation à moindre impact environnemental, le pois jaune présente des avantages à la fois fonctionnels et durables, tout en répondant aux besoins nutritionnels des…
Enhancing protein extraction from heterotrophic Auxenochlorella protothecoides microalgae through emerging cell disruption technologies combined with incubation
This study evaluated pulsed electric fields (PEF) and ultrasonication (US) combined with incubation to enhance cell disruption and protein extraction from Auxenochlorella protothecoides, comparing them to conventional high-pressure homogenization (HPH). A 5 h incubation enhanced protein yield by 79.4 % for…
Microalgal proteins: Unveiling sustainable alternatives to address the protein challenge
Recent breakthroughs emphasized the considerable potential of microalgae as a sustainable protein source. Microalgae are regarded as a substitute for protein-rich foods because of their high protein and amino acid content. However, despite their nutritional value, microalgae cannot be easily digested by humans due to…
Alternate solvent for soybean oil extraction based on extractability and membrane solvent recovery
Ethyl acetate, acetone, 2-propanol, 1-propanol, and ethanol were screened among the class 3 category solvents as an alternative to hexane based on operational and occupational safety and bio-renewability potential. All five solvents exhibited higher extractability (22.3 to 23.2%) than hexane (21.5%) with soybean…
Aspects of quercetin stability and its liposomal enhancement in yellow onion skin extracts
Quercetin is a flavonoid that occurs in many types of fruit and vegetables and is stable for no longer than 4.5 h in the investigated pH range (6.0-8.0), even at 4 °C in the dark. At higher temperatures, the degradation/oxidation process is much faster. Simple but effective proliposomal encapsulation was used to…
Dextrin Industry to Witness Massive Growth (2024-2031) | Ingredion Incorporated, American Key Products, Inc., Meelunie B.V, Agridient Inc.

DataM Intelligence has published a new research report on « Dextrin Market Size 2024 ». The report explores comprehensive and insightful Information about various key factors like Regional Growth, Segmentation, CAGR, Business Revenue Status of Top Key Players and Drivers. The The purpose of this report is to provide a telescopic view of the current…
Dermocosmetic Products Market to see Huge Growth by 2031
The global dermocosmetic products market is anticipated to grow at a significant CAGR of 7.5% during the forecast period. The proactive factors that drive the market growth include stressful lifestyles, pollution, and inappropriate usage of products. In addition, the rise in cosmetic surgery globally, coupled with the…
Food Polyols Market Report by Key Companies, Regional Analysis and Forecast 2032

Food Polyols Market Overview: The food polyols market is experiencing robust growth, driven by increasing consumer demand for low-calorie, sugar-free, and health-conscious food options. Food polyols, also known as sugar alcohols, are a type of carbohydrate used as sweeteners and bulking agents in a wide range of food products. These compounds…
Alginate Industry is Expected to Reach Rapid Growth by 2031 – ALGAIA, Danisco A/S, Ingredients Solutions Inc., Shandong Jiejing Group Corporation, Mytech

DataM Intelligence has published a new research report on « Alginate Market Size 2024 ». The report explores comprehensive and insightful Information about various key factors like Regional Growth, Segmentation, CAGR, Business Revenue Status of Top Key Players and Drivers. The purpose of this report is to provide a telescopic view of the…
Flavors & Fragrances Market worth $42.3 billion by 2029 – Exclusive Report by MarketsandMarkets™

The report « Flavors & Fragrances Market by Ingredient Type (Synthetic, Natural), End-use Industry (Beverages, Bakery, Savory & Snacks, Dairy Products, Confectionery…
Mauvaises récoltes de blé: cela va-t-il faire gonfler le prix de la baguette ?

Plombée par les pluies excessives, la récolte de blé tendre en France pourrait atteindre son plus faible niveau depuis les années 1980. Les moissons s’annoncent mauvaises dans les champs de l’Hexagone. La récolte de blé tendre, la principale production française, pourrait tomber à un peu plus de 25 millions de tonnes cette année, au plus…
Chilean startup Food for the Future: Alternative aquafeed is a viable way to open new markets

For aquaculture companies looking to embrace an effective circular economic model, as well as a lighter footprint on marine resources, using insect-based aquafeed as a partial replacement for traditional fishmeal can help and, actually, open up new markets, according to Felipe Mayol, the commercial manager at Chilean startup Food for the…
Dehulled Sunflower Meal Industry Growth Factors, Applications, and Forecast by (2024-2034)
Latest Updated Report 2023, The Global Dehulled Sunflower Meal Market to Growing A CAGR of 14.6% during forecast period of 2023-2032. The Market is segmented by Global Dehulled Sunflower Meal Market Breakdown by Application (Ruminants, Swine, Poultry, Others) by Type (Pellets, Powder) and by Geography…
JO de Paris : comment le marché de la nutrition sportive sort de sa niche ?
(Article complet réservée aux abonnés à RIA). La nutrition sportive affiche une croissance structurelle, malgré l’inflation. Les attentes des consommateurs évoluent et de nouveaux acteurs émergent, développant des offres plus gourmandes. Alors que débutent les Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024 le 26 juillet, la nutrition…
Seaweed Derivatives Market Size 2024 Research Report by Market Competitive Landscape, Product Types and Forecast to 2032
Top manufactures included in Seaweed Derivatives market are as follow: CP Kelco, Agarmex, Hispanagar, Gelymar, Cargill, TBK Manufacturing Corporation, Irish Seaweed, W Hydrocolloids, ALGAIA, DuPont, New Zealand Manuka, Shemberg, Humates and Seaweeds, KIMICA, Sobigel, Arthur Branwell & Co Ltd, Global…
Green Acetic Acid Market Size, Share, Landscape, Industry
QY Research’s latest report ‘Green Acetic Acid Market 2024 Report’ is a cornerstone of global industries, serving as a foundational element for various sectors such as manufacturing, construction, healthcare, and agriculture. This expansive market encompasses a wide array of products, including specialty chemicals…
Le chanvre, la petite graine qui monte, qui monte !

La France est leader en Europe pour la culture de cette plante dont la graine présente de nombreux bénéfices nutritionnels. Des produits en contenant sont en développement. Les atouts nutritionnels du chanvre sont nombreux et significatifs, à commencer par sa teneur en lipides (25-35 %, et même jusqu’à 42 % pour certaines variétés françaises) dont 70 à…
Whole Leaf Extracted Stevia Market See Huge Growth for New Normal | Cargill, Ingredion Incorporated, Tate and Lyle PLC, Purecircle Limited
Research Cognizance has published a report that represents the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data about a Whole Leaf Extracted Stevia market. This is a crucial step in developing a business strategy or launching a new product, as it helps companies to gain a deeper understanding of the Whole…
Navigating the Maze: Sourcing Rare Excipients for Pharmaceutical Innovation
The Critical Role of Rare Excipients in Niche Drug Development: In the competitive landscape of pharmaceutical innovation, the ability to source rare excipients can make or break the development of niche products. These uncommon ingredients often hold the key to unlocking new drug formulations, enhancing…
Seaweed Hydrocolloids Market Set for 4.9% CAGR Growth to USD 997.0 Million by 2033
The global seaweed hydrocolloids market, valued at USD 610.0 million in 2023, is poised for significant growth. Projections indicate it will reach USD 997.0 million by 2033, with an anticipated CAGR of 4.9% over the period. Key Companies : Hispanagar; Cargill, Incorporated; CP Kelco; AgarGel; Algaia; Compania…