Syensqo introduces Riza, a new range of natural flavors and antioxidants for food preservation

The new rosemary-based range is designed for diverse food-based applications and responds to consumer demand for more natural ingredients. Syensqo is launching Riza, a 100% plant-based range of antioxidants and flavors derived from rosemary. The…
La société Ynsect sous procédure de sauvegarde

La start-up, qui produit de la nourriture à partir d’insectes, est placée en observation pendant six à douze mois. Ynsect voulait » réinventer la chaîne alimentaire « , à partir d’aliments fabriqués à base d’insectes. La start-up va devoir revoir ses ambitions à la baisse. Ynsect, qui a implanté sa méga-ferme d’insectes à Poulainville (Somme)…
Scelta Mushrooms primée au SIAL 2024 grâce à Fungible, un nouvel ingrédient à base de champignons permettant de booster le Nutri-Score | Foodinnov
Basée aux Pays-Bas, la société Scelta Mushrooms remporte cette année le prix de l’innovation pour les PAI au SIAl 2024 grâce à Fungible. Cet ingrédient arrive sur le marché dans un contexte plus que favorable alors que les consommateurs et les gouvernements réclament des alternatives alimentaires végétales plus…
Avec Paticeo, le groupe Roullier vise une place de leader de la pâtisserie industrielle en France et à l’international – Bretagne Économique
Le Pôle agroalimentaire du Groupe Roullier évolue et donne naissance à Paticeo, une nouvelle identité, née du rapprochement de ses trois filiales : Pâtisseries Gourmandes (Ker Cadélac, Le Guillou), Maison Colibri et Alysse Food. A travers cette opération, l’industriel breton, basé à Saint-Malo, entend devenir un leader de la pâtisserie industrielle, tant en…
Hubcycle boucle une troisième levée de fonds, d’un montant de 15 millions d’euros
(Court article) La start-up avignonnaise Hubcycle (19 personnes, CA 2023 : 5 M€), qui valorise les déchets agroalimentaires vient de boucler sa troisième levée de fonds. D’un montant de 15 millions d’euros, elle est réalisée auprès de trois nouveaux investisseurs, ETF (Environmental Technologies Fund), Raise Ventures…
Sparkalis invests in California Cultured to promote cocoa production with sustainable, cell-cultured chocolate

Belgian chocolate giant Puratos’ food tech venture arm, Sparkalis, has made a strategic investment in California Cultured, a US start-up pioneering plant cell cultivation to produce sustainable cacao. The collaboration seeks to revolutionize the chocolate industry by creating high-quality chocolate without the environmental and ethical…
Tate & Lyle to forgo shareholder vote on proposed acquisition of CP Kelco

Tate & Lyle has said it no longer needs stakeholder approval for the US$1.8 billion proposed buyout of CP Kelco from J.M Huber Corporation. The decision is based on the Financial Conduct Authority’s changes to the UK Listing Rules, which took effect from July 29. « Under the New Listing Rules, completion of the Proposed Transaction is no longer required to be…
Phycom Microalgae: 100% Vegan Protein Source
(Short text) Meat alternatives containing microalgae. Phycom can help you develop meat alternatives containing microalgae. There is growing interest in the use of new protein sources in food, such as insects and microalgae. Algae are a natural and highly efficient source of protein and essential amino acids…
Sanoflore prépare son retour sur le devant de la scène

Vendue par L’Oréal, il y a un an, la marque bio Sanoflore prépare son retour sur le devant de la scène. Si ses ventes ont chuté de 30 % depuis la cession, les nouveaux actionnaires, le fonds Ekkio Capital et Sergio Calandri, nouveau PDG de la marque, comptent activement la relancer. Sanoflore s’est « restaffée » avec l’arrivée notamment…
Ingood By Olga – Poudre de lentilles fermentées

(Brève) À l’occasion du FiE, Ingood by Olga lance Lengood, une poudre de lentilles fermentées, qui permet la substitution de l’oeuf dans une large gamme de produits de boulangerie et de pâtisserie. Lengood offre toutes les fonctionnalités de l’œuf (texturant, émulsifiant et gélifiant), tout en étant 30 % plus économique que ce dernier. Il permet…
Robertet étend ses capacités d’extraction avec l’acquisition de Phasex

Le fournisseur de matières premières naturelles pour parfums et arômes, a conclu un accord pour acquérir Phasex, un pionnier de l’extraction au CO2 supercritique basé à North Andover, dans le Massachussets, aux États-Unis. Fondée en 1981, Phasex se concentre principalement sur trois segments de marché : les produits naturels, la…
Pickmulse, un émulsifiant doux à base de quinoa par Lucas Meyer Cosmetics

Lucas Meyer Cosmetics by Clariant a développé un nouvel émulsifiant huile dans eau sans tensioactif. Issu d’une technologie brevetée à base d’amidon de quinoa, ce nouvel ingrédient améliore les caractéristiques sensorielles des formules, avec un effet prouvé en faveur d’émotions positives. Basé sur la technologie brevetée de Lucas Meyer…
Bringing A New Era of Taste & Flavor to Plant-based Foods with Yeast-based
The Global Head of Customer Innovation at Biospringer by Lesaffre discusses how fermentation-based solutions can hit the mark with flavorists. Especially when it comes to plant-based diets, consumer food trends are constantly redefining what we put on our plates. Biospringer by Lesaffre focuses on the major…
The Natural Sweetener Alliance: Tate & Lyle and Manus expand access to sugar reduction solutions

Aiming to accelerate sugar reduction, ingredient supplier for healthier F&B Tate & Lyle launches The Natural Sweetener Alliance with bioalternatives scale-up platform Manus. The partners aim to expand access to natural sugar reduction solutions, starting with stevia Reb M. They note that this is the « first large-scale commercialization » of stevia Reb M, which is sourced…
Oceanium nets UK funding to drive seaweed farming for ingredient innovation

Oceanium, a producer of ingredients derived from farmed seaweed, has secured funding from Innovate UK and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC). The grant will bolster project SeaFibre, through which the company aims to develop further and test its « superfood ingredient » Ocean Health Nutra. The Scottish processor is collaborating with the…
Plant Advanced Technologies : confiant dans sa capacité à atteindre ses objectifs financiers
L’augmentation du chiffre d’affaires de Plant Advanced Technologies au 30 juin 2024 et le passage à des résultats d’exploitation et financiers positifs montrent une meilleure performance opérationnelle et une gestion financière efficace qui permettent une amélioration de ses finances. Ainsi, au 30 juin 2024, le chiffre…
WeylChem Lamotte, en difficulté, prévoit de licencier
(Brève) Installée à Trosly-Breuil dans l’Oise, l’entreprise spécialisée en chimie WeylChem Lamotte (135 millions d’euros de CA) prévoit de licencier une centaine de personnes sur un effectif total de 400 salariés. Fondée il y a 127 ans, la direction estime une baisse de son chiffre d’affaires de 26 % en 2025 après la…
Oddlygood snaps up British plant-based firm to expand UK and EU presence

Finnish plant-based company Oddlygood has acquired UK-based Rude Health, which formulates dairy-free drinks, cereals and snacks with a focus on flavor, provenance, sustainability and health. With the move, Oddlygood aims to « revolutionize » plant-based in foodservice, expand its business beyond the Nordics and drive both UK and European growth…
Lignovations primée au SEPAWA pour LignoGuard, un booster de FPS issu du bois

Lignovations, une start-up qui développe des ingrédients durables à partir de lignine issue du recyclage de la biomasse, a remporté la 1ère place du SEPAWA Innovation Award pour son ingrédient cosmétique issu du bois, LignoGuard. Ce nouvel ingrédient sert de puissant booster de FPS et d’antioxydant. Il a été conçu pour aider les…
Bühler’s Grain Innovation Center poised to boost milling industry amid « challenging environment »

Bühler opens the doors to its new Grain Innovation Center (GIC) in Uzwil, Switzerland. The company says the facility marks a significant milestone in grain processing innovation and combines high-tech solutions with Bühler’s expertise while promoting collaboration with partners. The GIC will accommodate innovators from the food and animal nutrition industries to develop…
DSM-Firmenich to Showcase Upcycled Protein Isolate in Plant-Based Salmon, Pulled Pork, and Yogurt at Fi Europe 2024
DSM-Firmenich will introduce its upcycled protein isolate Vertis CanolaPRO and showcase its latest plant-based prototypes — smoked salmon with cream cheese, pulled beef, and longer-shelf-life yogurt — at Fi Europe 2024 from November 19 to 21 in Frankfurt, Germany. Vertis CanolaPRO is made from canola meal, a co-product of canola oil…
Nexira’s acacia fibres recognised by NutraStrong’s Prebiotic Verified programme
The two nutraceuticals are the first acacia-based products to be recognised by the initiative, and are deemed effective at a dose of 10g/day. Nexira’s range of acacia fibres have been acknowledged by the NutraStrong Prebiotic Verified programme. This makes the acacia fibres — which are suitable for functional foods and…
Clasado Biosciences introduces innovative prebiotic ingredient into booming pet nutrition market

Clasado Biosciences, developer of scientifically validated prebiotic ingredients for human gut health, reveals the company is entering the pet nutrition market. To support the company’s entry into the growing and evolving pet nutrition market, Clasado Biosciences introduces the Bimuno Pet brand, which will utilize the company’s Bimuno GOS (galactooligosaccharides) ingredient…
Bioprox finalise l’extension de son usine à Noyant pour doubler sa production
(Texte complet) Producteur de ferments lactiques, Bioprox Cultures finalise les travaux d’extension de son usine de Noyant (Maine-et-Loire). L’usine sera opérationnelle en 2025. Cette extension va permettre d’accroître la production de 65 %, et va s’accompagner de la création de 60 nouveaux emplois. Cette filiale…
Activ’Inside’s Belight 3 – a clinically proven solution for hyperpigmentation across all skin types
A patented oral skincare ingredient addressing dark spots caused by aging and UV exposure. Activ’Inside is set to showcase its revolutionary skincare ingredient, Belight 3™, at Supply Side West 2024. As a French-patented innovation, Belight 3™ offers a scientifically backed, oral solution for reducing hyperpigmentation…
Du végétal à la culture cellulaire : GEA dévoile ses innovations » New Food «

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à RIA) GEA mise sur l’innovation pour répondre aux nouvelles tendances de l’agroalimentaire. L’équipementier GEA a réuni, le 2 octobre, à Paris, plusieurs industriels de l’agroalimentaire pour présenter ses dernières technologies répondant aux nouvelles tendances de l’agroalimentaire. Regroupées…
Lesaffre investit (encore) dans l’innovation avec le rachat d’Altar

Lesaffre investit dans la fermentation et continue à déployer ses ailes Lesaffre continue son extension avec sa dernière acquisition, celle de l’entreprise Altar, conclue fin septembre 2024. Le groupe, qui avait déjà racheté l’activité de levure de dsm-firmenich en août 2024, renforce son influence dans le domaine de la fermentation. De son côté…
Lactic acid and biosurfactants from food waste for sustainable cleaning products

Case study. The innovation. Lactic acid and biosurfactants are currently produced commercially, primarily via fermentation from first generation sugar. The majority of this sugar is produced from sugar canes in Brazil and then imported into the EU, making the production processes dependent on that supply. Additionally, there is ongoing debate on…
Burcon unveils Puratein canola protein for egg replacement to mitigate supply challenges

Burcon NutraScience Corporation, a global technology player in the development of plant-based proteins, has launched its Puratein canola protein into the rapidly growing egg replacement market. The ingredient can be used in baked goods, offering food manufacturers a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to eggs. Egg stability : egg prices have surged due to supply…
Avec sa nouvelle usine, Eurogerm accélère dans la biofermentation
(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à RIA) Avec cette nouvelle usine, Eurogerm devient créateur et producteur d’ingrédients issus de la biofermentation. Le 10 octobre, Eurogerm a célébré l’ouverture de sa nouvelle usine de bio-fermentation, située dans l’écoparc Dijon-Bourgogne à Saint-Apollinaire (Côte-d’Or)…
3D food printing: Steakholder Foods CEO talks alt-meat formulation and overcoming challenges

From 3D-printed eel to vegan salmon filet, food companies are increasingly exploring 3D food printing to target the flavors and mouthfeel of conventional meat that appeal to a broad range of consumer palates. Israel-based Steakholder Foods manufactures 3D-printing production machines and proprietary premix blends to help firms meet consumer expectations for taste…
Ferments du Futur Opens New Innovation Centre for Future Food in France
© Ferments de Futur Ferments du Futur is a unique European public-private partnership to accelerate research and development in the field of healthy and sustainable food of the future through fermentation technologies. Two years after its official launch in December 2022, Ferments du Futur has opened an innovation centre in the heart of the Paris-Saclay…
French Seafood Brand Petit Navire Launches Plant-Based Range in Collaboration With ALGAMA Foods
French seafood brand Petit Navire (owned by Thai Union) has partnered with microalgae startup ALGAMA Foods to launch a new range of plant-based fish products. Called Cap Végétal, the range includes canned marinated plant-based fish in the flavours Olives & Oregano, Lemon & Thyme, and Tomatoes & Herbs. The fish alternatives are made from wheat and soy combined…
20 millions d’euros pour améliorer les procédés de fabrication des biomédicaments à Besançon

Piloté par l’EFS, le projet BioIMP est issu d’un consortium de huit partenaires, cinq privés (Cellquest, Diaclone, Lymphobank et MIP Pharma RD-Biotech) et trois structures publiques (l’EFS, la fondation FC-Innov et l’Université de Franche-Comté) ainsi que deux laboratoires (Right et Femto-ST). Quatre grands objectifs « Ce consortium vise à…
Berkem teams with Arctic Bioscience to launch B-Romega in North America
French manufacturer Groupe Berkem has partnered with Norwegian biotech company Arctic Bioscience to introduce a B-Romega-branded herring caviar oil extract to the North American B2B market. « From the very beginning, this partnership felt like a natural fit, » said Kim Thorup, executive vice-president of B2B Nutra at Arctic Bioscience…
Lhyfe, Elyse Energy souhaitent produire de l’e-méthanol au port de Saint-Nazaire

Lhyfe producteur d’hydrogène, et Elyse Energy, spécialiste européen de la production de molécules bas-carbone, ont annoncé vouloir développer ensemble la production d’e-méthanol à partir d’hydrogène vert renouvelable, à Montoir-de-Bretagne, au cœur de l’écosystème portuaire industriel et logistique de l’estuaire de la Loire. Le projet est..
Mérieux NutriSciences s’empare des activités d’analyses alimentaires de Bureau Veritas

Le groupe Mérieux NutriSciences va racheter les activités mondiales d’analyses alimentaires de Bureau Veritas, pour une valeur de 360 millions d’euros. L’opération lui permettra de renforcer ses positions et d’atteindre 1 milliard de dollars de chiffre d’affaires. Mérieux NutriSciences, leader mondial de la qualité, sécurité et durabilité…
SeaWeed Concept entend valoriser les algues grâce à la lactofermentation

SeaWeed Concept entend tirer parti des algues autrement. La start-up bretonne développe un process autour de la lactofermentation qui préserve l’algue dans le temps. L’heure est désormais au financement du projet. Les frères Balusson ont été des…
Lesaffre Acquires a Majority Stake in Biorigin

Lesaffre, an independent key global player in fermentation and microorganisms, announced today the acquisition of a majority stake in Biorigin, a business unit of Zilor, a multinational company producing yeast derivative products, to enhance the supply of…
Steak végétal : la justice européenne donne son feu vert

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à RIA) La France ne peut pas interdire l’utilisation de termes traditionnellement associés aux produits d’origine animale pour désigner des produits contenant des protéines végétales, estime la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne (CJUE). La décision était très attendue. Vendredi 4 octobre, la Cour de…
With Beyond McNuggets and a Meatless « Phamacy, » France Emerges as Europe’s Plant-Based Leader

It might be known for its meat- and cheese-heavy dishes, but in recent years, France has made major leaps toward embracing plant-based diets. It might be known for its meat- and cheese-heavy dishes, but in recent years, France has made major leaps toward embracing plant…
Yves Rocher déploie le Green Impact Index pour évaluer ses produits

La marque française a débuté le déploiement progressif sur son site internet du Green Impact Index, un outil permettant aux consommateurs de visualiser rapidement l’impact environnemental d’un produit. Depuis le 19 septembre 2024, Yves Rocher propose cet affichage sur sa boutique en ligne www.yves-rocher.fr pour une trentaine de ses…
BlueCare discovery développe un médicament à base de microalgues pour protéger le cerveau
Cette start-up nantaise teste les propriétés d’une molécule issue d’une microalgue pour développer un médicament ciblant les maladies neurodégénératives comme Alzheimer. Sa mise sur le marché est espérée en 2032. Le premier essai préclinique mené en 2023 a donné des résultats prometteurs. Alimentation humaine et animale, cosmétique…
Cosmewax augmente sa capacité de production avec une nouvelle usine

Le fabricant espagnol de produits de soin de la peau et d’épilation poursuit son expansion et vient d’investir 11 millions d’euros dans la construction d’une nouvelle usine à Puzol, dans la région de Valence, en Espagne. Le nouveau site de 5100 mètres carrés, qui sera inauguré officiellement en novembre, devrait permettre à Cosmewax…
Avril, via sa filiale Sanders, finalise le rachat des activités de nutrition animale d’Axéréal

L’intégration de Tellus affirme l’ambition d’Avril de s’engager en faveur de filières animales durables, tout en renforçant le maillage territorial des bassins d’élevage. Dans le cadre de la réalisation de l’opération 320 salariés répartis sur 9 sites industriels dans les régions Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Centre-Val de Loire, Occitanie rejoignent le Groupe. Contribuer…
PARIS : Projet PIDOSPAL, développé par le consortium BRIT’INOV,CIP Groupe OVALT, PRODIABIO

Brit’Inov a porté ses membres dans le corsosium du Projet PIDOSPAL accompagné par un financement Inno R&D Collaborative de la Région Bretagne, pour la création d’un procédé innovant de déshydratation alimentaire. Projet PIDOSPAL, développé par le consortium BRIT’INOV,CIP Groupe OVALT, PRODIABIO, accompagné par un financement Inno R&D…
Every’s vegan eggs receive US patent for protein made via precision fermentation

Every has been granted the foundational US 12/096,784 patent to advance egg proteins produced from precision fermentation using its no-animal egg solution. The patent generally covers any ingredient composition for food products that incorporates recombinant ovalbumin — the principal protein found in egg whites — combined with at least one additional consumable…
Jungbunzlauer makes multi-million investment in Canadian biogum manufacturing site

Swiss ingredient producer Jungbunzlauer is investing US$200 million in a « first-of-its-kind » facility in Ontario, Canada, for xanthan gum, a thickening and stabilizing agent derived from corn, soy, dairy or wheat. The multi-year project aims to strengthen the company’s presence in North America, create employment in the domestic market and push sustainability goals with…
Matières premières : Le Burkina Faso suspend ses exportations de karité

Le Burkina Faso a suspendu ses exportations d’amandes de karité, a annoncé le gouvernement dans un communiqué daté du mercredi 18 septembre. La suspension de l’exportation d’amandes de karité concerne « toute l’étendue du territoire national jusqu’à nouvel ordre », précise le texte conjoint du ministre du Commerce Serge Poda et de…
Green technologies for extracting plant waste functional ingredients and new food formulation: A review
Abstract Nowadays, there is a growing interest in food waste recovery by both consumers and companies. Food waste of plant origin is a source of bioactive compounds, such as phenolic acids, anthocyanins, flavonoids, phytosterols, carotenoids, and tocopherols, with well‐known antioxidant, anti‐glycemic, and…
Extraction of high-quality moso bamboo fibers by enzyme/alkali synergistic mechanism
As an emerging non-wood resource, moso bamboo has attracted extensive attention because of its short growth cycle and high holocellulose content. However, the internal structure of moso bamboo is more compact than that of wood, leading to higher chemical consumption during the pulping process, which…
Value-added utilization technologies for seaweed processing waste in a circular economy: Developing a sustainable modern seaweed industry
The global seaweed industry annually consumes approximately 600,000 tons of dried algal biomass to produce algal hydrocolloids, yet only 15-30% of this biomass is utilized, with the remaining 70-85% discarded or released as scum or wastewater during the hydrocolloid extraction process. This residual biomass is…
An integrated process for the purification of levulinic acid from technical lignin
The present invention relates to a novel integrated process to extract and purify levulinic acid (LA) produced from the technical lignin waste (2-G residue) generated after second generation (2-G) ethanol production from biomass. In this process, liquid-liquid 5 extraction was carried out using fusel oil as an organic extractant to…
Ultrasound-assisted extraction of triterpenoids from Chaenomeles speciosa leaves: Process optimization, adsorptive enrichment, chemical profiling, and protection against ulcerative colitis
For the valorization of Chaenomeles speciosa leaves, this study focused on extraction, enrichment, chemical profiling, and investigation of the biological activity of its abundant triterpenoid components. Initially, the total triterpenoids in C. speciosa leaves were extracted by ultrasonic-assisted extraction (UAE) method, with the…
Valorization of potato by-products as a source of plant proteins: novel extraction techniques and potential applications
The potential of potato by-products as a protein source presents an exciting opportunity to explore new methods and technologies to extract, enhance, and incorporate this valuable protein source into a variety of food products. This article reviews the progress in research related to potato and other tuber plant protein extraction technology. It also explores some conventional and novel techniques for plant protein extraction…
Optimizing the extraction of essential oil yield from Pistacia lentiscus oleo-gum resin by superheated steam extraction using response surface methodology
Pistacia lentiscus L. is an aromatic plant containing a significant percentage of essential oil (EO) used in fragrance, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and the food industry. The purpose of this work is focused on the optimization of Pistacia lentiscus L. oleo gum resin EO yield extracted by superheated steam extraction…
Cinnamon – A Competent Drug: A Review on Extraction, Analysis and Anticancer Action
This comprehensive review undertakes a systematic evaluation of diverse extraction methodologies and analytical protocols employed to elucidate the chemical composition of various cinnamon species. Furthermore, it delves the bioactive profile of cinnamon, with an emphasis on the potent anti‐cancer…
Recovery of chemical components from Spondias mombin L. leaves using pressurized hot water, ultrasound and turbo-extraction techniques
The fruit of Spondias mombin (cajazeira) is widely consumed in the northeast region of Brazil. In this work, three different extraction methods, namely ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), turbo-extraction (TE) and pressurized hot water extraction (PHWE), were evaluated in order to investigate the potential of cajazeira…
Optimization of the ultrasound‐assisted extraction of phenolic antioxidants from Cistus salvifoliusL. using response surface methodology
The current work aims to optimize the ultrasound‐assisted extraction (UAE) of Cistus salviifolius L. (aerial parts) antioxidative phenolic compounds using response surface methodology. A Box–Behnken design has been conducted to investigate the effect of four factors, namely: (i) percentage of ethanol (50‐90%, v/v)…
Extraction mechanism and bio-activities of capsaicinoids from lantern peppers placenta using deep eutectic solvents
This study proposed ultrasound-assisted deep eutectic solvent (DES) for the extraction of capsaicinoids (CAP) from the placenta of lantern peppers. The DES of choline chloride-citric acid (ChCl-CA), with the highest CAP yield (8.25 mg/g) was screened. 1 H nuclear magnetic resonance and Fourier transform…
Ultrasound-assisted low-temperature extraction of polysaccharides from Lavandula angustifolia Mill.: Optimization, structure characterization, and anti-inflammatory activity
Lavandula angustifolia Mill. is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb with high economic and pharmacological value. In this study, we optimized the conditions for low-temperature ultrasound-assisted extraction of L. angustifolia Mill. polysaccharides using response surface methodology (RSM), and two homopoly-…
Methods to protein and peptide extraction from microalgae: a systematic review
Currently, there is a demand for protein sources that do not use soil management or animal breeding. Among these sources we highlight the microorganisms, such cyanobacteria and microalgae, which have a simple growth using light, CO2, water and some mineral salts to generate high protein production. The extraction of…
Green and sustainable technologies for extraction of carotenoids from natural sources: a comprehensive review
In recent years, driven by increasing consumer demand for natural and healthy convenient foods, the food industry has been shifting from synthetic to natural products. This shift is also reflected in the growing popularity of non-conventional extraction methods for pigments, which are favored for sustainability and…
Methods for extracting levulinic acid using 2-methyl tetrahydrofuran
Levulinic acid and formic acid are valuable chemical intermediaries present in byproducts of some biomass conversion processes. Described herein are commercially viable processes for extracting levulinic acid and formic acid at high recovery. Under the present approach, levulinic acid and formic acid may be extracted…
Screening and Characterization of 1,8-Cineole-Based Solvents as an Alternative to Hexane for Obtaining Nonpolar Compounds from Plant-Based Milk Coproducts
The design of new hydrophobic solvents is essential for replacing the toxic hexane for extracting nonpolar compounds such as fatty acids. On the other hand, the full use of plant matrices seeking to obtain new food and pharmaceutical products from their coproducts has also been the focus of sustainable processes. This…
Optimization of the Cold Water Extraction Method for High-Value Bioactive Compounds from Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) Flower Heads Through Chemometrics
This study focused on optimizing a cold water extraction method to obtain bioactive compounds from chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.), addressing increasing consumer demand for natural products and nutraceuticals. A full-factorial design was employed to evaluate the effects of temperature, time, and…
Application of microalgae as natural colorant for pastry and confectionary products
This study evaluated the application of microalgae biomass and extracts as natural colorants for pastry and confectionary products. Chlorella vulgaris biomass was used in brioche‐type breads as egg substitute, to confer the typical yellow coloration to the product. Tetraselmis chuii extracts were applied in fondant…
Applying Subcritical Water Extraction to Obtain Bioactive Compounds and Cellulose Fibers from Brewer Spent Grains
Of the three types of waste generated in beer processing, brewer’s spent grain (BSG) is the most abundant and has a high potential for valorization. In this work, defatted BSG (DB) was subjected to an extraction process with subcritical water at different temperatures to obtain extracts rich in phenols and the cellulosic…
Life cycle assessment and cost analysis of innovative agar extraction technologies from red seaweeds
Developing efficient and sustainable extraction technologies for valuable biocompounds from seaweed is crucial to overcome the limitations of conventional technologies. This study aims to compare three innovative technologies for agar extraction from two red seaweed species, G. sesquipedale and G. vermiculophylla…
The Green Extraction of Blueberry By-Products: An Evaluation of the Bioactive Potential of the Anthocyanin/Polyphenol Fraction
In the context of a circular economy, this study explores the valorization of blueberry pomace (BP) as a source of bioactive compounds using sustainable extraction methods. Microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) and microwave-assisted subcritical water extraction (MASWE) were employed to obtain two distinct fractions…
Process parameters and product characterization for efficient extraction of lignin with deep eutectic solvents: A review
Lignin is very abundant in nature, it is one of the three main components of lignocellulose, the only substance containing a benzene ring structure. Deep eutectic solvent (DES) is a considered sustainable biomass refining option, however, there is no systematic description and comparison of lignin extraction characteristics and…
Lower Energy-Demanding Extraction of Bioactive Triterpene Acids by Microwave as the First Step towards Biorefining Residual Olive Skin
In the olive oil industry, a pit fraction is collected from olive pomace and split into a clean pit fraction and a residual olive skin-rich fraction, which does not an industrial application. Therefore, in this work, microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) was applied to obtain high-value triterpene acids (maslinic acid and oleanolic acid…
Extraction of curcuminoids from Curcuma longa L. by fatty acid-based ionic liquid aqueous solution: Experimental and mechanism study
Curcuminoids originated from the plant Curcuma longa L. show high medical values. Herein, ionic liquids (ILs) were synthesized using fatty acids and alcohol amines to extract curcuminoids. Through single-factor experiments and response surface methodology (RSM) optimization, the extraction amount of curcuminoids…
Ultrasound-assisted extraction of scopolamine and hyoscyamine from Hyoscyamus niger roots using central compost design
Hyoscyamus niger is an important medicinal plant used in medicine and contains tropane alkaloid compounds such as hyoscyamine and scopolamine. In this study, after the selection of the solvent for extracting hyoscyamine and scopolamine, the central composite design of the response surface methodology was…
Spray dried protein concentrates from white button and oyster mushrooms produced by ultrasound‐assisted alkaline extraction and isoelectric precipitation
Abstract BACKGROUND In the present study, the optimization of ultrasound‐assisted alkaline extraction (UAAE) and isoelectric precipitation (IEP) was applied to white button (WBM) and oyster (OYM) mushroom flours to produce functional spray dried mushroom protein concentrates. Solid‐to‐liquid ratio (5–15% w/v)…
Optimization of Sugar Extraction Process from Date Waste Using Full Factorial Design Toward Its Use for New Biotechnological Applications
In Tunisia, the date industry generates a large quantity of waste, raising environmental concerns. However, dates are rich in sugars, which offer a renewable source of nutrients for various applications. In this study, sugar extraction from two low-grade pitted date fruits (Alig and Kentichi) under ultrasound, was optimized…
Ferulic acid: extraction, estimation, bioactivity and applications for human health and food
Abstract Ferulic acid ((E)‐3‐(4‐hydroxy‐3‐methoxy‐phenyl) prop‐2‐enoic acid) is a derivative of caffeic acid found in most plants. This abundant phenolic compound exhibits significant antioxidant capacity and a broad spectrum of therapeutic effects, including anti‐inflammatory, antimicrobial, anticancer, antidiabetic…
Ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction of phenolics, flavonoids, and major triterpenoids from Centella asiatica leaves: A comparative study
Centella asiatica has been known for its significant medicinal properties due to abundance of bioactive constituents like triterpenoids and flavonoids. Nevertheless, an appropriate solvent system and extraction technique is still lacking to ensure optimized extraction of bioactive constituents present in C. asiatica…
Technoeconomic analysis of alternatives to improve Cuban sugarcane wax‐refining technology using Superpro Designer
Abstract Sugarcane wax is a co‐product with strong potential. It contains several bioactive components that can be used for pharmaceutical and cosmetic purposes. It is also considered a substitute for leading vegetable waxes in the international market. The extraction and refining technologies that have been…
Enhancement of extraction efficiency and functional properties of chickpea protein isolate using pulsed electric field combined with ultrasound treatment
Chickpea protein isolate (CPI) is a promising dietary protein with the advantages of low allergenicity, easy digestion and balanced composition of essential amino acids. However, due to the thick skin of chickpeas, the extraction of CPI is challenging, resulting in lower efficiency of the alkaline extraction-isoelectric precipitation…
Direct Extraction of Lipids, β-Carotene, and Polyphenolic Compounds from Wet Microalga Dunaliella salina by Liquefied Dimethyl Ether
Extraction of lipids and high-value products from highly wet microalgae requires significant energy for the drying pretreatment. In this study, we examined the direct extraction of lipids, β-carotene, and polyphenolic compounds from wet Dunaliella salina using liquefied dimethyl ether (DME), which is effective in lipid…
Ultrasonic-Assisted Water-Rich Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents for Sustainable Polyphenol Extraction from Seaweed: A Case Study on Cultivated Saccharina latissima
This case study introduces a green, 1 h single-step method using water-rich natural deep eutectic solvent (WRNADES) for ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) of polyphenols from Saccharina latissima, a commercially cultivated brown seaweed. The extraction efficiency was evaluated using a selective…
Bio-oil Fractionation According to Polarity and Molecular Size: Characterization and Application as Antioxidants
Bio-oil obtained from biomass pyrolysis has great potential for several applications after being upgraded and refined. This study established a method for separating bio-oil into different fractions based on polarity and molecular size to extract phenolic and polyphenolic compounds with antioxidant properties. The fractions…
Ultrasound-assisted extraction, optimization, and purification of total flavonoids from Daphnegenkwa and analysis of their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic activities
Daphne genkwa (D. genkwa) is the dried flower buds of a Chinese medicinal plant with multiple biological activities. Response surface methodology (RSM) combined with artificial neural network (ANN) techniques were utilized to optimize ultrasound-assisted extraction conditions for D. genkwa. Antioxidant activity and…
PLFSS : la menace d’une taxe sur le sucre dans les aliments inquiète les industriels

Les menaces de taxation sur le sucre dans les aliments transformés dans le cadre du PLFSS inquiètent les industriels de l’agroalimentaire, à commencer par les brasseurs et les fabricants de sodas. Les débats parlementaires sur de possibles nouvelles taxes sur les produits sucrés transformés dans le cadre du projet de loi de finances de la sécurité…
Les amidonniers français anticipent des surcoûts de production dans un contexte de marché difficile | Réussir La dépêche Le petit meunier

Entre mauvaise qualité des blés, baisse de la consommation de produits amylacés et hausse des importations, l’Usipa anticipe une année 2024 complexe. » Solidaire de son amont agricole, qui traverse un moment de grandes difficultés, l’industrie amidonnière a accepté en 2024 d’adapter ses exigences techniques [en termes de calibrage, NDLR]…
Lignin Market Expands as Demand for Sustainable Materials Drives Innovation Across Industries

« Lignin Market Growth Driven by Demand in Biofuels, Bioplastics, and Sustainable Chemicals, Enhancing Environmental Sustainability Across Multiple Industries. » The lignin market is growing due to increasing trends in the application of sustainable and eco-friendly materials in various industries such as bioplastics, adhesives, and biofuels…
Soy Milk Protein Ingredients Market Poised to Reach USD 3.24 Billion by 2032

Soy Milk Protein Ingredients Market Overview: The global Soy Milk Protein Ingredients Market is experiencing a significant growth phase, with projections showing robust development through 2032. Increasing consumer preference for plant-based proteins and lactose-free alternatives, along with health-conscious dietary shifts, are fueling demand for…
« Color to communicate » gains ground as tighter regulation drives F&B innovation

The move toward natural colors is gathering pace as consumer pressure for naturalness ramps up and governments introduce legislation prohibiting artificial colors or limiting the scope of synthetics. Color innovators turn toward natural ingredients to provide the striking and vibrant colors consumers are looking for without compromising on vivacity, functionality and stability…
Tangential Flow Filtration Market is expected to Double Its Size by Upcoming Decade |Danaher, Sartorius, Merck, Parker-Hannifin
The latest study released on the Global Tangential Flow Filtration Market by USD Analytics evaluates market size, trends, and forecast to 2032. The Tangential Flow Filtration market study covers significant research data and proofs to be a handy resource document for managers, analysts, industry experts and other key people…
Pourquoi l’avoine devient l’ingrédient incontournable des boissons végétales

Cultivée en Europe et meilleur marché que l’amande, l’avoine devient l’ingrédient incontournable des boissons végétales. Toutes les marques développent des références. Céréale discrète comparée au blé, davantage consommée en flocons au petit déjeuner, l’avoine s’impose désormais dans les boissons végétales. Ce marché très prospère…
Whole Foods Identifies Plant-Based Aquatic Ingredients as a Major Growth Trend for 2025
Whole Foods Market has released its annual forecast for 2025 food and beverage trends, with the retailer’s Trends Council identifying plant-based aquatic ingredients as a notable area of growth. The council, comprised of over 50 team members from Whole Foods—including…
CPHI 2024: Pharma industry explores opportunities in nutraceuticals
Pharma companies increasingly add nutraceutical products and product lines to their portfolios as these booming sectors offer faster and cheaper product development options with lower regulatory standards than drugs. We discussed these developments at the recent CPHI trade show in Milan, Italy, with Sirio Pharma…
Les amidonniers français anticipent des surcoûts de production dans un contexte de marché difficile

Entre mauvaise qualité des blés, baisse de la consommation de produits amylacés et hausse des importations, l’Usipa anticipe une année 2024 complexe. « Solidaire de son amont agricole, qui traverse un moment de grandes difficultés, l’industrie amidonnière a accepté en 2024 d’adapter ses exigences techniques [en termes de calibrage, NDLR]…
La filière des algues doit accélérer son industrialisation en Bretagne

La Bretagne concentre 95 % de la production française des algues. Face à une demande croissante, la filière va devoir accélérer sa structuration, ses process et passer la vitesse supérieure sur le volet de l’algoculture. Dans cette perspective, elle prend une place centrale dans la filière algues française aux côtés notamment de ses voisins…
Cacao : les prix chutent à leur plus bas niveau depuis près d’un mois à New York

Le cacao est la matière première agricole dont les cours ont le plus augmenté cette année. Alors que la campagne 2024/2025 vient de débuter, la volatilité des prix demeure sur les marchés. A New York, la tonne de cacao a clôturé la session du 7 octobre, à 6 908 $ la tonne, soit 2,2 % de moins que la séance précédente et le plus bas niveau depuis le 4…
The perfect match between macroalgae and eutectic solvents as a sustainable gateway to ready-to-use extracts towards a (blue + green) economy ─ A perspective review
The article discusses how aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can foster a sustainable economy, mainly through the (green + blue) economy, which involves valorizing macroalgae to produce ready-to-use extracts. It focuses on the potential of eutectic solvents (commonly known as deep eutectic solvents…
Herbal Extract Market size is expected to reach $ Bn by 2030, as per Maximize Market research

Herbal Extract Market size is expected to reach nearly US$ 63.51 Bn by 2030 with the CAGR of 3.6% during the forecast period. Herbal Extract Market Overview : Growing worries about artificial medications and food items have led to a rising need for organic products. The herbal extract has become extremely popular among people due to its various…
Farm animals need to eat more sustainably

Animal feed is an often overlooked climate culprit in meat and dairy production, and just like humans, livestock needs to eat more sustainably. At DTU, a number of technologies are being developed that can reduce feed’s climate footprint. Raising cattle, pigs…
Plant-based pet food sector sees strong growth globally

The global pet food industry is witnessing a rapid transformation, driven by a surge in demand for plant-based alternatives for domestic animals. Over the past 12 months, this previously niche sector has experienced significant growth, fueled by consumer interest in sustainable, ethical and health-conscious pet nutrition. UK growth : the plant-based pet food market has grown by…
Alternative proteins: Hybrid formats, price concerns and novel technologies shape innovation

As global food prices fluctuate and cost-of-living remains a key concern, consumers increasingly seek competitively priced products that also meet their health and sustainability demands. Alternative proteins from animal-free sources give manufacturers a route to fulfill these desires and innovate from a diverse source of proteins — from hybrid or blended protein formats to…
Russia aims for 90% self-sufficiency in aquafeed by 2030

As the Atlantic salmon industry experiences a shortage of fish feed, the Russian government assures measures are being taken to address the challenge. By 2030, Russian aquafeed production is expected to reach 250,000 tonnes, enough to meet roughly 90% of demand on the domestic market, Dmitry Patrushev, Deputy Prime…