Bonjour à toutes et tous,
Vous trouverez ci-après votre sélection d’articles, sélectionnés chaque mois parmi plus de 6.000 articles, issus de centaines de requêtes sur des bases de données nationales et internationales. Cette édition du mois d’octobre 2023 marque la cinquième année du lancement d’ « EXTRACTS », notre lettre de veille sur les acteurs, les technologies et les marchés de l’extraction végétale. EXTRACTIS et ses équipes restent bien évidemment à votre écoute pour toute suggestion d’amélioration de cet outil, qui est dorénavant transmis à titre gracieux à plus de 8.400 destinataires.
Par ailleurs, vous pouvez encore vous inscrire à notre prochaine journée technique sur les technologies de purification du mardi 14 novembre à Dury (80 480), avec des présentations en français. Pour plus d’information, n’hésitez pas à vous renseigner et vous inscrire sur la page web Journée Technique Purification.
Je vous souhaite une bonne lecture, Bien à vous
Philippe De Braeckelaer – Directeur Général d’EXTRACTIS
Hello everyone,
You will find below your selection of articles, selected each month from over 6,000 articles, resulting from hundreds of queries on national and international databases. This October 2023 edition marks the fifth year of the launch of « EXTRACTS », our monitoring newsletter on the players, technologies and markets in plant extraction. EXTRACTIS and its teams obviously remain at your disposal for any suggestions for improving this tool, which is now sent free of charge to more than 8,400 recipients.
In addition, you can still register for our next Technical Day on Purification Technologies held on Tuesday 14 November in Dury (80480), with presentations in French. For more information, do not hesitate to inquire and register on the Purification Technical Day web page : Journée Technique Purification.
I wish you a good reading, Best regards
Philippe De Braeckelaer – Managing Director of EXTRACTIS |
Beet sugar ingredient enriches food with dietary fiber

The sugar ingredient reduces sugar and enriches food with dietary fiber. Beneo launched Beneo-scL85, a short-chain fructooligosaccharide (scFOS) that offers versatility for reducing sugar and enriching foods with dietary fiber, according to the company. Short-chain FOS derived from beet sugar offers a mild sweet taste, good solubility and natural…
Quel nom pour les alternatives à la viande ?

Le marché des alternatives végétales à la viande est en plein essor. Mais toute innovation alimentaire s’accompagne souvent de contraintes réglementaires, et la dénomination de ces alternatives préoccupe actuellement les acteurs. Conformément au règlement européen sur l’information des consommateurs, toute denrée alimentaire doit obligatoirement avoir…
Danone to leverage Chr. Hansen’s bio-solutions capabilities for dairy and plant-based in new partnerships program

Danone is joining forces with global partners as part of its newly launched « Partner for Growth » program, which is designed to transform how Danone works with its partners by seizing opportunities based on trends and insights to support mutual growth. Danone Manifesto Ventures, the company’s corporate venture arm, will also contribute as it helps bring…
Coco & Eve renforce sa R&D et se développe en Europe

Lancée en 2018 avec la gamme capillaire Like a Virgin, Coco & Eve connait une progression continue, portée par sa communauté sur les réseaux sociaux et une implantation quasi mondiale. D’inspiration balinaise, la jeune marque poursuit aujourd’hui sa stratégie de développement en s’appuyant sur l’innovation scientifique, notamment…
2023 – A cutting-edge center to promote boreal biomass

In Saguenay, the new Center for Transformation and Valorization of Bioproducts (CTVB) will allow organizations and researchers in Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean to work hand in hand to find outlets for residues and other plant products. The result of a long period of reflection, the Center for the transformation and valorization of bioproducts is a…
Avril mise sur la cameline pour décarboner l’aviation

Le groupe Avril entend soutenir la production de la cameline en interculture pour la fabrication de carburant durable destiné au secteur aéronautique. La nouvelle réglementation sur la décarbonation du secteur aéronautique votée le 13 septembre 2023 par les parlementaires européens ouvre la voie à l’utilisation de biomasse…
Chimie: Arkema veut désormais récolter les fruits de son virage ‘vert’

Le groupe de chimie français a dévoilé ce mercredi 27 septembre ses prévisions financières à l’horizon 2028. Batteries, biocarburants, électronique, lifestyle, habitat… Après plus de dix ans de recomposition de son portefeuille de matériaux, il s’estime bien placé pour tirer profit de la montée en puissance du développement durable dans la plupart des…
Bien-être hormonal : Pierre Fabre entre au capital de la startup MiYé

Les Laboratoires Pierre Fabre, via leur filiale d’investissement Pierre Fabre Invest, ont acquis une part minoritaire du capital de MiYé, une startup française spécialiste des soins et compléments alimentaires dédiés à l’équilibre et au bien-être hormonal féminin. Cette première augmentation de capital permettra à l’entreprise, créée en…
Mane and Newform Foods to create hybrid meat products by blending plant-based protein

Mane flavor house has joined forces with food tech company Newform Foods which supports producers to develop and scale cultivated animal products. The partnership aims to improve the taste, texture, and affordability of cultivated meat. « Cultivated meat is still an emerging technology that has gained approval in only a few places, such as the US and Singapore…
Berkem lance la gamme BiomBalance

Le groupe Berkem, spécialiste de l’extraction végétale, lance BiomBalance, une offre dédiée à l’équilibre du microbiote. La spécificité de cette offre réside dans l’exploitation originale des polyphénols pour le microbiote. Retour sur ce lancement audacieux avec une interview de Eric Moussu, directeur commercial du groupe. Avant toute chose, pouvez…
Groupe Vabel rachète Sarbec pour devenir un leader européen de la cosmétique

L’information, qui avait fuité durant l’été, est maintenant confirmée : Sarbec Cosmetics rejoint le Groupe Vabel, propriété depuis 2021 de Naxicap Partners. Une page se tourne donc pour l’entreprise nordiste, dont l’actionnariat était resté familial depuis l’origine. Connu pour sa marque de produits de soins et de toilette pour bébés Corinne de…
L’Oréal investit dans la société chinoise de biotechs Shinehigh Innovation

L’Oréal a acquis une participation minoritaire au sein de la société chinoise de biotechnologie Shinehigh Innovation. Des combinaisons d’ingrédients inédites : créée en 2017 par le professeur Jiaheng Zhang, scientifique de renom, Shinehigh Innovation est une start-up chinoise spécialisée en chimie supramoléculaire de pointe. Sa technologie…
Lesaffre invests in alternative protein start-up

Lesaffre has made a 10% investment in Yeap, a start-up specialist in functional alternative proteins. This minority shareholding will see Lesaffre helping Yeap to finalise the development of a new protein ingredient made from upcycled yeast. Yeap is one of the world’s first companies that produces protein from yeast, incorporating a…
Novozymes et Chr. Hansen poursuivent leur projet de fusion

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à RIA) Les deux sociétés, qui attendent l’accord des autorités de la concurrence, espèrent terminer leur opération d’ici fin 2023, début 2024. Le 12 décembre 2022, Chr. Hansen et Novozymes ont annoncé leur projet de fusion, pour former un groupe de biosolutions d’envergure mondiale basé au Danemark. La première…
Chr. Hansen’s clinical trial review shows HMOs could transform infant, child and adult health

The human milk oligosaccharide (HMO) science team at Chr. Hansen reveals the results of a comprehensive review of 26 clinical studies, which it says provides compelling evidence on the safety, toleration and positive effects of HMO supplementation during infancy, early childhood and beyond. HMOs have long been recognized for their essential role in infant nutrition…
Two plant-based meat startups to cease operations

Hooray Foods, Nowadays recently shared plans to end production. Two venture-backed startups are ceasing operations amid declining demand for meat alternatives. The leaders of Hooray Foods and Nowadays, both based in San Francisco, shared plans to end production in separate social media posts. Hooray Foods three years ago launched…
Léa Nature investit en Bretagne dans le groupe Jarnoux

Le groupe spécialiste des produits bio, Léa Nature, remplace le fonds de capital développement du Crédit Mutuel Arkea et devient actionnaire minoritaire à hauteur de 40 % du groupe Jarnoux. Une opération qui lui permet de renforcer son pôle traiteur. Malgré les difficultés du secteur bio, un de ses leaders Compagnie Léa Nature, continue…
Alzchem’s Creavitalis ingredient set to unlock opportunities for plant-based foods in EU and beyond

Alzchem is set to capitalize on the German government’s recent approval of creatine monohydrate as a dietary supplement ingredient for food. The decision, made by the country’s Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, will allow for the health ingredient to be used in food products throughout the EU and globally in the near future. Alzchem’s…
Grande Muraille verte : un cercle vertueux s’installe dans la filière cosmétique

Grâce à la Grande Muraille verte, des retombées, sociales et scientifiques, plus que prometteuses sont attendues dans le domaine de la cosmétique. Grâce à la Grande Muraille verte, laboratoire à solutions environnementales, sociales et économiques qui se tient du 18 au 20 septembre, des retombées, sociales et scientifiques, plus que prometteuses sont attendues dans le domaine…
Ingrédients : Sophim lève 20 millions d’euros pour doubler ses capacités

Le producteur français d’ingrédients cosmétiques d’origine naturelle, spécialiste du squalane végétal, a annoncé avoir bouclé un tour de table de 20 millions d’euros pour accélérer son développement. Ces capitaux permettront de doubler la capacité de production de l’entreprise sur ses deux sites industriels, et d’accélérer…
Contre l’effet de la gravité, prévenir et inverser le processus de glycation

La science a définitivement démontré et convaincu les consommateurs du rôle de notre exposome dans le vieillissement accéléré. L’exposition au soleil, la pollution, le tabac mais aussi notre mode de vie affectent directement la structure et la jeunesse de la peau. Parmi tous ces facteurs, la gravité reste un paramètre incontournable et…
L’innovation remodèle le marché des compléments alimentaires

Avec des ventes en croissance de 3% en 2022, tous circuits confondus, selon le Synadiet, le marché des compléments alimentaires tient le cap en France, même si l’inflation vient jouer les trouble-fêtes. Dans un contexte de budget contraint, l’innovation perçue et l’utilité-produit deviennent des critères d’achat incontournables, estiment…
Un ingrédient biomimétique éco-concu pour réduire le relâchement cutané

Avec l’âge, les structures de la peau ont tendance à se désorganiser. La peau se relâche et perd de sa fermeté et de son élasticité. Pour lutter contre ces désorganisations, Seppic s’est inspiré de l’espace et a développé un procédé d’extraction éco-concu et propose un actif ciblant le relâchement cutané afin de compléter sa gamme anti-âge…
VIVESCIA lance avec ses partenaires TRANSITIONS

VIVESCIA lance avec ses partenaires TRANSITIONS, un programme novateur en France, à l’échelle inédite, avec d’ici 2026, près de 1000 agriculteurs engagés. TRANSITIONS est un programme pionnier et concret d’accompagnement d’agriculteurs des territoires du Nord-Est de la France. Une démarche de coopération unique entre l’amont et l’aval…
Euralis-Maïsadour : pourquoi le mariage n’aura pas lieu

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à RIA) Les deux groupes coopératifs du Sud-Ouest, Maïsadour et Euralis, ont renoncé à fusionner, redoutant une réponse négative l’Autorité de la concurrence. L’opération, qui aurait donné naissance à un géant, aurait mené à un quasi-monopole sur la filière foie gras. Coup de théâtre dans le secteur de la…
Yeast ingredients show ‘great potential’ as alternative proteins in the food industry, project reveals

More than 70% of German and Swedish consumers liked appetizer spreads made with fermented yeast ingredients, claims the NextGen Proteins project. Fermentation start-up Arbiom company uses side streams from the forestry industry to produce a protein ingredient that can be used in human nutrition. ln this way, Arbiom claims it is not…
Roquette se lance sur le rachat de Qualicaps

Roquette, fleuron français de la fabrication d’ingrédients et d’excipients d’origine végétale, vient de signer un accord en vue de l’acquisition de Qualicaps. Ce dernier est un fabricant japonais de gélules pharmaceutiques au rayonnement mondial. Cet investissement majeur du groupe français lui permettrait de développer et diversifier ses expertises. La montée…
Des solutions déodorantes performantes à base de végétaux

(Actualité commerciale) Dans la catégorie des déodorants, la demande des consommateurs tend vers des ingrédients plus sûrs et plus naturels qui combinent efficacité dans l’absorption de la sueur et le masquage des odeurs corporelles, tout en respectant leur peau et en offrant une expérience sensorielle agréable. Roquette…
Israel’s Yeap Receives Investment from Fermentation Expert Lessafre for Upcycled Yeast Proteins
Israel’s Yeap Receives Investment from Fermentation Expert Lessafre for Upcycled Yeast Proteins. Israeli startup Yeap announces that Lessafre, a global player in fermentation-derived products, has made a 10% investment in the company to introduce proteins made from upcycled spent yeast to the plant-based…
Crise sans précédent dans la French Tech : multiplication inquiétante des redressements judiciaires

La French Tech traverse actuellement une période difficile, marquée par une augmentation alarmante du nombre de redressements judiciaires. La crise du financement, qui touche les start-up depuis plusieurs mois, a finalement commencé à produire ses effets sur ces entreprises innovantes. Face à cette situation préoccupante, les acteurs de l’éco…
Le parfumeur Pierre Guillaume ouvre un nouveau site de production

(Article complet réservé au abonnés à BrefEco) Le parfumeur Pierre Guillaume s’est offert une nouvelle unité de production sur son site historique clermontois. Un investissement de plus de 2 millions d’euros. En une vingtaine d’années, le Clermontois Pierre Guillaume s’est taillé une très belle réputation dans le milieu étroit de la…
Algosource accélère sur la nutraceutique clinique
Le façonnier, spécialisé dans la formulation de compléments alimentaires liquides à partir de micro-algues pour la nutraceutique, veut finaliser un tour de table de 10 à 15 M€. « Nous avons déjà trouvé une bonne partie de cette somme. Nous souhaitons réaliser cette levée de fonds structurante pour nous doter de…
Extraction of phycocyanin from Spirulina using Deep Eutectic Solvent Liquid Biphasic System
Background: Phycocyanin (PC) is an intracellular protein produced in Spirulina sp. and is widely used as a natural dye in the cosmetic, food, and supplements industries. But the extraction of phycocyanin was limit by properties of proteins and technologies. Here, deep eutectic solvents were found to be an effective method…
A green approach for the sustainable and effective valorization from Populus nigra buds as a renewable source of high value-added extract using an alternative solvent with prospective application in skin care formulation
Many studies have been conducted on the biological potential of medicinal plant extracts; the present study looked into the use of antioxidant extracts from P.nigra buds in cosmetic formulations to boost photoprotection potential, with a particular emphasis on green extraction and the biological activities of these…
Ultrasound-assisted preparation of faba bean protein isolate-Vitis vinifera L. polyphenol extract conjugates: Structural and functional characterization
The purpose of this study was to create conjugates between faba bean proteins (FP) and grape leaf polyphenols (GLP) utilizing an alkaline treatment assisted by sonication. The effects of sonication intensity on the binding of FP and GLP were investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier…
Optimization of ultrasound-assisted cellulase degradation method on the extraction of mulberry leaf protein and its effect on the functional characteristics
The mulberry leaf protein extracted by ultrasound-assisted cellulase degradation (UACD) method was optimized with the protein dissolution amount (PDA) as the index. The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy of extracted mulberry leaf protein were measured. The…
Techno-economic and environmental sustainability assessment of succinic acid production from municipal biowaste using an electrochemical membrane bioreactor
The techno-economic and environmental performance of succinic acid (SA) production by an engineering Yarrowia lipolytica strain has been evaluated in a process using the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) as feedstock and a novel electrochemical membrane bioreactor (EMB) for simultaneous…
Spray drying to produce novel phytochemical-rich ingredients from juice and pomace of American elderberry
The cultivation and commercialization of American elderberries (Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis), rich in acylated anthocyanins, is nascent. In this study, American elderberry juice and pomace extract were spray dried using soy protein isolate (SPI) or tapioca starch (TS) as carriers to develop functional food…
Sequential extraction approach for sustainable recovery of various hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) bioactive compounds
Cannabis sativa L. known as industrial hemp manifests high capability in the manufacturing of valuable nutraceuticals with health benefits. This study was focused on investigation of chemical profile and bioactive potential of extracts isolated from three hemp varieties (Helena, Marina and Fedora 17). In addition…
Supercritical CO2 extraction of neutral lipids from dry and wet Chlorella vulgaris NIES 227 microalgae for biodiesel production
This study investigates supercritical CO2 extraction of neutral lipids from Chlorella vulgaris NIES 227 microalgae, for biodiesel applications. While microalgae feedstocks are typically desiccated before extraction, drying is energy intensive and supercritical extraction from wet microalgae would be beneficial in…
Unravelling the spectral enigma with enhanced extraction of algal dyes: A sustainable energy tactic
Natural microalgal dyes as a photosensitizer in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) have the potential to challenge the slender spectral response in DSSCs. This paper analyses the extraction efficiency of these dyes obtained via the hot and cold solvent methods in the finest solvent concentration. The dye from six…
Microwave-assisted autohydrolysis of avocado seed for the recovery of antioxidant phenolics and glucose
This study describes the valorization of avocado seed (AS) within a green biorefinery concept using microwave-assisted autohydrolysis. After the treatment at temperatures of 150–230 °C for 5 min, the resulting solid and liquor were characterized. The temperature of 220 °C led to the simultaneous optimal values…
Removal of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from brewer’s spent grains hydrolysates obtained by subcritical water hydrolysis: An approach using liquid-liquid extraction
This study evaluated the use of a semi-continuous subcritical water hydrolysis (SWH) process followed by liquid-liquid extraction to produce a concentrated hydrolysate with a low content of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF). The SWH was operated at 15 MPa, 180 °C, 5 mL min−1, and a solvent-to-feed ratio of 22.5 g g−1…
Deep eutectic solvent combined with ultrasound technology: A promising integrated extraction strategy for anthocyanins and polyphenols from blueberry pomace
To avoid wasting blueberry pomace resources, deep eutectic solvents (DESs) were combined with ultrasound technology to establish an efficient green method for the recovery of anthocyanins and polyphenols from plant-derived by-products. Choline chloride:1,4-butanediol (molar ratio of 1:3) was chosen as the…
Hot water extraction, ultrasound, microwave and pectinase-assisted extraction of anthocyanins from blue pea flower
This study investigated the hot water extraction, ultrasound, microwave, and pectinase-assisted extraction of anthocyanin pigments from petals of blue pea flowers. The effect of substrate: solvent ratio, extraction time, and extraction temperature on the extraction yield, total anthocyanin content (TAC), and total phenolic…
Process for extracting prolamins from cereal grains and residues in an acidic or basic ethanol medium
The invention relates to a process for extracting prolamins from cereal grains and residues in an acidic or basic ethanol medium, using as a starting medium dried distillers grains (DDG), dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS), corn gluten meal (CGM), and other cereal grain residues, obtaining a yield of between…
A modified strategy to improve the dissolution of flavonoids from Artemisiae Argyi Folium using ultrasonic-assisted enzyme-deep eutectic solvent system
In this study, enzyme-deep eutectic solvent-assisted ultrasonic extraction technique (EnDUE) was developed for the efficient dissolution of flavonoids from Artemisiae Argyi Folium. The extraction results of Artemisiae Argyi Folium flavonoids (quercetin, luteolin, and isorhamnetin) were used as indicators to investigate…
Valorization of dragon fruit waste to value-added bioproducts and formulations: a review
Owing to the increasing worldwide population explosion, managing waste generated from the food sector has become a cross-cutting issue globally, leading to environmental, economic, and social issues. Circular economy-inspired waste valorization approaches have been increasing steadily, generating new…
Green extraction of phenolics and flavonoids from black mulberry fruit using natural deep eutectic solvents: optimization and surface morphology
This study deployed ultrasonic-assisted extraction (UAE), combined with natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES), to extract phenolics and flavonoids from the black mulberry fruit, and the antioxidant activity was examined. The extraction yields of NADES-based UAE were assessed based on the yields of phenolics…
Coupling solvent extraction with pervaporation for efficient separation of lycopene from tomato waste using chitosan/polyvinylpyrrolidone (CS/PVP) pervaporative membranes and its optimization study
Abstract Tomato overproduce is utilized as raw material for lycopene extraction. This research employs a novel approach for lycopene separation: chitosan/polyvinylpyrrolidone (CS/PVP) pervaporation membranes. According to the application of this novel approach, PV acts as a concentration technique of lycopene…
Biorefinery as a tool to obtain multiple seaweed extracts for cosmetic applications
Seaweeds have been identified as a valuable source of natural ingredients and their use in cosmetics is being studied increasingly. This work sought to understand the possible uses of three species of brown algae present along the Portuguese coast: Bifurcaria bifurcata , Saccorhiza polyschides and Fucus…
Extracellular oil production by Rhodotorula paludigena BS15 for biorefinery without complex downstream processes
To realize biomass refinery without complex downstream processes, we extensively screened for microbial strains that efficiently produce extracellular oil from sugars. Rhodotorula paludigena (formerly Rhodosporidium paludigenum) BS15 was found to efficiently produce polyol esters of fatty acids (PEFAs), which…
Tannic acid purification from pomegranate peel via tannic acid imprinted particle-embedded cryogel column.
Tannic acid (TA) is hydrolysable tannin found in the leaves and bark of many herbaceous and woody plants. Purification of TA is important due to its antibacterial, antihistaminic, antioxidant, antimutagenic and antitussive properties. In this study, 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate-based TA-imprinted particle embedded cryogel…
Microwave and enzyme co-assisted extraction of anthocyanins from Purple-heart Radish: Process optimization, composition analysis and antioxidant activity
Purple-heart Radish named “Xinlinmei” is rich in anthocyanins by specific cultivation. In this work, a novel method for synergistic extraction of anthocyanins from Purple-heart Radish was developed by combining microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) with enzyme-assisted extraction (EAE). Integration of MAE and…
Enzyme-Assisted Extraction for the Recovery of Food-Grade Chlorophyll-Based Green Colorant
The aim of the study was to develop a biotechnological approach for the green recovery of chlorophyll from spinach, to be used as a natural food colorant. The plant matrix was characterized in terms of cell wall polysaccharide composition, and a tailored enzymatic mix based on cellulase (40%) xylanase (41%)…
A Comparative Analysis of Phenolic Content, Antioxidant Activity, Antimicrobial Activity, and Chemical Profile of Coffea robusta Extracts Using Subcritical Fluid Extraction and Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction
In this study, extracts of Robusta-roasted coffee were obtained using various extraction techniques, including subcritical fluid extractions using HFC-134a and HCFC-22 under room-temperature batch extraction, frozen-temperature batch extraction, and continuous extraction conditions. Additionally, supercritical carbon…
Optimization of the extraction of phenolic compounds from the leaves of yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) through high hydrostatic pressure system using mixture design with process variables
Abstract In this study, a mixture design with process variables was used to optimize the extraction of total phenolic compounds (TPC) from yerba mate leaves through high hydrostatic pressure extraction. The studied variables were pressure (50, 100, and 150 MPa), extraction time (10, 20, and 30 min), and solvent…
From purple corn waste (pericarp) to polyphenol-rich extract with higher bioactive contents and superior product qualities using two-step optimization techniques
The pericarp of purple corn has traditionally been thought of as being a byproduct. However, it is an excellent source of high-value polyphenols (such as anthocyanins, proanthocyanins, etc.) that could be extracted and used as nutraceuticals, cosmeceuticals, and valuable starting material for synthesizing food colorants…
Green extraction of carotenoids from apricot flesh by ultrasound assisted corn oil extraction: Optimization, identification, and application
The valorization of waste apricot flesh (WAF) can solve environmental and economic problems, and also meets the demand for natural pigments. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to recover carotenoids from WAF, to determine the type and content of carotenoids in the extracts and to explore the potential of…
Ultrasound and enzyme‐pretreated extraction for the valorization of pea pod proteins
Three different solvents (water, salt, and alkaline) and two different pretreatments (ultrasound [US] and enzyme) were studied. The US pretreatment before alkaline extraction provided a considerable increase in protein extraction yield. Abstract Pea pod (PP) is an agricultural by‐product with 10%–13% protein…
Valorization of onion peel waste: From trash to treasure
Globally, fruit and vegetables are consumed as raw, processed, or as an additive, accounting for approximately 50% of total food wastage. Among the fruits and vegetables, onion is well known for its potential bioactive components; however, peels of onion are a major concern for the environment and…
Intensified extraction of anthocyanins from Berberis vulgaris L. by pulsed electric field, vacuum-cold plasma, and enzymatic pretreatments: modeling and optimization
Background Berberis vulgaris L . is a valuable source of natural antioxidants, polyphenols, and anthocyanins compounds. Advanced extraction methods can increase extraction efficiency. This study investigated the efficiency of pulsed electric field, vacuum-cold plasma, and enzymatic pretreatment for…
Ultrasound-assisted extraction of carotenoids from phytoene-accumulating Chlorella sorokiniana microalgae: Effect of milling and performance of the green biosolvents 2-methyltetrahydrofuran and ethyl lactate
This study aimed at optimizing the accumulation of phytoene in Chlorella sorokiniana by using norflurazon and investigating the capacity of green and traditional solvents to extract carotenoids by ultrasound-assisted extraction with and without previous milling. Phytoene-rich first described C. sorokiniana biomass was…
A countercurrent chromatography solvent system based on deep eutectic solvents for separation of cis‐ and trans‐crocetin from Gardenia jasminoides Ellis
Due to the structural similarity and large difference in concentration, the separation of trans‐ and cis‐crocetin has been challenging, and the cis‐crocetin is usually neglected. In this work, a countercurrent chromatography method was developed for the quick separation of trans‐crocetin and cis‐crocetin from the hydrolytic extract…
Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of antioxidant compounds from spring onion leaves using Box-Behnken design
Many studies have explored the extraction of bioactive compounds from different onion solid wastes, such as bulb, skin, and peel. However, onion leaves have received limited attention despite their potential as a valuable source of nutraceutical compounds. This study aimed to valorise, for the first time, the…
Food waste biorefinery towards circular economy in Australia
Staggering amounts of food waste are produced in Australia and this review provides food waste based biorefinery opportunities in moving towards a circular economy in Australia. The current food waste scenario in Australia including an overview of primary food waste sources government regulation and…
Fungal biorefinery for simultaneous production of enzymes and bioconversion of agro-industrial residues into renewable sugars and phenolic compounds
Agro-industrial residues have progressed from an environmental concern toward sustainable and cost-effective sources of biopolymers and value-added chemicals. However, pre-treatments are often required for efficient extraction of the desired products from these residues. Fungal biorefinery is an interesting…
Wheat germ, a byproduct of the wheat milling industry, as a beneficial source of anti‐aging polyamines: A quantitative comparison of various forms
Comparison of efficiency of four different polyamine extraction methods. Highest yield extraction of wheat germ (WG) free polyamines under mild condition. Optimization of polyamine derivatization by isobutyl chloroformate. First report on WG polyamine determination by a simple isocratic LC–MS/MS method…
Comparisons of pulsed ultrasound‐assisted and hot‐acid extraction methods for pectin extraction under dual acid mixtures from onion (Allium cepa L.) waste
Pectin extraction under pulsed ultrasound‐assisted and hot‐acid extraction methods in dual acid mixtures from onion waste. Abstract The aim of this study is to compare the physicochemical properties and yields of pectins extracted from onion waste under hot acid (HAE) and pulsed ultrasound‐assisted extraction (PUAE)…
Optimal Conditions for Purification and Drying of Dry Extract from the Aerial Part of Hypericum scabrum and Hypericum perforatum
The factors affecting purification of concentrated extracts obtained from the aerial parts of two Hypericum species ( H. scabrum L. and H. perforatum L.) using 80% EtOH were studied. A five-fold treatment with extraction naphtha followed by six-fold extraction with EtOAc was shown to provide a dry extract…
Industrial-Scale Process For Obtaining A Concentrated Extract Of Biopesticidal Compounds From Microalgae And/Or Cyanobacteria, Resulting Extract, And Use Thereof
The invention provides a process for extracting compounds with inhibitory activity of the growth of phytopathogenic microorganisms from biomass of microalgae and/or cyanobacteria, the extract thus obtained, and its use as a biopesticide in agriculture. The process essentially comprises obtaining a…
Production of Coffee oil and Bioactive Peptides from Spent Coffee Grounds via Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction and Enzymatic Hydrolysis
Supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO 2 ) extraction was applied for recovering non-polar compounds in spent coffee grounds (SCGs) before enzymatic hydrolysis was performed. The SCCO 2 extracted oil yield of 11.93 wt% was observed at 30 MPa and 50 °C. The detectable volatile compounds in SCGs oil…
Hop Flower Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extracts Coupled with Carriers with Solubilizing Properties-Antioxidant Activity and Neuroprotective Potential
Lupuli flos shows many biological activities like antioxidant potential, extended by a targeted effect on selected enzymes, the expression of which is characteristic for neurodegenerative changes within the nervous system. Lupuli flos extracts (LFE) were prepared by supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) extraction with…
New Insights on Primary and Secondary Metabolite Contents of Seven Italian Wild Food Plants with Medicinal Applications: A Comparative Study
Wild food plants are widely consumed all over the world and many have both nutritional and therapeutic value due to the presence of biologically active compounds. The present research, for the first time, aims to compare primary and secondary metabolite levels among different plant organs (flower, leaf, stem, root…
Ultrasonic‐assisted and enzymatic‐assisted extraction to recover tannins, flavonoids, and terpenoids from used tea leaves using natural deep eutectic solvents
Summary The conventional extraction technique using organic solvent was employed to recover bioactive compounds from plants; however, this technique showed low efficiency and caused environmental pollution. Novel extraction techniques such as ultrasound‐assisted extraction (UAE) and enzymatic‐assisted…
The Principle of Steam Explosion Technology and Its Application in Food Processing By-Products
Steam explosion technology is an emerging pretreatment method that has shown great promise for food processing due to its ability to efficiently destroy the natural barrier structure of materials. This narrative review summarizes the principle of steam explosion technology, its similarities and differences with traditional…
An Integrated Extraction-Purification Process for Raspberry Leaf Polyphenols and Their In Vitro Activities
To improve the utilization value of raspberry leaves, the extraction and purification conditions of phenolic compounds from raspberry leaves were optimized, and the contents of phenolic compounds and the biological activities of extracts were studied. After steam explosion pretreatment at 115 °C for 15 min, raspberry…
Valorisation of Side Stream Products through Green Approaches: The Rapeseed Meal Case
Rapeseed meal (RSM) is a by-product of rapeseed oil extraction and is a rich source of bioactive compounds, including proteins and antioxidants. This study compared two methods for extracting antioxidants from RSM: conventional ethanol Soxhlet extraction and supercritical CO2 extraction. These procedures were applied…
Valorization of bio-colorants extracted from Hypercium scabrum L. plant for sustainable and ecological coloration of wool yarns
Recently, natural dyes are being explored all over the world as safer and highly sustainable bio-based alternatives to synthetic dyes. Agricultural wastes and plant by-products are the most commonly explored alternatives with dual benefits of waste reclamation and sustainable dye production with extra value…
Extraction of bioactive compounds from Rubus idaeus waste by maceration and supercritical fluids extraction: The recovery of high added‐value compounds
Summary: High amounts of raspberries are wasted every year, which are rich source of bioactive compounds. Thus, raspberry waste was used to obtain the essential oil by maceration and the oleoresin by supercritical fluid extraction (SFE). Higher amounts of total phenolics (185 mg GAE g‐1) and flavonoids (11.0 mg QE g-1…
Innovative extraction technologies of bioactive compounds from plant by-products for textile colorants and antimicrobial agents
The agriculture and horticulture industries generate many by-products while processing commodities, leading to significant environmental and societal dilemmas. Bioactive compounds obtained from by-products of plants are also known as ingredients in traditional medicines and the food industry due to their potential health…
Optimization of stirring-assisted extraction of anthocyanins from purple roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) calyces as pharmaceutical and food colorants
There is a tremendously high demand for multifunctional colorants in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Anthocyanins in roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) are plant pigments with dual purposes: Natural dye and pharmacologically active ingredient. Therefore, a suitable extraction technology applicable on an…
Green solvents-based rutin extraction from Sophora japonica L.
Using green solvents to extract bioactive ingredients from medicinal herbs is a new trend for sustainable development procedures. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the ability to extract rutin from Sophora japonica L. using deep eutectic solvents (DESs), recover the target compound from extract…
Optimisation of ultrasonication pretreatment on microalgae Chlorella Vulgaris & Nannochloropsis Oculata for lipid extraction in biodiesel production
A wide variety of nutritious products and biofuels can be produced from microalgae. Their applications span across various sectors such as food, medical, and energy industries. Microalgal cell disruption is a crucial aspect in the production processes as it facilitates the extraction of bio-products stored within them…
Recent trends in utilization of citrus fruits in production of eco-enzyme
Eco-enzyme is a type of natural compound that can be extracted normally from citrus fruit peels or waste and various other sources. It is a complex solution produced by the fermentation fresh kitchen waste such as vegetable and fruit peels. It is a type of vinegar made by fermenting food waste with sugar to form…
The Effect of Extraction Method on Flavonoid Content and Antioxidant Activity of Red Betel and Green Betel Extracts
Red betel (Piper crocatum Ruiz & Pav) and green betel (Piper betle L.) are traditionally used as medicines. Betel leaf contains flavonoid compounds with antihypertensive, antioxidant, and antibacterial potential. This study aimed to determine the effect of the extraction method on the total flavonoid content of the…
From Waste to Green: Water-Based Extraction of Polyphenols from Onion Peel and Their Adsorption on Biochar from Grapevine Pruning Residues
Onion peels (OP) are rich in bioactive compounds with a plethora of benefits for human health, but this valuable material is often wasted and underutilized due to its inedibility. Likewise, grapevine pruning residues are commonly treated as agricultural waste, but biochar (BC) obtained from this material has…
Extraction of Biofuels and Valuable Products (Essential Fatty Acids) from Microalgae
SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION INNOVATIONS Presenting the latest technologies and practices in this ever-changing field, this groundbreaking new volume covers the gambit for providing solutions and practical applications of smart and efficient energy systems. The global and climate changes we are witnessing…
Optimizing Ultrasonic-Assisted and Microwave-Assisted Extraction Processes to Recover Phenolics and Flavonoids from Passion Fruit Peels
This study optimized the ultrasonic-assisted extraction (UAE) and microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) processes to acquire phenolics and flavonoids from passion fruit peels using a mixture of ethanol, acetone, and water. An augmented simplex-centroid design was employed to find the suitable volume ratio…
Valorisation of pineapple peel waste as natural surimi gel enhancer and its optimization in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) surimi gels
This investigation explored the preparation of surimi gel enhancer from pineapple peel waste, hugely generated by industries and spreading serious environment pollutions. The peel extracted with 100% ethanol had higher bioactive and antioxidant attributes, which was subsequently fortified in tilapia surimi at levels…
Food Additives Market Size Will Attain USD 170.49 Billion by 2030 Growing at 6.5% CAGR – Exclusive Report by Facts and Factors

Massive demand for low-fat additives will open new growth avenues for the food additives market across the globe. Reportedly, low-fat additives comprise less sugar proportion and saturated levels of fats. Moreover, the increase in cases of obesity and other lifestyle-related ailments has enhanced the popularity of low-fat additives. Facts…
Demand for Microalgae in Fertilizers Sector Expected to Surge, Reaching US$ 28.7 Million by 2033 with a 10% CAGR
According to Future Market Insights (FMI), the demand for microalgae in the fertilisers sector is expected to expand steadily. Its total market value is predicted to exceedUS$ 28.7 million by 2033, up from US$ 11 million in 2023. The demand for microalgae in the fertilisers sectors expected to increase at a10% CAGR from…
Barley malt extract Market expected to grow with a CAGR of 7.50% from 2023 to 2030
This report describes the global market size of Barley malt extract Market from 2018 to 2021 and its CAGR from 2018 to 2021, and also forecasts its market size to the end of 2030 and its expected to grow with a CAGR of 7.50% from 2023 to 2030. The Global BARLEY MALT EXTRACTS Market offers an in…
Global Flavors and Fragrances Market Will Surpass USD 36.83 Billion by 2030 at 4.4% CAGR Growth
Vantage Market Research has published a new report titled « Global Flavors and Fragrances Market – Trends, Challenges, Opportunities, Regional Analysis for Forecast period 2023 to 2030. » The important parameters that are covered within this report are market value, market share, segments, regional analysis, and…
Global Alternative Protein Market Will Surpass USD 196.76 Million by 2030 at 16.7% CAGR Growth
Vantage Market Research has published a new report titled « Global Alternative Protein Market – Trends, Challenges, Opportunities, Regional Analysis for Forecast period 2023 to 2030. » The important parameters that are covered within this report are market value, market share, segments, regional analysis, and…
Effects of inulin-type fructans on Bifidobacteria unaffected by food matrix, according to recent study

In the 10-day, four-arm, parallel, randomized trial, inulin was administered either in pure form or incorporated into shortbread biscuits, milk chocolate, and a rice drink. A recent study1 investigated the prebiotic effects of inulin-type fructans on Bifidobacteria growth in different food matrices. All groups, consisting of 24 participants each, consumed 10 g…
French biodiesel imports at record high

French biodiesel imports reached a new high in the first half of this year, with imports dominated by cargoes from Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands. According to the most recent customs data, imports were a little under 975,000t in January-June, up by 4.3pc on the year and a record for the period. Some 180,000t were imported in June…
Corn Oil Market is Estimated to Observe Significant Growth 2023 to 2032
The Global Corn Oil Market had a size of USD 3.49 billion in 2022 and is projected to attain a value of USD 6.2 billion by 2032, with a revenue CAGR of 4.3% during the forecast period. The key drivers for the growth in market revenue include the increasing demand for healthier edible oils, a growing awareness of the…
Carrageenan Market Size and Overview Featuring Key Players and Top Country Data
The latest research report for the Carrageenan Market (2023-2030) is divided into different types [ Kappa-carrageenan, Iota-carrageenan, Lambda Carrageenan ] and applications [ Food, Daily Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Biochemistry ]. This segmentation enables users to extract valuable insights into industry…
Food Emulsifiers Market 2023 Trend by Upcoming Demand – Archer Daniels Midland Company, DowDuPont, Cargill, Kerry Group Plc.
Fior Markets has presented updated research on Global Food Emulsifiers Market 2023 to 2032 that would come in handy to understand the competitors in the market. The report offers a widespread and elementary study of the global Food Emulsifiers market, encompassing the analysis of subjective aspects which can…
Tannin Market Size 2023 | Historic Data with New Benchmarks till 2031

The Global Tannin market is projected to rise at a significant rate during the forecast period, between 2023 and 2031. In 2022, the market is increasing at a steady rate and with the growing adoption of strategies by key players, the market is expected to rise over the projected horizon. Tannin Market – Competitive and Segmentation Analysis: The current market dossier…
Rapport d’étude de marché mondial sur l’extrait de pépins de raisin Vitis Vinifera 2023 – Taille du marché, perspectives actuelles et tendances de développement
Xcellent Insights a récemment ajouté un nouveau rapport intitulé « Marché mondial de l’extrait de pépins de raisin Vitis Vinifera, prévisions jusqu’en 2032 ». aux offres de produits et de services. Le rapport met en évidence divers aspects et facteurs du marché afin d’aider les utilisateurs, les lecteurs et les investisseurs…
Organic Acids Market: Future Growing Trends and Forecast from 2023 to 2030
The latest research report for the Organic Acids Market (2023-2030) is divided into different types [ Acetic Acid, Citric Acid, Formic Acid, Lactic Acid, Itaconic Acid, Succinic Acid, Gluconic Acid, Ascorbic Acid, Fumaric Acid, Propionic Acid ] and applications [ Food and Beverage, Animal Feed, Chemical and industrial…
Polyphenol Market 2023 to 2032 Competitive Analysis: Naturex, Layn Natural Ingredients, DuPont-Danisco, ADM
Fior Markets has presented updated research on Global Polyphenol Market 2023 to 2032 that would come in handy to understand the competitors in the market. The report offers a widespread and elementary study of the global Polyphenol market, encompassing the analysis of subjective aspects which can give key…
Yeast Ingredients Market Geographical Analysis by Size and Share 2023 | Product Types, End User, Top Key Players and Forecast to 2030
The research report on the global « Yeast Ingredients Market » for 2023 includes an overview of the market, market dynamics, segmentation (by type, application, end user, and region), the most recent developments, industry-relevant driving factors, challenges and risks faced by manufacturers, as well as an analysis…
Cosmetic Raw Materials Market Size and Overview Featuring Key Players and Top Country Data
The latest research report for the Cosmetic Raw Materials Market (2023-2030) is divided into different types [ Synthetic, Natural ] and applications [ Skin Care, Makeup, Perfume, Sunscreen ]. This segmentation enables users to extract valuable insights into industry trends and areas with growth potential. Additionally, the…
Natural Antimicrobial Agents Market Global 2023: Valuation Metrics and Industry Overview
« Natural Antimicrobial Agents Market » Size, Share, Growth Report 2023-2031 (No. of pages: 114) Report which offers an in-depth study Grounded on Applications (Skin Care, Hair Care, Others), and Types (Plant Extracts, Plant Derivatives, Others) and expected to grow annually by magnificent (CAGR 2023 – 2031)…
Vanilla Market Size & Share | Analysis Report, 2023-2030
Global Vanilla Market 2023-2030 Adaptive Research Report covers a wide range of factors, including detailed information on Types [Vanilla Bean, Vanilla Extract, Vanilla Powder, Vanilla Paste], Applications [FoodandBeverage, Cosmetic Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Others], customer needs, wants and…
Essential Oil Market Growth Prospects by Size and Share 2023 | Value Chain Analysis and Forecast to 2030
The research report on the global « Essential Oil Market » for 2023 includes an overview of the market, market dynamics, segmentation (by type, application, end user, and region), the most recent developments, industry-relevant driving factors, challenges and risks faced by manufacturers, as well as an analysis of pertinent…
Croissance du marché des enzymes d’alimentation animale, analyse au cours de la période de prévision 2030
Un nouveau rapport publié par Global Market Vision intitulé Enzymes pour l’alimentation animale Market 2023 propose une analyse complète du marché. Le rapport est conçu et construit en étudiant les composantes majeures et mineures du marché, ce qui se reflète dans sa segmentation détaillée et ses sections…
Enzymes spécialisées analyse de marché | DSM, BASF, AB Enzymes
Fournit un aperçu comprenant le marché, la définition, les applications et les développements, et la technologie de fabrication. Ce rapport d’étude de marché Enzymes spécialisées suit tous les développements et innovations récents sur le marché. Il fournit des données sur les obstacles rencontrés lors de la création…
Phycocyanin for Nutraceuticals Market Share 2023 | Growth Insights, Regional Outlook, Demand and Revenue | Developing Opportunities and Dynamics Forecast to 2030
Business Growth Reports has a Latest Research report on Phycocyanin for Nutraceuticals Market Insights Report 2023 | Spread Across 121 Pages Report which provides an in-depth analysis Based on Regions, Applications (Powder, Liquid), and Types (Organic, Conventional). The report presents the research…
Antioxidants from Agricultural Wastes and their Potential Applications
Chemical Substitutes from Agricultural and Industrial By-Products. A comprehensive resource presenting different manufacturing bioprocesses of chemical substitutes, from agricultural and industrial by-products to value-added biorefinery products: Chemical Substitutes from Agricultural and Industrial By-Products…
Beta Carotene Market (2023-2030) by Development Factors & Growth Rate
Beta Carotene Market Research Report provides a thorough overview of industry size, share, and emerging technologies, as well as present and future trends. The research on the Beta Carotene industry looks at the key market trends and company strategies for the predictable future.Beta Carotene Market detailed…
Red Wine Extract Market Upcoming Outlook 2023-2030
Global Red Wine Extract Market Latest Research Report (2023-2031) is segmented into Regions, Applications(Food And Beverages, Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetic and Personal Care), and Types (Powder, Capsule, Liquid). The report presents the research and analysis provided within the Red Wine Extract…
Natural Health Products Market Share and Size: Recent Growing Trend 2030
« Natural Health Products Market » Size, Share, Growth Report 2023-2030 | | No. of pages: 112Report which offers an in-depth analysis Grounded on Applications (Pregnant Women, Adult, Pediatric, Geriatric), and Types (Liquid Ingredient, Solid Ingredient) and expected to grow annually by magnificent (CAGR 2023…
Flavor Enhancer Market Update 2023: Predicted to Achieve $20.4 Billion Revenue by 2032

The Flavor Enhancer Market size was valued at $11.4 billion in 2022, and is estimated to reach $20.4 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 5.7% from 2023 to 2032. Food and drink additives called « flavor enhancers » are things or components that improve the flavor and taste of the food and drink they are added to. They are employed in a variety…
Dietary Supplements Market Size Projected To Reach USD
The dietary supplements market was valued at US$ 214,165.30 million in 2021 and is projected to reach US$ 319,085.34 million by 2028; it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.9% from 2021 to 2028. Dietary supplements have become increasingly popular as individuals seek ways to enhance their health and…
Upcycled Cosmetic Ingredients Market Expected to Reach $433.5
According to a new report published by Allied Market Research, titled, « Upcycled Cosmetic Ingredients Market, » The upcycled cosmetic ingredients market size was valued at $231.48 million in 2021, and is estimated to reach $433.5 million by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 6.6% from 2022 to 2031. In 2021, the skin care upcycled cosmetic…
Global Phytosterols Industry Research Report 2023-2030: Advancements in Processing and Extractions Spurs Growth
The « Global Phytosterols Market by Composition (Campesterol, Stigmasterol, B-sitosterol), Form (Dry, Liquid), Source, Application – Cumulative Impact of COVID-19, Russia Ukraine Conflict, and High Inflation – Forecast 2023-2030 » report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com’s offering. The Global Phytosterols…
Trans Resveratrol Market [2023-2030] Size Including Segments Business revenue Insight
The extent and overview of the various commercial opportunities throughout the ensuing years are shown in the global « Trans Resveratrol Market » research report, together with the optimistic revenue projections. Application (, Cosmetic, Dietary Supplement, Food and Beverage, Other), many companies have…
White Biotechnology Market worth $281.20 billion by 2030
The « White Biotechnology Market by Product (Biochemicals, Biofuels, Biomaterials), Application (Bioenergy, Food & Feed Additives, Personal Care & Household Products) – Cumulative Impact of COVID-19 , Russia Ukraine Conflict, and High Inflation – Global Forecast 2023-2030 » report has been added to 360iResearch.com’s offering. The Cumulative Impact of COVID-19…
Antioxidant for Cosmetic Market Recent Innovations and Upcoming Trends Analysis by 2029
Antioxidant for Cosmetic Market with analysis of such parameters i.e. industry growth drivers, supply and demand, risks, market attractiveness, annual growth comparison, BPS analysis, SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces model. Antioxidant for Cosmetic Market report gives inside and out audit of the Expansion…
Organic Food Flavor Market Research Report with Growth, Trends
The global Organic Food Flavor market is comprehensive and accurately presented in the report with the help of detailed market information and data, critical findings, error-free statistics, and reliable forecasts. The report digs deep into important aspects of the global Organic Food Flavor market, including competition, segmentation…
Vegetable Protein Market 2023: Size and Research Overview Till 2030
The report providescrucial statistical insightsinto the market status ofVegetable Proteincompanies, making it an invaluable asset for individuals and businesses keen on the industry. It compriseshistorical and projected market data, demand, application specifics, pricing trends, and geographic breakdowns of leading…
Food Enzymes Market | New Innovation and Future Demand Dynamics By 2030
Global Food Enzymes Market Growth Research 2023-2030 offers insightful information on the current trends, difficulties, market risks, and market constraints of leading suppliers. In-depth coverage of geographic segmentation, current demand scope, growth rate analysis, industry revenue, and CAGR status are…
L’industrie des prébiotiques pour l’alimentation animale devrait atteindre 8 milliards de dollars d’ici 2030 – Beneo, Baolingbao, Sensus, Meiji, Hayashiabara, Longlive, Niko
Le rapport Prébiotiques pour l’alimentation animale est un examen approfondi de la structure de consommation générale de Prébiotiques pour l’alimentation animale, des tendances de développement, des techniques de vente et des ventes des principales nations. La recherche porte sur les fournisseurs…
Parution : « Les biotechnologies bleues » – Joël Fleurence

L’activité de recherche de Joël Fleurence porte sur la valorisation des algues marines. Il est auteur d’une centaine de publications sur le sujet, coordonnateur de trois ouvrages internationaux et inventeur de trois brevets dont l’un bénéficie d’une extension à la Chine. Avant sa carrière universitaire, il a été cadre de recherche au Centre d’étude et de valorisation des algues…
Curcumin and liver injury risk: Australia trade body stresses that correlation does not imply causation

A correlation between curcumin, turmeric consumption and liver injury risk does not imply causation, trade body Complementary Medicines Australia (CMA) has pointed out, in response to reports on how the ingredient could have been linked to a fatal outcome. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) recently released a safety…
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