B.A.I.A. is online !With 30 years of experience serving the food industry, Adrianor has gathered thousands of ingredients and the contacts of the suppliers who offer them within B.A.I.A. This data is now available on Adrianor’s website. This research tool called B.A.I.A. is very easy to use and aims to facilitate the daily life of R&D and Purchasing departments.
B.A.I.A. is a search engine that connects food manufacturers and suppliers of ingredients and food additives. B.A.I.A. also offers the possibility to look for alternative solutions to certain ingredients to achieve the same functionality. Depending on your development constraints, you can further refine your results according to certain criteria (preferred source, organic, vegan etc….).
Go to http://www.adrianor.com/base-ingredients-alimentaires/ for more information. Feel free to contact us if you would like a presentation of the online tool.
Contact : Elodie Buchet e.buchet@adrianor.com