Firmenich augmente sa capacité de production d’ingrédients de parfumerie

Firmenich s’apprête à mettre en service une nouvelle unité de production polyvalente d’ingrédients renouvelables sur son site DRT de Castets, dans le sud-ouest de la France. La nouvelle unité, qui sera opérationnelle en janvier, augmentera de 50% la capacité de production du site pour servir les clients de la parfumerie et répondre à la demande en forte croissance de produits durables. Ingrédients à base de pin : “Cette…
NextStage AM acquires stake in Fermentalg as demand for microalgae ingredients piques

Fermentalg, a French player in microalgae, has secured an equity investment from the NextStage AM investment fund connected with the private placement subscribed by Theodore H. Nixon, chairman of the board of directors, DDW. Speaking to FoodIngredientsFirst, Philippe Lavielle, CEO of Fermentalg, says that microalgae-derived ingredients and products are growing in appeal among consumers. “Driven by increasing demand for natural and plant-based…
ITC enters India’s plant-based sector to “take a nascent phenomenon to the next level”

Following significant progress in the Indian plant-based meats landscape in the second half of 2021, the first major Indian FMCG company has announced a foray into the burgeoning space with meat alternative offerings, including plant-based burger patties and nuggets. The move signals ITC’s intention to become an early mover in the growing plant-based sector domestically. Currently, there is no sizable pan-Indian brand in the country’s plant-based protein segment…
Firmenich signs Strategic Partnership Agreement with HARMAY in China
Collaboration brings expanded value to Fine Fragrance category. Firmenich, the world’s largest privately-owned fragrance and taste company, is proud to announce a new strategic partnership with HARMAY, a leading new retail brand in China. Under the agreement, Firmenich and HARMAY will join forces to…
Boiron prend le contrôle d’ABBI, spécialiste des soins cosmétiques sur mesure

Le leader mondial de l’homéopathie a conclu un accord en vue l’acquisition, pour 1,75 million d’euros, de 70% du capital de la start-up spécialisée dans les soins cosmétiques individualisés grâce à l’intelligence artificielle. L’accord prévoit que les 30% restant seront acquis par Boiron d’ici juin 2025 à un prix ” qui dépendra des performances ” d’ABBI. Acronyme d’Authenticité, Beauté, Bien être et Individualité, la technologie ABBI…
Givaudan entre au capital de Nanovetores et se renforce en encapsulation

Givaudan a acquis 48 % des actions de Nanovetores Group auprès de Criatec Fund, un fonds d’investissement brésilien axé sur les entreprises novatrices en phase de démarrage. Créé en 2009, Nanovetores Group est une entreprise brésilienne familiale réputée pour sa technologie unique d’encapsulation appliquée à une grande variété d’ingrédients vendus aux marques de beauté du monde entier. “Ses processus de…
DKSH Partners with Laboratoires ERIGER in France

DKSH has started a new partnership with Laboratoires ERIGER, the French developer of the innovative PhytoVec® technology, which uses chlorophyll to protect the active ingredients of molecules. DKSH’s Business Unit Performance Materials, a leading distributor of specialty chemicals and ingredients, will provide business development, marketing, sales, distribution, and logistics for Laboratoires ERIGER’s PhytoVec®…
Dans les Landes, une nouvelle vie pour la résine de pin ?
A Biscarrosse, Biogemme développe une méthode novatrice, plus respectueuse du pin et de l’environnement, mais aussi du gemmeur. Une centaine de pins est exploitée dans le cadre de ce programme lancé en 2010 par le laboratoire Holiste, qui utilise de l’essence de résine de pin pour sa solution d’oxygénation cellulaire…
Un nouvel actif naturel pour apaiser la peau chez Bioderma
Grâce à un extrait issu des racines de la sauge rouge, Bioderma, avec ses deux dernières crèmes Créaline Défensive, parvient à renforcer les capacités d’autodéfense des peaux sensibles/sensibilisées et à réduire leur réactivité. Particulièrement bienvenues en ce moment (les passages constants du chaud au froid…
Le pôle IAR devient Bioeconomy For Change

Après 17 ans sous l’appellation IAR, le réseau de référence de la bioéconomie en France, en Europe et à l’international devient Bioeconomy For Change (B4C). Une nouvelle étape charnière lui permettant d’affirmer plus efficacement son positionnement et la manière dont ses 500 adhérents participent aux transitions agricole, industrielle, environnementale et alimentaire favorables au Climat, aux Citoyens, à la Compétitivité et à la Connexion…
Institut technique : Astredhor devient l’institut des professionnels du végétal
Depuis le 1er janvier 2022, Astredhor est devenu l’Institut des professionnels du végétal. Il regroupe d’ores et déjà les stations Arexhor Pays de la Loire, Astredhor Seine-Manche, Astredhor Sud-Ouest GIE Fleurs et Plantes, Ratho, Scradh et Stepp. Les stations du CDHR Centre-Val de Loire et d’Est Horticole seront…
La question du waterless, un enjeu d’innovation pour Argeville

Consciente de l’évolution de la demande et des modes de consommation des produits de soin, Argeville a développé une expertise globale sur la fabrication de nouvelles galéniques et de parfums naturels. Pour l’entreprise, l’urgence climatique et l’évolution des modes de consommation constituent l’amorce d’un travail de fond sur la question des nouvelles applications. L’urgence climatique, et plus globalement les questions…
Côtes-d’Armor. Zoom sur le Centre d’études et de valorisation des algues (CEVA), basé à Pleubian
Le Centre d’études et de valorisation des algues de Pleubian (Côtes-d’Armor) est né en 1982. Créé à la demande du conseil général, il sensibilise et informe les collectivités sur les algues, notamment sur les marées vertes. Mais pas seulement. Les scientifiques du Ceva travaillent aussi sur des biomatériaux, des…
Aromatech lance le fonds de dotation Jacques Martel

Spécialiste des arômes alimentaires implanté à Saint-Cézaire, près de Grasse, Aromatech (CA 2020 non consolidé: 21,6 M€) lance le fonds de dotation Jacques Martel, du nom du fondateur du groupe… (lecture réservée aux abonnés au Journal du Net).
La stratégie du gouvernement pour aider les start-up industrielles et deep tech

Le gouvernement a dévoilé une nouvelle stratégie pour aider les deep tech et les start-up industrielles. Ce nouveau dispositif d’accompagnement, doté d’une enveloppe globale de 2,3 milliards d’euros, va au-delà du financement. En combinant apport financier et accompagnement personnalisé, l’objectif est de parvenir à ce qu’une centaine de sites industriels soient créés par an à l’horizon 2025. Les start-up à vocation industrielle…
BiotechMarine, Serdex et EPI France fusionnent au sein de Seppic SA

En 2013, 2017 et 2021, Seppic confirme sa stratégie et renforce son positionnement sur le marché des actifs cosmétiques, pharmaceutiques et nutrition en faisant l’acquisition de BiotechMarine, Serdex et EPI France, trois sociétés qui incarnent le savoir-faire et l’expertise de Seppic en matière de biotechnologies marines et d’extraction végétale…
BASF’s New Natural Active Ingredient for Atopic-prone Skin

BASF new dermocosmetic active ingredient for atopic-prone skin is natural and organic solution that is derived from French chestnut leaves, and it is addition to personal care products that help improve the skin condition related to common epidermal concerns. Hydrates & Soothes Atopic-prone Skin: Dermocosmetics reflect rising…
[ITAINNOV 2022] Ecoléo : un solvant biosourcé pour remplacer l’hexane

[ITAINNOV 2022] Ecoléo : un solvant biosourcé pour remplacer l’hexane n.marchand@reu… lun 17/01/2022 – 07:30 Contenu partenaire Recherche Industrie Oléoprotéagineux Oléagineux Terres Inovia présente son projet Ecoléo, retenu parmi les 12 nommés au concours ITAINNOV 2022 dans la catégorie environnement, biodiversité et climat. Reportage. Économie & société L’innovation Ecoléo proposée par Terres Inovia , institut…
Olvea propose désormais des huiles végétales approuvées ‘COSMOS Natural’ – Premium Beauty News

Le Groupe Olvea, spécialiste français des huiles végétales et de poisson pour les industries cosmétique, pharmaceutique et l’alimentation humaine et animale, vient d’annoncer que toutes ses huiles végétales de spécialité destinées à l’industrie cosmétique sont désormais labellisées “Natural COSMOS Approved”. Cette labellisation concerne les huiles suivantes : Huile d’Amande douce, – Huile d’Argan, Huile d’Avocat…
Cargill Launches Vegan Chocolate Range ExtraVeganZa, First Chocolate to Use Sunflower

Global food corporation Cargill has unveiled its new vegan chocolate range, ExtraVeganZa. The range uses new plant-based “power ingredients”, such as sunflower powder and rice syrup, to “bring out the absolute best in vegan chocolate”. Sunflower provides creaminess According to the company, sunflower powder helps to give the chocolate a smooth creaminess, while rice syrup adds sweetness and a “snap” to the…
Biosedev s’inspire de la nature

Créée en 2019, la startup Biosedev a développé un procédé innovant d’extraction de molécules végétales dont les propriétés sont de plus en plus recherchées par les consommateurs et donc les industriels. C’est un enjeu de société majeur… Comment remplacer un maximum de produits dérivés du pétrole par des molécules issues du vivant, autrement dit biosourcées et renouvelables ? Des initiatives apparaissent un…
25 Gattefossé ingredients approved by Natrue
More than just a label for natural and organic cosmetics, Natrue is known for its requirements in terms of naturality and sustainability. Pour bénéficier de ce label, tous les aspects du développement durable doivent être pris en compte tout au long de la chaîne de fabrication : respect de la biodiversité, impact…
Firmenich s’associe à Jungle pour créer un extrait de muguet durable

Le fabricant de parfums et d’arômes s’est associé à la start-up française Jungle, spécialiste de la création de fermes verticales, pour lancer le tout premier extrait de muguet au monde, en s’appuyant notamment sur sa technologie Firgood. Connu en parfumerie comme l’une des plus emblématiques ” fleurs silencieuses “, le muguet ne génère pas d’essence et son utilisation pour la réalisation de fragrances est ainsi très…
Cargill to buy Croda’s performance technologies and industrial chemicals business in £778m deal

Hull plant and operations in Holland and China form part of huge agreement. Croda has agreed a £778 million deal to sell the bulk of its performance technologies and industrial chemicals businesses. US agri-giant Cargill has swooped for five of the East Yorkshire-headquartered FTSE-listed firm’s global plants – including Hull in the UK. The sale follows a strategic review into the “excellent, world-leading business” announced back…
AFYREN Announces the Signing of Two Strategic Contracts for AFYREN NEOXY in the Nutrition and Health Markets
Sales accounting for 60% of the AFYREN NEOXY factory’s projected acid production at full capacity are secured1 Food and feed markets are growing more than 6% annually. AFYREN (Paris:ALAFY), a greentech company that offers manufacturers natural, low-carbon products created with technology based on natural…
InVivo veut devenir numéro 1 du malt

Devenu acteur majeur du marché du malt avec le rachat de Soufflet, InVivo ambitionne d’en être bientôt le leader mondial. Acté le 9 décembre, ” jour historique ” pour le groupe coopératif, selon Thierry Blandinières, directeur général d’InVivo, le rachat de Soufflet a franchi une dernière étape : l’accord des… (suite de l’article réservé aux abonnés)
Azelis’ New Distribution Agreement with Kensing for Vegetable-oil-based Products

Kensing LLC (Kensing) and Azelis have signed an agreement for the distribution of Kensing’s vegetable-oil-based vitamins and phytosterols Covi-ox, Covitol, Copherol and Generol in the food & health, nutrition, and personal care markets covering entire Europe, Middle East and Africa. Kensing’s Sustainable Development Approach…
Ingredion, Samyang & Matsutani among ingredient companies driving allulose into European market

Ingredion Incorporated, Matsutani Chemical Industry, Cosun Beet Company and Samyang Corporation have become part of a consortium to help bring allulose to the EU and UK markets and support its nutritional labeling as a carbohydrate. The new consortium is called the Allulose Novel Food Consortium (ANFC). Allulose is already authorized as a food ingredient in many countries worldwide, including Japan, Mexico, Singapore, South Korea and the US. It is…
FrieslandCampina Ingredients breaks into “fundamental” plant-based protein arena

FrieslandCampina Ingredients is moving into the plant-based protein arena with two new powder solutions developed with AGT Foods, a supplier of value-added pulses, staple foods and ingredients. FrieslandCampina Ingredients says its expanded protein offering to include plant bases is “essential” to respond to consumers’ needs, where flexitarianism has become “a way of life.” Speaking to NutritionInsight, Herman Ermens, president of FrieslandCampina Ingredients…
Roquette met en service la plus grande usine mondiale de protéine de pois

C’est fait. Après une longue gestation et un investissement majeur, le groupe familial Roquette ouvre formellement sa nouvelle usine canadienne de protéines de pois. L’unité est basée à Winnipeg, au cœur du Manitoba, la région la plus productrice de ce protéagineux au monde. L’usine, qui s’étend sur 2 ha bâtis, offre une capacité de valorisation de 125 00 tonnes par an de pois jaune, alimentée en énergie à 100% par l’électricité hydroélectrique…
Point sur les protéines alternatives avec M. Rupp-Dahlem

Végétaux, algues, insectes, microorganismes… Les sources de protéines alternatives font couler des kilomètres d’encre, à commencer par la rédaction de Culture Nutrition ! Mais la France est-elle bien positionnée dans la course à l’innovation ? Comment la filière française est-elle structurée? Pour apporter des éléments de réponse, nous…
Effect of Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Carotenoids from Papaya (Carica papaya L. cv. Sweet Mary) Using Vegetable Oils
By-products from fruits and are of great interest for their potential use in the food industry due to their high content of bioactive compounds. Herein, we examined the ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) of carotenoid and carotenoid esters from papaya pulp and peel using soybean oil and sunflower oil as…
The effect of cell disruption on the extraction of oil and protein from concentrated microalgae slurries
Novel cell-disruption combinations (autolytic incubation and hypotonic osmotic shock combined with HPH or pH12) were used to investigate the fundamental mass transfer of lipids and proteins from Nannochloropsis slurries (140 mg biomass/g slurry). Since neutral lipids exist as cytosolic globules, their mass…
An eco-friendly approach for the recovery of astaxanthin and β-carotene from Phaffia rhodozyma biomass using bio-based solvents
There is a growing demand in the development of environmentally friendly technologies, based on the use of more biocompatible solvents for the recovery of natural bioactive compounds. In this work, the red yeast Phaffia rhodozyma biomass was used as a source of carotenoids to develop an integrative and efficient…
High purity softwood lignin obtained by an eco-friendly organosolv process
Organosolv processes provide access to less degraded and higher purity lignins. However, these are rarely applied to softwood species with high lignin contents and complex condensed structures. We are presenting here the results of an optimized organosolv process, allowing for a high extraction yield of organosolv…
Improved extraction of bioactive compounds from Monteverdia aquifolia leaves by pressurized-liquid and ultrasound-assisted extraction: Yield and chemical composition
Monteverdia aquifolia leaves extracts was obtained using pressurized-liquid extraction (PLE) and ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), evaluating, when pertinent, temperature, solvent, solvent/biomass ratio, and sonication amplitude (%), comparing to the conventional Soxhlet extraction (SOX) concerning yield…
Membrane diafiltration for enhanced purification of biologically active compounds from goji berries extracts
Goji berries represent a valuable source of phenolic compounds with a strong antioxidant and free radical scavenging activity combined to huge quantities of small sugars. This study was aimed at evaluating the potential of three tight ultrafiltration (UF) membranes with molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) from…
An eco-friendly extraction and purification method of nuciferine from Folium nelumbinis with p-sulfonatocalix[6]arenes
Introduction Folium nelumbinis is used as vegetable, functional food and herbal medicine in Asia. p-Sulfonatocalix[6]arene (SC6A) is a water-soluble supramolecular macrocycle and has never been applied to the extraction of herbal products. Objective In this study, SC6A-assisted extraction of nuciferine from…
Thermal Emerging Technology Approach for the Extraction of Bioactive compounds from Cylindra Beetroot (Peel, Flesh, and Stalk) with Green Solvent
With the benefits of high temperature and short time treatment, microwave irradiation has conquered novel extraction technology to valorize food wastes. In this study, the extraction processes of bioactive compounds from beetroot peel were accomplished by a home-use microwave oven following the central…
Solvent-free low pressure extraction of plant compounds
Systems and methods for solvent-free direct extraction of target compounds from plant matter are disclosed herein. The disclosed systems and methods use low pressure to reduce the evaporation temperature of target compounds without affecting the chemical integrity thereof. Target compounds are extracted from…
Preparation of pulse protein products (“YP810”)
The present invention is directed to processes for producing pulse protein products, very low in, or substantially free of, pea/vegetable flavour notes useful for the fortification of food and beverage products and prepared without the use of salt in the process. The pulse protein products are obtained by extracting pulse…
Method for producing leguminous protein
The invention falls within the the field of plant proteins. The invention concerns, in particular, a method for producing a leguminous protein composition, preferably of peas, comprising a dry heat pretreatment of leguminous seeds at a temperature between 70 and 130°C for 1 to 6 minutes followed by grinding…
Andritz : launches Turbex extractor for optimized valorization of functional nutrients
International technology group ANDRITZ has developed Turbex, a highly efficient extraction system to produce functional nutrients. ANDRITZ Turbex helps to produce high-quality extracts from botanicals and natural products and turn waste such as orange peel or brewer’s spent grain (BSG) into revenue-generating…
Intensification Strategies for the Extraction of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Other Lipophilic Fractions From Seaweeds
Marine organisms are excellent sources of long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), increasingly demanded for their healthy properties. Seaweeds present a low lipid content, but their high PUFA fraction and the low ω-6:ω-3 ratio convert them in an alternative to other sources. In particular, the use of…
Freeze-thaw-, enzyme-, ultrasound- and pulsed electric field-assisted extractions of C-phycocyanin from Spirulina platensis dry biomass
Spirulina platensis is a cyanobacterium with biological activities. This characteristic is mainly due to its blue pigment C-phycocyanin (C-PC), which is an important commercially available blue food colorant. To take maximum advantage of the benefits of C-PC, a comparative study of four different pretreatment…
Ultrasound-negative pressure cavitation extraction of paclitaxel from Taxus chinensis
An ultrasound-negative pressure cavitation extraction method was developed to remarkably improve the recovery efficiency of paclitaxel from Taxus chinensis. The paclitaxel yield was 94–100% through ultrasound-negative pressure cavitation extraction with an extraction time of 3 to 8 min. In particular, most paclitaxel…
Fractionation of Pinus radiata by ethanol-based organosolv process
The lignocellulosic materials are promising feedstock to produce biofuels and bioproducts in the biorefinery framework. However, a pretreatment step is required to disrupt lignin-carbohydrate complex. In this work, the fractionation of Pinus radiata wood into its main components, cellulose-rich delignified solid, recovered…
Phytochemical extraction systems, methods, and devices
This disclosure describes systems, methods, and devices for phytochemical extraction. One example extraction system includes two solvent columns, a material column, and a dewaxing column. The solvent columns store and provide solvent for stripping target chemicals from plant material in the material column…
Concentrated extract of algae, production method thereof and use of same in agriculture
The present invention relates to a concentrated algal extract having a percentage dry matter of between 6 and 100%, the preparation process thereof and also the uses thereof alone or combined with another nutritive, biostimulating or plant-protecting technology, especially to promote plant emergence, growth…
Selective extraction of oxygenated terpene in caraway (Carum carvi L.) using subcritical water extraction (SWE) technique
Highlights • Extraction of limonene, carveol, and carvone from caraway using subcritical water. • Oxygenated terpene like carvone has a high solubility in subcritical water. • Limonene can be converted to carvone via a process of subcritical water extraction. Abstract Caraway contains terpenes such as carvone…
Citric acid-based deep eutectic solvent for the anthocyanin recovery from Hibiscus sabdariffa through microwave-assisted extraction
In the current study, Hibiscus sabdariffa has been extracted by microwave-assisted extraction (MAEX). Citric acid-based deep eutectic solvents (DES) have been specially designed, where a hydrogen bond donor (HBD) (glycerol and ethylene glycol) and a hydrogen bond acceptor (HBA) (citric acid) with a certain molar…
A simple improved protocol for purification of C-phycocyanin from overproducing cyanobacteria and its characterization
C-phycocyanin (C-PC), an algal biopigment, has a fairly big market demand in food and other industries including pharmaceuticals for its valuable properties. However, its application in diverse fields is affected by the cost associated with its production and downstream processing. Most of the present studies are…
Green extraction of biomolecules from algae using subcritical and supercritical fluids
Biomolecules present in algae, such as carbohydrates, proteins, pigments, and lipids, have wide applications as ingredients in different cosmeceutical, pharmaceutical, and nutraceutical products. Research efforts have been made to establish efficient extraction processes of the high-value bioactive compounds from algae…
Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction of bitter compounds and polyphenols from willow gentian underground parts
Willow gentian (Gentiana asclepiadea L., Gentianaceae) is a medicinal plant that is primarily used in the treatment of gastrointestinal and liver diseases in folk medicine. As a bitter raw material, it is also used in the food industry for liquors flavoring. In order to optimize the ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) of…
Method for decolorizing and deproteinizing brown algae polysaccharides
A method for decolorizing and deproteinizing brown algae polysaccharides belongs to the field of deep processing of brown algae. The method combines ultraviolet (UV) with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), including the following steps: extracting dried and pulverized brown algae by hot water to obtain brown algae…
A process for preparation of cereal fractions
A process for preparation of cereal fractions. The process comprises wet milling of oat grains or barley grains in the presence of an enzyme composition derived from malt; and when oat grains or barley grains are wet milled, optionally isolating, from the wet milled grains, a beta-glucan enriched fraction. Liquid and solid food…
Extraction of essential oils from Kumquat peel using ultrasound-assisted vacuum hydrodistillation
In the current study, ultrasound-assisted vacuum extraction (UAVE) was applied to improve the efficiency of hydrodistillation extraction (HDE) and vacuum hydrodistillation extraction (VHE) and produce Kumquat peel essential oil (EO) with acceptable quality. To achieve these objectives, the effects of ultrasound power…
Optimization of extraction parameters of bioactive components from Moringa oleifera leaves using Taguchi method
Extraction of phytochemical constituents in Moringa oleifera leaves of the Moringaceae family was experimented and optimized based on the process parameters. Extraction parameters such as leaves-to-solvent ratio, nature of leaves, and extraction methods were experimentally identified to influence the yield…
Response surface optimization of extraction of rutin and quercetin from Cyclobalanopsis leaves by hydrothermal treatment catalyzed by ethanol-acetic acid
An environment-friendly hydrothermal method was developed to extract rutin and quercetin from a forestry waste of Cyclobalanopsis leaves using the mixture medium of alcohol-acetic acid–water. Various process variables were specifically studied, which included the concentration of acetic acid (0 ~ 40% v/v), ethanol…
Selection of a suitable solvent for bioactive compounds extraction of myrtle (Myrtus communis L.) leaves using ultrasonic waves
The aim of this study was evaluating the effect of solvent properties on bioactive extraction of myrtle leaves using ultrasound waves. Experimental design was performed using response surface methodology (RSM) and optimized by Box-Behnken design (BBD). The effect of extraction variables such as temperature (30…
A new method of extracting L-quebrachitol from serum obtained from acid coagulation of natural rubber latex
A cost-efficient way of extracting L-quebrachitol from NR (natural rubber) latex was developed, and the efficiency in extracting L-quebrachitol with two different liquid–liquid extraction system was compared in this study. The acidic serum obtained from acid coagulation of NR latex was first added with excess quicklime…
Extraction of sweeteners from Stevia rebaudiana by semicontinuous percolation of untreated leaves and leaves pretreated with ethanol
Untreated leaves (UL) and leaves pretreated with ethanol (PL) of the Stevia UEM-13 variety were extracted by a percolation method using boiling water as solvent (1/40). Five extractive cycles were performed for each starting material. The total recovery of sweeteners was 91.64 % for UL and 93.80 % for PL. In the first…
Ultrasound-assisted extraction of anthocyanin from black rice bran using natural deep eutectic solvents: Optimization, diffusivity, and stability
The present study was aimed to establish a green extraction method for anthocyanins from black rice bran using natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) coupled with ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE). Initially, five NADES were used and lactic acid: fructose was screened as efficient extractant for anthocyanin from black…
Extraction of shikimic acid from water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) using sonication: An approach towards waste valorization.
Shikimic acid (SA) is a valuable compound found in water hyacinth and is a precursor for synthesis of antiviral drug oseltamivir phosphate (Tamiflu®) which is used to treat H5N1 avian influenza. In the present work, the acid was extracted from different morphological parts (stem, leaves, and roots) of water hyacinth (a…
A combination of osmotic shock and ultrasound pre-treatments and the use of enzyme for extraction of proteins from Chlorella vulgaris microalgae: Optimization of extraction conditions by RSM
In this study, the effect of a combination of osmotic shock, the use of carbohydrase enzyme and ultrasound waves was investigated on protein content (PC), total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant activity (AOA) by CUPRAC and DPPH methods of protein extracts from Chlorella vulgaris green microalgae. The…
Cell Membrane Permeabilization by Pulsed Electric Fields for Efficient Extraction of Intercellular Components from Foods
The chapter reviews applications of pulsed electric fields (PEF) for the efficient extraction of intercellular components from food plants. Mechanisms of cell membrane permeabilization by PEF including electroporation of plane membranes, spherical cells, cells with different shapes and sizes, and ensembles of…
A water-only process to fractionate yellow peas into its constituents
To meet the consumer demand for minimally processed foods and clean labels, the potential of processes where chemicals are omitted and only water is used needs to be explored. Mild wet fractionation of yellow pea, a water-only process, is investigated on maximum separation and efficient water use. By only using…
Phenolic compounds recovered from ora-pro-nobis leaves by microwave assisted extraction
Ora-pro-nobis is an ornamental plant, often used as food in some regions of Brazil, and Pereskia grandifolia is one of the less explored specie of this nutritional plant. To understand the antioxidant potential and phenolic profile of ora-pro-nobis leaves, the micro-wave assisted extraction (MAE) was held using the green…
Design and evaluation of non-conventional extraction for bioactive compounds recovery from spent coffee (Coffea arabica L.) grounds
Spent coffee grounds are one of the most interesting waste streams of coffee industry containing antioxidants, whose extraction may represent an innovative solution for the reduction of the environmental burden of this waste, simultaneously providing high added value compounds. The aim of this work was to valorize…
Synergistic effect of ultrasound and switchable hydrophilicity solvent promotes microalgal cell disruption and lipid extraction for biodiesel production
To facilitate the lipid extraction from Nannochloropsis oceanica with thick cell wall using switchable hydrophilicity solvent, ultrasound-assisted N, N, N’, N’-tetraethyl-1,3-propanediamine (TEPDA) was used to effectively destruct the cell wall. TEPDA cations were adsorbed on the cells via electrostatic force and…
Systematic comparison of eight methods for preparation of high purity sulfated fucans extracted from the brown alga Pelvetia canaliculata.
Sulfated fucans from brown algae are a heterogeneous group of biologically active molecules. To learn more on their structure and to analyze and exploit their biological activities, there is a growing need to develop reliable and cost effective protocols for their preparation. In the present study, a brown alga Pelvetia…
A simple and efficient strategy for fucoxanthin extraction from the microalga Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Abstract In the present study, we proposed an innovative fucoxanthin extraction strategy for the fucoxanthin preparation from the microalga Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Fucoxanthin was extracted from P. tricornutum using an ethanol extraction method. Subsequently, purification of fucoxanthin was accomplished as the…
Enzymatic and Microwave Pretreatments and Supercritical CO2 Extraction for Improving Extraction Efficiency and Quality of Origanum vulgare L. spp. hirtum Extracts.
The goal of the study was to establish a procedure for improving the efficiency of supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) extraction of Origanum vulgare L. spp. hirtum (Greek oregano) and enhancing the quality of obtained extracts. Microwave and enzymatic pretreatments of the plant material were applied prior to the scCO2…
Experimental Design and Optimization of Recovering Bioactive Compounds from Chlorella vulgaris through Conventional Extraction.
Microalgae contain an abundance of valuable bioactive compounds such as chlorophylls, carotenoids, and phenolics and, consequently, present great commercial interest. The aim of this work is the study and optimization of recovering the aforementioned components from the microalgae species Chlorella…
Polyphenol Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Tapirira guianensis Aubl. (Anarcadiaceae) Leaves
Tapirira guianensis (Anacardiaceae) is a natural resource from the Amazonian Forest and is locally known in French Guiana as “loussé” (creole), “tata pilili” (wayãpi), or “ara” (palikur). The tree is used by indigenous populations for medicinal purposes. To increase the potential of this tree for cosmetic, agro-food, or…
Lavandula dentata L.: Phytochemical Analysis, Antioxidant, Antifungal and Insecticidal Activities of Its Essential Oil
Antioxidant, antifungal and insecticidal activities of essential oil (EO) extracted from the Moroccan lavender (Lavandula dentata) were investigated and their chemical constituents determined. Gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID) and gas chromatography-mass spec-trometry analyses (GC-MS)…
Identification of Antibacterial Components in the Methanol-Phase Extract from Edible Herbaceous Plant Rumex madaio Makino and Their Antibacterial Action Modes
Outbreaks and prevalence of infectious diseases worldwide are some of the major contributors to morbidity and morbidity in humans. Pharmacophageous plants are the best source for searching antibacterial compounds with low toxicity to humans. In this study, we identified, for the first time, antibacterial…
In Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Marine Microalgae Extract against Vibrio harveyi
Marine microalgae may produce antibacterial substances. At the exponential phase of growth, four species of marine microalgae were examined for their potential to create secondary metabolites that limit the growth of Vibrio harveyi: Nannochloropsis oceanica, Chaetoceros gracilis, Isochrysis sp. and Thalassiosira…
An integrated approach for sustainable valorization of winery wastewater using bio-based solvents for recovery of natural antioxidants
The presence of bioactive compounds in winery waste streams represents a great opportunity to revalue these effluents that constitute a challenging environmental and economic problem. The main objective of this research is to develop an efficient and environmentally friendly liquid-liquid extraction process for the…
Eco-dyeing and functional finishing of wool fabric based on Portulaca oleracea L. as colorant and Musa basjoo as natural mordant
Biomass energy is the most acknowledged renewable resource due to its universality, richness, and renewability. This study utilized a Portulaca oleracea L. plant as a natural colorant for wool fabric dyeing with a high color yield at optimum extraction and dyeing conditions. To evaluate the dyeing mechanism and…
Current strategies on algae-based biopolymer production and scale-up
The craving for an alternative to the existing plastic products gives rise to the concept of algae-based bioplastic production, which appears to be excellently biodegradable and cost-effective. The significant assortment of algal biopolymers draws great attention to stop the surge of plastic waste and to mitigate the…
Utilization of phenolic compounds extracted from agro-industrial wastes as natural herbicides
Phenolic compounds are considered one of the most important secondary metabolites categories in plant that involved in allelopathic effect. Allelopathy is a chemical interaction between plants and could be defined as the stimulatory or inhibitory effects of a plant on the growth of another plant through the release of…
Antimicrobial activity of phenolics isolated from the pruning wood residue of European plum (Prunus domestica L.)
European plum (Prunus domestica L.) is a tree cultivated in many countries for its edible fruits, and necessarily certain amounts of useless woody residues are generated every year during pruning works. The objectives of this research were to recover the phenolics present on that wood wastes and study their…
Microencapsulation of Phycocyanin By Spray Drying Method: Effect of Process Parameters and Wall Materials
Spray drying method was used for the microencapsulation of the extracted, purified phycocyanin from Arthrospira platensis to increase its stability and usability as a food colorant. The effect of process conditions -wall material type, ratio, and inlet-air temperature- on physical and chemical properties was investigated…
Naturally occurring phenolic compounds as promising antimycotoxin agents: Where are we now?
Mycotoxins are metabolites produced by molds that contaminate food commodities, are harmful to both humans and animals, as well as cause economic losses. Many countries have set regulatory limits and strict thresholds to control the level of mycotoxins in food and feedstuffs. New technologies and strategies have…
Effects of Ascophyllum nodosum extract on sweet pepper plants as an organic biostimulant in grow box home garden conditions
The effects of a commercial Ascophyllum seaweed extract (ASWE) on the growth parameters of sweet pepper plants were studied under grow box home garden conditions in the Caribbean. Grow box cultivation of vegetables in the backyard is very popular in Trinidad and Tobago and the wider Caribbean region. The use…
Effect of extraction conditions on the antioxidant compounds from habanero pepper (Capsicum chinense) and its potential use as antimicrobial
Habanero pepper is a good source of bioactive compounds with antioxidant capacity; however, up to now, some factors for increasing their extraction have not been investigated yet. This research aimed to evaluate the effect of solid-to-solvent ratio (1:250, 1:45, and 1:25 w/V), temperature (20, 35, and 50°C), and time (6…
The edible seaweed Laminaria japonica contains cholesterol analogues that inhibit lipid peroxidation and cyclooxygenase enzymes.
In this study, 5 sterols were isolated and purified from Laminaria japonica, commonly known as edible brown seaweed, and their structures were identified based on detailed chemical methods and spectroscopic analyses. Spectroscopic analyses characterized 5 sterols as 29-Hydroperoxy-stigmasta-5,24(28)-dien-3β-ol…
Anti-inflammatory activity of peptides derived from millet bran in vitro and in vivo.
Various food-derived bioactive peptides have been found with potential anti-inflammatory effects. Millet bran peptide is a food-derived bioactive peptide extracted from millet bran, a by-product of millet processing. In this study, the anti-inflammatory effect of millet bran peptides was investigated. A lipopolysaccharide (LPS)…
Investigation of the antioxidant effect of red quinoa (Chenopodium formosanum Koidz) carotenoid extracted on the oxidative stability of soybean oil
The purpose of this work was ultrasound-assisted extraction of red quinoa carotenoid, and antioxidant effect of the purified carotenoid on soybean oil stability was compared with that of commercial carotenoid. Red quinoa carotenoid was extracted using 50 mL ethanol as the solvent in an ultrasonic bath at 45±1°C and…
Agroindustrial byproduct-based media in the production of microbial oil rich in oleic acid and carotenoids
This study focuses on the potential of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa CCT 7688 in simultaneous production of lipids and carotenoids in agroindustrial byproduct-based media and specially aims at establishing a process condition that guarantees high concentrations of both bioproducts, i.e., a carotenoid-rich microbial oil with…
Ginger: a systematic review of clinical trials and recent advances in encapsulation of its bioactive compounds.
Recently, the numbers of studies on natural products have considerably increased owing to their exceptional biological activities and health benefits. Their pharmacological attributes have played an immense role in detecting natural and safe alternative therapeutics, consequently extending their industrial applications…
Valorization of tomato pomace: extraction of value-added components by deep eutectic solvents and their application in the formulation of cosmetic emulsions
Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) have been explored as an alternative to hazardous solvents to extract phenolic compounds. The aim of this work was estimate the performance of choline chloride-based DESs regarding the extraction of phenolic compounds of tomato pomace and determination of their antioxidant activity…
Onion (Allium cepa L.) bioactives: Chemistry, pharmacotherapeutic functions, and industrial applications
Bioactive compounds possess different health benefits. Onion contains various bioactive compounds, such as organosulfur compounds, flavonols, ascorbic acids, and carbohydrate prebiotics, and its by-products have more content of flavonoids than the bulb. Diallyl monosulfide, diallyl disulfide, diallyl trisulfide, and diallyl…
An overview of antimicrobial properties of kombucha
Kombucha is a traditional beverage of Manchurian origin, typically made by fermenting sugared black or green tea with the symbiotic consortium of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY). The beverage has gained increasing popularity in recent years, mainly due to its heralded health benefits. The fermentation process of kombucha…
Production of microalgae with high lipid content and their potential as sources of nutraceuticals
In the current global scenario, the world is under a serious dilemma due to the increasing human population, industrialization, and urbanization. The ever-increasing need for fuels and increasing nutritional problems have made a serious concern on the demand for nutrients and renewable and eco-friendly fuel sources…
Spray-drying microencapsulation of tea extracts using green starch, alginate or carrageenan as carrier materials
Abstract Tea industry generates many by-products which could be used to produce and incorporate bioactive tea extracts (TE) into nutraceuticals, cosmetics and/or clinical applications. However, sensibility to external factors is a major disadvantage hindering its utilization. This study deals with the implementation and…
Sustainable natural coloring potential of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) residues for cotton dyeing: innovative approach towards textile industry
Natural products particularly natural colorants have attained worldwide importance and being eco-friendly can be considered an alternative to toxic dyes in order to reduce environmental pollution. The current study is based on the exploration of natural coloring behavior of bitter gourd leaves extract for cotton dyeing…
Reveals of quercetin’s therapeutic effects on oral lichen planus based on network pharmacology approach and experimental validation.
Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a localized autoimmune disease of the oral mucosa, with an incidence of up to 2%. Although corticosteroids are the first-line treatment, they cause several adverse effects. Quercetin, a naturally occurring compound, has fewer side-effects and provides long-term benefits. Besides, it has…
Environmental-friendly extraction of Peepal (Ficus Religiosa) bark-based reddish brown tannin natural dye for silk coloration
The present study aims to extract a natural reddish brown colorant from Peepal ( Ficus religiosa ) for silk dyeing using the microwave radiation process (MW). The colorant was isolated in aqueous and acidic media, and MW treatment for 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 min has been given to both fabric and extract to observe changes…
Standardized wild apple fruit extract as a bioactive agent in dermocosmetic products for efficacy skin hydration – in vitro and in vivo evaluation.
Wild apple fruit are rich source of bioactive substances, which can be potentially used for a production of dermocosmetic products. The aim of study was in vitro and in vivo investigation of standardized wild apple fruit extracts (obtained by purified water and maceration-EM, percolation-EP, Soxhlet extraction-ES and…
Novel Approaches for the Recovery of Natural Pigments with Potential Health Effects.
The current increased industrial food production has led to a significant rise in the amount of food waste generated. These food wastes, especially fruit and vegetable byproducts, are good sources of natural pigments, such as anthocyanins, betalains, carotenoids, and chlorophylls, with both coloring and health…
Innovations in spray drying process for food and pharma industries
Highlights • Spray drying (SD) system has evolved since early development. • Drawbacks of conventional SD systems can be overcome by innovative approaches. • To reduce thermal degradation, vacuum, dehumidified air, or ultrasound SD can be applied. • Reduction of stickiness can be achieved by dehumidified air-assisted…
Green Extraction of Carotenoids from Fruit and Vegetable Byproducts: A Review.
Carotenoids are characterized by a wide range of health-promoting properties. For example, they support the immune system and wound healing process and protect against UV radiation’s harmful effects. Therefore, they are used in the food industry and cosmetics, animal feed, and pharmaceuticals. The main sources…
Potential of Usnic Acid Compound from Lichen Genus Usnea sp. as Antidiabetic Agents.
Lichen Usnea sp. is potential as a new natural medicine. This study report isolation of secondary metabolites from lichen Usnea sp. and α-glucosidase inhibitory, which is potential as an antidiabetic agent. Lichen powder was macerated using methanol, separated using column chromatography gravity and thin-layer…
Identification and characterization of the novel bioactive compounds from microalgae and cyanobacteria for pharmaceutical and nutraceutical applications.
Microalgae and cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) are used as food by humans. They have gained a lot of attention in recent years because of their potential applications in biotechnology. Microalgae and cyanobacteria are good sources of many valuable compounds, including important biologically active…
Sustainable isolation of licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.)-based yellow natural colorant for dyeing of bio-mordanted cotton
Sustainability in the utilization of products in all fields particularly food textiles, solar cells, etc. is of prime concern to the global community. In this study, licorice ( Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) as a source of herbal-based coloring agent for cotton dyeing has been explored under the influence of ultrasonic (US) waves…
Seaweed Liquid Extract as an Alternative Biostimulant for the Amelioration of Salt-stress Effects in Calotropis procera (Aiton) W.T
Scientists consider saltwater one of the effective environmental stress that negatively affects the growth and establishment of trees and shrubs worldwide. Utilizing the potential of Bio-stimulant compounds present in the brown seaweed extract is an alternative strategy to improve crop tolerance to salinity. This study…
Biomedical applications of tannic acid.
Tannic Acid (TA) is a naturally occurring antioxidant polyphenol that has gained popularity over the past decade in the field of biomedical research for its unique biochemical properties. Tannic acid, typically extracted from oak tree galls, has been used in many important historical applications. TA is a key…
Study on the antifungal activity and mechanism of tea saponin from Camellia oleifera cake
The purpose of this study was to isolate tea saponin from defatted C. oleifera cake and explore its potential antifungal activity and mechanism. UHPLC–MS/MS identified the compounds, and the antibacterial activity of tea saponin was determined by the inhibition zone method and double dilution method. In addition, the…
Repurposing Colchicine for Heart Disease
Colchicine is one of the most ancient medications still prescribed. It is extracted from the Colchicum autumnale plant and is routinely used because of its broad anti-inflammatory properties to treat gout and familial Mediterranean fever. Colchicine has shown efficacy in various clinical settings in which inflammation…
Carvone and its pharmacological activities: A systematic review.
Natural products from plants have gained prominence in the search for therapeutic alternatives. Monoterpenes, such as carvone, are suggested as candidates for the treatment of several diseases. Therefore, the objective of this study is to review the pharmacological activities of carvone in experimental…
Effect of hot water extraction process on schizophyllan from split gill mushroom
The split gill mushroom or Schizophyllum commune ( S. commune ) is a therapeutic mushroom. For cell wall composition, it consists of rich β-glucans (schizophyllan). This mushroom is high in nutritional content and has a wide range of biological properties. In this research, it is interesting to study hot water extraction of…
Integrated marine microalgae biorefineries for improved bioactive compounds: A review.
Marine microalgae offer a promising feedstock for biofuels and other valuable compounds for biorefining and carry immense potential to contribute to a clean energy and environment future. However, it is currently not economically feasible to use marine algae to produce biofuels, and the potential bioactive chemicals…
Update on potential of edible mushrooms: high value compounds, extraction strategies and bioactive properties
The traditional and growing importance of mushrooms due to their rich composition in nutritive and bioactive compounds converts the whole feedstock and their fractions in versatile attractive ingredients for food and nutraceuticals. The processing conditions are critically relevant to selectively recover high valuable…
The extraction of lignocelluloses and silica from rice husk using a single biorefinery process and their characteristics
Highlights • A facile method to simultaneously extract useful lignocelluloses and silica from rice husk. • An extensive study on the chemi-physical properties of lignocelluloses and silica. • Expanding and developing the simple and efficient conversion process of biomass waste into sustainable value-added materials…
Effect of different extraction conditions on phlorotannin content and antioxidant activity of extract from brown algae (Sargassum angustifolium(
Brown algae are a valuable source of natural antioxidant compounds, especially phlorotannins. In this study, the extraction was performed from brown alga Sargassum angustifolium by three methods: solvent, ultrasound- assisted and microwave-assisted. Then the amount of phlorotannin content and antioxidant…
Microalgae Application in Chemicals, Enzymes, and Bioactive Molecules
Microalgae feature the ability to develop in different ecosystems, consequently because they are photosynthetic microorganisms with a simple structure. Recently, the interest production of microalgae-based products has increased, due to the integrity of these natural microorganisms in the production of fatty acids…
Antimalarial Natural Products
Natural products have made a crucial and unique contribution to human health, and this is especially true in the case of malaria, where the natural products quinine and artemisinin and their derivatives and analogues, have saved millions of lives. The need for new drugs to treat malaria is still urgent, since the most…
A preliminary study on polysaccharide extraction, purification, and antioxidant properties of sugar-rich filamentous microalgae Tribonema minus
The total polysaccharide content of the sugar-rich filamentous microalga Tribonema minus (Xanthophyceae, Tribonematales) under 2% CO2 was up to 50%. The optimal conditions for the extraction of polysaccharide by hot water extraction-ethanol deposition were as follows: A maximum polysaccharide yield of 27.25%…
Study the Effect of P. minor Seaweed Crude Extract as a Biostimulant on Soybean.
Background and Objective: Seaweed biostimulants are often used in agriculture because of their benefits in increasing growth, production and quality of plants and are safe for the environment. Padina minor is one of the potential seaweeds that contains high macro and micronutrients and has also been shown to increase…
Exopolysaccharides from the Energy Microalga Strain Botryococcus braunii: Purification, Characterization, and Antioxidant Activity
Botryococcus braunii, a prestigious energy microalga, has recently received widespread attention because it can secrete large amounts of exopolysaccharides (EPS) with potential applications in food, cosmetics, and nutraceuticals. Unfortunately, the insufficiency of research on the bioactivity and structure–activity…
Integration of Pulsed Electric Fields in the Biorefinery Concept to Extract Microalgae Components of Interest for Food Industry
The high cultivation costs for microalgae and the complex and costly downstream processing make the price per ton of raw materials from microalgae biomass, such as biofuel, uneconomic. To overcome this detriment, it is suggested to use the residual biomass for biofuel production after obtaining high- and middle-value…
Determination of clove (Eugenia caryophyllata) essential oil and comparison of its antibacterial properties with some conventional antibiotics
Eugenia caryophyllata (Clove) has long been used as a medicinal plant to treat infections and prevent food spoilage. In this study, with three methods of hydro distillation, steam distillation and hydro-steam distillation, clove buds were extracted and the yields of these methods were 10.9, 9.9 and 8.3%, respectively…
Relative comparisons of extraction methods and solvent composition for Australian blueberry anthocyanins
Anthocyanins accumulate in plant vacuoles and are highly unstable at ambient temperatures, making them difficult to extract without denaturing their properties. This research aimed to determine a suitable extraction method and solvent composition for anthocyanin compounds. Australian blueberries were extracted…
Natural plant extracts as inhibitors of potato polyphenol oxidase: The green tea case study
Natural plant extracts have emerged as a potential alternative to sulphites in minimally processed potatoes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the inhibitory capacity of various plant extracts on potato polyphenol oxidase (pPPO) and to optimize the extraction conditions for preventing browning in fresh-cut potatoes (cv…
Microalgae biomass as a sustainable source for biofuel, biochemical and biobased value-added products: An integrated biorefinery concept
Microalgal biomass has been proved to be a sustainable source for biofuels including bio-oil, biodiesel, bioethanol, biomethane, etc. One of the collateral benefits of integrating the use of microalgal technologies in the industry is microalgae’s ability to capture carbon dioxide during the application and biomass production…
Innovative Extraction Technologies for Development of Functional Ingredients Based on Polyphenols from Olive Leaves.
Olive tree (Olea europea L.) leaves represent around 10% of the total weight of olives arriving at any given mill, which are generally discarded, causing economic and environmental issues. However, these are rich sources of natural bioactive compounds (i.e., polyphenols), which have health-promoting potential. Thus, the…
Evaluation of the Antibacterial and Prebiotic Potential of Ascophyllum nodosum and Its Extracts Using Selected Bacterial Members of the Pig Gastrointestinal Microbiota.
Ascophyllum nodosum and its extracts are promising antibacterial and prebiotic dietary supplements for pigs. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of the increasing concentrations of: (1) two whole biomass samples of A. nodosum with different harvest seasons, February (ANWB-F) and November…
Extraction of Anthocyanins from Borage (Echium amoenum) Flowers Using Choline Chloride and a Glycerol-Based, Deep Eutectic Solvent: Optimization, Antioxidant Activity, and In Vitro Bioavailability.
Borage flower (Echium amoenum), an annual herb native to the Mediterranean region, is an excellent source of anthocyanins and is widely used in various forms due to its biological activities. In the present study, a choline chloride and glycerol (CHGLY)-based natural deep eutectic solvent (NADES) was applied in order to…
Critical assessment of the filamentous green microalga Oedocladium carolinianum for astaxanthin and oil production
Highlights • Oedocladium carolinianum is the only filamentous astaxanthin-producing alga. • O. carolinianum is the most productive strain for astaxanthin among algae. • Mass culture of O. carolinianum in open and closed photobioreactors feasible • The filamentous microalga is highly resistant to microzooplankton grazing…
Licoflavone B, an isoprene flavonoid derived from licorice residue, relieves dextran sodium sulfate-induced ulcerative colitis by rebuilding the gut barrier and regulating intestinal microflora.
Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a major inflammatory disease worldwide. We previously demonstrated that licorice residue flavones (LFs) showed satisfactory efficacy in the treatment of UC. Therefore, research into the ingredients of LFs may lead to the discovery of novel anti-UC targets. In the current study, we…
Algae biorefinery: a promising approach to promote microalgae industry and waste utilization
Highlights • Microalgae are bio-factory that produces high value-added compounds from CO2 • Algae as a biorefinery for a variety of high-value products and industrial uses • Techniques for cultivation, harvesting, isolation, and extraction are all reviewed • Microalgae biorefinery system advantages and limitations…
Citrus Peel Extracts for Industrial-Scale Production of Bio-Based Active Food Packaging
The thermal stability of four different commercial citrus peel extracts was tested and improved by an encapsulation process with β-cyclodextrins in a spray-dryer. All extracts after the encapsulation process maintained a good antioxidant capacity, with an apparent loss in total phenolic compounds of around…
Use of Conventional and Innovative Technologies for the Production of Food Grade Hop Extracts: Focus on Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activity
This study investigated the use of conventional and innovative extraction methods to produce food-grade hop extracts with high antioxidant capacity and content in bioactive compounds. Conventional extractions (CONV) were performed under dynamic maceration at 25 and 60 °C; innovative extractions were performed…
Arabinoxylans: A new class of food ingredients arising from synergies with biorefining, and illustrating the nature of biorefinery engineering
Highlights • Arabinoxylans offer a new class of food ingredients through synergy with biorefining. • The opportunity to produce AX arises from integration with bioethanol production. • AX fractions extracted from sugarcane bagasse show potential as a bread ingredient. • Co-producing AX fractions can enhance…
Environmental friendly Exploration of Cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum Verum) Based Yellow Natural Dye for Green Coloration of Bio-Mordanted Wool Fabric
In the era of the industrial revolution with the increased demand for sustainable products, the use of natural products particularly herbal-based bio-colorants in every walk of life is increasing. In the current study, cinnamon as a source of natural dye for wool has been explored under the influence of microwave…
Evaluation of algal active compounds as potent antibiofilm agent
Biofilm is the syntrophic association of microbial colonies that remain adhered to the biotic and abiotic surfaces with the help of self-secreted polymeric substances also termed extracellular polymeric substances. Chronic pathogenicity caused by biofilm-associated pathogenic microorganisms becomes a significant…
Ionic Liquids: The Smart Materials in Process Industry
It is mainly considered that the chemical process and allied industries are responsible for environmental pollution. It is true to some extent; hence it is the role of scientists and engineers to fulfill the social expectations by providing sustainable design and development of chemical processes so that there must be…
Les microalgues contre l’acné
Et si les extraits de microalgues aidaient à lutter contre l’acné ? Selon un récent brevet, cela pourrait être possible. L’Ifremer, l’université de La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime), le CNRS, l’université de Limoges (Haute-Vienne) et le CHU de de Nantes (Loire-Atlantique) ont collaboré pour le développement d’un extrait…
Combining acid-based deep eutectic solvents and microwave irradiation for improved chestnut shell waste valorization
A microwave (MW)/deep eutectic solvent (DES)-assisted (MWDA) extraction process for obtaining value-added compounds from chestnut shell waste (CSW) is presented. DESs were used as green solvents featuring both high biomass dissolution ability and good response to MW irradiation. A survey of different acid…
Plant Extracts Market Size (2022-2030) | Top Key Company Profiles – Naturex, Berkem, Kuber Impex Ltd., Network Nutrition, Organic Herb, Qualiphar-Gifrer
The Plant Extracts Market report covers the whole scenario of the global market including key players, their future promotions, preferred vendors, market shares along with historical data and price analysis. It continues to offer key details on changing dynamics to generate market improving factors. It aims to rationalize…
Rapport sur le marché des boissons à la spiruline 2021 – Tendances et facteurs importants à l’origine des prévisions de développement du marché jusqu’en 2028

‘Boissons à la spiruline Marché.’ Le rapport propose une analyse approfondie des stratégies de croissance clés, des moteurs, des opportunités, du segment clé, de l’analyse des cinq forces de Porter et du paysage concurrentiel. Cette étude est une source d’informations utile pour les acteurs du marché, les vice-présidents, les parties prenantes et les nouveaux entrants afin d’acquérir une compréhension approfondie de l’industrie et de déterminer les étapes à…
Aperçu du Marché des Liquides Ioniques par Opportunités récentes, Taille de la Croissance, Analyse Régionale et Prévisions jusqu’en 2028
Le marché des liquides ioniques était évalué à 32,8 millions de dollars en 2021 et devrait croître avec un taux de croissance significatif de 9% entre 2022 et 2028. Dans la découverte et le développement de médicaments, on estime qu’environ 40% des médicaments commercialisés et 90% des médicaments à…
Acacia (Gum Arabic) Industry – A Strategic Analysis – AEP Colloids Inc., POLYGAL AG, Mountain Rose Herbs, Inc.

“First the good, and more certain, news: Next year is likely to see 2021’s relatively healthy growth in Acacia (Gum Arabic) market. That’s according to a recent report from Adroit Market Research, which indicates that 2022 will likely see continued increasing demand. Research report is complete package of the Acacia (Gum Arabic) Market in 360 degrees i.e. both primary & secondary…
Étude de marché sur les protéines d’algues 2022-2027 | Défis et opportunités à venir jusqu’en 2027 | Plans futurs et croissance de l’industrie avec un TCAC élevé

Dans le document supérieur Rapport de recherche sur le marché des protéines d’algues, une analyse approfondie des investissements est fournie, qui prévoit des opportunités imminentes pour les acteurs du marché et développe les stratégies pour améliorer le retour sur investissement (ROI). Le rapport de marché se concentre sur des aspects importants du marché qui incluent, mais sans s’y limiter, les données historiques, les tendances actuelles du…
Biocarburants : le rapport de la Cour des comptes qui épingle la France

Dans un rapport sur les biocarburants publié dernièrement, la Cour des comptes n’hésite pas à remettre en cause la politique de la France. Elle critique notamment le choix fait de ne développer que les biocarburants de 1ère génération, au détriment des filières de 2ème génération. Elle évoque par ailleurs un maque réel de financement et d’une « défiscalisation empirique » des biocarburants. Nous avons lu et analysé dans le détail…
Chronique des matières premières – Le rêve américain de la gomme arabique devient réalité

La gomme arabique a retrouvé son statut de fibre alimentaire aux États-Unis, un statut perdu en 2016, avec à la clé des nouvelles parts de marché pour cette sève d’acacia séchée, cultivée en Afrique. C’est une décision qui était attendue depuis plusieurs années par les industriels. Et pour laquelle ils ont milité d’arrache-pied. Car c’est sur la base d’études cliniques qu’ils ont commandées, et suite à plusieurs pétitions…
Trans Resveratrol Market to Witness Huge Growth by 2028 | InterHealth, Fluxome, BioSerae
A2Z Market Research announces the release of Trans Resveratrol Market research report. The market is predictable to grow at a healthy pace in the coming years. Trans Resveratrol Market 2022 research report presents analysis of market size, share, and growth, trends, cost structure, statistical and comprehensive…
Cannabis légal : qui se cache derrière ce business en or ?
Bien qu’il n’ait aucun effet hallucinogène, le cannabidiol est en train de faire un tabac dans l’Hexagone. Derrière ce phénomène, des professionnels discrets mais bien organisés. “Un supplément cannabis sur votre Margarita?” Non, ce serveur de The Village Terrazza, un restaurant du XIVe arrondissement de Paris, n’est…
The Worldwide Nannochloropsis Industry is Expected to Reach $15.8 Million by 2028

The “Nannochloropsis Market by Form (Frozen, Liquid, Powder, Fresh Pastes), Application (Aquafeed, Extraction Companies, Other Application) – Global Forecast to 2028” report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com’s offering. This report provides an in-depth analysis of the Nannochloropsis market in five major geographies and emphasizes on the current market trends, market sizes, market shares, recent developments, and forecasts to 2028…
Evaluating 2021 curcumin research

Published curcumin studies add to the knowledge base and advance the market, but competition and debate can complicate the results. The curcumin (Curcuma longa) supplement market has been awash in buzz on its potential in a range of health and performance situations, but the heightened absorption and bioavailability challenges have created a market full of different types of curcumin ingredients. It’s not as…
Global Seaweed Extract Market Projected to Boost at 2,401.50Mn And Growing at A CAGR of 3.99% By 3031

The global Global Seaweed Extract Market is expected to be worth around 2,401.50Mn by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 3.99% during the forecast period 2021 to 2031. A New Report on the Global Seaweed Extract Market was recently published by Marketresearch.biz. A diplomatic approach with the help of a particular software used to assist the highly complicated problems of a huge…
Acerola Extract Market Is Expected To Reach USD 12543.6 million by 2027 | The Green Labs LLC, Naturex, Diana Naturals
Acerola Extract Market is gaining significant traction with CAIF launching Acerola Powder Extract with a minimum of 32% native vitamin C. Acerola Extract Market is gaining significant traction with CAIF launching Acerola Powder Extract with a minimum of 32% native vitamin C , Acerola is a fruit that contains Vitamin A…
Marché mondial des microalgues marines par développement commercial, innovation et prévisions des meilleures entreprises 2021-2027
Le rapport sur le marché mondial des microalgues marines de 2021 à 2027 est l’étude la plus importante pour ceux qui recherchent des informations complètes sur le marché des microalgues marines. L’étude comprend des informations complètes sur le marché mondial et régional, y compris les tendances historiques et…
Plant Sterol Esters Market May See a Big Move | Raisio, ADM, BASF, etc.
Global ”Plant Sterol Esters market” report provides essential and detailed information about the global market. This report provides a comprehensive analysis and accurate statistics. It also includes company definition, key points, and total revenue. Plant Sterol Esters Market gives an overview of the market by market size…
Renewable Solvent Market Major Strategies Adopted By Leading Companies
According to a new research report titled Renewable Solvent Market Global Industry Perspective, Comprehensive Analysis And Forecast by 2022 – 2028. This has brought along several changes in This report also covers the impact of COVID-19 on the global market. The report provides revenue forecasts for global, regional…
Le marché des ingrédients alimentaires fonctionnels sera catalysé par les avancées technologiques 2027
Le marché mondial des ingrédients alimentaires fonctionnels devrait croître à un TCAC de 6,2% au cours de la période de prévision 2020 à 2027. Le composé bioactif peut être utilisé dans la fabrication de produits alimentaires fonctionnels et ces composés peuvent être obtenus à partir de diverses sources comme…
Natural Antioxidant Market by Product, Applications, Geographic and Key Players: ZMC, Kalsec, A&B Ingredients
A2Z Market Research announces the release of Natural Antioxidant Market research report. The market is predictable to grow at a healthy pace in the coming years. Natural Antioxidant Market 2021 research report presents analysis of market size, share, and growth, trends, cost structure, statistical and comprehensive…
Dernière revue du marché Oléochimiques En savoir plus sur les gagnants de l’industrie

Le rapport Global Oléochimiques Market est une étude mise à jour en ce qui concerne l’impact de covid-19 et les prévisions jusqu’en 2028. Il présente divers défis avec des impacts socio-économiques à long terme sur le marché mondial. Son étude de portée s’étend de la situation du marché à la tarification comparative entre les principaux acteurs, les dépenses dans des domaines de marché spécifiques et les bénéfices. Il représente un rapport…