Kirin to expand health footprint with plans to acquire Australian vitamin giant Blackmores

Japanese brewer Kirin is on track to acquire Australian vitamins maker Blackmores for A$1.88 billion (US$1.24 billion). Blackmores operates a natural health business in the Asia-Pacific region. Kirin plans to make it a subsidiary. Kirin plans to acquire the shares held by all shareholders of Blackmores for cash through a Scheme of Arrangement (SOA) procedure…
Le Campus Fermentis – Lesaffre

Fermentis by Lesaffre, entité de Lesaffre spécialisée dans les boissons fermentées comme la bière, le vin et les spiritueux a inauguré son nouveau Campus le mardi 2 mai 2023. Cet espace regroupe tous les collaborateurs de la métropole lilloise en un seul espace dédié à cette activité. Il dispose également de nombreux équipements dédiés à la recherche et à la formation…
Colloque Cap Protéines : la preuve d’un lien fort entre les filières animales et végétales

Le 31 mai, 200 personnes se sont pressées à la Cité internationale universitaire de Paris pour découvrir les résultats de Cap Protéines, le programme de recherche, développement, innovation et transfert du Plan Protéines, piloté par Terres Inovia…
Jean-Pierre Rennaud (Cluster Algues Bretagne) : “Les algues sont une solution contre le changement climatique”

Lancé en 2018, le cluster Algues Pays de Brest s’élargit désormais à la Bretagne entière. Le 6 avril 2023, l’association a été constituée avec à la présidence Jean-Pierre Rennaud, président de l’entreprise d’algoculture à Groix (Morbihan), Azollae. L’objectif est de…
Industry consortium aims to improve flavor and texture of plant-based foods

A consortium comprising research organizations and companies from across the food production chain is aiming to understand and resolve flavor and texture issues related to plant-based foods. The Flavour and Texture consortium consists of Biospringer by Lesaffre, Brabender, Bunge, Danone, Edlong Flavors, Ebro Ingredients, HAS Green Academy…
Azelis expands exclusive distribution agreement with MANE for flavours and taste solutions

Azelis a leading innovation service provider in the specialty chemicals and food ingredients industry has expanded its distribution agreement with Mane, a leading fragrance and flavour house, beyond France, the UK, Ireland, Benelux, and Turkey. According to Azelis, the partnership is in line with Azelis’ strategy of organic growth…
Metsä Group and ANDRITZ plan a lignin product demonstration plant at Äänekoski

Metsä Group Press release 29 May 2023 Metsä Fibre, part of Metsä Group, is planning to build a demonstration plant for a modified lignin product in cooperation with ANDRITZ . The aim is to develop the process to separate lignin from black liquor in pulp production and to further process it for new end-uses. The demonstration plant would have a capacity of about…
World Digestive Health Day: Beneo highlights prebiotics for the microbiome from infancy onwards

This year’s World Digestive Health Day focuses on how gut health develops inside the womb and the changing dietary needs of the gastrointestinal tract from birth through to infancy, childhood and adulthood. The World Gastroenterology Organisation has chosen ‘A Healthy Gut from the Start’ as its focus for this year’s campaign. “Nutrition in early life is crucial for the…
BENEO launches sugar-reduction ingredient
(News in brief) Beneo-scL85, a short-chain fructooligosaccharide (scFOS). The new variant offers customers greater versatility for sugar replacement and enrichment of foods with dietary fiber, the company stated. BENEO launched Beneo-scL85, a short-chain fructooligosaccharide (scFOS). The new variant offers…
La Phocéenne de Cosmétique rachète la marque Laboratoires Vendôme à Bolton

La PME française, déjà propriétaire des marques Le Petit Olivier et Lovea, consolide son portefeuille de produits d’hygiène grand public avec l’acquisition de Laboratoires Vendôme auprès du groupe italien Bolton, propriétaire de marques telles que Collistar, Sanogyl et Cavaillès. Pour Éric Renard, fondateur et dirigeant de La Phocéenne…
Alvyn Severien : ” L’ambition est de nourrir 10 milliards de personnes avec des algues “

Parmi les premiers végétaux apparus sur Terre il y a plus d’un milliard d’années, l’algue a encore de beaux jours devant elle tant ses vertus peuvent représenter un allié de poids pour faire face aux défis actuels, par exemple en alternative d’ingrédients alimentaires avec Algama, que soutient Alvyn Severien, son cofondateur. Que propose exactement…
Azelis acquires Gillco Ingredients, strengthening life sciences capabilities in the US

Azelis has signed an agreement to acquire 100% of the shares of Gillco Ingredients, a specialty ingredient provider in the food and nutrition market in the US. The transaction is expected to close in the second quarter of 2023 after fulfilling customary closing conditions. The acquisition represents a strategic expansion into the US’s attractive food and nutrition market…
Nactarome acquires Calaf Nuances flavor house as acquisition charge gathers pace

Nactarome has acquired Calaf Nuances, a Spanish-based producer of flavors solutions with broad application expertise across F&B categories. The move marks the company’s fourth acquisition this year, as it continues to expand its product offering. The purchase was completed on May 5, 2023. Earlier this month, Nactarome acquired Royal Buisman, a producer of natural…
DSM-Firmenich : Naissance d’un géant en nutrition, santé et beauté

La fusion entre DSM et Firmenich est maintenant bouclée, donnant naissance à une nouvelle entreprise, baptisée dsm-firmenich, réunissant sous un même toit d’importantes capacités d’innovation et de création dans les domaines de la nutrition, de la santé et de la beauté. Avec près de 30.000 personnes, le nouveau groupe entend être…
Solagum Tara, l’atout naturel de Seppic pour les soins capillaires

Le marché des soins capillaires est en pleine évolution ! Pour répondre à la demande des consommateurs pour de plus de naturel, les marques modifient leurs formules et, selon Mintel, les allégations de naturalité dans ces produits n’ont cessé de croître fortement au cours des cinq dernières années . Pour répondre à cette tendance…
SpruceSugar, un ingrédient antioxydant upcyclé de l’industrie du bois

SpruceSugar, un composé antioxydant innovant fabriqué à partir de la sciure de bois produite par l’industrie forestière, a été choisi par Ole Hyvä Luonnontuote, un fabricant finlandais de produits d’hygiène pour le corps et la maison, pour créer une nouvelle gamme de soins personnels. Baptisée Metsä (le mot finlandais pour ” forêt “), la…
Versalis met la main sur le spécialiste de la biochimie Novamont

Versalis poursuit sa stratégie de développement pour se positionner en leader de la chimie verte en Italie et à l’échelle internationale. L’entreprise italienne annonce sa volonté d’acquérir les actifs de Novamont, entreprise certifiée B Corp dans le domaine de la chimie des sources renouvelables et de la biochimie, et leader sur le marché…
Abyss Ingrédients renforce son partenariat avec InnoVactiv et végétalise son offre

(Document audio) Grâce à ce partenariat, Abyss Ingrédients distribuera en exclusivité, sur certains territoires européens dont la France, les actifs marins InSea2® et IodAID™, soutenus par de solides études scientifiques. InSea2® agit sur la santé métabolique…
Avec Sunbloom Proteins, Avril accélère son déploiement dans les protéines végétales

Avril vient de racheter la majorité du capital de la start-up allemande Sunbloom Proteins, spécialiste incontournable dans la production d’ingrédients riches en protéines de tournesol. Cette opération s’inscrit dans la lignée des ambitions du groupe dans les protéines végétales, après l’accord avec Royal DSM, pour l’extraction de la protéine…
BioMar signs with French biotech company to produce novel insect aquafeed

BioMar and Agronutris have signed a long-term partnership to develop the next generation of black soldier fly meals specifically designed for the aquaculture industry. After years of R&D, insect meal is now seen as a promising new feed ingredient in the aquaculture industry. Identifying the suitability of black soldier flies as a novel feed…
Sète : les microalgues de Greensea constituent un incroyable élevage multicolore au bord de l’étang

(Article complet réservé aux abonnés à Midi Libre) Au bord de l’étang de Thau, Greensea, une entreprise de biotechnologie spécialisée dans la culture de microalgues et leur transformation en ingrédients. Ils sont implantés depuis 1988 tout au bord de l’étang de Thau dans le parc scientifique et environnemental de Mèze. L’entreprise…
Plant product extraction apparatus
A plant product extraction apparatus or extractor is provided for separating or grading fine particles from a larger portion of material, such as separating trichomes from a stalk or flower of a plant. The apparatus imparts a plurality modes or patterns of oscillations and vibrations to a particle separator or sieve that…
Plant extract highly concentrated in safranal, production method and uses thereof
The invention concerns a plant extract obtained from saffron, with a safranal concentration, measured using the HPLC method, of a minimum of 0.2% in weight relative to the total dry matter weight. The invention also concerns a procedure for obtaining such an extract, as well as compositions including this extract, and its use.
Assisted-enzymatic hydrolysis vs chemical hydrolysis for fractional valorization of microalgae biomass
Despite the interest in the utilization of photobioreactors as an alternative wastewater treatment, the research about posterior recovery and valorization of nutrients accumulated in the biomass is still limited. This work compared several hydrolysis methods for the recovery of proteins and carbohydrates from the biomass…
Design and characterization of a multi-frequency semi-pilot ultrasonic reactor: Application to the extraction and oxidation of flaxseed-gum
The aim of this study was to design and study a new multi-frequency ultrasonic semi-pilot tank by evaluating the operational parameters with respect to calorimetric efficiency and sonochemical activity. The device was then applied to the extraction of flax-gum from the seeds and its oxidation by TEMPO method. The…
Buckwheat waste depolymerization using a subcritical ethanol solution for extraction of bioactive components: from the laboratory to pilot scale
Buckwheat waste (BW) is rich in bioactive components such as antioxidants and saccharides. To effectively extract these compounds, subcritical ethanol solution treatment (SEST) was conducted from laboratory to pilot scale. Extraction at 80 °C with hot water and ethanol solutions, and at 120 °C with subcritical water…
Development of a highly efficient oil degumming process using a novel phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C enzyme from Bacillus thuringiensis PL14
The present work reports the heterologous expression and biochemical characterization of a novel phosphatidylinositol phospholipase C from Bacillus thuringiensis PL14 (PI-PLCBt) with potential for oil degumming. As degumming is a necessary refining step for all crude vegetable oils, enzymatic…
The effect of ultrasound on improving the extraction of tannins from the Stryphnodendron adstringens bark
Stryphnodendron adstringens (Barbatimão) barks is one of the plants listed in the national list of medicinal plants of interest to the Brazilian health system and in the Brazilian pharmacopeia. Its extracts have been used in commercial products and popular medicine due to their phenolic compound’s composition…
Synthesis and characterization of natural deep eutectic solvents as green extractants for isolation of bioactive flavonoids from Amaranthus viridis
The application of principles of Green Chemistry is gaining importance in various fields of research to eliminate the risk of environmental pollution from toxic chemicals. Safer industrial processes reduce the risk of health problems to the consumers as well as result in a sustainable and cleaner environment. This..
The kinetic study of pressurized liquid extraction of pesticidal active secondary metabolites from Leuzea Carthamoides
Optimizing the extraction of pesticidal active ingredients from Leuzea Carthamoides is an essential step in the preparation of botanical pesticides. This paper investigates the extraction kinetics of total extract and biological active substances such as 20-HE, chlorogenic acid, and quercetin from Leuzea Carthamoides…
Effect of ball milling on enzymatic sugar production from fractionated corn stover
Corn stover is a valuable feedstock for non-grain sugar production. Each anatomical part has different composition and structural propertied. In this study, corn stover was divided into four parts (stem, leaf, husk, and ear). Their response to ball milling pretreatment and potential for sugar production by…
Impact of gamma irradiation pre-treatment before subcritical water extraction on recovery yields and antioxidant properties of rice bran extract
Gamma irradiation pre-treatment of defatted rice bran was carried out before protein extraction. The extracted content included rice bran protein (RBP), rice bran protein hydrolysate (RBPH) and rice bran hydrolysate (RBH). The extraction yields and protein recovery increased with irradiation for all extracts, especially RBH…
Five parameters extraction of single diode PV model by metaheuristic optimization method by identified built-up data
Precision calculation of unknown photovoltaic (PV) modules or single diode models for PV cell specifications under various environmental conditions is needed to build a sunlight-based PV framework. Installing a PV system requires knowledge of all parameters, modeling, and optimization techniques because PV…
Adsorptive removal of aflatoxin B1 from contaminated peanut oil via magnetic porous biochar from soybean dreg
The contamination of mycotoxin in edible oil has always been a major threat to human health. In this study, magnetic soybean dreg-based biochar [email protected]3O4 was prepared via co-precipitation and used to remove aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) from contaminated oil. The adsorbent characterization results revealed that…
Cannabidiol extraction and conversion process
A cannabidiol extraction and conversion process includes an extraction process including a sizing unit wherein raw Cannabis plant material is reduced to a uniform size, a blending unit wherein a first extraction solvent is blended together with the Cannabis plant material to form an initial extract including crude CBD oil, and…
Process for the milling of vegetable-based materials, in particular plants like seeds
The Invention relates to a process for the milling of vegetable-based material, in particular plants like seeds, to produce dehulled or/and fractionate flour, comprising the steps of performing a Material Bed Compression milling of the vegetable-based material, performing a first air classification of the milled material to obtain…
Food processor for extracting liquid from a plant-based food ingredient
Disclosed is a food processor for extracting liquid from a plant based food ingredient comprising a cup 3 for the material ingredient, a water source, a cutting tool 7 within the cup and a rotary sieve 4 for removing solid residue from the liquid. The plant based food ingredient may be grains, pseudo-cereals, legumes, nuts…
Coffee extraction apparatus
According to an embodiment of the present invention, provided is a coffee extraction apparatus characterized by comprising: a boil chamber part which is hollow on the inside and open on one side; a bottom plate part which is located on the inside of the boil chamber part and divides the boil chamber part into a plurality…
Plant squalane composition. Preparation method therefor, and use thereof
The present invention provides a plant squalane composition, a preparation method therefor, and the use thereof. The plant squalane composition comprises: at least 92.0 wt% of squalane and 0.5-3.0 wt% of cyclosqualane, wherein wt% is based on the total amount of the composition. The preparation method for…
A process for refining a vegetable oil
A process and apparatus for physically refining a vegetable oil comprising a step of deodourising a crude vegetable oil by steam refining under refining conditions effective to produce a refined vegetable oil having a trans fat content of less than 0.99 wt%. The apparatus may comprise a plurality of volatilisation stages…
Extraction of products from cannabis
Disclosed herein is a method for selectively extracting two or more different products from cannabis; the method comprising: (i) providing steam extracted cannabis and a first extraction solvent system in a container, the first extraction solvent system comprising a mixture of two or more miscible solvents that has a first…
Development of a cascade production system finalized to the extraction of all-tomatine-rich fraction using the tomato cannery waste as feedstock
Tomato plants produce, among other defensive molecules, glycoalkaloides (i.e. all-tomatine). All-tomatine, found in highest concentrations in green fruits, leaves and stems, has demonstrated a wide variety of biological activities useful in fields such as agronomy and biopesticides. Despite the interest in its…
New trends on crude glycerol purification: A review
The increasing effort of the global community to reduce dependency on fossil fuels led to an increase in the production of biodiesel and therefore the oversupply of crude glycerol. Different steps are necessary to ensure this oversupply of highly impure, waste-based crude glycerol (approximately 680,000 tonnes by 2024) can…
Process for obtaining proteins from hemp
A process for obtaining proteins from hemp, comprising the following steps: A providing hemp pressing remnants (101), especially a hemp press cake (1), especially from the obtaining of hemp oil; B prewashing (102) the hemp pressing remnants with addition of water (5), with suspension (102-1) of the hemp…
Methods of refining a grain oil composition
The present disclosure relates methods and systems for refining grain oil compositions using water, and related compositions produced therefrom. The present disclosure also relates to methods of using said compositions. The present disclosure also relates to methods of using grain oil derived from a…
Towards a circular economy in virgin olive oil production: Valorization of the olive mill waste (OMW) “alpeorujo” through polyphenol recovery with natural deep eutectic solvents (NADESs) and vermicomposting
Virgin olive oil (VOO) production generates large amounts of a harmful by-product, olive mill waste (OMW) or alpeorujo, which has a strong environmental impact and that must be recycled to adapt VOO production to a circular economy model. Here, the valorization of OMW was studied by considering three consecutive…
A plant-based protein concentrate and method for preparing the same
The present disclosure relates to the field of food technology, and in particular to a process for concentrating plant-based protein. The disclosure also relates to a plant-based protein concentrate obtainable with the process of as defined in the present disclosure. The present disclosure further relates to food…
Method and system to monitor and control continuous ultrafiltration process units
This disclosure relates generally to method and system to monitor and control continuous ultrafiltration (UF) process units. In real time, continuous operation of UF to handle variating concentration in feed stream is tedious and complex. The UF plant system receives a plurality of input data configured to UF process…
Method for isolation of protein from plant material
The present invention concerns a process wherein native and functional protein isolates can be successfully obtained from plant material such as oilseeds, legumes and lentils. This can be achieved by a proper pre-treatment of the plant material, followed by a method of extracting proteins under mild and non…
Plant and relative method for optimizing solid-liquid extraction processes in water or watery solvents in subcritical conditions
The invention relates to a plant, and related method, for carrying out a solid/liquid extraction process with a solvent that passes through an organic and/or inorganic matrix, the plant comprising:- At least one high pressure section configured to bring the liquid into a subcritical condition, said high pressure…
Degradation, isomerization and stabilization of three dicaffeoylquinic acids under ultrasonic treatment at different pH
Dicaffeoylquinic acids (diCQAs) are found in a variety of edible and medicinal plants with various biological activities. An important issue is the low stability of diCQAs during extraction and food processing, resulting in the degradation and transformation. This work used 3,5-diCQA as a representative to study the influence…
Microwave-assisted alkali pre-treatment medium for fractionation of rice straw and catalytic conversion to value-added 5-hydroxymethyl furfural and lignin production
In the current study, the use of microwave-assisted sodium hydroxide medium (MWSH) for pre-treatment and saccharification of rice straw to obtain sugar syrup for the production of 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (5-HMF) was investigated. The optimization of the MWSH pre-treatment was carried out using central…
Targeted enrichment of Glycyrrhiza glabra root extract and bioactive compound(s) quantification—A potential scaffold for phytopharmaceutical ingredient development
Background: Phytopharmaceutical Ingredients (PPI) are separate class of drugs, governing the purified fractions of medicinal plant part with minimum four bioactive compounds attributing pharmacological and therapeutic activities. Methodology: In this context, we have conducted a research study on Glycyrrhiza…
Valorisation of phytochemical from Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) needles: Impact of ultrasound/microwave-assisted extraction
Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) needles contain a variety of bioactive compounds including phenolic compounds and flavonoids, many of which have been used in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and food industries. This study aimed to investigate the effects of novel extraction techniques, including…
Kinetic study of the combined effect of high pressure and pH-value on Arthrospira Platensis (Spirulina) proteins extraction
The combined effect of High pressure (HP) and pH-value on the extraction of proteins from Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis was studied. Fresh Spirulina biomass (81% moisture, 60.2 g/100 g dm total soluble proteins-TSP, 16.1 g/100 g dm C-phycocyanin-C-pc) was suspended in phosphate buffer 0.1 M (1/20 w/v)…
Efficient extraction of lipids from microalgal biomass for the production of biofuels using low-cost protic ionic solvents
The valorization of lipids available in microalgal biomass supports the indispensable transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy systems such as biofuels. Ionic liquids have been long investigated for the effective extraction of those lipids, however; the complex and expensive synthesis of traditional ionic liquids…
Recovery of chlorogenic acid from the DES-based extract of Eucommia ulmoides leaves by molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction
To develop new ideas about the recovery of target components from the deep eutectic solvent (DES)-based extract, molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) were adopted as fillers for the solid-phase extraction to recover the chlorogenic acid (CGA) from the DES-based extract of Eucommia ulmoides leaves (EULs)…
Pressurized n-propane extraction improves bioactive compounds content, fatty acid profile, and biological activity of Mandacaru (Cereus jamacaru DC.) seed oil
This work aimed to evaluate the bioactive compounds content, fatty acid profile, and biological activity of Mandacaru seed oil obtained using n-propane at different pressures (45, 75, or 105 Bar, 40 °C) or conventional technique (Soxhlet method). The oil yield was similar among the treatments (17.78–20.45 %)…
Optimization of lignin extraction from bamboo by ultrasound-assisted organosolv pretreatment
For a sustainable biorefinery, reduction in the recalcitrance of lignocellulosic biomass is very crucial for the efficient utilization of each fraction. The present work investigated an integrated pretreatment method to recover high-quality lignin along with the cellulose-rich pulp. An optimization study employing…
Extraction of citronella oil from lemongrass (Cymbopogon winterianus) by sequential ultrasonic and microwave-assisted hydro-distillation
The Ultrasonic and Microwave-Assisted Hydro-Distillation (US-MAHD) method is a process combination of ultrasonic-assisted extraction (UAE) and microwave-assisted hydro-distillation (MAHD) carried out sequentially. This method aims to improve the UAE and MAHD methods in extracting citronella oil. This…
Biorefining of corn stover for efficient production of bioethanol, biodiesel, biomethane, and value-added byproducts
The present study investigated an integrated biorefinery that employed corn stover as the feedstock for sustainable bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas, chitosan, glycerol, and animal feed production. Corn stover was initially subjected to dilute acid pretreatment (1.8 % v/v H2SO4, 121 °C, and 22 min) followed by…
Ultrasound-assisted extraction of antioxidant bioactive compounds from wastes of rapeseed industry and their application in delaying rapeseed oil oxidation
Rapeseed meal ethanol-wash solutes (EWS) are wastes generated from rapeseed meal as a pretreatment step to reduce the presence of antinutritional compounds. This study focused on employing and optimizing an ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE) of antioxidant bioactive compounds from EWS. The second aim…
Co-encapsulation of Lactobacillus plantarum and bioactive compounds extracted from red beet stem (Beta vulgaris L.) by spray dryer
Probiotic bacteria and bioactive compounds obtained from plant origin stand out as ingredients with the potential to increase the healthiness of functional foods, as there is currently a recurrent search for them. Probiotics and bioactive compounds are sensitive to intrinsic and extrinsic factors in the processing…
Techno-economic assessment of subcritical water hydrolysis of brewer’s spent grains to recover xylo-oligosaccharides
This study evaluated the techno-economic assessment of xylo-oligosaccharides (XOs) production from brewer’s spent grains (BSG) in a single and two sequential flow-through subcritical water hydrolysis (SWH) reactors at different temperatures (80–180 °C). The process with a single reactor produced the highest…
Application of ultrasound-assisted extraction to obtain antioxidant compounds from leaves of Echinodorus macrophyllus
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) in obtaining the extract from the leaves of Echinodorus macrophyllus using ethanol as a solvent. The influence of temperature, ultrasound power, and sample/solvent ratio on extraction yield were analyzed, as well as…
Improvement of ultrasound-assisted extraction of polyphenolic content of the plant Cytisus triflorus L’Her as a natural resource using artificial neural network modeling and multi-objective optimization
The improvement of environmental performance of production processes is a critical problem right now. Processes that are effective in terms of productivity and environmental effects are the center of interest of researchers. This study established such a method for an ultrasound-assisted extraction procedure. The…
An efficient and green separation method of total alkaloids by resorcinol-formaldehyde aerogel during extraction of Coptis chinensis
Alkaloids are the most medicinally valuable ingredients in plant crop Coptis chinensis (C. chinensis). However, the separation of these small-molecule compounds is challenging because C. chinensis also contains a lot of impurities such as proteins and saccharides. Adsorption separation stands out in the field of…
Using eco-friendly alternatives for the recovery of pyruvic acid by reactive extraction
Efficiency, cost and environmental impact are important parameters that must be addressed in the recovery and purification of pyruvic acid (PA) from fermentation media. In this study, twelve vegetable oils were evaluated with three extraction agents for the reactive extraction of PA. Recoveries with trioctylamine…
Wheat bran fractionation: Effect of steam explosion and hydrotropic extraction conditions on the recovery of sugars and lignin
Wheat bran, a major by-product of wheat processing, contains several valuable components that can serve as a potential feedstock for chemical production. This study presents a multiple-stage fractionation method, involving steam explosion and hydrotropic extraction, which were investigated with the goal of separating…
A novel cascade glycolic acid pretreatment-alkali degumming method for producing hemp fiber
Hemp fiber is a promising textile resource. Because hemp fibers contain high gum content, an efficient degumming method needs to be developed. This study proposed a novel cascade degumming process coupling organosolv pretreatment and alkali boiling. Glycolic acid was optimally selected as a pretreatment…
Biorefinery development for the production of polyphenols, algal biomass and lipids using olive processing industry waste
A biorefinery was developed employing olive pomace and table olive processing wastewater for the manufacture of polyphenols, lipids and algal biomass. Following extraction of pomace oil, olive pomace was subjected to dilute acid hydrolysis and enzyme hydrolysis under different conditions aiming to maximise…
Ultrasonic-assisted hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents for the extraction of seven compounds from Piperis longi fructus-Rhei radix et rhizoma drug pair and their vitro antioxidant evaluation
Deep eutectic solvents have become an alternative to organic solvents due to their unique advantages and are widely used in the extraction of traditional Chinese medicine. In this study, a new green ultrasound-assisted extraction technique based on hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents was developed and applied to…
D-limonene as an alternative for the extraction and purification of nuciferine from lotus leaf via multi-stage vortex assisted two-phase solvent extraction integrated with solid phase extraction using mesoporous material SBA-15 as adsorbent
This work aims to resolve the environmental pollution caused by petroleum ether in the production of pure nuciferine from lotus leaf by applying bio-based solvent (D-limonene) and green solvent (ethyl acetate). Some obvious advantages were observed, over 97% of nuciferine could be extracted by vortex assisted two…
Study of the optimization and kinetics of the surfactant-induced ultrasonic-assisted extraction of perilla seed oil: Free radical scavenging capacity and physicochemical and functional characteristics
In this paper, we study the technology of tea saponin-induced ultrasonic-assisted extraction of perilla seed oil. Based on single-factor experimental data, the Plackett‒Burman design (PBD) cooperated with the Box–Behnken design (BBD) to optimize the influencing factors. The optimal process conditions after…
Oil extract of cannabis and method for obtaining
The present invention provides for a method for obtaining an oil extract of cannabis. The method includes: (a) contacting cannabis biomass and an edible oil; (b) pressing between a pair of plates to provide spent cannabis and an oil extract of cannabis; and (c) separating the spent cannabis biomass and the oil extract…
Corn sweet steeping
Described is a process for releasing soluble starch hydrolysates or hydrolysed starch syrup from substantially intact corn kernels during high temperature steeping at a temperature at or above the gelatinization temperature of starch in the corn kernels, and the recovery of protein and oil-enhanced…
Method for separation of potato proteins from phenolic and/or glycoalkaloid compounds
The invention concerns a method for the separation of potato proteins from one or more first salts and phenolic and/or glycoalkaloid compounds in potato fruit juice, said method comprising the steps of: (i) providing a potato fruit juice comprising potato proteins, one or more first salts and phenolic…
Method for separation of potato proteins and insoluble fibers from phenolic and/or glycoalkaloid compounds
The present invention relates to methods for isolating (a) potato protein- fiber mixtures, particularly mixtures of functional potato proteins and insoluble fibers, and (b) phenolic and/or glycoalkaloid compounds, from potato fruit juice or derivatives thereof. Background of the invention : Many biological fluids and extracts…
Global Clean Label Pectin Market to Reach Nearly US$ 221.8 million in 2033: Future Market Insights, Inc.
The clean label pectin market was projected to generate US$ 118.89 Million in 2022. The market will grow at a CAGR of 6% from 2023 to 2033, reaching a value of US$ 221.8 Million because of shifting customer preferences for natural ingredients in cuisine. Plants produce pectin, a soluble fiber material that is found…
Le marché des additifs aromatisants sans viande connaîtra une expansion robuste d’ici 2030 | Biospringer, ADM, Adani Group, Sensient Technologies, Tate et Lyle
A2Z Market Research présente une nouvelle recherche sur Additifs de saveur sans viande couvrant le niveau micro d’analyse par les concurrents et les segments commerciaux clés. Le Additifs de saveur sans viande explore une étude approfondie sur divers segments tels que les opportunités, la taille, le…
Le marché des protéines à base de lin connaîtra une croissance énorme d’ici 2030 | Sprout Living, Wellversed, Glanbia plc, Clearspring Ltd, Austrade Inc.
La dernière étude de marché mondiale Protéine à base de lin publiée a évalué le potentiel de croissance future du marché Protéine à base de lin mondial et fournit des informations et des statistiques utiles sur la structure et la taille du marché. Le rapport vise à fournir des informations sur le marché et des informations…
Le marché des biocarburants avancés connaîtra une croissance rapide d’ici 2029 | Algenol, Diamond Green Diesel, Fiberight, GranBio, Emerald Biofuels, POET-DSM Advanced Biofuels
La dernière étude de marché mondiale Biocarburant avancé publiée a évalué le potentiel de croissance future du marché Biocarburant avancé mondial et fournit des informations et des statistiques utiles sur la structure et la taille du marché. Le rapport vise à fournir des informations sur le marché et des informations…
Le marché des systèmes de récupération d’amidon devrait connaître une croissance incroyable d’ici 2029 | Andritz, GEA, Alfa Laval, Nivoba, Microtec Engineering Group, Myande Group
La dernière étude de marché mondiale Système de récupération d’amidon publiée a évalué le potentiel de croissance future du marché Système de récupération d’amidon mondial et fournit des informations et des statistiques utiles sur la structure et la taille du marché. Le rapport vise à fournir des informations sur…
ANDRITZ launches new business unit for alternative proteins
ANDRITZ to support the food and feed industries with comprehensive solutions to produce alternative proteins from various sources. ANDRITZ offers process solutions for alternative protein production from concept design to process engineering and realization. Discover the broadest product portfolio worldwide…
Le marché des additifs pour l’alimentation aquatique devrait connaître une croissance incroyable d’ici 2029 |Nutriad, Olmix Group
Research Cognizance propose le dernier rapport publié sur Additifs Aquafeed Market Analysis and Forecast 2023-2030, fournissant des informations clés et offrant un avantage concurrentiel aux clients grâce à un rapport détaillé. Ce rapport se concentre sur les principaux Additifs Aquafeed acteurs mondiaux, pour définir…
Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Oil Market 2023 Consumer Needs – KOEI KOGYO, A&A Fratelli Parodi, Biocosmethic, Ekologie Forte

Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Oil Market 2023 published by MarketQuest.biz provides independent information about the market which incorporates the analysis of different factors that augment the market’s growth. The report explains historic and current market status to provide comprehension for forthcoming occurences in the market. The report provides…
Aesculus Hippocastanum Extract Product Market Future Growth Explored in Latest Research Report with CAGR Value Alban Muller International, AQIA, BASF, Carrubba

Aesculus Hippocastanum Extract Product Market 2023 is a well-prepared market research study by MarketQuest.biz that offers profound understandings about the market focusing on the competitive landscape, geographic growth, segmentation, and market dynamics. The report…
Borago Officinalis Seed Oil Market 2023 Scope of the Report – Aromex, Connoils, Northstar Lipids, Shenyang Phytocare Ingredients

Borago Officinalis Seed Oil Market 2023 prepared by experts of MarketQuest.biz puts forth in-depth and accurate data regarding the global market. Our analysts follow a complete and rigorous research methodology to cater to our clients with accurate estimates and forecasts of the global Borago Officinalis Seed Oil market. The report has performed the market…
Citrus Limon Peel Oil Market 2023 Key Drivers and Identified Segments – Albert Vieille, BIONAP (Bioactive Natural Products), BioOrganic Concepts, Citrusvil

The latest updated report published by MarketQuest.biz titled Citrus Limon Peel Oil Market 2023 presents a detailed survey and analysis of the market highlighting new industry trends and providing enterprises with actionable insights. The report includes information regarding the global Citrus Limon Peel Oil market share, industry’s growth prospects…
Algae Products Market 2023 Size, Share, Industry, Forecast

The Algae Products Market 2023 Report makes available the current and forthcoming technical and financial details of the industry. It is one of the most comprehensive and important additions to the Prudent Markets archive of market research studies. It offers detailed research and analysis of key aspects of the global Algae Products market…
Global Liquid Macrofiltration Market to Witness Huge Growth by 2029 |Amiad Water Systems, Andritz, Eaton, Parker Hannifin

Liquid Macrofiltration Market 2023 published by MarketsandResearch.biz provides independent information about the market which incorporates the analysis of different factors that augment the market’s growth. The report explains historic and current market status to provide comprehension for forthcoming occurrences in the market. The report provides an overall…
Prebiotics Industry is Expected to Grow at a Healthy CAGR | Top companies:Beghin Meiji, Parmalat S.p.A., Beneo-Orafti SA

Global Market Vision added research publication document on Worldwide Prebiotics Market breaking major business segments and highlighting wider level geographies to get deep dive analysis on market data. The study is a perfect balance bridging both qualitative and quantitative information of Worldwide Prebiotics market. The…
Tendances du marché des huiles essentielles biologiques, demande future 2023: stratégies de stimulation des activités, état de développement, apercu régional, croissance à venir et prévisions jusqu’en 2029
La plus récente étude de marché sur les huiles essentielles biologiques réalisée par QYResearch a été publiée à la suite d’un examen approfondi de la situation actuelle du marché. Cette étude offre des données et des informations de marché transparentes, fiables et approfondies qui devraient aider les entreprises à…
Theobroma Cacao Seed Butter Market Key Player Analysis and Forecast 2023 to 2029 | Protameen Chemicals, Clariant, Gustav Heess, Paradigm Science
A recently published research study on Theobroma Cacao Seed Butter Market 2023 from MarketQuest.biz is an in-depth and dedicated scrutiny of the existing stats of the global market highlighting market standing and forecast (2023-2029). The report was segregated into diverse sections to simplify the comprehension of the included data and market dynamics. This…
Organic Plant Extracts Market Overview by Advance Technology, Future Outlook 2029 | Botanic Healthcare, Carrubba Incorporated, Activ’Inside, Dohler

The research study provided here is an excellent compilation of different types of analysis on key features of the Organic Plant Extracts Market. It provides information on how the market is expected to grow during the forecast period. A SWOT analysis…
Shea (Butyrospermum Parkii) Oil Market Research Report 2023-2031 Market – Major Technology Giants in Buzz Again
Shea (Butyrospermum Parkii) Oil Market Research Report 2023-2031 Market research report including customer preference analysis, market dynamics (drivers, restraints, opportunities) segmentations like Types, Applications, Regions (United States, Europe, China, Japan, India, Southeast Asia, Latin America, Middle East and Africa) and Manufactures. Final Report will…
Chlorogenic Acid Market 2023 Growth Opportunities and Future Outlook | Naturex, Applied Food Sciences, EUROMED SA, Zhejiang Skyhe

The Chlorogenic Acid report is an in-depth examination of the global Chlorogenic Acid’s general consumption structure, development trends, sales techniques, and top nations’ sales. The research looks at well-known providers in the global Chlorogenic Acid industry, as well as market segmentation, competition, and the macroeconomic climate…
Analyse concurrentielle du marché de l’amidon alimentaire 2023 – ADM, Cargill, Incorporated, Ingredion Incorporated, Tate & Lyle
Ce rapport évalue la taille du marché du marché Amidon alimentaire et étudie les modèles stratégiques adoptés par les principaux acteurs internationaux. Le rapport analyse également la taille du marché en termes de prévisions de revenus futurs. Tous les chiffres de données tels que les répartitions en pourcentage et…
Zea Mays (Corn) Oil Market Research Report Forecast 2023 to 2029 | Key Players are Ingredion, A&A Fratelli Parodi, Esperis, Aldivia
Global Zea Mays (Corn) Oil Market report from MarketQuest.biz assesses all growth prospects and trends from 2023 to 2029 to acquire critical insights into essential market elements. The research forecasts revenue for the Zea Mays (Corn) Oil market from 2023 through 2029, utilizing 2022 as the base year. The estimates…
Camelina Sativa Seed Oil Market 2023 Top Players and Growth Opportunity 2029 – Botanic Innovations, OQEMA, Northstar Lipids, BioOrganic Concepts
An exhaustive study on the Camelina Sativa Seed Oil Market 2023 is issued by MarketQuest.biz. The report has been prepared using forecasting models such as time series analysis, exponential smoothing, and weight moving method. The different tests have been used to analyze the difference in variance and accurately…
Salvia Hispanica Seed Oil Market 2023 Growing Demand and Growth Analysis 2029 | Top Players as Henry Lamotte Oils, BIONAP (Bioactive Natural Products), Cobiosa, BotanicalsPlus
The MarketQuest.biz released a market research report on Salvia Hispanica Seed Oil Industry. The Salvia Hispanica Seed Oil report highlights the crucial aspects responsible for the growth and development of the market. The factors include opportunities, restrictions, drivers, challenges, issues, and fields of high…
Organic Stevia Extract Market Analysis by SWOT, Investment, Future Growth and Major Key Players 2022 to 2029
The most recent paper published by MarketsandResearch.biz titled Global Organic Stevia Extract Market from 2023 to 2029 provides a complete critical review that encompasses many elements of the product description, market segmentation supported by numerous criteria, and, as a consequence, the current vendor landscape…
Global Screw Press Market Is Expand at a CAGR of 5.02% to Reach 310.00 USD Million by 2030 | MarketsGlob – FKC, ANDRITZ, Haarslev, Voith, Mitsubishi Kakoki Kaisha
The global Screw Press Market size reached 220.00 USD Million in 2022. Looking forward, MarketsGlob expects the market to reach 310.00 USD Million by 2030, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 5.02% during 2023-2030. Our most recent…
Elderberry sales are declining, but experts aren’t worried. Here’s why.

Elderberry ingredient sales soared during the height of the pandemic, so much so that you could practically visualize the bottles flying off the shelves wearing their superhero capes. Like Mighty Mouse, here to save the day, the bright botanical was part of a consumer rush to bulk up their arsenal of immune-health protectors while also serving as a counterbalance to the drop in…
Flavor Systems Market was valued at US$6.65 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach US$10.37 billion by 2029, exhibiting a CAGR of 5.7%.

Flavor Systems Market Report Scope and Research Methodology. The objective of this comprehensive report is to provide a detailed analysis of the flavor systems market. It includes insights, facts, historical data, industry-validated market data, and projections based on a suitable set of assumptions and methodology. The report aims to help stakeholders…
European $490+ Million Microalgae Market to 2030: Rising Demand for Phycocyanin and Microalgae Among Biorefineries

In terms of value, the Europe Microalgae Market is expected to reach $491.9 million by 2030, at a CAGR of 9.3% during 2023-2030. In terms of volume, the Europe microalgae market is expected to reach 25,465.0 tons by 2030, at a CAGR of 8.3% during the forecast period 2023-2030. The growth of this market is driven by the increasing demand for algae protein, the rising…
Oat Beta-Glucan Powder Market Technology, Forecast to 2029
Oat Beta-Glucan Powder Market 2023 recently launched by MarketsandResearch.biz gives essential information, objective insights regarding international market trends and leads, competitor analysis, and much more. The report focuses on the entire global Oat Beta-Glucan Powder market by providing detailed…
Grape Seed Extract in Pet Food Application Market Potential growth, attractive valuation by 2033
The grape seed extract in pet food application market is securing a valuation of US$ 43 million in 2023 and is rising to US$ 73.7 million by 2033. The market is registering a CAGR of 6% during the forecast period. The grape seed extract is a dietary supplement derived from the seeds of grapes. It contains antioxidants that…
Bio-Wax Market Size To See Booming Growth | Biosil, Chant Oil Co. Ltd.

Bio-Wax also known as water-soluble organic polymers that are extracted from bio-based raw materials. These are also obtained as byproduct of the biodiesel production process. Bio based Wax additivities are used in paints and coatings. These additives are also utilized in cosmetics…
Global Natural Antioxidants Market Scenario Highlighting Key Drivers And Latest Trends 2023 – 2030
The Global Natural Antioxidants Market report provides a comprehensive analysis by blending in-depth qualitative and quantitative insights. It covers a wide range of topics, including a macro overview of the Global Natural Antioxidants Market dynamics, industry structure, market size, and micro-level details segmented…
Exploring the Future of Nutraceutical Ingredients Market: A Comprehensive Global and Regional Analysis for 2023-2028 | ADM, BASF, Cargill, DSM

The “Global Nutraceutical Ingredients Market Report 2023” by Pragma Market Research gives a detailed summary of the latest trends, rules, top companies, and methods in the market. The report provides useful information about the sales and revenue, different product types, where they are used, which regions they are in, and the most important…
Saffron extract supplier for food supplements

Saffron extract supplier for your food supplements. Sargol quality, made in france. Signature Saffron™ : Our range of saffron extracts boast the highest concentration in crocins and safranal of those on today’s market and are made exclusively with Iranian saffron stigmas grown in the northeast Khorasan region where soil and climatic conditions are ideal for…
Le marché indien, terre promise pour les marques de beauté et de luxe ?

Ils l’ont annoncé tour à tour ces derniers mois, les grands acteurs du luxe attirés par les perspectives de croissance, investissent le marché indien de la beauté. L’augmentation de la classe moyenne et de son pouvoir d’achat, l’expansion des canaux de vente, l’influence des célébrités, et la recherche de débouchés alternatifs à la Chine…
Europe Phycocyanin Market by Form (Powder, Liquid), Grade (Food Grade Phycocyanin, Cosmetic Grade Phycocyanin, Reagent and Analytical Grade Phycocyanin), Application (Food and Beverages, Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals)-Forecast To 2030

Europe Phycocyanin Market by Form (Powder, Liquid), Grade (Food Grade Phycocyanin, Cosmetic Grade Phycocyanin, Reagent and Analytical Grade Phycocyanin), Application (Food and Beverages, Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals)–Forecast to 2030. The research report titled, ‘Europe Phycocyanin Market by Form (Powder, Liquid), Grade (Food Grade…