BASF’s Algae-based Seanactiv Brightens Eye Contour

BASF Care Creations’ Seanactiv (INCI: INCI: Water (Aqua) (and) Fucus Vesiculosus Extract (and) Gluconolactone (and) Xanthan Gum (and) Sodium chloride) is a bioactive that targets multiple eye area concerns while simultaneously addressing…
Nouveau président pour l’Aria Sud
Serge Hincker (actionnaire de Cepasco Spigol) succède à Marie Franqueza à la présidence de l’Aria Sud (ex-Friaa Paca, dont il fut déjà président de 2012 à 2015). Il sera secondé par Agnès Put (Boyauderie sisteronaise), élue vice-présidente (texte complet).
Incendie de Saipol près de Rouen : la trituration des graines arrêtée, pas les autres productions
Le départ de feu samedi soir dans l’usine de Grand-Couronne, près de Rouen (Seine-Maritime) entraîne l’arrêt de la presse des graines de colza. Mais la production de biocarburant, d’huile alimentaire et de glycérine continue. Quarante-huit heures après le début d’incendie qui s’est déclaré…
Azelis buys Ingredients Plus China
Azelis has signed an agreement to acquire the Greater China operations of Ingredients Plus, including its holding company in Hong Kong and its subsidiaries in Shanghai and Guangzhou, including ideation and application laboratories. Azelis has signed an agreement to acquire the Greater China…
Holopharm relocalise à Évreux la transformation d’algues pour l’industrie pharmaceutique

Holopharm, installé dans le quartier de Nétreville à Evreux (Eure), veut relocaliser en Normandie la transformation d’algues pour l’industrie pharmaceutique. Le jeune laboratoire prévoit un construire un nouveau bâtiment en 2022 pour cette activité, en partie financée par le plan France Relance. Il y aura bientôt des algues bretonnes…
Microphyt annonce le lancement de Scale, la première bioraffinerie industrielle de microalgue au monde

Le projet, d’une durée de 4 ans est doté d’une subvention de 15 millions d’euros. Piloté par Microphyt, le programme Scale a été été sélectionné par le « Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking » associant la Commission européenne et le Consortium des Bio…
Purecircle by Ingredion’s Bioconversion Stevia Range Receives Positive Feedback from EFSA

PureCircle – now operating as ‘PureCircle by Ingredion’, one of the world’s leading producers and innovators of stevia ingredients, announced it has received a positive safety opinion from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for the use of its Reb…
Fuji Oil to open first European R&D center to drive plant-based protein transitionf

Fuji Oil Holdings, headquartered in Osaka, Japan, has established its fourth R&D center, which is also the first to be based in Europe. The move further enhances the company’s plans to enhance its R&D capabilities in plant-based innovation and expand its global ecosystem. Dr. Liz Kamei, currently director of open innovation and external partnerships at Fuji Europe Africa…
Biocarburant : Eni et BASF collaborent en R&D

Le pétrochimiste italien Eni et le chimiste allemand BASF ont signé un accord pour une initiative conjointe de R&D afin de réduire l’empreinte CO2 du secteur des transports. L’objectif est de développer une nouvelle technologie pour produire du bio-propanol à partir de glycérine, un sous-produit de la production de biodiesel. Elle sera transformée…
‘Les biotechnologies ouvrent de nombreuses opportunités dans tous les domaines industriels’

Pionnier de la biotechnologie végétale, le groupe français Greentech développe des solutions innovantes en agro-écologie, cosmétique, environnement, santé, nutrition humaine et animale. Son expertise reconnue dans le monde entier allie respect de l’environnement et performance. Rencontre avec Jean-Yves Berthon, président…
Pranarôm vise l’aromathérapie médicale

Après les compléments alimentaires, les dispositifs médicaux et les biocides, le spécialiste de l’aromathérapie scientifique Pranarôm, dont la pandémie a boosté les ventes, entend mettre sur le marché pour fin 2022 ses premiers médicaments sans… (article complet réservé aux abonnés à Trends-Tendances, Le Vif/L’Express, Sportmagazine et Knack)
DSM acquiert les actifs de Midori

Le chimiste néerlandais Royal DSM a annoncé l’acquisition de la start-up américaine Midori. Cette société de biotechnologie est dotée d’une plateforme de précision développant des eubiotiques ciblés qui améliorent la santé et l’impact environnemental des animaux. DSM détenait jusqu’alors 38,5 % des actions de Midori. Il a investi…
Solabia-Algatech launches whole algae β-glucan ingredient

Israeli firm Solabia-Algatech Nutrition has launched a Î-glucan ingredient derived from algal fermentation. The comapny says its new immune-support ingredient, which is branded as BioGlena, is produced via a ‘proprietary fermentation technology’ via the organism Euglena gracilis. E. gracillis is a single celled, freshwater algal species. Like…
Produits d’entretien : Henkel acquiert Swania

L’Allemand Henkel vient d’acquérir le Français Swania, fabricant de produits d’entretien et de lessives auprès de Milestone Investisseurs SLP, qui en était le principal propriétaire depuis 2014, et d’actionnaires individuels. Grâce à cette transaction, Henkel va renforcer sa position sur… (texte complet réservé aux abonnés à Info-Chimie)
Vers un nouveau géant européen du chocolat

Le français Cémoi et le belge Sweet Products envisagent de fusionner pour créer un géant européen du chocolat. L’Europe pourrait bientôt compter sur un nouveau leader dans le secteur des chocolats. Les groupes familiaux français Cémoi et belge Sweet Products sont entrés en négociations exclusives pour se marier. Si l’opération…
La spiruline normande, un boost naturel à découvrir à Étréham
C’est une plante aquatique méconnue, utilisée depuis des siècles, et aujourd’hui commercialisée comme complément alimentaire. Visite découverte à la micro ferme du Ham, à Étréham (Calvados), cet été 2021. Consommée pendant des siècles puis oubliée, la Spiruline est revenue…
Unigrain to build pulse fractionation facility

Oat and pulse processor Unigrain has unveiled plans to build a new pulse fractionation facility at its cereal and pulse milling site at Smeaton, Victoria, Australia. According to Unigrain, the facility will have the capability to produce a range of plant-based food ingredients, with the initial key focus on pea and fava bean protein concentrates, which…
Eat Beyond’s new CEO details scale-up plans for global plant-based investment portfolio

Eat Beyond Global Holdings’ new CEO Michael Aucoin speaks to FoodIngredientsFirst about the global investment issuer’s latest ambitions in tapping into the US$50 billion plant-based protein and alternative food market, with a focus on North America and Europe. “We intend to compete in a wide cross-section of plant-protein verticals, as represented by our portfolio…
L’entreprise Greentech, l’Université Clermont Auvergne et l’Inrae créent un laboratoire commun pour lutter contre le surpoids et l’obésité

Le labcom Phytoprob’Inov a été officiellement lancé lundi, à Clermont-Ferrand : ce partenariat public privé entre l’Université et l’entreprise Greentech a donné naissance au premier laboratoire commun entre un organisme de recherche et une entreprise en Auvergne Rhône-Alpes. Il se consacre à la lutte contre le surpoids et l’obésité…
Megafarma Opens Innovation Center in Mexico

Megafarma, an Azelis company, will open its first full-service innovation center in Mexico City featuring five industry specific application labs for CASE, CARE, food, pharma and plastics, with the objective of creating market-leading, innovative and value-added…
Bruno PIERRE, fondateur et Président d’ABCD Nutrition (spécialiste des produits bio et sans gluten) a été élu mercredi 30 juin Président d’Agro-Sphères par le Conseil d’Administration, succédant ainsi à Claudine LUCIEN, qui exercait cette fonction depuis 2015 Grand merci à Claudine pour ces 6 années de Présidence (texte intégral)
Givaudan Unveils Botox-like Active Zanthalene

Givaudan Active Beauty has unveiled Zanthalene (INCI: Oleyl Alcohol (and) Zanthoxylum Alatum Fruit Extract), an active said to mimic Botox-like properties to combat wrinkles as well as ease skin discomfort. The ingredient is extracted from the fruit husks of Zanthoxylum bungeanum, or Sichuan pepper, using supercritical CO2. It reportedly acts on neuromuscular…
GNT expands Exberry range with “calm, relaxing and healthy” green colorings made from spirulina and turmeric

GNT has launched two Exberry Coloring Foods made from turmeric and spirulina, inspiring “a connection to the natural world.” The company says the move will open up new opportunities for clean label green hues in F&B applications. Exberry Shade Jade Green delivers a bright, bluish-green shade, while Exberry Shade Lime Green provides a yellowish-green hue. The products…
Deux prêts verts pour les projets de Groupe Avril et DSM
Groupe Avril a annoncé le 7 juillet l’obtention de deux prêts verts auprès de BNP Pariba pour Olatein, une co-entreprise qu’il détient avec le néerlandais DSM. Le premier prêt soutiendra le financement d’une usine de production qui… (article complet réservé aux abonnés à Agra Alimentation)
Sofiprotéol et la SRIW investissent dans la croissance de Cosucra

Un prêt de 10 millions d’euros a été effectué pour l’usine Cosucra afin de renforcer sa capacité de production en ingrédients naturels. En réponse à la forte croissance du marché des ingrédients naturels, la Société régionale d’investissement de Wallonie (SRIW), la Banque européenne d’investissement (BEI) et la société de financement…
Lancement du processus d’unification des stations d’ASTREDHOR

Les conseil d’administration des stations ont jusqu’à la fin de l’année pour décider formellement de leur implication dans cette unification qui se concrétisera en 2022. Rassembler les stations pour simplifier le fonctionnement et multiplier les expertises: Une nouvelle organisation politique, scientifique, opérationnelle et juridique a été co-construite…
L’envolée des cours inquiète les IAA
Ces derniers mois, les prix de quasiment toutes les matières premières agricoles ont flambé, sans que les industriels ne puissent les répercuter. La future loi Besson-Moreau permettra-t-elle de rééquilibrer le rapport de force avec la grande distribution ? Entre le 15 juin 2020 et le 15 juin 2021…
Suez et Fermentalg lancent une entreprise dédiée à la valorisation du CO2 grâce aux microalgues

Suez et Fermentalg créent la coentreprise ” CarbonWorks “. Détenue à part égale par les deux groupes, elle a pour mission d’accélérer le développement et la commercialisation des solutions de capture et de bioconversion du CO2 par ” photosynthèse microalgale “. CarbonWorks développera un nouveau standard…
Lesaffre étend son usine Biospringer dans l’Iowa
Pour répondre à la forte demande en extraits de levure en Amérique du Nord, Lesaffre a inauguré l’extension de son site Biospringer à Cedar Rapids, dans l’Iowa. Cet investissement va permettre de doubler la capacité de production de l’usine grâce à la mise en place de nouveaux équipements. Les extraits de levure…
Barry Callebaut fait l’acquisition d’Europe Chocolate Company

Le fabricant mondial de produits à base de chocolat et de cacao de haute qualité, Barry Callebaut, a signé un accord avec la société Europe Chocolate Company (ECC), fabricant belge privé B2B de spécialités et décors en chocolat. Cette acquisition stratégique permet au Groupe d’étendre ses capacités en matière de spécialités à forte…
Umiami imite la texture fibreuse des filets de viande en 100 % végétale

Avec le soutien de Centrale Paris, d’AgroParisTech et de l’université technique de Munich, Umiami Technologies a inventé un procédé inédit qui est capable de reproduire la texture de pièces de viande entières, en utilisant exclusivement des végétaux. Ce vendredi, la start-up annonce avoir bouclé un financement d’amorçage de 2,3 millions…
LSDH relocalise l’extraction de protéines végétales

Le groupe, qui fait partie des leaders du conditionnement de liquides alimentaires, investit 32 millions d’euros dans un nouvel outil industriel pour réduire son impact environnemental et sécuriser ses approvisionnements. Sofiprotéol, société de financement du groupe Avril, est partenaire du projet…
Algentech transforme les plantes en usines vertes

La société française Algentech produit à haut rendement des protéines et des acides nucléiques dans les chloroplastes des plantes. Un saut technologique pour de nombreux secteurs industriels à la recherche de nouvelles voies de production biosourcée. Labellisée par Genopole, la technologie développée et brevetée par Algentech…
Effect of pulsed electric field-assisted extraction on recovery of sulforaphane from broccoli florets
Sulforaphane (SFN) is an isothiocyanate occurring in broccoli, with exceptional health-beneficial properties, such as anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and anti-hypertensive effects. Processes to maximize SFN content in broccoli developed until now are expensive and SFN bioavailability in the vegetable is not optimal…
Role of three-phase solvent system in the counter-current chromatography
In counter-current chromatography, the separation efficiency greatly depends on the partitioning ability of the separated substance between the stationary phase and the mobile phase. Partitioning ability is mainly represented by the parameter partition coefficient which is one of the important parameters to evaluate the…
Extraction Processes
The valorization of molecules or fractions of microalgae passes through by the implementation of efficient and, if possible, non-denaturing extraction processes in order to preserve the physico-chemical and biological properties of the substances to be recovered. These processes can be based on physical mechanisms such…
Recovery and recycling of deep eutectic solvents in biomass conversions: a review
The assessment of the behavior of deep eutectic solvents (DESs) have been within the focus of numerous original research papers and review articles in the last two decades due to their unique properties such as low viscosity, low melting point, low volatility, high thermal stability, high conductivity, high surface tension, non-…
Extraction and deproteinization process of polysaccharide from purple sweet potato
Extraction and deproteinization process of polysaccharide from purple sweet potato (PPSP) were optimized via response surface methodology (RSM). The results indicated that the optimal conditions of extraction in hot water of PPSP were as follows: the extraction temperature was 120℃, the extraction time was 2.5h and the…
Biocompatible natural deep eutectic solvent-based extraction and cellulolytic enzyme-mediated transformation of Pueraria mirifica isoflavones: a sustainable approach for increasing health-bioactive constituents
The presence of specific gut microflora limits the biotransformation of Pueraria mirifica isoflavone (PMI) glycosides into absorbable aglycones, thus limiting their health benefits. Cellulolytic enzyme-assisted extraction (CAE) potentially solves this issue; however, solvent extraction requires recovery of the…
Fractionation of linseed and obtaining ingredients rich in protein and fibers: alternatives for animal feed
The linseed fractionation was performed in laboratory scale to obtain concentrated protein and fiber fractions. Three methods were tested to obtain the linseed protein concentrate (LPC). The isoelectric pH method was more efficient in increase the protein content and also provided higher yield. In the fractions obtained, the …
Green non-conventional techniques for the extraction of polyphenols from agricultural food by-products: A review
Food processing industry is accompanied with the generation of a great production of wastes and by-products exceptionally rich in bioactive compounds (especially phenolics), with antioxidant activity. The recovery of these health molecules constitutes a key point for the valorization of by-products, with the possibility of…
Recent trends in extraction of plant bioactives using green technologies: A review
Phenolic compounds from plant sources have significant health-promoting properties and are known to be an integral part of folk and herbal medicines. Consumption of phenolics is known to alleviate the risk of various lifestyle diseases including cancer, cardiovascular, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s. In this context, numerous…
Optimized extraction of neutral carbohydrates, crude lipids and photosynthetic pigments from the wet biomass of the microalga Scenedesmus obliquus BR003
The establishment of microalgae as a sustainable source of bioproducts requires a detailed evaluation of unit operations that compose a biorefinery. Biorefining of microalgal biomass is performed in sequence for obtaining a diversity of valuable compounds, but the optimum sequence of biorefining still under scrutiny…
Supercritical Fluid and Ultrasound-assisted Green Extraction Technologies for Catechin Recovery
The epimers of catechin include epicatechin, epigallocatechin and epigallocatechin gallate, and others. They are important bioactives that have salutary effects, and hence are valuable. For ascertaining biologically-safe and green extraction methods that are non-thermal, this review evaluates the efficiencies of ultrasound…
A successful method for phycocyanin extraction from Arthrospira platensis using [Emim] [EtSO4] ionic liquid
Research into the extraction of phycobiliprotein from Arthrospira platensis is currently ongoing. Most traditional methods of phycobiliprotein extraction include the use of organic solvents, which negatively affect the sustainability of the process. Ionic liquids (ILs) are a promising alternative for phycobiliprotein extraction…
Optimization conditions of ultrasound-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from orange peels using response surface methodology
The current study focused on optimizing the extraction conditions of bioactive compounds from orange peels using response surface methodology (RSM) to decrease the number of experimental trials and increase the yield of bioactive compounds. Ultrasonic extraction time, extraction temperature, and ethanol concentration…
Soluble protein isolate from brewing by-product (trub) using the Box-Behnken design
Brewing by-products, as trub, can be exploited as new nutrients sources, especially proteins. The objective of this study was to optimize the protein extraction from trub using the Box-Behnken design and response surface methodology to obtain a protein isolate and verify its antioxidants properties…
Cyclodextrins as high-performance green co-solvents in the aqueous extraction of polyphenols and anthocyanin pigments from solid onion waste
This investigation was carried out with the scope to examine three commonly used cyclodextrins (CDs), β-cyclodextrin (β-CD), methyl β-cyclodextrin (m-β-CD) and 2-hydroxypropyl β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) as green co-solvents for the effective extraction of polyphenols and pigment from onion solid wastes (OSW)…
Integrated algal and cyanobacterial process for bioproduct manufacturing
A bioproduct manufacturing system is disclosed. The system comprises a hollow-fiber primary membrane gas absorber comprising a shell side and a lumen, wherein the primary membrane gas absorber is configured to receive a carbonate salt-based solvent on the shell side and a gas mixture comprising oxygen, nitrogen…
Processes for solvent extraction of cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids from biomass
In alternative embodiments, provided are industrial processes and methods for extracting or removing cannabinoids, flavonoids and terpenes from plant materials such as trichomes. In alternative embodiments, the cannabinoids, flavonoids and terpenes are extracted or removed from the plant materials using a non-…
Phytochemical compounds extraction from medicinal plants by subcritical water and its encapsulation via electrospraying
In this study, phytochemical compounds were extracted and encapsulated from medicinal plants such as M. oleifera, S. androgynus, and S. grandiflora using subcritical water and the electrospraying technique. The extraction was conducted at temperatures of 120 to 160 °C at various extraction pressures from 1 to 10…
Bran-enriched milled durum wheat fractions obtained using innovative micronization and air-classification pilot plants
Dietary guidelines recommend the consumption of unprocessed, or minimally processed, wheat foods because they are richer in health-promoting components (i.e., minerals, vitamins, lignans, phytoestrogens, and phenolic compounds) compared to traditionally refined products. The design and implementation of…
Ionic liquids separating rubber latex from guayule
Danger to rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis) from South American leaf blight fungus imperils the world’s source of natural latex for essential rubber products. Avoiding latex allergies also requires a non-Hevea latex source. The present methods for removing latex entrapped in the individual cells of guayule plants require…
Effective fractionation strategy of sugarcane bagasse lignin to fabricate quality lignin-based carbon nanofibers supercapacitors
Lignin is recommended to a tempting alternative precursor of petroleum for fabricating carbon nanofibers (CNFs) due to its high carbon content, low-cost and renewable resources. However, the property of lignin-based carbon nanofibers (LCNFs) is inferior owing to the heterogeneity and 3D-network structure of lignin…
Enhancement of fructan extraction from garlic and fructooligosaccharide purification using an activated charcoal column
Conventional fructan extraction from most plant sources involves water combined with methanol or ethanol in different solvent ratios, time, and temperature combinations to increase extraction efficiency. Fructan recovery step is usually very laborious using such conventional methods. Three different extraction methods from…
Fruit and vegetable processing wastes as natural sources of antioxidant-rich extracts: Evaluation of advanced extraction technologies by surface response methodology
This study is focused on the recovery of polyphenols from vegetable and fruit residues and further evaluation of antioxidant features of extracts. Spinach and orange have been selected as representative matrices for a more comprehensive study since they contain significant polyphenols amount that could be used in food…
Current Progress in Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents for the Extraction of Active Components from Plants.
In the last decade, natural deep eutectic solvents (NADESs) have gained more and more attention due to their green, convenient preparation, low toxicity and biodegradability. It is widely used in various fields, especially in the extraction of active components from plants, formed by the combination of hydrogen bond…
Simultaneous solid-liquid separation and primary purification of clavulanic acid from fermentation broth of Streptomyces clavuligerus using salting-out extraction system
Clavulanic acid (CA) is usually used together with other β-lactam antibiotics as combination drugs to inhibit bacterial β-lactamases, which is mainly produced from the fermentation of microorganism such as Streptomyces clavuligerus. Recently, it is still a challenge for downstream processing of low concentration…
Green ultrasound-assisted extraction of lichen substances from Hypotrachyna cirrhata. Ethyl lactate, a better extracting agent than methanol toxic organic solvent?
For the first time, we report a green extraction of lichen substances assisted by high power ultrasounds from Hypotrachyna cirrhata using ethyl lactate. This sustainable alternative was comparable, both in isolation and detection of lichen substances, to methanol. In the metabolomic analysis, a total of 77 lichen substances…
Effect of Ohmic Heating on Ultrasound Extraction of Phenolic Compounds from Cornelian Cherry (Cornus mas)
In this study, total phenolic compounds (TPC) from cornelian cherry were extracted by using maceration (ME), ultrasonic (UE) and ohmic heating assisted ultrasonic extraction (OAUE) methods. ME was used as a control group. It was observed that the ultrasound was effective on the yield of TPC in extraction and the effect was…
Recent advances in extraction technologies for recovery of bioactive compounds derived from fruit and vegetable waste peels: A review.
Fruits and vegetables are the most important commodities of trade value among horticultural produce. They are utilized as raw or processed, owing to the presence of health-promoting components. Significant quantities of waste are produced during fruits and vegetables processing that are majorly accounted by…
Ionic liquid-based microwave-assisted extraction of protein from Nannochloropsis sp. biomass
Considerable evidence supports the enhanced utilization of high-quality protein to obtain optimal health subsequences. Microalgae are a valorous source of proteins that can be employed as functional, nutritional, and remedial supplies. An effective microwave-assisted extraction method based on ionic liquids has been…
Synergistic effect of ultrasonication and detergent on protein extraction from soymeal
Soymeal is among the most enriching vegetal protein sources and is produced as a by-product of soybean seed oil processing. In the present study, extraction of soymeal proteins was performed using four different methods such as water, solvent, alkaline, and detergent. The non-ionic detergent based extraction provided…
Extraction of bioactive compounds from different types of tea by high hydrostatic pressure
In the present study, the high hydrostatic pressure was applied for the extraction of bioactive compounds from green, yellow, white, oolong and black tea. Extractions were carried out varying solvent (ethanol and water), pressure level (200 and 500 MPa) and pressure holding time (5 and 10 min). Total phenolic content (TPC)…
Fatty Acid Ethyl Esters (FAEE): A New, Green and Renewable Solvent for the Extraction of Carotenoids from Tomato Waste Products.
Currently there is a drive towards the minimisation and reclamation of valuable materials from the waste products of the food and beverage industry. This can be achieved through the extraction of residual nutraceuticals from such materials. Tomato pomace contains carotenoids and other chemicals which can…
Extraction of phenol compound from Mentha piperita by ultrasonic waves based on a response surface methodology
In this study, optimization of the extraction of phenol compounds from Mentha piperita using ultrasonic waves with response surface methodology (RSM) was assessed. In this regard, a central composite design with three independent variables of time (5, 27.5, and 50 min), temperature (25, 45, and 65°C), and…
Extracting Ferulic Acid from Corn Fibre Using Mild Alkaline Extraction: A Pilot Scale Study
Purpose There is an increasing demand from the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries for naturally sourced ferulic acid. This study used alkaline extraction under mild operating conditions to recover ferulic acid from corn fibre, with the aim of developing a cost-effective process. The aim was to develop an efficient…
Optimization and kinetic modeling of ultrasonic-assisted extraction of fucoxanthin from edible brown algae Sargassum fusiforme using green solvents.
The development of green and sustainable extraction technologies for various naturally active biomaterials is gaining increasing attention due to their environmentally friendly advantages. In this work, the ultrasonic-assisted extraction of fucoxanthin from edible brown algae Sargassum…
Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) Seed Starch: Physicochemical and Functional Properties
High-power ultrasound (HPU) is a non-thermal processing method that has been researched and used in the last years. The application of ultrasound can modify and improve some technologically important compounds such as starch. This research aimed to examine the effect of ultrasound treatment on yield, physicochemical…
Novel extraction of polyphenols from sour cherry pomace using natural deep eutectic solvents – Ultrafast microwave-assisted NADES preparation and extraction.
In this work, new approaches for the green extraction of polyphenols from sour cherry pomace were explored. Three Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents (NADES) systems based on choline chloride (ChCl) as a hydrogen bond acceptor (HBA) and malic acid, urea, and fructose (MalA, Ur, and Fru) as…
Novel black garlic extract from separated garlic bulbs and preparation method thereof
The present invention relates to a novel black garlic extract using garlic bulbs separated into six bulbs as a raw material instead of conventional whole garlic and a preparation method thereof. There is an excellent effect of providing a novel black garlic extract with various functionalities of high sweetness and high…
The application of amino acid ionic liquids as additives in the ultrasound-assisted extraction of plant material
The aim of the present study was to determine the antioxidant activity of the aqueous extracts fromLycopodium clavatum,Cetraria islandicaandDipsacus fullonumobtained using aqueous solutions of ionic liquids by the ultrasound-assisted extraction (IL-UAE) method. Triethanolammonium salts [TEAH]+[AA]−of…
Application of D-Optimal Design for Automatic Solvent Extraction of Carotenoid from Orange Peel
Automatic solvent extraction was employed to acquire orange peel extract rich in carotenoid by means of several solvents (hexane, heptane and chloroform). D-optimal design was used for design of experiments, modelling the experimental data and optimization of the extraction process. Selected process parameters…
Efficacy of natural deep eutectic solvents for extraction of hydrophilic and lipophilic compounds from fucus vesiculosus
The impact of the composition of natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) and extraction conditions on the simultaneous extraction of hydrophilic ascorbic acid (AA), phlorotannins (TPhC), and lipophilic fucoxanthin (FX) from Fucus vesiculosus was investigated for the first time. In biological tests, the NADES extracts…
Sequential multi-stage extraction of biocompounds from Spirulina platensis: Combined effect of ohmic heating and enzymatic treatment
A sequential multi-stage procedure was applied on the extraction of biocompounds from Spirulina platensis. The process consisted in three steps: 1) aqueous extraction, using conventional thermal extraction (CE), ohmic heating (OH, 7 V/cm), enzymatic treatment (EAE, 0.8 mgLysozyme/mL), or both OH and EAE…
Valorization of spent coffee by caffeine extraction using aqueous solutions of cholinium-based ionic liquids
Spent coffee grounds (SCGs) are a waste product with no relevant commercial value. However, SCGs are rich in extractable compounds with biological activity. To add value to this coffee byproduct, water and aqueous solutions of cholinium-based ionic liquids (ILs) were studied to extract caffeine from SCGs…
Optimisation of the enzyme-assisted extraction of polyphenols from saffron (Crocus sativus L.) petals.
Saffron tepals are a by-product from the processing of Crocus sativus flowers, whose dried stigmas (saffron spice) are widely used both in the food and health sectors. Saffron tepals are rich in polyphenols, particularly flavonol glycosides and anthocyanins, which are considered to be potent antioxidants. Enzyme-assisted…
Green solvent to substitute hexane for bioactive lipids extraction from black cumin and basil seeds
A comparative study of bioactive lipids extraction from black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) and basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) seeds using conventional petroleum-based solvent and green solvent 2-methyltetrahydrofuran (MeTHF) was performed. MeTHF extraction allowed obtaining the highest oil yield in black cumin (34%)…
Assessment of phycocyanin extraction from cyanidium caldarium by spark discharges, compared to freeze‐thaw cycles, sonication and pulsed electric fields
Phycocyanin is a blue colored pigment, synthesized by several species of cyanobacteria and red algae. Besides the application as a food‐colorant, the pigmented protein is of high interest as a pharmaceutically and nutritionally valuable compound. Since cyanobacteria‐derived phycocy-anin is thermolabile, red algae that…
Auto-hydrolysis of red clover as “green” approach to (iso)flavonoid enriched products
Optimal parameters for the auto-hydrolysis of (iso)flavone glycosides to aglycones in ground Trifolium pratense L. plant material were established as a “green” method for the production of a reproducible red clover extract (RCE). The process utilized 72-h fermentation in DI water at 25 and 37 °C. The aglycones…
Ultrasound assisted extraction of gallic acid from Ficus auriculata leaves using green solvent
Gallic acid is a well-known antioxidant ascribed to various beneficial health effects and is found in a variety of plants. In this study, gallic acid was extracted from Ficus auriculata leaves using ultrasound assisted extraction and the process parameters were optimized. The influence of time (5–60 min), temperature (30–…
Subcritical Water Extraction of Natural Products.
Subcritical water refers to high-temperature and high-pressure water. A unique and useful characteristic of subcritical water is that its polarity can be dramatically decreased with increasing temperature. Therefore, subcritical water can behave similar to methanol or ethanol. This makes subcritical water a green extraction…
High yield recovery of 2,3-butanediol from fermented broth accumulated on xylose rich sugarcane bagasse hydrolysate using aqueous two-phase extraction system.
Downstream processing of chemicals obtained from fermentative route is challenging and cost-determining factor of any bioprocess. 2,3-Butanediol (BDO) is a promising chemical building block with myriad applications in the polymer, food, pharmaceuticals, and fuel sector. The current study focuses on the recovery and…
Microwave Assisted Extraction and Pressurized Liquid Extraction of Sulfated Polysaccharides from Fucus virsoides and Cystoseira barbata.
Sulfated polysaccharide fucoidan isolated from brown algae shows a wide range of biological activities that are significantly dependent on its chemical composition, which is closely related to the applied technique and extraction parameters. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of microwave…
Techno-economic and Life Cycle Analysis of MixAlco® Processes for Mixed Alcohol Production from Brown Algae
The need for producing renewable fuels from biomass has increased due to depleting fossil resources and environmental concerns. However, the low fraction of biomass carbon converted to product is an undeniable drawback for most current biofuel productions from fermentation due to undecomposed lignin in biomass…
Utilizing side streams of pulse protein processing: A review
Plant-based protein ingredients are gaining popularity among consumers for various reasons such as the increasing demand for high-protein diets, sustainability of the sources, and negative perceptions associated with animal proteins. Main source for plant proteins is pulses such as peas and…
Quantitative Characterization Of Algal Biomass Biomolecules
A method and system for direct quantification of the concentration of biomolecules in algal biomass. The biomolecules include lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates. An algae slurry is cultivated within a cultivation vessel, and algal biomass is harvested therefrom. A portion of biomass is analyzed using solvent-lipid…
Application of nonthermal processing technologies in extracting and modifying polysaccharides: A critical review.
Polysaccharides are natural polymer compounds widely distributed in plants, animals, and microorganisms, most of which have a broad spectrum of biological activities to promote human health. They could also be used as texture modifiers in food industry due to their excellent rheological and mechanical properties. Many…
Effect of molecular mass and sulfate content of fucoidan from Sargassum siliquosum on antioxidant, anti-lipogenesis, and anti-inflammatory activity.
Macroalgae (seaweeds) are abundant in functional polysaccharides known for their unique biochemical activities. In this study, the antioxidant, anti-lipogenic, and anti-inflammatory activities of the fucoidan extracted from brown seaweed Sargassum siliquosum were investigated by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)…
Characterization of a neutral polysaccharide from pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch) with potential immunomodulatory activity.
A neutral polysaccharide designated as CMDP-1a (molecular mass 9.263 kDa) was isolated from Cucurbita moschata Duch through hot water extraction, ethanol precipitation, and column chromatography. On the basis of methylation, fourier-transform infrared, monosaccharide composition, and one- and two-dimensional…
Carbon Nanofibers-Based Nanoconfined Liquid Phase Filtration for the Rapid Removal of Chlorinated Pesticides from Ginseng Extracts.
A rapid nanoconfined liquid phase filtration system (NLPF) based on solvent-confined carbon nanofibers/carbon fiber materials (CNFs/CFs) was proposed to effectively remove chlorinated pesticides from ginsenosides-containing ginseng extracts. A series of major parameters that may affect the separation…
Sorghum polyphenols: plant stress, human health benefits, and industrial applications
Main conclusion Various phenolic compounds of sorghum are effective in the management of abiotic stress (salt, nutrients) and biotic stress (caused by birds, fungi and aphids). The health and industrial application of phenolics is mainly contributed by inherent antioxidant and nutraceutical potential. Abstract In a natural…
Effects of AOT reverse micelle extraction on structure and emulsifying properties of soybean protein
The present study aimed to investigate the forward and backward extraction efficiency, structure, and emulsifying properties of soybean proteins obtained through bis (2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate sodium salt (AOT) reverse micelle, as well as their relationship. The results showed that the extraction efficiency was the…
Dieckol: a brown algal phlorotannin with biological potential.
Dieckol [C36H22O18], is a naturally occurring phlorotannin found in some brown algal species. Dieckol is gaining more attention in the scientific community for its potential biological activities. It has been exhibited a broad spectrum of therapeutic functions including anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, anti-aging, anti-…
Valorization of Pinus taeda bark: source of phenolic compounds, tannins and fuel
Pine bark is a byproduct of wood processing which is usually burnt for energy. This article analyzes the liquid–solid extraction of Pinus taeda bark to obtain phenolic compounds by using response surface methodology to determine extraction conditions. The independent variables studied were temperature, ethanol…
Arkema veut révolutionner des procédés grâce à la biocatalyse

Suite à son succès dans la production de biométhionine en Asie, en partenariat avec un acteur local, Arkema cherche à développer de nouveaux procédés durables. Une des voies explorées est de développer l’usage de la biocatalyse grâce à un partenariat…
Spray-drying microencapsulation of anthocyanins of black seedless barberry (Berberis vulgaris)
In this study, the effect of different wall materials on the stability of anthocyanins and some physicochemical properties of the encapsulated juice of seedless black barberry were investigated. A response surface methodology was used to analyze and predict the physicochemical properties of microcapsules. In order to…
Halophytes as source of bioactive phenolic compounds and their potential applications.
Halophytes are salt-tolerant plants that inhabit environments in which they are exposed to extreme stress, wherefore they exhibit conserved and divergent metabolic responses different from those of conventional plants. Thus, the synthesis and accumulation of metabolites, especially of those oxidative stress-related…
Antibacterial and antioxidant activity of peach leaf extract prepared by air and microwave drying
In this study antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of methanol and water extracts of peach leaves dried in air and microwave drying on E.coli ATCC 25922 and L.monocytogenes ATCC 7644 were investigated. Pathogens were inoculated into broth medium prior to the extracts addition. Samples were then kept at 4ºC…
Sensitivity of botrytis cinerea isolates complex to plant extracts
New agricultural strategies aim to reduce the use of pesticides due to their damage to the environment and humans, and the caused resistance to pathogens. Therefore, alternative sources of antifungal compounds from plants are under investigation lately. Extracts from plants have a wide composition of chemical…
Lilium philadelphicum flower as a novel source of antimicrobial agents: A study of bioactivity, phytochemical analysis, and partial identification of antimicrobial metabolites
The members of the Liliaceae family are considered an excellent source of biologically active compounds. However, work on antimicrobial potential and characterization of the bioactive fractions of the Lilium philadelphicum flower is limited and needs to be explored. The present study reports the antimicrobial…
Pressurized hot water extraction of okra seeds reveals antioxidant, antidiabetic and vasoprotective activities
Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench (okra) is a commonly consumed vegetable that consists of the seeds and peel component which are rich in polyphenolic compounds. The aim of this study is to utilize pressurized hot water extraction (PHWE) for the extraction of bioactive phytochemicals from different parts of okra. A single…
Red algal sulfated galactan binds and protects neural cells from hiv-1 gp120 and tat
The potential neuroprotective capacity of four different sulfated glycans: Botryocladia occidentalis-derived sulfated galactan (BoSG) (MW > 100 kDa), Lytechinus variegatus-derived sulfated fucan (LvSF) (MW~90 kDa), high-molecular weight dextran sulfate (DxS) (MW 100 kDa), and unfractionated heparin (UFH) (MW~…
Chemical composition and biological activities of aqueous extracts and their sulfated derivatives of pea peel (Pisum sativum L.)
Agro-industrial wastes are an important natural reservoir of bioactive compounds that could be used to obtain useful by-products. The objective of our study was to evaluate the anticoagulation, fibrinolytic, antioxidant, antiproliferative and prebiotic activity of six aqueous extracts of P. sativum waste and their sulfated…
Lignocellulosic biomass pre-treatment using low-cost ionic liquid for bioethanol production: An economically viable method for wheat straw fractionation
Low-cost Ionic Liquid (IL) is a promising method for the lignocellulosic biomass pretreatment to produce bioethanol. This study investigates utilizing low-cost IL, [TEA][HSO4], for wheat straw pretreatment. The pretreatment was investigated in conditions characterized by a temperature of 130 °C, a high solid-to-…
Deep eutectic solvents and ionic liquid assisted hydrolysis of microalgal biomass: A promising approach towards sustainable biofuel production
Utilization of each biochemical component such as lipid or carbohydrate in a biorefinery is essential for commercializing microalgal-based biofuels. We have performed a comparative evaluation of ionic liquids (ILs) and deep eutectic solvents (DESs) for microalgal hydrolysis in the present study. Among the eight tested…
Enzymatically assisted extraction of antioxidant and anti-mutagenic compounds from radish (Raphanus sativus)
In addition to being sources of carbohydrates, protein, and fiber, vegetables, and fruits also represent important sources of micro-nutrients, including antioxidants, and anti-mutagens in the form of carotenoids, and polyphenols, such as flavonoids. We describe the enhanced extraction of these bioactive compounds from…
Selection of extraction solvents for edible oils from microalgae and improvement of the oxidative stability.
Microalgae are natural, green raw material and could be used for the development of edible oil for its abundant polyunsaturated fatty acids, with fast growth rate. The wet mud and dry powder of Scenedesmus dimorphus were applied to compare the extraction effects of different organic solvent systems in this study…
Isolation, characterization, and antimicrobial activity of communic acid from Juniperus phoenicea.
A mixture of Z and E communic acid is isolated for the first time from the cones of Juniperus phoenicea. Its biological activity was studied. Methods: The plant material was extracted in a Soxhlet apparatus with n-hexane, the resulting extract was subjected to column chromatography (CC) on silica gel. The structure…
Chemical Constituents of the Essential Oil from Ecuadorian Endemic Species Croton ferrugineus and Its Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activity.
Croton ferrugineus Kunth is an endemic species of Ecuador used in traditional medicine both for wound healing and as an antiseptic. In this study, fresh Croton ferrugineus leaves were collected and subjected to hydrodistillation for extraction of the essential oil. The chemical composition of the essential oil was…
Antimicrobial and antioxidant potentials of non-cytotoxic extracts of corticolous lichens sampled in Armenia.
Due to wide range of secondary metabolites, lichens were used from antiquity as sources of colorants, perfumes and medicaments. This research focuses on exploring the antioxidant, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of methanol, ethanol, acetone extracts and aqueous infusions of corticolous lichens sampled from…
Bioactive compounds of mango (Mangifera indica): Extraction technologies and chemical constituents – A review
Background Mango (Mangifera indica) has been recognized as a rich source of bioactive compounds with potential pharmaceutical and nutraceutical applications, attracted increasing interest from research. Results Phytochemistry studies have demonstrated that phenolic compounds are one of the most important…
Comment les algues révolutionnent les secteurs alimentaire, cosmétique, pharmaceutique et énergétique

…des chercheurs nous dévoilent les vertus des algues et l’essor de leur exploitation. 1) Les macroalgues recèlent des molécules exploitées par les industries agroalimentaire et cosmétique, selon notre partenaire The Conversation. 2) Leur exploitation ne date d’ailleurs pas d’aujourd’hui, les premières consommations d’algues datant de près de…
New steroid saponins from Dioscorea zingiberensis yam and their medicinal use against I/R via anti-inflammatory effect
Steroid saponins are the medicinal compounds and nutrition ingredients of medicine food homology (MFH) Dioscorea zingiberensis C. H. Wright (D. zingiberensis) yam. Our phytochemical investigation of the edible rhizomes resulted in 9 new furostanol steroid saponins named dioscins A-I (1-9), together with 11 known…
Extraction and characterization of cellulose nanocrystals from cotton fiber by enzymatic hydrolysis-assisted high-pressure homogenization
Cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) have attracted increasing attention in the field of nanomaterials because of its high aspect ratio, good structure, and high thermal stability. In this study, enzymatic hydrolysis-assisted high-pressure homogenization was applied as an environmentally friendly technique to extract CNCs from cotton…
Purification and antioxidant properties of triterpenic acids from blackened jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) by macroporous resins
In order to investigate the purification process and antioxidant activity of triterpenic acids from blackened jujube, the macroporous resin was applied to purify the crude extract from blackened jujube. The adsorption and desorption characterizations of five different macroporous adsorption resins (AB-8, D-101, X-5, HPD-…
Algae-Sourced Beta-Glucan Targets Immune Health
Euglena gracilie from Solabia-Algatech Nutrition produced through fermentation technology to deliver high beta-glucan plus protein, vitamins, minerals and more. Targeting immune support, Solabia- Algatech Nutrition, has launched BioGlena, Euglena gracilis algae produced using proprietary fermentation technology that…
The application of a phycocyanin extract obtained from Arthrospira platensis as a blue natural colorant in beverages
Currently, the food additive industry has interest in replacing artificial dyes with natural pigments, trying to maintain consumer interest and increase their awareness towards healthy diets. Phycobiliproteins are light-harvesting and water-soluble proteins extracted from cyanobacteria and red algae that can be employed…
Valorization of Artichoke Industrial By-Products Using Green Extraction Technologies: Formulation of Hydrogels in Combination with Paulownia Extracts.
The integral valorization of artichoke bracts generated during industrial canning of artichoke was assessed. The extraction of bioactive compounds was addressed with pressurized hot water under subcritical conditions. The performance of this stage on the extraction of phenolics with antioxidant properties and the saccharidic…
Flavonoids from Siparuna cristata as Potential Inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 Replication.
The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has been affecting the world, causing severe pneumonia and acute respiratory syndrome, leading people to death. Therefore, the search for anti-SARS-CoV-2 compounds is pivotal for public health. Natural products may present sources of bioactive compounds; among them…
Red cabbage unlocks brilliant blue: Researchers closing the gap in botanical-based food colors

The clean label appetite continues to steer formulators’ hunt for new hues from within nature’s color palette. But botanical sources do not account for every shade of dye – in particular, the search for an authentic blue has yielded limited options. This considerably impedes industry’s ability to bring natural pigments up to par with synthetic food dyes on the basis of performance…
Chemical constituents from the leaves of Cinnamomum camphora var. linaloolifera and their anti-inflammatory activities
Thirteen compounds were isolated and purified from the leaves of Cinnamomum camphora by the macroporous resin, silica gel, and Sephadex LH-20 column chromatographies. Those compounds were further identified by IR, UV, MS, and NMR techniques: (2S)-1-(3″, 4″-methylenedioxy phenyl)-3-(…
Valorization of Food Wastes to Produce Natural Pigments using Non-thermal Novel Extraction Methods: A review
Waste or byproducts produced during food processing can be used as a potential source of bioactive compounds including natural pigments. Natural pigments/ colorants have numerous health benefits whereas the synthetic colorants have many negative effects on human health. Thus, there is a considerable interest…
Food Ingredients and Nutraceuticals from Microalgae: Main Product Classes and Biotechnological Production.
Microalgal products are an emerging class of food, feed, and nutraceuticals. They include dewatered or dried biomass, isolated pigments, and extracted fat. The oil, protein, and antioxidant-rich microalgal biomass is used as a feed and food supplement formulated as pastes, powders, tablets, capsules, or flakes designed…
Strategies to meet the global demand for natural food colorant bixin: A multidisciplinary approach.
Bixin is an apocarotenoid derived from Bixa orellana L. well known as a food colorant along with its numerous industrial and therapeutic applications. With the current surge in usage of natural products, bixin has contributed immensely to the world carotenoid market and showcases a spike in its requirement globally…
Strawberry agro-industrial by-products as a source of bioactive compounds: effect of cultivar on the phenolic profile and the antioxidant capacity
The post-harvest processing of strawberries generates considerable amounts of by-products that consist of the inedible parts of the fruit (sepal, calyx, stem, and non-marketable portion of the fruit), which is an environmental problem for local producers and industries. This study aimed to revalue these kinds of tissues…
Valorization of Wastes from the Food Production Industry: A Review Towards an Integrated Agri-Food Processing Biorefinery
The agri-food sector creates a significant waste stream, mainly due to inefficiencies arising from damage and loss of product throughout the supply chain. Therefore, a thorough utilization of food waste via a bio-refinery approach could play a crucial role in sustainable and zero-waste global development. This article focuses…
Antioxidant activity and related chemical composition of extracts from Brazilian beach-cast marine algae: opportunities of turning a waste into a resource
Beach-cast marine algae are a potential biomass for several biofunctional products and occur in large volumes in some coastal regions due to natural current processes or drifting algae like pelagic Sargassum . Antioxidant activity and chemical composition of methanolic and aqueous extracts…
Antibacterial plant compounds, extracts and essential oils: An updated review on their effects and putative mechanisms of action.
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria pose a global health threat. Traditional antibiotics can lose their effectiveness, and the development of novel effective antimicrobials has become a priority in recent years. In this area, plants represent an invaluable source of antimicrobial compounds with vast therapeutic potential…
Capsanthin, a Plant-Derived Xanthophyll: a Review of Pharmacology and Delivery Strategies
Capsanthin, a brightly orange-red–coloured pigment responsible for the peculiar red colour of paprika fruits ( Capsicum annuum ), belongs to xanthophylls, a class of oxygen-containing carotenoids. The characteristic chemical structure of capsanthin containing a keto group in conjunction…
Processes for the valorization of food and agricultural wastes to value-added products: recent practices and perspectives
Biorefineries contribute to a circular bioeconomy using renewable feedstock to produce commodity and specialty chemicals as an alternative to petroleum chemicals. Using waste streams such as food waste and agricultural waste as a feedstock for biorefineries is a promising approach for…
Prebiotic effects of citrus pectic oligosaccharides.
Citrus peel wastes, one of the major by-products of the agri-food industry, are a source of value-added compounds. In this work, a commercial pectin (PEC1) and one obtained by direct extraction from citrus fibre (PEC2), were hydrolysed and ultrafiltered at different cut-off (100, 50 and…
Biostimulant activity of sulfated polysaccharide extract from red seaweed Halymenia dilatata on yield of Mung bean in greenhouse conditions
The growth-promoting activity of the sulfated polysaccharides isolated from the red alga Halymenia dilatata was evaluated on the yield of mung bean Vigna radiata (L.). The heterogeneous structure of H. dilatata polysaccharide containing α-D- mannuronic acid, (1–6)- d -linked galactons…
Chemical characterization, antiproliferative and antioxidant activities of polyunsaturated fatty acid-rich extracts from chlorella sp. s14
Microalgae is a rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acid. This study was conducted to identify and isolate microalgal strain with the potentials for producing polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and determine its cytotoxic effect on some cancer cells. The algal strain (Chlorella sp. S14)…
Effect of extraction time and temperature on total flavanoid contents of petai belalang (Leucaena leucocephala) seed pretreated by enzymatic hydrolysis
The abundant availability of Leucaena leucocephala (petai belalang) in Malaysia was one of the contributing factors of this research. The phytochemicals obtained from this plant will contribute towards many fields mainly medicine and it becomes more favorable as compared to the modern…
The effects of Curcuma longa L. leaf extracts on the prevention of oxidation in soybean oil.
The use of natural plant antioxidants has been an alternative approach to synthetic antioxidants for food applications. This study investigated the antioxidant properties of the leaves of Curcuma longa L. against the oxidation of soybean oil using leaf extracts obtained from seven different…
A systematic review of pharmacological activities, toxicological mechanisms and pharmacokinetic studies on Aconitum alkaloids.
The tubers and roots of Aconitum (Ranunculaceae) are widely used as heart medicine or analgesic agents for the treatment of coronary heart disease, chronic heart failure, rheumatoid arthritis and neuropathic pain since ancient times. As a type of natural products mainly extracted from Aconitum…
Antimicrobial Activity of Curcumin in Nanoformulations: A Comprehensive Review.
Curcumin (CUR) is a natural substance extracted from turmeric that has antimicrobial properties. Due to its ability to absorb light in the blue spectrum, CUR is also used as a photosensitizer (PS) in antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy (aPDT). However, CUR is hydrophobic, unstable…
Pressurized hot liquid extraction with 15% v/v glycerol-water as an effective environment-friendly process to obtain durvillaea incurvata and lessonia spicata phlorotannin extracts with antioxidant and antihyperglycemic potential
Brown seaweed phlorotannins have shown the potential to promote several health bene-fits. Durvillaea incurvata and Lessonia spicata—species that are widely distributed in central and southern Chile—were investigated to obtain phlorotannin extracts with antioxidant and antihyper…
Life cycle assessment with parameterised inventory to derive target values for process parameters of microalgae biorefineries
This paper presents a parameterised life cycle assessment approach to determine threshold values for input streams and target process yields to lower the resource consumption and ensure environmental competitiveness of a microalgal biorefinery producing substitutes for…
Non-thermal processing technologies for the recovery of bioactive compounds from marine by-products
Marine products are important food resources for humans, as they contain high-quality protein as well as nutrients. With the rapid development of the marine food industry, large amounts of by-products are produced, underutilized, and even cause serious environmental problems. Marine by…
Examining the Performance of Two Extraction Solvent Systems on Phenolic Constituents from U.S. Southeastern Blackberries.
Two common extraction solvent systems, namely acidified aqueous methanol and acidified aqueous acetone, were used to extract blackberry phenolics, and the antioxidant properties of the recovered extracts were compared. The crude extracts were fractionated into low- and high-molecular…
Antiviral Activity of Vitis vinifera Leaf Extract against SARS-CoV-2 and HSV-1.
Vitis vinifera represents an important and renowned source of compounds with significant biological activity. Wines and winery bioproducts, such as grape pomace, skins, and seeds, are rich in bioactive compounds against a wide range of human pathogens, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses…
Perspectives de croissance énormes du marché des biocarburants par segmentation régionale, applications au cours de l’année prévisionnelle 2021-2030

Absolute Markets Insights a récemment publié des données précieuses basées sur le marché des biocarburants. Le rapport donne un aperçu de l’analyse efficace des performances de l’entreprise. En outre, le rapport utilise une méthode de recherche telle que l’analyse qualitative et quantitative pour…
Aperçu du marché mondial des algues oméga 3 – par tendances, opportunités, taille récente de l’industrie et analyse de la part avec des prévisions jusqu’en 2028
The Insight Partners fournit des informations bien documentées à l’échelle de l’industrie sur le marché ALGUES OMÉGA 3. Il fournit des informations sur les aspects essentiels du marché tels que les principaux participants, les facteurs qui stimulent la croissance du marché ALGUES OMÉGA 3, une…
Analyse des participants au marché et de la dynamique de l’inuline 2021 – Cosucra, Xirui, Beneo et Sensus
Étude de marché mondiale Inuline 2021 met en évidence la dynamique de l’industrie. Les événements Inuline existants de l’industrie et les perspectives futures de l’entreprise avec les défis affectant la croissance. Le rapport de marché donne des informations supplémentaires, y compris le canal de…
Seaweed Extract Market 2021-2028: DuPont de Nemours, Inc., Cargill Incorporated, CP Kelco, Gelymar A., Hydrocolloids Inc., Compañía Española de Algas Marinas SA, KIMICA Corporation, TBK Manufacturing Corporation, Arthur Branwell and Co. Ltd, ALGA
A detailed summary of the Seaweed Extract market assessing dynamic factors, growth determinants as well as information on segment classification have been recorded in this versatile report. Besides information on segment classification, the document reflects a thorough understanding on…
Le marché des solvants verts s’accélérera rapidement avec un excellent TCAC à l’avenir avec des acteurs de premier plan comme BASF SE, BioAmber Inc., Cargill, Incorporated., EI du Pont de Nemours and Company

The Insight Partners vous fournit une analyse de recherche mondiale sur le «marché des solvants verts» et des prévisions jusqu’en 2028. Le rapport de recherche fournit des informations approfondies sur les revenus du marché mondial, les tendances du marché parent, les indicateurs macro…
Phospholipids and Lecithin Market Size, Growth, Opportunities and Forecast 2021 – 2028
Verified Market Research recently released a new report titled Phospholipids and Lecithin Market Size Report, Growth and Forecast 2021-2028, Breakdown Data by Company, Key Regions, Types and Applications. The report has been compiled using primary and secondary research methodology…
Starch Recovery Systems Market to See Massive Growth by 2026 | Andritz, NivobaHovex, Myande Group, Flo-Mech
Latest released the research study on Global Starch Recovery Systems Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Starch Recovery Systems Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and…
Prévisions du marché des produits chimiques de plate-forme biosourcée 2028: analyse d’impact COVID-19, opportunités commerciales, croissance, demande par BASF SE, BioAmber, Clariant AG

Qu’est-ce que les produits chimiques de plate-forme biosourcés? Les produits chimiques biosourcés sont un groupe de produits chimiques fabriqués à partir de sucre par le biais de conversions biologiques. Ils contiennent des molécules avec une variété de…
Marché astaxanthine 2021: capacité, production, revenus, prix et marge brute d’ici 2024
Le marché astaxanthine fournit une segmentation approfondie du marché avec la taille de l’industrie historique, actuelle et estimée et les tendances récentes de l’industrie, ce rapport sur le marché astaxanthine aide à analyser le paysage de la concurrence clé avec les stratégies des principaux acteurs…
Commercial Seaweeds Market 2021: Overview, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2026
According to the latest report by IMARC Group, titled “Commercial Seaweeds Market Size: Global Industry Trends, Share, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2021-2026,” the global commercial seaweeds market grew at a CAGR of around 8% during 2015-2020 and expects the market to exhibit moderate growth during the next five years…
Functional Food Ingredients Market 2021-2028: Amway GmbHArcher Daniels Midland CompanyArla Foods Ingredients Group P/SBASF SECargill, IncorporatedIngredion IncorporatedKerry Group plcKoninklijke DSM N.V.Nestle S.A.Tate & Lyle PLC
Introduction: Functional Food Ingredients Market, 2020-28 The report on Functional Food Ingredients market contains clear plan of the announced data as pie diagrams, follows, line follows and various updates which isolates the genuine data into sensibly…
Marché de l’extrait de thé vert 2021 Perspectives de croissance mondiale avec des sociétés de premier plan : BASF SE, Tate & Lyle PLC, Taiyo Group, Danone SA, Martin Bauer Group, Indena SpA, Changsha Sunfull Bio-tech Co
Le rapport sur le marché « Extrait de thé vert » offre des informations qualitatives et quantitatives et une analyse détaillée de la taille du marché et du taux de croissance pour tous les segments possibles du marché. L’industrie mondiale de l’extrait de thé vert présente un aperçu du marché, les détails…
Incredible Growth of Tangential Flow Filtration Market | Business Opportunities and Forecast from 2021-2028 |Merck Millipore (US), Danaher Corporation (US), Sartorius AG (Germany), GE Healthcare (US), Repligen Corporation (US)

The Global Tangential Flow Filtration market size in 2020 was XX USD, and in 2021 it is projected to be around XX USD, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of XX%. The projected growth in the sector is not limited to any specific region of the world. The growth is expected to…
Trans Resveratrol Market 2021 – Outlook, Target Audience, Size, Share, Development Factors, Import/Export, and Changing Dynamics of Competition Forecast to 2026
Global “Trans Resveratrol Market “ report provides in-depth information about Trans Resveratrol Market with market overview, top vendors, Key market highlights, product types, market drivers, challenges, trends, Market landscape, Market size and forecast, five forces analysis, Key leading …
Meilleures entreprises en croissance du marché des rehausseurs de saveurs alimentaires 2021-28 : Angel Yeast, Ajinomoto Group, Fufeng

Notre rapport de veille économique sur le marché mondial Food Flavor Enhancer offre aux acteurs existants et aux nouveaux entrants des services d’information, des solutions et des Food Flavor Enhancer pour l’industrie Food Flavor Enhancer statut de l’industrie…
Segment de marché de la peptone végétale et tendances clés (2021-2026) | Fenglin, FrieslandCampina Domo, Tianjiu, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Le rapport d’étude de marché mondial Peptone végétale est une étude de base menée par des professionnels ayant une vision globale du marché. Il aborde les détails de la structure concurrentielle de l’industrie dans le monde. L’étude de rapport sur le marché mondial Peptone végétale…
Prebiotic Ingredients Market Analysis, Size, Growth, Demand, Study & Forecast 2020-2028
According to the current analysis of Reports and Data, the global Prebiotic Ingredients market was valued at USD 5,568.7 Billion in 2020 and is expected to reach USD 11.48 Billion by 2028, at a CAGR of 9.30%. Prebiotic ingredients are non-digestible food substances that are useful in…
Les formidables promesses des algues

Les algues pourraient apporter des solutions à de grands défis comme la séquestration du carbone ou la faim dans le monde. Un véritable or vert en puissance, à condition de réussir à bâtir une filière industrielle.
Grape Seed Extracts Market Size, Key Players Analysis And Forecast To 2027

COVID-19 Impact Analysis on Grape Seed Extracts Market report published by Value Market Research provides a detailed market analysis comprising market size, share, value, growth and trends for the period 2020-2027. The report encompasses data regarding market share and…
Quel impact aura la décision de Total sur la filière végétale française ?

Le groupe TotalÉnergies a annoncé arrêter d’utiliser de l’huile de palme pour fabriquer du biodiesel, et souhaite se tourner vers des biocarburants plus innovants ou moins controversés. Quelle influence aura cette décision sur la filière oléoprotéagineuse française ?
Microalgae Market to Reach $1.8 billion by 2028 — Exclusive Report by Meticulous Research® and EABA

According to a new market research report titled “Microalgae Market by Distribution Channel (Consumer Channel, Business Channel), Type (Spirulina, Chlorella, Dunaliella Salina, Haematococcus Pluvialis), Application (Nutraceuticals, Food & Beverages…