The plant extraction watch newsletter

Subscribe to EXTRACTS the plant extraction watch newsletter !


Every month EXTRACTIS publishes EXTRACTS, a technology watch letter which presents industry news, innovative developments in extraction technologies and market information for some extracted products.

For this selection, several thousand requests are constantly launched on the Internet and on targeted bases, which leads to several thousand news, scientific articles and patents each month. We select a few dozen, provided in an abridged form (title and summary of a few lines) which we send you in the form of a newsletter by email. If you want to know more, just click on the article to access the original document on the web.

You are interested? Please do not hesitate to consult the previous issues below. Take notice that the letter EXTRACTS is free and that you can just register at the bottom of this page / home page. You can of course easily unsubscribe at any time, as specified in our commitments regarding the management of your data (

Good reading

Philippe David, responsible for the technology watch letter

Our last watch letters EXTRACTS

Subscribe to our watch newsletter

Watch newsletter january 2025

Greetings to you all

As we send out our 62nd ‘EXTRACTS’ newsletter, I would like to wish you all the best, both personally and professionally, from the EXTRACTIS teams. In a context that is more uncertain than ever, you can rest assured that we are mobilized at your side to support you in your projects involving biomass from plants.

We wish you a pleasant reading, Sincerely yours.

Philippe De BRAECKELAER, Managing Director of EXTRACTIS

Watch newsletter december 2024

Dear Readers,

Please find below our selection of articles for the December issue of EXTRACTS.

The whole EXTRACTIS team joins me in wishing you happy reading and a merry Christmas and New Year.

 Olivier DUPUIS, Technical Director, Extractis

Watch newsletter november 2024

Dear EXTRACTS readers

As the year draws to a close, you will find below issue 60 of our newsletter. I hope you enjoy reading it, and invite you to send us your impressions of this latest selection, the result of a somewhat modified search strategy.

Yours sincerely, 

Philippe De BRAECKELAER , Managing Director, EXTRACTIS


33 avenue Paul Claudel
80480 Dury - France
Tel. : (+33) 03 22 33 75 00
Fax : (+33) 03 22 33 75 01


2 tools to inform you:
Our newsletter : every 2 months, Extractis publishes a newsletter to inform you about news specific to Extractis, its members and its network (events, offers, news, etc.)
Our Extracts watch letter : every month, Extractis publishes a technology watch letter that lists sector news, news in extraction technologies and market information for certain extracted products